Pro-Aborts Lobby Google To Censor Pro-Life Search Results

Google employees are now being lobbied by pro-aborts to stifle the search results for pro-life organizations.

According to Business Insider, pro-choicers from the groups UltraViolet and Credo, both connected to Planned Parenthood, were riding bicycles behind Google’s shuttle buses on Tuesday with signs that read, “Searching for abortion care? Google will send you to fake, anti-abortion clinics.”

Karin Roland, chief campaigns officer for UltraViolet, claims to have been lobbying Google for four years to have what she calls “fake clinics” stricken from Google search results and Google Maps.

“Women are seeking medical information, and Google is sending them to clinics that not only don’t actually provide what they claim to — but are actively trying to trick and mislead women,” Roland said.

Roland asserted that those clinics typically set up shop down the street from abortion mills and deliberately choose names like “Choices” and “Women’s Health Centers” to confuse women. All of this confusion, says Roland, just risks the woman delaying her abortion.

“Our goal with the campaign is for Google to stop being complicit with these clinics, stop running fake abortion clinic ads,” Roland said.

As noted by Jay Hobbs at the Washington Examiner, abortion activists have been unsuccessful in finding “any real-life woman claiming she’s been mistreated, tricked, or misled in any way by a pregnancy help center.” In fact, the Christian Post says that those clinics Rolands wishes to keep from the public eye actually have a near 99% client satisfaction rate.

Perhaps the reason that Rolands wishes to close them is not so women could be better off, but because those clinics suck the abortion mills of their revenues. This rhetoric against the pregnancy centers sets a dangerous precedent, and it came to a head in California this year when the state demanded that California pregnancy centers must advertise free taxpayer-funded abortions to their clients. Fortunately, it looks like the U.S. Supreme Court will overturn the law.

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CHEATING BY TRANS: Here’s How Many Dudes Are On The Iranian Women’s Soccer Team

The Iranian “women’s” soccer team has found a loophole. Instead of comprising a team of actual women, they have added on eight full grown men who they claim are transgender and awaiting sex changes.

“The country’s football association was accused of being ‘unethical’ for knowingly fielding eight men in its women’s team,” reports The Telegraph.

“[Eight players] have been playing with Iran’s female team without completing sex change operations,” said Mojtabi Sharifi, an official described as “close to the Iranian league.”

Members of the national team were ordered on Wednesday to undergo gender testing. Iran’s soccer governing body implemented random checks in 2014 after four women’s team players were discovered to be biological men who never underwent a sex change.

Players on the Iranian women’s team are mandated to wear long-sleeved jerseys, pants, and hijabs.

The names of those who reportedly tested as biologically male have not been disclosed. Though we’re pretty sure you could take a decently accurate guess by glancing at the mugs in the team photo.

Shockingly, in Iran, sex changes are not only legal by fatwa, they are rampant. This mostly due to religious codes against homosexuality; gay people are often pressured into “transitioning” to avoid penalty of death if they were to act on their homosexuality.

“Iran is one of a handful of countries where homosexual acts are punishable by death,” explained a 2014 report from the BBC. “Clerics do, however accept the idea that a person may be trapped in a body of the wrong sex. So homosexuals can be pushed into having gender reassignment surgery – and to avoid it many flee the country.”

Speaking of oppression and intolerance, Iranian women are barred from entering stadiums to watch male teams compete, notes The Telegraph. Moreover, a captain on the women’s team was prohibited from playing in Malaysia because her husband refused to give her permission to fly.

“As a Muslim woman, I wanted to work for my country’s flag to be raised [at the games], rather than traveling for leisure and fun,” said 30-year-old Niloufar Ardalan.

“I wish authorities would create [measures] that would allow female athletes to defend their rights in such situations,” she added.

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China bans online purchases of the Bible

In its ongoing crackdown on Christianity, the Chinese government has banned sales of the Bible by online retailers including Amazon.

Taoist and Buddhists texts are still available online, as is the Quran.

While Buddhism and Taoism are both encouraged by the Chinese government as traditional Chinese belief systems, other religions not viewed as historically Chinese, including Islam and to a greater extent Christianity, have been targeted.

What’s the story?

China had already heavily restricted the in-store sale of Bibles, but the arrival of online ordering created a loophole that has not been closed until now. Searches for Bibles on Amazon or other online retailers like and Tabao from China now come up empty, according to The New York Times.

This is not the first time that the Chinese government has cracked down on its Christian population.

The New York Times reported in May 2016 that “[f]rom 2014 to 2016, more than 1,500 crosses were removed from churches in one Chinese province with close ties to [Chinese President Xi Jinping].” The government said that the crosses were removed “for the sake of safety and beauty.” In January, the Chinese government demolished a well-known Christian megachurch.

A report by the U.S.-based organization Freedom House found that:

“Since Xi Jinping took the helm of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in November 2012, the authorities have intensified many of their restrictions, resulting in an overall increase in religious persecution.”

How many Christians are in China?

The number of Christians living in China is hard to pin down. Reports put the number of Catholics in the country anywhere between 5 million and 12 million, and the number of protestants at around 38 million. Other estimates put the total number of all types of Christians in China as high as 100 million.

The Vatican is currently negotiating to come up with a deal regarding Chinese Catholic bishops. As of now, bishops appointed by the Chinese government have been in conflict with bishops appointed by Rome, who are largely forced underground.

In a statement on Tuesday, Chinese senior official Chen Zongrong said that there was no place for Vatican influence over a church on Chinese soil.

“I think there is no religion in human society that is above the state,” he said. “Foreign forces cannot be allowed to interfere with China’s religious environment and religious affairs.”

What about other religions?

In a 2016 speech, Xi told members of the Communist party that they needed to “resolutely guard against overseas infiltrations via religious means.”

But even Protestant churches with their lack of a foreign authority are targeted by the government. In 2016, senior Pastor Gu Yuese was arrested on trumped-up charges after he publicly opposed the removal of crosses from churches. The Chinese government sees Protestant Christianity as a “western” value inherently at odds with China.

This persecution has led to the formation of hundreds of underground home churches in the capital city of Beijing alone.

While Islam seems to be viewed more favorably by the government, China has also cracked down on the wearing of long beards or headscarves, and restaurants that don’t serve pork in accordance with Islamic dietary restrictions.

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Pres. Trump Repeats Comment About Mexican Rapists in Reference to Migrant Women Being Raped Traveling Though Mexico to US (VIDEO)

Pres. Trump Repeats Comment About Mexican Rapists in Reference to Migrant Women Being Raped Traveling Though Mexico to US (VIDEO)

President Donald Trump reiterated his campaign opening comments on Mexican rapists by speaking about high levels of rape of migrant women.

Trump made his remarks at a tax roundtable talk in White Sulphur Spings, West Virginia, during which he ditched his prepared remarks as “boring”.

Buzzfeed’s Tom Namako posted a video clip and transcript of Trump’s remarks:

“Trump reprises “Mexicans are rapists” comments: “Remember my opening remarks at trump power when I opened. Everybody said, oh, he was so tough. I used the word rape. Yesterday it came out where this journey coming up, women are raped at levels that nobody has ever seen before.”

ABC News posted a different edit where Trump concludes with saying we have to change our laws and saying he doesn;t understand what the Democrats are doing, calling it insanity.

Trump’s remarks from his candidacy announcement at Trump Tower in new York City on June 16, 2015 (via the Washington Post):

…When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically.

The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.


Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we’re getting. And it only makes common sense. It only makes common sense. They’re sending us not the right people.

It’s coming from more than Mexico. It’s coming from all over South and Latin America, and it’s coming probably — probably — from the Middle East. But we don’t know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence, we don’t know what’s happening. And it’s got to stop and it’s got to stop fast.

A survey reported by the liberal Huffington Post on September 12, 2014 bore this headline:

80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.

As the number of Central American women and girls crossing into the U.S. continues to spike, so is the staggering amount of sexual violence waged against these migrants who are in search of a better life.

According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report…”

A 2017 report was published about a Mexican Catholic priest who violates church law by arranging for migrant women to get birth control to prevent pregnancy from the rapists on their journey through Mexico.

“…Though contraception is a venial sin in Catholic orthodoxy, Prisci began giving women his blessing to take birth control and contraceptive injections. He also developed a relationship with the Santa María pharmacy, an unmissable bright orange building down the road from his church, where he has since directed hundreds of women.

“It is the lesser of two evils,” Prisci said, as we walked across the square. “Since she cannot prevent violation, she protects herself so that she won’t get pregnant.” The priest adjusted his cowboy hat. “Life is above everything. Life comes first.”

Three days ago Buzzfeed mentioned the commonness of rape of migrant women in Mexico.

“More often than not, undocumented travelers have to move in the darkness of night and aboard a cargo train known as “The Beast,” dodging immigration authorities and criminals who extort, rape, and sometimes kidnap them. The treacherous journey has become local lore, documented in books and films.”

While it is not clear what report Trump was talking about on Thursday, the reports from recent years make the case that nearly all women and girls migrating through Mexico get raped.

Bloomberg reported on Trump’s remarks on Thursday:

But instead of spending much time on taxes, Trump belabored the many grievances against immigrants and U.S. immigration law that he voiced during his campaign and into his presidency. He also repeated a false claim that millions of illegal immigrants vote in U.S. elections.

Litany of Complaints
He complained that babies born to undocumented immigrants in the U.S. are granted citizenship at birth.

“If you have a baby on our land, congratulations, that baby is a United States citizen,” he said. No other country has such a policy, he said.

He complained of so-called “catch and release” rules on the border that allow undocumented immigrants to be released after being issued an order to appear before a judge.

“Nobody ever comes back,” he said.

He said “the military is going to be building some of” his proposed wall on the Mexican border. Dana White, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said at a briefing on Thursday that the military may improve a fence around a bombing range on the Mexican border.

“There is already some fencing there, but it has been identified as a possibility to reinforce it,” she said…”

Complete video of Trump’s remarks Thursday.


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Conservative Comedian Owen Benjamin Banned From Twitter & YouTube: “my ability to make an income has been revoked. “

Conservative Comedian Owen Benjamin Banned From Twitter & YouTube: “my ability to make an income has been revoked. “

Owen Benjamin, a conservative actor and comedian, was permanently suspended from Twitter. When attempting to access his account, which boasted over 120,000 followers, users are met with the message “This account has been suspended.” Benjamin was considered “controversial” by some for his belief that children should not be subjected to hormone therapy.

Taking to Facebook, the comedian confirmed that “Both twitter accounts suspended and now my ability to make an income has been revoked.”

Both twitter accounts suspended and now my ability to make an income has been revoked. Please become a…

Posted by Owen Benjamin on Thursday, April 5, 2018


There is currently no specific tweet cited for the suspension, although there is speculation that the suspension is the result of him calling out far left poster-child David Hogg.


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The Atlantic Fires Conservative Writer Over Abortion Views

The Atlantic fired Kevin Williamson on Thursday over past comments he made on abortion, ending the conservative columnist’s time at the magazine only two weeks after the publication hired him.

The Atlantic‘s editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, informed the publication’s staff of Williamson’s departure via email, according to multiple press reports.

Goldberg’s initial decision to hire Williamson as a columnist last month drew rebuke from liberals, who argued that previous columns Williamson wrote for National Review, where he worked before The Atlantic, showcased racist sentiments. They specifically cited a 2014 column in which Williamson "described an encounter with a young black boy using racially loaded terms like ‘three-fifths-scale Snoop Dogg’ and describing the boy as a ‘primate,’" the Daily Beast reported.

Critics of the hire also cited a tweet in which Williamson wrote that "the law should treat abortion like any other homicide." The writer added that hanging would be an appropriate punishment.

Goldberg defended his hire, dismissing the abortion comment as "extreme tweeting." But The Atlantic‘s editor in chief changed his stance after Media Matters for America, a left-wing advocacy group, revealed prior comments Williamson made on abortion.

In a 2014 podcast recorded for National Review, the conservative writer said he supports the death penalty for individuals who have an abortion. Williamson argued that current methods of execution, like lethal injection, are "too antiseptic" and that a punishment like "hanging" is more appropriate.

The revelation was enough for Goldberg to jettison his prior of defense of Williamson and fire the writer.

"Late yesterday afternoon, information came to our attention that has caused us to reconsider this relationship," Goldberg wrote in his email to staff. "Specifically, the subject of one of Kevin’s most controversial tweets was also a centerpiece of a podcast discussion in which Kevin explained his views on the subject of the death penalty and abortion."

"The language he used in this podcast—and in my conversations with him in recent days—made it clear that the original tweet did, in fact, represent his carefully considered views," Goldberg continued. "The tweet was not merely an impulsive, decontextualized, heat-of-the-moment post, as Kevin had explained it."

In his email, Goldberg wrote that The Atlantic did not fire Williamson for being pro-life, but rather because the magazine worried his views and prior statements would result in a negative work atmosphere for female staff members who may have had an abortion.

"Kevin is a gifted writer, and he has been nothing but professional in all of our interactions," Goldberg said. "But I have come to the conclusion that The Atlantic is not the best fit for his talents, and so we are parting ways."

The post The Atlantic Fires Conservative Writer Over Abortion Views appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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Attempted Illegal Entries Rise as Trump Plans Tougher Border Enforcement

A wall is seen along the border between the United States and Mexico in Tijuana, Mexico

A wall is seen along the border between the United States and Mexico in Tijuana, Mexico / Getty Images


Attempted illegal entries at the southwestern border rose 37 percent in March, a 203 percent increase compared against March 2017, according to data released by the Department of Homeland Security Thursday.

A total of 37,393 individuals were apprehended attempting to illegally cross the southwestern border with Mexico in March of 2017. That number included some 5,000 unaccompanied minors and 14,000 family units. Both groups are generally detained briefly and then released into the interior pending further immigration hearings, a policy which administration officials and prominent Republicans have derided as “catch and release.”

Although the percentage-wise increase between March 2017 and 2018 is substantial, this is partially because rates of illegal immigration fell so low that month; just 16,000 people attempted to cross the border illegally, the second-lowest number recorded in the last five years.

The increase in March represents a continued rebound following a precipitous decline during the first year of President Donald Trump’s administration. Some commentators have referred to this phenomenon of a sudden, sharp decline in illegal immigration rates as the “Trump Effect,” attributing it to the president’s tough-on-immigration rhetoric.

However, the latest increase adds to evidence that this initial immigration drop may be abating. A statement from the Department of Homeland Security underscored the department’s concerns about the present rate of illegal immigration.

“The crisis at our Southwest border is real,” said Tyler Q. Houlton, DHS press secretary. “The number of illegal border crossings during the month of March shows an urgent need to address the ongoing situation at the border. We saw a 203 percent increase from March 2017 compared to March 2018 and a 37 percent increase from last month to this month—the largest increase from month to month since 2011.”

Although increasing, attempted border crossings still remain at historic lows, a fact President Trump acknowledged in a Thursday afternoon tweet.

“Because of the Trump Administrations actions, Border crossings are at a still UNACCEPTABLE 46 year low. Stop drugs!” Trump wrote.

Concerns over border security and illegal immigration, including a possible caravan of would-be illegal immigrants which has largely dispersed, prompted the White House to announce a new proposal to deploy National Guard troops to the southwestern border. Similar to previous National Guard border deployments under Presidents Bush and Obama, guardsmen will operate in a support role, providing surveillance, vehicle repair, and border wall maintenance.

As part of its comment on the new immigration numbers, DHS made clear that controlling the southern border was a number one priority for the administration.

“Illegal aliens continue to exploit our immigration laws. We need to close these dangerous loopholes that are being taken advantage of each and every day, gain operational control of the border, and fully fund the border wall system. As the president has repeatedly said, all options are on the table,” Houlton said.

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U.S. Trade Deficit with China Has Eliminated at Least 3.4M American Jobs

U.S. Trade Deficit with China Has Eliminated at Least 3.4M American Jobs

The United States’ trade deficit with China has eliminated at least 3.5 million American jobs since 2001, data reveals.

As President Trump is set to release a package of $50 billion worth of tariffs and restrictions on Chinese investments, the U.S. goods trade deficit with China remains at $29.3 billion.

Since 2001, free trade with China has cost millions of Americans their jobs. For example, in a report by the Economic Policy Institute, between 2001 and 2015, about 3.4 million U.S. jobs were lost due to the country’s trade deficit with China.

Of the 3.4 million U.S. jobs lost in that time period, about 2.6 million were lost in the crippled manufacturing industry, making up about three-fourths of the loss of jobs from the U.S.-Chinese trade deficit.

The Atlas


Free trade, like immigration, is an issue that has come at the expense of American workers. With free trade, foreign markets have been readily opened to multinational corporations, allowing them to offshore American jobs while easily exporting their products back into the U.S.

The Rust Belt has been one of the hardest regions hit because of U.S. free trade with Mexico. In total, about 700,000 U.S. have been displaced, including:

  • 14,500 American workers displaced in Wisconsin
  • 43,600 American workers displaced in Michigan
  • 2,600 American workers displaced in West Virginia
  • 26,300 American workers displaced in Pennsylvania
  • 34,900 American workers displaced in Ohio
  • 34,300 American workers displaced in New York
  • 6,500 American workers displaced in Iowa
  • 24,400 American workers displaced in Indiana
  • 34,700 American workers displaced in Illinois

Meanwhile, since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) took effect in the 1990s, at least one million net U.S. jobs have been lost because of the free trade deal. Between 2000 and 2014, there have been about five million manufacturing jobs lost across the country as trade deficits continue soaring.

One former steel town in West Virginia lost 94 percent of its steel jobs because of NAFTA, with nearly 10,000 workers in the town being displaced from the steel industry.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

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Parkland Student Becomes ‘Tampon Activist’ After Protesting Clear Backpack Rule With Bag Full Of Feminine Hygiene Products

One of the more prominent Parkland student activists – best known for his work pushing for stricter gun control laws – is branching out into other areas of progressive agitation. Cameron Kasky wants to help women get better access to tampons.

Last week, Kasky and others, now mandated to carry clear plastic backpacks so that school administrators can see what students are carrying with them to class, protested the “violation of their right to privacy” but stuffing the bags with price tags, stickers, and slogans written on pieces of printer paper. Kasky decided to stuff his with tampons, because the clear plastic bags make it impossible for women to put their feminine hygiene products in small carrying cases, thus exposing them to ridicule.

Or something.

The clear plastic bags are normal fare for retail workers, and inner city students are used to much stricter security measures (for example, at some schools in Chicago students are subjected to random bag searches and pat downs and must pass through metal detectors), but they make school “feel like a prison” for some Parkland students.

Be that as it may, in stuffing his bag with tampons, Kasky discovered how pricey feminine hygiene products actually are, and now he wants access to them guaranteed.

Unless you live in the third world, feminine hygiene products are actually incredibly easy to come by. In fact, some places now even offer them for free in shared bathroom spaces in order to level the playing field — a sort of alms-giving measure to appease feminists who equate such things with women’s equality.

Several states have attempted to repeal the so-called “tampon tax,” but no state actually levels a specific tax on feminine hygiene products. The repeals aim to prevent states from charging baseline sales taxes on tampons because only women use them, but that sort of plan reduces the overall taxation rate and decreases the amount of money available for domestic welfare initiatives.

If one is really concerned with reducing the cost of having a menstrual cycle, one might actually consider favoring a complete repeal of Obamacare, which levied an additional tax on Midol, instead of reducing the market value of cotton tubes and acrylic underwear shields.

Of course, regardless of logic, outlets like Teen Vogue are simply overjoyed that the Parkland students are extending their activism from the Second Amendment to the family planning aisle, suggesting that a male is a “hero” for drawing attention to the “stigmatization” of the American menstrual cycle.

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Scott Pruitt Is ‘Reliable Foot Soldier’ in Getting Trump Deregulation Agenda Accomplished: $1 Billion in Savings

Scott Pruitt Is ‘Reliable Foot Soldier’ in Getting Trump Deregulation Agenda Accomplished: $1 Billion in Savings

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Scott Pruitt has been a media target in recent weeks due to his D.C. housing arrangements, but even the liberal press admits the former Oklahoma attorney general is getting President Donald Trump’s deregulatory agenda accomplished.

“He’s a reliable administration foot soldier, making good on President Donald Trump’s campaign promises for fewer environmental regulations and to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement,” CNN reported.

“Since he was confirmed to the job last February, Pruitt has taken an aggressive approach to rolling back Obama-era regulations, most recently this week’s announcement that he would revise fuel efficiency rules designed to cut back on emissions of greenhouse gases,” CNN reported.

“In Administrator Pruitt’s first year, EPA issued more deregulatory actions than any other federal agency, amounting to $1 billion in cost savings for the American people,” an EPA spokesperson told Breitbart News. “Administrator Pruitt is focused on advancing the president’s agenda and fixing the misguided policies of the past.”

At a press conference on Tuesday concerning the fuel standards, Pruitt said, “This is another step in the president’s regulatory agenda, deregulatory agenda … a billion dollars in savings with respect to over 22 significant regulatory actions that we’ve been involved in here at the agency.”

CNN reported:

In the 14 months since he became the nation’s top environmental policy official, Pruitt has bit-by-bit overseen the dismantling of a number of regulations and agreements across the agency, and impacting a wide range of issues.

Pruitt has withdrawn the “once in, always in” policy under the Clean Air Act, which determined how facilities that are major sources of hazardous air pollutants are regulated.

As Breitbart News reported:

Leftist reporters, pundits, and politicians came out recently to attack Pruitt and subsequently call for him to drop out.

CNN, the Washington Post, and other outlets have attacked Pruitt for renting out a condominium owned by lobbyists. Pruitt leased a room for roughly $50 a night, paying a total of $6,100.

Breitbart News also reported that despite the ongoing rumors that Pruitt is on his way out, which the same left-wing media are promoting, the president has expressed his ongoing support for the administrator.

President Trump said on Monday, “Keep your head up, keep fighting. We have your back.”

“White House chief of staff John Kelly reportedly also called Pruitt on Tuesday to reiterate his support for the head of the EPA,” according to Breitbart News.

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