De Blasio draws massive NH crowd. Naw… just kidding

If New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio isn’t running for president in 2020, what the heck is he doing? Rather than staying at home and dealing with the city’s mounting infrastructure and law enforcement problems, he’s busy raising PAC money for the Democratic Parties in other states and touring the early voting states talking to anyone who will listen. Unfortunately for Hizzoner, the number of people actually interested in listening hasn’t been particularly impressive. That was certainly the case when he showed up to host a public forum on mental health. Aside from the guest speakers sitting on the panel, a grand total of six people showed up to listen. (NY Post)

Mayor de Blasio’s ongoing tease of a presidential run didn’t exactly pull in the crowds during a campaign-esque event in the Granite State.

Only 20 people showed up Sunday to hear the leader of America’s largest city hold a roundtable on mental health — including the 14 people on the panel and just six in the audience.

There were also about six reporters on hand to make the room at the Sugar River Valley Regional technical school look a bit less empty.

De Blasio — who continued to refuse to commit to a White House run — pulled a well-worn page from his mayoral campaign playbook and put First Lady Chirlane McCray center stage on what was his second day touring the crucial primary battleground state.

His supporters should have already been nervous when he announced that the subject would be mental health. That meant that he planned on bringing his wife, Chirlane McCray along. And that he did. But as we discussed here previously, the First Lady of the Big Apple is under scrutiny herself these days. She was put in charge of a New York City mental health initiative called Thrive NYC. In the time she’s been at the helm, Thrive has managed to blow through nearly a billion dollars with few signs of any results and they can’t account for most of the money.

All of the polling we’ve seen thus far would indicate that there is absolutely no significant pool of voters out there desperately waiting for Bill de Blasio to announce a presidential bid. Even the Democrats in his home state don’t want him to run. And from the looks of things, the voters in New Hampshire aren’t exactly on fire over the idea either.

If the Mayor really believes he can build a following and make a successful run at the nomination he should get off of his backside and just declare already. New Hampshire is already groaning under the strain of a crop of presidential candidates who have once again descended on them like a plague of locusts. The don’t need de Blasio cluttering up the streets and town halls if he’s not even going to be in the race.

But if he’s seriously going to do it he’d better sign on some good staff members. They’ll need to prepare him for the moment when his opponents start bringing up all the corruption trials swirling around his administration and the number of good friends of his who have already been sent to jail. And when they finish prepping him for those questions, maybe they can figure out where all the mental health money his wife sawed through wound up.

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Jewish Voters Stampeding To The Exits Over Dem Anti-Semitism

Now that it has been established that the Democrats are all-in with the Jew-haters following the party’s defense of indefensible hateful comments by freshman superstar Ilhan Omar, Jewish voters are running for the exits of what has become a lunatic asylum faster than you can say Exodus.

Until the arrival of Omar, fellow bomb thrower Rashida Tlaib and the buck-toothed jackass socialist sensation Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the loathing of all things Jewish was mostly kept in the darkness and largely confined to the racist Congressional Black Caucus with its gaggle of those who are chummy with Nation Of Islam hatemonger Louis Farrakhan.

Some of this vile bigotry recently percolated up to the service with former DNC co-chairman Keith Ellison’s Nation Of Islam ties being questioned but it exploded like the chest burster in an “Alien” movie with the arrival of Omar who may never have personally stuffed a Jew into an oven but would likely offer to hold the door open while such a thing went on.

Hand it to the radicals, they have managed to successfully beat back criticism of Omar – who replaced Ellison in her Little Somalia Minneapolis district – and after bullying Fox into kicking Judge Jeanine Pirro off the airwaves, they have gone on the offensive by accusing those who justifiably blasted the Jew-haters as get this – Islamophobes.

The suits at Fox may be pissing in their britches over the fear of CAIR and being called mean names on Twitter and the aging Nancy Pelosi lost in a fog of dementia but one group is onto the Hitlerian shift in the party.

The Jews themselves.

Via The New York Post, “Jewish voters are furious at Dems’ defense of Ilhan Omar”:

Jewish voters furious at Democrats’ defense of Rep. Ilhan Omar say they’re done with the party that has held their support for generations.

“We felt we had a home there,” said Mark Schwartz, the Democratic deputy mayor of solidly blue Teaneck, NJ. “And now we feel like we have to check our passports.”

Jordan Manor of Manhattan, who calls himself a “gay Jewish Israeli-American,” laments, “The party I thought cared about me seems to disregard me when it comes to my Jewish identity.”

Mark Dunec, a consultant in Livingston, NJ who ran for Congress as a Democrat in 2014, says, “I’m physically afraid for myself and for my family,” adding, “I see my own party contributing to the rise of anti-Semitism in the United States.”


“The watered-down resolution triggered my decision to walk away from the Democratic Party,” said Allison Gangi of Manhattan.

“I never dreamed anti-Semitism would have become mainstream on the left, but it has.”

Sara said she is “not comfortable anymore being a Democrat” and will register as an independent.

Among his Teaneck neighbors, Schwartz said, “Our only question now is, do we start voting Republican, or do we become Republicans?”

Others say they feel like the wandering Jew of legend.

“I’m homeless. I don’t think I can vote for Trump, even though he’s great for Israel,” said Jason, a start-up owner from Long Island who asked that his surname not be used. “But as a Jew, I can’t see a way to support the Democratic Party. It’s supporting your own destruction.”

Read the entire article HERE.

And that’s not all either. Many in Omar’s district are disgusted that she would disgrace Minnesota in such a manner and are already looking for someone to primary her ugly ass.

It may very well be that Omar’s tenure will be short if a suitable alternative can be found in time to flush this hateful turd come next November although the stench will linger for a long time for the Democrats.


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Young People’s Embrace of Socialism Shows Why We Shouldn’t Lower the Voting Age

The left really wants to give kids the right to vote.

This idea is so popular on the left that a majority of House Democrats voted in favor of lowering the voting age to 16.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., endorsed the idea as well.

Why would Pelosi and others on the left want to give high school children—hardly known for deep wisdom and sound judgment—a vote?

A new poll perhaps demonstrates why.

The Harris Poll, released exclusively by Axios, shows that roughly half of young Americans say they would prefer living in a socialist country.

It also reveals that many young Americans think the government should provide free health care, education, and medicine, among many other things.

This is very much in line with a poll released in late 2017 by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund that found similar support for communism among young people, along with widespread ignorance about what communism is.

Most of those surveyed couldn’t define communism or socialism. Many believed, for instance, that President George W. Bush killed more people than Josef Stalin, the ruthless Soviet dictator whose regime murdered tens of millions.

The fact is, socialism attracts widespread support from millennials and members of Generation Z who at the same time are ignorant about socialism.

It’s no wonder that left-wing groups are desperately trying to find ways to get children to vote or be used as useful tools for their agenda, which now appears to include outright socialism.

While young people embrace at least the word “socialism” in disproportionately high numbers, Americans as a whole find the term toxic, as far as who they’d be willing to vote for.

According to a recent NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, just 25 percent of respondents found “socialist” to be a desirable trait for a presidential candidate. It was among the least-liked traits in the entire poll.

Perhaps America’s older cohorts simply have a better understanding of what socialism is, having lived through the Cold War and faced the existential crisis of the Soviet threat to our country.

Young people, born after the fall of the Berlin Wall, have less of a real-world example to draw on in relation to the evil that socialism creates for a society that adopts it in total.

It’s clear that in the debate over socialism, education is where we have failed. A generation or generations of young Americans are falling under the impression that socialism, whatever they think it is, will bring more prosperity.

History, of course, demonstrates the opposite.

The reason America is so prosperous, and why it remains a place where so many people around the globe aspire to live, is because it rejected these ruthlessly collectivist doctrines.

Our nation held tightly to the ideas of the rule of law, private property, and the Constitution, all of which do far more for the common citizen than the doctrines of socialism, which put absolute power in the hands of a few.

Yet, our education system is failing to transmit those basic ideas to upcoming generations, a failure that this country desperately needs to change if we are to remain a free country.

In a recent survey of how Americans perform on a basic citizenship test, most failed and young people fared by far the worst.

This ties back into the the current debate over voting age.

It’s a good thing that young people participate in politics, develop an instinct for informed citizenship, and take the future of the country seriously.

However, we shouldn’t fetishize youth as itself an advantage, especially when it comes with such a disturbing lack of understanding about history and civics.

The left has a sort of Rousseauian concept of young people as being free from the shackling norms of civilization, as being capable of drawing from wisdom unclouded by the built-up prejudices of experience.

But the demands of citizenship are not fulfilled by mere youthful energy. They require an education in civics, an understanding of our institutions, a certain independence of thought and action.

At the same time progressives demand the lowering of the voting age, we increasingly infantilize young Americans, who are not really seen as “adults” until the age of 26, long after most graduate college.

From smoking to gun ownership, progressives are stripping the rights and life choices of young adults.

Meanwhile, they demand that we put increasing power in the hands of 16-year-olds to determine our leaders and laws.

This has things entirely backward.

Noah Rothman said it best in Commentary magazine:

At a time when society seems inclined to indulge young people’s desire to languish in an extended twilight childhood, it’s revealing that voting is the only adult responsibility for which Democrats think children are prepared. When it comes to just about any other condition of maturity, Democrats seem to think the proper course is the exact opposite.

So lowering the voting age is both reckless in its ethos to put voting power in the hands of people who are not ready for responsible citizenship, yet also is reduced to a mere palliative.

“Democracy” is expanded as liberty recedes, making democratic participation worth little more than a pat on the back.

While this may seem fine for generations raised in the milieu of the “self-esteem” movement, it’s hardly a recipe to strengthen the republic or produce better leaders.

Further lowering the voting age—which at 18 is already quite low—degrades the positives of democracy in America and turns it into the sad caricature of mob rule that the Founders feared.

Let us do more to create responsible adults and citizens rather than perpetually apply “democracy” in places where it is unwarranted.

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WATCH: Muslim Doctor Stuns CNN: President Trump And GOP ‘Beloved’ In Much Of The Muslim World

On Saturday, a Muslim doctor who has been highly critical of radical Islam appeared on CNN and must have given that network heart palpitations as she insisted that in many parts of the Muslim world, not only is President Trump beloved, but so is former President George W. Bush, and that the Trump administration is not Islamophobic.

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Modern Science Shreds Pro-Abortionists’ Stem Cell Argument

Terrorism and the Iraq War defined the presidency of George W. Bush, but in the more tranquil months before 9/11, the president’s early term was defined by a very different issue: Stem cells.

Back in August of 2001, Bush gave what was then naively hailed as possibly one of the defining speeches of his still-nascent presidency.

“The issue of research involving stem cells derived from human embryos is increasingly the subject of a national debate and dinner table discussions,” the president said, before announcing that federal funding would be limited to existing stem cell lines.

Long hailed by scientists as the source of possible “miracle cures” to previously debilitating diseases, stem cells stayed in the national conversation in the early 2000s and into the next decade.

The controversy is tied to the abortion question because many experts believed that early stem cells could hold the keys to new discoveries. And those cells, often, come from aborted fetuses.

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“Researchers typically take tissue samples from a fetus that has been aborted and grow cells from the tissue in Petri dishes,” CNN explained in 2015. “One concern is that women would have more pregnancies or abortions because they want to donate fetal tissue.”

Those kinds of concerns were amplified after Planned Parenthood employees were revealed to be bluntly discussing the harvesting of human organs from aborted fetuses, appearing to view lifeless human beings as nothing but lab experiments.

But while advocates on the right expressed concern and urged caution, many in the research community and the political left scoffed. Fetal tissue, experts declared, was vital to research — and pro-life voices were often dismissed or mocked as opposing science.

“Using fetal tissue is not an easy choice, but so far there is no better choice,” insisted University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researcher Lishan Su in a 2015 Scientific American piece. “Many, many biomedical researchers depend on fetal tissue research to really save human lives.”

Do you believe fetal stem cell research is immoral?

Fast-forward to 2019. It now turns out that the scientists who were so sure that fetal and embryonic stem cells were vital to research just a few years ago may have been very, very wrong.

Instead, leading scientists are finding that it is actually adult stem cells — which can be obtained by ethical means — are far more promising.

“Adult stem cells are the successful standard for stem cells,” wrote David A. Prentice, Ph.D., in a groundbreaking research paper published by the peer-reviewed medical journal “Circulation Research.

“Although in the past their regenerative/reparative capacity was ignored, misunderstood, or even maligned, a rapidly growing host of clinical applications are being developed, and the clinical utility of adult stem cells is increasingly validated in the literature,” Price wrote.

Going on to call adult stem cells the “true gold standard in regenerative medicine,” the scientific paper confirmed what many conservatives have been saying since at least the Bush era: We don’t need to harvest human fetuses or embryos to make progress and potentially cure diseases.

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“Nonembryonic stem cell research has surpassed embryonic stem cells,” Prentice explained.

His conclusion left no doubt about his findings in the matter.

“The superiority of adult stem cells in the clinic and the mounting evidence supporting their effectiveness in regeneration and repair make adult stem cells the gold standard of stem cells for patients.”

That’s stunningly good news, yet the establishment media has stayed mostly quiet on this development, at least compared to the wall-to-wall coverage embryonic stem cells received in recent years. It seems left-leaning journalists just aren’t as interested in covering stories that don’t allow them to defend abortion.

At the same time, this leading-edge research is another important reminder that science is never actually “settled,” whether the issue is stem cells, climate change, or dozens of other topics.

Science is a process, and assumptions can be overturned in a very short time when new evidence emerges.

Those discoveries can bring many benefits, but they must also be tempered by morality that protects and dignifies human life.

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Thugs Accused of Stabbing Kid 100 Times Not Animals, According to Liberals

President Donald Trump has made it exceedingly clear that while he has no problem with welcoming legal immigrants who abide by our laws and are productive members of society, that view is diminished for those who come here illegally, and he has almost no regard whatsoever for those who commit violent and horrific crimes while in our nation.

Recall in May 2018, when Trump referred to members of the brutal and murderous street gang MS-13 as being like “animals,” and how elected Democrats and the liberal media purposely mis-characterized his remarks as pertaining to all immigrants and absolutely blew their tops with indignant outrage.

Even then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi joined in on the faux outrage over the president’s choice of terminology to describe members of a gang whose motto is “rape, control, kill,” and seemingly defended sadistically violent MS-13 members as being endowed with “the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person,” that apparently placed them above reproach, despite their violently murderous activities.

Now, less than a year later, it will be interesting to see if now-Speaker Pelosi and the rest of her Democratic caucus, as well as their media allies, will have anything to say about a recent report of a brutal and sadistic murder of a young immigrant by his fellow MS-13 gang members, a murder that was just about as animalistic as it gets.

Fox News reported five MS-13 gang members were recently arrested in Maryland and charged with murder over the vicious stabbing death — reportedly stabbed at least 100 times — and subsequent attempted burning of the body, of one of their own.

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The victim, identified by a gang tattoo on one of his shoulders, was named as 16-year-old high school student Jacson Pineda-Chicas, whose stabbed and burned body had been found on March 9 on the side of a road in Stafford, Virginia, roughly 60 miles from the location in Prince George’s County, Maryland, where the murder is believed to have occurred.

The suspected murder site was the home of a local MS-13 clique leader identified as 29-year-old Jose Ordonez-Zometa, who has been charged with murder along with four other members of his gang. Law enforcement authorities believe that Pineda-Chicas was taken to the home of Ordonez-Zometa by the other gang members for a meeting that ended up being a murder.

“He was stabbed around 100 times,” said Prince George’s County Maj. Brian Reilly in a press conference on Friday, according to Tribune Media. “That goes to how violent this attack was and how it wasn’t just one person who did this. The group turned on their own.”

Authorities explained that while the gang’s leader, Ordonez-Zometa, lived in Prince George’s County, the gang itself operated in the Fairfax County region. The five suspects arrested and charged with first-degree murder, among other charges range in age from 16-29, and will all be tried as adults for the horrendous crime.

Although investigators have yet to determine exactly why the gang so brutally turned on one of their own in a murderous manner, the victim’s mother believes it was because he wanted to leave the gang and live a normal life.

The NBC affiliate in Washington, D.C., spoke with the unnamed mother of Pineda-Chicas, who explained that her son had been forced to join the gang when they still lived in El Salvador, prior to moving to the United States in an effort to flee that situation.

Of course, thanks to the lax immigration laws that Democrats refuse to help fix, the MS-13 gang has a strong presence here in the U.S., and the teen was unable to escape them.

The mother further explained that her son had been accused of cooperating with the police and had offered himself up as a sort of sacrifice to the gang in order to protect the rest of his family, who had reportedly been threatened with death by the gang.

Do you agree that murderous gang members can be compared to animals?

This sort of behavior is simply unacceptable in a civil society like our own and can indeed be labeled as being animal-like in its brutality and ferocity and inhumanity.

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To be fair to Pelosi and her ilk, yes, all humans are born with an innate dignity and spark of divinity, but those characteristics are all but traded in and lost when people like these MS-13 thugs engage in animal-like pack behavior, such as turning on a weaker member with murderous intent.

Whether Pelosi and others will admit that remains to be seen, but once again, Trump and his supporters have been proven right in referring to MS-13 gang members as being like animals.

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