Cotton: IRS Needs to Relook at SPLC’s Tax-Exempt Status

Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) said on Tuesday that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) needs to relook at the Souther Poverty Law Center’s tax-exempt status.

"They were founded decades ago, and they claim that their role was to fund lawsuits to eliminate the Democrats’ system of Jim Crow and segregation. Now, they’ve turned into just a serial defamer of their political opponents," Cotton said about the SPLC. "That’s why the IRS needs to relook at their tax-exempt status."

Cotton sent a letter to the IRS, urging the agency to investigate whether the SPLC should keep its classification as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization amid news reports of the organization’s turmoil and

"The business model has paid well," Cotton wrote in the letter. "The SPLC has accrued more than $500 million in assets. According to the group’s most recent financial statement, it holds $121 million offshore in non-U.S. equity funds. The SPLC uses these assets to pay its executives lavish salaries far higher than the comparable household average."

The Washington Free Beacon has previously reported about SPLC’s finances. In early March, the Free Beacon reported the group has $518 million in assets, with $120 million now offshore.

"I don’t know many charitable advisors who say it is best practice to send your endowment to overseas accounts in the Caribbean. That’s one of the reasons why Charity Watch gives them an "F" rating. A very well deserved "F" rating," Cotton said.

Cotton added that the organization has become a hate group themselves for defaming political opponents.

"As you said Tucker, they have really become kind of a hate group themselves. They have a so called ‘Hate Map’ and they use it to stigmatize their political opponents. Respectable, center-right organizations like the Family Research Council, or the Alliance Defending Freedom. It’s fine if you don’t agree with those organizations, there are plenty of groups on the left I don’t agree with, but I don’t try to stigmatize them as a hate group and then go pedal that to CNN, New York Times, or try and attack their donors," Cotton said.

The senator also referenced the recent turmoil at the organization. SPLC co-founder, Morris Dees, was recently fired over the turmoil among its treatment of its workers. Some workers have come out and described the work environment being toxic due to racism and sexism. Richard Cohen, the group’s president, has also stepped down.

"Again, a five hundred million dollar so-called charity that has systematic racial and sexist discrimination problems and at the same time it’s simply using that money to target its political opponents," Cotton said. "That’s not what American tax payers are subsidizing when we give people tax-exempt status. We give those things to churches, or adoption shelters, or shelters for battered women, not to defame political opponents, sexually harass every woman that works in your office, and discriminate against minorities."

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Video: Audience Roars at Trump’s Biden ‘Kissing’ Joke

Allegations surrounding former Vice President Joe Biden might be roiling he early stages of the Democratic primary race for 2020, but that didn’t stop President Donald Trump from using it to draw a big laugh this week from a roomful of Republican loyalists.

Speaking at the National Republican Congressional Committee dinner Tuesday in Washington, Trump told the story of a general who helped defeat ISIS.

“I said, ‘General, come here, give me a kiss.’ I felt like Joe Biden,” Trump joked. “But I meant it.”

Trump’s joke resulted in a roar from the audience.

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Trump’s joke is in reference, of course, to the recent allegations of creepy conduct against Biden.

The first woman to come out against Biden was Lucy Flores, a former Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor in Nevada, who detailed her allegation against Biden in a column for New York magazine’s The Cut on Friday.

Flores accused Biden of sniffing her hair and kissing the back of her head without her consent during a campaign event in 2014.

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On Monday, former Democratic congressional aide Amy Lappos said that Biden put his hand around her neck and pulled her toward him to rub noses.

And in a piece published on Tuesday, The New York Times included the stories of two more women who said Biden had touched them in ways that made them feel uncomfortable.

It’s important to keep in mind that Biden isn’t being accused of sexual assault and he hasn’t been found guilty of any crimes. (Sexual crimes are no laughing matter.)

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There’s no way of knowing what Biden’s intentions were with these women, but the left doesn’t generally apply nuance when it comes to issues of misconduct allegations — at least when it comes to men they’re politically motivated to destroy, like now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

If the left were consistent, the “MeToo” movement and insistence of unconditionally believing women should apply to Biden.

Let’s not forget that Trump was accused of kissing women without their consent after the “Access Hollywood” tapes came out in 2016.

If liberals were quick to attack Trump over what he called “locker room talk,” they should be extremely hard on Biden, especially when there is video evidence of Biden behaving exactly how his accusers described.

Again, it’s completely possible that Biden is innocent of bad intentions, even if the number of accusers is growing. But regardless, the far left’s rigid “believe women” dogma will ultimately harm the Democratic politician.

As Trump said on Tuesday, Biden is “being taken care of pretty well by the socialists. They got to him, our former vice president.”

“I was going to call him. I don’t know him well. I was going to say, ‘Welcome to the world, Joe. You having a good time, Joe?’”

The dominoes have fallen — the far left’s witch hunt for sexual predators has finally backfired.

Trump has the right idea by sitting back and cracking a few jokes at the left’s expense.

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Pete Buttigieg: A Woman Cannot be Free Unless She Can Kill Her Baby in a Late Term Abortion — And Men Need to Stay Out of It (VIDEO)

South Bend, Indiana mayor and Democrat darling Pete Buttigieg spoke to an audience in Grenville, South Carolina last weekend.

During his remarks Buttigieg told his audience a women is not truly free unless she can freely kill her baby.

The dark horse candidate spoke about “freedom,” specifically as it relates to abortion.

“You’re not free if your reproductive choices are being dictated by male politicians in Washington,” he stated.

Buttigieg also told Morning Joe that he agrees with the latest New York state abortion laws that allows women to murder their babies up to birth.
This is evil.


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President Trump Wades In, Taunts Joe Biden Over ‘Socialists’ Tanking Former Veep’s Campaign

Tuesday night, President Donald Trump waded in to a burgeoning feud between the presidential campaigns of former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, taunting Biden for being attacked by "socialists."
Trump, speaking at the National Republican Congressional Committee dinner, said his 2020 would be "going to war" with Democratic socialists, and that Joe Biden was getting a taste of how Democratic socialists fight back.

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President Trump Wades In, Taunts Joe Biden Over ‘Socialists’ Tanking Former Veep’s Campaign

Tuesday night, President Donald Trump waded in to a burgeoning feud between the presidential campaigns of former Vice President Joe Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, taunting Biden for being attacked by "socialists."
Trump, speaking at the National Republican Congressional Committee dinner, said his 2020 would be "going to war" with Democratic socialists, and that Joe Biden was getting a taste of how Democratic socialists fight back.

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Conservative Leaders Call on Facebook, Google, Twitter to Cut Ties With SPLC

In letters to Facebook, Google, and Twitter on Wednesday, Media Research Center president Brent Bozell, joined by numerous other conservative leaders, called on the major tech companies to stop relying on the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center as the arbiter of what constitutes hate speech and “cut ties” with the group.  

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University of Arizona students who heckled Border Patrol agents face charges

Students who disrupted a presentation and shouted “murder patrol” at a pair of Border Patrol agents on the campus of the University of Arizona are facing charges according to a letter published by the school’s president:

The incident between the protesting students and the Criminal Justice club members was a dramatic departure from our expectations of respectful behavior and support for free speech on this campus.

University police determined today they will be charging two of the students with interference with the peaceful conduct of an educational institution, a misdemeanor…

At the core of these inquiries is the University of Arizona’s commitment to free speech. The student club and the CBP officers invited by the students should have been able to hold their meeting without disruption. Student protest is protected by our support for free speech, but disruption is not.

The incident in question took place last month. The agents had been invited to speak to the Criminal Justice Association, a campus club, but a female protester spotted the agents through an open door and began loudly disrupting the presentation, comparing the agents to the KKK. When the organizer of the meeting tried to deal with the disruption by inviting the protester inside to listen, the protester continued mocking the agents as the “murder patrol” and said she didn’t feel safe on the campus with them present.

Here’s a video of the incident. The first clip shows what happened in the classroom. The second clip is the same protester, joined by several others, following the two agents out to their car while chanting “murder patrol.”

The person who led the protests told the student paper her name was Denisse:

Denisse, a Mexican-American studies major, organized the protest.

“Yesterday, Border Patrol was invited to campus to recruit at the career fair,” Denisse said. “They were also invited by the criminal justice club. I walked out of class and saw two Border Patrol agents in the hallway in Modern Languages, and I was like, ‘You’re supposed to be at the career fair that ended an hour ago.’ So then I was like, ‘Get out,’ and started chanting, disrupting that space until they left. Literally walked them all the way to their cars until they left.”

You’ll notice that Denisse’s version of events differs from the incident seen in the video clips. For one, she wasn’t just chanting at agents standing in a hallway. She’s interrupting a presentation in a classroom. The woman who attempted to defuse the situation tells the Washington Post that’s where this protest crossed the line:

Luisa Pinto, the president of the Criminal Justice Association, told the paper that the disruption had been a violation of her First Amendment rights.

“Her right to free speech only goes so far,” she said of the woman who was filming. “She has every right to scream and yell all she wants outside the building, but the moment she’s inside a building and interfering with our education . . . our rights were violated.”

Pinto told the Daily Wildcat that she was the woman in the video who had invited Denisse to come in, then called the police after Denisse declined. Her goal had simply been to try to defuse tension, she said. She added that the club is strictly apolitical and invites representatives from different law enforcement agencies to speak to members about career opportunities and their hiring processes.

I’m not in favor of bringing charges against people for speaking up, even when they’re being obnoxious and derogatory as is the case here. However, it seems to me that by bringing her protest into the classroom, Denisse was attempting to no-platform the agents who had been invited to speak by a school club. I’m still not convinced the proper response to that is misdemeanor charges but I do think some kind of discipline is appropriate, at a minimum a remedial course in the First Amendment. The heckler’s veto cannot be allowed to prevail on college campuses.

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Socialism: The elite and the rubes

For a century, the socialist movement has been content to advance their ideology through the cover of darkness and deceit. Reforming education, infiltrating Hollywood and the news media, and stretching their tentacles throughout state and federal government agencies.

As Norman Thomas famously stated:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”  

Today, socialists seem confident enough in their reach to come out from the cover of darkness to proudly proclaim the virtuousness of their ideology. Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Elizabeth Warren and a whole host of other far-left loons are touting the virtues of “free stuff” to the mass of ill-informed rubes.

The benefit (for us) of them moving into the light, is that it begins to expose the end-game. Socialism is a great system, for a few. The socialist sales pitch is that everyone will be granted a myriad of free things, provided for by their benevolent government masters. Free healthcare, free education, free housing, free transportation, and a universal basic income.

Sandy O’s Green New Deal offers to provide

 “Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.”

Where do I sign? Or, more particularly, who do I need to vote for, to have all my needs taken care of, so that I might lead a productive life of leisure? Of course, as most thinking people know, there are two classes of person who have their all their needs covered – children and slaves.

Recent events have begun to expose the winners and losers of our utopian socialist future. The winners are the cultural/political elite and leadership ranks of the social activists. The losers are the rubes, who think that they’re part of the elite class.

Socialism, apart from being an economic theory, is about the consolidation of power. Those who have it, and those who don’t. The college bribery scandal, the bum-rush of our southern border, and the Jussie Smollett affair, if nothing else, expose a set of rules for those who work within the system, and another for those who lord over it. A free society is premised on the rule of law, and a societal agreement by the people to abide by said rule of law.

Socialism is premised on connections. The political elite in Washington, lobbying firms, union leadership, and the social/cultural elite in Hollywood, in newsrooms, on college campuses, and within the leadership ranks of the myriad intersectional activist groups established to advance specific grievances. In this vein, the few in leadership will benefit from the consolidation of power, as they will have the ear of those who wield the sword. The myriad activist groups will benefit, as they’ll be the ones called upon to wield the sword.

Which brings us to the rubes. The rubes (or stooges), are the much larger segment of the populace who are being convinced that socialism will be the great leveler. That the current system is systemically unfair to those looking to advance, and by voting into power those who seek to grant them an “equal share” of the redistributed pie, will be able to live their lives as the elites do.

Historically, the elites remain elites, as long as they toe the party line. The rubes will remain the rubes, only with less power and demonstrably less personal liberty, than they did when they were free.

Our challenge then is to explain to the rubes (daily) that they’re better off free, within a system that provides them an opportunity to advance, than a system that guarantees their bondage.

As Emilianio Zapata famously stated:

“I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees.”

For a century, the socialist movement has been content to advance their ideology through the cover of darkness and deceit. Reforming education, infiltrating Hollywood and the news media, and stretching their tentacles throughout state and federal government agencies.

As Norman Thomas famously stated:

“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”  

Today, socialists seem confident enough in their reach to come out from the cover of darkness to proudly proclaim the virtuousness of their ideology. Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Elizabeth Warren and a whole host of other far-left loons are touting the virtues of “free stuff” to the mass of ill-informed rubes.

The benefit (for us) of them moving into the light, is that it begins to expose the end-game. Socialism is a great system, for a few. The socialist sales pitch is that everyone will be granted a myriad of free things, provided for by their benevolent government masters. Free healthcare, free education, free housing, free transportation, and a universal basic income.

Sandy O’s Green New Deal offers to provide

 “Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work.”

Where do I sign? Or, more particularly, who do I need to vote for, to have all my needs taken care of, so that I might lead a productive life of leisure? Of course, as most thinking people know, there are two classes of person who have their all their needs covered – children and slaves.

Recent events have begun to expose the winners and losers of our utopian socialist future. The winners are the cultural/political elite and leadership ranks of the social activists. The losers are the rubes, who think that they’re part of the elite class.

Socialism, apart from being an economic theory, is about the consolidation of power. Those who have it, and those who don’t. The college bribery scandal, the bum-rush of our southern border, and the Jussie Smollett affair, if nothing else, expose a set of rules for those who work within the system, and another for those who lord over it. A free society is premised on the rule of law, and a societal agreement by the people to abide by said rule of law.

Socialism is premised on connections. The political elite in Washington, lobbying firms, union leadership, and the social/cultural elite in Hollywood, in newsrooms, on college campuses, and within the leadership ranks of the myriad intersectional activist groups established to advance specific grievances. In this vein, the few in leadership will benefit from the consolidation of power, as they will have the ear of those who wield the sword. The myriad activist groups will benefit, as they’ll be the ones called upon to wield the sword.

Which brings us to the rubes. The rubes (or stooges), are the much larger segment of the populace who are being convinced that socialism will be the great leveler. That the current system is systemically unfair to those looking to advance, and by voting into power those who seek to grant them an “equal share” of the redistributed pie, will be able to live their lives as the elites do.

Historically, the elites remain elites, as long as they toe the party line. The rubes will remain the rubes, only with less power and demonstrably less personal liberty, than they did when they were free.

Our challenge then is to explain to the rubes (daily) that they’re better off free, within a system that provides them an opportunity to advance, than a system that guarantees their bondage.

As Emilianio Zapata famously stated:

“I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees.”

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NY Lawmakers Cut Special Olympics Funding, Heartlessly Stuff Their Own Pockets with $30K Raise

Remember those halcyon days of one week ago, when the mainstream media all hated President Trump because his administration cut (and then reinstated) funding for the Special Olympics?

Well, it turns out that outrage only really works if it’s Republicans doing the cutting. When it’s Democrats — the official party of nine out of 10 media apparatchiks — it’s no big deal.

That’s at least the takeaway from lawmakers in New York state, which was set to cut funding by $50,000 to the Special Olympics while giving themselves rather hearty raises for in the process.

“New York’s budget for the Special Olympics decreased from $200,000 in 2018 to $150,000 for this year,” The Daily Caller reported on Monday.

“Meanwhile, every one of the state’s 213 lawmakers will ultimately receive a raise that is almost the same amount cut from the games for disabled athletes.”

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In their first pay raise since 1999, Empire State lawmakers hiked their salaries from $79,500 to $110,000, The Daily Caller reported.

And that $30,000 raise is just a start.

“Under the budget, legislators will eventually earn $130,000 in 2021,” The Daily Caller wrote.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, meanwhile, did even better, according to The Daily Caller, getting a raise of $70,000 to make his salary “a quarter million dollars a year, the highest of any governor.”

Do you think the media should have given the Democrats a harder time over their decision to cut funding to the Special Olympics?

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And there was no outrage from the Special Olympics this time, either.

“Special Olympics New York is thankful to the Governor and Legislature for securing $150,000 in State Budget to support our Unified Champion Schools program, which is creating inclusive school communities throughout New York State,” Special Olympics New York CEO and President Stacey Hengsterman said in a statement.

“The budget process is always difficult and we are grateful we had so many champions advocating on our behalf. We will continue to work with our representatives in state government to hopefully increase these funds and continue to grow this important program.”

Contrast this with the statement from Tim Shriver, chairman of Special Olympics International, who called Trump Education Secretary Betsy Devos’ now-aborted decision to cut Special Olympics funding an “enormous slap in the face for these people and an insult to our values.”

Trump, of course, reversed the Special Olympics funding cut.

As it turns out, Cuomo also reversed course on the decision and restored Special Olympics funding, according to the New York Post — although certainly not with as much sturm und drang behind it we saw with the Trump administration.

And Cuomo’s decision again saw gratitude from the New York state Special Olympics president.

“Special Olympics New York is thankful to the Governor for fully funding the State’s annual $1.1 million commitment, and restoring the $50,000 for the Unified Champion Schools program. Special Olympics New York is grateful to the Governor for his generous support during a difficult budget year,” she said, according to WBKW-TV.

Again, contrast this to Shriver after Trump reversed course on Special Olympics funding:

“In some ways the most powerless, vulnerable, forgotten people in the country brought to their knees the most powerful people in the country,” he said after Trump’s decision became public, according to Politico.

“Probably in my 39 years of professional life, I’ve never had more attention than we got last week on anything I’ve ever worked on, honestly.”

That sounds more like gloating than gratitude.

In both cases, it’s not necessarily clear how much difference the public funding would have made, given that the vast majority of the organization’s money comes from private donations.

That being said, neither cut was probably a good idea politically. However, the media reacted in markedly different ways to the move.

In the case of the Trump administration, there was universal outrage, including from the Special Olympics. In the case of New York state — even as politicians gave themselves massive raises — the outrage was limited.

Was it because the state is controlled by Democrats? Is the sky blue?

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Conservative Judge Brian Hagedorn Declares Victory in Election to Wisconsin Supreme Court

Appeals Judge Brian Hagedorn claimed victory Wednesday in the race for a Wisconsin Supreme Court seat that has come down to the wire.

With over 1.2 million votes cast, Hagedorn, who was backed by conservatives, leads Appeals Judge Lisa Neubauer by 50.2 percent to 49.8 percent, a margin of 5,500 votes. The margin is close enough that both campaigns are preparing for a recount. According to Wisconsin law, a recount can occur if the margin between candidates is less than one percent.

Hagedorn released a statement on Twitter where he claimed victory and called his lead "insurmountable."

"The people of Wisconsin have spoken, and our margin of victory is insurmountable," Hagedorn said in the statement. "And I thank everyone who supported us along the way. This was a true grassroots campaign fueled from the bottom up."

If there is a recount and Hagedorn prevails, he will replace liberal Justice Shirley Abrahamson, who disclosed she had cancer last year. The race has significant repercussions for the state because it ensures a conservative majority on the court until 2023 and will decide on cases like gerrymandering and former Gov. Scott Walker’s (R.) controversial government reforms.

Liberal groups like Greater Wisconsin Committee, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin, and former Attorney General under President Barack Obama, Eric Holder’s national group the National Democratic Redistricting Committee poured money into the race on Neubauer’s behalf. Conservative groups who usually are involved in the state’s Supreme Court races, like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, stayed out of the race.

In the final weeks of the campaign, liberals launched attacks against Hagedorn for his social conservative views. He wrote against the courts striking down an anti-sodomy law in a blog post, citing that it would lead to bestiality. He also faced attacks for being a founder of a private school that disallowed students and teachers who are in gay relationships.

The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) got involved in the race and released an ad defending Hagedorn from the attacks.

"Wisconsin voters knew what was at stake in last night’s election: a choice between a liberal, activist judge who would legislate from the bench or a conservative, rule of law judge committed to interpreting the state Constitution as written," RSLC president Matt Walter said in a statement. "We have seen the Democrat socialists, led by Barack Obama and Eric Holder, try to take over state Supreme Courts in an effort to end-run the authority of state legislatures by electing activist judges to what should be the government’s most restrained branch. In Wisconsin, we identified a path to victory and invested accordingly to thwart the advancement of the radical drumbeat of socialism that has hijacked the Democrat party."

Next week, local officials will begin to tally the votes to determine the official margin, which will decide if a recount is able to occur.

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