Yet again, we learn that your college major plays a big role in how much you make right out of school and beyond.
via Daily Wire
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Conservatives welcome. Libs & RINOs go away. It's all of you destroying the society and conservatives must no longer appease you!
Yet again, we learn that your college major plays a big role in how much you make right out of school and beyond.
via Daily Wire
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In a secret recording published by Los Angeles-based political activist Currie Dobson, “Resistance” hero Brian Krassenstein admits to being paid for his excessive anti-Trump tweets.
Brian Krassenstein
The purpose of this is, he admits, is to spam the president’s feed and prevent positive commentary from being visible at the top when people scroll through the responses.
When asked if being a member of the “Resistance” is a job for him, Krassenstein begins by stating that he has several businesses and that it’s just what he enjoys spending his time doing. He quickly goes on to admit that he also happens to be paid for it.
“Of course we get paid,” Krassenstein admits, laughing. “Of course there’s higher ups paying us.”
Brian @krassenstein admits to being paid for anti-Trump tweets in secret recording.
“Of course there are higher ups that are paying us. They want us to help sow the division and to take over Trump’s Twitter feed. When [Trump] makes a post they want our tweets to be up there.”
— Currie Dobson (@Ventuckyspaz) September 25, 2018
Krassenstein is then asked if that’s why he does it, instead of just his “love of country.”
“I mean people pay us — they want us to help sow the division and to take over Trump’s Twitter feed. When [Trump] makes a post they want our tweets to be up there. They don’t want other people, like Trump supporters to be seen,” Krassenstein continues.
Brian Krassenstein and his brother Ed have cashed in hard with their anti-Trump rhetoric, amassing over a million Twitter followers between the duo.
In 2016, the Florida home of the Krassenstein brothers was raided for running online financial scams.
“According to prosecutors, the services the Krassensteins promoted on their websites duped thousands of ‘investors’ into funding Ponzi scheme-type scams and even resulted in some downloading a virus that emptied their accounts on an anonymous online-payment platform used by the Krassensteins themselves, before it was shut down as part of a major federal money-laundering investigation,” the Daily Beast reported in May.
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via The Gateway Pundit
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Google has drawn a lot of scrutiny, and not in a good way, for biasing search results against conservatives, artificially promoting leftists and leftwing causes, and smearing and blacklisting conservatives.This 2016 account by psychologist, artificial intelligence maven, and tech whiz Robert Epstein gives a superb point-by-point breakdown of what they’ve been up to so far. (Epstein is the same guy in the news two days ago who said there was credible evidence Google manipulated search results to swing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton).
So much for not being evil.
But all of this is nuisanceware compared to what they’ve been caught doing in China and are now trying to cover up. According to Glenn Greenwald’s The Intercept:
Google bosses have forced employees to delete a confidential memo circulating inside the company that revealed explosive details about a plan to launch a censored search engine in China, The Intercept has learned.
The memo, authored by a Google engineer who was asked to work on the project, disclosed that the search system, codenamed Dragonfly, would require users to log in to perform searches, track their location — and share the resulting history with a Chinese partner who would have “unilateral access” to the data.
CNET adds:
According to the report, the so-called Dragonfly search engine would require Chinese citizens to log in to perform searches, track their physical location, and then share all of its data with a Chinese partner company that could presumably share it with the Chinese government. The company would reportedly have “unilateral access” to the data. That might also presumably include Chinese citizens’ phone numbers, as described in an earlier Intercept report.
Plus, that Chinese company would reportedly be able to independently add new words to the blacklist of searches to be censored, according to today’s report.
Sounds like the Orwellian dream come true. Anyone who wants to have a cellphone and look up information in China would become a target for communist China’s odious secret police, and they will be looking.
Seriously, a device to track your every move and every question asked is right there in the realm of thought control, and amazingly enough, it was an American company, full of leftists, who made such a communist dream a reality. The old Stalin or Mao system of informants and knocks on the door at midnight was just too crude and inefficient. Today’s totalitarians are sleek and efficient, with Google technology powering their capacity to zero in on just the most disruptive people, the better to keep the rest of society submissive, with the least possible effort. This is how code works, deducting, deducting, deducting, and why it’s done so much for America’s productivity revolution. Now it’s being applied to totalitarians’ needs, with Google the big pioneer in it.
Who would have thought it would be American technology and know-how that made just such a system possible. What’s more, who doesn’t think they won’t find a way around it to bring it here?
Business Insider explains why Google doesn’t want anyone to know:
The information within the memo appears to contradicts statements made by Google CEO Sundar Pichai that the company’s efforts on a Chinese search engine were exploratory.
Google’s China efforts mark a major reversal of its 2010 decision to pull its search operations out of China rather than censor information. The project to re-enter China has been hugely controversial inside the company, and several Google employees have resigned in protest.
Losing talent, deceiving shareholders, not a good thing. But from Google’s point of view, China is a big market and from big markets come big profits. I suspect the Googletrons noticed that Yahoo! got off scot-free from cooperating with the Chicoms on email, and decided the risk was nothing while the money-making opportunity for themselves was too good to pass up. Hence, the memo with that sneaky little plan to give the Chicoms the magic tools to go Orwell.
Any questions as to why President Trump just recently warned that Google and its lesser Silicon Valley coevals ‘threaten democracy and online freedom‘? Americans love to dismiss Trump as over the top but after reading this stuff, in retrospect it sounds like he knew something.
Knowledge is power and those guys at Google understand that.
Google has drawn a lot of scrutiny, and not in a good way, for biasing search results against conservatives, artificially promoting leftists and leftwing causes, and smearing and blacklisting conservatives.This 2016 account by psychologist, artificial intelligence maven, and tech whiz Robert Epstein gives a superb point-by-point breakdown of what they’ve been up to so far. (Epstein is the same guy in the news two days ago who said there was credible evidence Google manipulated search results to swing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton).
So much for not being evil.
But all of this is nuisanceware compared to what they’ve been caught doing in China and are now trying to cover up. According to Glenn Greenwald’s The Intercept:
Google bosses have forced employees to delete a confidential memo circulating inside the company that revealed explosive details about a plan to launch a censored search engine in China, The Intercept has learned.
The memo, authored by a Google engineer who was asked to work on the project, disclosed that the search system, codenamed Dragonfly, would require users to log in to perform searches, track their location — and share the resulting history with a Chinese partner who would have “unilateral access” to the data.
CNET adds:
According to the report, the so-called Dragonfly search engine would require Chinese citizens to log in to perform searches, track their physical location, and then share all of its data with a Chinese partner company that could presumably share it with the Chinese government. The company would reportedly have “unilateral access” to the data. That might also presumably include Chinese citizens’ phone numbers, as described in an earlier Intercept report.
Plus, that Chinese company would reportedly be able to independently add new words to the blacklist of searches to be censored, according to today’s report.
Sounds like the Orwellian dream come true. Anyone who wants to have a cellphone and look up information in China would become a target for communist China’s odious secret police, and they will be looking.
Seriously, a device to track your every move and every question asked is right there in the realm of thought control, and amazingly enough, it was an American company, full of leftists, who made such a communist dream a reality. The old Stalin or Mao system of informants and knocks on the door at midnight was just too crude and inefficient. Today’s totalitarians are sleek and efficient, with Google technology powering their capacity to zero in on just the most disruptive people, the better to keep the rest of society submissive, with the least possible effort. This is how code works, deducting, deducting, deducting, and why it’s done so much for America’s productivity revolution. Now it’s being applied to totalitarians’ needs, with Google the big pioneer in it.
Who would have thought it would be American technology and know-how that made just such a system possible. What’s more, who doesn’t think they won’t find a way around it to bring it here?
Business Insider explains why Google doesn’t want anyone to know:
The information within the memo appears to contradicts statements made by Google CEO Sundar Pichai that the company’s efforts on a Chinese search engine were exploratory.
Google’s China efforts mark a major reversal of its 2010 decision to pull its search operations out of China rather than censor information. The project to re-enter China has been hugely controversial inside the company, and several Google employees have resigned in protest.
Losing talent, deceiving shareholders, not a good thing. But from Google’s point of view, China is a big market and from big markets come big profits. I suspect the Googletrons noticed that Yahoo! got off scot-free from cooperating with the Chicoms on email, and decided the risk was nothing while the money-making opportunity for themselves was too good to pass up. Hence, the memo with that sneaky little plan to give the Chicoms the magic tools to go Orwell.
Any questions as to why President Trump just recently warned that Google and its lesser Silicon Valley coevals ‘threaten democracy and online freedom‘? Americans love to dismiss Trump as over the top but after reading this stuff, in retrospect it sounds like he knew something.
Knowledge is power and those guys at Google understand that.
via American Thinker Blog
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Judge Brett Kavanaugh spoke publicly on Monday for the first time since being accused of sexual misconduct, telling Fox News Channel’s Martha McCallum that the accusations against him are categorically false, that he looks forward to clearing his name before the Senate, and that all he asks for is a fair process.
via Breitbart News
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In Monday’s episode of “The Michael Knowles Show,” Michael outlines other high profile sexual misconduct cases that turned out to false.
via Daily Wire
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Dr. Ben Carson, on the campaign trail in 2016, said, “The Roman Empire was very, very much like us. They lost their moral core, their sense of values in terms of who they were. And after all of those things converged together, they just went right down the tubes very quickly.” Four years later, that statement rings even more ominous. Progressives in our country have taken political opposition to an extreme and dangerous level. No longer do we see a “loyal opposition.” In its place is a hate-filled, revenge-seeking mob no longer constrained by fact, decency, or integrity.
Neither the truth nor justice seems to matter to the Democrats. They traffic in lies and deceit. The shameful proceedings to vet Judge Brett Kavanaugh reek of corruption. Senator Dianne Feinstein held a letter from Dr. Christine Ford for nearly two months before it was leaked by Democrats after his hearing. The antics of Dr. Ford’s attorneys regarding her plan to testify say more about the political points they hope to score than a pursuit of truth and justice. Kate Shaw, in a New York Times article this week, said it plainly: “[e]ven if it wouldn’t support a criminal conviction or civil liability, a merely credible allegation is enough to disqualify him.” Did you hear, in the distance, the foundation of our democracy starting to crack? What the left is saying is that truth doesn’t matter. If the accusation is ugly enough, then it ought to be disqualifying.
Uncertain of whether Dr. Ford’s allegations would suffice, the Democrat senators went on a fishing expedition to see if they could find someone else to make a charge against Judge Kavanaugh. Another accusation appeared. In a New Yorker article, Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer tell the story of Deborah Ramirez, a former Yale University classmate of Kavanaugh, who contended that he exposed himself to her at a dorm room party.
There are a couple of important things to note about this accusation. First, according to Bill Hutchinson at the ABC News blog, Farrow said, “She came forward when Senate Democrats began looking at this claim. She did not flag this for those Democrats. This came to the attention of people on the Hill independently and it’s really cornered her into an awkward position.” Second, it should be noted that no one, not the New Yorker or even the New York Times, has found any sort of corroboration for her story. The Gray Lady reported that it interviewed “several dozen people over the past week” to corroborate Ramirez’s claim but “could find no one with firsthand knowledge.”
So what do we make of this accusation? It was sought by Senate Democrats, and Ms. Ramirez, who admits that her story “has gaps,” was forced to come forward. It’s also clear that no one else can back up her story. The party who is so concerned about women has seemingly thrown another woman to the wolves in an attempt to retain power.
Why is the left seeking to destroy Judge Kavanaugh? I think Geraldo Rivera nailed it in an appearance on Fox and Friends when he said, “This is all about abortion. This is the epic battle, latest battle, between the forces of pro-choice versus pro-life. And I think both sides will do whatever is necessary, whatever is legally possible, to delay or get their person on the high court.” They fear that Judge Kavanaugh might be the vote to change the law on abortion. Leftists are bitter over losing an election in 2016 they believed they’d already won. Had they won, there would be no doubt that a pro-choice judge would be appointed by a President Clinton. They have yet to accept the fact that the American voters chose Donald Trump. One of the big reasons for that was the appointment of Supreme Court justices. The left now resorts to any tactic, legal or not, to hold on to the precious Roe v. Wade decision. They call it “choice” and “reproductive rights,” but the reality is that they want to allow our society to kill unwanted babies in the womb. That’s what this is about.
Dr. Carson has a valid point. Rome fell because of an inward decay. It wasn’t the only empire to do so. The Incan civilization was prominent in South America in the 1400s. They were a powerful people, twelve million strong. One of the facets of the Incan civilization was the practice of human sacrifice to the gods, particularly the offering of their children, as a way to prevent natural calamities. There is not a civilization that has persisted that has valued children so little. May we reclaim truth, justice, and values before it is too late.
Bill Thomas lives in Washington, Missouri and has been in local church ministry for over twenty-five years. He is also an adjunct instructor in history, the Bible, and education for two different Christian colleges. He’s authored two novellas, From the Ashes and The Sixty-First Minute, published by White Feather Press of Mississippi, and three Bible studies, “Surrounded by Grace,” “The Critical Questions and More,” and “The Road to Victory,” published by CSS Publishing of Ohio.
Dr. Ben Carson, on the campaign trail in 2016, said, “The Roman Empire was very, very much like us. They lost their moral core, their sense of values in terms of who they were. And after all of those things converged together, they just went right down the tubes very quickly.” Four years later, that statement rings even more ominous. Progressives in our country have taken political opposition to an extreme and dangerous level. No longer do we see a “loyal opposition.” In its place is a hate-filled, revenge-seeking mob no longer constrained by fact, decency, or integrity.
Neither the truth nor justice seems to matter to the Democrats. They traffic in lies and deceit. The shameful proceedings to vet Judge Brett Kavanaugh reek of corruption. Senator Dianne Feinstein held a letter from Dr. Christine Ford for nearly two months before it was leaked by Democrats after his hearing. The antics of Dr. Ford’s attorneys regarding her plan to testify say more about the political points they hope to score than a pursuit of truth and justice. Kate Shaw, in a New York Times article this week, said it plainly: “[e]ven if it wouldn’t support a criminal conviction or civil liability, a merely credible allegation is enough to disqualify him.” Did you hear, in the distance, the foundation of our democracy starting to crack? What the left is saying is that truth doesn’t matter. If the accusation is ugly enough, then it ought to be disqualifying.
Uncertain of whether Dr. Ford’s allegations would suffice, the Democrat senators went on a fishing expedition to see if they could find someone else to make a charge against Judge Kavanaugh. Another accusation appeared. In a New Yorker article, Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer tell the story of Deborah Ramirez, a former Yale University classmate of Kavanaugh, who contended that he exposed himself to her at a dorm room party.
There are a couple of important things to note about this accusation. First, according to Bill Hutchinson at the ABC News blog, Farrow said, “She came forward when Senate Democrats began looking at this claim. She did not flag this for those Democrats. This came to the attention of people on the Hill independently and it’s really cornered her into an awkward position.” Second, it should be noted that no one, not the New Yorker or even the New York Times, has found any sort of corroboration for her story. The Gray Lady reported that it interviewed “several dozen people over the past week” to corroborate Ramirez’s claim but “could find no one with firsthand knowledge.”
So what do we make of this accusation? It was sought by Senate Democrats, and Ms. Ramirez, who admits that her story “has gaps,” was forced to come forward. It’s also clear that no one else can back up her story. The party who is so concerned about women has seemingly thrown another woman to the wolves in an attempt to retain power.
Why is the left seeking to destroy Judge Kavanaugh? I think Geraldo Rivera nailed it in an appearance on Fox and Friends when he said, “This is all about abortion. This is the epic battle, latest battle, between the forces of pro-choice versus pro-life. And I think both sides will do whatever is necessary, whatever is legally possible, to delay or get their person on the high court.” They fear that Judge Kavanaugh might be the vote to change the law on abortion. Leftists are bitter over losing an election in 2016 they believed they’d already won. Had they won, there would be no doubt that a pro-choice judge would be appointed by a President Clinton. They have yet to accept the fact that the American voters chose Donald Trump. One of the big reasons for that was the appointment of Supreme Court justices. The left now resorts to any tactic, legal or not, to hold on to the precious Roe v. Wade decision. They call it “choice” and “reproductive rights,” but the reality is that they want to allow our society to kill unwanted babies in the womb. That’s what this is about.
Dr. Carson has a valid point. Rome fell because of an inward decay. It wasn’t the only empire to do so. The Incan civilization was prominent in South America in the 1400s. They were a powerful people, twelve million strong. One of the facets of the Incan civilization was the practice of human sacrifice to the gods, particularly the offering of their children, as a way to prevent natural calamities. There is not a civilization that has persisted that has valued children so little. May we reclaim truth, justice, and values before it is too late.
Bill Thomas lives in Washington, Missouri and has been in local church ministry for over twenty-five years. He is also an adjunct instructor in history, the Bible, and education for two different Christian colleges. He’s authored two novellas, From the Ashes and The Sixty-First Minute, published by White Feather Press of Mississippi, and three Bible studies, “Surrounded by Grace,” “The Critical Questions and More,” and “The Road to Victory,” published by CSS Publishing of Ohio.
via American Thinker Blog
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Democrats love to claim they love groups they actually hate. Take blacks, for example. Democrats, and the fake news media, are always telling us how much they love blacks. But we know that’s not true because Democrats are doing nothing while thousands of blacks are shot each year in Democratic-run cities.
If the Democratic mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, actually cared about blacks, he’d be doing something to reduce the thousands of shootings occurring each year. Instead, he simply uses the ongoing slaughter of blacks in the city he runs to push for his personal desire to repudiate the Second Amendment. We all know that if nearly 4,000 white people had been shot in Chicago last year, Rahm would be doing more to end the violence.
We’re seeing the same situation with women as a result of the Democrats’ desperate need to ensure that the Supreme Court remain full of left-wing activists.
The entire leftist agenda, ranging from being soft on criminals to redefining marriage, has been established by judicial fiat with judges making, not interpreting, the law. Without an activist leftist Supreme Court, none of the modern leftist agenda would have been imposed on the people. That’s why Kavanaugh is an existential threat to the left: a majority of honest judges would require the left to get the majority of Americans to support their agenda, something the left knows will never happen.
Because Kavanaugh is a great human being – for example, he volunteers in a soup kitchen – and a great judge, Democrats weren’t able to come up with any honest reason he shouldn’t be on the Court. But instead of accepting that elections have consequences, as their god Obama has said, Democrats have decided to destroy the #MeToo movement, seriously hurting women in the process, in a hopefully vain attempt to keep Kavanaugh off the Court.
The Democrats are destroying #MeToo by putting forth clearly specious claims that Kavanaugh has assaulted women, thereby undermining the credibility of all women.
The sad reality is that in many cases, because women don’t report assaults or rapes when they occur, often due to the completely wrong idea that being forcibly assaulted is something to be ashamed of, the cases often devolve into a he said, she said situation. If the public sees the entire Democratic Party pushing what are clearly fake claims by women, the public will begin to question all women who claim to have been assaulted.
We know that the Democrats don’t believe these claims against Kavanaugh because they’ve kept them hidden and because they’re doing everything they can to prevent the claims from being scrutinized.
We know that a lack of belief is merited. In the Ford case, within a week of her publicly accusing Kavanaugh of assault, all of the people she said would corroborate her story, including a lifelong female Democratic friend, have said the party Ford describes never happened. That on top of Ford being unable to remember when or where the supposed party occurred and the fact that her own therapist’s notes don’t support her current claims make it obvious to honest people that either Ford is lying or she’s deluded. Possibly poor therapy brought out a false “repressed” memory.
Within hours of Ford’s claims being unambiguously debunked, the Democrats found a new woman, Deborah Ramirez, to allege that a young Kavanaugh had exposed himself to her. But we already know that the people whom she claimed as witnesses say it never happened. Furthermore, we know that she contacted former classmates for information on the incident because she didn’t really remember it and she told them that she wasn’t sure that it was Kavanaugh.
But now, after spending six days with a Democratic lawyer, she’s sure that the alleged event did happen. Given that she’s a Democrat and that she’s said she came forward because of Ford’s now debunked claim, it’s pretty clear that she’s just turned a wish that she could derail Kavanaugh into a story that she hopes will derail him.
Can you imagine if some woman claimed that Obama had exposed himself to her? Would the media have run the story if there were no corroboration, if in fact the people the “victim” cited as corroboration outright denied her claims? Of course not. While Obama’s policies are loathsome, there is absolutely no indication that he is the sort of man who sexually assaults women, just as there is no indication that Kavanaugh is such a man.
There is no proven or even claimed #MeToo case where someone assaulted women when he was young and then completely stopped and never reoffended.
The Democrats’ acceptance of clearly false claims and their embracing the idea that the mere fact that a woman accuses a man of something makes the man guilty hurt women in another way. Women often have husbands and sons. Real women are quite rightly concerned that their husbands’ and their sons’ lives could be destroyed because some woman makes a false claim.
The reality is that we know that some women will lie about assault to protect themselves or to hurt a man they don’t like. That doesn’t mean we should ignore the claims of women, but it does mean we can’t simply assume that women never lie.
It’s unclear if the Democrats are eager to destroy #MeToo because it has caught mostly Democrats to date or if the death of #MeToo is just a price that Democrats are willing to pay to ensure that the Court doesn’t return to simply interpreting the law.
Or perhaps the Democrats are planning to use their common strategy of creating standards that only Republicans are judged by to make #MeToo a tool that attacks only conservatives.
We’re actually seeing that today. The same Democrats who claim that an uncorroborated and repudiated accusation is enough to keep Kavanaugh off the Court say two credible, sourced claims of assault against Keith Ellison mean nothing. While it’s true that the Democrats make noises about investigating Ellison, if they were to apply the same “all that matters is the accusation” standard they’d be demanding that Ellison resign from his number-two role in the DNC and his campaign to be attorney general of Minnesota. But they’re not.
It’s time to end this farce. The Kavanaugh who will sit on the Court has a spotless record of respecting women for decades, and the ability of the Democrats to convince women to bring up readily debunked claims of Kavanaugh having assaulted them decades ago doesn’t change that.
You can read more of Tom’s rants at his blog, Conversations about the obvious, and feel free to follow him on Twitter.
Democrats love to claim they love groups they actually hate. Take blacks, for example. Democrats, and the fake news media, are always telling us how much they love blacks. But we know that’s not true because Democrats are doing nothing while thousands of blacks are shot each year in Democratic-run cities.
If the Democratic mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, actually cared about blacks, he’d be doing something to reduce the thousands of shootings occurring each year. Instead, he simply uses the ongoing slaughter of blacks in the city he runs to push for his personal desire to repudiate the Second Amendment. We all know that if nearly 4,000 white people had been shot in Chicago last year, Rahm would be doing more to end the violence.
We’re seeing the same situation with women as a result of the Democrats’ desperate need to ensure that the Supreme Court remain full of left-wing activists.
The entire leftist agenda, ranging from being soft on criminals to redefining marriage, has been established by judicial fiat with judges making, not interpreting, the law. Without an activist leftist Supreme Court, none of the modern leftist agenda would have been imposed on the people. That’s why Kavanaugh is an existential threat to the left: a majority of honest judges would require the left to get the majority of Americans to support their agenda, something the left knows will never happen.
Because Kavanaugh is a great human being – for example, he volunteers in a soup kitchen – and a great judge, Democrats weren’t able to come up with any honest reason he shouldn’t be on the Court. But instead of accepting that elections have consequences, as their god Obama has said, Democrats have decided to destroy the #MeToo movement, seriously hurting women in the process, in a hopefully vain attempt to keep Kavanaugh off the Court.
The Democrats are destroying #MeToo by putting forth clearly specious claims that Kavanaugh has assaulted women, thereby undermining the credibility of all women.
The sad reality is that in many cases, because women don’t report assaults or rapes when they occur, often due to the completely wrong idea that being forcibly assaulted is something to be ashamed of, the cases often devolve into a he said, she said situation. If the public sees the entire Democratic Party pushing what are clearly fake claims by women, the public will begin to question all women who claim to have been assaulted.
We know that the Democrats don’t believe these claims against Kavanaugh because they’ve kept them hidden and because they’re doing everything they can to prevent the claims from being scrutinized.
We know that a lack of belief is merited. In the Ford case, within a week of her publicly accusing Kavanaugh of assault, all of the people she said would corroborate her story, including a lifelong female Democratic friend, have said the party Ford describes never happened. That on top of Ford being unable to remember when or where the supposed party occurred and the fact that her own therapist’s notes don’t support her current claims make it obvious to honest people that either Ford is lying or she’s deluded. Possibly poor therapy brought out a false “repressed” memory.
Within hours of Ford’s claims being unambiguously debunked, the Democrats found a new woman, Deborah Ramirez, to allege that a young Kavanaugh had exposed himself to her. But we already know that the people whom she claimed as witnesses say it never happened. Furthermore, we know that she contacted former classmates for information on the incident because she didn’t really remember it and she told them that she wasn’t sure that it was Kavanaugh.
But now, after spending six days with a Democratic lawyer, she’s sure that the alleged event did happen. Given that she’s a Democrat and that she’s said she came forward because of Ford’s now debunked claim, it’s pretty clear that she’s just turned a wish that she could derail Kavanaugh into a story that she hopes will derail him.
Can you imagine if some woman claimed that Obama had exposed himself to her? Would the media have run the story if there were no corroboration, if in fact the people the “victim” cited as corroboration outright denied her claims? Of course not. While Obama’s policies are loathsome, there is absolutely no indication that he is the sort of man who sexually assaults women, just as there is no indication that Kavanaugh is such a man.
There is no proven or even claimed #MeToo case where someone assaulted women when he was young and then completely stopped and never reoffended.
The Democrats’ acceptance of clearly false claims and their embracing the idea that the mere fact that a woman accuses a man of something makes the man guilty hurt women in another way. Women often have husbands and sons. Real women are quite rightly concerned that their husbands’ and their sons’ lives could be destroyed because some woman makes a false claim.
The reality is that we know that some women will lie about assault to protect themselves or to hurt a man they don’t like. That doesn’t mean we should ignore the claims of women, but it does mean we can’t simply assume that women never lie.
It’s unclear if the Democrats are eager to destroy #MeToo because it has caught mostly Democrats to date or if the death of #MeToo is just a price that Democrats are willing to pay to ensure that the Court doesn’t return to simply interpreting the law.
Or perhaps the Democrats are planning to use their common strategy of creating standards that only Republicans are judged by to make #MeToo a tool that attacks only conservatives.
We’re actually seeing that today. The same Democrats who claim that an uncorroborated and repudiated accusation is enough to keep Kavanaugh off the Court say two credible, sourced claims of assault against Keith Ellison mean nothing. While it’s true that the Democrats make noises about investigating Ellison, if they were to apply the same “all that matters is the accusation” standard they’d be demanding that Ellison resign from his number-two role in the DNC and his campaign to be attorney general of Minnesota. But they’re not.
It’s time to end this farce. The Kavanaugh who will sit on the Court has a spotless record of respecting women for decades, and the ability of the Democrats to convince women to bring up readily debunked claims of Kavanaugh having assaulted them decades ago doesn’t change that.
You can read more of Tom’s rants at his blog, Conversations about the obvious, and feel free to follow him on Twitter.
via American Thinker
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Anita Hill is coming to Elon University.
The ol’ alma mater already lost my contributions earlier this year – a consequence of Wired revealing that one of Elon’s computer professors is an Antifa activist who has been compiling a massive database of anyone she deems Lebensunwertes Leben. That means “Republicans,” “conservatives,” “Alt-Right,” “white supremacists,” and pretty much everyone listing starboard of Friedrich Engels.
Megan Squire is not only still employed at Elon, but applauded. Last week Squire delivered a “Distinguished Scholar Lecture” about her work supplying the Southern Poverty Law Center with information about their common enemies. This is the same Southern Poverty Law Center whose “hate list” has been used to target innocent people for assassination. Curiously, Squire’s work is totally absent any analogues from the left of the political spectrum. A “scholarly oversight,” no doubt.
Once upon a time, Elon University was a place that encouraged freedom of ideas and vigorous debate. But as ideological homogeneity has prevailed upon “the most beautiful campus in America,” that time is now past. The school that welcomed Margaret Thatcher to dedicate its student center in 1995 would probably have the Iron Lady arrested for trespassing were she still with us.
In good conscience, I can no longer contribute to a school that has embraced intellectual intolerance and has abandoned reason for capricious “feelings.” Neither can I endorse my college when it continues to have among its staff a gleeful provider of resources for domestic terrorism. But still, I held out hope that sanity there might yet prevail.
And then it was announced that Anita Hill is coming to speak at Elon University.
She’s due in January to deliver the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Address. The title of her lecture is “From Social Movement to Social Impact: Putting an End to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.”
Talk about chutzpah!
Elon’s faculty could have invited Justice Clarence Thomas. I believe he would have been honored to visit. He would certainly be a more admirable choice of speaker about Dr. King’s dream than could possibly be the most discredited, disreputable, and debunked witness in the history of Supreme Court confirmation hearings (until now, anyway). When one has an up-and-coming law school, celebrating Anita Hill is not how one’s institution acquires street cred.
That Anita Hill is even remembered at all, when she should have been forever relegated to juristic mothballs in late Uncle Teddy’s basement, is woeful evidence that the long-term strategy since those hazy, crazy days of Coke cans and “Long Dong Silver” actually worked. September 1991 did and still does cast a pall over Clarence Thomas, by all serious accounts a kind, courteous, and brilliant man.
Thomas is also, notoriously, the quietest of the justices. Those who know him in professional circles have assured me that outside hearings, Thomas is exceptionally jovial and quick with a joke. That human side is dropped completely when the nine justices file into court. The last time Thomas has been publicly loquacious is, again, from 1991:
The Supreme Court is not worth it. No job is worth it. I am not here for that. I am here for my name, my family, my life, and my integrity. I think something is dreadfully wrong with this country when any person, any person in this free country would be subjected to this.
How much wisdom and ponderance has the American people been deprived of these past twenty-seven sessions because Thomas was on some primal level intimidated by the “high-tech lynching” perpetuated by a zealous media eagerly complicit with partisan kindred?
It was inevitable that Anita Hill would come to mind now, amid the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings and the subsequent freak show that apparently few are taking seriously. Perhaps the American people are wiser today – or fatigued from the Thomas hearings, still much in living memory. Christine Ford’s legitimacy has fast fallen apart and would not hold up under scrutiny in any serious courtroom. Deborah Ramirez’s credibility is even worse.
But this has been the last full measure since 1987 and the Robert Bork nomination. The assault on Bork was of such viciousness that Douglas Ginsburg got out of Dodge before any shootin’ commenced, his use of marijuana years earlier given as the motive for withdrawing from Supreme Court consideration before the confirmation hearings began. But it was glaringly obvious: Ginsburg knew that the anti-Bork tactics would take their toll. In the end, a squeaky-clean Anthony Kennedy went on to claim Lewis Powell’s former seat.
“To Bork” among the American far left became a term for total war against any perceived threat to the left’s sense of power. ”We’re going to Bork him. We’re going to kill him politically,” said National Organization for Women attorney Florence Kennedy immediately after the Thomas nomination was announced. Portending the character assassinations of decades to come, Kennedy added, “This little creep, where did he come from?“ Thomas’s steadfast resolve won the day against the siege. ”Borking” was nonetheless made a standard weapon against any deemed too far right to have a seat at the table.
Kavanaugh’s opposition and those they represent desire nothing less than total victory. If they cannot have it, they will do their damnedest to scorch the earth and salt the land. It was a cruel measure of the Roman armies: on the rare times they were successfully repelled, they would “poison the well” of the defending city. The carcasses of dead horses, cattle, even people would be tossed into the water supply as they made their retreat. It was a spiteful and cowardly tactic, absent any forward merit. Deprived of potable water, most of the victorious towns withered and died all the same.
Brett Kavanaugh’s opponents are Borking the well again. Yet Kavanaugh is only the objective of this particular hour. In the long term, defeating Kavanaugh is almost immaterial to the ultimate goal of the obscene strategy: the fantasy of enforced liberty without self-restraint. Too many seem oblivious that such is not liberty at all, but a deprivation of freedom in its most hallowed sense. This isn’t about Kavanaugh the man as much as it is about ideologically tainting the American landscape in attempting to seize the impossible. Leftists are willing to warp reality itself beyond repair in order to achieve it.
The machinations currently deployed against Brett Kavanaugh stem from a heart of darkest cowardice. If his detractors cannot prevail on purely rational and intellectual grounds, then they will do so playing to the basest hysteria and hate. There will be no satisfying their bloodlust until Kavanaugh’s haggard, weary face is up on the telescreens, accusing himself of crimes against Big Sister that he never committed. So it is that the yet to be substantiated claims of Ford and Ramirez are now enough, we are told, to override fair and due process. Strangely, this principle never seemed applicable to Juanita Broaddrick, but I digress.
“Law is the ultimate science,” wrote Frank Herbert in his classic novel Dune. There is not one justice, even the great Jay Marshall, who has been an absolutely perfect inquirer of that realm. There is, however, a profound observation that the justices of the United States Supreme Court often deviate from their initial stances over the long course of their respective tenures. They grow, we should prefer to believe. When the objective is that deeper understanding of the Constitution for its own sake and that of the people, no sincere jurist can avoid evolution into a greater scholar.
The honoring and furtherance of law isn’t what those such as Brett Kavanaugh’s enemies desire. The virtue of disregarding the rule of law in these proceedings is itself testimony that Kavanaugh’s opponents do not want rule of law at all. They desire ideological purity and unwavering commitment to temporal politics. When they succeed in this, they drive our pursuit of the understanding of law into stagnancy, decay, and ruin. They might be attempting to diminish and destroy a philosophy or a party. They are, however, succeeding in poisoning the well from which all of us as Americans draw our civility and nobility.
They must be called out on it and opposed from every angle as reverence of law dictates.
One last thing…
Dear Elon University students manning the phone bank for the fall pledge drive: do not call me asking for more money. Because it’s not coming. Not ever.
Christopher Knight would never be Supreme Court material after that “Pelvis-Shakin’ Elvis” stunt in high school. He would still appreciate your visiting his blog at and on Twitter at @theknightshift.
Anita Hill is coming to Elon University.
The ol’ alma mater already lost my contributions earlier this year – a consequence of Wired revealing that one of Elon’s computer professors is an Antifa activist who has been compiling a massive database of anyone she deems Lebensunwertes Leben. That means “Republicans,” “conservatives,” “Alt-Right,” “white supremacists,” and pretty much everyone listing starboard of Friedrich Engels.
Megan Squire is not only still employed at Elon, but applauded. Last week Squire delivered a “Distinguished Scholar Lecture” about her work supplying the Southern Poverty Law Center with information about their common enemies. This is the same Southern Poverty Law Center whose “hate list” has been used to target innocent people for assassination. Curiously, Squire’s work is totally absent any analogues from the left of the political spectrum. A “scholarly oversight,” no doubt.
Once upon a time, Elon University was a place that encouraged freedom of ideas and vigorous debate. But as ideological homogeneity has prevailed upon “the most beautiful campus in America,” that time is now past. The school that welcomed Margaret Thatcher to dedicate its student center in 1995 would probably have the Iron Lady arrested for trespassing were she still with us.
In good conscience, I can no longer contribute to a school that has embraced intellectual intolerance and has abandoned reason for capricious “feelings.” Neither can I endorse my college when it continues to have among its staff a gleeful provider of resources for domestic terrorism. But still, I held out hope that sanity there might yet prevail.
And then it was announced that Anita Hill is coming to speak at Elon University.
She’s due in January to deliver the annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Address. The title of her lecture is “From Social Movement to Social Impact: Putting an End to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace.”
Talk about chutzpah!
Elon’s faculty could have invited Justice Clarence Thomas. I believe he would have been honored to visit. He would certainly be a more admirable choice of speaker about Dr. King’s dream than could possibly be the most discredited, disreputable, and debunked witness in the history of Supreme Court confirmation hearings (until now, anyway). When one has an up-and-coming law school, celebrating Anita Hill is not how one’s institution acquires street cred.
That Anita Hill is even remembered at all, when she should have been forever relegated to juristic mothballs in late Uncle Teddy’s basement, is woeful evidence that the long-term strategy since those hazy, crazy days of Coke cans and “Long Dong Silver” actually worked. September 1991 did and still does cast a pall over Clarence Thomas, by all serious accounts a kind, courteous, and brilliant man.
Thomas is also, notoriously, the quietest of the justices. Those who know him in professional circles have assured me that outside hearings, Thomas is exceptionally jovial and quick with a joke. That human side is dropped completely when the nine justices file into court. The last time Thomas has been publicly loquacious is, again, from 1991:
The Supreme Court is not worth it. No job is worth it. I am not here for that. I am here for my name, my family, my life, and my integrity. I think something is dreadfully wrong with this country when any person, any person in this free country would be subjected to this.
How much wisdom and ponderance has the American people been deprived of these past twenty-seven sessions because Thomas was on some primal level intimidated by the “high-tech lynching” perpetuated by a zealous media eagerly complicit with partisan kindred?
It was inevitable that Anita Hill would come to mind now, amid the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings and the subsequent freak show that apparently few are taking seriously. Perhaps the American people are wiser today – or fatigued from the Thomas hearings, still much in living memory. Christine Ford’s legitimacy has fast fallen apart and would not hold up under scrutiny in any serious courtroom. Deborah Ramirez’s credibility is even worse.
But this has been the last full measure since 1987 and the Robert Bork nomination. The assault on Bork was of such viciousness that Douglas Ginsburg got out of Dodge before any shootin’ commenced, his use of marijuana years earlier given as the motive for withdrawing from Supreme Court consideration before the confirmation hearings began. But it was glaringly obvious: Ginsburg knew that the anti-Bork tactics would take their toll. In the end, a squeaky-clean Anthony Kennedy went on to claim Lewis Powell’s former seat.
“To Bork” among the American far left became a term for total war against any perceived threat to the left’s sense of power. ”We’re going to Bork him. We’re going to kill him politically,” said National Organization for Women attorney Florence Kennedy immediately after the Thomas nomination was announced. Portending the character assassinations of decades to come, Kennedy added, “This little creep, where did he come from?“ Thomas’s steadfast resolve won the day against the siege. ”Borking” was nonetheless made a standard weapon against any deemed too far right to have a seat at the table.
Kavanaugh’s opposition and those they represent desire nothing less than total victory. If they cannot have it, they will do their damnedest to scorch the earth and salt the land. It was a cruel measure of the Roman armies: on the rare times they were successfully repelled, they would “poison the well” of the defending city. The carcasses of dead horses, cattle, even people would be tossed into the water supply as they made their retreat. It was a spiteful and cowardly tactic, absent any forward merit. Deprived of potable water, most of the victorious towns withered and died all the same.
Brett Kavanaugh’s opponents are Borking the well again. Yet Kavanaugh is only the objective of this particular hour. In the long term, defeating Kavanaugh is almost immaterial to the ultimate goal of the obscene strategy: the fantasy of enforced liberty without self-restraint. Too many seem oblivious that such is not liberty at all, but a deprivation of freedom in its most hallowed sense. This isn’t about Kavanaugh the man as much as it is about ideologically tainting the American landscape in attempting to seize the impossible. Leftists are willing to warp reality itself beyond repair in order to achieve it.
The machinations currently deployed against Brett Kavanaugh stem from a heart of darkest cowardice. If his detractors cannot prevail on purely rational and intellectual grounds, then they will do so playing to the basest hysteria and hate. There will be no satisfying their bloodlust until Kavanaugh’s haggard, weary face is up on the telescreens, accusing himself of crimes against Big Sister that he never committed. So it is that the yet to be substantiated claims of Ford and Ramirez are now enough, we are told, to override fair and due process. Strangely, this principle never seemed applicable to Juanita Broaddrick, but I digress.
“Law is the ultimate science,” wrote Frank Herbert in his classic novel Dune. There is not one justice, even the great Jay Marshall, who has been an absolutely perfect inquirer of that realm. There is, however, a profound observation that the justices of the United States Supreme Court often deviate from their initial stances over the long course of their respective tenures. They grow, we should prefer to believe. When the objective is that deeper understanding of the Constitution for its own sake and that of the people, no sincere jurist can avoid evolution into a greater scholar.
The honoring and furtherance of law isn’t what those such as Brett Kavanaugh’s enemies desire. The virtue of disregarding the rule of law in these proceedings is itself testimony that Kavanaugh’s opponents do not want rule of law at all. They desire ideological purity and unwavering commitment to temporal politics. When they succeed in this, they drive our pursuit of the understanding of law into stagnancy, decay, and ruin. They might be attempting to diminish and destroy a philosophy or a party. They are, however, succeeding in poisoning the well from which all of us as Americans draw our civility and nobility.
They must be called out on it and opposed from every angle as reverence of law dictates.
One last thing…
Dear Elon University students manning the phone bank for the fall pledge drive: do not call me asking for more money. Because it’s not coming. Not ever.
Christopher Knight would never be Supreme Court material after that “Pelvis-Shakin’ Elvis” stunt in high school. He would still appreciate your visiting his blog at and on Twitter at @theknightshift.
via American Thinker
Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website:
As Harry Reid crowed after lying on the Senate floor that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid taxes and called on Romney to prove his innocence: “Romney didn’t win, did he?’
Watch this. (It’s less than a minute long):
Same script. Different names.
The left is framing Judge Kavanaugh as a pervert, a sexual deviant, and most recently, as a man who ran a gang rape ring.
This may sound crazy to us (because it is), but smearing someone with a barrage of lies is a highly effective tactic. It works particularly well for the left because they’re inclined to lie and because the media gives credence to their devious efforts. And, regrettably, because an increasing number of Americans are brainwashed lemmings.
The left has waged war against us and uses all means necessary to advance their goal: the transformation of America into a socialist hellhole.
They tear down and destroy all that is good.
They have been laying the groundwork for the attack we’re witnessing against Kavanaugh for a very long time – where feelings trump facts, where lies are truth, where (white) men are evil, where women are victims, and where being forced to answer the proverbial “when did you stop beating your wife” question is proof in itself that you’re a wife beater.
Under enormous pressure, smears, and threats, Judge Kavanaugh is proving to be a man of extraordinary strength and resolve. On Monday, after the second accuser leveled her it-took-me-six-days-and-consultation-with attorneys-to-remember-something-vague accusation, he wrote the following letter to the Judiciary Committee (here).
These are smears, pure and simple. And they debase our public discourse. But they are also a threat to any man or woman who wishes to serve our country. Such grotesque and obvious
character assassination – if allowed to succeed – will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from service.
As I told the Committee during my hearing, a federal judge must be independent, not swayed by public or political pressure. That is the kind of judge I will always be. I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. The coordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out. The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out. The last-minute character assassination will not succeed.
It‘s not enough to say we stand with Judge Kavanaugh. We must vote. Having a razor thin majority in the Senate leaves us too vulnerable. It hands far too much power to a handful of the usual suspects who break ranks when it counts the most. Losing the House will be another disaster.
Don’t be glib, cynical, cocky, cavalier, or overly confident. Vote on November 6th. And get a bunch of other people to vote, too. Let’s make the mid-term election results be a delicious shocker.
As Harry Reid crowed after lying on the Senate floor that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid taxes and called on Romney to prove his innocence: “Romney didn’t win, did he?’
Watch this. (It’s less than a minute long):
Same script. Different names.
The left is framing Judge Kavanaugh as a pervert, a sexual deviant, and most recently, as a man who ran a gang rape ring.
This may sound crazy to us (because it is), but smearing someone with a barrage of lies is a highly effective tactic. It works particularly well for the left because they’re inclined to lie and because the media gives credence to their devious efforts. And, regrettably, because an increasing number of Americans are brainwashed lemmings.
The left has waged war against us and uses all means necessary to advance their goal: the transformation of America into a socialist hellhole.
They tear down and destroy all that is good.
They have been laying the groundwork for the attack we’re witnessing against Kavanaugh for a very long time – where feelings trump facts, where lies are truth, where (white) men are evil, where women are victims, and where being forced to answer the proverbial “when did you stop beating your wife” question is proof in itself that you’re a wife beater.
Under enormous pressure, smears, and threats, Judge Kavanaugh is proving to be a man of extraordinary strength and resolve. On Monday, after the second accuser leveled her it-took-me-six-days-and-consultation-with attorneys-to-remember-something-vague accusation, he wrote the following letter to the Judiciary Committee (here).
These are smears, pure and simple. And they debase our public discourse. But they are also a threat to any man or woman who wishes to serve our country. Such grotesque and obvious
character assassination – if allowed to succeed – will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from service.
As I told the Committee during my hearing, a federal judge must be independent, not swayed by public or political pressure. That is the kind of judge I will always be. I will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. The coordinated effort to destroy my good name will not drive me out. The vile threats of violence against my family will not drive me out. The last-minute character assassination will not succeed.
It‘s not enough to say we stand with Judge Kavanaugh. We must vote. Having a razor thin majority in the Senate leaves us too vulnerable. It hands far too much power to a handful of the usual suspects who break ranks when it counts the most. Losing the House will be another disaster.
Don’t be glib, cynical, cocky, cavalier, or overly confident. Vote on November 6th. And get a bunch of other people to vote, too. Let’s make the mid-term election results be a delicious shocker.
via American Thinker Blog
Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website:
This tragedy that became a farce is now a crime, the crime of purposeful defamation of an innocent man. The left is so determined to prevent Kavanaugh from becoming a justice on the Supreme Court, they have exposed themselves as the lowlife cheaters they are, without shame or any sense of decency.
When they do not win, they will do anything to undo their loss. This is what has motivated the left since the 2016 election. From the moment Trump won, they set about their plans to remove him from office by any means necessary. The cabal that put this plan into motion cares nothing for the law, the Constitution, or the people they set out to ruin as they have Brett Kavanaugh.
There are no words to adequately describe how venal these conspirators among the Congressional left are, how low they are prepared to go. And to this day, not one Democrat has spoken out against this monstrous plan to destroy a fine man who has led an impeccable life. Not one. Each and every one of them knows this is an odious campaign based on lies but not one of them will admit to this fact. The Democratic Party is officially deplorable in every sense of the word.
Blasey Ford’s allegations are laughable; not at all credible. The woman has no memory of when, where, how her alleged assault took place. She was and remains known for her excessive drinking. She has no idea who groped her any more than the second woman Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer (who regularly celebrates the wrong people) have written about in the New Yorker knows who exposed himself to her, if anyone.
Like Blasey Ford, Debra Ramirez also could not find one person to corroborate her story. She tried for six days! Is someone is paying these women to prostitute themselves on the altar of lies in order to destroy Kavanaugh. Soros? Steyer? The Clintons? They are all infamous for funding and/or promoting this kind of fake news.
Can there be any Americans following this story who are not enraged and offended by the obvious orchestrated smear of a good and decent man? According to some polls, yes. Who are the people who believe these accusers? How could any American fall for such a scam? No mystery there. American educational standards have fallen so drastically that young people have no civic knowledge. They know nothing about American history or the Constitution.
This has been by design. The left has controlled how history is taught for at least three decades. They don’t even know that one must be presumed innocent until proven guilty. These Ford-supporting Senators don’t seem to remember this either. That in itself is stunning. The Democrats have assembled a mob and “The mob is the mother of tyrants.” (Diogenes)
As Blasey Ford’s story disintegrates, the Dems conveniently found the second woman willing to throw herself on the pyre of indecency in order to destroy a fine man and his family. The New Yorker, (of course) is on board with the rest of the left and happy to co-ordinate to take Kavanaugh down. But even the NYT refused to print Ramirez’s allegation. There are no facts in her story, no witnesses, not one. There is only her admitted foggy memory of an admitted drunken evening. She had no clear memory that it was Kavanaugh until coached and cajoled for six days by leftist activists.
Taking Trump out means humiliating anyone and everyone in his administration, his judicial nominees, and his supporters; no ethics, no morals, no scruples required. Trump is dealing with the Harry Reid/Chuck Schumer brand of politics: lethal, cruel, and barbaric.
And look who are the accusers’ cohorts: the 85-year-old Feinstein who is as corrupt as Hillary Clinton when it comes to using her Senate seat to enrich herself, Gillibrand who rants and raves her hypocrisy like a 12 year old. (She is pals with Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton.) Then there is the fatuous Senator Blumenthal, the stolen valor senator who falsely claimed he fought in Viet Nam. He insists it is Kavanaugh who must prove his innocence. Kamala Harris, well known to be ethically challenged is of course howling about the “victims.” Judge Kavanaugh is the victim here.
Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii is too ignorant of the Constitution and basic ethics to discuss; she is a disgrace to the Senate and her state. Men, to Hirono, should not have a voice because they are all guilty. She says the law does not apply here because “we are not in a court of law, we are in the court of credibility.” No evidence needed. She is a very stupid woman and Hawaiians actually elected her. This is a huge problem. It is disturbing that any of these people were elected. Voters need to be more cognizant about the character of the people for whom they vote.
It is too soon to predict how this horrific, criminal upheaval will end. Will the left succeed in destroying Kavanaugh? If they do, it will signal the end of our democratic republic as we know it. It will mean that the media and their fake polls govern us all, that Cloward and Piven have won, Marx has won and Saul Alinsky has won, and that Obama did indeed ”fundamentally transform the nation.”
And it will mean the loss of the House and Senate in November. Republicans will be so furious at their representatives they will not vote. If Republicans in Congress are so spineless, why bother when they let the democrats run the show even when they are the majority party?
Clearly Kavanaugh is a fine and decent man. Those searching for troubled women to accuse him of some unverifiable crime are loathsome. What these democrats and their operatives in the media are doing to him is unconscionable. They know very well these allegations are lies. They helped invent them. The Republicans must not let them win. Confirm the man now.
This tragedy that became a farce is now a crime, the crime of purposeful defamation of an innocent man. The left is so determined to prevent Kavanaugh from becoming a justice on the Supreme Court, they have exposed themselves as the lowlife cheaters they are, without shame or any sense of decency.
When they do not win, they will do anything to undo their loss. This is what has motivated the left since the 2016 election. From the moment Trump won, they set about their plans to remove him from office by any means necessary. The cabal that put this plan into motion cares nothing for the law, the Constitution, or the people they set out to ruin as they have Brett Kavanaugh.
There are no words to adequately describe how venal these conspirators among the Congressional left are, how low they are prepared to go. And to this day, not one Democrat has spoken out against this monstrous plan to destroy a fine man who has led an impeccable life. Not one. Each and every one of them knows this is an odious campaign based on lies but not one of them will admit to this fact. The Democratic Party is officially deplorable in every sense of the word.
Blasey Ford’s allegations are laughable; not at all credible. The woman has no memory of when, where, how her alleged assault took place. She was and remains known for her excessive drinking. She has no idea who groped her any more than the second woman Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer (who regularly celebrates the wrong people) have written about in the New Yorker knows who exposed himself to her, if anyone.
Like Blasey Ford, Debra Ramirez also could not find one person to corroborate her story. She tried for six days! Is someone is paying these women to prostitute themselves on the altar of lies in order to destroy Kavanaugh. Soros? Steyer? The Clintons? They are all infamous for funding and/or promoting this kind of fake news.
Can there be any Americans following this story who are not enraged and offended by the obvious orchestrated smear of a good and decent man? According to some polls, yes. Who are the people who believe these accusers? How could any American fall for such a scam? No mystery there. American educational standards have fallen so drastically that young people have no civic knowledge. They know nothing about American history or the Constitution.
This has been by design. The left has controlled how history is taught for at least three decades. They don’t even know that one must be presumed innocent until proven guilty. These Ford-supporting Senators don’t seem to remember this either. That in itself is stunning. The Democrats have assembled a mob and “The mob is the mother of tyrants.” (Diogenes)
As Blasey Ford’s story disintegrates, the Dems conveniently found the second woman willing to throw herself on the pyre of indecency in order to destroy a fine man and his family. The New Yorker, (of course) is on board with the rest of the left and happy to co-ordinate to take Kavanaugh down. But even the NYT refused to print Ramirez’s allegation. There are no facts in her story, no witnesses, not one. There is only her admitted foggy memory of an admitted drunken evening. She had no clear memory that it was Kavanaugh until coached and cajoled for six days by leftist activists.
Taking Trump out means humiliating anyone and everyone in his administration, his judicial nominees, and his supporters; no ethics, no morals, no scruples required. Trump is dealing with the Harry Reid/Chuck Schumer brand of politics: lethal, cruel, and barbaric.
And look who are the accusers’ cohorts: the 85-year-old Feinstein who is as corrupt as Hillary Clinton when it comes to using her Senate seat to enrich herself, Gillibrand who rants and raves her hypocrisy like a 12 year old. (She is pals with Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton.) Then there is the fatuous Senator Blumenthal, the stolen valor senator who falsely claimed he fought in Viet Nam. He insists it is Kavanaugh who must prove his innocence. Kamala Harris, well known to be ethically challenged is of course howling about the “victims.” Judge Kavanaugh is the victim here.
Senator Mazie Hirono of Hawaii is too ignorant of the Constitution and basic ethics to discuss; she is a disgrace to the Senate and her state. Men, to Hirono, should not have a voice because they are all guilty. She says the law does not apply here because “we are not in a court of law, we are in the court of credibility.” No evidence needed. She is a very stupid woman and Hawaiians actually elected her. This is a huge problem. It is disturbing that any of these people were elected. Voters need to be more cognizant about the character of the people for whom they vote.
It is too soon to predict how this horrific, criminal upheaval will end. Will the left succeed in destroying Kavanaugh? If they do, it will signal the end of our democratic republic as we know it. It will mean that the media and their fake polls govern us all, that Cloward and Piven have won, Marx has won and Saul Alinsky has won, and that Obama did indeed ”fundamentally transform the nation.”
And it will mean the loss of the House and Senate in November. Republicans will be so furious at their representatives they will not vote. If Republicans in Congress are so spineless, why bother when they let the democrats run the show even when they are the majority party?
Clearly Kavanaugh is a fine and decent man. Those searching for troubled women to accuse him of some unverifiable crime are loathsome. What these democrats and their operatives in the media are doing to him is unconscionable. They know very well these allegations are lies. They helped invent them. The Republicans must not let them win. Confirm the man now.
via American Thinker Blog
Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: