On PBS, Never-Trumper David Brooks Backs Reparations, Due to the ‘Election of Trump’

On the PBS NewsHour, New York Times columnist David Brooks is somehow expected to be identified as the conservative (or at least center-right) pundit, and he keeps sounding like a leftist instead. On Friday, he came out for reparations because "we’re in a make-or-break moment on race" due to "the election of Trump," and "aggressive gestures" are needed to show "we’re all part of the same country." 

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Ocean Power Generating Systems–Going Nowhere Fast

Ocean Power Generating Systems--Going Nowhere FastThe number of companies that hoped in vain (some still do) to harness ocean power for “free energy” is steadily increasing.

One of the latest outfits not doing so well is Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (OPT) of Monroe Township, NJ, USA.  According to its website ( https://oceanpowertechnologies.gcs-web.com/  ), it “is a pioneer in renewable wave-energy technology that converts ocean wave energy into electricity” and they have several patents to prove it.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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Terrifying video on antisemitic conference at the University of North Carolina

Ami Horowitz, the investigatory film maker who often exposes campus madness, has produced a video that ought to terrify anyone familiar with the history of Weimar Germany. Then, as now, universities were among the leaders in whipping up Jew-hatred and actually persecuting Jews. One of the neglected aspects of the origins of the Holocaust is that the purge of Jews from Germany’s famous universities opened up new career possibilities for those faculty and students who remained once their institutions were Judenrein.

We are not (yet) at the point of expelling Jews from faculties and student bodies, but we are at the point of violent attacks on Jews being justified by faculty members at prestigious universities, as a jaw-dropping interview in Horowitz’s latest video (embedded below) shows. We are also at the point where multiple academic departments at such a university – a publicly-owned and funded institution of (purported) higher learning – are comfortable sponsoring an academic conference with open Jew-hatred, and government funds (nearly a quarter million dollars!) are allocated to sponsor it.

Horowitz was denied access to the film the conference but snuck in sound equipment and somehow managed to get a clip of the crowd cheering when the speaker onstage complimented them, “You look beautifully antisemitic,” to the accompaniment of loud music and strobe lights.

If you are not Jewish and think that this doesn’t affect you, think again. Jews are only the first on the list of targets.

Inage credits: YouTube screen grabs

Hat tip: Geller Report

Ami Horowitz, the investigatory film maker who often exposes campus madness, has produced a video that ought to terrify anyone familiar with the history of Weimar Germany. Then, as now, universities were among the leaders in whipping up Jew-hatred and actually persecuting Jews. One of the neglected aspects of the origins of the Holocaust is that the purge of Jews from Germany’s famous universities opened up new career possibilities for those faculty and students who remained once their institutions were Judenrein.

We are not (yet) at the point of expelling Jews from faculties and student bodies, but we are at the point of violent attacks on Jews being justified by faculty members at prestigious universities, as a jaw-dropping interview in Horowitz’s latest video (embedded below) shows. We are also at the point where multiple academic departments at such a university – a publicly-owned and funded institution of (purported) higher learning – are comfortable sponsoring an academic conference with open Jew-hatred, and government funds (nearly a quarter million dollars!) are allocated to sponsor it.

Horowitz was denied access to the film the conference but snuck in sound equipment and somehow managed to get a clip of the crowd cheering when the speaker onstage complimented them, “You look beautifully antisemitic,” to the accompaniment of loud music and strobe lights.

If you are not Jewish and think that this doesn’t affect you, think again. Jews are only the first on the list of targets.

Inage credits: YouTube screen grabs

Hat tip: Geller Report

via American Thinker Blog

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Republicans Plan To Make 2020 A ‘Referendum’ On Socialism

Freedom hangs in the balance now that the seeds of socialism have been sown with the younger generation…

Republicans could have a winning strategy for next year’s all-important elections as well as a legitimate chance of retaking the House Of Representatives.

With the White House and the fate of the republic hanging in the balance and Democrats calling for the imposition of socialism on the nation, it cannot be overstated that 2020 will be the most critical election in American history.

Driven mad by Trump Derangement Syndrome and transformed into an angry mob led by Bernie Sanders and a 29-year-old bartender, the Democrats have degenerated into the barbarians at the gates and unless they are thoroughly crushed, the future looks bleak.

But despite the media dominance that allows them to promote their dangerous ideology, the party’s ideas are political poison to the vast majority of the country – the areas that are sneered at and mocked by the coastal elitists and their celebrity mouthpieces who would force their views on voters living in areas that they derisively refer to as the “flyover states” who they despise.

However, the vast majority of Americans who live there despise them as well and hate their radicalism even more.

To take advantage of the loathing for the left, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has tipped his hand at the GOP’s plans and that is to make the election into a “referendum” on socialism.

Via The Hill, “GOP leader on 2020: We need a ‘referendum on socialism’”:

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Thursday said he wants to make the 2020 presidential and Senate elections a “referendum on socialism” by pinning down Democrats on proposals like “Medicare for all” and the Green New Deal.

“We need to have a referendum on socialism,” McConnell told a group of reporters when asked for his assessment of next year’s elections, when Senate Republicans will have to defend 22 seats, compared with12 for Democrats.

“I’m going to be arguing, and I’m encouraging my colleagues to argue, that we are the firewall against socialism in this country,” McConnell added.

He said Republicans need to make the case to the American people, “if you’re uncomfortable with things like the Green New Deal and Medicare for none, the best way to avoid that is to have a Republican Senate.”

McConnell predicted that Republicans would have a target-rich environment with at least five Democratic presidential candidates backing Medicare for all legislation and at least six supporting the Green New Deal, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) ambitious plan to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

“We’ve got five credible candidates for president in the Senate signed up for the Green New Deal and Medicare for none. If we can’t make that case, we ought to go into another line of work,” he said.

With a year and a half to go until the elections and the Democrats already proposing such lunacy as the elimination of the private health insurance industry, free college tuition, stealing money from white people to pay out reparations to those who have never been slaves and more, they are only going to get more extreme to energize their rabid base.

But in doing so, Democrats may be on a suicide mission because, despite the illusion of what’s on CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, Facebook and Twitter, rational Americans and those moderates that are neeed to win nationally are horrified at what they have become.

McConnell is really onto something here and it could pay off big time.

via Downtrend.com

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Dem Hypocrites Explode After Trump Suggests Relocating Illegals To Sanctuary Cities

So it now looks like all of the political left’s pontificating and phony concern about open borders and illegal immigrants has been complete hogwash.

President Trump came up with a brainstorm to alleviate overwhelmed border detention centers by suggesting that those who have invaded the U.S. under the pretense of being refugees should be transported to sanctuary cities across the country where liberals could roll out the red carpet.

Instead of gratitude, the celebs, activist media, and Democrats exploded in outrage showing once and for all that these sanctimonious sacks of snake shit don’t practice what they preach.

Via The Hill, Trump proposal for ‘sanctuary cities’ infuriates Dems”:

Democrats are fuming over President Trump’s consideration of a plan to move asylum seekers to “sanctuary cities” as a form of political retribution.

Top Democratic lawmakers were quick to criticize the morality of the proposal, while also saying it’s hard to take it seriously.

“You have policymakers at the highest levels throwing tantrums,” said Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.), the chairman of the House Homeland Security oversight subcommittee. “I can’t even begin to address this issue.”

The proposal, first reported by The Washington Post on Thursday, was floated by White House officials to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

President Trump on Friday confirmed the proposal in a tweet, saying, “we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities.”

White House officials in November and February tried unsuccessfully to pressure DHS officials to release thousands of detainees in small and mid-sized “sanctuary cities” as a form of political pressure against Democrats, the Post reported.

“This reflects how much policymakers at the highest level of a government don’t understand what they’re dealing with,” Correa said before Trump’s tweet. “When they say they’re going to punish sanctuary states, don’t they understand these workers are needed in this economy?”

And OH how they HOWLED like scalded cats instead of taking the side of their beloved illegals…

The stench of hypocrisy is overwhelming!

via Downtrend.com

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So now we’re trolling the black hole picture lady?

It’s been an exciting week for science, hasn’t it? The second Falcon Heavy launch went off without a hitch and Israel came very close to landing a probe on the moon. The cherry on the cake might have been the publication of the first photograph of a black hole. But for one person involved with that photo, the week that should have been a celebration of a notable achievement went downhill quickly. That would be Dr. Katherine “Katie” Bouman, one of the imaging scientists involved in processing the massive mountains of data that went into creating the image.

As soon as the photo was released, a picture of Dr. Bouman clasping her hands over her face in delight went viral. While not claiming all the credit herself (she was actually quite modest about it), people in the media, the government and across Facebook and Twitter quickly began treating her as if she had flown across the universe to snap the picture herself. And then came the trolls. (NBC News)

Researcher Katie Bouman, 24, quickly gained internet fame after her role in helping to publish the black hole image that went viral. But internet trolls soon followed, questioning Bouman’s work and floating false claims that she did not have much of a part in the project. “Woman Does 6% of the Work but Gets 100% of the Credit: Black Hole Photo” was the top video result when searching her name on YouTube.

Colleagues rallied to her defense, but the situation highlighted the vitriol women continue to face on the internet and the continued vulnerability of major internet platforms to trolling campaigns.

One of the worst examples of this backlash came in the form of a YouTube video titled, “Woman Does 6% of the Work but Gets 100% of the Credit: Black Hole Photo.” The video itself is based on inaccurate information and seeks to shift the credit for the project to a “straight white male.” (The straight white male in question later came out and announced that he was also only one part of a vast team, that claims about the code he supposedly wrote were hugely overblown, and oh, by the way… he’s gay.) The video quickly collected more than 50,000 views.

While it would be easy to blame this misconception about how much of a role Bouman played in creating the photo on the internet troll that created that video, it’s just not the case. Nor did Katie Bouman once claim to be the driving force behind the project. The photo she posted doesn’t even insinuate as much. As Bouman herself said, she was one of many people contributing. And it turns out that the algorithm she developed didn’t wind up being used in this project, though she was still heavily involved in the process.

But that’s not we were seeing online or in the media. The Washington Post quickly put out a video titled “Meet the woman behind the first photo of a black hole.” The New York Times ran with a similar theme, though they later softened it a bit.

Perhaps one of the biggest cheerleaders was Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. To say that AOC was a bit “over the top” is putting it mildly.

And AOC was reacting to this tweet which was similarly lionizing Bouman as if she’d handled the entire project by herself.

So in the end, Dr. Katie Bouman was a valuable, contributing member of a 200 person team that developed the black hole photo. And after posting one innocent photo of herself enjoying the team’s moment in the sun she was turned into a feminist hero and then a glory-grabbing monster, all in the space of a few hours. Is anyone really surprised? That’s life on social media in 2019.

The post So now we’re trolling the black hole picture lady? appeared first on Hot Air.

via Hot Air

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AOC Accuses War Hero Dan Crenshaw of Not Doing ‘Something’ About Fighting Terrorism…(‘The Scoop’ VIDEO)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attacked war hero Dan Crenshaw over terrorism…and failed miserably.

AOC took to Twitter to defend fellow Leftist Congresswoman Ilhan Omar after Republican Congressman Dan Crenshaw called out Omar on Twitter for referring to the 9/11 terrorist attacks as “some people did something.”

Crenshaw tweeted about Omar, saying “First member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as ‘some people who did something.’”

AOC responded to Crenshaw by tweeting, “In 2018, right-wing extremists were behind almost all us domestic terrorist killings.  Why don’t you go do something about that?”

Crenshaw, of course, has done more than “something” about fighting terrorism.

Crenshaw is a highly decorated war hero and former Navy SEAL, who lost his eye while fighting terrorists in Afghanistan.

The post AOC Accuses War Hero Dan Crenshaw of Not Doing ‘Something’ About Fighting Terrorism…(‘The Scoop’ VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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Members Of Congress Allegedly Sexually Harassed Night Shift Staff: Report

And we still haven’t been told which members of Congress got to use taxpayer money to pay off people so we wouldn’t know what they did in harassment/assault cases. Via Fox News: Members of Congress allegedly sexually harassed night shift custodial staff as they cleaned their offices, according to a recent inspector general’s report on […]

via Weasel Zippers

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