Jeb Bush: Donald Trump ‘Couldn’t Have Been Nicer’ After Bush Sr. Died

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush praised President Donald Trump on Tuesday for his gracious response to the Bush family after the death of George H.W. Bush.

Jeb Bush said that Trump called him after his father died and “couldn’t have been nicer.”

Trump’s former rival for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 spoke about his father’s death and President Trump during a Wall Street Journal event in Washington, DC.

He said that his granddaughters joined First Lady Melania Trump and other members of the Bush family on Tuesday to visit the White House and tour the Christmas decorations.

Jeb added that both the president and the first lady were “really gracious” to the family.

He acknowledged that Trump was not delivering the eulogy for his father but said that George W. Bush had “first dibs.”

“What people want to talk about is, well, why isn’t the president giving the eulogy?’” he said. “It’s because we have a unique circumstance here: my brother was president.”

Trump will attend the state funeral for George H.W. Bush which will be held on Wednesday.

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Dick’s CEO Considering Taking Gun Ban Even Further, Targeting Hunters Now

Commentary Culture

Dick’s CEO Considering Taking Gun Ban Even Further, Targeting Hunters Now

A Dick's Sporting Goods Store.JonClee86 / Wikimedia CommonsA Dick’s Sporting Goods Store at Westroads Mall Omaha. (JonClee86 / Wikimedia Commons)

When Dick’s Sporting Goods announced earlier this year the chain would no longer sell so-called assault weapons at its Field and Stream locations, the backlash was intense.

The store made headlines and was slammed across social media and conservative news outlets for the anti-gun move. Some shoppers even abandoned the store altogether.

Now, the financial implications of the chain’s decision are becoming much clearer.

The company’s share price dipped more than 4 percent after a devaluation by J.P. Morgan, reports CNBC.

Stock in the company was downgraded by an analyst after failing to inspire confidence. The downgrade saw the stock slapped with a “neutral” label, meaning investors don’t see it as a rapid earner anytime soon.

TRENDING: Leftists Begin Disgusting Politicization of George HW Bush’s Death Just Hours Later

And it’s not just a stock downgrade signaling rough seas ahead for the sporting goods store.

Same-store sales growth for the company took a staggering hit, projected to grow at less than half the rate as the previous years’ average. This may eventually slow to a standstill if customers continue to abandon the chain.

And why wouldn’t any gun-loving American ditch this store?

Dick’s made its infamous decision to heavily restrict its firearms sales days after the Parkland shooting in Florida. The company even planned to destroy the weapons instead of sending them back to the manufacturer, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Have you stopped buying from Dick’s because of its anti-gun decision?

Destroying money making inventory may have been done to send a message, but it could have also worked to scare away potential investors worried about the future of a company more concerned with catering to liberals than turning a profit.

Despite the less-than-stellar financial outlook, Dick’s now seems to be doubling down on bad business decisions.

Since gun buyers have decided to stay away from Dick’s, CEO Edward Stack is now considering removing all hunting equipment from the stores.

Ten stores have already removed hunting items, reports WTVD. Those items were replaced with outerwear, baseball gear and other things likely found cheaper on Amazon.

While a sporting goods store excluding certain sportsman may seem like a bad business idea, Stack is hopeful about the test.

RELATED: Landlord Tells Female Student To Leave When Liberal Snowflakes Find Legal Guns

It seems as though Dick’s is intent on whittling down its “dangerous” merchandise, at any cost.

And although the company has survived nearly a year after its anti-gun decision, restructuring the stores to exclude certain sportsmen and outdoorsmen is sure to hurt the retailer even more down the line.

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Leftists Now Want to End the Phrase ‘Bringing Home the Bacon’

And today in “no, we’re really not joking” news regarding political correctness, did you know your privilege is showing if you use the phrase “bringing home the bacon”?

Yes, it’s true — simple phrases like that now ought to be considered passé, according to one academic, because they involve animal products.

Writing in The Conversation — whose motto “Academic rigour, journalistic flair” has always struck me as one of the more ridiculously hopeful taglines on the internet — Professor Shareena Z. Hamzah of Swansea University in Wales argues that meat itself is tainted by the whiff of privilege.

Now that more and more people are cutting out animal products from their diets, she writes, phrases that use them might be considered offensive.

“For countless generations, meat has been considered the single most important component of any meal. But meat is more than just a form of sustenance, it is the very king of all foods. It’s a source of societal power,” she writes in a piece headlined “How the rise of veganism may tenderize fictional language.”

TRENDING: Leftists Begin Disgusting Politicization of George HW Bush’s Death Just Hours Later

“Historically, the resources required to obtain meat meant it was mainly the preserve of the upper classes, while the peasantry subsisted on a mostly vegetarian diet. As a result, the consumption of meat was associated with dominant power structures in society, its absence from the plate indicating disadvantaged groups, such as women and the poor. To control the supply of meat was to control the people.”

This would be a great lark, but I’m under the impression this poor woman is being serious.

“In today’s reality, meat is repeatedly the subject of much socially and politically charged discussion, including about how the demand for meat is contributing to climate change and environmental degradation,” she continues.

“Given that fiction often reflects on real world events and societal issues, it may very well be that down the line powerful meat metaphors are eschewed.

Do you think this is political correctness run amok?

“The increased awareness of vegan issues will filter through consciousness to produce new modes of expression.”

And that new consciousness, of course, will take out certain phrases.

“It is not surprising that food metaphors, often meat-based, infuse our daily speech,” she writes.

“There is invariably a gastronomically themed way of expressing almost any situation. Having money troubles? Then your goose is cooked if you don’t bring home the bacon.”

I’m curious where the academic rigo(u)r and/or journalistic flair is here. This is pretty much less rigorous or academic than my personal favorite study in this vein, “When ‘Angelino’ squirrels don’t eat nuts: a feminist posthumanist politics of consumption across southern California.”

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As for journalistic flair? Well, read it for yourself. If it weren’t unintentionally funny, you’d fall asleep.

Take, for instance, her alternatives.

“The increased awareness of vegan issues will filter through our consciousness to produce new modes of expression – after all, there’s more than one way to peel a potato.  At the same time, metaphors involving meat could gain an increased intensity if the killing of animals for food becomes less socially acceptable,” she writes.

“The image of ‘killing two birds with one stone’ is, if anything, made more powerful by the animal-friendly alternative of ‘feeding two birds with one scone.’ If veganism forces us to confront the realities of food’s origins, then this increased awareness will undoubtedly be reflected in our language and our literature.”

I’ll pause while you clean the coffee you just spat out while laughing off of your phone. Ready now? Great.

Sadly, Hamzah isn’t the only one who thinks this should be a thing. Look at those brilliant folks at PETA, who also suggested teachers substitute new idioms for anything involving animals.

“Unfortunately, many of us grew up hearing common phrases that perpetuate violence toward animals, such as ‘kill two birds with one stone,’ ‘beat a dead horse,’ and ‘bring home the bacon.’ These old sayings are often passed down in classrooms during lessons on literary devices,” the group wrote in a blog post for teachers headlined “Animal-Friendly Idioms That Your Students Will Love.”

“While these phrases may seem harmless, they carry meaning and can send mixed signals to students about the relationship between humans and animals and can normalize abuse.”

Instead, PETA suggests that you should say “spill the beans” instead of “letting the cat out of the bag” and “taking the rose by the thorns” instead of “taking the bull by the horns.”

That’s perhaps the most galling thing about Hamzah’s piece, which was published late last month. She’s not the only one thinking this.

She’s not the only person bringing home some bacon by saying “bringing home the bacon” is offensive. God help us, each and every one.

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Watch: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Actually Thinks Green Energy Will End Racism. Literally.

I don’t expect much sense to be spoken at a “climate town hall” event hosted by Vermont socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders in partnership with publications like The Nation and NowThis. Even though it was live-streamed on the internet free, I literally had anything better to do.

However, I probably ought to have perused the list of speakers at Monday’s “Solving Our Climate Crisis, a National Town Hall” a bit closer. Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was on the bill. There was at least a fighting chance that she was going to give us a profoundly stupid soundbite.

The Notorious AOC certainly didn’t disappoint, saying that renewable energy would finally bring “racial justice” to America.

“The idea that we’re going to somehow lose economic activity — as a matter of fact, it’s not just possible that we will create jobs and economic activity by transitioning to renewable energy,” she told the audience.

“But it’s inevitable that we’re going to create jobs. It’s inevitable that we’re going to create industry.

TRENDING: Leftists Begin Disgusting Politicization of George HW Bush’s Death Just Hours Later

“And it’s inevitable that we can use the transition to 100 percent renewable energy as the vehicle to truly deliver and establish economic, social and racial justice in the United States of America.”

When it comes to the environment, much like geopolitics, Rep.-elect Ocasio-Cortez is not the expert on this issue. For instance, she believes climate change can be fought like it were a Nazi.

“So when we talk about existential threats, the last time we had a really major existential threat to this country was around World War II,” Ocasio-Cortez told an audience in October.

“And so we’ve been here before and we have a blueprint of doing this before.”

“None of these things are new ideas. What we had was an existential threat in the context of a war. We had a direct existential threat with another nation, this time it was Nazi Germany and the Axis, who explicitly made the United States as an enemy, as an enemy.

“And what we did was that we chose to mobilize our entire economy and industrialized our entire economy and we put hundreds of thousands if not millions of people to work in defending our shores and defending this country. We have to do the same thing in order to get us to 100 percent renewable energy, and that’s just the truth of it.”

Of course, the blueprint we have of doing this before involves building a lot of fighter planes, submarines and tanks and powering them with fossil fuels. And then killing a lot of people on the other side — by the millions.

But shh.

At least that had the sort-of-kind-of connection to reality by envisioning total mobilization of an economy to a cause, even if it was a ridiculous cause for which total mobilization would be impossible. In what world is this going to create “racial justice?”

RELATED: Here’s Why Ocasio-Cortez’s Math on Pentagon, Medicare Costs Is So Embarrassingly Wrong

Are windmills going to end racism? Are we going to get tidal power up and running and suddenly the alt-right and the New Black Panthers are going to hold hands and sing “I’d like to buy the world a carbon credit?”

And on economic and social justice — are solar panels going to make income inequality go away and convince every Republican to ask new friends what their preferred gender pronouns are? I’m kind of drawing a blank on how the particulars of this are going to work.

That’s all right, though — I get the feeling Rep.-elect Ocasio-Cortez was drawing a bit of a blank herself when she said it. This is just a jumble of words that was supposed to signal how capital-P Progressive she is. It worked, but at the expense of her own already-tattered reputation

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Chinese Doctor Who Claimed to Have Edited Baby Genes Disappears

He Jiankui, the Chinese scientist who claimed recently to have successfully edited the genes of twin infants to reject HIV, appears to have gone missing since delivering remarks at a Hong Kong scientific conference, the South China Morning Post reported on Monday.

He reportedly embarked on his experiment without the express permission of the Chinese Communist Party. He published videos on YouTube in late November introducing “Lulu” and “Nana,” two twin girls who he claimed were genetically edited to rejected HIV, the virus responsible for AIDS. Scientists around the world have deemed the CRISPR technology used in the experience highly risky, as there are little safeguards ensuring that only the gene targeted is edited, and no research confirming that such editing only adds or eliminates what the scientist wishes. If confirmed to have occurred, He’s experiment would be the first of its kind on human beings.

The Post notes that He’s whereabouts are currently “unknown,” though the Chinese government has not claimed to have arrested him. Beijing has a long record of “disappearing” individuals it deems to defy or inherently pose a threat to the communist regime, from local priests spreading the Gospel to nationally acclaimed movie stars. The newspaper reached out to He’s academic institution, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTC) in Shenzhen, but did not receive any concrete information on the scientist’s whereabouts or freedom status.

“We cannot answer any questions regarding the matter right now, but if we have any information, we will update it through our official channels,” a spokesperson for the university told the newspaper.

The Post reports that it chose to reach out to the university after unnamed “media outlets” claimed that He was under house arrest after speaking at an event in Hong Kong last week. At that event, the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing, He argued that “a natural protection against HIV is carried by as much as ten percent of the population in several European countries,” and his work had found a way to tinker with human genes to make them create this protection without having naturally come upon it. The scientist also insisted that the parents of the children were informed of the experimental nature of what he did to their daughters and consented.

The summit’s organizers issued a statement after hosting He declaring their belief that “proceeding with any clinical use of germline editing remains irresponsible at this time,” but that “making changes in the DNA of embryos or gametes could allow parents who carry disease-causing mutations to have healthy, genetically related children” and is worthy of the establishment of “rigorous, responsible” guidelines for how scientists should approach the study.

The statement called He’s claim “deeply disturbing” and urged “an independent assessment to verify this claim and to ascertain whether the claimed DNA modifications have occurred.”

While the international scientific community has condemned He for, if his claims are true, taking extreme risks with human lives, the Chinese government has condemned their lack of involvement or consent in the study. He Jiankui was once regaled in Chinese state propaganda for his research on genetics. An article in the People’s Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, applauded He in July 2017 for leading research into advancing genome sequencing abilities through a project called GenoCare, described as “a new class of third-generation sequencing platform.”

The tenor of the People’s Daily article was notably missing from Chinese state media’s coverage of He’s latest work.

“There is no knowing why He did his experiment. It would be to his shame if he did it simply to gain fame,” China Daily mused last week in an editorial. “The truth behind the announcement that suggests such an experiment was conducted without approval needs to be clarified and any loopholes in the management of such sensitive scientific research must be closed.”

The Global Times, another state outlet, also demanded the creation of a federal scientific research oversight committee to micromanage university work, claiming that He took advantage of the decentralized regulation in academia to not attract government suspicion. It remains unclear whether He cleared the experiment with the proper channels; as the Global Times notes, He “claimed that his ‘research has been submitted to ethics committee [sic] for supervision,’ but he didn’t clarify which ethics committee.”

“If we don’t deal with He’s case seriously, the reputation of Chinese scientists will be totally ruined,” Huang Jiefu, China’s vice minister of health, told the Times, reportedly adding that “China’s science and technology have now developed far beyond the scope of the regulation that was established 15 years ago.”

The Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology has vowed a thorough probe into the matter of who, if anyone, approved the research, and how to create a national oversight infrastructure to ensure that scientists cannot conduct research that the Communist Party does not approve. The government also banned all research related to gene editing.

If the Chinese government confirms He’s apprehension, he will join a long list of high-profile Chinese citizens arbitrarily detained and “disappeared” without clarity. At the top of that list is Meng Hongwei, the rightful president of Interpol, who traveled to his native China to visit family and never returned. Chinese authorities abruptly issued a statement saying he was under arrest for unspecified corruption charges and sent Interpol what they claimed to be a letter from Meng resigning from his position at the head of the international agency.

China also “disappeared” one of the nation’s most famous actresses, Fan Bingbing, this year, for months. Police explained her disappearance in October, after five months of Fan’s social media going silent and the actress not appearing in public, claiming she had been convicted of tax fraud.

Follow Frances Martel on Facebook and Twitter.

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‘Open It Up Or We’ll Shut It Down,’ US-Based Group With Violent History Involved In Agitating Migrants At Border

And even the regular leftists behind the migrants are upset with their inciting.

Via Daily Caller:

A Detroit-based faction operating in Tijuana that’s encouraging the migrant caravan to march to the U.S. border has a history of violence and has been disavowed by Communist and progressive organizations.

BAMN, a Detroit-based group whose motto is “Trump must go or be removed BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY,” is inciting the migrants to march to the border. Its flier, titled “Open It Up Or We’ll Shut It Down! Everyone Must Be Let In!” was distributed to the migrants and its banner hung in the Benito Juarez sports complex that housed the caravan.

The faction, originally dedicated to affirmative action and affiliated with the Revolutionary Workers League, has been repeatedly condemned by groups it has crossed paths with, dating back two decades.

In 1995, the Socialist Party USA, Democratic Socialists of America, the Solidarity National Political Committee, and a long list of similar groups wrote: “As socialists, we condemn the actions of the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action By Any Means Necessary and the Revolutionary Workers League.”

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Grassley Demands Answers From FBI On Raid On Whistleblower Who Had Info Against Clintons

The FBI raided the whistleblower’s house and grabbed the docs he had on the Clintons, despite him saying he was represented and a whistleblower.

Via Daily Caller:

In the wake of a bombshell Daily Caller News Foundation investigative report late last week, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley demanded answers from FBI Director Christopher Wray about a Nov. 19 bureau raid on the home of a recognized whistleblower.

The whistleblower, Dennis Cain, who was once employed by an FBI contractor, reportedly turned over documents to the Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz regarding the bureau’s failure to investigate potential criminal activity regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and the Russian company that purchased Uranium One.

Horowitz subsequently deemed Cain a whistleblower protected under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act, Cain’s lawyer, Michael Socarras, told TheDCNF.

Grassley sent a letter to Wray on Nov. 30 asking pointed questions about the raid on Cain’s private residence in Union Bridge, Maryland.

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Conservative Leaders Demand Congress Fund Border Wall for National Security

WASHINGTON, DC – More than 100 national conservative leaders demanded Tuesday that Congress tackle illegal aliens on the U.S.-Mexican border in the year-end funding measure, demanding $5 billion for a border wall and other national security safeguards.

Leaders of many of the most powerful conservative organizations in the United States signed this Conservative Action Project Memo to the Movement, entitled “America’s National Sovereignty Threatened: Congress Must Fund a Wall that Secures our Southern Border.”

“As the southern border continues to be overwhelmed by migrants seeking illegal entry into the United States, we urge Congress to finally address this issue,” begins the Memo to the Movement.

The Memo makes three specific demands on Congress to achieve this national security goal:

Provide a minimum of $5 billion for President Trump’s border wall. Unlike the $1.6 billion that Congress passed in March, these funds must allow the president to actually engage in new construction and planning. To be clear, funds that merely allow for repairs, planning or pedestrian fencing—and do not allow for new construction of President Trump’s wall prototypes—do not constitute funding a border wall.

Provide more funds for the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol. The U.S. border patrol is facing continued and growing illegal crossings, with more than 50,000 apprehensions this fiscal year alone. As current events have demonstrated, adequate funding for both manpower and resources are critical to the safety and security at the border, but also to our national sovereignty. Our legal immigration system, the rule of law, and the nature of U.S. citizenship are at risk if we do not control the flow of illegal immigration by securing the border.

Provide funds for more judges at the border. Under President Obama, the legal threshold for claiming asylum was lowered to one of “credible fear.” As a result, asylum cases have shot upward, many times taking years to process. In the meantime, illegal entrants claiming asylum are released into the interior of the country, where they await legal proceedings for which they may or may not show up. More judges at the border will allow for faster processing times, allowing genuine asylum claims to be identified and prioritized and inadequate asylum claims to be efficiently handled.

These leaders praise President Donald Trump, saying the commander-in-chief is “using all of his authorities to address this crisis at the border.”

The signatories include:

  • Ed Meese, former U.S. Attorney General of the United States
  • Don Hodel, former U.S. Secretary of Energy and Secretary of the Interior
  • Matt Schlapp, Chairman, American Conservative Union
  • Al Regnery, Chairman, Conservative Action Project
  • Ken Blackwell, Chairman, Constitutional Congress
  • Jenny Beth Martin, Chairman, Tea Party Patriots
  • Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council
  • David Bozell, President, ForAmerica
  • David Bossie, President, Citizens United
  • Gary Bauer, President, American Principles Project
  • Tom Fitton, President, Judicial Watch
  • Bill Walton, Chairman, CNP Action
  • Colin Hanna, President, Let Freedom Ring
  • Charles Cooper, former Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice
  • Gen. Jerry Boykin (ret.), former Commander, U.S. Army Special Warfare Center
  • Jim DeMint, former U.S. Senator
  • Bob McEwen, former U.S. Congressman
  • Ken Cribb, Former White House Domestic Policy Adviser to President Reagan

Ken Klukowski is senior legal editor for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @kenklukowski.

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JUST IN: Thousands of Emails of Top Republican Officials Stolen in Major Hack

JUST IN: Thousands of Emails of Top Republican Officials Stolen in Major Hack

Cristina Laila
by Cristina Laila
December 4, 2018

Thousands of emails from top Republicans were stolen during the 2018 midterm election in a major hack.

Email accounts from four top aides at the National Republican Congressional Committee were hacked and surveilled for several months. The hack was first detected in April by an MSSP, a managed security services provider that monitors the NRCC’s network; the FBI was then alerted.

The origin of the attack is unknown at this time, however; they believe it was a foreign agent.

None of the stolen emails were made public and the NRCC says donor information was not compromised.

Politico reported:

The House GOP campaign arm suffered a major hack during the 2018 election, exposing thousands of sensitive emails to an outside intruder, according to three senior party officials.

The email accounts of four senior aides at the National Republican Congressional Committee were surveilled for several months, the party officials said. The intrusion was detected in April by an NRCC vendor, who alerted the committee and its cybersecurity contractor. An internal investigation was initiated and the FBI was alerted to the attack, said the officials, who requested anonymity to discuss the incident.

However, senior House Republicans — including Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) — were not informed of the hack until POLITICO contacted the NRCC on Monday with questions about the episode. Rank-and-file House Republicans were not told, either.

The NRCC confirmed in a statement they were the victim of a hack

“The NRCC can confirm that it was the victim of a cyber intrusion by an unknown entity. The cybersecurity of the Committee’s data is paramount, and upon learning of the intrusion, the NRCC immediately launched an internal investigation and notified the FBI, which is now investigating the matter. To protect the integrity of that investigation, the NRCC will offer no further comment on the incident,” said Ian Prior, a vice president at Mercury.


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