NBC Sitcom ‘The Good Place’ Raising Money to Aid Illegal Aliens

The producers of the NBC sitcom The Good Place recently launched a campaign to raise money to aid illegal aliens caught trying to sneak across the U.S.-Mexico border.

A Crowdrise page was launched this week by Andrew Law, a writer for The Good Place. According to the page, the producers of the series are seeking $25,000 and they will then match that amount.

Signed by “the cast and crew” of the show, the crowd funding page insists that raising money for illegals is “doing the most good for the most people.”

“[A]ll proceeds will go directly to KIND (Kids In Need of Defense), which provides high-quality legal services to immigrant children,” the page continues, “ensuring that no child appears in an immigration court without an attorney.”

“Hopefully our contributions will add a little more kindness and a little less division to an already forked up world. Please give if you can, and thanks in advance for helping this worthy cause. Let’s do something good together,” the message concludes.

Several of the show’s writers shared the campaign on social media.

As the left continues to come to the support of illegals, a shocking report out of Philadelphia reveals the story of a five-year-old girl who was viciously raped by a previously deported illegal who went to Philly specifically because he knew his crimes would go un-prosecuted by authorities in the City of Brotherly Love, a self-declared sanctuary city.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.

via Breitbart News

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Figures. New Documentary Shows How Sweden’s Far Left Social Democrats ‘Inspired and Helped’ German Nazis

A new film in Sweden shows how the far left Social Democratic Party “inspired and helped” Nazi Germany in World War II.

Of course, the documentary was taken down by YouTube but was later reposted and appears on the social media channel Samtiden Dokumentar.

The film is in Swedish with English subtitles.

Voice of Europe reported:

A shocking documentary about Sweden’s ruling Social Democratic Party, shows how the leftist party ‘inspired and helped’ Nazi Germany.

The documentary, produced by the party’s right-wing opponent, the Sweden Democrats, was removed by YouTube yesterday in an act of censorship.

But after a backlash it is now visible again on the social media channel of broadcaster Samtiden Dokumentär.

Ironically the documentary starts with the leader of the leftist Social Democratic Party, Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven, telling how the right-wing Social Democrats historically have Nazi roots.

But now the Sweden Democrats are hitting back and have produced this documentary to tell the truth about their leftist opponents.

And it is revealing as it shows that the Swedish Social Democrats inspired Nazi Germany on the issue of Eugenics or “ethnic cleansing”.

Read the rest here.

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Exclusive: Watch Larry Elder Go Off on FB Censorship at Premier of D’Souza’s New Film

Dinesh D’Souza’s new film, “Death of a Nation,” opened this week. It’s a deft handling of the modern Democrats from Abraham Lincoln to Donald Trump, and how the latter president might be the perfect candidate to emulate the former.

All interesting stuff, but that wasn’t entirely what Larry Elder wanted to discuss at the premiere of the film. Instead, the radio legend talked to The Western Journal about the specter of Facebook censorship.

July wasn’t a particularly good month in the prickly relationship between social media and conservatives.

The Western Journal, Conservative Tribune’s parent publication, released a new study that revealed that while interactions for congressmen from both political parties were down sharply since the social media giant’s algorithm shift in the early months of 2018, Republicans had seen greater losses across the board. In a statement, Facebook said that they “updated News Feed to help people meaningfully connect with friends and family first” and that declines in public pages were part of this process.

It was also confirmed by Vice News that Twitter was “shadow banning” prominent conservatives like RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, the spokesman for Donald Trump Jr. and several Republican congressmen. (Democrats remain unsurprisingly unaffected.) Twitter blamed the issue on attempts to improve the quality of discussion on the platform and fixed the problem.

TRENDING: Illegal Charged with Molesting Own Step-Daughter Gets $1 Million from Taxpayers

Meanwhile, controversial Infowars impresario Alex Jones was banned from Facebook and YouTube after relentless pressure from the media, prompting even Sen. Ted Cruz — who’s had a longstanding feud with the host for reasons this tweet will make patently obvious — to come to his defense:

Against this background, Elder took on Facebook and their ideological bias during a red carpet interview with The Western Journal’s own reporter.

“It’s pretty obvious that they have been discriminating against conservatives,” Elder said. “Because all of a sudden, when conservatives started bitching, moaning and whining, they changed their algorithms.

Do you plan to see Dinesh D’Souza’s “Death of a Nation?”

“And, all of a sudden, the very people that were complaining about Facebook stopped complaining about it. Same thing with Twitter.

“It’s a problem,” Elder continued. “We are outnumbered. We are right about the facts, about the truth, but we’re outnumbered in terms of people. Tell people the truth and — in my opinion — they will ultimately come to your point of view.”

And, there’s the rub: This assumes that conservatives can get their point of view out.

Take Twitter’s recent shadow banning faux pas, for instance. What we know about is prominent conservatives who were caught up in it. But what about less-visible conservatives on the platform. Are they facing the same treatment? In this case, the shadow banning took the form of search results in the drop-down menu. Can anyone reasonably be expected to check every conservative of some visibility on the platform in this manner?

With Facebook — where hard numbers indicating some form of ideological bias are magically attributed to that ethereal (yet totally unbiased) construct known as “the algorithm” by the platform’s defenders — finding evidence is even more murky.

RELATED: New Jersey Radio Hosts Suspended Over ‘Turban Man’ Comments

This is why having our own media platforms is important to conservatives. Talk radio was the first counterbalance to ideological bias in the media. Then came the internet and sites like Drudge Report. Now, there are podcasts, YouTube and social media. With all of these platforms comes an inherent risk, however, thanks to the fact that the companies running the game are ideologically biased.

This is why films like “Death of a Nation” are so important, as well. In the milieu of Hollywood — where liberal ideas are given free reign to run around and conservative ideas are marginalized — it’s important to get a foothold independently instead of imploring the major studios to be less contemptuous of half of America. That’s not going to work. We’re going to have to do it for ourselves.

For tickets and showtimes for “Death of a Nation,” click here.

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Dana Loesch Comes Out Swinging, Puts Jim Acosta in His Place Once and For All

If you haven’t heard yet, Jim Acosta doesn’t think he’s in America anymore because Trump fans yelled “CNN sucks” at him.

Acosta, a CNN White House correspondent who does everything to telegraph his disdain for the American right short of wearing a #TheResistance button, attended a campaign-style rally for President Donald Trump in Tampa, Florida this week. Some Trump supporters, apparently knowing who Acosta is and just where he fell on the political spectrum, chanted their feelings on their network and gave him the finger. That act apparently drove Acosta to believe he was in some foreign, despotic land.

“He is whipping these crowds up into a frenzy to the point where they really want to come after us,” Acosta said the next day.

“My sense of it is that these opinions these folks have at these rallies, they’re shaped by what they see in the primetime hours of Fox News and what they hear from some conservative news outlets that just sort of give them this daily diet of what they consider to be terrible things we do over here at CNN.”

Yes, and what do they do over there at CNN? Well, take National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch. She recalled a CNN town hall in the wake of the Parkland shooting — and, according to the Daily Wire, her experience was so bad that she and her husband had to be to be escorted out for their own safety.

TRENDING: Illegal Charged with Molesting Own Step-Daughter Gets $1 Million from Taxpayers

“Acosta is upset that someone yelled ‘CNN sucks,’” Loesch said in an NRA TV video posted Thursday.

“Imagine how he’d feel if his network set up a public lynching of him. As they did of me and Marco Rubio, wherein people called me a ‘murderer’ and they screamed ‘Burn her!’ And they rushed the stage and grabbed at me when I left. Jake Tapper corroborated this shortly after it happened, tweeting this in response to those who were in doubt: He says, ‘I don’t know but Chris’ — talking of my husband — ‘description is accurate and I made sure she was escorted out of the room.’”

“I wonder if Acosta can imagine what it feels like when his network allows guest after guest, day after day, to refer to you as a ‘murderer,’” she added.

“To refer to six million law-abiding Americans as people who hate children and are terrible parents simply because we believe in the right of self-defense.”

Do you think that Jim Acosta is being hypocritical?

Watch below:

Loesch’s claim was indeed vouched by Jake Tapper in a tweet from February:

And, the chants are audible in this clip of Loesch and Parkland activist Emma Gonzalez:

RELATED: Shaun King Learns the Hard Way Not To Spread Lies About Dana Loesch

“You’re a murderer!” and “murderer!” are clearly heard from the rowdy audience.

Now, is that their right? Sure. I don’t think either of the incidents at the Parkland town hall or the Trump rally served those who were heckling particularly well, but such is political discourse in 2018. Acosta’s spot-on Captain Renault impression, however, easily rates as one of the most farcical pearl-clutching moments of the Trump era.

This is a man, after all, whose access comes through a media outlet where contributors rationalize violence against Trump supporters and say that “folks calling for civility might need to check their privilege.” His network is responsible for the Parkland town hall, which had all the hallmarks of a political ambush set up under the auspices of a neutral discussion. All of a sudden, when incivility is visited upon him — if only in a form far less threatening than anything CNN contributors have condoned in the past — he thinks he “wasn’t in America anymore.”

Funny. Loesch never thought that, and look how she was treated by the viewers of “news outlets that just sort of give them this daily diet of what they consider to be terrible things.”

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NAACP Official Shows His True Colors, Urges Citizens To ‘Jack Up’ Senators Who Stand with Trump

Speaking at the Netroots Nation conference on Friday, top National Association for the Advancement of Colored People official Hilary Shelton said that if Democrat senators go along with President Donald Trump on judicial nominees, liberals should “jack’em up,” according to the Daily Wire.

Shelton, head of the NAACP’s Washington, D.C. office, urged attendees to keep their senators in line behind the liberal agenda.

“Everybody should claim your two senators, whether you voted for them or not,” Shelton told the audience.

“They’re making a ton of cash being where they are and they’ll make a whole lot more money when they leave. Sometimes we may need to expedite them leaving so they can make that big money.

“But keep in mind, it’s only the Senate that is making decisions on these judicial (nominees),” Shelton continued.

TRENDING: Illegal Charged with Molesting Own Step-Daughter Gets $1 Million from Taxpayers

“We have some Dems that quite frankly are very nervous; they are going for reelection; we also know the states they are going for reelection, statewide, are states that delivered things for Trump,” he said, a not-thinly-veiled threat against Democrat senators like Joe Donnelly, Heidi Heitkamp and Joe Manchin, among others.

“And the fear is that Trump will be able to gin them up. Well, let ’em know that Trump may be able to gin them up, but you can jack’em up if they don’t do the right thing on these issues,” Shelton said.

“They work for you, after all. You know what I’m saying?”

Shelton went on to say that he thought that “making it real for people, I think, will help make a big difference.” Presumably by jacking’em up, one can only assume.

Do you think this remark was inappropriate?

Video below:

Shelton would further state that attendees should make things for the GOP as “uncomfortable as you can possibly make it.”

Where to begin? Well, first off, this mines the same plausibly deniable threat of physical confrontation we’ve seen from others on the left recently, most notably Maxine Waters. Of course, this will be justified the same way all of this stuff has been justified — by the claim that incivility isn’t a high price to pay for making change.

Not that they would ever suggest that this incivility would unleash anger or end in people physically intimidating and harassing Republicans in public. Oh, no. They must have misunderstood.

RELATED: Hillary Claims Kavanaugh Confirmation Could Set US Back to Times of Slavery

It’s difficult to think of an instance in which “jack’em up” couldn’t necessarily be seen as a possible invocation to violence, particularly given the context in which it was spoken. This was, at the very least, an ill-considered remark, particularly given the climate of today.

Mr. Shelton owes legislators an apology. Yes, they should be accountable to the voters, but they also ought to be free from thinly veiled threats.

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Bank Fraud Bernie: James Woods Exposes Sanders with Forgotten 2015 Interview

We all know that blind squirrels can find acorns from time to time. But can politically blind socialists find their lukewarm oatmeal on occasion?

James Woods says yes — at least where Bernie Sanders is involved.

Back in 2015, you see, Sanders gave an interview to Vox impresario Ezra Klein in which he said something regarding immigration that might have his supporters a bit uneasy.

“You said being a democratic socialist means a more international view,” Klein said during the conversation. “I think if you take global poverty that seriously, it leads you to conclusions that in the U.S. are considered out of political bounds. Things like sharply raising the level of immigration we permit, even up to a level of open borders. About sharply increasing …”

Open borders?” Sanders replied. “No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal.”

TRENDING: Illegal Charged with Molesting Own Step-Daughter Gets $1 Million from Taxpayers

Hrm. Well, let’s try again: “Really?” Klein asked.

“Of course. That’s a right-wing proposal, which says essentially there is no United States,” Sanders continued.

“It would make a lot of global poor richer, wouldn’t it?” Klein said.

It would make everybody in America poorer — you’re doing away with the concept of a nation state, and I don’t think there’s any country in the world that believes in that,” Sanders said. “If you believe in a nation state or in a country called the United States or UK or Denmark or any other country, you have an obligation in my view to do everything we can to help poor people. What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy. Bring in all kinds of people, work for $2 or $3 an hour, that would be great for them.”

Do you think we should have open borders?

This isn’t a particularly right-wing point of view, which should be obvious, but the rest of the answer is pretty much spot-on. And, James Woods was willing to quote “Bank Fraud Bernie” — referring to Sanders’ wife’s alleged role in a bank fraud case — on his Twitter feed.

Yes, Sanders found an acorn of wisdom. Don’t tell him, though — he might get freaked out.

Sanders indeed took a lot of ribbing from the left on this account. This includes the magazine that put on the interview; just days after the conversation, Vox’s Dylan Matthews wrote an article titled “Bernie Sanders’s fear of immigrant labor is ugly — and wrongheaded.”

In the article, Matthews — recently mentioned in these pages for writing an article which claimed that Sanders’ $32 billion “Medicare for all” bill was “kind of a bargain” — stated that he believed an amendment should be added to the Constitution guaranteeing open borders.

RELATED: James Woods Slams Bernie Sanders’ Love for Socialism in Never-Before-Seen Attack

“There is no single policy that the United States could adopt that would do more good for more people,” Matthews wrote. “An average Nigerian worker can increase his income almost 15-fold just by moving to the United States, and residents of significantly richer countries like Mexico can more than double their earnings. The humanitarian gains of letting everyone who wants to make that leap do so would be astounding.”

Matthews doesn’t mention just how economically unsound this entire argument is. After all, if paid at the same rates as American workers, unskilled foreign labor becomes significantly less attractive. Those that could find jobs would push Americans out of work and drive down wages thanks to the laws of supply and demand. These conditions would incentivize a parallel system in which immigrant labor was paid under the table at below-market rates, as well. (I’m assuming Mr. Matthews wouldn’t be doing away with the minimum wage.) This is to say nothing of the massive unfunded liability that unlimited immigration to a country with a robust welfare state. (I’m again going to assume Mr. Matthews isn’t planning on dismantling that.)

In other words, Sanders understands economics and the labor market better than Vox does. Just let that sink in. Even James Woods seems to have trouble believing that.

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Armed Thug Discharges Weapon on Himself After Getting Taught Brutal Lesson in Street Justice

An armed robber was mobbed by his victim’s friends and ended up shooting himself in the arm, the New York Post reports.

The incident occurred Tuesday in the Fordham Heights section of the Bronx. At approximately 8:20 p.m., 21-year-old suspect Jauan Blume and an accomplice allegedly robbed a 32-year-old man of his jewelry at gunpoint.

Blume then allegedly fired shots at the victim.

“Surveillance footage shows Blume, wearing a white shirt, and his pal, in a red shirt, walk up to the victim, who can be seen leaning against a parked car,” the Post reports.

“Moments later, a struggle ensues between Blume and the victim, who wraps his arms around Blume, dragging him behind the car and into the street, as the suspect in the red shirt can be seen with his arm extended, the video shows.”

TRENDING: Illegal Charged with Molesting Own Step-Daughter Gets $1 Million from Taxpayers

After Blume fired shots — hitting the victim in the leg — things got significantly worse for him.

“Blume’s pal can be seen in the footage running over as both the victim and Blume are down on the ground, before the pal flees,” the Post notes.

Do you think that this accused robber got what he had coming to him?

“Seconds later, another person jumps into the fracas, followed by nearly 10 more men, who can be seen relentlessly beating the crook, punching him in the face, kicking him and bashing his body.

“A graphic 9-second video posted to Snapchat shows a bloodied Blume lying on the ground with his eyes closed as someone kicks him in the face while he is surrounded by several people shouting.”

Warning: Video contains graphic content that may be disturbing to some readers.

The video was posted online along with the caption, “Thou shall not try to ROB ANYONE ON MY BLOCK with a GUN. Now u LEGEND…Ya other boy ran on you ya big dummy.” Not that they’re gloating or anything.

As for Blume, he suffered a gunshot wound to the arm, apparently self-inflicted during the chaos. Police took him into custody at the scene and transported him to St. Barnabas Hospital, where he was treated for the wound and other trauma suffered during the attack.

The other victim, meanwhile, took himself to Bronx-Lebanon Hospital to treat the gunshot wound. Police officers were also able to recover his jewelry.

RELATED: Watch: Punk Goes Up Against Mom with Shotgun, Loses Big Time

The accomplice has yet to be found. No additional suspects are being pursued by police.

Thanks to this victim’s friends, instead of getting away, Jauan Blume got a very painful trip to the hospital. And on Wednesday, he was charged with felony robbery, assault and criminal possession of a weapon.

That, alas, is how justice works — particularly when your victim has plenty of friends around to back him up.

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Wow. Hawaii Senator Stands with Racist Cop-Hating NYT Writer Sarah Jeong

The New York Times announced this week that Sarah Jeong would be the newest member to their editorial board.

Sarah Jeong went to The New York Times from The Verge.

It wasn’t hard to discover that Sarah Jeong has a Twitter page littered with racist filth.

In fact, her page is FILLED with racist white-hating garbage.

The New York Times defended Jeong in a statement yesterday.

Sarah Jeong is also a cop hater.
Jeong posted several anticop tweets including tweets mocking dead cops.

Sarah had these words for cops:
–cops could die
–let me know when a cop gets killed by a rock or molotov cocktail
–throw ice at cops

Via Atty1:

Now this…

Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz stands with the cop-hating racist.

For the record: Senator Schatz is Caucasian and his post is still up.

The post Wow. Hawaii Senator Stands with Racist Cop-Hating NYT Writer Sarah Jeong appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Suspected Russian Spy Worked At US Embassy For Decade

Quietly let go. Via TOI: A suspected Russian spy worked at the US embassy in Moscow for a decade before being quietly dismissed last year, reports said Thursday. The woman, a Russian national, was hired by the Secret Service and came under suspicion following a routine security sweep carried out by the State Department, according […]

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Report: Abortion Accounts for 61% of Black Deaths in America

Induced abortion is the leading cause of death in the United States and accounts for a disturbing 61 percent of deaths of African Americans, according to researchers from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

A report Thursday analyzed research using data from the latest year for which all the pertinent information is available (2009) and found that induced abortion was responsible for 1.152 million deaths, making it the number one cause of death in the U.S. at nearly twice the number of deaths from heart disease (599,413) and cancer (567,628).

While abortion accounted for nearly a third of all U.S. deaths in 2009 (32.1 percent), more troubling still, it made up 61.1 percent of African American deaths, according to the study published in the Open Journal of Preventive Medicine (June 2016).

The ongoing disparity of black deaths through abortion has led one leading black pastor to recently decry the “black genocide” taking place in the United States at the hands of the abortion industry.

In his July essay, the Rev. Clenard Childress, Jr. noted that 52 percent of all African American pregnancies end in abortion and that whereas abortion is the most common operation performed on women, it is also “the least regulated medical procedure” and is often “completely ignored by health regulation enforcement.”

Statistics reveal that nearly 1,800 unborn black babies are aborted every day, proportionately more than any other race, Rev. Childress observed.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), between 2007 and 2010, more than 35 percent of the deaths by abortion in the United States happened to black babies, despite the fact that blacks represent only 12.8 percent of the population. Conversely, non-Hispanic whites, who make up 63.7% of America’s population, account for only 37.7% of all U.S. abortions.

Whatever the intent of abortion practitioners, by functional standards, abortion is a racist institution in the United States, with black children aborted at nearly four times the rate of white children.

Among white women, there are 138 abortions for every 1000 live births; among blacks, there are 501 abortions for every 1000 births. This means that blacks are aborted at 3.6 times the rate of whites.

Carried over to a global context, the figures are equally worrisome, with abortion accounting for more deaths than any other cause.

As of August 4, 2018, there have been nearly 25 million abortions performed worldwide so far this year, while less than a million people have died from road accident fatalities, 4.8 million from cancer, and 990,000 from HIV/AIDS, according to the best available data.

In their study, the UNC-Charlotte researchers, James Studnicki, Sharon J. MacKinnon, and John W. Fisher, lamented the fact that despite the overwhelming weight of data and the universal acknowledgement that the act of abortion results in a human death, abortion is often not reported as a cause of death in the vital statistics system in the United States, an omission stemming from ideology rather than science.

“The exclusion of a major cause of death,” they noted, “especially one with large racial and ethnic disparities, should be a major concern to the scientific community and society as a whole.”

“As a cause of death, the major one for Hispanics and African Americans,” said Dr. Studnicki, the lead researcher, “abortion would be at the top of the scientific agenda in the U.S., and with a funding priority consistent with its importance.”

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