In the past, lefties have flocked to political pilgrimages to newly created socialist countries to drink in the collectivism and praise the new regimes. It happened in Cuba with the Venceremos Brigade sugar cane-cutting harvest, it happened in Nicaragua with the Sandalistas (ain’t that right, Bill de Blasio), and it certainly happened in Venezuela during the salad days of socialist Hugo Chavez (until socialized Cuban Castrocare actually killed him in 2013). Oliver Stone, Sean Penn, Naomi Campbell, and Dial Joe-4-Oil Kennedy were all in, and don’t think they weren’t loud about it.
Well, now a new invitation has been issued to the same lefties – from Venezuela’s democratically elected president, Juan Guaido:
Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó, speaking in an exclusive interview with FOX Business’ Trish Regan, is telling those on the far left, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. of New York and Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, that the root of Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis is directly tied to socialism.
“It’s about a lack of information,” Guaidó said about Ocasio-Cortez and Omar on Monday. “So if you want to talk about the economy, we’re seeing 53 percent rates, 1,000 percent in inflation, lack of basic products, medication and food. If we look at the day-to-day suffering of the Venezuelan people that’s not about numbers it’s about human beings. It’s about lives, people who are suffering right now who see their lives in danger and who cannot provide for themselves as human beings to sustain a society and the world. So regarding the crisis going on in Venezuela, I invite everyone to see what’s going on in Venezuela.”
He’d like to educate these socialists about what socialism looks like up close, given that he lives in it. All that free health care? Come see what it looks like in power-darkened Venezuela, where preemies freeze to death without their incubators, doctors have fled the country, the remaining medical staff can’t get to work on a now gutted electrical subway system, and Band-Aids are scarce. Free food? The Chavista socialist elites have let it rot on the docks and stolen the money for it. Aid? They’ve blocked it from coming in. Free money printed up wholesale to pay for social services? Only if you like carting it in wheelbarrows, given the country’s gargantuan inflation rate that came of it. Free education? Ask the millions of students out protesting in the streets as the protest vanguard what free education looks like.
So much of what is strangling Venezuela now is precisely what leftists such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Ilhan Omar are proposing. It’s no surprise that the pair of them are among the few people out there still defending monstrous socialist regime. Now they’re hearing from the legitimate leader of the Venezuelans, the man who may well end up taking the reins if the detested and failed regime is dislodged, and it’s not pretty for them.
A political pilgrimage indeed, it’s time for a reality tour for all the Chavista shills out there, still creepily promoting the nightmare of socialism.
Image credit: Fox News screen grab
via American Thinker Blog
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