Michael Avenatti: The jackass, dissected

Want a good morning laugh?

Get a load of National Review’s Kyle Smith and his hilarious vivisection of Michael Avenatti, whose rise and fall is shows just how absurd he and his Democratic cheerleaders always were. Here’s the start of the piece and don’t tell me you don’t want to read further:

Remember when Michael Avenatti was the Democrats’ big hope for 2020? He wasn’t just that, though. Parachuting in to launch his presidential campaign to the DNC’s “Ethnic Council” and its black caucus in Chicago in August, he enthusiastically adopted the party’s guiltspeak. “People that look like me, white men, we need to stand up,” he told his minority audience, exactly the kind of cost-free identity-politics self-castigation without which no Democrat can hope to rise very far. In the same month, Avenatti spoke at the “Democratic Wing Ding” dinner in Iowa and announced plans to visit at least 20 more states.

The response was fanatical. Avenatti was hailed as a hybrid attack dog and sex god. All Democrats bowed to the Trumpslayer. Picture a two-fisted, high-T version of 2008 Barack Obama, and you’ll have some idea of how professional Democrats viewed him as they rushed to polish his boots with their tongues. “Hottie Avenatti” became a meme. If geothermal hatred of President Trump was warming the Democratic party’s heart, Avenatti was the cause of significant engorgement in its undies. “I wouldn’t not f*** him,” one activist said. “Unprompted, several Democrats admiringly discussed Avenatti’s physique to VICE News,” ran one reporter’s account, noting that “I have a thing for bald guys” was a typical remark. (Great news, Joe Biden, you can take out your plugs!)

“He’s in, right? He’s running for president and I think it’s good he’s here and I think that all the other candidates should also be showing support,” Jane Kleeb, the chairwoman of the Nebraska Democratic party told Vice. A party consultant added that Avenatti’s background was no impediment to his path to the White House and was maybe even an asset. “If it takes Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti to make the difference between people not going bankrupt over healthcare, then we’ll take that deal . . . Even insiders are open to a new way of doing things.”

This was less than four months ago: Peak Avenatti. Since then his stock has followed somewhat of a Pets.com trajectory.

From the article, we learn the extent of adoration Democrats showered onto the fool – something I did not know, given how gross he was. This indeed was the man once proclaimed by Democrats to be our savior from Trump. That fizzled out and then and Smith describes the pathetic porno lawyer’s desperate attempt to keep grabbing the spotlight even after the initial Democratic Party adoration went kaput, chasing and chasing the cameras like an ambulance, and ending up looking like the Rev. Al Sharpton in the wake of the Tawana Brawley fiasco. After that, he started getting evicted and facing girlfriend-beating charges, with his prized client, porn ‘star’ Stormy Daniels distancing herself from him as all of this stuff made him look like the creep he really is. Thrashing and thrashing, the more he resisted, the worse he looked. Then the adoring Democrats started to abandon him…and disinviting him…and pretending they never knew him.

Eeeew. What a way to end it.

Meanwhile, Smith, whose piece is very, very hilarious, is getting to be one of my very favorite writers.

Image credit: Luke Harold, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 1.0

Want a good morning laugh?

Get a load of National Review’s Kyle Smith and his hilarious vivisection of Michael Avenatti, whose rise and fall is shows just how absurd he and his Democratic cheerleaders always were. Here’s the start of the piece and don’t tell me you don’t want to read further:

Remember when Michael Avenatti was the Democrats’ big hope for 2020? He wasn’t just that, though. Parachuting in to launch his presidential campaign to the DNC’s “Ethnic Council” and its black caucus in Chicago in August, he enthusiastically adopted the party’s guiltspeak. “People that look like me, white men, we need to stand up,” he told his minority audience, exactly the kind of cost-free identity-politics self-castigation without which no Democrat can hope to rise very far. In the same month, Avenatti spoke at the “Democratic Wing Ding” dinner in Iowa and announced plans to visit at least 20 more states.

The response was fanatical. Avenatti was hailed as a hybrid attack dog and sex god. All Democrats bowed to the Trumpslayer. Picture a two-fisted, high-T version of 2008 Barack Obama, and you’ll have some idea of how professional Democrats viewed him as they rushed to polish his boots with their tongues. “Hottie Avenatti” became a meme. If geothermal hatred of President Trump was warming the Democratic party’s heart, Avenatti was the cause of significant engorgement in its undies. “I wouldn’t not f*** him,” one activist said. “Unprompted, several Democrats admiringly discussed Avenatti’s physique to VICE News,” ran one reporter’s account, noting that “I have a thing for bald guys” was a typical remark. (Great news, Joe Biden, you can take out your plugs!)

“He’s in, right? He’s running for president and I think it’s good he’s here and I think that all the other candidates should also be showing support,” Jane Kleeb, the chairwoman of the Nebraska Democratic party told Vice. A party consultant added that Avenatti’s background was no impediment to his path to the White House and was maybe even an asset. “If it takes Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti to make the difference between people not going bankrupt over healthcare, then we’ll take that deal . . . Even insiders are open to a new way of doing things.”

This was less than four months ago: Peak Avenatti. Since then his stock has followed somewhat of a Pets.com trajectory.

From the article, we learn the extent of adoration Democrats showered onto the fool – something I did not know, given how gross he was. This indeed was the man once proclaimed by Democrats to be our savior from Trump. That fizzled out and then and Smith describes the pathetic porno lawyer’s desperate attempt to keep grabbing the spotlight even after the initial Democratic Party adoration went kaput, chasing and chasing the cameras like an ambulance, and ending up looking like the Rev. Al Sharpton in the wake of the Tawana Brawley fiasco. After that, he started getting evicted and facing girlfriend-beating charges, with his prized client, porn ‘star’ Stormy Daniels distancing herself from him as all of this stuff made him look like the creep he really is. Thrashing and thrashing, the more he resisted, the worse he looked. Then the adoring Democrats started to abandon him…and disinviting him…and pretending they never knew him.

Eeeew. What a way to end it.

Meanwhile, Smith, whose piece is very, very hilarious, is getting to be one of my very favorite writers.

Image credit: Luke Harold, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 1.0

via American Thinker Blog

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Government Can’t Shut Down–Because 75% Is Already Funded

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Vice President Mike Pence, President Donald Trump and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in the Oval Office on Dec. 11, 2018. (Getty Images/Mark Wilson)

(CNSNews.com) — Seventy-five percent of the federal government is already funded through all of fiscal year 2019, according to the House Committee on Appropriations. That means a total government shutdown cannot happen.

On Sept. 21, President Donald Trump signed a “minibus” appropriations law that funded the Department of Energy; Military Construction and Veterans Affairs; and the Legislative Branch for the entirety of fiscal 2019, which does not end until next Sept. 30. Then, on Sept. 28, Trump signed another “minibus” law funding the departments of Defense, Labor, Health and Human Services (HHS) and Education through the end of fiscal year 2019.

“With the signing of this package today, Congress will have enacted the majority of all discretionary spending for the year–75%–prior to the end of the fiscal year, an accomplishment that hasn’t occurred in over two decades,” House Appropriations Chairman Rodney Ferlinghuysen (R.-N.J.) said when Trump signed that second “minibus.”

Bloomberg reported that of the government’s $1.24 trillion discretionary budget (the part of the federal budget that is appropriated by Congress), $931 billion has already been appropriated and only $314 billion is still pending.

The Sept. 28 minibus included a continuing resolution to keep the rest of the departments funded until Dec. 7, 2018. On Dec. 3, Congress passed a short-term resolution changing the deadline to Dec. 21.

While many news outlets are flashing ominous headlines warning of a “looming government shutdown,” the reality is that only some of the smaller departments would be affected in the event of a partial shutdown. The two biggest departments, Defense and HHS, are already funded.

Of the potentially affected agencies, only nonessential government personnel would be unable to come to work – such as research scientists. Essential personnel, or government employees whose work is necessary to ensure the safety and security of Americans, would still do their jobs.

Border patrol agents, for example, are considered essential personnel. They would continue to work in the event of a partial shutdown, even though the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is not yet funded.

The delay in securing funding for the DHS and other departments is due, in large part, to a stalemate in Congress over proposed funding for President Donald Trump’s border wall. While Trump wants $5 billion to build the wall, Democrats are only willing to yield, so far, $1.3 billion.

On Tuesday, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Rep. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) visited the White House to discuss border wall funding with Trump. At the meeting, Trump said he would be “proud to shut down the government for border security.”

Other departments that are not yet funded include Transportation; Housing and Urban Development; Interior and the Environment; Commerce, Justice and Science; State; Financial Services and Agriculture.


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Media Blackout After Trump Launches Urban Council To Invest $100 Billion in Black Communities

It’s been a busy few weeks in media land, what with Michael Cohen’s sentencing and talk about whether Donald Trump will be impeached, or Michael Flynn’s sentencing and talk about whether Donald Trump will be impeached, or Jamal Khashoggi’s death and how that relates to whether Donald Trump will be impeached.

Mind you, I’m not necessarily saying this isn’t newsworthy. While I don’t think the special counsel needs to be covered with a breathlessness usually reserved for the first few hours after a plane crash (except elongated to 24/7 status), there have been some pretty serious developments in the past few weeks that have changed the complexion of things.

That being said, this doesn’t give the media a pass on reporting other aspects of the Trump presidency — particularly those that might paint it in a favorable light.

For instance, you basically had to actively search to find any mention of the Opportunity and Revitalization Council, a $100 billion initiative to deliver growth in urban communities.

“With the creation of today’s council, the resources of the whole federal government will be leveraged to rebuild low-income and impoverished neighborhoods that have been ignored by Washington in years past,” the president said at a Wednesday event in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, where an executive order establishing the council was signed..

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“Our goal is to ensure that America’s great new prosperity is broadly shared by all of our citizens. Our country is doing better than ever, economically, and we’re able to do that.”

The council will be led by Ben Carson, head of the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

“Today, the nation’s unemployment rate is at a 49-year low. Jobless rates among African-Americans down to a record low of 5.9 percent. Wages on the rise,” Carson said. “While we can all be proud of these achievements, one challenge has remained: There are still communities in our country that have seen little or no new investment in generations.”

According to the Baltimore Sun, the new program will offer breaks on capital gains taxes to investors in distressed zones — obviously a huge boost to predominately black and minority neighborhoods, which are still lagging in indicators like wage growth.

Do you support President Trump’s urban revitalization plan?

The opportunity zones, Carson said, “are home to approximately 35 million Americans. The Department of Treasury estimates that the Opportunity Zone legislation could attract over $100 billion in private investment, which will go a long way to spur on jobs and economic development.

“This kind of medicine is precisely what a doctor would prescribe to heal communities where nearly 1 in 3 people live in poverty, and unemployment is nearly twice the national average.”

Pastor Donté Hickman, who the president said is “helping lead a groundbreaking project in the newly designated opportunity zone,” hailed the initiative.

“As pastor of the Southern Baptist Church, and through our Mary Harvin Transformation Center Community Development Corporation, in partnership with other faith-based stakeholder institutions, developed the East Baltimore Revitalization Plan, addressing development needs of over 100 acres just north of Johns Hopkins Hospital,” Hickman said.

“Mr. President, I want you and every agency and potential investor to know that in Baltimore — and in particular, Broadway East, Baltimore — that we have the plan, we have the property, we have the people, we have the professional expertise, and we have the prospectus to jumpstart your urban initiative.  Baltimore is prepared to be a demonstration project for a national urban revitalization strategy.”

RELATED: Ben Carson Calls Democrats Out as Straight-Up ‘Racists’ in Bold Interview

I think we can all agree this is a pretty big deal. Not only will it take a $100 billion step toward alleviating poverty in urban communities, it does it with investment as opposed to handouts. All of this without any tax money.

So why is it almost impossible to find news about this anywhere?

Yes, I understand, the special counsel is a big ratings driver. So are arguments between the president and Democratic leadership, especially when they’re conducted in front of an array of reporters and cameras. However, if you’re the news, at some point you have to cover — well, the news. This is part of it.

The New York Times had a relatively short (at least for them) piece about it. Vox, with the predictability of the monsoon season returning to India, covered the story thusly: “Ivanka Trump reportedly advocated for a tax break she and Jared Kushner could profit from.” See, because they’re in real estate, and this could help real estate. Clearly their primary incentive here. There was certainly coverage to be had, mind you, but it wasn’t front page stuff — and try to find it on CNN or MSNBC.

At some level, so-called objective news outlets have to cover the full spectrum of stories. That’s all conservatives ask. And, even with that low bar, we’re constantly disappointed.

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via Conservative Tribune

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DHS’ Before & After Pics of Border Wall Show How Much Difference Trump Has Really Made

After November’s election results, I got the feeling that it wouldn’t be too long before Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader (and soon to be speaker, assuming all goes well) Nancy Pelosi were feeling their oats like they were Quaker.

Earlier this week, they forgot that they were dealing with the one man in Washington who’s never not feeling his oats, Donald J. Trump. When they tried to engage him over the possibility of a partial government shutdown next week if the wall isn’t funded by Congress, things got a bit dicey.

“I’ll tell you what, I am proud to shut down the government for border security,” the president told Schumer during a contentious Oval Office meeting, “because the people of this country don’t want criminals and people that have lots of problems, and drugs pouring into our country.

“So I will take the mantle. I will be the to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it. The last time you shut it down it didn’t work. I will take the mantle of shutting down, and I’m going to shut it down for border security.”

“But we believe you shouldn’t shut it down,” Schumer said.

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Schumer was a bit more unequivocal later on. “I want to be crystal clear: There will be no additional appropriations to pay for the border wall. It’s done,” he said on the Senate floor.

Schumer’s line is basically this — falling illegal immigration numbers show that we don’t need the wall, so why fund a project that isn’t needed? After all, what we have now must be working, right?

There are so many problems with that I almost don’t know where to start. However, for the purposes of this article, I know where to start and finish: with the word of the Department of Homeland Security, the department which deals firsthand with the threat of illegal immigration on a daily basis.

“DHS is committed to building wall and building wall quickly. We are not replacing short, outdated and ineffective wall with similar wall,” the department said in an article published Wednesday. “Instead, under this President we are building a wall that is 30-feet high.”

Do you think the border wall will be built?

And they weren’t shy about who was behind the wall, either. “FACT: Prior to President Trump taking office, we have never built wall that high,” the article stated.

Here’s the difference between the old wall and the new (big, beautiful) wall, as pictured on their website:

DHS said that they utilized $292 million in funds from Congress to build 40 miles of this kind of wall in three sectors — El Centro, El Paso and San Diego. These were “Border Patrol’s highest priority locations in place of outdated, operationally ineffective barrier,” according to Homeland Security.

“As of November 21, 2018, (Customs and Border Protection) has constructed more than 31 of the 40 miles with the remaining 9 miles scheduled for completion by early 2019,” they said.

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So, how much of a difference does this wall make? Here’s another visual demonstration, just in case you didn’t get the idea:

And how good is the newer style of border fencing at keeping illegal border crossers out?

“On Sunday when a violent mob of 1,000 people stormed our Southern border, we found the newly constructed portions of the wall to be very effective,” DHS said.

“In the area of the breach, a group of people tore a hole in the old landing mat fence constructed decades ago and pushed across the border. U.S. Border Patrol agents who responded to the area ultimately dispersed the crowd, which had become assaultive, and apprehended several individuals. All of the individuals were either apprehended or retreated into Mexico. That evening, the fence was repaired.

“There were no breaches along the newly constructed border wall areas,” they noted.

As for the $5 billion that Trump is requesting in border security funding, DHS says that will go a long way.

“When combined with the funds provided in FY 2017 and FY 2018, if funded at $5B in FY 2019 DHS expects to construct more than 330 miles of border wall in the U.S. Border Patrol’s highest priority locations across the Southwest border,” the article read.

“The Bottom Line: Walls Work,” the article concluded.

“When it comes to stopping drugs and illegal aliens across our borders, border walls have proven to be extremely effective. Border security relies on a combination of border infrastructure, technology, personnel and partnerships with law enforcement at the state, local, tribal, and federal level.

“For example, when we have installed wall in Yuma Sector, we have seen border apprehensions decrease by 90 percent. In San Diego we saw on Sunday that dilapidated, decades old barriers are not sufficient for today’s threat and need to be removed so new — up to  30 foot wall sections can be completed.”

In short, what we have now isn’t sufficient for the threat, contrary to what Sen. Schumer may believe. And contrary to what Democrats might believe, walls work. Walls are a good thing. These facts are all independent of whether or not President Trump gets the $5 billion he’s asking for in order to build it. If you don’t believe me, just ask DHS.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via Conservative Tribune

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Get Ready for Fireworks: Insp. Gen.’s Office Recovers 20k Previously ‘Lost’ Strzok, Page Texts

Ah, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. The FBI’s favorite lovebirds. It’s such a shame that their fairytale romance was spoiled by a bunch of right-wing conspiracy theorists, the fact that they sent a bunch of politically inflammatory texts regarding individuals they were investigating and the fact that they were both were married to other people. True love really is dead.

However, if you want to see the dying embers of that ill-starred fling, I have some good news: over 20,000 more “lost” texts from them have been uncovered thus far. So, if they’re ever declassified, you can see even more of Strzok and Page than you’ve already seen. The amour. The chills. The incessant calls to “stop” Trump.

So, as you may have already heard, a lot of messages between Strzok and Page weren’t preserved properly — specifically, those between the end of the 2016 election and Robert Mueller’s special counsel. Strzok, as you also may have heard, was part of that special counsel investigation until the agent was taken off and buried in human resources after his texts with Page about Trump (and how much they mutually loathed him) were discovered.

A partially redacted report by the Office of the Inspector General released on Thursday revealed the results of their investigation into the missing messages — namely, 20,071 new texts.

“The Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General initiated this investigation upon being notified of a gap in text message data collection during the period December 15, 2016 through May 17, 2017, from Federal Bureau of Investigation mobile devices assigned to FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page relevant to a matter being investigated by the OIG’s Oversight and Review Division,” the report read.

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“Specifically, the OIG’s Cyber Investigations Office was asked to attempt recovery of these missing text message for the referenced period from FBI issued mobile devices issued to Strzok and Page.

“In view of the content of many of the text messages between Strzok and Page, the OIG also asked the Special Counsel’s Office to provide the OIG the DOJ issues iPhones that had been assigned to Strzok and Page during their respective assignments to the SCO (Special Counsel’s Office).”

The investigation, according to the report, involved tracking down the phones used by both Strzok and Page during the period.

“The OIG asked the FBI Inspection Division to locate the FBI issued Samsung Galaxy S5 devices formerly assigned to the subject employees and to obtain from the same individuals their assigned FBI issued Samsung Galaxy S7 devices,” the report read.

Do you think that Strzok and Page’s bias affected their work at the FBI?

“The FBI provided these four devices to the OIG in late January 2018. CYBER utilized digital forensic tools to obtain data extractions from the four FBI issued mobile devices.

“To ensure the thoroughness of text message recovery efforts, OIG also consulted with the Department of Defense, conducted additional quality assurance steps and hired a Subject Matter Expert.

“The result of these steps was the recovery of thousands of text messages within the period of the missing text messages, December 15, 2016 through May 17, 2017, as well as hundreds of other text messages outside the gap time period that had not been produced by the FBI due to technical problems with its text message collection tool.”

I feel almost like giving that trademark Peter Strzok grin at that bit of information:

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And that grin only gets more Damien-like when we see just how big of a trove of texts this produced: “The OIG forensically recovered thousands of text messages from FBI mobile devices issued to Strzok and Page through its multiple extraction efforts.

“Approximately 9,311 text messages were recovered from Strzok’s S5 (Samsung),” the report read. “Approximately 10,760 text messages were recovered from Page’s S5.”

That’s a grand total of 20,071, for those of you without a calculator handy.

Now, what do these messages contain? We don’t really know at this point. For all we know, Strzok and Page stopped talking about Trump on Dec. 15, 2016. Maybe they decided it was time to start taking their job seriously and throw partisanship out the window. And maybe I’m Ross Perot.

The report says that what they found “included some political content, some work-related content, and some personal content.” Nevertheless, the OIG couldn’t find any “discernable (sic) patterns regarding the content of text messages missed by the collection tool but captured by enterprise.db, or captured by the collection tool but not found in the enterprise.db database.”

However, the important part was that “some political content” and how it might connect to that “work-related content.” If it’s anything like what we’ve seen already, we can prepare for yet more fireworks involving the Heloise and Abelard of the FBI.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via Conservative Tribune

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More Criminal Actions: Obama Admin Urgently Provided CLASSIFIED Russia-gate Documents to Senators Hours Before Trump Inauguration

The FBI and DOJ even sent several spies into the Trump campaign in an unprecedented operation of government political corruption. The Democrat mainstream media has ignored these criminal actions and instead are working on a daily basis with Democrats to wipe out the president and his administration.

(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch today released two sets of heavily redacted State Department documents, 38 pages and 48 pages, showing classified information was researched and disseminated to multiple U.S. Senators by the Obama administration immediately prior to President Donald Trump’s inauguration. The documents reveal that among those receiving the classified documents were Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Sen. Robert Corker (R-TN).

Judicial Watch obtained the documents through a June 2018 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the State Department after it failed to respond to a February 2018 request seeking records of the Obama State Department’s last-minute efforts to share classified information about Russia election interference issues with Democratic Senator Ben Cardin (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:18-cv-01381)).

The documents reveal the Obama State Department urgently gathering classified Russia investigation information and disseminating it to members of Congress within hours of Donald Trump taking office.

  • In a Thursday, January 5, 2017, email chain then-State Department Congressional Advisor Hera Abassi indicates that then-Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland’s bureau was attempting to get Russian investigation related documents to the office of Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) office as quickly as possible. (In June 2016 Nuland permitted a meeting between Steele and the FBI’s legal attaché in Rome. Nuland told CBS News that the State Department knew about the Steele dossier by July 2016.)

In the email, with the subject line “For Immediate Review – Call Sheet for S Call with Senator Warner,” Abassi writes:

“I told Cardin’s folks … that the process is long. Can we ensure that there are no holdups on our end?”

Minutes later, Abassi confirms that Nuland was fully aware of the information that the State Department was providing to members of Congress alleging Russia interference information:

“This is definitely on EUR A/S radar!”

  • Leaving no doubt that the State Department officials knew they were transmitting classified information, in a Wednesday, January 18, 2017, email with the subject line “Cables/M,” Former Foreign Service Officer Kerem Bilge writes to State Department Congressional advisor Hilary Johnson and others: “Highest class is SECRET/NOFORN.”

Johnson replies:

“FYI – so we can keep the SECRET/NOFORN header, and should declassify it 25 years from tomorrow.

“I forwarded the fully cleared version to the two of you on the high side [Editor’s Note: “high side” is State Department term for high security classification system], but let me know if there’s anything else you need from me on this.

“Note: we’ll need to make sure there is someone in Senate security tomorrow who can accept these.”

  • On Wednesday, January 18, 2017, Johnson confirms that classified documents were sent to Senator Corker in addition to Senator Cardin. “Flagging that I sent you a high side request for clearance of the draft transmittal letter to send documents to Senators Corker and Cardin.”

Additionally, involved in providing classified information to members of the Senate was Naz Durakoglu, Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs. In an email dated Thursday, January 19, 2017, with the subject line “Signed, sealed, delivered” Durakoglu apparently confirms that Obama State Department officials were eager to provide the classified material before Trump was sworn into office: “We made the deadline!” Durakoglu states [E[Emphasis added]Thank you everyone for what was truly a Department-wide effort!”

President Trump was inaugurated less than 24 hours later.

  • In a Wednesday, January 18, 2017 email, Naz Durakoglu signed off on the document transmittal letter on behalf of her bureau. This letter accompanied “the documents to Senator Corker and Cardin”
  • In a Thursday, January 19, 2017 email, Durakoglu appears to confirm that she is who carried the documents from the State Department to Capitol Hill. She states, “I will be carrying over the cables to the Hill.”

“These documents show remarkable evidence of the non-stop, unethical effort in the Obama State Department to gather and send its own dossier of classified information on Russia in an effort to discredit the incoming Trump administration,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.


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via The Gateway Pundit

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Emerson: Trump gets best job-approval numbers since February 2017

You’d never know it from news coverage — or from last month’s midterms — but the electorate has warmed up to Donald Trump. An Emerson College poll shows the president getting his best job approval ratings since near the beginning of his presidency. That doesn’t make them good, but it’s going in the right direction:

The last Emerson poll of 2018 finds President Trump’s job disapproval rating fell below 50% for the first time this year, with approval at 43% and disapproval at 47% on his job performance. These are the strongest job numbers for the President in an Emerson poll since February 2017, when Trump had 48% approval/47% disapproval. This survey data was collected December 6-9, US Residents, MM, n=800, +/-3.6%. …

A Generic Presidential ballot test forecast a similar 2020 race with what was predicted in 2016, with 45% currently leaning for the generic Democrat and 43% for the generic Republican.

Even with the turbulence of his presidency, a majority (56%) of GOP voters surveyed do not believe a Republican candidate should challenge President Trump in the 2020 Presidential Primary; 25% believe a Republican candidate should challenge President Trump.

A 43/47 job approval rating on its own isn’t a very strong number. If Trump goes into the next election cycle with those numbers against a candidate who’s not named Hillary Clinton, he’ll be in serious trouble. However, the trend line has improved all year long despite a number of political storms and a few setbacks, including the midterms which took away the GOP’s House majority. If that trend continues in 2019, Trump could find himself in reasonably good shape to compete for re-election.

This is, of course, just one poll. What about the full trend across multiple poll series? This chart at RealClearPolitics shows similar trends for the past year, even if the amplitude in the job-approval average is different:

This shows more of a plateau in the second half of 2018 rather than the improvement Emerson notes, but it does demonstrate improvement. Maybe it’s better to describe it as America getting used to Trump, as most of the improvement has come from a decline in disapproval, especially in 2018. The individual polls themselves are still wildly divergent — CNN gives Trump a -13 approval spread, while Rasmussen gives him a -2 and Fox a -6. (His last positive spread came in April 2017 from Rasmussen.) Again, these aren’t great numbers or even good ones, but the trend is at least pointing in the right direction.

Emerson also polled for the 2020 Democratic primaries, and the news there may not be too good for their party either. Nearly half of all respondents pick two men whose combined ages will come close to 160 in 2020:

That should be worrisome in a populist, anti-establishment environment. Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders not only will be in their late 70s in the next election cycle, so will their combined tenures in Washington DC (44 years for Biden, 29 for Sanders by 2020). The only outsider on in the top six candidates would be Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, who lost his Senate election last month after serving three terms as a non-entity in the House. Democrats need someone who can compete against Trump’s ability to cast himself as outside the Beltway swamp, not another flavor of establishmentarian. Trump may still be vulnerable in 2020, but running yet another DC insider against him is akin to throwing the GOP a lifeline.

via Hot Air

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‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ Sales Surge After Holiday Classic Is Banned for ‘Predatory’ Lyrics

Brett Eldridge and Meghan Trainor perform “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” (Screenshot)

After Cleveland radio station WDOK banned the holiday classic, “Baby, It’s Cold Outside,’ in an effort to be politically-correct, the popularity of the son skyrocketed, enjoying more than 10 million plays on radio.

WDOK sparked a national controversy over the song in November by publicly declaring it was banning the song because a listener claimed its 1944 lyrics are sexually predatory.

But, according to Billboard.com, the latest weekly ranking of holiday tunes shows the song has, since, enjoyed a surge in sales, far exceeding the 34% sales increase recorded by all holiday songs:

“Most notably, on Billboard‘s Holiday Digital Song Sales chart dated Dec. 15, three interpretations of “Baby” appear the most of any title, and they make the survey’s three largest gains, respectively.”:

  1. Dean Martin, up 257%
  2. Idina Menzel-Michael Bublé duet, up 165%
  3. Leon Redbone-Zooey Dechanel duet, up 130%

Likewise, streaming of “Baby” renditions rose far more than all holiday songs overall (up 32%):

  • Dean Martin, up 54%,
  • Idina Menzel-Michael Bublé duet, up 54%,
  • Brett Eldredge-Meghan Trainor duet, up 36%


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Green Beret Charged with Murder After Killing Taliban Bomb-Maker in Afghanistan – Could Get Death Penalty (Video)

The US Army charged Special Forces Maj. Matthew Golsteyn with premeditated murder and he could face the death penalty for killing a Taliban bomb-maker in Afghanistan.

The Taliban bomb-maker allegedly built a bomb that killed two US Marines.

The U.S. Army charged a Fort Bragg Green Beret with allegedly murdering a man who he suspected was a bomb maker for the Taliban.

Special Forces Maj. Matthew Golsteyn was charged with allegedly shooting and killing the suspected bomb maker in 2010, Task and Purpose reported Thursday. He was deployed with the 3rd Special Forces Group at the time of the alleged incident, according to Army Times.

Golsteyn has been charged with premeditated murder and could face the death penalty, Golsteyn’s attorney, Phillip Stackhouse, told the Times.

“Maj. Golsteyn is being charged with the murder of an Afghan male during his 2010 deployment to Afghanistan,” U.S. Army Special Operations Command spokesman Lt. Col. Loren Bymer told Task and Purpose Thursday.

Golsteyn is a “humble servant-leader who saved countless lives, both American and Afghan, and has been recognized repeatedly for his valorous actions,” Stackhouse said of his client, the Times reported. (RELATED: Green Beret Caught Allegedly Sneaking 90 Lbs Of Cocaine Into The US)

The Army revoked Golsteyn’s Silver Star in February 2015, pending an investigation into whether he killed the alleged Taliban bomb maker while serving in Afghanistan, according to The Fayetteville Observer.

The Army investigated the alleged incident but initially found no evidence proving Golsteyn had committed a crime. He was placed on “excess leave” during the investigation, and reinstated for active duty service after a board of inquiry June 2015 recommendation, Task and Purpose reported.

The investigation was reopened after Golsteyn admitting he killed the man during an October 2016 interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier.

Golsteyn said he killed the suspected Taliban operative because he was afraid the man would kill the tribal leader who had disclosed his identity to Golsteyn, Task and Purpose reported. The man had allegedly built a bomb that killed two Marines, Army Times reported.


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Russia Pulls Nuclear Bombers from Venezuela After Pressure from U.S.

Russia reportedly decided to pull nuclear-capable jets from Venezuela following a diplomatic spat with Washington over their support for the Maduro regime, the White House confirmed on Wednesday.

This week, Russia placed two nuclear-capable Tupolev Tu-160 strategic bombers in Venezuelan territory and showed them off in the skies as a show of force for the Maduro regime.

“During the international visit of the Aerospace Defense Forces’ delegation to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, pilots of strategic bombers Tu-160 conducted a flight in the airspace over the Caribbean Sea. The flight lasted for about 10 hours,” the Russian Defense Ministry’s press service said on Wednesday.

“In certain parts of the route, the flight of Russian bombers was conducted together with Su-30 and F-16 fighter jets of the Venezuelan National Bolivarian Military Aviation,” they continued. “The pilots from the two countries practiced air cooperation when fulfilling air tasks.”

The move drew up immediate anger from the United States, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo denouncing “two corrupt governments squandering public funds, and squelching liberty and freedom while their people suffer.”

Russia’s Foreign Ministry denounced Mr. Pompeo’s comments as “unacceptable” and “unprofessional.”

“We have taken note of the brash tweet posted by @SecPompeo regarding the training flight of Russian strategic bombers to Venezuela,” they wrote on Twitter. “What the US Secretary of State has tweeted is completed unacceptable, not to say unprofessional.”

Venezuelan Defence Minister Vladimir Padrino López said the exercises were part of Russia’s support for the country’s military, which he claimed was needed because the United States is planning an invasion that would lead to the overthrow of the Maduro regime.

“This we are going to do with our friends, because we have friends in the world who defend respectful, balanced relations,” he said. “We are preparing to defend Venezuela to the last inch when necessary.”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said on Wednesday that Russian forces had agreed to leave the area and return to Russia after President Donald Trump spoke with senior Russian officials.

“We have spoken with representatives of Russia and have been informed that their military aircraft, which landed in Venezuela, will be leaving on Friday and going back to Russia,” Sanders said in a statement Wednesday.

The Kremlin has expanded its support for the Maduro regime, which is currently overseeing a dire economic and humanitarian crisis. Over the past decade, Vladimir Putin has been one of the most reliable backers of Maduro, providing at least $17 billion in loans and credit lines since 2006, as well as arms deals and military intelligence sharing.

Moscow negotiated repayment in the form of oil shipments, although it is struggling to meet its requirement due to the ongoing collapse of the country’s state oil company Petroleum of Venezuela.

Follow Ben Kew on Facebook, Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at bkew@breitbart.com.

via Breitbart News

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