Priceless: Anti-Gunner Booted from Hearing After Threatening To ‘Blow Away’ Pro-2A Attendees

Apparently, those who want to seriously regulate guns also include those who would want to use them in a violent manner.

That’s at least the takeaway from a hearing Monday in Connecticut, where a woman was thrown out after she was caught texting that she would kill Second Amendment supporters if given access to a firearm.

According to WTNH-TV’s Mark Davis, the woman was spotted at the state capitol in Hartford texting that she would kill National Rifle Association members and a Republican lawmaker known for his conservative view on the Second Amendment.

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“If I had a gun, I’d blow away Sampson and a large group of NRA…” the text message read.

According to the Hartford Courant, the woman was texting her daughter

“Lt. Glen Richards of the Capitol police said the woman’s text message was spotted by another person in the hearing room,” the Courant reported. “She was removed from the room, was not arrested and departed from the building without any further disturbance.”

The removal was captured in a video that was uploaded to Facebook.

The unnamed woman was referring to state Sen. Rob Sampson, a noted Second Amendment supporter in the Connecticut legislature.

On his Twitter page, Sampson describes himself as a “Leading Constitutional Conservative Republican in the Connecticut General Assembly” and a “NRA Defender of Freedom Award recipient.”

According to Newsweek, he also has an A+ rating from the group on Second Amendment issues.

So, apparently, given the opportunity, this woman would kill both a state senator and members of the National Rifle Association. Well, I guess we can tell why she doesn’t want guns around.

The occasion where the texting took place, according to The Daily Caller, was a Judiciary Committee hearing that looked at several new gun control measures under consideration.

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On the agenda were an update to the state’s safe gun-storage laws, regulations on 3-D printed guns, open carry permit restrictions and a bill that would disallow cities from enacting their own firearm regulations.

The hearing was a contentious one, with both pro-Second Amendment activists and gun control supporters present.

Among those in attendance were the parents of Ethan Song, a Connecticut teen who died after accidentally shooting himself with a gun at a friend’s house, according to the Danbury News-Times.

Contentious though the hearing may have been, I fail to see the reason why anyone would threaten a state senator and members of the NRA.

This might seem harmless until you consider animus behind the individual who shot Rep. Steve Scalise and several other Republicans during what could have been massacre in the summer of 2017.

Do you think this woman should have been arrested?

I understand that this was probably a very bad joke, but that doesn’t fly in the current environment.

After all, these are people who are lecturing us about gun violence and then joking around about it in a public forum where people can apparently see your text messages.  It’s also such arrant hypocrisy that it beggars belief.

And yet again, this demonstrates why conservatives demand the right to be armed. Regardless of whether this woman was joking, plenty of nut jobs aren’t.

The best form of protection isn’t disarming law-abiding citizens in the face of threats. It’s citizens being able to counter them.

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via Conservative Tribune

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Universal Healthcare and Social Welfare: After the Chickens Come Home to Roost

Universal Healthcare and Social Welfare: After the Chickens Come Home to RoostOn March 8th, the Finnish government collapsed, and the Marxist media is hush-hush about it. Some newspapers did report that Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipila resigned after failing to push pro-market reforms through parliament. Pro-market reforms? According to Prime Minister Sipila, the collapse of Finland’s universal healthcare and social welfare system was the reason for his resignation. Finland’s universal healthcare and social welfare system is unsustainable. In other words, the Finish government ran out of other peoples money.

Moreover, newspapers that did report the government’s collapse placed the blame on an aging population rather than where it belongs – on the socialist system. Bloomberg headlined it this way: “Finnish Government to Resign After Biggest Reform Collapses.” According to Bloomberg, Sipila’s government “has overseen an economic revival and pushed through an unpopular reform aimed at boosting productivity by making employees work more for the same pay.” In other word’s, the socialist government imposed a pay cut for the working class.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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Desperate Venezuelans Swarm Sewage Drains In Search Of Water

The next chapter of this story will be raging epidemics of deadly diseases. Via Reuters: CARACAS (Reuters) – As Venezuela’s five-day power blackout left homes without water, Lilibeth Tejedor found herself looking for it on Monday in the last place she would have imagined – a drain pipe feeding into a river carrying sewage through […]

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Watch: AOC Is A ‘Pompous Little Twit’ With A ‘Silly’ Climate Plan, Says Greenpeace Co-Founder

.@greenpeaceusa co-founder @EcoSenseNow claims there "is no climate crisis" as he rips @AOC and her Green New Deal. "It’s a silly plan. That’s why I suggested she was a pompous little twit." — Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) March 12, 2019 Gotta love a little common sense. Via Washington Examiner: One of the co-founders of Greenpeace […]

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Dems Get Shock of Their Lives When FB Turns on Them, Bans Warren Ad Critical of Tech Giant

Conservatives have long known that Facebook is like a vicious dog that can turn on you in a second if you get on its bad side. Elizabeth Warren and her presidential campaign have found that out the hard way.

According to Politico, the tech giant took down an ad from the Massachusetts senator and 2020 presidential contender that called for the breakup of social media conglomerates.

“The ads, which had identical images and text, touted Warren’s recently announced plan to unwind ‘anti-competitive’ tech mergers, including Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp and Instagram,” Politico reported.

“’Three companies have vast power over our economy and our democracy. Facebook, Amazon, and Google,’ read the ads, which Warren’s campaign had placed Friday. ‘We all use them. But in their rise to power, they’ve bulldozed competition, used our private information for profit, and tilted the playing field in their favor.’”

And apparently, Warren’s campaign got this message in response:

TRENDING: Republicans in Both Houses Move to Finally Abolish the Time Change

“This ad was taken down because it goes against Facebook’s advertising policies.”

Of course, Facebook said the whole thing was a mistake, honest!

“We removed the ads because they violated our policies against use of our corporate logo,” a Facebook spokesperson said, according to Politico.

“In the interest of allowing robust debate, we are restoring the ads.”

Warren was decidedly unconvinced by this explanation.

“Curious why I think FB has too much power? Let’s start with their ability to shut down a debate over whether FB has too much power,” she tweeted on Monday.

“Thanks for restoring my posts. But I want a social media marketplace that isn’t dominated by a single censor. #BreakUpBigTech”

That Facebook doesn’t love “robust debate” isn’t a terrible surprise to conservatives, who have long been the target of the social media giant’s ire.

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Do you think that Facebook censors political opinions?

Take, for instance, a story by Rod Dreher at The American Conservative called “Jussie Smollet’s Hate Hoax.” When one Facebook user tried to share it, the user was told the story didn’t meet community standards and had the post taken down.

“Facebook will apparently not allow its users to say that police believe Smollett, a black gay actor, may have paid his two ‘assailants’ to attack him last month, and blamed it on white Trump supporters — this, even though that is being reported by multiple national media outlets,” Dreher wrote.

Smollett, in case you’ve been living under a rock, was later charged with exactly what Dreher was writing about.

And then there was Franklin Graham; the nationally known evangelist was banned for 24 hours back in December over a two-year-old post on North Carolina’s transgender bathroom bill.

“They’re making & changing the rules,” Graham said at the time. “Truth is truth. God made the rules & His Word is truth. The free exchange of ideas is part of our country’s DNA.”

Facebook has been all about censoring conservative organizations and removing their content, affecting everyone from pro-life groups to Dennis Prager’s Prager University video series.

And, as The Western Journal has demonstrated, Facebook’s 2018 algorithm changes have hit conservative publishers considerably harder than liberal publishers.

So, welcome to the club, Sen. Warren. The fact that Facebook is willing to pursue its self-interests in the most obvious of ways is nothing new, although usually liberals are exempt. After all, most of the time Facebook’s self-interest is decidedly in the liberal camp.

But when it requires throwing a liberal under the bus, well, so be it.

Warren’s usually wrong on most things, but the blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then. The fact is that Facebook is way too powerful in the political arena, something that Warren’s supporters are just finding out.

Even if Facebook’s original reasoning behind banning the ads is accurate, that still doesn’t make it OK. It just means that Facebook’s algorithms pull totally innocuous advertisements for capricious reasons.

If this weren’t Elizabeth Warren, one of the top contenders for the Democrat nomination in 2020, how quickly do you think this would have been restored? How much of a fuss would have been made?

Like it or not, Warren is one of the most powerful people in America and she still had to fight for free speech on Facebook.

That should tell you a great deal about how powerful the social media giant is — as well as how responsible it is in using that power.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via Conservative Tribune

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Ilhan Omar Violates House Bigotry Resolution She Helped Write, Denies Opponent’s Humanity

Commentary Politics

Ilhan Omar Violates House Bigotry Resolution She Helped Write, Denies Opponent’s Humanity

Rep. Ilhan OmarSusan Walsh / APU.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, the Minnesota Democrat, has been under fire for comments widely regarded as anti-Semitic. In an interview on Monday, she said President Donald Trump is not human. (Susan Walsh / AP)

Anti-Semitic Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar has already violated the broad anti-hate resolution recently passed by the House by claiming President Donald Trump is not human.

After Omar’s absurd anti-Semitic tweets and comments put a magnifying glass on the Democratic Party and its ties to anti-Semitic and anti-Israel activists, the party’s response was to draft an anti-bigotry resolution.

But instead of addressing Omar by name and focusing on anti-Semitism specifically, the House Foreign Affairs Committee drafted a resolution that condemned all forms of “bigotry” and “persecution.”

It’s hard to take the Democrats’ bill seriously after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi vigorously defended Omar.

Omar’s position on the Foreigh Affairs Committee, where she could help write the resolution, doesn’t help.

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And it didn’t take long for Omar to violate the resolution.

When Fox News reporter Guerin Hays asked Omar about her controversial remarks about former President Barack Obama, and the freshman congresswoman responded by dehumanizing Trump.

Is the mainstream media ignoring this?

“One is human, the other is not,” Omar said in reference to Obama and Trump.

That flies in the face of the House resolution condemning all forms of persecution and bigotry, which obviously includes dehumanizing remarks.

“Whereas the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., taught that persecution of any American is an assault on the rights and freedoms of all Americans,” the resolution reads.

The resolution also “encourages all public officials to confront” racism, anti-Semitism, and “other forms of bigotry.”

Dehumanizing someone because of their political beliefs certainly falls within the categories of bigotry and persecution.

RELATED: Dem Assemblyman Goes Rogue, Uses Haunting Video of Holocaust Survivors To Tear Down Ilhan Omar

Merriam-Webster defines “bigotry” as “obstinate or intolerant devotion to one’s own opinions and prejudices.”

Similarly, defines persecution as “to pursue with harassing or oppressive treatment, especially because of religious or political beliefs, ethnic or racial origin, gender identity, or sexual orientation.”

The first pretty clearly characterizes the contemporary Democratic Party. The second pretty clearly describes its treatment of President Donald Trump and the supporters who’ve been hounded out of public restaurants or even attacked for their political opinions.

Democrats were unwilling to condemn Omar’s anti-Semitic comments before, but they shouldn’t think twice about condemning her now that she has blatantly violated their anti-hate resolution.

If Democrats want to salvage their image as crusaders for “social justice,” they can’t let Omar’s comments slide.

It’s time for Republicans and Democrats to stand together to condemn the hateful, anti-Semitic congresswoman.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via Conservative Tribune

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Sarah Sanders on Breitbart Exclusive: Trump Wants a Merit-Based Immigration System

Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders commented on President Donald Trump in an interview with Breitbart News, noting that he does not want immigrants coming to the United States to be dependent on welfare programs. Sanders said, “Let’s first and foremost start with the fact that America is the most generous and hospitable country on the face of the planet. We help millions of people all over the globe, whether it’s bringing them into our country or helping them in their home countries. The president doesn’t want to stop doing that. But what he doesn’t want to do is bring people in that would forever —if you read the full context of the quote, he says it would be dependent on the government for the next 50 years. We have trillions of dollars in debt. Frankly, the system we have right now is unsustainable. We don’t have the resources to care for our veterans the way that we should. We don’t have the resources to care for Americans the way that we should.” She added, “The president has long talks about that he wants a merit-based system. That hasn’t changed.” Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

via Breitbart News

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SOCIALISM IN ACTION: Venezuelans Collect Drinking Water …FROM THE SEWER!

Guest post by Bright Start News

Socialism in action!

These poor bastards, Venezuelan citizens of the socialist revolution, are forced to collect sewage runoff for drinking water!

Desperate Venezuelans swarm sewage drains in search of water

These same suffering people are eating from garbage trucks.

A lot of Americans helped usher in this new era of poverty. Let’s stroll down memory lane:

Chavez with good buddy Sean Penn:

Chavez with good buddy Oliver Stone:

Chavez with good buddy Michael Moore:

Chavez and his billionaire daughter with good buddy Susan Sarandon:

Chavez with good buddy, and all around good guy, Kevin Spacey:

Chavez with good buddy Former President Obama:

Chavez with good buddy Danny Glover:

And who could forget Chavez with good buddy Former President Carter:

Chavez with good buddy and terrorist Mahmoud Amadinijad:

We would’ve included images of Chavez with his pals in the Republican Party, but there are none. Oddly, the only Americans this leftist dictator had were all on the left side of the aisle.

Democrats should personally fly fresh drinking water, give it to these people, and then take a swig of the sewer water their policies produce.

The post SOCIALISM IN ACTION: Venezuelans Collect Drinking Water …FROM THE SEWER! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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