Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s New ‘Term’ For Dems Claiming A Border Wall Won’t Work Is Perfect

Notice exactly how many illegal aliens are caught every year? Imagine how many get through…

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For years, Lefties have been calling anyone who doesn’t believe that man alone is powerful enough to control the environment, ‘climate deniers.’ Some of these tolerant, lovely, peaceful people have even said those who don’t agree with their ideas on climate change should go to jail.

You just know they’re a hoot at birthday parties.

Anyway, newly-elected badass Rep. Dan Crenshaw came up with a new term for anyone and everyone claiming a wall won’t work and that there isn’t a real problem at the border.

Looking at you, Nancy Pelosi:

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Americans Want Border Security, And The Numbers Show It

Schumer and Pelosi have been talking to the shadows.

President Trump is far from alone in his determination to secure our borders — according to a recent Gallup poll, Americans view immigration as the second-biggest problem facing the country today.

That’s bad news for the Democrat Party, which is hellbent on opposing the president’s efforts to fix our broken immigration system, especially the border wall he needs in order to get illegal immigration under control.

The Democrats have a very simple, two-part strategy on immigration: first and foremost, they want to keep President Trump from fulfilling his promises to the American people; second, they want to make it even easier for foreigners to enter this country illegally.

With Democrats now in control of the House of Representatives, it’s no surprise that Americans are deeply troubled by the immigration crisis.

Over the past several decades, millions of illegal immigrants have successfully evaded our efforts to enforce immigration laws, putting local economies and welfare programs under tremendous pressure to cope with the massive influx of undocumented workers and their families, most of whom receive at least one form of government welfare.

In fact, illegal immigration costs taxpayers a staggering $134.9 billion a year while contributing only $19 billion in state, federal, and local taxes. At the federal level, medical costs make up the lion’s share of government expenditures on illegal immigrants, while education is the largest single expense that illegal immigration imposes on state and local governments.

Sadly, an overloaded welfare state is not the only negative side-effect of our broken immigration system. Communities across America are also being devastated by the violent crime and drug trafficking that result from our failure to control the border — an issue Donald Trump has addressed repeatedly and emphatically ever since he first announced his candidacy for president.

Rather than letting obstructionist Democrats in Congress prevent him from addressing the immigration problem, the president has exercised his executive power to make progress on the issue wherever possible.

Thanks to the president’s diplomatic approach, for instance, the U.S. and Mexico have virtually achieved synergy on immigration, developing a joint strategy to tackle the root causes of mass migration. In response to urging from the Trump administration, Mexico is also offering incentives to deter migrants from illegally crossing the U.S. border, as well as agreeing to house asylum-seekers on its territory while their claims are processed by U.S. authorities.

President Trump has done everything in his power to strengthen immigration enforcement on our side of the border as well, even sending the military to reinforce our brave border patrol agents when a caravan of thousands of migrants threatened to overwhelm their resources.

By taking a firm stand on border security, the president is doing exactly what the people elected him to do, as Gallup’s polling confirms.

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Scalise Rips Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Radical Followers,’ Shuts Down Debate with Her

Commentary Politics

Scalise Rips Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Radical Followers,’ Shuts Down Debate with Her

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, left; and Rep. Steve Scalise, right.Getty ImagesRep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, left, engaged in a Twitter debate with Rep. Steve Scalise, right, on Saturday. But Scalise shut things down when supporters of Ocasio-Cortez decided to weigh in with references to the wounds Scalise suffered in a shooting in 2017. (Getty Images)

This is Democrats’ idea of debating.

Louisiana Republican Rep. Steve Scalise came to the abrupt realization that Twitter is perhaps the last place for anyone to try to have a productive discussion about policies after engaging everyone’s favorite profanity-defending socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Scalise had taken to Twitter to blast Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal” which would put an onerous financial burden on many Americans (as most Democratic “ideas” tend to do.)

In an interview with the CBS program “60 Minutes,” scheduled to air Sunday, Ocasio-Cortez had suggested a ludicrous 70 percent tax to help fund her socialist fantasies and Scalise, justifiably, took her to task for it.

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Unsurprisingly, Ocasio-Cortez responded on Twitter. Instead of offering anything substantive to argue for her point, she merely regurgitated tired leftist gibberish.

“You’re the GOP Minority Whip. How do you not know how marginal tax rates work?” she asked on Twitter.

Do you think Scalise made the right move in closing off this debate?

(Something tells me Scalise fully knows how marginal tax rates work, he just wanted to use Ocasio-Cortez’s rhetoric to illustrate how ridiculous she sounds.)

As leftist typically do, Ocasio-Cortez just jumped straight to the insults.

“Oh that’s right, almost forgot: GOP works for the corporate CEOs showering themselves in multi-million (dollar) bonuses; not the actual working people whose wages + healthcare they’re ripping off for profit,” Ocasio-Cortez added.

To his credit, Scalise initially seemed willing to engage with her on the topic. That is, until he saw the responses he was getting from Ocasio-Cortez’s mindless drones.

“Snipe his a–,” one Twitter user wrote. Another Twitter user wrote that Ocasio-Cortez has “better aim than James Hodgkinson.” Both were referring to the horrific incident 2017 where a gunman opened fire on a GOP baseball game and struck Scalise and nearly killed him.

RELATED: Ocasio-Cortez Plays the Sexism Card While Defending ‘Motherf—er’ Comment

Another classless dolt told Ocasio-Cortez to “kick his cane.”

That’s when Scalise decided to shut things down.

“Hi @AOC. Happy to continue this debate on the Floor of the People’s House, but it’s clearly not productive to engage here with some of your radical followers,” Scalise retorted before tacking on a “#StayClassy.”

Perhaps the crudity of the comments by Ocasio-Cortez supporters shouldn’t be a huge surprise, given how classless leftists can be, but even given that low standard, the comments made by Ocasio-Cortez’s “radical followers” were despicable.

It truly speaks volumes that these are the types of people attracted to Ocasio-Cortez and what she stands for.

Absolutely sickening.

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via Conservative Tribune

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Poll: Only 7 Percent of Americans Think Illegal Immigration Is Not a Problem

Commentary Politics

Poll: Only 7 Percent of Americans Think Illegal Immigration Is Not a Problem

U.S. workers are photographed during construction of 32km of the border wall by order of U.S. President Donald Trump on the border between Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Mexico and Santa Teresa, New Mexico state, U.S., on April 17, 2018.Herika Martinez / AFP / Getty ImagesU.S. workers are pictured in April during construction of parts of the border wall by order of President Donald Trump on the border between Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Santa Teresa, New Mexico.(Herika Martinez / AFP / Getty Images)

If you listen to the establishment media, one narrative becomes painfully clear: Enforcing the border is evil, illegal immigration is absolutely great and you’re a terrible person if you say otherwise.

The American people didn’t get the memo. While the left continues to pretend that President Donald Trump is an extremist for sounding the alarm on unrestricted immigration, it turns out that the vast majority of citizens agree with him.

According to an Economist/YouGov survey, a jaw-dropping 93 percent of Americans believe that illegal immigration is a problem.

“A wide-ranging Economist/YouGov survey gauged the level of concern Americans have on the issue to find that only 7 percent of the overall public say illegal immigration is ‘not a problem’; 2 percent of Republicans, 7 percent of independents and even 12 percent of Democrats agree with the statement,” The Washington Times reported.

There are differences in how serious people believe the immigration problem is, but those who shrug off illegal immigration are few and far between.

TRENDING: Jawdropping Alteration Seen on Map in New Muslim Congresswoman’s Office

“40 percent of Americans overall say illegal immigration in the U.S. is a ‘very serious problem’; 73 percent of Republicans, 38 percent of independents and 15 percent of Democrats agree,” The Times explained.

“22 percent overall say illegal immigration is a ‘somewhat serious problem’; 19 percent of Republicans, 21 percent of independents and 26 percent of Democrats agree,” the paper summarized. Another 24 percent of Americans said that it was a “minor problem.”

At the same time, the Economist/YouGov survey revealed some inconvenient results for liberals.

When respondents were asked if they trusted Republicans or Democrats to deal with border security, a higher percentage — 31 percent — said “Republicans.” Meanwhile, 62 percent thought Congress should compromise with the president to end the government shutdown.

Will the border wall be approved in 2019?

While it’s clear that Trump is receiving a lot of blame for his role in the shutdown, the poll also showed that 43 percent of respondents think Democrats should at least partially give in to the president’s calls for more border funding.

Many remained undecided.

Of course, no poll should be taken as gospel.

We learned that lesson well during the 2016 presidential election when the so-called “experts” were baffled at how Trump won despite their models giving him a snowball’s chance in hell.

With that said, these results send an important message.

RELATED: Mother of Son Killed by Illegal Looks Directly at Camera With Border Wall Message for Dems

While talking heads in the media act as if the president stands alone in his concern over immigration and the border, he’s actually right in the middle of American public opinion.

This is what Trump does so well: He has a sixth sense about finding issues where a large number of voters agree with him, but that the left and the media cannot stand.

In many ways, that’s exactly how he won the White House. Trump understood on a basic level what most Americans were frustrated about and listened to them instead of the media narrative. He says things that are deeply unpopular with coastal elites, yet which make everyday people nod their heads in agreement.

As 2019 picks up steam, it’s almost certain that the media will become more shrill and the left will become more desperate to paint anyone even mildly conservative as a radical.

Don’t fall for it.

It is the establishment bubble-dwellers who are out of touch, not everyday Americans. The president may be far from perfect, but at the very least he’s on the same general page as the people he was elected to serve.

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Donald Trump Open to Declaring a State of Emergency to Fund Border Wall

President Donald Trump said he was willing to declare a state of emergency on Friday, in order to build a wall on the Southern border.

“Absolutely, we can call a national emergency,” Trump said when asked about the idea by a reporter. “I haven’t done it. I may do it. I may do it.”
The president spoke to reporters in the Rose Garden on Friday at the White House after meeting with Congressional leaders for more than two hours to try to make a deal.

Trump confirmed that he said that he was willing to keep the government shutdown for up to a year, if necessary if Democrats refused to make a deal on border security funding.

“I did say that, absolutely I said that,” he said. “I don’t think it will but I am prepared and I think that I can speak for Republicans in the House and Republicans in the Senate they feel very strongly about having a safe country.”

Trump said that he was not pleased that the government remained shut down as Democrats refused to compromise with his demands, but would continue to stand strong on the issue.

“I’m very proud of doing what I’m doing,” he said when asked if he was “proud” of the shutdown.

Trump said that he was adamant about getting funding for the border.

“This should have been done by all of the presidents preceding me,” Trump said. “We’re not playing games; we have to do it.”

He also signaled interest in building a “steel wall” that you could see through, declaring that it was probably stronger than a concrete wall.

Trump reminded reporters that he was present at the White House during Christmas and New Years looking to make a deal with Democrats, and received zero response.

The president said he remained “very firm” on the $5.2 billion number requested for border security.

“We have to get a structure built,” he said, adding that the federal government had already replaced existing fencing on the border.

The partial government shutdown is now in its 14th day.

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GOP Sen. Cruz, Rep. Rooney Introduce Constitutional Amendment To Impose Term Limits On Congress

Dead on arrival.

Washington (CNN)Republican Sen. Ted Cruz and Republican Rep. Francis Rooney proposed a Constitutional amendment on Thursday that would impose term limits on members of both houses of Congress.

The amendment, co-sponsored by Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), and David Perdue (R-Ga.), would restrict senators to two six-year terms and House members to three two-year terms. A similar amendment was proposed by Cruz in January of 2017.

“For too long, members of Congress have abused their power and ignored the will of the American people,” Cruz said. “Term limits on members of Congress offer a solution to the brokenness we see in Washington, D.C. It is long past time for Congress to hold itself accountable. I urge my colleagues to submit this constitutional amendment to the states for speedy ratification.”

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I Ran Personnel Policy Under Reagan. Here Are Some Steps to Reforming Our Bureaucracies.

At the very pinnacle of the modern progressive program to make government competent stands the ideal of a professionalized, career civil service.

Since the turn of the 20th century, progressives have sought a system that could effectively select, train, reward, and guard from partisan influence the neutral scientific experts they believe are required to staff the national government and run the administrative state.

Our current system, largely implemented during the New Deal, was designed to replace the amateurism and corruption that were endemic to the old spoils system, wherein government jobs were used to reward loyal partisan foot soldiers, with professionalized, scientific, and politically neutral administration. While progressives designed the merit system to promote expertise and shield bureaucrats from partisan political pressure, it now insulates civil servants from accountability.

As I argue in a new study for The Heritage Foundation, the modern merit system has made it impossible to fire all but the most incompetent civil servants. Complying with arcane rules regarding recruiting, rating, hiring, and firing has replaced the goal of cultivating competence and expertise.

The current system is long overdue for a thoroughgoing makeover. When it comes to basic human resources decisions, employee performance should come first. The federal government should remove red tape that prevents agencies from hiring, promoting, and retaining top talent.

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But the quality of the career civil service is not the only problem. The high operating costs of our bloated federal bureaucracy are equally unsustainable. While the military’s unofficial motto is “do more with less,” the career civil service often does less with more. Agency payrolls are laden by federal employees who are paid more than they could earn in the private sector. This must be changed.

Finally, elected officials must assert firm control over the career civil service. While the federal service is mostly comprised of capable and competent individuals, careerists by themselves should not be tasked with formulating and executing the details of an agenda for major policy change.

The problem goes deeper than bureaucratic administration. The federal bureaucracy’s inefficiency, expense, and irresponsiveness to political leadership are all rooted in the progressive belief that unelected experts should be trusted with promoting the general welfare in just about every area of social life. This belief is the root of the problem.

If political interests continue to force Congress and the president to act directly on all manner of societal problems, as they currently are, the federal bureaucracy will continue to be overwhelmed. It is simply impossible for political leadership to effectively manage a bureaucracy vast enough to fulfill all of the functions now performed by the national government. Unlimited utopian progressive aspirations cannot be squared with constitutional government.

Serious reform must address both the merit system’s failures and the progressive vision of government that has created an overweening bureaucracy unable to meet its own ideals.

The post I Ran Personnel Policy Under Reagan. Here Are Some Steps to Reforming Our Bureaucracies. appeared first on The Daily Signal.

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