Who says China’s social credit system isn’t practiced here? Check out what 20% of hiring managers are doing

Speaking of being held down. Speaking of ‘cancel culture.’ Has there ever been as blatant a civil rights violation as this, found by a marketing company’s survey?

Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner found this:

American workers who like President Trump face sweeping bias against them, with some managers refusing to hire his supporters and those already employed facing discrimination and mockery, according to a new study.

In a survey of hiring managers and workers shared with Secrets, the marketing firm Airtasker found that left-leaning firms are especially anti-Trump, with 20% vowing to reject a job candidate who backs the president.

And those who support Trump and who are already in the workplace face substantial mockery, including name-calling. The survey listed the responses to several examples of what pro-Trump workers face:

  • 28%, joking about them.
  • 23%, overly critical of them.
  • 21%, being dismissive of them.
  • 11% facing name calling.

One out of five!

This is precisely what drove voters to elect President Trump in 2016. It’s why they surprised pollsters as a ‘silent majority,’ declining to put Trump bumper stickers on their cars out of fear of leftist intolerance. Now this news may propel them to elect him again in 2020 because conservatives have known for years that leftist intolerance in every area of the American establishment is quite real, including kin its routes to opportunity and paths to success, such as in hiring. The perpetrators now are so comfortable doing it they’re admitting they’re doing it to pollsters. It signals that this cancel-culture among the establishment elites is out of control, and in effect is becoming a China-style social credit system.

What’s more, it not only exists among hiring managers, we also know it exists in the anteroom to hiring, in the college admissions system, which specifically rewards social justice warrior applicants over equally qualified others and who knows what other kind of discrimination — Kyle Kashuv, call your office. And if that is not enough, it very obviously extends to faculty hiring, which is uniformly leftist.

It all highlights a major civil rights issue no one’s talking about, the discrimination against diversity of ideas. Want to know why Facebook and Apple and Twitter and Google seem to be monolithically filled with hostile leftists, now focused on manipulating the 2020 election? It’s quite likely that much of that started with that 20% of hiring managers who couldn’t stop being intolerant. Want to know why wealthy suburbs vote uniformly leftist, even against their own interests? Maybe this is because they got through the social credit gatekeeper system to get those good jobs landed them those good salaries. Social credit: It’s not just for China anymore.

Which signals that ending the wholesale discrimination of conservatives is actually pretty urgent. 

Having a large base of hiring managers discriminating against the 50% of the population over something that has nothing to do with how they perform at their jobs is outrageous, and they are getting away with it. It ought to be met with a fedral DoJ lawsuit, or a private sector one from a group such as Judicial Watch and one hopes it may eventually happen. At a minimum, President Trump and other Republicans should bring this up on the campaign trail and force leftists to answer for it. Conservatives who anticipate justice in the long run might want to start sending applications to the firms they suspect of leftist discrimination in anticipation of a future payout.

Leftists for years have set these laws, and not without conservative support, that so long as a person can do the job, his or her sexual orientation, race, sex or any other factor is utterly irrelevant. If those things can be irrelevant, how could political beliefs not be irrelevant, too? That’s the template most people operate on, that’s the expectation normal people have. Nobody expects a thumb on the scale for those other factors, everyone believes America is the land of opportunity and expects to be given a fair chance no matter what their identity in life. The left is so invested in this idea, it has found ways to actually take it to excessive levels. The left has insisted on putting even transsexuals in need of special medications in foxholes with Marines during wartime, and wants to force Catholic priests to conduct the sacrament of matrimony on people whose lifestyle contradicts Church teachings on this logic. They can’t back away from it on discrimination over political beliefs.

But they do it all the time in hiring, creating a de facto Chinese social credit system without telling anyone. In China, social credit is what prohibits someone with ‘wrong’ views to be denied the right to purchase a plane ticket, or get into a desirable school. And coincidence of coincidences, the Silicon Valley bigs are the ones helping the Chicoms enact this sick system. And dollars to donuts, they’re at the forefront of taking it here.

One can only hope that the Department of Justice (and James O’Keefe) notice this report about blatant discrimination in hiring, take steps to identify the perpetrators, sanction them punitively, and make them afraid of the consequences of discriminating against one half of the population in favor of another on utterly irrelevant factors unrelated to the job.

Speaking of being held down. Speaking of ‘cancel culture.’ Has there ever been as blatant a civil rights violation as this, found by a marketing company’s survey?

Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner found this:

American workers who like President Trump face sweeping bias against them, with some managers refusing to hire his supporters and those already employed facing discrimination and mockery, according to a new study.

In a survey of hiring managers and workers shared with Secrets, the marketing firm Airtasker found that left-leaning firms are especially anti-Trump, with 20% vowing to reject a job candidate who backs the president.

And those who support Trump and who are already in the workplace face substantial mockery, including name-calling. The survey listed the responses to several examples of what pro-Trump workers face:

  • 28%, joking about them.
  • 23%, overly critical of them.
  • 21%, being dismissive of them.
  • 11% facing name calling.

One out of five!

This is precisely what drove voters to elect President Trump in 2016. It’s why they surprised pollsters as a ‘silent majority,’ declining to put Trump bumper stickers on their cars out of fear of leftist intolerance. Now this news may propel them to elect him again in 2020 because conservatives have known for years that leftist intolerance in every area of the American establishment is quite real, including kin its routes to opportunity and paths to success, such as in hiring. The perpetrators now are so comfortable doing it they’re admitting they’re doing it to pollsters. It signals that this cancel-culture among the establishment elites is out of control, and in effect is becoming a China-style social credit system.

What’s more, it not only exists among hiring managers, we also know it exists in the anteroom to hiring, in the college admissions system, which specifically rewards social justice warrior applicants over equally qualified others and who knows what other kind of discrimination — Kyle Kashuv, call your office. And if that is not enough, it very obviously extends to faculty hiring, which is uniformly leftist.

It all highlights a major civil rights issue no one’s talking about, the discrimination against diversity of ideas. Want to know why Facebook and Apple and Twitter and Google seem to be monolithically filled with hostile leftists, now focused on manipulating the 2020 election? It’s quite likely that much of that started with that 20% of hiring managers who couldn’t stop being intolerant. Want to know why wealthy suburbs vote uniformly leftist, even against their own interests? Maybe this is because they got through the social credit gatekeeper system to get those good jobs landed them those good salaries. Social credit: It’s not just for China anymore.

Which signals that ending the wholesale discrimination of conservatives is actually pretty urgent. 

Having a large base of hiring managers discriminating against the 50% of the population over something that has nothing to do with how they perform at their jobs is outrageous, and they are getting away with it. It ought to be met with a fedral DoJ lawsuit, or a private sector one from a group such as Judicial Watch and one hopes it may eventually happen. At a minimum, President Trump and other Republicans should bring this up on the campaign trail and force leftists to answer for it. Conservatives who anticipate justice in the long run might want to start sending applications to the firms they suspect of leftist discrimination in anticipation of a future payout.

Leftists for years have set these laws, and not without conservative support, that so long as a person can do the job, his or her sexual orientation, race, sex or any other factor is utterly irrelevant. If those things can be irrelevant, how could political beliefs not be irrelevant, too? That’s the template most people operate on, that’s the expectation normal people have. Nobody expects a thumb on the scale for those other factors, everyone believes America is the land of opportunity and expects to be given a fair chance no matter what their identity in life. The left is so invested in this idea, it has found ways to actually take it to excessive levels. The left has insisted on putting even transsexuals in need of special medications in foxholes with Marines during wartime, and wants to force Catholic priests to conduct the sacrament of matrimony on people whose lifestyle contradicts Church teachings on this logic. They can’t back away from it on discrimination over political beliefs.

But they do it all the time in hiring, creating a de facto Chinese social credit system without telling anyone. In China, social credit is what prohibits someone with ‘wrong’ views to be denied the right to purchase a plane ticket, or get into a desirable school. And coincidence of coincidences, the Silicon Valley bigs are the ones helping the Chicoms enact this sick system. And dollars to donuts, they’re at the forefront of taking it here.

One can only hope that the Department of Justice (and James O’Keefe) notice this report about blatant discrimination in hiring, take steps to identify the perpetrators, sanction them punitively, and make them afraid of the consequences of discriminating against one half of the population in favor of another on utterly irrelevant factors unrelated to the job.

via American Thinker Blog

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/

The demise of public education

One may believe that those in charge of public education are qualified to administer the task of educating America’s youth.  One may believe they have the best interests of society at heart.  And one may believe they are doing the best they could do, given the conditions under which they have to work.  Abundant evidence, however, points to the conclusion that none of those beliefs is valid.

Public education has become an institutionalized form of child abuse.  Rather than being a tool used to prepare children to become productive adults, public education is being used to indoctrinate them to believe what powerful interest groups wish them to believe.  This process is designed to transform America into a place unfit for human habitation, in which rights are suppressed, powers of government are unlimited, and traditional faith-based values are rejected.

What children in public schools are being told to accept as facts and truth is often nothing more than opinions of those who reject reason and do what they might to prevent students from developing the intellectual skills required for critical thinking so they might embrace their own enslavement and the subversion and degradation of their society.

Those who administer public education are contributing to the degradation of the morals of minors, to the undermining of their intellectual and spiritual growth as human beings, and to the sabotaging of their lives and well-being, as well as to all of these in society at large.  And they are unlawfully abusing their power to achieve those ends.

While promotion in public schools of faith-based ideology is supposed to have been prohibited, according to the Supreme Court of the United States, the faith-based ideologies of socialism, Marxism, nihilism, Islamism, Satanism, Darwinism, and others continue to be propagated in public schools.  This is clearly unlawful.  It is prohibited.  And it is destructive.  But Americans across the country do and say little even to express their opposition to the practice of indoctrination.

Unless this trend is reversed, unless Americans demand restoration of integrity to public education, unless indoctrination in destructive, deranged ideologies is eradicated from public schools, nothing else done in the cause of liberty will have lasting impact, as the foundation for future generations would continue to be built with shoddy materials in the public schools.

Children must be taught critical thinking skills so they might be able to discern between what makes sense and what is deranged.  Children are not being taught to employ reason, however, but instead are being indoctrinated to accept ideas and values antithetical to reason, to facts, and to truth, by educators who do not have the interests of those children at heart.

One may believe that those in charge of public education are qualified to administer the task of educating America’s youth.  One may believe they have the best interests of society at heart.  And one may believe they are doing the best they could do, given the conditions under which they have to work.  Abundant evidence, however, points to the conclusion that none of those beliefs is valid.

Public education has become an institutionalized form of child abuse.  Rather than being a tool used to prepare children to become productive adults, public education is being used to indoctrinate them to believe what powerful interest groups wish them to believe.  This process is designed to transform America into a place unfit for human habitation, in which rights are suppressed, powers of government are unlimited, and traditional faith-based values are rejected.

What children in public schools are being told to accept as facts and truth is often nothing more than opinions of those who reject reason and do what they might to prevent students from developing the intellectual skills required for critical thinking so they might embrace their own enslavement and the subversion and degradation of their society.

Those who administer public education are contributing to the degradation of the morals of minors, to the undermining of their intellectual and spiritual growth as human beings, and to the sabotaging of their lives and well-being, as well as to all of these in society at large.  And they are unlawfully abusing their power to achieve those ends.

While promotion in public schools of faith-based ideology is supposed to have been prohibited, according to the Supreme Court of the United States, the faith-based ideologies of socialism, Marxism, nihilism, Islamism, Satanism, Darwinism, and others continue to be propagated in public schools.  This is clearly unlawful.  It is prohibited.  And it is destructive.  But Americans across the country do and say little even to express their opposition to the practice of indoctrination.

Unless this trend is reversed, unless Americans demand restoration of integrity to public education, unless indoctrination in destructive, deranged ideologies is eradicated from public schools, nothing else done in the cause of liberty will have lasting impact, as the foundation for future generations would continue to be built with shoddy materials in the public schools.

Children must be taught critical thinking skills so they might be able to discern between what makes sense and what is deranged.  Children are not being taught to employ reason, however, but instead are being indoctrinated to accept ideas and values antithetical to reason, to facts, and to truth, by educators who do not have the interests of those children at heart.

via American Thinker Blog

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/

What the Elites Think Americans ‘Need’ Has Nothing to Do with Individual Rights

You may have noticed that all advocates of federal gun control are arguing for the same end result, which is federal limitations upon the individual right to own firearms. But the underlying arguments as to why they believe that the federal government should be allowed to do so can vary, and often pretty wildly.

There are some who argue, for example, that the Second Amendment was never meant to guarantee any individual right, as CNN’s Chris Cuomo recently argued.  Some others may argue that the Second Amendment only protects guns owned for the purposes of hunting or sport.  That’s all intellectually indefensible, given the precise words of the Second Amendment and ample facts which provide the historical context for its inclusion in the Constitution.  As such, these examples are rarer than the other, more honest argument among gun control activists that I’ve encountered. 

Generally, this latter group of gun control advocates rightfully concede that the Second Amendment does protect an individual right to own firearms, but that the Founders just never imagined weapons as deadly as an AR-15, for example.  They argue that it was never meant to protect those kinds of deadly firearms, despite the fact that the deadliest firearms on the planet at the time of the Constitution’s ratification (the same used by regulars in the British army, for example) were clearly meant to be legally kept in law-abiding American citizens’ homes. 

But in the end, all these arguments boil down to one thing — what gun control advocates think Americans “need.”  Irrespective of the mental gymnastics needed to philosophically get there, the closing statement in these arguments for gun control invariably goes something like this: “Why does anyone need a [insert any arbitrarily chosen gun, or gun accessory, of some specific caliber, muzzle velocity, rate of fire, cosmetic accoutrements, magazine size, etc., here]?”

We proponents of limited government and individual rights can, and often do, present substantial arguments as to why such firearms might be necessary to protect ourselves against evil neighbors or government agents who might choose to infringe upon our right to life and liberty, and why the gun control proposals being offered would be ineffective. 

We might point out, for example, the data showing that there is absolutely no evidence that “assault weapon” bans and gun confiscation programs (like the much-touted Australian “buyback”) do anything at all to reduce homicide rates.  We might mention that violent crime and murder rates have fallen sharply since the National Assault Weapons Ban was lifted in 2004 (as I did in 2013, here), despite the number of firearms owned by individuals in this country growing dramatically in the years since, and the prevalence and expansion of concealed and open carry laws in many states.  We might also point out that the CDC has observed that guns are used as a means of self-defense in “about 500,000 to more than 3 million” instances annually, clearly signifying the value of gun rights in protecting Americans’ lives and preserving their liberty.  Or, we might argue, as David French does at National Review, that “for the Second Amendment to remain a meaningful check on state power, citizens must be able to possess the kinds and categories of weapons that can at least deter state overreach, that would make true authoritarianism too costly to attempt.”

But you might notice that all of these arguments, however correct and practical they may be, are not effective in moving gun control advocates’ away from their quest to rob us of our individual rights.  That is because they are clearly arguing on the grounds of raw emotion, and they are therefore incapable of adequately appraising facts and reason.  They are making what they believe to be a moral argument — if you don’t “need” the thing that they surmise you shouldn’t have, then why should you be allowed to legally own it?

Our moral objection to that question should be abundantly clear.  If it is, indeed, my legally protected “right to keep and bear arms,” and it’s true that this right “shall not be infringed” by the federal government, then the question about why I might need an AR-15, or any other arbitrarily maligned firearm, is inconsequential.  The more appropriate question to ask is why anyone else believes that he has the right to demand that the federal government take that explicitly defined right away from me, or any other law-abiding citizen. 

We are constantly besieged by variations of this argument about an American’s “need” being required to justify the most fundamental of American rights, and these arguments exist well beyond the debate around gun rights.  Leftists incessantly entreat Americans with the question, for example, “why should someone need X millions” of legally acquired dollars?  Our response shouldn’t be to ponder or address why someone else might need that amount of money.  That question is utterly irrelevant.  What we should be asking is, what right of mine do I own to demand that the government take their individual property rights from them?

The “ultra-millionaire” wealth tax that Elizabeth Warren has proposed is, without question, an unconstitutional violation of individual property rights.  But it’s seductive, because the masses buying into it care more about their moral indignation resulting from someone potentially having more money than he or she might “need” than about the individual right to property which would be unmistakably stolen from those Americans who are targets of any new “wealth tax.”

Direct taxes, according to the Constitution ratified in 1788, must be applied by the federal government in a strictly limited manner which is consistent with “apportionment” of taxes collected among the states and according to the census.  To get around this restriction and allow the government to discriminately tax individuals’ incomes, the Sixteenth Amendment was passed in 1913, which “permits the imposition of a federal income tax without regard to apportionment among the states.” 

But even with the Sixteenth Amendment in place, there are still some strict limitations to the government’s power to tax. To be clear, progressively taxing income is technically legal due to the Sixteenth Amendment, though it is still morally wrong and inconsistent with property rights as originally protected by the Constitution, I’d argue.  However, taxing an individual’s assets, or “wealth,” is a horse of a different color.  To this day, there remains no enumeration in the Constitution of a power to levy a direct tax on “personal property” which is “imposed solely by reason of its being owned by the taxpayer.”

In other words, if an “ultra-millionaire” has $100 million in a bank account or a brokerage account, the interest and earnings can be legally taxed by the government, and are.  However, the assets (i.e., property), upon which the owner has already paid taxes, cannot be legally taxed again until there is further transmission of the property. This is a profoundly clear distinction, and yet Warren is promising that, under her presidency, she would actively seek to violate the Constitution and tax that property.

I am not an “ultra-millionaire,” and short of winning the lottery or something, I’ll never be one.  I don’t know any other “ultra-millionaires” personally, either.  But that doesn’t change the simple fact that they, whoever they may be, should also enjoy the protection of their property rights under the Constitution.  This is the only way to ensure all Americans’ equal protection under the law, and this, I believe, is the only correct moral position.

Individual rights, such as the right to property and the right to “keep and bear arms” in order to preserve one’s life and liberty, are not “rights” at all if it is broadly imagined that they can be selectively stripped when the whims of politicians and activists demand it.  We cannot continue allowing the Left to focus the debate about individual rights around the arbitrary and malleable “needs” of Americans that are defined by the government and the media.

You may have noticed that all advocates of federal gun control are arguing for the same end result, which is federal limitations upon the individual right to own firearms. But the underlying arguments as to why they believe that the federal government should be allowed to do so can vary, and often pretty wildly.

There are some who argue, for example, that the Second Amendment was never meant to guarantee any individual right, as CNN’s Chris Cuomo recently argued.  Some others may argue that the Second Amendment only protects guns owned for the purposes of hunting or sport.  That’s all intellectually indefensible, given the precise words of the Second Amendment and ample facts which provide the historical context for its inclusion in the Constitution.  As such, these examples are rarer than the other, more honest argument among gun control activists that I’ve encountered. 

Generally, this latter group of gun control advocates rightfully concede that the Second Amendment does protect an individual right to own firearms, but that the Founders just never imagined weapons as deadly as an AR-15, for example.  They argue that it was never meant to protect those kinds of deadly firearms, despite the fact that the deadliest firearms on the planet at the time of the Constitution’s ratification (the same used by regulars in the British army, for example) were clearly meant to be legally kept in law-abiding American citizens’ homes. 

But in the end, all these arguments boil down to one thing — what gun control advocates think Americans “need.”  Irrespective of the mental gymnastics needed to philosophically get there, the closing statement in these arguments for gun control invariably goes something like this: “Why does anyone need a [insert any arbitrarily chosen gun, or gun accessory, of some specific caliber, muzzle velocity, rate of fire, cosmetic accoutrements, magazine size, etc., here]?”

We proponents of limited government and individual rights can, and often do, present substantial arguments as to why such firearms might be necessary to protect ourselves against evil neighbors or government agents who might choose to infringe upon our right to life and liberty, and why the gun control proposals being offered would be ineffective. 

We might point out, for example, the data showing that there is absolutely no evidence that “assault weapon” bans and gun confiscation programs (like the much-touted Australian “buyback”) do anything at all to reduce homicide rates.  We might mention that violent crime and murder rates have fallen sharply since the National Assault Weapons Ban was lifted in 2004 (as I did in 2013, here), despite the number of firearms owned by individuals in this country growing dramatically in the years since, and the prevalence and expansion of concealed and open carry laws in many states.  We might also point out that the CDC has observed that guns are used as a means of self-defense in “about 500,000 to more than 3 million” instances annually, clearly signifying the value of gun rights in protecting Americans’ lives and preserving their liberty.  Or, we might argue, as David French does at National Review, that “for the Second Amendment to remain a meaningful check on state power, citizens must be able to possess the kinds and categories of weapons that can at least deter state overreach, that would make true authoritarianism too costly to attempt.”

But you might notice that all of these arguments, however correct and practical they may be, are not effective in moving gun control advocates’ away from their quest to rob us of our individual rights.  That is because they are clearly arguing on the grounds of raw emotion, and they are therefore incapable of adequately appraising facts and reason.  They are making what they believe to be a moral argument — if you don’t “need” the thing that they surmise you shouldn’t have, then why should you be allowed to legally own it?

Our moral objection to that question should be abundantly clear.  If it is, indeed, my legally protected “right to keep and bear arms,” and it’s true that this right “shall not be infringed” by the federal government, then the question about why I might need an AR-15, or any other arbitrarily maligned firearm, is inconsequential.  The more appropriate question to ask is why anyone else believes that he has the right to demand that the federal government take that explicitly defined right away from me, or any other law-abiding citizen. 

We are constantly besieged by variations of this argument about an American’s “need” being required to justify the most fundamental of American rights, and these arguments exist well beyond the debate around gun rights.  Leftists incessantly entreat Americans with the question, for example, “why should someone need X millions” of legally acquired dollars?  Our response shouldn’t be to ponder or address why someone else might need that amount of money.  That question is utterly irrelevant.  What we should be asking is, what right of mine do I own to demand that the government take their individual property rights from them?

The “ultra-millionaire” wealth tax that Elizabeth Warren has proposed is, without question, an unconstitutional violation of individual property rights.  But it’s seductive, because the masses buying into it care more about their moral indignation resulting from someone potentially having more money than he or she might “need” than about the individual right to property which would be unmistakably stolen from those Americans who are targets of any new “wealth tax.”

Direct taxes, according to the Constitution ratified in 1788, must be applied by the federal government in a strictly limited manner which is consistent with “apportionment” of taxes collected among the states and according to the census.  To get around this restriction and allow the government to discriminately tax individuals’ incomes, the Sixteenth Amendment was passed in 1913, which “permits the imposition of a federal income tax without regard to apportionment among the states.” 

But even with the Sixteenth Amendment in place, there are still some strict limitations to the government’s power to tax. To be clear, progressively taxing income is technically legal due to the Sixteenth Amendment, though it is still morally wrong and inconsistent with property rights as originally protected by the Constitution, I’d argue.  However, taxing an individual’s assets, or “wealth,” is a horse of a different color.  To this day, there remains no enumeration in the Constitution of a power to levy a direct tax on “personal property” which is “imposed solely by reason of its being owned by the taxpayer.”

In other words, if an “ultra-millionaire” has $100 million in a bank account or a brokerage account, the interest and earnings can be legally taxed by the government, and are.  However, the assets (i.e., property), upon which the owner has already paid taxes, cannot be legally taxed again until there is further transmission of the property. This is a profoundly clear distinction, and yet Warren is promising that, under her presidency, she would actively seek to violate the Constitution and tax that property.

I am not an “ultra-millionaire,” and short of winning the lottery or something, I’ll never be one.  I don’t know any other “ultra-millionaires” personally, either.  But that doesn’t change the simple fact that they, whoever they may be, should also enjoy the protection of their property rights under the Constitution.  This is the only way to ensure all Americans’ equal protection under the law, and this, I believe, is the only correct moral position.

Individual rights, such as the right to property and the right to “keep and bear arms” in order to preserve one’s life and liberty, are not “rights” at all if it is broadly imagined that they can be selectively stripped when the whims of politicians and activists demand it.  We cannot continue allowing the Left to focus the debate about individual rights around the arbitrary and malleable “needs” of Americans that are defined by the government and the media.

via American Thinker

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://www.americanthinker.com/

CAIR: An Islamic Trojan Horse

Since its foundation in 1994 by Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has become a powerful organization that has widely represented itself as a Muslim American “civil rights organization.”  Ironically, there is another powerful organization, similar to CAIR called, the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), a staunch lobbyists’ group of the Islamic Republic of Iran, falsely portraying itself as the “voice of Iranian Americans and promoting greater understanding between the American and Iranian people.”

For now, let us focus on CAIR and its mission in the United States.  How did an organization that has ties to Hamas, and is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, gain so much power in the United States?  Why are so many institution within the U.S. establishment so terrified of this group and hesitant to invite Islamic scholars to give speeches?  Recently, the U.S. War College canceled an Islam scholar after pressure from CAIR and another radical Islamist, Linda Sarsour.  It is hard to believe that these incidents happen in the land of the free, America!

Let’s be clear about one thing: as Anti-CAIR.net put it, “CAIR is not in the United States to promote the civil rights for Muslims — CAIR is here to make Islam the dominant religion in the United States and convert our country into an Islamic theocracy.”  Moreover, “CAIR receives direct funding from Islamic terrorist-supporting countries.”

CAIR’s true face came to light during the largest terrorism financing trial in the nation’s history: the 2007–2008 Holy Land Foundation prosecution.

“The Dallas trial charging the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) for Relief and Development with providing material support for Hamas produced extensive evidence that IAP — CAIR’s parent — played a central role in the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee.  Much of that evidence relates to Mousa Abu Marzook, now deputy political chief of Hamas, who served on the board of directors of IAP in 1989.”  CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas support trial of the Holy Land Foundation.

A friend and an American patriot, Chris Gaubatz, managed to infiltrate CAIR’s organization and gather hundreds of documents that have been compiled in a book called “Muslim Mafia.”  The book is an eye-opener on how this organization operates in the U.S.:

“Serving as a CAIR intern, Chris Gaubatz gathered some 12,000 pages of documents that were headed for a shredder at CAIR’s national office in Washington – just three blocks from the U.S. Capitol building,” WND’s Art Moore informed.  ”The information published in Muslim Mafia, co-authored by David Gaubatz and investigative journalist Paul Sperry, documented CAIR’s founding by members of the Muslim Brotherhood — the group that spawned al-Qaeda and Hamas and stated in writing its intent to undermine Western civilization and ultimately bring America under Islamic law.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) grew out of the Islamic Association for Palestine, a group that was created by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.  The Muslim Brotherhood also identified the Islamic Association for Palestine as one of its United States fronts.

CAIR is Hamas, and Hamas is CAIR.  In fact, over the years, chief executive officer and founder Nihad Awad expressed his stance explicitly in a 1994 conference at Barry University in Florida.  ”I am in support of the Hamas movement,” he declared.

CAIR’s members have been told to quickly condemn acts of anti-Semitism, police shootings of black Americans, anti-LGBTQ violence, and so forth, while stating unity with every “progressive” cause under the sun.  But peer beneath CAIR’s carefully crafted press releases and publicity stunts, and it’s clear that the group’s reactionary Islamist roots are as strong as ever.

“Never forget: CAIR works every day to silence Muslim reformers, apostates, Christians, Jews, infidel scholars, border security advocates, anti-sharia activists and investigative independent journalists, on college campuses, TV airwaves and the internet, to prevent us from exposing the truth about Islamic supremacism.”

An unholy coalition of mentally deranged suicidal-homicidal liberals, together with self-aggrandizing Islamic apologists, are doing their best to assist Islamists in the destruction of the existing order of freedom and liberty. 

CAIR and the Democrats are in bed with each other now.  But judging from the Democrat imbeciles running for president, it will not be long before CAIR and company gets rid of all of them and runs their own to take over this country. 

Currently, CAIR and other Islamic groups in America decided that it is easier to change America through subversion (stealth jihad) than through violent jihad.  That is why we have not seen Islamic terrorism lately.  We have entered the soft jihad, which is stealth jihad.  We are at war not with terrorism, but with a jihad fueled by Islam that has been ongoing for the past 1,400 years nonstop.

While the Islamic fire appears contained, Muslim organizations across the United States are busy and work “stealthily” to change and alter America from within in what is called “soft jihad,” or “cultural jihad.”  Soft jihad is in place where the sword of jihad is not advisable, where Muslims are not powerful enough to unsheathe their swords.

CAIR is a designated terrorist organization by the UAE, yet we allow them to bully American citizens from their rights to free speech in the mainland.  Why?

Since its foundation in 1994 by Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has become a powerful organization that has widely represented itself as a Muslim American “civil rights organization.”  Ironically, there is another powerful organization, similar to CAIR called, the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), a staunch lobbyists’ group of the Islamic Republic of Iran, falsely portraying itself as the “voice of Iranian Americans and promoting greater understanding between the American and Iranian people.”

For now, let us focus on CAIR and its mission in the United States.  How did an organization that has ties to Hamas, and is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, gain so much power in the United States?  Why are so many institution within the U.S. establishment so terrified of this group and hesitant to invite Islamic scholars to give speeches?  Recently, the U.S. War College canceled an Islam scholar after pressure from CAIR and another radical Islamist, Linda Sarsour.  It is hard to believe that these incidents happen in the land of the free, America!

Let’s be clear about one thing: as Anti-CAIR.net put it, “CAIR is not in the United States to promote the civil rights for Muslims — CAIR is here to make Islam the dominant religion in the United States and convert our country into an Islamic theocracy.”  Moreover, “CAIR receives direct funding from Islamic terrorist-supporting countries.”

CAIR’s true face came to light during the largest terrorism financing trial in the nation’s history: the 2007–2008 Holy Land Foundation prosecution.

“The Dallas trial charging the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) for Relief and Development with providing material support for Hamas produced extensive evidence that IAP — CAIR’s parent — played a central role in the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee.  Much of that evidence relates to Mousa Abu Marzook, now deputy political chief of Hamas, who served on the board of directors of IAP in 1989.”  CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Hamas support trial of the Holy Land Foundation.

A friend and an American patriot, Chris Gaubatz, managed to infiltrate CAIR’s organization and gather hundreds of documents that have been compiled in a book called “Muslim Mafia.”  The book is an eye-opener on how this organization operates in the U.S.:

“Serving as a CAIR intern, Chris Gaubatz gathered some 12,000 pages of documents that were headed for a shredder at CAIR’s national office in Washington – just three blocks from the U.S. Capitol building,” WND’s Art Moore informed.  ”The information published in Muslim Mafia, co-authored by David Gaubatz and investigative journalist Paul Sperry, documented CAIR’s founding by members of the Muslim Brotherhood — the group that spawned al-Qaeda and Hamas and stated in writing its intent to undermine Western civilization and ultimately bring America under Islamic law.”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) grew out of the Islamic Association for Palestine, a group that was created by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.  The Muslim Brotherhood also identified the Islamic Association for Palestine as one of its United States fronts.

CAIR is Hamas, and Hamas is CAIR.  In fact, over the years, chief executive officer and founder Nihad Awad expressed his stance explicitly in a 1994 conference at Barry University in Florida.  ”I am in support of the Hamas movement,” he declared.

CAIR’s members have been told to quickly condemn acts of anti-Semitism, police shootings of black Americans, anti-LGBTQ violence, and so forth, while stating unity with every “progressive” cause under the sun.  But peer beneath CAIR’s carefully crafted press releases and publicity stunts, and it’s clear that the group’s reactionary Islamist roots are as strong as ever.

“Never forget: CAIR works every day to silence Muslim reformers, apostates, Christians, Jews, infidel scholars, border security advocates, anti-sharia activists and investigative independent journalists, on college campuses, TV airwaves and the internet, to prevent us from exposing the truth about Islamic supremacism.”

An unholy coalition of mentally deranged suicidal-homicidal liberals, together with self-aggrandizing Islamic apologists, are doing their best to assist Islamists in the destruction of the existing order of freedom and liberty. 

CAIR and the Democrats are in bed with each other now.  But judging from the Democrat imbeciles running for president, it will not be long before CAIR and company gets rid of all of them and runs their own to take over this country. 

Currently, CAIR and other Islamic groups in America decided that it is easier to change America through subversion (stealth jihad) than through violent jihad.  That is why we have not seen Islamic terrorism lately.  We have entered the soft jihad, which is stealth jihad.  We are at war not with terrorism, but with a jihad fueled by Islam that has been ongoing for the past 1,400 years nonstop.

While the Islamic fire appears contained, Muslim organizations across the United States are busy and work “stealthily” to change and alter America from within in what is called “soft jihad,” or “cultural jihad.”  Soft jihad is in place where the sword of jihad is not advisable, where Muslims are not powerful enough to unsheathe their swords.

CAIR is a designated terrorist organization by the UAE, yet we allow them to bully American citizens from their rights to free speech in the mainland.  Why?

via American Thinker

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‘This poison is spreading; this cancer is spreading’: Levin slams Jewish Dems and groups defending Omar and Tlaib’s Israel stunt

Monday night on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin weighed in on the latest media firestorm surrounding Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and their canceled trip to Israel.

Last week, the pair were denied entry to the Jewish state ahead of a planned visit because of their support for the anti-Semitic BDS movement, per Israeli law. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu determined the trip’s “sole purpose is to strengthen the boycott and delegitimize Israel.” Tlaib later canceled plans to visit her grandmother after being given special permission because, she said, the Jewish country tried to “silence” her.

“I am disgusted with the excuses for these two reprobates,” Levin began. “I am disgusted with the Democrat Party, which is increasingly accepting of neo-Nazi comments and anti-Semitism and bigotry. I am disgusted by the same media that accuses the president of being Hitler but allows these two to act as if they’re civil rights activists for the Arabs.”

Levin also pointed out that Omar and Tlaib planned to go on their trip organized by Miftah, a virulently anti-Semitic organization with a history of trying to gin up sympathy for terror groups, instead of going on the large congressional delegation trip earlier this month.

Levin then tore into Jewish Democrats Sen. Chuck Schumer, Rep. Jerry Nadler, and Rep. Eliot Engel for defending the freshman duo: “Is there there a Democrat in Congress who’s criticizing them? Not one.”

“This poison is spreading; this cancer is spreading; it’s getting worse,” Levin concluded of Omar and Tlaib’s anti-Israel rhetoric and beliefs, noting how many groups have rallied around them, including some Jewish groups. “All the weak, soft underbelly of the Jewish establishment has rallied around two anti-Semites who would love nothing more than to see the complete extermination of the state of Israel. It’s a sickening spectacle.”


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Censorship! AOC-Aligned Climate Group Wants ‘Deniers’ Squashed in News Stories

On Monday night, national radio host Mark Levin read from a frightening article by Tyler O’Neil at PJ Media headlined "AOC-Aligned Climate Group Demands Media Silence ‘Climate Deniers’." A group called The Climate Mobilization which advocates for a dramatic "World War II-scale" takeover of the economy to fight global warming, condemned the media for pursuing "objectivity" by giving air time to "climate deniers."

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Fake news: CNN accuses ICE of ripping baby away from nursing mother – who wasn’t nursing

According to ICE, some media outlets are now trying to lie about a woman breastfeeding a child in order to thwart immigration law.

It all began with a Jackson Clarion-Ledger story last Thursday, with the headline: “ICE raid separates 4-month-old baby from breastfeeding mom,” referring to an anonymous illegal alien detained among the 680 netted in the large ICE raid in Mississippi on August 7. In prose full of sympathy for illegal immigrants and for treating them as if they came here legally, the Clarion-Ledger quoted an anonymous dad saying he had to bottle-feed a four-month-old baby girl separated from her mother. It reported this as fact without citing any sources and without investigating the claim.

Throughout the past few days, the media ran with the claim as their latest poster child for undermining immigration enforcement. Rachel Maddow frantically tweeted it out.

Then, yesterday, CNN ran an article with the name of the mother at the center of this allegation, Maria Domingo-Garcia. CNN reported the story as if the illegal immigrants were as American as apple pie, simply going to work one day and being grabbed by stormtroopers for no reason.

Once again, the media ate out of the hands of unethical immigration attorneys. CNN obtained the following statement from the attorney:

“ICE is, once again, lying,” said Ybarra Maldonado. “She said nobody’s asked her — not even one time — if she’s been breastfeeding.”

“Can you imagine having a 4-month-old baby and being ripped away from that baby, unsure of who is taking care of her?” he said. “She’s devastated.”

Manzanarez added Domingo-Garcia told her that detention center staff has asked her only if she has a 4-month-old daughter, to which she replied “yes.”

I began to get suspicious when the CNN article mentioned that an ICE official said this mother was specifically asked by a medical examiner if she was breastfeeding and answered, “No.” Immigration lawyers regularly go to sympathetic reporters and fabricate stories in order to get the media to essentially nullify the rule of law with virtue-signaling that often turns out to be based on false facts. Well, according to ICE, that is exactly what happened here.

Not only was Domingo asked whether she was nursing on the day she was detained at the facility, to which she answered negatively, it turns out she was screened again yesterday. “Pursuant to subsequent media reports that falsely alleged Ms. Domingo-Garcia was being detained despite being a nursing mother, an ICE Health Services Corps nurse practitioner conducted an additional medical examination of Ms. Domingo-Garcia, which verified today she is not lactating,” said ICE spokesman Bryan Cox in a statement to CR last night.

That means she was screened again on August 19 to confirm she is not lactating.

“Unlawfully present Mexican national Maria Domingo-Garcia was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) during the execution of federal criminal search warrants in Mississippi August 7. All ICE detainees receive medical, dental and mental health intake screening within 12 hours of arriving at each detention facility; that screening includes a woman being asked if she is breast feeding. During her initial medical screening, Ms. Domingo-Garcia answered no to that question.”

Thus, ICE is saying very clearly that not only was she confirmed as not breastfeeding when she was initially examined sometime on August 7 or the day after, she was confirmed as not breastfeeding when medical personnel re-examined her on August 19 after the media allegation.

Generally, law enforcement tries to accommodate humanitarian needs, but the law by no means dictates that. According to ICE, “of the 680 persons initially arrested, 303 were released within 24 hours. ICE made those custody determinations based upon the totality of the circumstances on a case-by-case basis, and a person who identified themselves to this agency as a nursing mother would be considered to have a significant mitigating factor in that custody determination.”

Both the Clarion-Ledger and CNN are saying that this family is from Guatemala, but ICE has in its records that this family is from Mexico.

When it comes to the media’s coverage of illegal immigration, it’s not the evidence of their charges against ICE and Border Patrol that matters but the seriousness of their allegations. They have embarked on a mission to ignore every story of illegal aliens killing or raping American and immigrant children and are focusing only on the sympathetic needs of illegal alien children as a way of thwarting enforcement of sovereignty. Obfuscation is one thing, but now it appears that they are resorting to downright fabrication of stories in order to smear ICE.

Illegal immigrants have endless pro bono lawyers, media figures, judges, and politicians lying for them so they can steal the American birthright. Where are the lawyers for the American taxpayer to tell the truth?

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NY Times Issues Another Pathetic Antifa Whitewash, Binges on ‘Far-Right’ Labeling

They blew it again: After the New York Times’s pathetic response to the violent left-wing protestors of Antifa assaulted conservative journalist, the paper has apparently learned nothing. it accomplished more lousy reporting about Antifa on the latest clash in Portland, Oregon, for Sunday’s paper. The clear labeling bias served the radical, violent left-wing protest group: “Tensions Rise as Far-Right and Anti-Fascist Groups Face Off in Portland.” The conservative protesters were given various appellations of “right” and “far right,” while the…

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Omar, Tlaib Keep Getting Worse, Share Trump and Netanyahu-Bashing Cartoon from Anti-Semitic Artist

These two Democrats make it worse with every passing day. As if milking a grandstanding stunt to insult the government of Israel wasn’t enough, Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib upped the ante on Saturday by publishing the work of a cartoonist who supports their attacks on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. And naturally, the…

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NYT Columnist Admits Media Is Purposely Ignoring Anti-Semitism of Omar and Tlaib

In a rare moment of truth-telling on CNN Sunday, New York Times Opinion staff writer and editor Bari Weiss openly admitted to the Reliable Sources panel that the media was purposely ignoring the blatant anti-Semitism espoused by Democratic Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (MN) and Rashida Tlaib (MI) because of President Trump.

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