Speaking of being held down. Speaking of ‘cancel culture.’ Has there ever been as blatant a civil rights violation as this, found by a marketing company’s survey?
Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner found this:
American workers who like President Trump face sweeping bias against them, with some managers refusing to hire his supporters and those already employed facing discrimination and mockery, according to a new study.
And those who support Trump and who are already in the workplace face substantial mockery, including name-calling. The survey listed the responses to several examples of what pro-Trump workers face:
- 28%, joking about them.
- 23%, overly critical of them.
- 21%, being dismissive of them.
- 11% facing name calling.
One out of five!
This is precisely what drove voters to elect President Trump in 2016. It’s why they surprised pollsters as a ‘silent majority,’ declining to put Trump bumper stickers on their cars out of fear of leftist intolerance. Now this news may propel them to elect him again in 2020 because conservatives have known for years that leftist intolerance in every area of the American establishment is quite real, including kin its routes to opportunity and paths to success, such as in hiring. The perpetrators now are so comfortable doing it they’re admitting they’re doing it to pollsters. It signals that this cancel-culture among the establishment elites is out of control, and in effect is becoming a China-style social credit system.
What’s more, it not only exists among hiring managers, we also know it exists in the anteroom to hiring, in the college admissions system, which specifically rewards social justice warrior applicants over equally qualified others and who knows what other kind of discrimination — Kyle Kashuv, call your office. And if that is not enough, it very obviously extends to faculty hiring, which is uniformly leftist.
It all highlights a major civil rights issue no one’s talking about, the discrimination against diversity of ideas. Want to know why Facebook and Apple and Twitter and Google seem to be monolithically filled with hostile leftists, now focused on manipulating the 2020 election? It’s quite likely that much of that started with that 20% of hiring managers who couldn’t stop being intolerant. Want to know why wealthy suburbs vote uniformly leftist, even against their own interests? Maybe this is because they got through the social credit gatekeeper system to get those good jobs landed them those good salaries. Social credit: It’s not just for China anymore.
Which signals that ending the wholesale discrimination of conservatives is actually pretty urgent.
Having a large base of hiring managers discriminating against the 50% of the population over something that has nothing to do with how they perform at their jobs is outrageous, and they are getting away with it. It ought to be met with a fedral DoJ lawsuit, or a private sector one from a group such as Judicial Watch and one hopes it may eventually happen. At a minimum, President Trump and other Republicans should bring this up on the campaign trail and force leftists to answer for it. Conservatives who anticipate justice in the long run might want to start sending applications to the firms they suspect of leftist discrimination in anticipation of a future payout.
Leftists for years have set these laws, and not without conservative support, that so long as a person can do the job, his or her sexual orientation, race, sex or any other factor is utterly irrelevant. If those things can be irrelevant, how could political beliefs not be irrelevant, too? That’s the template most people operate on, that’s the expectation normal people have. Nobody expects a thumb on the scale for those other factors, everyone believes America is the land of opportunity and expects to be given a fair chance no matter what their identity in life. The left is so invested in this idea, it has found ways to actually take it to excessive levels. The left has insisted on putting even transsexuals in need of special medications in foxholes with Marines during wartime, and wants to force Catholic priests to conduct the sacrament of matrimony on people whose lifestyle contradicts Church teachings on this logic. They can’t back away from it on discrimination over political beliefs.
But they do it all the time in hiring, creating a de facto Chinese social credit system without telling anyone. In China, social credit is what prohibits someone with ‘wrong’ views to be denied the right to purchase a plane ticket, or get into a desirable school. And coincidence of coincidences, the Silicon Valley bigs are the ones helping the Chicoms enact this sick system. And dollars to donuts, they’re at the forefront of taking it here.
One can only hope that the Department of Justice (and James O’Keefe) notice this report about blatant discrimination in hiring, take steps to identify the perpetrators, sanction them punitively, and make them afraid of the consequences of discriminating against one half of the population in favor of another on utterly irrelevant factors unrelated to the job.
Speaking of being held down. Speaking of ‘cancel culture.’ Has there ever been as blatant a civil rights violation as this, found by a marketing company’s survey?
Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner found this:
American workers who like President Trump face sweeping bias against them, with some managers refusing to hire his supporters and those already employed facing discrimination and mockery, according to a new study.
In a survey of hiring managers and workers shared with Secrets, the marketing firm Airtasker found that left-leaning firms are especially anti-Trump, with 20% vowing to reject a job candidate who backs the president.
And those who support Trump and who are already in the workplace face substantial mockery, including name-calling. The survey listed the responses to several examples of what pro-Trump workers face:
- 28%, joking about them.
- 23%, overly critical of them.
- 21%, being dismissive of them.
- 11% facing name calling.
One out of five!
This is precisely what drove voters to elect President Trump in 2016. It’s why they surprised pollsters as a ‘silent majority,’ declining to put Trump bumper stickers on their cars out of fear of leftist intolerance. Now this news may propel them to elect him again in 2020 because conservatives have known for years that leftist intolerance in every area of the American establishment is quite real, including kin its routes to opportunity and paths to success, such as in hiring. The perpetrators now are so comfortable doing it they’re admitting they’re doing it to pollsters. It signals that this cancel-culture among the establishment elites is out of control, and in effect is becoming a China-style social credit system.
What’s more, it not only exists among hiring managers, we also know it exists in the anteroom to hiring, in the college admissions system, which specifically rewards social justice warrior applicants over equally qualified others and who knows what other kind of discrimination — Kyle Kashuv, call your office. And if that is not enough, it very obviously extends to faculty hiring, which is uniformly leftist.
It all highlights a major civil rights issue no one’s talking about, the discrimination against diversity of ideas. Want to know why Facebook and Apple and Twitter and Google seem to be monolithically filled with hostile leftists, now focused on manipulating the 2020 election? It’s quite likely that much of that started with that 20% of hiring managers who couldn’t stop being intolerant. Want to know why wealthy suburbs vote uniformly leftist, even against their own interests? Maybe this is because they got through the social credit gatekeeper system to get those good jobs landed them those good salaries. Social credit: It’s not just for China anymore.
Which signals that ending the wholesale discrimination of conservatives is actually pretty urgent.
Having a large base of hiring managers discriminating against the 50% of the population over something that has nothing to do with how they perform at their jobs is outrageous, and they are getting away with it. It ought to be met with a fedral DoJ lawsuit, or a private sector one from a group such as Judicial Watch and one hopes it may eventually happen. At a minimum, President Trump and other Republicans should bring this up on the campaign trail and force leftists to answer for it. Conservatives who anticipate justice in the long run might want to start sending applications to the firms they suspect of leftist discrimination in anticipation of a future payout.
Leftists for years have set these laws, and not without conservative support, that so long as a person can do the job, his or her sexual orientation, race, sex or any other factor is utterly irrelevant. If those things can be irrelevant, how could political beliefs not be irrelevant, too? That’s the template most people operate on, that’s the expectation normal people have. Nobody expects a thumb on the scale for those other factors, everyone believes America is the land of opportunity and expects to be given a fair chance no matter what their identity in life. The left is so invested in this idea, it has found ways to actually take it to excessive levels. The left has insisted on putting even transsexuals in need of special medications in foxholes with Marines during wartime, and wants to force Catholic priests to conduct the sacrament of matrimony on people whose lifestyle contradicts Church teachings on this logic. They can’t back away from it on discrimination over political beliefs.
But they do it all the time in hiring, creating a de facto Chinese social credit system without telling anyone. In China, social credit is what prohibits someone with ‘wrong’ views to be denied the right to purchase a plane ticket, or get into a desirable school. And coincidence of coincidences, the Silicon Valley bigs are the ones helping the Chicoms enact this sick system. And dollars to donuts, they’re at the forefront of taking it here.
One can only hope that the Department of Justice (and James O’Keefe) notice this report about blatant discrimination in hiring, take steps to identify the perpetrators, sanction them punitively, and make them afraid of the consequences of discriminating against one half of the population in favor of another on utterly irrelevant factors unrelated to the job.
via American Thinker Blog
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