Libs: How Dare Trump Interrupt ‘Bachelorette’ for SCOTUS Pick

There really is nothing President Trump can do that won’t raise the hackles of his media foes. On July 9, he nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court on live television. Certainly, progressives hated the pick, but seemed equally miffed by the rollout of the announcement.

“When networks help Trump win ratings, democracy loses” according to Salon TV critic Melanie Mcfarland. She called Trump’s treatment of “a historic decision that stands to shift the direction of our country like a reality TV finale” the “ultimate act of solipsism.” Mcfarland claimed that “the president began priming the pump not long after Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement” and by “scheduling the announcement for Monday night” Trump was “raiding the sacred space” of hit television shows.

David Graham, staff writer at The Atlantic, claimed that “everything up until the president selected Kavanaugh had been optimized for drama.” Graham went on to say that, “Trump treated the process like a reality show” because he “ostentatiously weighed candidates.” CNN called it the “scripted end to Trump’s reality show” because “of course, the President put on a show for the cameras.” Saying that “monday night’s primetime interrupting performance” is the “sequel to that campaign run.”

Hell hath no fury like a liberal who doesn’t get to watch “The Bachelorette.”

Amanda Marcotte, politics writer and feminist scold at Salon, claimed that the “reality-TV authoritarian” declared his nomination on “this season of Who Wants to Be a Supreme Court Judge?” The “rating-hungry cable news networks played along” with Trump by “profiling the final contestants with the same hype-the-suspense tone” that they “use to advertise” their reality shows. Marcotte them asked “did women just lose their rights on a reality show?” claiming that “not enough attention was paid to the fact that it hardly mattered” who was chosen because “all of them were equally committed to the belief that wealthy white men are the only real citizens.” She claimed that “American politics has often felt like a psychedelic satire of itself” but more so “the night when women lost their human rights in a game-show format.”

This isn’t the first time that a president interrupted a live broadcast for an important announcement. When Obama did it, it wasn’t deemed “wanting attention” it was him doing his job.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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America’s Prologue To Tragedy

America's Prologue To Tragedy
Mr. Zuckerberg has now passed Warren Buffett in billions, taking over the spot for the third richest man on the planet. As Bob Dylan has said, “Money doesn’t talk – it swears.” And young Mark might be the most powerful guy on earth, even despite his wealth, simply because he runs a growing ‘nation’ that contains more people than Russia, China and the USA combined.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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President Trump Issues Full Pardons For Oregon Ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond

President Trump Issues Full Pardons For Oregon Ranchers Dwight and Steven Hammond

On Tuesday, President Trump issued full pardons to Oregon ranchers Dwight Hammond, 76, and his son Steven Hammond, 49, who were embroiled in the Bundy Ranch dispute of 2014.

The White House blasted the Obama administration for its “overzealous” appeal that resulted in the Hammonds being sentenced to five years in prison.

“This was unjust,” the White House said in a press release. (screenshot below)

As previously reported, the Obama administration sentenced two Oregon ranchers to five years in federal prison for starting a preventative fire on their land. The fire spread to federal land and burned less than 140 acres.

Steven Hammond and his father Dwight Hammond were sentenced to federal prison for five years.

The government charged the ranchers as “terrorists.”
The Oregon Farm Bureau reported in Oct.2015:

Today two Oregon ranchers were sentenced to five years in federal prison under terrorism statutes for setting preventative fires on their own land. We are gravely disappointed at this outcome.

Elderly Harney County rancher Dwight Hammond and his son, Steven, a former OFB Board member and Harney County Farm Bureau president, have already served time in federal prison for their mistakes and paid their debt to society for the less-than-140 acres of BLM land that was accidentally impacted by the fires.


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Why does Donald Trump bother?

As president of the United States of America, Donald Trump puts his life and family on the line every day.  Trump and his family are repetitively threatened with death and various other sorts of harm – not only by operators on foreign soil, but by seeming lunatics inside America itself. 

He is under constant threat by those who state they want him dead or torn to pieces, that they want his family kidnapped, raped, beaten, or killed.

A few prominent names of those expressing stated dislike of Donald Trump are Robert De Niro, Tom Arnold, Maxine Waters, Don Lemon, Van Jones, LeBron James, Eminem, Madonna, Cher, Michael Moore, and many others too numerous to list here.  Why do they seem to feel this way – and liberals, all? 

Leftists call his wife a “whore”, and run around with signs saying “rape Melania”. They hold up his bloody and severed head as a “joke”, call for his assassination as a “joke”, call his 10-year-old son a rapist and autistic and a homeschool shooter, and they are suddenly claiming the moral high ground? …

And the more he fights back, the more the Left rages…and the more the media exposes themselves as being utterly corrupt, and how truly hateful the Left has become. Nor is this a fringe element. This is the Left. They are putting on a show for all to see, and are too stupid to realize that everyday Americans are paying attention[.]

Common sense would tell “everyday Americans” Donald Trump doesn’t have to live this sort of life.  He could resign and go back to being a billionaire TV mega-mogul, with a beautiful wife and great wealth.  He could live happily ever after in a world of private jets, exclusive clubs, sun, sea, sand, and everlasting abundance. 

So what’s the deal? 

Is he maybe scamming America to make a quick shekel?  I don’t think so. 

Is he scamming America to feather his nest for all time?  I don’t think so. 

Then why does he do these things?  Why would Donald Trump choose to live inside this 24-hour ring of threats, deceit, lies, and violence? 

Because Donald Trump is a patriot, dedicating his life, fortune, and sacred honor to the security and future of America.  To you. 

To many of us he is just as much a front-line patriot as were Audie Murphy in World War II, Victor H. Espinoza in Korea, Christopher Scott Kyle more recently, and hundreds and thousands of others who fought bravely or even just stood up for America.  It’s said they did it for those who reside lawfully within America’s borders, and even for some of those who don’t reside there so “lawfully.”

What’s the deal?  What’s the beef?  What’s the gripe?  Donald Trump is hardly different from any other American grandson of poor immigrants.  Trump was born in 1946, and in 1966, while at Wharton Business school, he began working in the family business.  The rest, as they say, is history. 

And the left hates him.  Hates his guts. 

The next time you see Donald Trump, remember he doesn’t need “this crap.”  Remember he is already a billionaire. 

But remember he risks his life every day – his family, his fortune, and his sacred honor.  For America.  For you.

As president of the United States of America, Donald Trump puts his life and family on the line every day.  Trump and his family are repetitively threatened with death and various other sorts of harm – not only by operators on foreign soil, but by seeming lunatics inside America itself. 

He is under constant threat by those who state they want him dead or torn to pieces, that they want his family kidnapped, raped, beaten, or killed.

A few prominent names of those expressing stated dislike of Donald Trump are Robert De Niro, Tom Arnold, Maxine Waters, Don Lemon, Van Jones, LeBron James, Eminem, Madonna, Cher, Michael Moore, and many others too numerous to list here.  Why do they seem to feel this way – and liberals, all? 

Leftists call his wife a “whore”, and run around with signs saying “rape Melania”. They hold up his bloody and severed head as a “joke”, call for his assassination as a “joke”, call his 10-year-old son a rapist and autistic and a homeschool shooter, and they are suddenly claiming the moral high ground? …

And the more he fights back, the more the Left rages…and the more the media exposes themselves as being utterly corrupt, and how truly hateful the Left has become. Nor is this a fringe element. This is the Left. They are putting on a show for all to see, and are too stupid to realize that everyday Americans are paying attention[.]

Common sense would tell “everyday Americans” Donald Trump doesn’t have to live this sort of life.  He could resign and go back to being a billionaire TV mega-mogul, with a beautiful wife and great wealth.  He could live happily ever after in a world of private jets, exclusive clubs, sun, sea, sand, and everlasting abundance. 

So what’s the deal? 

Is he maybe scamming America to make a quick shekel?  I don’t think so. 

Is he scamming America to feather his nest for all time?  I don’t think so. 

Then why does he do these things?  Why would Donald Trump choose to live inside this 24-hour ring of threats, deceit, lies, and violence? 

Because Donald Trump is a patriot, dedicating his life, fortune, and sacred honor to the security and future of America.  To you. 

To many of us he is just as much a front-line patriot as were Audie Murphy in World War II, Victor H. Espinoza in Korea, Christopher Scott Kyle more recently, and hundreds and thousands of others who fought bravely or even just stood up for America.  It’s said they did it for those who reside lawfully within America’s borders, and even for some of those who don’t reside there so “lawfully.”

What’s the deal?  What’s the beef?  What’s the gripe?  Donald Trump is hardly different from any other American grandson of poor immigrants.  Trump was born in 1946, and in 1966, while at Wharton Business school, he began working in the family business.  The rest, as they say, is history. 

And the left hates him.  Hates his guts. 

The next time you see Donald Trump, remember he doesn’t need “this crap.”  Remember he is already a billionaire. 

But remember he risks his life every day – his family, his fortune, and his sacred honor.  For America.  For you.

via American Thinker Blog

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Kellyanne Conway Brutalizes Pathetic Leftist Attacking Her in Supermarket

The latest tactic adopted by the Trump-hating left is confronting and harassing members of President Donald Trump’s administration when they are spotted out in public, a tactic that has been encouraged by the likes of Democrat California Rep. Maxine Waters.

Recent examples include White House press secretary Sarah Sanders being asked to leave a Virginia restaurant, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen being “shamed” into leaving a D.C-area restaurant and now-former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt being taken to task by a child-holding school teacher while dining at a restaurant.

Even former members of the administration — former chief strategist Steve Bannon was harassed while browsing at a bookstore — and teenaged Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats are not immune to displays of the left’s boiling-over hatred for all things Trump.

But according to a post from the Independent Journal Review, the tactic of confronting and harassing Trump administration officials in public isn’t entirely new, even if it has gained prominent notice recently, as White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway can attest.

Indeed, Conway recently shared a few anecdotal episodes of harassment she has experienced since coming to Washington as part of Trump’s administration in early 2017, but her tough replies in those instances proved that she is not one to be easily intimidated or cowed by the left’s incessant hatred.

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According to an article from The Washington Post that covered a number of harassment incidents aimed at various members of the Trump administration — which the paper decidedly avoided condemning or casting in poor light — Conway began to experience abuse from hateful leftists as soon as she arrived in D.C.

In one instance, Conway was shopping at a grocery store when a man passed by and proclaimed to her, “You ought to be ashamed of yourself! Go look in the mirror!”

“Mirrors are in aisle 9 — I’ll go get one now,” was Conway’s sarcastic reply. She recalled brushing off the harassing insult and told The Post, “What am I gonna do? Fall apart in the canned vegetable aisle?”

Conway further recalled of her arrival in D.C. that she had expected people already there “would help transition into the next administration. I wasn’t expecting people to try to undo the election and drive us out of town.”

Do you like how Kellyanne Conway is unafraid to push back against harassers?

In a separate incident, Conway was at a Baltimore Orioles baseball game when she was approached by a man who mumbled an insult while taking a picture of her. That man had allegedly said Conway had made herself famous “for all the wrong reasons.”

Conway recalled responding to that incident by marching directly toward the man and taking her own picture of him while she stated, “I’m fluent in ignoramus. What did you say?” She then added that the picture she had taken of the man would be added to her own “collection of underachieving men.”

Though most of those members or associates of the administration who have suffered harassment at the hands of angry leftists have remained silent and extricated themselves from the situation with as little disturbance as possible, Conway has the same sort of toughness as her boss that compels her to figuratively punch back at those who first hit her.

Former House speaker, presidential candidate and reliable Trump ally Newt Gingrich suggested that administration officials who find themselves targeted by leftist harassment would be best served by simply calling the police to report the disturbance.

He told the Post, “You file charges and you press them. We have no reason to tolerate barbarians trying to impose totalitarian behavior by sheer force, and we have every right to defend ourselves.”

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Gingrich surmised the hateful leftists had suffered a “psychotic episode” after Trump’s electoral victory that left them with the “political equivalent of PTSD,” a condition that only grows worse every day as they wake up and realize that Trump is indeed still their president.

To those targeted by the harassment, Gingrich stated, “They should take solace in the fact that we must be winning, since these people are so crazy. They used to be passive because they thought they were the future. Now they know we’re the future, and it’s driving them nuts.”

Unfortunately, it will most likely take either a few of these harassing leftists being arrested and charged — or God forbid, somebody being hurt or killed — before the left backs off this tactic of publicly confronting and harassing Trump administration officials.

In the meantime, Trump’s officials should feel free to push back against their harassers with as snarky an attitude as they can muster in order to claim their rightful place in public, free of harassment in a country where political differences have not yet been criminalized.

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Transgender ‘Muffin’ Challenge Proves Just How Deranged Some Leftists Have Become

An exercise meant to explore how cultural and social norms affect gender non-binary individuals has come under criticism not only for its use of muffins as a teaching tool but also for its “confused and contradictory” message.

Emma Renold, a professor at Cardiff University in Wales, spearheaded the “mixed-muffin gender berry challenge” that has since come under fire.

The challenge directs participants to stand by pink or blue balloons according to the muffins they’ve been given randomly by a group leader.

Participants with blueberry muffins stand by a collection of blue balloons while those with raspberry muffins stand by pink balloons.

Those with mixed muffins stand in the middle of the room without any balloons.

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“After this activity, we asked how they felt being categorised according to a muffin they did not choose, what it felt like to go to a gender-coded corner that they might not identify with, and what it felt like not to have a corner at all,” the guide states, according to the U.K. Times.

The exercise is part of an online toolkit reaching more than 1,400 young people in Wales. 

The activity was meant to make participants understand how it feels to be a gender they did not choose and to feel like there is no place for them at all.

The muffin exercise also intended to show participants that gender cannot be assumed merely based on looks.

Do you think this ‘Muffin’ Challenge is pushing the limits?

“The materials are troubling because they effectively encourage young people, and particularly gender non-conforming girls and young lesbians, to conclude that their distressing feelings aren’t just a sign that the world is sexist, but rather a sign that they themselves need fixing,” said  Kathleen Stock, director of teaching and learning at England’s University of Sussex.

She called the activity “confused and contradictory,” even saying that it seemed almost satirical.

Renold defended the exercise and accused critics of basing their arguments on a selective reading of the guide rather than looking at it as a holistic educational program.

“The aim of the muffin challenge was to explore how social and cultural gender norms shape and inform how school policies and practices categorise students using assumed sex/gender identities,” Renold said, according to the Times.

The World Health Organization announced on June 19 that it won’t classify gender dysphoria as a mental disorder in the upcoming 11th edition of its International Classification of Diseases.

RELATED: Education Minister Fired After Anti-Transgender Remarks Surface 11 Years Later

WHO previously listed gender dysphoria as a mental disorder, and many doctors still maintain this belief.

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