Texas Voter Fraud Investigation Deepens In Dallas County, Targeting Grand Prairie Candidate

Sounds like the Franken surprise.

A voter fraud investigation in Dallas County continues to deepen with prosecutors asking a judge late last week to impound a “suspicious box” of mail-in ballot applications they believe may be tied to a political candidate in the May election.

Investigators appear to be homing in on the candidate, who they did not name in new court documents but described as a suspect who lives in Grand Prairie. Authorities are also looking into two other suspects who are connected to the candidate and who prosecutors say assisted voters in mailing ballots in envelopes signed with suspected forged signatures. Those votes were rejected from being counted.

The filing Friday by the district attorney’s office revealed new details in a wide-ranging investigation of thousands of suspicious mail-in ballots and ballot applications submitted in West Dallas and Grand Prairie since last year. This year, prosecutors have investigated possible fraud in the handling of more than 1,200 mail-in ballot applications that generated at least 459 ballots from West Dallas, Grand Prairie and parts of Oak Cliff, Assistant District Attorney Andy Chatham said in March.

In January, the county elections office received a box labeled “intocables” — “untouchables” in Spanish. The box contained a stack of applications for mail-in ballots, most of which indicated the voters were assisted by the candidate in Grand Prairie, prosecutors said.

Officials then reviewed the carrier envelopes containing those voters’ mailed ballots. Those envelopes showed the voters were mostly assisted by the other two suspects, prosecutors said. All three suspects were noted in the election records as living at the same address in Grand Prairie, according to court documents.

Voters are eligible to vote by mail if they are at least 65 years old or disabled, among other qualifications. Voters are eligible for assistance with their mail-in ballot if they can’t write or see because of a physical disability, or can’t read the language the ballot is written in.

First Assistant District Attorney Mike Snipes declined to comment on the matter, citing the ongoing investigation.

The district attorney’s criminal inquiry into voter fraud in Grand Prairie and West Dallas began in May 2017, when 700 suspicious ballots were sequestered. Many were linked to one witness, a “Jose Rodriguez.”

Many senior citizens in both areas reported receiving mail-in ballots they did not request, meaning their signatures were forged. Some said they were visited by a pushy man claiming to work for the county who wanted to collect their ballots. One woman demanded to see the man’s driver’s license and snapped a photo of it on her cell phone, leading investigators to arrest a suspect: Miguel Hernandez.

Hernandez, 28, pleaded guilty last month to a misdemeanor charge of illegally returning a marked ballot. He is cooperating with the investigation, said his lawyer, Bruce Anton.

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NYT: Rosenstein Asks Prosecutors To Help Review Kavanaugh Documents


Via Axios:

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has asked the offices of all 93 U.S. attorneys to each provide up to three federal prosecutors to assist the Justice Department in reviewing government records of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the New York Times reports, citing a letter it obtained.

Why it matters: The Times notes that this is an unusual move because department attorneys are not typically responsible for carrying out such a task. “The production of documents could slow down a confirmation hearing that has already shaped up as a sharp partisan battle. Democratic lawmakers say they want to inspect all of Judge Kavanaugh’s documents, including his staff work and over 300 opinions he has issued as a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit,” the report notes.

What they’re saying: Former law enforcement officials told the Times that Rosenstein’s request is troubling.

“It’s flat-out wrong to have career federal prosecutors engaged in a political process like the vetting of a Supreme Court nominee. It takes them away from the mission they’re supposed to be fulfilling, which is effective criminal justice enforcement,” Christopher Hunter, a former F.B.I. agent and federal prosecutor for almost 11 years, told the publication.

But Michael Zubrensky, a former Justice Department lawyer who oversaw the agency’s Office of Legal Policy, said Kavanaugh’s long paper trail could be the reason for Rosenstein’s request.

Sarah Isgur Flores, spokeswoman for the Department of Justice, told the Times that prosecutors have been used in the past to vet Supreme Court nominees. “[T]he scope of the production of executive branch documents we’ve been asked for is many, many times as large,” she said.

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HT: Dian_Cecht

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OUTRAGEOUS!! Dem Rep Steve Cohen Says Disgraced FBI Agent Peter Strzok Deserves a PURPLE HEART (VIDEO)

OUTRAGEOUS!! Dem Rep Steve Cohen Says Disgraced FBI Agent Peter Strzok Deserves a PURPLE HEART (VIDEO)

Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) lit conservative social media on fire on Thursday when he suggested during the Oversight and Judiciary committees hearing that disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok deserves a Purple Heart.

A Purple Heart is awarded to those who have been wounded or killed in combat while serving in the US military.

“If I could give you a Purple Heart, I would. You deserve one,” Cohen said. “This has been an attack on you, in a way to attack Mr. Mueller, in the investigation that is to get at Russia collusion involved in our election.”

If it wasn’t clear that the Democrats do not respect our troops and veterans, it sure is now.

“The Purple Heart is awarded to members of the military who are injured in battle. Peter Strzok sent some mean texts about rigging an election. What a huge insult to wounded veterans,” journalist Angela Morabito tweeted.

Thursday’s hearing has been contentious to put it mildly.


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As ‘Compassionate’ Dems Looked for Dirt on Kavanaugh, He Was Feeding Homeless People

The optics are everything.

While liberals opposed to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court have been making a dangerous spectacle of themselves with disgraceful public protests, it appears the judge himself is simply going about his normal business.

And pictures posted to Twitter by The Daily Caller on Wednesday – reportedly taken by a woman on her way home from work in Washington that day – showed that Kavanaugh’s normal business is something virtually no decent human being could object to.

Less than 48 hours after he was at the center of national attention, being introduced by President Donald Trump in the East Room of the White House, Kavanaugh was outside Catholic Charities in downtown Washington, serving meals to the homeless, The Daily Caller reported.

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According to a Twitter posting by a man who identified himself as a fellow volunteer, Kavanaugh had made the commitment to work at the feeding station before his nomination.

Now, contrast the image of a man working to serve the poor with the image that liberals are trying to conjure up about Kavanaugh’s personality. Democrats aren’t just digging for professional “dirt” about Kavanaugh (as a CNN headline put it), they’re attacking him personally too.

This Twitter post from NARAL Pro Choice America gives a pretty good idea of where opponents to the Kavanaugh nomination might be headed.

They insult a man by calling him a “frat boy” — apparently because his name is Brett?

Targeting a man for what his parents called him is a pretty cheap tactic. It’s even worse when it’s being used by a group that deliberately uses its own name to disguise what it stands for.

NARAL used to be known as the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, but changed its name in 2003 because, according to The New York Times, it wanted to “freshen its image.”

More likely, it wanted to avoid reminding Americans that what it really stands for is the destruction of unborn children in their mothers’ wombs.

Former Democrat National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe, a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton, got into the action too.

RELATED: CNN Has Complete Meltdown Over Kavanaugh Decision, Cannot Believe He Is a White Male

Or how about this one, from lunatic liberal Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy.

Obviously, just being a compassionate man who volunteers with a charity to feed the homeless isn’t enough to qualify anyone to be a Supreme Court justice.

Does it surprise you to learn Judge Brett Kavanaugh still volunteers to feed the homeless?

But Kavanaugh, at only 53, has had a distinguished legal career already — including authoring opinions from his seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia that have been key parts of eventual Supreme Court opinions. Not even his opponents have seriously questioned his legal bona fides.

And it turns out that he’s also a man who takes his religious faith seriously enough for it to translate into the most charitable of actions – feeding the hungry.

If Americans have a choice between the Kavanaugh Democrats are blatantly trying to manufacture and the Kavanaugh these apparently authentic street pictures show, it’s pretty clear which one is closer to reality. That’s why these pictures have to horrify liberals, Democrats and their acolytes in the media.

Because in a P.R. fight like the one Democrats are trying to wage against Kavanaugh, the optics are everything.

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While Leftists Were Trashing Capitalism, Stats Show Capitalism’s Cured Famine

Liberalism is about “caring” and “helping people” — at least, it’s supposed to be.

You’ve heard it in speeches from leftists like Senator Bernie Sanders or the Democrat party’s newest socialist darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: They’re just more considerate when it comes to reaching out to people, while capitalist conservatives are heartless, uncaring and probably kick their dogs.

Like so many narratives today, however, the facts paint a very different picture. For all the desperate demonization of “greedy” capitalism, it turns out that no other system has helped the poor around the world quite like conservative principles.

American-style capitalism has transformed the world so much that we take it for granted. It wasn’t that long ago that starvation and famine were real concerns on a daily basis.

Now, the biggest health problem for the poor in western countries is … obesity. The “poor” under capitalism are so rich that their largest problem — no pun intended — is having too much to eat. Think about that for a minute.

TRENDING: How Trump Brilliantly Screwed Over Red State Dem Senators with Kavanaugh Nomination

It’s the same story worldwide, but you won’t hear radical leftists admitting it any time soon.

“Famine has all but disappeared outside of war zones,” HumanProgress.org, a pro-freedom think tank, recently pointed out on Twitter.

“In 1961, food supply in 54 of 183 countries was <2k calories per person per day,” the post continued.

Do you think socialism has been proved as a failure?

In other words, less than a generation ago, one-third of all nations in the world weren’t getting enough to eat. But what’s happened since then?

“That was true of 2 countries [out of 183] in 2013,” HumanProgress explained. That’s a mere one percent of worldwide countries with famine problems.

“In 1960, global life expectancy was 52.6 years. In 2015? 71.9 years—a 37% increase,” the think tank also elaborated.

Don’t let leftists fool you into thinking that these amazing improvements have come from their socialist policies, either. Since the 1960s and 1970s, the worldwide trend has been an almost universal rejection of socialism and its ugly cousin, communism. That has meant better lives for nearly everyone.

“Instead of a rise in poverty rates, the world saw the greatest poverty reduction in human history. In 1981, the World Bank estimated, 42.2 percent of humanity lived on less than $1.90 per person per day (adjusted for purchasing power),” explained HumanProgress.

RELATED: Dems’ Socialist Dream Girl Is a Fraud, Wanted Tax Cuts When She Owned Business

“In 2013, that figure stood at 10.7 percent. That’s a reduction of 75 percent. According to the Bank’s more recent estimates, absolute poverty fell to less than 10 percent in 2015,” they continued.

And the most socialist nations on Earth? They’re not doing so well.

Venezuela, which languished under socialism despite having vast reserves of natural resources, has gotten so bad that toilet paper is now a commodity and people are eating zoo animals for food. If that isn’t convincing, take one look at North Korea versus South Korea and ask yourself which one you’d rather live in.

Liberals love to rally for illegal immigrants, but never stop to consider why so many people are risking life and limb for just a chance to enter the United States. Here’s a question: Are more refugee boats heading to Cuba, or fleeing it? Are people risking everything to escape to Central America, or from it?

Repeatedly promoting tired and failed ideas like socialism seems like the famous definition of insanity: Doing the same thing but expecting different results.

Ironically, the “oh-so-caring” plans of Democratic socialists have ruined countless lives, while “heartless” capitalism has lifted entire nations out of poverty. It turns out that the road to hell truly is paved with good intentions.

Socialism in its various forms has been tried in many places, and leaves people worse off. Capitalism and conservatism, while certainly not perfect, work so well that even worldwide famine has been all but eliminated in a few decades.

The evidence speaks for itself … but facing reality has never been the liberal strong-suit.

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Watch: Cops Soak ICE Protesters with Pepper Spray Can So Big It Looks Like Anti-Bear Spray

The political left has shifted their opposition to the enforcement of immigration laws and support for “open borders” in a rather extreme direction — the abolition of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

While elected Democrats put forward legislation and liberal cable news pundits echo those calls, leftist activists on the streets have already tried to “abolish ICE” with physical actions.

Indeed, ICE agents simply doing their jobs have been faced with mobs of angry leftists attempting to obstruct them in their normal duties while protesting their every action, no matter how mundane or necessary.

A rather visceral example of this was on display in Portland, Oregon, as anti-ICE protesters attempting to cordon off and block an ICE facility were dispersed by federal agents in riot gear armed with a huge can of pepper spray, air guns firing pepper balls and tasers.

Caution: Explicit language.

TRENDING: How Trump Brilliantly Screwed Over Red State Dem Senators with Kavanaugh Nomination

According to KOIN, eight of the protesters were arrested Wednesday morning outside the ICE facility in Southwest Portland after they tried to block a transport van from leaving the facility.

Once the line formed by the protesters had been broken, other agents stepped in with their massive cans of pepper spray, rapid-firing pepper ball guns and tasers to keep other protesters and onlookers from interfering with the agents in the process of arresting the protesters who had been blocking the driveway.

One agent who was equipped with a massive spray can enveloped encroaching protesters in an orange cloud of irritants while another agent armed with a pepper ball gun unloaded on protesters with multiple shots at close range in an effort to clear room for his fellow agents making arrests.

Are you glad to see these anti-ICE protesters receiving the rough treatment they have earned?

That portion of the incident can be seen right here.

Again, caution: Some explicit language.

KOIN reported that some of the protesters are believed to have been throwing objects at the federal agents, and noted that the protesters had been warned ahead of time that they would be arrested if they attempted to block the driveway of the ICE facility.

The protesters did so despite the advanced warning, and the arrested individuals were taken inside the building to be processed by the law enforcement agency. At least one of the arrested protesters was released later in the afternoon.

RELATED: Media Gushes at Protests Outside SCOTUS, But Conservative’s Pic Tells Different Story

This particular group of protesters initially attempted to block the ICE facility for nearly a week around June 28 prior to being broken up by federal agents. They have since been camped out near the facility and protest the agents as they come and go on a daily basis.

A handful of protesters have been arrested on previous days and at least two federal officers were “assaulted” in some form and suffered minor injuries by those protesters.

If the left really wants to proceed with calls to abolish the ICE agency, that is certainly their prerogative, but that is a position that has minimal support among the vast majority of law-abiding American citizens who simply want to see the laws of the land being enforced in an equal and just manner.

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Venezuela shipping subsidized oil to Cuba as people at home are starving

One reason for the near-total collapse of Venezuela’s economy has been the dramatic decline in world oil prices. But at the same time, Venezuela’s government-run oil company has been crumbling from within, producing less oil every month because of incompetence and mismanagement. In fact, last month was the lowest level of oil production the nation has seen in 30 years:

Venezuelan oil production crashed to a new 30-year low of 1.5 million barrels a day in June, the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) said today…

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Venezuela’s economic collapse is one of the worst in modern history. The economy has shrunk 45 percent since 2013 and the IMF expects it to contract 15 per cent in 2018 alone, with inflation reaching 13,800 per cent.

It turns out that stacking the nation’s leading industry with socialist cronies isn’t great for actual oil production. But even as the nation faces five-digit inflation and people starving at home, President Nicolas Maduro continues to ship subsidized oil to his buddies in communist Cuba. The Miami Herald explains why:

News reports that a shipment of 500,000 barrels of crude was on its way this week to the port of Matanzas in northwestern Cuba sparked indignation among many in Venezuela, a country suffering under the worst economic crisis of its history.

The oil that Venezuela supplies to Cuba equals about 55,000 barrels per day and costs about $1.2 billion per year, money that could help the country curb inflation, import urgently needed medicines or provide food to the 9 million Venezuelans who say they eat only once per day…


“Because Cuba today is the real mainstay of his power,” said De La Cruz. “Without the Cuban support, Maduro would have been gone a long time ago. Havana today is supplying him with the instruments of repression and the intelligence apparatus that allows him to stay in power despite the tornado he faces.”…

“There have been purchases of light crude in the open market, Russian crudes, and these are sent to Cuba,” said Juan Fernandez, former PDVSA executive director of planning.

That’s extremely expensive, Fernandez added, “but Maduro’s commitment to the Cuban regime is indestructible. Venezuela goes hungry before he stops sending barrels to Cuba.”

A security analyst tells the Herald that if not for Cuba’s help, Maduro would be unable to prevent some of the plots aimed at removing him from office. So he’ll continue to pay however much he must to keep Cuba happy, even as people in Venezuela have resorted to butchering dogs in the street.

Inflation has become so bad that a cup of coffee now costs 1 million bolivars. The cost of a haircut is about the same. Everyone in Venezuela is a millionaire and nearly everyone is starving. As the report below shows, regular people have started to abandon money altogether and are returning to a system of bartering like something out of a post-apocalyptic movie. This is what you get in a state that adopts socialist policies: hungry people, useless money, and a security state that sees the people as a potential threat to its continued existence.

The post Venezuela shipping subsidized oil to Cuba as people at home are starving appeared first on Hot Air.

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Gun-Rights Groups Sue California Over Registration Failures That Could Result in Gun Owners Being Locked Up

Four gun-rights groups sued the state of California on Wednesday over the failed implementation of an online registration system they claim has left certain gun owners unable to comply with the state’s new assault weapons restrictions through no fault of their own.

The Second Amendment Foundation, the Calguns Foundation, the Firearms Policy Coalition, and the Firearms Policy Foundation filed suit alongside three California citizens against the California Department of Justice and Attorney General Xavier Becerra. They claim that California’s online gun registration system, the California Firearms Application Reporting System, has not worked properly since its inception and did not work at all in the lead up to the registration deadline set for certain rifles. Further, they claim that the state was aware of the problems with the system.

"We’re suing because California DOJ’s Firearms Application Reporting System (CFARS) broke down during the deadline week for people to register their firearms in accordance with new state laws," Alan Gottlieb, Second Amendment Foundation founder, said. "For a whole week the system was largely inaccessible. People who wanted to comply with the law simply couldn’t and now they face becoming criminals because they couldn’t do what the law requires."

"It’s like a bad version of Catch-22," Gottlieb said. "The government required registration by the deadline, but the online registration failed, and people couldn’t register. They’re required to obey the law, but the system broke down, making it impossible to obey the law. Now these people face the possibility of being prosecuted. We simply cannot abide that kind of incompetence."

The plaintiffs said hundreds of thousands of gun owners could be affected by the registry failure and potentially turned into criminals. They are asking that Californians be allowed to register their eligible firearms without being held responsible for missing the deadline due to the registry malfunctions.

"Many people, including our clients, did everything they could to comply with the law and avoid criminal liability," George Lee, an attorney for the plaintiffs, said. "They used updated web browsers, hardware, different devices, and even did internet speed tests to make sure it wasn’t a problem on their end. The DOJ’s crashed system is a reflection of their cascading failures to build a system and allow people to register their guns before July 1 if that’s what they wanted to do."

"Attorney General Xavier Becerra seems to care about everything but the Constitution, the rule of law, and law-abiding California gun owners," Brandon Combs, Firearms Policy Coalition president, said. "If Becerra spent as much time doing his job as he does talking about his pet crusades against the federal government, hundreds of thousands of Californians would not be in legal jeopardy right now."

"Once again, the DOJ and Attorney General Becerra unlawfully and unconstitutionally moved the goal posts on peaceful, law-abiding gun owners," said Jonathan Jensen, vice president of the Firearms Policy Foundation. "Their failures should not result in people going to prison and losing their property."

Attorney General Becerra’s office did not immediately return a request for comment.

The post Gun-Rights Groups Sue California Over Registration Failures That Could Result in Gun Owners Being Locked Up appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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