MALKIN: Beware Soros-Funded Hijacking Of US Census

“Are you a U.S. citizen?”

Only in self-defeating, sovereignty-eroding America is the idea of asking whether people living in America are American citizens for the American census a matter of controversy.

On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on whether the Trump administration can include a citizenship question on the high-stakes 2020 Census questionnaire. Thank goodness, the conservative majority indicated support for allowing it. There’s already such a question on the annual American Community Survey administered by the Census Bureau. It was asked in long-form questionnaires sent to a sample of households in 2000. And it was regularly asked in historical census forms from 1820-1950.

But we live in a Trump-deranged age, so now it’s tantamount to an international human rights crime to ask anyone about citizenship status at any time for any reason. Heaven forbid we inconvenience or discomfit legal noncitizens or illegal immigrants with a question!

Open borders activists, left-wing immigration lawyers and identity politics radicals exploded on cue:

—Former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder decried the “unconstitutional and irresponsible action” to “suppress the count in minority communities.”

—The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee fumed about the “political stunt that unfairly targets immigrant communities throughout our country in an attempt to SILENCE immigrants and benefit Republicans.”

—Histrionic social justice actress Alyssa Milano called it an “attack on immigrant communities and our democracy itself.”

—Jorge Luis Vasquez Jr. of LatinoJustice, funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, vented that a citizenship question would “damage all our daily lives for decades.”

—Kristen Clarke, president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, another Soros-funded outfit, which sued over the citizenship question, blasted the “scheme to hijack the 2020 Census.”

—The Soros-funded Asian Americans Advancing Justice lobbying group condemned Trump as “racially and politically motivated.”

Let’s all practice our deep pranayama breathing and ground ourselves in reality. It’s the radical left, much of it fueled with Soros’ money, that has hijacked the U.S. Census, not President Donald Trump. “No Illegal Immigrant Left Behind” is crucial to their strategy. Why?

Remember: The Census is used to divvy up seats in the House as a proportion of their population based on the head count. The redistribution of power extends to presidential elections because the Electoral College is pegged to the size of congressional delegations. More people equal more seats. More illegal immigrants equal more power. Indeed, the Center for Immigration Studies determined that in the 2000 election cycle, the presence of noncitizens (illegal immigrants, temporary visitors and green card holders) caused nine seats in the House to switch hands. California added six seats it would not have had otherwise. Texas, New York and Florida each gained a seat. Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin each lost a seat. Montana, Kentucky and Utah each failed to secure a seat they would otherwise have gained.

Our Founding Fathers explicitly warned against the perils of foreigners manipulating representation by overwhelming the country. Immigration scholar and author Daniel Horowitz points to Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story’s prophetic admonition: “If aliens might be admitted indiscriminately to enjoy all the rights of citizens at the will of a single state, the Union might itself be endangered by an influx of foreigners, hostile to its institutions, ignorant of its powers, and incapable of a due estimate of its privileges.”

Statesman Roger Sherman similarly emphasized the need to “guard against an improper mode of naturalization” by states adopting “easier terms.”

Too late. Multiple illegal immigrant amnesties, coupled with massive legal immigration, failure to deport visa overstayers and the metastasis of sanctuary policies, have taken their toll. Moreover, our constitutionally mandated decennial count has become a full-employment program for ideologically driven liberal interest groups cashing in on the census-gathering process and reshaping the electoral landscape. During the last census under President Barack Obama, with $300 billion in federal funding at stake, social justice groups from Soros-funded ACORN to Soros-funded Voto Latino to the Soros-allied SEIU were enlisted to count heads and help noncitizens feel “safe.”

The Census boondoggle has become a tax-subsidized national future Democratic voter outreach drive. Soros’ operations, along with 77 other liberal foundations, have invested $30 million to make illegal immigrants count. The Open Society Institute’s grantees and partners on coopting the Census for Democrat gains include the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, Miami Workers Center, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Southwest Workers Union, New York Community Trust, New York Foundation, Center for American Progress, People for the American Way and the Funders Census Initiative. A recently leaked internal board document revealed that the Soros network has coordinated efforts for the past four years to “influence appropriations for the Census Bureau” and add new racial and ethnic categories.

The Census Bureau will need 500,000 temporary workers to conduct the count in what will already be a hyperpolarized election year. However the Supreme Court rules on the citizenship question, the Trump administration must ensure that Open Borders Inc. does not co-opt the enumerator corps. As SorosWorld well understands:

Power lies not just with who is being counted, but who’s doing the counting.

Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected] To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

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Wrong Again Joe Biden: Obama Admin So Corrupt 70 Inspector Generals Urged Congress to Stop Obama IG Crackdown!

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Joe Biden said his proudest moment of Obama’s Presidency was that there was not “one whisper of scandal”.

What a crock! Nearly six dozen federal inspector generals approached Congress to ask lawmakers to step in and stop Obama’s crackdown on their efforts to audit and investigate the corrupt Obama Administration. And, Hillary’s department didn’t even have an inspector general!

Joe Biden, former Obama VP and Democrat candidate for President stated that his proudest moment of the Obama administration was that it had not “one whisper of scandal.”

But looking back, the Obama administration was arguably the most corrupt in US history for many reasons.

For example, FOXNews reported

Nearly six-dozen watchdog agencies are asking Congress to step in after the Obama administration clamped down on access to government records they say are vital for their investigations into waste, fraud and abuse.

The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency sent an Aug. 3 letter to congressional leaders ahead of a hearing scheduled for Wednesday where they will ask lawmakers to pass legislation reversing a controversial decision made July 20 by the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel. The OLC is now requiring investigators to get permission to review sensitive documents from the very agencies they are monitoring.

This decision, the letter said, “represents a serious threat to the independent authority” of all inspectors general.

IGs are assigned to audit and conduct internal reviews of federal agencies, and recently have been responsible for investigating the IRS targeting scandal, TSA security gaps, personal email use at the State Department and other issues.

The council represents about 70 IG offices across the government, including for the Federal Communications Commission, the National Security Agency and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. While the July 20 ruling applies to the DOJ, some are worried it will prompt other departments to set similar restrictions.

In addition to this, it should come as no surprise but during Hillary Clinton’s entire tenure as Secretary of State in the Obama administration, President Obama never nominated nor filled an Inspector General position.

The Wall Street Journal reported in 2015 –

The State Department had no permanent inspector general—the lead watchdog charged with uncovering misconduct and waste—during Hillary Clinton’s entire tenure as secretary, leaving in place an acting inspector who had close ties to State Department leadership.

President Barack Obama didn’t put forward a nominee to lead the inspector general’s office while Mrs. Clinton led the State Department, making it the only agency with a presidentially appointed inspector general that had neither a confirmed nor nominated head watchdog…

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg.  History will show that the Biden – Obama – Clinton administration was the most corrupt and criminal administrations in history!

Hat tip Nick Weil

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Florida Sanctuary City Ban Forges On, Likely to be Signed by Gov. DeSantis

The Florida state Senate approved legislation to ban sanctuary cities that shield criminal illegal aliens from being deported, a plan that is now likely headed to Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) desk.

On Friday, the Florida state Senate passed the sanctuary city ban on a 22 to 18 vote, with only one Republican, state Sen. Anitere Flores, voting against the measure along with every elected state Senate Democrat.

The sanctuary city ban, one of DeSantis’s leading initiatives since becoming governor, comes with strict enforcement mechanisms designed to prevent localities and counties from shielding criminal illegal aliens from being deported by federal immigration officials.

For example, the plan includes a fine of $5,000 that the state can impose on a jurisdiction for every day that they have a sanctuary policy in place.

The sanctuary city ban now heads back to the state House, where it was already approved, for passage with new amendments and is likely to soon head to the desk of DeSantis to be signed into law.

Should Florida implement a sanctuary city ban, they will be only the second state with one of the largest foreign-born populations in the country to do so. The first state with a significant foreign-born population to ban sanctuary cities was Texas last year.

Today, Florida has the fourth largest foreign-born population in the county, with more than 4.1 million illegal aliens, legal immigrants, and foreign-born naturalized citizens. California, Texas, and New York continue to have the largest foreign-born populations in the county. California, a sanctuary state, has almost as many foreign-born residents as New York, Texas, and Florida combined, with more than 10.5 million illegal aliens, legal residents, and foreign-born naturalized citizens living in the state.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder

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Kirk: 7 Years Later Shows Me Why I Am Thankful for Breitbart

April 27 marks the seven-year anniversary of the first op-ed piece that I had published. Not surprisingly, the platform willing to accept something from a conservative high school senior was Breitbart. Then as now, Breitbart was willing to provide a place for otherwise unheard voices to be expressed.

The headline for that 2012 column was “Liberal Bias Starts in High School Economics Textbooks.” 

I pointed out that Krugman’s Economics for AP, written by Margaret Ray and David A. Anderson, and adapted from Paul Krugman and Robin Wells’ Economics (Second Edition), was being used as the textbook to teach the principles of economics to our supposedly best and brightest young people.

In that text, Krugman, who never met a free market he wished to remain free, dismissed the success of Ronald Reagan’s economic policies without any presentation of arguments to the contrary.  In my 2012 editorial I wrote:

Throughout the entire textbook, there are historical, factual, and statistical distortions. For example, Chapter 36 (“The modern macroeconomic consensus”) contains 16 sweeping generalizations such as: “Nearly all macroeconomists now agree… There is now a broad consensus… Today, most macroeconomists believe… Almost all macroeconomists now accept…” (pp. 355-58). None of these assertions are backed up with even a single citation. If a student were to submit an essay with such disregard for basic evidence, it would ensure a failing grade.

I enjoyed looking back at that piece and reading the brief bio line at the end that identified me as a “…high school senior who will be attending Baylor University.” It also identified me as the co-founder of SOS Liberty. I could not have imagined then that Baylor and SOS were a dream and that Turning Point USA would become my reality. Much has changed in the past seven years.

And much hasn’t changed at all.

In an April 23 article on a Powerline blog titled, AP History Textbook Calls Trump “Racist,” Questions his Mental Stability, Paul Mirengoff reports that by 2020 AP high school students will be reading from a text that characterizes the President as someone whose opponents questioned his mental health, and as someone who ran a campaign that permitted racists to come out of the American shadows.

Mirengoff exposes the textbook author’s intent in citing “Clinton supporters’” concerns about Trump as opposed to citing objective facts as “a device to plant the idea that President Trump is mentally unstable, a proposition for which there is no basis other than raw hatred of the man.”

Mirengoff’s contention reads almost exactly the same as mine offered seven years ago.

This issue has been studied over time and across curricula. In 2017, Intellectual Takeout reported on a study of psychology texts that showed political bias in  favor of team left’s politically correct models of human behavior. Historian Dr. Burton Folsom, retired from Hillsdale College in 2016, has been pointing out examples of liberal bias in textbooks all the way down to the elementary level for decades.

It is one thing for a teacher to present a set of facts to a student and then attempt to persuade them as to how they should be interpreted. While it stands opposed to the goals of education, at least this practice allows someone else to counter the teacher’s efforts in indoctrination by pointing out different conclusions that could be drawn from the facts.

When the facts themselves are misrepresented, we are dealing with a very different form of treachery. This masks the indoctrination. Consider the following two hypothetical examples, derived from my 2012 column on Krugman and Reganomics:

In the first case, a professor could make the following statement: Reagan implemented large tax cuts in the 1980s. The decade also experienced significant economic growth and an increase in tax revenue. However, neither of these events had anything to do with Regan’s tax cut and the positive economic developments happened despite Reagan.

That’s a teacher taking facts and indoctrinating his student by forcing his personal opinion on them.

Now consider this not-so-hard-to-imagine excerpt from a textbook: The 1980’s evidenced a significant growth in tax revenue and GDP despite an attempt by President Reagan to create the exact opposite effect by cutting taxes.

This is what the authors of textbooks are up to. They want to make it appear as though the teachers aren’t trying to influence the students.  They are just teaching them facts right out of the textbook! 

The best indicator that one is about to engage an intelligent mind is by finding a sign that says “open” hanging at its entrance. An open mind is one that is willing and able to accept and contemplate facts as they are presented. The surest way to trick an open mind and turn it into a closed one is to corrupt the input of facts.

This is the intent of liberal educators and textbook authors in the United States and elsewhere in Western nations today. It is the reason why all conservatives need to heed the warnings and whistle-blowing of people like Paul Mirengoff, Burt Folsom, and others.  We need to be involved in school boards and curriculum committees so that the education establishment can’t get away with the unchallenged alteration of history.

Dishonest curriculum being forced upon high school students is what motivated me to write my first op-ed piece seven years ago today. It is the reason I apparently need to keep writing.

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Dershowitz: Maxine Waters ‘Better Start Listening’ — Impeachment Is ‘Going to Come Back to Hurt the Democrats’

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle,” Harvard University law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz reiterated his position that there was no actionable obstruction of justice committed by President Donald Trump based on the findings of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report.

Dershowitz said Trump cannot be guilty of obstruction for performing duties allowed under his constitutional presidential powers.

“[I]n my introduction in the Mueller report, I go through the elements of obstruction of justice,” he said. “The act itself has to be illegal. It can’t be an act that is authorized under Article Two of the Constitution.”

That included the firing of then-FBI Director James Comey, he contended.

“It’s not even a close case,” Dershowitz explained. “The best analogy is president George H. W. Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger on the eve of his trial in order to stop the Iran-Contra investigation. The special prosecutor said he did it for that reason. Nobody suggested obstruction. It can’t be obstruction of justice if the president is acting within his authority. Nixon obstructed justice because he acted outside his authority, destroying evidence, paying hush money, telling his subordinates to lie to the FBI.”

Dershowitz warned Democrats, including Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), there would be consequences if Democrats continued to pursue impeachment.

“I am telling her all of the time,” he added. “She better start listening, because it’s going to come back to hurt the Democrats. I am a Democrat. I’m a liberal. I want to see the Constitution complied with, I want the Democrats to do the right thing, get back to the business of legislating.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

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PRAGER: Why Hillary Clinton And Barack Obama Tweeted About ‘Easter Worshippers’

Sometimes, a few sentences tell you more about a person — and, more importantly, an ideology — than a learned thesis. That is the case with tweets from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama two days ago in response to the mass murder of more than 300 Christians and others in Sri Lanka.

Their tweets are worth serious analysis because they reveal a great deal about the left. Of course, they reveal a great deal about Clinton and Obama, too, but that doesn’t interest me.

And that, too, is important. Many Americans — especially conservatives and “independents” — are more interested in individual politicians than in political ideologies.

Many conservatives have long been fixated on Clinton — so much so that probably any other Democrat would have defeated Donald Trump, as conservative anger specifically toward her propelled many people to the polls. Similarly, Republican Never-Trumpers are fixated on Trump rather than policy. They care more about Trump’s personal flaws than about the mortal dangers the left poses to America and the West or about the uniquely successful conservative policies Trump promulgates.

And independents all claim to vote “for the person, not the party.”

Only leftists understand that one must vote left no matter who the Democrat is, no matter who the Republican opponent is. Leftists are completely interchangeable: There is no ideological difference among the 20 or so Democrats running for president. Mayor Pete Buttigieg is not one degree to the right of Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren.

That is why it is important to understand Clinton and Obama’s tweets: to understand the left, not to understand her or him.

Here are the tweets:

Obama: “The attacks on tourists and Easter worshippers in Sri Lanka are an attack on humanity. On a day devoted to love, redemption, and renewal, we pray for the victims and stand with the people of Sri Lanka.”

Three hours later, Clinton tweeted: “On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka.”

As they both spelled “worshipers” the same idiosyncratic way and used the term “Easter worshippers,” it is likely they either had the same writers or Clinton copied Obama.

Here’s what’s critical: Neither used the word “Christians.” And in order to avoid doing so, they went so far as to make up a new term — “Easter worshippers” — heretofore unknown to any Christian.

When Jews were murdered at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Clinton mentioned the synagogue in a tweet. But in her post-Sri Lanka tweet, despite the bombing of three churches filled with Christians, Clinton made no mention of church or churches. In a tweet after the massacre of Muslims in New Zealand, she wrote that her heart broke for “the global Muslim community.” But in her latest tweet, not a word about Christians or the global Christian community.

Obama similarly wrote in his tweet about New Zealand that he was grieving with “the Muslim community” over the “horrible massacre in the Mosques.” But in his tweet about Sri Lanka, there is no mention of Christians or churches.

The reason neither of them mentioned Christians or churches is that the left has essentially forbidden mention of all the anti-Christian murders perpetrated by Muslims in Europe, the Middle East and Africa and of all the Muslim desecration of churches in Europe, Africa and anywhere else. This is part of the same phenomenon — that I and others have documented — of British police and politicians covering up six years of rape of 1,400 of English girls by Muslim “grooming gangs” in Rotherham and elsewhere in England.

Essentially, the left’s rule is that nothing bad — no matter how true — may be said about Muslims or Islam and nothing good — no matter how true — may be said of Christians or Christianity.

Clinton’s post-New Zealand tweet also included these words: “We must continue to fight the perpetuation and normalization of Islamophobia and racism in all its forms. White supremacist terrorists must be condemned by leaders everywhere. Their murderous hatred must be stopped.”

She made sure to condemn “Islamophobia,” but she wrote not a word about the far more destructive and widespread hatred of Christians in the Muslim world, seen in Muslims’ virtual elimination of the Christian communities in the Middle East, the regular murder and kidnappings of Coptic Christians in Egypt and the murder of Christians in Nigeria. She calls on “leaders everywhere” to condemn “white supremacist terrorists,” one of the smallest hate groups on Earth, but never calls on leaders everywhere to condemn Islamist terrorists, the largest hate group on Earth.

These two tweets tell you a lot about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. But far more importantly, they tell you a lot about the left.

Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host and columnist. His latest book, published by Regnery in April 2018, is “The Rational Bible,” a commentary on the book of Exodus. He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at

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Boom! Even Bill Maher Turns on Shifty Adam Shiff: “There Was No Big Gun. Now It Just Looks Like You’re Stalking Him” (VIDEO)

Democrat lawmaker and anti-Trumper Adam Schiff went on with Bill Maher on Friday night after the release of the Mueller Report in the last two weeks.

Shifty Schiff, who previously said he had evidence of Trump colluding with Russia, went on to discuss the findings in the Mueller Report.

Schiff told Maher the report concluded that “Russians were engaged in a systemic effort to interfere in our election; that the Trump campaign welcomed it, embraced it, built it into their plan, made full use of it, lied about it, covered it up, and then obstructed the investigation into it.” Of course, the Mueller Report said the exact opposite. That Trump and his campaign and transition team and administration did not collude with Russia and did not obstruct justice.

Even Bill Maher got tired of Schiff’s lies telling him,

But this was our big gun. Now it just looks like you’re stalking him.

Even Bill Maher gets it.

Give it up Shifty Schiff!

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Bernie Sanders Hailed as Socialist Superhero in His Own Comic Book

As if we don’t see 2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders often enough, a comic book company has decided to produce a one-shot singing the praises of the Independent Vermont senator with the curious title Talk Bernie to Me! The issue will feature three covers, with one of Sanders’ smiling face, another with him as He-Man from the Masters of the Universe animated series holding up a sword in front of the White House and a third depicting his arrest during a protest many years ago.

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California spends $178 million per fish to bring back salmon

In California, the water wars are continuing to boil.

Leftie greenies recently hailed the return of … five … salmon, swimming upstream to the San Joaquin river to spawn. Paradise restored! In water-starved California, that was quite an achievement, given that each salmon required 50,000 gallons of water to get the job done, coming at a price tag of $890 million at the low end and $2 billion at the high. And that water came out of the hides of California’s farmers, who got very little of the water they were promised, and paid for, as a result. That’s some use of resources to get those five salmon to swim upstream.

Wayne Western, Jr., at The Sun, writes how this clown show spend-fest came to be:

In 1988, then-Rep. George Miller (D-Martinez) developed the first version of the Central Valley Improvement Act (CVPIA). That same year, the Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit claiming that Friant Dam violated environmental laws.

In 1992, Congress pushes through the CVPIA. This action single-handedly shifted water and money from Valley farmers by driving money to environmental organizations and sending water to the ocean.

In 2006, a Settlement is reached and by 2009, the Democrat-led Congress and President Obama enact the Settlement.

Cost estimates of this effort range from $890 million to $2 billion to restore 153 miles of the river from Friant Dam to the confluence of the Merced River.

Between 250,000 and 360,000 acre-feet of water are specifically dedicated to fish habitat on the San Joaquin. Based on this week’s news, it appears to be working.

Taking the conservative cost estimate, each of the five fish caught cost taxpayers and water users $178,000,000.

And each of those fish needed 50,000 acre-feet of water per year.

I won’t even stress the cost of pumping, aquifer consequences, fallowed land, and – lest we forget – lost jobs. Many politicians aren’t either.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif), who represents some of the agricultural districts that got stiffed on the water, tweeted this:



$178 million per fish and that’s on the low end, not the $2 billion end.

It certainly is in line with California’s bullet train boondoggle, which saw Californians shelling out $82 million per rail mile before the entire money-eating nightmare was scrapped por ahora. But the amount spent per salmon more than double the amount spent per rail mile figure.

Salmon fishing is a rich man’s sport, well beloved of the Northern California Pacific Heights set. If they wanted salmon streams, by golly, they would get salmon streams, and cost was no object, so they did. Balancing interests was never a part of this equation. Never mind the farmers stiffed on their water or the agricultural ruin that has followed, they wanted that riffraff gone anyway, the better to make the Central Valley their rich-people recreational ground.

The history of the ill-begotten project had its roots in the machinations of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, as Western notes in his piece here:

Yet a stonewall from the United States Senate blocked the flow of water to our communities. The Senate’s only offering, courtesy of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, produced zero acre-feet of water for the San Joaquin Valley.

Environmental groups have been ruthlessly effective in working to diminish Valley agriculture and, by extension, the people of the region.

Those efforts extend to the State of California, with groundwater legislation that will deliver a double dose of consequences in January 2020.

In light of that, the Public Policy Institute of California has publicly said that at least 500,000 acres must be retired from growing food and fiber.

 By a creepy coincidence, Feinstein’s water-policy man, T.J. Cox, managed to ballot-harvest his way into a congressional seat in Central Valley’s worst-hit water district, the lower western San Joaquin valley, taking the slot from the GOP’s David Valadao by less than 1,000 votes after the Republican showed a commanding 5,000-vote lead on election night. Cox, who was born in the wealthy San Francisco suburb of Walnut Creek, hasn’t condemned the boondoggle of course, and his congressional website doesn’t offer anything in the way of water to farmers (he says he’s hired a staffer connected to Feinstein who will work on it, which doesn’t sound promising, given Feinstein’s record). As for the water-starved farmers. he’s introduced for them a bill to offer easier bankruptcy proceedings, the better to get them out of there.

As for the salmon, whose interests he does represent, $178 million per fish doesn’t seem to bother him a bit.

In California, the water wars are continuing to boil.

Leftie greenies recently hailed the return of … five … salmon, swimming upstream to the San Joaquin river to spawn. Paradise restored! In water-starved California, that was quite an achievement, given that each salmon required 50,000 gallons of water to get the job done, coming at a price tag of $890 million at the low end and $2 billion at the high. And that water came out of the hides of California’s farmers, who got very little of the water they were promised, and paid for, as a result. That’s some use of resources to get those five salmon to swim upstream.

Wayne Western, Jr., at The Sun, writes how this clown show spend-fest came to be:

In 1988, then-Rep. George Miller (D-Martinez) developed the first version of the Central Valley Improvement Act (CVPIA). That same year, the Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit claiming that Friant Dam violated environmental laws.

In 1992, Congress pushes through the CVPIA. This action single-handedly shifted water and money from Valley farmers by driving money to environmental organizations and sending water to the ocean.

In 2006, a Settlement is reached and by 2009, the Democrat-led Congress and President Obama enact the Settlement.

Cost estimates of this effort range from $890 million to $2 billion to restore 153 miles of the river from Friant Dam to the confluence of the Merced River.

Between 250,000 and 360,000 acre-feet of water are specifically dedicated to fish habitat on the San Joaquin. Based on this week’s news, it appears to be working.

Taking the conservative cost estimate, each of the five fish caught cost taxpayers and water users $178,000,000.

And each of those fish needed 50,000 acre-feet of water per year.

I won’t even stress the cost of pumping, aquifer consequences, fallowed land, and – lest we forget – lost jobs. Many politicians aren’t either.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif), who represents some of the agricultural districts that got stiffed on the water, tweeted this:



$178 million per fish and that’s on the low end, not the $2 billion end.

It certainly is in line with California’s bullet train boondoggle, which saw Californians shelling out $82 million per rail mile before the entire money-eating nightmare was scrapped por ahora. But the amount spent per salmon more than double the amount spent per rail mile figure.

Salmon fishing is a rich man’s sport, well beloved of the Northern California Pacific Heights set. If they wanted salmon streams, by golly, they would get salmon streams, and cost was no object, so they did. Balancing interests was never a part of this equation. Never mind the farmers stiffed on their water or the agricultural ruin that has followed, they wanted that riffraff gone anyway, the better to make the Central Valley their rich-people recreational ground.

The history of the ill-begotten project had its roots in the machinations of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, as Western notes in his piece here:

Yet a stonewall from the United States Senate blocked the flow of water to our communities. The Senate’s only offering, courtesy of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, produced zero acre-feet of water for the San Joaquin Valley.

Environmental groups have been ruthlessly effective in working to diminish Valley agriculture and, by extension, the people of the region.

Those efforts extend to the State of California, with groundwater legislation that will deliver a double dose of consequences in January 2020.

In light of that, the Public Policy Institute of California has publicly said that at least 500,000 acres must be retired from growing food and fiber.

 By a creepy coincidence, Feinstein’s water-policy man, T.J. Cox, managed to ballot-harvest his way into a congressional seat in Central Valley’s worst-hit water district, the lower western San Joaquin valley, taking the slot from the GOP’s David Valadao by less than 1,000 votes after the Republican showed a commanding 5,000-vote lead on election night. Cox, who was born in the wealthy San Francisco suburb of Walnut Creek, hasn’t condemned the boondoggle of course, and his congressional website doesn’t offer anything in the way of water to farmers (he says he’s hired a staffer connected to Feinstein who will work on it, which doesn’t sound promising, given Feinstein’s record). As for the water-starved farmers. he’s introduced for them a bill to offer easier bankruptcy proceedings, the better to get them out of there.

As for the salmon, whose interests he does represent, $178 million per fish doesn’t seem to bother him a bit.

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HERE IT IS: Complete List of the Many Times Obama Spied on Candidate and President Trump and Numerous Others

Guest post by Joe Hoft

In March 2017 we reported a list of more than a dozen proven victims of Obama’s illegal wiretaps.  Now we can add to that list the many times when candidate and President Trump and his team were spied on.

In March 2017 President Trump tweeted the following –

President Trump continued with a tweet asking whether it was legal for Obama to be spying on his campaign –

President Trump then tweeted that a good lawyer could probably make a great case out of Obama’s spying –

In response to his tweets the Mainstream Media (MSM) went crazy and called President Trump crazy and a liar.  So we listed the many times that Obama reportedly spied on others outside of the Trump campaign presented below –

(WikiLeaks released the following list on February 23rd (see link here) of Obama Administration wire taps.)* The US National Security Agency bugged a private climate change strategy meeting; between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin;
* Obama stole sensitive Italian diplomatic cables detailing how Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu implored Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to help patch up his relationship with US President Barack Obama, who was refusing to talk to Netanyahu;
* Obama intercepted details of a critical private meeting between then French president Nicolas Sarkozy, Merkel and Berluscon, where the latter was told the Italian banking system was ready to “pop like a cork”.In addition to the above list we also noted that Obama wire tapped various individuals in the US media that were reporting information not flattering to the Obama Administration.  It is widely known that Obama’s Justice Department targeted journalists with wiretaps in 2013:* In 2013 the liberal Washington Post expressed outrage after the revelation that the Justice Department had investigated the news gathering activities of a Fox News reporter as a potential crime in a probe of classified leaks.  The reporter, Fox News’ James Rosen and his family, were part of an investigation into government officials anonymously leaking information to journalists. Rosen was not charged but his movements and actions were tracked.

* Also in 2013, members of the Associated Press were a target of surveillance.  The ultra liberal New Yorker even noted that “In moderate and liberal circles, at least, the phone-records scandal, partly because it involves the dear old A.P. and partly because it raises anew the specter of Big Brother, may well present the most serious threat to Obama’s reputation.”

* Reporter Sharyl Attkisson said in 2014 that her personal computer and CBS laptop were hacked after she began filing stories about Benghazi that were unflattering to the Obama administration.  A source who checked her laptop said the hacker used spyware “proprietary to a government agency,” according to an article in the New York Post.

Finally, we reported that WikiLeaks tweeted that the Obama Administration spied on their journalists as well:

Now we know that Obama spied on the Trump campaign, Presidency and his team as well. 

Shortly after President-elect Trump won the election and before President Trump’s tweets in March 2017 noted above, it was reported that –

On Thursday November 17th, 2016, NSA Director Mike Rogers traveled to New York and met with President-Elect Donald Trump.

It is suspected that Rogers went to Trump Tower unannounced to share with him that he was being spied on.  President-elect Trump moved his transition team from Trump Tower to one of his golf courses the very next day after Admiral Rogers’ visit –

President-elect Donald Trump is moving the transition meetings Friday from Trump Tower in New York to Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, said transition team officials.

By March 22, 2017, it was confirmed by Congressman Devin Nunes that Trump associates were spied on by American intelligence (the Obama Administration) –

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., whose congressional committee is investigating whether Russia interfered with the U.S. 2016 election, said he had been given access to intelligence reports that confirm Trump’s associates were spied on by American intelligence – operating under the auspices of President Obama.

We know that Trump volunteer George Papadopoulos was spied on my multiple characters from US and foreign entities (none Russian) in Europe in early 2016, long before the FBI said they started their Trump-Russia sham investigation in July 2016. Papadopoulos was set up in his interactions with the Deep State spies in Europe and by Italian, Australian and UK related spies and spy entities all working with the Obama Administration.

We also know that General Mike Flynn, Carter Page, Sam Clovis and other Trump team members were spied on by Stefan Halper, one of the same spies who interacted with Papadopoulos.  The Trump team was spied on by others as well.

We know that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire into the White House.  (We really don’t know if he did wear the wire or not.)

We also know that former and now fired FBI Director James Comey met with President-elect and then President Trump and took notes for the sole purpose of spying on Trump.  He then leaked his reports to the MSM.  President Trump responded with the following –

The MSM again went into overdrive speculating that President Trump had tapes like Nixon did during Watergate.  As it turned out the President had no tapes (What the MSM never asked is whether Comey wire tapped the meetings with Trump and if so, whether Trump knew it when he fired off the above tweet!  Time will tell.)

Now this past week we find out that Obama and his Deep State cronies appear to have spied on the President in the White House.  The wife of former Chief of Staff to Mike Pence Joshua Pitcock was working for dirty cop Peter Strzok and investigating into Hillary Clinton’s crimes.  This comes after it was reported that lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were “cultivating sources” to spy and inform them on President Trump.


The Obama Deep State gang of dirty cops and crooked diplomats spied on everybody.  The question is – who didn’t they spy on?

The post HERE IT IS: Complete List of the Many Times Obama Spied on Candidate and President Trump and Numerous Others appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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