Exalted Righteousness, Tawdry Methods Lead to Walk Away

Short-term expediency is well worth the goal of regaining power. Any smell from low tactics later can be perfumed away — once power is back in the correct hands. 

Unfortunately for them, it seems not to be working so well this time. The growing #WalkAway movement, in which lifelong Democrats publicly announce they are walking away from the party, shows they supposed wrong about “the ignorance and gullibility of the unenlightened.”

Sure, lots of people remain fooled but as the economy soars and unemployment drops to its lowest level since 1973,  millennials, blacks (especially black women, the bedrock of the Democratic base today) and Hispanics seem to have caught on that the party that eschews capitalism in order to make them dependent on government largesse may not be the party to stick to. Millennials are peeling away from the party. 

Brandon Straka is credited with the Facebook movement, although, of course, people like the actor James Woods preceded him as did the writers Roger L. Simon and David Mamet who explained some time ago why the Democrats no longer speak for them. And Kanye West, the black musician and fashion designer, did as well.

In any event Straka wrote: “If you are a person of color, an LGBT person, a woman or an American immigrant, the Democratic Party wants you to know you are a victim,” Straka says in the video. “This is perhaps the Democratic Party’s greatest, and most insidious, lie.”

“I am walking away. And I encourage all of you to do the same. Walk away.” 

And the ranks of those walking away continue to grow

Those who are walking away are not Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables,” but rather, in many cases, lifelong Democrats who simply could not take it any longer and have longed for this very moment, when somebody like them would make it safe for them to come out of the closet and speak their minds.

From urban gay men to staunch liberal grandmothers, from a punk drag queen with black lips to a tattooed lesbian with a mohawk, those posting testimonials all had a breaking point, a moment when they decided to “walk away.”

Different people are walking away for different reasons, but as for Blacks and Hispanics, the party guessed wrong on its hysterical, fake news based anti-ICE pro-immigration policies. Turns out a majority of blacks and Hispanics are in accord with the president’s policies on immigration. And yet, the party doubles down on this losing position:

As of this writing (Tuesday morning, July 3), no less than two Democrat senators and eight members of the House caucus are calling for abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, all because a fake news story eventually metastasized into outrage among the left over how illegal immigrant families were being separated.

This, by the way, doesn’t count the most vocal opponent of ICE and the media’s newest darling: Former bartender and avowed socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The Washington Post, on July 2 whistled past the graveyard, dismissing the movement:  

#WalkAway went viral because anticipating a mass conversion of Democrats to its side is an idea that the pro-Trump Internet loves to share. Those who represent the possibility of this conversion become conservative celebrities.

When Kanye West tweeted praise of Candace Owens — a conservative commentator who believes that black people have been brainwashed by the media to vote for Democrats — the right-wing Internet saw an opportunity for a mainstream prophet, whose huge platform would bring around the End Times for liberalism.

When PewDiePie, a YouTuber with more than 50 million subscribers, followed Alex Jones’s Twitter account, the Infowars personality aggressively courted him for an interview on his show. If Jones could reach PewDiePie’s young audience, the movement could grow.

The pro-Trump Internet is really good at convincing its audience that going viral signals popular opinion, that its movement is and always will be #winning. In this case, #WalkAway is the answer to the possibility of a Blue Wave in the 2018 midterms. It doesn’t need to be true to be effective. After all, the hashtag has now become an article in The Washington Post.

Four days later, Democratic congressman Dov Hikind, Senator Chuck Schumer’s own congressman New York State Assemblyman from Brooklyn, announced he was walking away from the party and pledged to vote Republican. 

Hikind castigated Schumer for promising to fight “for Democratic values” while providing little in means of substance.

“Senator Schumer, in your letter you promise to fight for Democratic values and go on at great length to fully villainize the current administration, but you left out certain facts that my fellow Democrats, to say nothing of all Americans, should also be aware of,” Hikind wrote.

The assemblyman lambasted Schumer and national Democrats for downplaying the impact the Trump administration has had in fostering economic growth

“You forgot to tell us about the economy. As good as it’s been, economists expect even more growth through the end of the year. That’s very good news,” Hikind wrote. “You forgot to tell us about unemployment, which is lower than it has been in decades, while economic confidence is at a 17-year high.”

Hikind also expressed support for the tax cuts proposed by the president and enacted by congressional Republicans.

“You forgot to tell us about tax cuts. I’m part of the middle class and now I’m getting a little extra in my paycheck,” he wrote. “I’m happy about that and so are tens of millions of Americans, Senator.”[snip] You forgot to tell us about the most remarkable relationship between the United States and our ally Israel ever. Or about moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, which you yourself applauded,” Hikind wrote. “You forgot to tell us about the successful dismantling of the Iran Deal… [that] threatened the rest of the world by making it easier for Iran, the leading supporter of world terrorism, to develop nuclear weapons.”

The assemblyman bemoaned the Democratic Party’s leftward lurch, which Hikind argues Schumer has helped advance by supporting individuals like Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) for leadership positions in the party.

(Seems like just yesterday I was batting away Democratic lies that Trump hated Jews and was another Hitler.)

In the meantime, as the Democrats double down on stupid, voter satisfaction keeps rising

The satisfaction rate, which Gallup has measured at least monthly since 2001, has now topped 35% three times this year — a level reached only three times in the previous 12 years (once each in 2006, 2009 and 2016).

Satisfaction with the nation is now back to the historical average of 37% for this trend, which was first measured in 1979, but is far below the majority levels reached in the economic boom times of the mid-1980s and late 1990s.

In its first four years (1979 and 1981-1983), satisfaction failed to reach 37% in any poll, but then routinely reached or exceeded that level in 1984 through 2005 polling, with the exception of 1992-1995 (excluding one 36% reading in 1994). After a January 2006 reading of 36%, satisfaction failed to surpass 35% the rest of that year, and with the economic calamities that followed over the next few years, it descended into single digits in two 2008 polls and has subsequently stayed mostly below 30%.

The center left is dying and Matthew Continetti explains why:

This is a trend that has been building for some time but over the last two years acquired galvanic force. Why? Is it because the nature of the threat that Donald Trump represents to the left? Is it because, as Victor Davis Hanson has argued, Trump denied the left the power it considers its due? Or is it because Barack Obama, despite all of his purple rhetoric and fantastic publicity, was unable even to approach his goal of “fundamentally transforming” America — because he left the Democratic Party a smoking ruin, and bequeathed a regulatory and policy legacy as fragile as a paper crane?

All of these explanations for the resurgent left have some merit. I am especially partial, naturally, to the one that pins responsibility on Obama, who raised the hopes of a generation that the waters would cease to rise only to hand over command of the ship eight years later to Donald Trump and become a Netflix producer. Still, it is important to recognize that the collapse of the center-left is not limited to America. It is a global phenomenon. Obama and Clinton may have broken the Democratic Party, but don’t hold them responsible for the destruction of the French Socialists, the fall of the Italian Democratic Party, the takeover of Labor by Jeremy Corbyn, the worst result by the German Social Democratic Party since World War II, and the triumph of López-Obrador in Mexico.

If there is a common denominator to these electoral shakeups, it is the politics of migration. The overthrown establishments all benefited from the economics of illegal immigration and used migrants as chits in a humanitarian sweepstakes in which the leader who signals the most virtue wins. Migration became a symbol for the “flat world” of globalization where not just people but also cultures, goods, and investments flowed freely, borders had little meaning, and sovereignty was pooled upwards to transnational bureaucracy as identity was reduced to racial, ethnic, religious, or sexual characteristics. The fantastic wealth produced by the global marketplace enriched the center-left to such a degree that its adherents became walled off from the material, social, and cultural concerns of the working people they professed to represent. And so middle-class workers who believe a country’s leadership ought to be accountable to a country’s citizens went elsewhere — devastating the ranks of the center left and creating a vacuum for the neo-socialists of the twenty-first century.   

I think he’s right — it’s immigration and that seems to reflect a trend throughout the western world. People have come to the conclusion that open borders policy is not such a really super idea. It destroys traditions and national culture as it overwhelms social welfare programs and law enforcement by flooding their countries with people unsuited to the available work opportunities, who don’t assimilate and who hold views inimical to theirs.

Tongue in cheek, Andrew Klaven offers a countermovement to #WalkAway –“the #DescendIntoEmotionalInfantilism and become a Democrat movement with Five Reasons to Shift to the left.”

In sum, like Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein you can treat women very badly while posing as their champion by supporting abortion. You can become the darling of late night comedians. You can be as uncivil as you want to be while virtue signaling. ”You can pretend to like black people while setting up the systems of dependence, family disintegration, and resentment and envy that make it unlikely any black child will ever compete with your child for a good job.” And last, but not least in his reasons to stick to the party: You never have to learn the facts, but can just turn on the TV and hear your ill-formed opinions echoed back at you to justify your marching and screaming.

I don’t think I’ll follow his suggestion. I’m planning on making lots of popcorn in November because I think the party platform of raising taxes, open borders, identity politics, massive redistribution, calls to violence and censorship, increasing regulatory hamstrings on the economy, and supporting corruptocrats in the UN, Iran, and Palestine are the ticket to ride – to defeat.

Victor Davis Hanson, writing in American Greatness, surveys how history’s bad ideas inspire the “progressives.” He focuses on the plans for court packing, the resegregation of students in universities, the growing movements to censor speech, restaurants’ decision to refuse service to those whose views they disagree with and local governments’ nullification of laws (sanctuary cities).

The common themes in all these schemes are innate to progressivism. To survive and spread, exalted righteousness always excuses tawdry methods, given the supposed ignorance and gullibility of the unenlightened. 

Short-term expediency is well worth the goal of regaining power. Any smell from low tactics later can be perfumed away — once power is back in the correct hands. 

Unfortunately for them, it seems not to be working so well this time. The growing #WalkAway movement, in which lifelong Democrats publicly announce they are walking away from the party, shows they supposed wrong about “the ignorance and gullibility of the unenlightened.”

Sure, lots of people remain fooled but as the economy soars and unemployment drops to its lowest level since 1973,  millennials, blacks (especially black women, the bedrock of the Democratic base today) and Hispanics seem to have caught on that the party that eschews capitalism in order to make them dependent on government largesse may not be the party to stick to. Millennials are peeling away from the party. 

Brandon Straka is credited with the Facebook movement, although, of course, people like the actor James Woods preceded him as did the writers Roger L. Simon and David Mamet who explained some time ago why the Democrats no longer speak for them. And Kanye West, the black musician and fashion designer, did as well.

In any event Straka wrote: “If you are a person of color, an LGBT person, a woman or an American immigrant, the Democratic Party wants you to know you are a victim,” Straka says in the video. “This is perhaps the Democratic Party’s greatest, and most insidious, lie.”

“I am walking away. And I encourage all of you to do the same. Walk away.” 

And the ranks of those walking away continue to grow

Those who are walking away are not Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables,” but rather, in many cases, lifelong Democrats who simply could not take it any longer and have longed for this very moment, when somebody like them would make it safe for them to come out of the closet and speak their minds.

From urban gay men to staunch liberal grandmothers, from a punk drag queen with black lips to a tattooed lesbian with a mohawk, those posting testimonials all had a breaking point, a moment when they decided to “walk away.”

Different people are walking away for different reasons, but as for Blacks and Hispanics, the party guessed wrong on its hysterical, fake news based anti-ICE pro-immigration policies. Turns out a majority of blacks and Hispanics are in accord with the president’s policies on immigration. And yet, the party doubles down on this losing position:

As of this writing (Tuesday morning, July 3), no less than two Democrat senators and eight members of the House caucus are calling for abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, all because a fake news story eventually metastasized into outrage among the left over how illegal immigrant families were being separated.

This, by the way, doesn’t count the most vocal opponent of ICE and the media’s newest darling: Former bartender and avowed socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The Washington Post, on July 2 whistled past the graveyard, dismissing the movement:  

#WalkAway went viral because anticipating a mass conversion of Democrats to its side is an idea that the pro-Trump Internet loves to share. Those who represent the possibility of this conversion become conservative celebrities.

When Kanye West tweeted praise of Candace Owens — a conservative commentator who believes that black people have been brainwashed by the media to vote for Democrats — the right-wing Internet saw an opportunity for a mainstream prophet, whose huge platform would bring around the End Times for liberalism.

When PewDiePie, a YouTuber with more than 50 million subscribers, followed Alex Jones’s Twitter account, the Infowars personality aggressively courted him for an interview on his show. If Jones could reach PewDiePie’s young audience, the movement could grow.

The pro-Trump Internet is really good at convincing its audience that going viral signals popular opinion, that its movement is and always will be #winning. In this case, #WalkAway is the answer to the possibility of a Blue Wave in the 2018 midterms. It doesn’t need to be true to be effective. After all, the hashtag has now become an article in The Washington Post.

Four days later, Democratic congressman Dov Hikind, Senator Chuck Schumer’s own congressman New York State Assemblyman from Brooklyn, announced he was walking away from the party and pledged to vote Republican. 

Hikind castigated Schumer for promising to fight “for Democratic values” while providing little in means of substance.

“Senator Schumer, in your letter you promise to fight for Democratic values and go on at great length to fully villainize the current administration, but you left out certain facts that my fellow Democrats, to say nothing of all Americans, should also be aware of,” Hikind wrote.

The assemblyman lambasted Schumer and national Democrats for downplaying the impact the Trump administration has had in fostering economic growth

“You forgot to tell us about the economy. As good as it’s been, economists expect even more growth through the end of the year. That’s very good news,” Hikind wrote. “You forgot to tell us about unemployment, which is lower than it has been in decades, while economic confidence is at a 17-year high.”

Hikind also expressed support for the tax cuts proposed by the president and enacted by congressional Republicans.

“You forgot to tell us about tax cuts. I’m part of the middle class and now I’m getting a little extra in my paycheck,” he wrote. “I’m happy about that and so are tens of millions of Americans, Senator.”[snip] You forgot to tell us about the most remarkable relationship between the United States and our ally Israel ever. Or about moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, which you yourself applauded,” Hikind wrote. “You forgot to tell us about the successful dismantling of the Iran Deal… [that] threatened the rest of the world by making it easier for Iran, the leading supporter of world terrorism, to develop nuclear weapons.”

The assemblyman bemoaned the Democratic Party’s leftward lurch, which Hikind argues Schumer has helped advance by supporting individuals like Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) for leadership positions in the party.

(Seems like just yesterday I was batting away Democratic lies that Trump hated Jews and was another Hitler.)

In the meantime, as the Democrats double down on stupid, voter satisfaction keeps rising

The satisfaction rate, which Gallup has measured at least monthly since 2001, has now topped 35% three times this year — a level reached only three times in the previous 12 years (once each in 2006, 2009 and 2016).

Satisfaction with the nation is now back to the historical average of 37% for this trend, which was first measured in 1979, but is far below the majority levels reached in the economic boom times of the mid-1980s and late 1990s.

In its first four years (1979 and 1981-1983), satisfaction failed to reach 37% in any poll, but then routinely reached or exceeded that level in 1984 through 2005 polling, with the exception of 1992-1995 (excluding one 36% reading in 1994). After a January 2006 reading of 36%, satisfaction failed to surpass 35% the rest of that year, and with the economic calamities that followed over the next few years, it descended into single digits in two 2008 polls and has subsequently stayed mostly below 30%.

The center left is dying and Matthew Continetti explains why:

This is a trend that has been building for some time but over the last two years acquired galvanic force. Why? Is it because the nature of the threat that Donald Trump represents to the left? Is it because, as Victor Davis Hanson has argued, Trump denied the left the power it considers its due? Or is it because Barack Obama, despite all of his purple rhetoric and fantastic publicity, was unable even to approach his goal of “fundamentally transforming” America — because he left the Democratic Party a smoking ruin, and bequeathed a regulatory and policy legacy as fragile as a paper crane?

All of these explanations for the resurgent left have some merit. I am especially partial, naturally, to the one that pins responsibility on Obama, who raised the hopes of a generation that the waters would cease to rise only to hand over command of the ship eight years later to Donald Trump and become a Netflix producer. Still, it is important to recognize that the collapse of the center-left is not limited to America. It is a global phenomenon. Obama and Clinton may have broken the Democratic Party, but don’t hold them responsible for the destruction of the French Socialists, the fall of the Italian Democratic Party, the takeover of Labor by Jeremy Corbyn, the worst result by the German Social Democratic Party since World War II, and the triumph of López-Obrador in Mexico.

If there is a common denominator to these electoral shakeups, it is the politics of migration. The overthrown establishments all benefited from the economics of illegal immigration and used migrants as chits in a humanitarian sweepstakes in which the leader who signals the most virtue wins. Migration became a symbol for the “flat world” of globalization where not just people but also cultures, goods, and investments flowed freely, borders had little meaning, and sovereignty was pooled upwards to transnational bureaucracy as identity was reduced to racial, ethnic, religious, or sexual characteristics. The fantastic wealth produced by the global marketplace enriched the center-left to such a degree that its adherents became walled off from the material, social, and cultural concerns of the working people they professed to represent. And so middle-class workers who believe a country’s leadership ought to be accountable to a country’s citizens went elsewhere — devastating the ranks of the center left and creating a vacuum for the neo-socialists of the twenty-first century.   

I think he’s right — it’s immigration and that seems to reflect a trend throughout the western world. People have come to the conclusion that open borders policy is not such a really super idea. It destroys traditions and national culture as it overwhelms social welfare programs and law enforcement by flooding their countries with people unsuited to the available work opportunities, who don’t assimilate and who hold views inimical to theirs.

Tongue in cheek, Andrew Klaven offers a countermovement to #WalkAway –“the #DescendIntoEmotionalInfantilism and become a Democrat movement with Five Reasons to Shift to the left.”

In sum, like Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein you can treat women very badly while posing as their champion by supporting abortion. You can become the darling of late night comedians. You can be as uncivil as you want to be while virtue signaling. ”You can pretend to like black people while setting up the systems of dependence, family disintegration, and resentment and envy that make it unlikely any black child will ever compete with your child for a good job.” And last, but not least in his reasons to stick to the party: You never have to learn the facts, but can just turn on the TV and hear your ill-formed opinions echoed back at you to justify your marching and screaming.

I don’t think I’ll follow his suggestion. I’m planning on making lots of popcorn in November because I think the party platform of raising taxes, open borders, identity politics, massive redistribution, calls to violence and censorship, increasing regulatory hamstrings on the economy, and supporting corruptocrats in the UN, Iran, and Palestine are the ticket to ride – to defeat.

via American Thinker

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://www.americanthinker.com/

St Jude Family Attacked On Social Media After Thanking Eric Trump For $16 M In Donations

Just a slight correction to the BPR story. Eric Trump responded to her tweet thanking him, not the other way around. But she then found out thanking him for his efforts earns her attacks.

Via BPR:

The left’s deranged hatred of President Donald Trump knows no bounds, as was seen when they turned their venom on a woman for thanking the president’s son, Eric, for reportedly helping raise $16.3 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

The saga began when the woman responded to a tweet from Eric Trump plugging St Jude’s, calling it “the best cause in the world!”

“It has truly been one of the most important and meaningful missions of my life,” he added.

The woman would later explain in a video she did for the #WalkAway movement that her nephew, Zachary, is a cancer survivor who was treated at St. Jude’s at just 4-years-old and that she was forever grateful to the hospital and its staff, who are still helping the child deal with the aftereffects of his treatment.

Keep reading…

via Weasel Zippers

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://www.weaselzippers.us

WATCH: PA TV Honors Three Terrorists Behind 2000 Lynching

JERUSALEM – Three Palestinian terrorists who were convicted of taking part in an infamous lynching in October 2000 which saw the mutilation and murder of two Israeli reserve soldiers have been honored as "heroes" by a television show broadcast on the Palestinian Authority’s official TV station.

via Breitbart News

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://www.breitbart.com

Arkansas pastor under fire for ‘constitutional violation’ after quoting scripture at football camp

An Arkansas pastor is speaking out after he was accused of a “constitutional violation” for giving a devotion using the Bible at a high school football camp.

What’s the background?

Konnor McKay, pastor of Waldron Pentecostal Church of God in Waldron, Arkansas, was invited to his former high school last month to speak at a football camp about teamwork and leadership, as well as encourage the young men.

However, according to the Freedom From Religion Foundation, an anti-Christian nonprofit that bill itself as an organization that educates people on “nontheism,” McKay and the school district, Danville Public Schools, willfully violated the Constitution.

In a letter, the group accused district officials of subjecting football players to “Christian proselytization” and demanded officials “not allow its football program to be used as a captive audience for evangelists.”

FFRF amounted McKay’s speech as a violation of the Constitution’s Establishment Clause — which bars Congress from passing a law “respecting an establishment of religion” — and demanded the district inform FFRF what steps it will take to “ensure that its athletic programs will not be used to promote religion in the future.”

“Parents send their students to football camps to become better players, not to be brainwashed. Public school students should not have to pray to play,” FFRF co-president Annie Laurie Gaylor stated in a press release.

How did McKay respond?

Speaking with “Fox and Friends” on Saturday, McKay rejected the idea that he somehow violated the Constitution by speaking to the students about the importance of teamwork and leadership.

“I know what it’s like to be where these players are at. I know what it’s like to be a high school football player and I felt that it was important to know the value and importance of teamwork. So I came that morning and I shared with them the importance of teamwork and I shared with the kids that as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. And that’s what I felt on my heart to share with them,” McKay explained.

First Liberty attorney Michael Berry, who is representing McKay, was more candid in his interview with Fox.

“This is another example of this group from Wisconsin that goes out-of-state seeking school districts across the country that they can bully and intimidate,” he explained, adding that McKay was personally invited to speak at the camp and his affiliation as a pastor is not a constitutional violation.

via TheBlaze.com – Stories

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://www.theblaze.com

On July 4, NPR Replays How ‘God Bless America’ Is a ‘Syrupy’ ‘Whitewash’

NPR has a habit — call it “counterintuitive” — of trashing popular beliefs on major holidays (or holy days). On Good Friday in 2008, for example, NPR’s Fresh Air chose to replay a four-year-old interview with retired academic John Dominic Crossan, who suggested the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus is bunk and it was “pathological” to focus on the suffering of Christ on the cross.

On July 4, 2018, All Things Considered replayed a five-year-old interview suggesting the beloved patriotic song “God Bless America” annoys “many” with its “syrupy nationalism and trivialized faith,” and Woody Guthrie suggested it was a “whitewash of everything that was wrong with America.”   The online headline was “For ‘God Bless America,’ A Long Gestation And Venomous Backlash.” You can’t call the show All Things Considerate.

Does NPR rip into Martin Luther King Jr. on MLK Day? Well, no, liberals know when to be polite and reverential.

NPR anchor Ailsa Chang introduced the replay: “On this patriotic day of stars and stripes and fireworks, we launch a new series called American Anthem. Over the next year, we’re going to take a close look at songs that have roused hearts and minds around a common theme, whether it’s civil rights, a favorite sports team or love of country.” She noted that later this year, “God Bless America” turns 100, and now-retired anchor Robert Siegel whacked at it in 2013: 

ROBERT SIEGEL: Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America” has not only endured. It has become a statement of patriotism, of homefront support for troops at war. In the Vietnam era, it was an anthem of counterprotest. And while it has brought a lump to the throat of many an American, it has also annoyed many who hear it as a tune of syrupy nationalism and trivialized faith. One mark of its unusual status – Berlin took no royalties from it. He created a fund that collected them and distributed them to the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts.

Siegel interviewed author Sheryl Kaskowitz: 

ROBERT SIEGEL: I knew it had drawn criticism from the likes of Woody Guthrie, who thought it was a whitewash of everything wrong in America. I didn’t realize that from the right, there had been anti-Semitic complaints about “God Bless America.” But you describe that there were.

SHERYL KASKOWITZ: Yes, there was a backlash against it because Irving Berlin was a Jewish immigrant. And it was boycotted by the Ku Klux Klan and by some domestic Nazi groups.

SIEGEL: You traced the history of how people have sung “God Bless America” ever since 1940. I didn’t know it had been used as the civil rights movement anthem at one point. During the Vietnam War, it became associated more with defenders of the policy who would break into songs of “God Bless America” in the face of anti-war protestors.

KASKOWITZ: If you think about the lyrics to “God Bless America,” they’re very vague. And Irving Berlin is the master of that. I found uses of it in labor rallies, union protests. Early on in the civil rights movement, it was often sung. And what I found was that it was really the Vietnam War that solidified its more conservative uses, as upholding the status quo. Counterprotesters at peace rallies would sing it to represent the administration and support for what they were doing.

These are the same people who replay Crumpet the Department Store Elf’s homicidal thoughts at Christmas.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://www.newsbusters.org/

Democrats turn on each other over Maxine Waters as Trump has his fun

Apparently, spittle-flicked rage tantrums against President Trump go only so far. So, Democrats are now turning on each other over their own rants, blaming Nancy Pelosi for Maxine Waters’ manic outbursts. Trump has got to be snickering.

Because what’s more pathetic than a bully crying home to mom? Instead of yelling about Trump, as they always do, they are now yelling about House minority leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer:

This really happened, according to ABC News:

Black female leaders and allies are blasting House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for what they see as their “failure” to protect Rep. Maxine Waters from “unwarranted attacks from the Trump administration and others in the GOP.”

“We write to share our profound indignation and deep disappointment over your recent failure to protect Congresswoman Waters from unwarranted attacks from the Trump Administration and others in the GOP,” the group of nearly 200 women wrote in a letter sent Tuesday. “That failure was further compounded by your decision to unfairly deride her as being ‘uncivil’ and ‘un-American.’”

Sounds nice, until you take a gander at what Maxine Waters actually said. Mad Max, as she is known, comes off as a raving lunatic in spittle-flicked rants. Here is what American Mirror reported:

After claiming Trump is “sacrificing our children,” referring to the illegal immigrant [sic] kids separated from their “parents” near the border, Waters again called for the president’s impeachment, triggering loud applause from the baying mob.

“History will record while he tried to step on all of us, we kicked him in his rear and step on him,” she yelled, whipping up the crowd.

“If you think we’re rallying now, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” she warned.

“Already, you have members of your Cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants,” she continued as the crowd erupted, “who have protesters taking up at their house, who say, ‘No peace, no sleep.  No peace, no sleep,'” she continued [sic].

“And guess what,” she predicted, “we’re going to win this battle because while you try and quote the Bible, Jeff Sessions and others, you really don’t know the Bible.

“God is on OUR side!” she declared, as the crowd went wild.  “On the side of the children.  On the side of what’s right.  On the side of what’s honorable.”

“And so, let’s stay the course.  Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she yelled.

Waters [sic] remarks were then marred by a screeching microphone.

Remarks like that hurt Democratic Party prospects for a blue wave come November. So you can see why Nancy Pelosi is backtracking in a bid to save the downwind candidates trying to take back Congress for the Democrats.

But egos are bruised and Mad Max and her allies aren’t standing for it. They want Pelosi to get behind Waters’s intemperance, and are whipping out the race card, not on Trump as they always do, but on Pelosi and Schumer in their bid to get them to support Waters as she turns up the screech volume.

What this sounds like is truth, way in the back of their leftist minds, is sinking in. They know that yelling about Trump isn’t working. They can’t stand it. So now they go yell at Pelosi and Schumer, who are easy pushovers for the political winds. Pelosi of course has already bent down and issued conciliatory words to Waters. She bends for any leftist crazy – she pandered happily for the DREAMers when they shouted down at her, blamed her, and screamed at her, when their real issue was President Trump and the will of the majority of the voters. She’ll bend for anyone.

But what we are now seeing here is Democrats eating their own.

The only person responsible for Maxine Waters’s lunatic meltdown statements is Maxine herself. She can expect to be parodied and made fun of by Trump to the end of her days, because it was her own behavior that just invited making political hay. Trump has had a field day with her own words and behavior, as he just did at a rally in Montana yesterday. According to Fox News (and you gotta see the video, Trump is having great fun):

Trump also took another dig at California Rep. Maxine Waters, whom he called “the new leader” of the Democratic party.

“Democrats want anarchy,” Trump said, saying they would allow gangs like MS-13 “run wild” in America. “And they don’t know who they’re playing with, folks.

“I said it the other day, yes, [Maxine Waters] is a low-IQ individual. Honestly, she’s somewhere in the mid-60s, I believe,” Trump added.

If you act dumb, you can expect to be called dumb. Waters can’t stand this. What’s gonna happen next? Trump is going to go make some more fun of her. Nothing funnier than a bully who picks on the wrong person.

Image Credit: majunznk, via Flickr // Creative Commons 2.0

Apparently, spittle-flicked rage tantrums against President Trump go only so far. So, Democrats are now turning on each other over their own rants, blaming Nancy Pelosi for Maxine Waters’ manic outbursts. Trump has got to be snickering.

Because what’s more pathetic than a bully crying home to mom? Instead of yelling about Trump, as they always do, they are now yelling about House minority leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer:

This really happened, according to ABC News:

Black female leaders and allies are blasting House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for what they see as their “failure” to protect Rep. Maxine Waters from “unwarranted attacks from the Trump administration and others in the GOP.”

“We write to share our profound indignation and deep disappointment over your recent failure to protect Congresswoman Waters from unwarranted attacks from the Trump Administration and others in the GOP,” the group of nearly 200 women wrote in a letter sent Tuesday. “That failure was further compounded by your decision to unfairly deride her as being ‘uncivil’ and ‘un-American.’”

Sounds nice, until you take a gander at what Maxine Waters actually said. Mad Max, as she is known, comes off as a raving lunatic in spittle-flicked rants. Here is what American Mirror reported:

After claiming Trump is “sacrificing our children,” referring to the illegal immigrant [sic] kids separated from their “parents” near the border, Waters again called for the president’s impeachment, triggering loud applause from the baying mob.

“History will record while he tried to step on all of us, we kicked him in his rear and step on him,” she yelled, whipping up the crowd.

“If you think we’re rallying now, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” she warned.

“Already, you have members of your Cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants,” she continued as the crowd erupted, “who have protesters taking up at their house, who say, ‘No peace, no sleep.  No peace, no sleep,'” she continued [sic].

“And guess what,” she predicted, “we’re going to win this battle because while you try and quote the Bible, Jeff Sessions and others, you really don’t know the Bible.

“God is on OUR side!” she declared, as the crowd went wild.  “On the side of the children.  On the side of what’s right.  On the side of what’s honorable.”

“And so, let’s stay the course.  Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere,” she yelled.

Waters [sic] remarks were then marred by a screeching microphone.

Remarks like that hurt Democratic Party prospects for a blue wave come November. So you can see why Nancy Pelosi is backtracking in a bid to save the downwind candidates trying to take back Congress for the Democrats.

But egos are bruised and Mad Max and her allies aren’t standing for it. They want Pelosi to get behind Waters’s intemperance, and are whipping out the race card, not on Trump as they always do, but on Pelosi and Schumer in their bid to get them to support Waters as she turns up the screech volume.

What this sounds like is truth, way in the back of their leftist minds, is sinking in. They know that yelling about Trump isn’t working. They can’t stand it. So now they go yell at Pelosi and Schumer, who are easy pushovers for the political winds. Pelosi of course has already bent down and issued conciliatory words to Waters. She bends for any leftist crazy – she pandered happily for the DREAMers when they shouted down at her, blamed her, and screamed at her, when their real issue was President Trump and the will of the majority of the voters. She’ll bend for anyone.

But what we are now seeing here is Democrats eating their own.

The only person responsible for Maxine Waters’s lunatic meltdown statements is Maxine herself. She can expect to be parodied and made fun of by Trump to the end of her days, because it was her own behavior that just invited making political hay. Trump has had a field day with her own words and behavior, as he just did at a rally in Montana yesterday. According to Fox News (and you gotta see the video, Trump is having great fun):

Trump also took another dig at California Rep. Maxine Waters, whom he called “the new leader” of the Democratic party.

“Democrats want anarchy,” Trump said, saying they would allow gangs like MS-13 “run wild” in America. “And they don’t know who they’re playing with, folks.

“I said it the other day, yes, [Maxine Waters] is a low-IQ individual. Honestly, she’s somewhere in the mid-60s, I believe,” Trump added.

If you act dumb, you can expect to be called dumb. Waters can’t stand this. What’s gonna happen next? Trump is going to go make some more fun of her. Nothing funnier than a bully who picks on the wrong person.

Image Credit: majunznk, via Flickr // Creative Commons 2.0

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