Bernie Sanders joins the Democrats bending a knee to Al Sharpton

As Al Sharpton’s National Action Network held their conference in New York this week, an array of 2020 Democratic hopefuls showed up to address the audience. Among them was Bernie Sanders, who may or may not be an actual member of the Democratic Party, depending on what day of the week you ask him. He clearly knew what sort of red meat the audience was craving, and ditched his usual platform points for a while to deliver the sort of attacks on President Trump that draw the biggest applause at such gatherings. (NY Post)

In some of his sharpest language yet attacking President Trump, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders accused the Republican president of being racist and sexist and much more during a speech before Al Sharpton’s National Action Network.

“It gives me no pleasure to tell you that we have a president today who is a racist, who is a sexist, who is a homophobe, who is a xenophobe, and who is a religious bigot. I wish I did not have to say that. But that is the damn truth,” the independent senator from Vermont said on Friday…

“During Donald Trump’s presidency we have seen a sharp rise in hate crimes and that rise comes as this country continues to be plagued by institutional racism and racial inequality,” Sanders stressed.

There’s not much new or particularly noteworthy in Sanders’ address and it could have been lifted from almost any other candidate speaking at the event. He did join in with the rest of the Democrats in answering the one question that was put to each and every one of them. Would you support reparations for African-Americans? Of course he would. And the rest of the field said the same thing. That was a switch for Sanders, however. He rejected the idea of reparations in 2016 and was still doing so as recently as this winter. I suppose someone must have reminded him how poorly he did with black voters during the last primary.

Speaking of “the rest of the field,” there were enough 2020 hopefuls there to kick off the debates rather than waiting for this summer. NAN is hosting Sanders, Kamala Harris, Julian Castro, Andrew Yang, Beto O’Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Corey Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Amy Klobuchar. I mean, the gang’s (almost) all here.

Now for the $64,000 question: Why? Why is the Democratic Party still trapped in this endless, self-destructive relationship with Al Sharpton? Going back to his earliest days and throughout his entire career, Sharpton has been a race-baiter, a hate crime hoaxer, a tax cheat and a fraud. He’s one of the most divisive figures in the country and his pet organization has been weaponized to threaten racism complaints and protests against companies who didn’t donate to NAN. And let’s not forget that he had the audacity to “lease” the rights to his own life story to the organization on his way out the door just so he could drain more cash from it.

In short, Al Sharpton has spent his life trying to help people… provided those people were named Al Sharpton. But for some reason, his convention is basically a required stop if you want to run for the Democratic presidential nomination. I get that all of the candidates want to maximize black voter turnout in their favor, but there are so many other worthy organizations out there actually trying to help black citizens. This entire display is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party and it’s a tradition that should come to an end.

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Nunes to Send 8 Criminal Referrals to DOJ Concerning ‘Leaks of Classified Material’ and ‘Conspiracy’ to Lie to FISA Court (VIDEO)

Ranking member of the House Intel Committee Devin Nunes (R-CA) told Fox’s Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures” that is he preparing to send 8 criminal referrals to the Justice Department this week concerning leaks of “highly classified material” and conspiracies to lie to Congress and the FISA court.

Rep. Nunes explained that the criminal referrals can actually involve more than eight people because a conspiracy referral could involve “a dozen, two dozen people,” and he said more criminal referrals could be on the way.

Nunes said he has been working on the criminal referrals for over two years, but he was waiting until Bill Barr was confirmed as Attorney General to make his move — Nunes did not divulge any names.

“We’re prepared this week to notify the attorney general that we’re prepared to send those referrals over,” Nunes said. “First of all, all of these are classified or sensitive. … Five of them are what I would call straight up referrals — so just referrals that name someone and name the specific crimes,” Nunes told Maria Bartiromo. “Those crimes are lying to Congress, misleading Congress, leaking classified information. So five of them are those types.”

Nunes added: “There are three [referrals] that I think are more complicated. … So on the first one, is FISA abuse and other matters. We believe there was a conspiracy to lie to the FISA court, mislead the FISA court by numerous individuals that all need to be investigated and looked at that, and we believe the [relevant] statute is the conspiracy statute. The second conspiracy one is involving manipulation of intelligence that also could ensnarl many Americans.”

Among the people who signed the FISA applications include then-FBI Director James Comey, DAG Rod Rosenstein, Sally Yates and Andrew McCabe.

“The third is what I would call a global leak referral,” Nunes said. “So there are about a dozen highly sensitive classified information leaks that were given to only a few reporters over the last two-and-a-half-plus years. So you know, we don’t know if there’s actually been any leak investigations that have been opened, but we do believe that we’ve got pretty good information and a pretty good idea of who could be behind these leaks.”

Thanks to Devin Nunes, we may soon find out who leaked General Flynn’s phone calls to Russian Ambassador Kislyak to the media.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid former British spy Christopher Steele millions of dollars to compile a phony 35-page dossier from Russian intel sources to smear Donald Trump.

The incredibly corrupt FBI Director James Comey allowed the bureau to use Hillary’s phony dossier to defraud the FISC and obtain a FISA warrant and three subsequent renewals — Comey personally signed three FISA applications even though he admitted the dossier, which formed an essential part of obtaining the spy warrants, was unverified.

Video and partial transcript via Fox News:

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So why’s Obama slinking around Germany and ‘privately’ meeting with Angela Merkel?

So what’s all this cuchicoo between President Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel?

The former U.S. president was reportedly meeting with the woman he’s described in the past as his favorite European politician this very week. There was a smattering of reportage, and insistence from officials that this was all on the up and up. Here’s the Fox News report:

BERLIN – Chancellor Angela Merkel has received former U.S. President Barack Obama at her office in Berlin for a meeting characterized by German officials as a routine private encounter with a former international peer.

Obama could be seen waving as he left the chancellery alongside Merkel Friday. Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said she has met repeatedly with ex-heads of state and government “with whom she worked together closely and well for a time.”

Kind of sounds like they were having a conversation about their (non-existent) grandchildren on the tarmac, eh?

DC Whispers, for one, thinks that the two Trump-hating politicians might have a less savory agenda, writing:

The king of open borders USA met privately with the queen of mass migration Europe this week in what some are justifiably calling an example of shadow government in action. Please read closely the cause and effect details outlined below:

It should also be noted that the meeting between the former president and the outgoing German chancellor took place within 24 hours of this report via D.C. Whispers:


The Full Story of How Obama, Hillary and Brennan Carried Out The Crime of the Century…


An entire segment of that report was devoted to the relationship between Obama and Merkel and included the following:

…Obama had been called out by the Drudge Report for visiting foreign leaders in Europe in the spring of 2017 right before President Trump visited those leaders in Europe. It turns out that one of those Obama meetings is now under scrutiny on Capitol Hill.

Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein gave a redacted document to Rep. Devin Nunes, showing two major redactions about the creation of the Trump “Dossier” and the launch of FISA warrants and Robert Mueller’s investigation during the 2016 campaign. The redactions were: “the name of a country and the name of a foreign agent who supplied information.”

Now we know: the country is Germany and the foreign agent was either Angela Merkel or someone who worked for Angela Merkel in foreign intelligence.

The redacted sections will be referencing one of the European countries and agents that share SIGINT (signal intelligence) to US Intelligence,” says Chuck Marler, a longtime agent of the FBI Special Surveillance Group under Robert Mueller, who is an official whistleblower in this case.




So what’s all this cuchicoo between President Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel?

The former U.S. president was reportedly meeting with the woman he’s described in the past as his favorite European politician this very week. There was a smattering of reportage, and insistence from officials that this was all on the up and up. Here’s the Fox News report:

BERLIN – Chancellor Angela Merkel has received former U.S. President Barack Obama at her office in Berlin for a meeting characterized by German officials as a routine private encounter with a former international peer.

Obama could be seen waving as he left the chancellery alongside Merkel Friday. Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said she has met repeatedly with ex-heads of state and government “with whom she worked together closely and well for a time.”

Kind of sounds like they were having a conversation about their (non-existent) grandchildren on the tarmac, eh?

DC Whispers, for one, thinks that the two Trump-hating politicians might have a less savory agenda, writing:

The king of open borders USA met privately with the queen of mass migration Europe this week in what some are justifiably calling an example of shadow government in action. Please read closely the cause and effect details outlined below:

It should also be noted that the meeting between the former president and the outgoing German chancellor took place within 24 hours of this report via D.C. Whispers:


The Full Story of How Obama, Hillary and Brennan Carried Out The Crime of the Century…


An entire segment of that report was devoted to the relationship between Obama and Merkel and included the following:

…Obama had been called out by the Drudge Report for visiting foreign leaders in Europe in the spring of 2017 right before President Trump visited those leaders in Europe. It turns out that one of those Obama meetings is now under scrutiny on Capitol Hill.

Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein gave a redacted document to Rep. Devin Nunes, showing two major redactions about the creation of the Trump “Dossier” and the launch of FISA warrants and Robert Mueller’s investigation during the 2016 campaign. The redactions were: “the name of a country and the name of a foreign agent who supplied information.”

Now we know: the country is Germany and the foreign agent was either Angela Merkel or someone who worked for Angela Merkel in foreign intelligence.

The redacted sections will be referencing one of the European countries and agents that share SIGINT (signal intelligence) to US Intelligence,” says Chuck Marler, a longtime agent of the FBI Special Surveillance Group under Robert Mueller, who is an official whistleblower in this case.




via American Thinker Blog

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Decent Citizens Hunker Down As Cleveland Braces For Pervert Convention

The glorification of sexual depravity that has been crammed down the throats of decent, moral Americans but the rabid left and the entertainment industry continues and there is no end in sight.

Another grotesque exhibit of the morally bereft dogma of liberalism will take place later this month in the all-American city of Cleveland which will for one weekend become a veritable Mecca for perverts, freaks, sickos, fetishists and mentally twisted sex fiends who dabble in BDSM and leather.

That would be the CLAW convention, an acronym for Cleveland Annual Leather Weekend when the crazies are unleashed and any self-respecting parent should make sure their children are kept off the streets.

Convention at major U.S. hotels showcases extreme sexual depravity

If you had plans to take your kids to downtown Cleveland over the weekend of April 25-28, don’t – unless you want them to receive a quick and nightmarish tutorial about where the “LGBTQ” agenda really takes America: into a filthy sewer.

That weekend, major Cleveland hotels will host CLAW, the Cleveland Annual Leather Weekend

It’s a large orgy of homosexual males focused on “sado-masochism” and “bondage.” Think ropes, chains, erotic asphyxiation, suspension by hooks, cutting, etc. Or maybe don’t think about them, since these are usually considered reckless, stupid activities involving major risks of injury and disease, committed by severely emotionally disturbed people.

Unless of course you identify as “LGBTQ.” Then you get respect and can demand whatever you want in “public accommodations” even if it’s crazy, disgusting or a public health nightmare.

Which is why there’s a petition to Cleveland officials to stop this outrage.

If you have an interest in the Westin that weekend, it’s apparently “full.” Think about that: Packed with deviant males who will be doing who knows what in their rooms.

Sorry to offend, but it’s important to understand what is going on here: the public sharing of bodily fluids of promiscuous people who also regularly engage in anatomically invasive sex practices. So in the meeting rooms of the Westin, Hampton Inn, Cleveland Marriott, etc., there will be activities and “workshops” (a.k.a., orgies) involving blood, feces, urine, semen and – when people realize what they are doing – possibly vomit.

Several days later, you might be attending a corporate luncheon in the same room – and the Cleveland Department of Health is apparently okay with this.

Read it HERE.


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‘Comedian’ Who Called Trump a Nazi at WH Correspondents’ Dinner Can’t Figure Out Why He Isn’t Going

Commentary Politics

‘Comedian’ Who Called Trump a Nazi at WH Correspondents’ Dinner Can’t Figure Out Why He Isn’t Going

Comedian Michelle Wolf; President Donald TrumpAstrid Stawiarz / Getty Images; John Locher / APComedian Michelle Wolf; President Donald Trump (Astrid Stawiarz / Getty Images; John Locher / AP)

The main entertainment at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner this year won’t be a comedian, as is usually the case, but historian Ron Chernow. Perhaps this is because the White House Correspondents’ Association wants to add a bit of gravitas to the proceedings.

Or perhaps it’s just because Michelle Wolf’s performance last year was so far below the bottom of the barrel they almost had to send a rescue crew in to save tact as if it were a trapped miner.

Wolf, who proved once and for all that the dinner had become a make-work program for the dregs of “The Daily Show,” took exception to the fact that President Trump wasn’t going to be attending this year.

You know, why he won’t attend the same dinner where she called him a “Nazi” and nobody on the left seemed to bat an eye.

“I’m going to hold a rally, because the dinner is so boring and so negative,” Trump said to reporters on the White House’s South Lawn, according to the Washington Examiner.

TRENDING: Punk Fired After Attacking Elderly Trump Fan Suffers New Humiliation – ‘Nazi’ She Attacked Is Jewish

This will mark the third year in a row Trump hasn’t gone to the event.

Responding to the news, Wolf said the president “doesn’t have a big enough spine to attend.”

“He’s just really busy, you know? He’s gotta golf. And honestly, I don’t know if anyone really wants to watch him eat,” Wolf said Friday on the red carpet at an event in New York City.

Do you think President Trump should go to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner?

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“You’ve got to love someone that just can’t handle being made fun of. I think he doesn’t have a big enough spine to attend. If a president can’t take someone making fun of them, I don’t really care about them.”

Just so we’re clear, here are some of the greatest hits from Wolf’s set at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner last year:

      • (Trump) loves white nationalists, which is a weird term for a Nazi. Calling a Nazi a white nationalist is like calling a pedophile a ‘kid friend.’”
      • “I actually really like Sarah (Sanders). I think she’s very resourceful. She burns facts and then she uses that ash to create a perfect smoky eye. Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s lies. It’s probably lies.”
      • “You guys gotta stop putting Kellyanne (Conway) on your shows. All she does is lie. If you don’t give her a platform, she has nowhere to lie. It’s like that old saying: If a tree falls in the woods, how do we get Kellyanne under that tree? I’m not suggesting she gets hurt; just stuck. Stuck under a tree.”
      • (Mike Pence) thinks abortion is murder. Which first of all, don’t knock it ‘til you try it — and when you do try it, really knock it. You know, you’ve got to get that baby out of there. And yeah, sure, you can groan all you want. I know a lot of you are very anti-abortion. You know, unless it’s the one you got for your secret mistress.”
      • “Of course, Trump isn’t here, if you haven’t noticed. He’s not here. And I know, I know, I would drag him here myself, but it turns out the president of the United States is the one p— you’re not allowed to grab.”

        Gosh, I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want to sit through that kind of monologue.

        Wolf’s routine, by the way, elicited an apology from the head of the White House Correspondents’ Association.

        “Last night’s program was meant to offer a unifying message about our common commitment to a vigorous and free press while honoring civility, great reporting and scholarship winners, not to divide people,” WHCA President Margaret Talev said in a statement, according to Fox News. “Unfortunately, the entertainer’s monologue was not in the spirit of that mission.”

        It’s also widely seen as the reason why there’s going to be a historian as opposed to a comedian at this year’s dinner, scheduled for April 27.

        So, please, tell us about taking a joke, Michelle. Tell us how we’re supposed to take it as we’re called Nazis and told we deserve to be crushed by falling trees. Tell us how not wanting to hear this at “nerd prom,” an event where the media meets yearly to fete themselves, makes a person spineless.

        Is it really too hard to figure out why Trump isn’t going? Here’s a hint: It’s not because he’s a comedic invertebrate.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via Conservative Tribune

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WAR: DCCC Freezes Out ‘Progressive’ Campaign Consultants, So They’ve Started Their Own ‘Blacklist’

The campaign consultants behind Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) meteoric rise to national prominence want to extend their "progressive primary" crusade to every Democratic House race in the country, but the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is standing in their way.

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Obama shatters previous record, mentions himself 467 times in one speech in Berlin

The post-presidential era of his life seems to be a bit of a challenge to the ego of Barack Hussein Obama. Never shy about referring to himself while president, now that that man in the White House is reversing his policies and spectacularly succeeding it’s got to be hard on his self-esteem. And let’s not forget the psychological pressure that may be building in the wake of the collapse of the Russia Hoax and the possible investigation of its origins.

So, what’s a comparatively young (age 57) man with decades of life ahead to do to compensate? Self-reflection and personal growth are out of the question, of course (this is Barack Obama, after all, the man who claimed to better at everything than his aides charged with speech-writing, economic policy and much more), so it appears that defensive ego boosting is his chosen course.

As it happens, the venue for his speech was Berlin, where in 2008 he addressed the largest crowd of his career. I don’t know the size of his audience yesterday in Berlin, but it had to be a tiny fraction of the 100,000+  he faced back when things were going his way.

Our friends at Grabien have produced a video compilation – almost five minutes of rampant egotism if you can stand it – and offer a count of the personal pronouns employed:

Here’s the breakdown of his personal pronoun use (based on a rush transcript of the event):

“I” — 312

“Me” — 33

“My” — 43

“I’d” — 9

“I’m” — 61

“Myself” — 9

The former president’s comments began on his favorite topic: himself.

“It’s been over ten years since I spoke to a slightly larger crowd in front of the Victory Column when I was running for president,” Obama said to a notably quiet crowd. “I had a little less gray hair then. And since then I’ve been back to Germany I think at least ten times. I’ve been to Europe countless times. But I’m as excited to be here with you as I have been ever when I’ve come to Europe.”

Image credit: Grabien screen grab (cropped)

The post-presidential era of his life seems to be a bit of a challenge to the ego of Barack Hussein Obama. Never shy about referring to himself while president, now that that man in the White House is reversing his policies and spectacularly succeeding it’s got to be hard on his self-esteem. And let’s not forget the psychological pressure that may be building in the wake of the collapse of the Russia Hoax and the possible investigation of its origins.

So, what’s a comparatively young (age 57) man with decades of life ahead to do to compensate? Self-reflection and personal growth are out of the question, of course (this is Barack Obama, after all, the man who claimed to better at everything than his aides charged with speech-writing, economic policy and much more), so it appears that defensive ego boosting is his chosen course.

As it happens, the venue for his speech was Berlin, where in 2008 he addressed the largest crowd of his career. I don’t know the size of his audience yesterday in Berlin, but it had to be a tiny fraction of the 100,000+  he faced back when things were going his way.

Our friends at Grabien have produced a video compilation – almost five minutes of rampant egotism if you can stand it – and offer a count of the personal pronouns employed:

Here’s the breakdown of his personal pronoun use (based on a rush transcript of the event):

“I” — 312

“Me” — 33

“My” — 43

“I’d” — 9

“I’m” — 61

“Myself” — 9

The former president’s comments began on his favorite topic: himself.

“It’s been over ten years since I spoke to a slightly larger crowd in front of the Victory Column when I was running for president,” Obama said to a notably quiet crowd. “I had a little less gray hair then. And since then I’ve been back to Germany I think at least ten times. I’ve been to Europe countless times. But I’m as excited to be here with you as I have been ever when I’ve come to Europe.”

Image credit: Grabien screen grab (cropped)

via American Thinker Blog

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