Another ungrateful migrant creates a new ‘narrative’ for ingratitude

Rep. Ilhan Omar was just an opening act. Now, another ungrateful migrant has come out of the woodwork to tell us how awful we are and how ingratitude for being allowed to come here is the rightful state for migrants.

Calcutta-born Suketu Mehta, a bitter revanchist who would have been ripped to shreds as a fourth-rate, fourth world ‘intellectual’ by V.S. Naipaul (too bad he’s not alive) puts forth the argument in the Washington Post that immigration is a reparation. His piece is titled ‘I am an uppity immigrant. Don’t expect me to be grateful.” Based on what he says, it’s clear he views migration to the U.S. as an entitlement solely because America is so very, very bad — and as a lagniappe, because he’s so very, very good. He writes:

I’ve been told to “go back” ever since 1977, when I enrolled in an extravagantly racist all-boys Catholic school in Queens, N.Y. — birthplace of President Trump, who recently became the biggest, loudest mouthpiece for this line of rhetoric when he tweeted that four congresswomen of color should “go back” to the “totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” The idea is: White Americans get to decide who is allowed to come in and what rules we are to follow. If you come here, don’t complain. Be grateful we took you in. “Go back” is a line that’s intended to put immigrants in our place — or rather, to remind us that our place in this country is contingent, that we are beholden to those who came here earlier.

To this I say: No, we are not. I take my place in America — an imperfect place — and I make it my own; there’s a Constitution that protects my right to do so. I will not genuflect at the white American altar. I will not bow and scrape before my supposed benefactors. I understand the soul of this nation just as well, if not better, than they do: a country that stole the futures of the people who are now arriving at its borders, a cacophonous country, an exceptional country, but one that seems determined to continually sabotage its journey towards a more perfect union. Nobody powerful ever gave the powerless anything just because they asked politely, and immigrants don’t come hat-in-hand. I am an uppity immigrant. I am entitled to be here. Deal with it.

The West has despoiled country after country through colonialism, illegal wars, rapacious corporations and unchecked carbon emissions. And now their desperate migrants are supposed to be grateful to be let in by the back door at the mansions of the despoilers, mansions built with the stolen treasure of the migrants’ homelands?

Meanwhile, he describes the awfulness of America, laying out the lousy condition of deep blue cities – which have been made that way by people who … vote exactly the same way in America that they did in their home countries.

It’s hideous garbage. Why is it so bad? Because guys like Mehta are “much honored” U.S. intellectuals and when they write something in a prestigious magazine or newspaper, their claims not only get talked about, they become a new “narrative.” We saw that already with Ta Nehesi Coates, a guy who’s gotten a lot of academic and foundation honors and then wrote a big case in The Atlantic for reparations. Since doing that, reparations are now the new Democrat narrative. Mehta now wants to make the Omar narrative the normal thrust of thinking here in the states among the academic elites and by extension, the Democrats who suck up to them. I first encountered the idea that illegal migrants are ‘owed’ by America about five years ago in Murietta, California by a leftist protest leader who had an arm full of tattoos and told me he had been a communist guerrilla in El Salvador in the 1980s. He was a walking argument for immigration reform because how the heck did he get in here. Migrants, he explained, were entitled to come here as punishment to America, he said with a straight face. I wrote him off as a V.S. Naipaul-style left wing clown at the time. Well, now his thinking has gone mainstream and Mehta, who must think he’s better than all of us based on his giant string of collected academic and foundation awards, (something that wouldn’t have happened had he stayed in Calcutta), now has picked up the torch.

It’s a massive shift in sentiment, actually – and does highlight the dangers of the U.S. taking in self-important migrants who have pretentions of grandeur. These are people Eric Hoffer warned about.

As Charles Cooke at National Review writes, migrants really do owe America a debt of gratitude:

 Legally, Ilhan Omar has exactly the same rights as someone born here. And she should, without exception. Culturally, though, the idea that Omar does not “owe a special debt of gratitude to the” United States is ridiculous, as is the idea that Omar’s views of the United States should not be affected by that debt. Of course she should be grateful! The United States saved her from a warzone, let her stay, accepted her as a citizen, and then elected her to Congress. If one can’t be grateful for that, what can one be grateful for?

Should Omar “temper her critiques of American politics and culture”? That depends. Again: Legally, Omar should enjoy every Constitutional protection available. And, as a matter of course, she should feel able to take part in the political process on the same terms as everyone else. But, culturally, it is absolutely reasonable for Omar’s critics to look at her behavior and say, “really, that’s your view of us?” It’s absolutely reasonable for Omar’s fellow Americans to dislike her and to shun her as a result. It is absolutely reasonable for them to consider her an ingrate — or to believe, as David does, that she is “a toxic presence in American politics.” And it is absolutely reasonable for them to wonder aloud how a person who hails from a dysfunctional, dangerous place built atop dysfunctional, dangerous institutions can exhibit the temerity — the sheer gall — to talk about America in the way that she does. There is a big difference between saying “I oppose current federal tax policy” or “I want more spending on colleges” or “the president is an ass,” and saying that America needs complete rethinking. As this Washington Post piece makes clear, Omar isn’t just irritated by a few things. She thinks the place is a disaster.

Peggy Noonan explained what that migrant gratitude looked like

I think we must end with an affirming flame. It has to do with that hopeless place, our southern border.

Members of Congress often go to detention centers and make it worse. They summon complaints, say people drink from the toilet, call it a concentration camp. All the border police are just good Germans following orders. The illegal aliens are victims, the guards Nazis. That goes over badly in America, which has a heart but doesn’t like being manipulated and is weary of being bullied.

But this week on “CBS This Morning,” Norah O’Donnell toured the largest detention facility on the border and talked to a young mother from Venezuela with a 2-year-old son. She told her story. For months at home she’d heard nothing but gunfire. She fled alone with her son, just the two of them on the long trek north. She wept as she talked.

She was a person of modesty and dignity.

She said she had warm food here. They provided Pampers for the baby. Ms. O’Donnell said: But you are sleeping on the floor. Yes, said the mother, “on a mat.”

She showed no resentment, expressed no demand. She was just grateful.

We’ll take 1,000 of her over any Suketu Mehta any day. People like her can stay as long as they like because they are the only people capable of being happy here. Mehta sure isn’t happy and he’s never going to be happy in a country like the U.S. The only thing that’s ever going to make him happy is power. He should look for a third world country to take over for that kind of thing.

Image credit: Montage by Monica Showalter, from public domain sources

Rep. Ilhan Omar was just an opening act. Now, another ungrateful migrant has come out of the woodwork to tell us how awful we are and how ingratitude for being allowed to come here is the rightful state for migrants.

Calcutta-born Suketu Mehta, a bitter revanchist who would have been ripped to shreds as a fourth-rate, fourth world ‘intellectual’ by V.S. Naipaul (too bad he’s not alive) puts forth the argument in the Washington Post that immigration is a reparation. His piece is titled ‘I am an uppity immigrant. Don’t expect me to be grateful.” Based on what he says, it’s clear he views migration to the U.S. as an entitlement solely because America is so very, very bad — and as a lagniappe, because he’s so very, very good. He writes:

I’ve been told to “go back” ever since 1977, when I enrolled in an extravagantly racist all-boys Catholic school in Queens, N.Y. — birthplace of President Trump, who recently became the biggest, loudest mouthpiece for this line of rhetoric when he tweeted that four congresswomen of color should “go back” to the “totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.” The idea is: White Americans get to decide who is allowed to come in and what rules we are to follow. If you come here, don’t complain. Be grateful we took you in. “Go back” is a line that’s intended to put immigrants in our place — or rather, to remind us that our place in this country is contingent, that we are beholden to those who came here earlier.

To this I say: No, we are not. I take my place in America — an imperfect place — and I make it my own; there’s a Constitution that protects my right to do so. I will not genuflect at the white American altar. I will not bow and scrape before my supposed benefactors. I understand the soul of this nation just as well, if not better, than they do: a country that stole the futures of the people who are now arriving at its borders, a cacophonous country, an exceptional country, but one that seems determined to continually sabotage its journey towards a more perfect union. Nobody powerful ever gave the powerless anything just because they asked politely, and immigrants don’t come hat-in-hand. I am an uppity immigrant. I am entitled to be here. Deal with it.

He says he understands the soul of this country better than we do — and then goes on to describe the natural beauty of the country towards the end of his piece as something no different from the beauty of other countries. Obviously, he’s incapable of feeling for a place the way a native or grateful naturalized American does, but nobody told him. He describes any effort to oppose illegal migration as an expression of white supremacism. He doesn’t seem to notice that the federal bureaucracies that enforce legal immigration are staffed by people of all colors, as is the U.S. government. He’s firm in thinking America is solely a white-run act.

The essay is hard to read because it’s so incredibly hateful and militant in its ingratitude. Migrants are entitled to come here, legally and illegally, because America despoiled their countries, it had nothing to do with their voting choices or their cheers for demagogues promising them free health care, bags of beans or terrorist payment packages to families for their votes. He cites Somalia, Palestine and Central America as his examples, blaming America first and foremost for those countries’ conditions, and oh, by the way, his list wouldn’t exactly include his own homeland of India. Oops. But here he goes:

The West has despoiled country after country through colonialism, illegal wars, rapacious corporations and unchecked carbon emissions. And now their desperate migrants are supposed to be grateful to be let in by the back door at the mansions of the despoilers, mansions built with the stolen treasure of the migrants’ homelands?

Meanwhile, he describes the awfulness of America, laying out the lousy condition of deep blue cities – which have been made that way by people who … vote exactly the same way in America that they did in their home countries.

It’s hideous garbage. Why is it so bad? Because guys like Mehta are “much honored” U.S. intellectuals and when they write something in a prestigious magazine or newspaper, their claims not only get talked about, they become a new “narrative.” We saw that already with Ta Nehesi Coates, a guy who’s gotten a lot of academic and foundation honors and then wrote a big case in The Atlantic for reparations. Since doing that, reparations are now the new Democrat narrative. Mehta now wants to make the Omar narrative the normal thrust of thinking here in the states among the academic elites and by extension, the Democrats who suck up to them. I first encountered the idea that illegal migrants are ‘owed’ by America about five years ago in Murietta, California by a leftist protest leader who had an arm full of tattoos and told me he had been a communist guerrilla in El Salvador in the 1980s. He was a walking argument for immigration reform because how the heck did he get in here. Migrants, he explained, were entitled to come here as punishment to America, he said with a straight face. I wrote him off as a V.S. Naipaul-style left wing clown at the time. Well, now his thinking has gone mainstream and Mehta, who must think he’s better than all of us based on his giant string of collected academic and foundation awards, (something that wouldn’t have happened had he stayed in Calcutta), now has picked up the torch.

It’s a massive shift in sentiment, actually – and does highlight the dangers of the U.S. taking in self-important migrants who have pretentions of grandeur. These are people Eric Hoffer warned about.

As Charles Cooke at National Review writes, migrants really do owe America a debt of gratitude:

 Legally, Ilhan Omar has exactly the same rights as someone born here. And she should, without exception. Culturally, though, the idea that Omar does not “owe a special debt of gratitude to the” United States is ridiculous, as is the idea that Omar’s views of the United States should not be affected by that debt. Of course she should be grateful! The United States saved her from a warzone, let her stay, accepted her as a citizen, and then elected her to Congress. If one can’t be grateful for that, what can one be grateful for?

Should Omar “temper her critiques of American politics and culture”? That depends. Again: Legally, Omar should enjoy every Constitutional protection available. And, as a matter of course, she should feel able to take part in the political process on the same terms as everyone else. But, culturally, it is absolutely reasonable for Omar’s critics to look at her behavior and say, “really, that’s your view of us?” It’s absolutely reasonable for Omar’s fellow Americans to dislike her and to shun her as a result. It is absolutely reasonable for them to consider her an ingrate — or to believe, as David does, that she is “a toxic presence in American politics.” And it is absolutely reasonable for them to wonder aloud how a person who hails from a dysfunctional, dangerous place built atop dysfunctional, dangerous institutions can exhibit the temerity — the sheer gall — to talk about America in the way that she does. There is a big difference between saying “I oppose current federal tax policy” or “I want more spending on colleges” or “the president is an ass,” and saying that America needs complete rethinking. As this Washington Post piece makes clear, Omar isn’t just irritated by a few things. She thinks the place is a disaster.

Peggy Noonan explained what that migrant gratitude looked like

I think we must end with an affirming flame. It has to do with that hopeless place, our southern border.

Members of Congress often go to detention centers and make it worse. They summon complaints, say people drink from the toilet, call it a concentration camp. All the border police are just good Germans following orders. The illegal aliens are victims, the guards Nazis. That goes over badly in America, which has a heart but doesn’t like being manipulated and is weary of being bullied.

But this week on “CBS This Morning,” Norah O’Donnell toured the largest detention facility on the border and talked to a young mother from Venezuela with a 2-year-old son. She told her story. For months at home she’d heard nothing but gunfire. She fled alone with her son, just the two of them on the long trek north. She wept as she talked.

She was a person of modesty and dignity.

She said she had warm food here. They provided Pampers for the baby. Ms. O’Donnell said: But you are sleeping on the floor. Yes, said the mother, “on a mat.”

She showed no resentment, expressed no demand. She was just grateful.

We’ll take 1,000 of her over any Suketu Mehta any day. People like her can stay as long as they like because they are the only people capable of being happy here. Mehta sure isn’t happy and he’s never going to be happy in a country like the U.S. The only thing that’s ever going to make him happy is power. He should look for a third world country to take over for that kind of thing.

Image credit: Montage by Monica Showalter, from public domain sources

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Deep State Strikes Again: Forces Out Pro-Trump State Dept. Adviser Kiron Skinner — Outspoken Critic of Failed Democrat Policies in Black Community and Abroad

Deep State Strikes Again…
The State Department fired pro-Trump adviser Kiron Skinner this week.

Skinner was a first of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s small circle of influential aides to leave the State Department.

Several State Department officials threatened to quit if Kiron Skinner was not removed from office.
So the State Department fired her.

Skinner is an outspoken critic of Democrat policy in the US and abroad.

Politico reported:

Kiron Skinner, the director of Policy Planning, was told Thursday that she was being dismissed, a Trump administration official said. A senior State Department official also confirmed the firing, saying that several members of Skinner’s staff had threatened to quit if she wasn’t removed.

Two other State Department officials said Skinner acted unprofessionally in multiple ways, including yelling in public spaces and using homophobic language. She retaliated against employees by kicking them out of their offices and even alleged that some people were having affairs, the two officials said.

“It was an abuse of authority,” one of them said.

Skinner did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday, but high-profile diplomats and academics issued statements of support on her behalf.

Former Secretary of State George Shultz described her as a “first-class scholar” who “adheres steadfastly to the principles of honesty and integrity.”

The historian Niall Ferguson said he was disappointed to hear of her departure and has “never known her to be anything but cool, calm and collected.”

Skinner was an outspoken critic of failed Democrat policies in the black community.

And Skinner was a staunch supporter of President Trump and critic of Hillary Clinton.

The post Deep State Strikes Again: Forces Out Pro-Trump State Dept. Adviser Kiron Skinner — Outspoken Critic of Failed Democrat Policies in Black Community and Abroad appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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The Numbers Don’t Look Good For Dem’s Radical Positions In This Election…

They should be looking for the exits with these numbers… Yikes! MSNBC polling guy dumps cold ice all over #DemDebate tonight. Decriminalizing border crossings, Medicare For All, healthcare for immigrants…all unpopular with voters. — Andrew Clark (@AndrewHClark) July 31, 2019

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Trump Destroys Leftist Narrative with More Sanctions on Russia

President Donald Trump has levied more sanctions on Russia in response to a chemical attack on a former spy and his daughter on British soil last year. According to Yahoo News, Trump issued an executive order on Thursday that packs another round of punishment on the Kremlin, which has taken no responsibility for its actions.…

The post Trump Destroys Leftist Narrative with More Sanctions on Russia appeared first on Conservative Tribune.

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Arrest Reports From Kamala Harris Years Disappear From California DOC Website

Whole lot of effort to help Kamala. Via Daily Caller: California’s Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation website has removed public access to several key incarceration reports as a part of a site redesign. The move, first reported by the Washington Free Beacon, comes as its former attorney general, Kamala Harris, is drawing scrutiny from fellow […]

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PRAGER: How To Tell If A Trump Supporter Is Racist

Every non-liberal leftist — that is, nearly every Democrat running for president, New York Times and Washington Post columnist, CNN and MSNBC host, and your left-wing brother-in-law — labels every Trump supporter and, of course, President Donald Trump, a “racist.”

And they don’t stop there. Leftists don’t only label the half of the country that supports the president “racist,” they label all whites and America itself “racist.” If your son or daughter attends or recently attended an American university, it is close to certain he or she was repeatedly told that America and all whites are racist. According to the left, whites are divided between those who admit they are racist and those who don’t admit it.

Every conservative and many liberals know this is a big lie. The great question is: Do leftists believe it? It is impossible to know. But this we do know: If you repeat something often enough, and if your Weltanschauung (worldview) and that which gives your life meaning are dependent upon believing something, you will eventually believe it.

So here is a way to show it is a lie.

Ask any white conservative, including one who supports Trump, the following three questions:

1) Do you have more in common with, and are you personally more comfortable in the company of, a white leftist or a black conservative?

2) Would you rather have nine white leftists or nine black conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court?

3) Would you rather your child marry a black Christian conservative or a white non-Christian liberal?

A white racist would prefer the whites in each case.

I have asked these questions of thousands of Trump supporters at lectures and on my radio show. Not once has a white Trump-supporting conservative said he or she would be more comfortable in the presence of a white leftist than a black conservative, or would prefer an all-white liberal Supreme Court to an all-black conservative Supreme Court. Not once has a white Christian conservative said he or she would prefer their child marry a white non-Christian liberal to a black Christian conservative.

If you’re an honest leftist, this should present a powerful challenge to your belief that all white conservatives are racist.

But it won’t. Leftists have too much at stake to confront the truth about conservatives. Everything the left has ever believed has depended upon lying about opponents. From the day Stalin labeled Trotsky — who served as the head of the Red Army and who, along with Lenin, founded the Bolshevik Party — a “fascist,” leftists have lied about their opponents.

Some liberals lie and some conservatives lie, but the truth is both a liberal and conservative value. It has never been a left-wing value. Any leftist who would commit himself to the truth would cease being a leftist. He would either become an anti-left liberal or an anti-left conservative.

“America is racist.” “Whites are racist.” “Trump supporters are racist.” These are all big lies.

So, then, given how important it is to leftists to maintain the lie of conservative racism — along with xenophobia, misogyny, transphobia and Islamophobia — how would they rebut conservatives’ answers to these questions?

Presumably, they would argue that every conservative who responds to these questions as I described is lying.

But these questions are important — no matter how much leftists ignore or dismiss them — because they perform an important service for conservatives.

I know this from Jewish history. There was so much Jew-hatred in the medieval Christian world that Jews sometimes wondered if there was any truth to the attacks on them. When a whole society denigrates a group, members of the denigrated group start wondering whether any of the attacks on them have any truth. But when the charge of blood libel — that Jews killed Christian children to use their blood to bake matzos for Passover — arose, it liberated Jews from taking any of the anti-Semites’ attacks seriously. Every Jew knew the blood libel was a lie — Jews never consumed animal blood, let alone human blood.

Every conservative knows his responses to these three questions are heartfelt and true, so these questions can help conservatives come to see the left’s charge of conservative racism as medieval Jews came to see the anti-Semites’ blood libel charge: as a lie.

Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His latest book, published by Regnery in April 2018, is “The Rational Bible,” a commentary on the book of Exodus. He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at

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Trump Supporters Push Back: ‘We Are All Tired Of Being Called Racists’

Amen. Via Daily Wire: Following President Trump’s packed-out rally of nearly 18,000 people in Ohio Thursday night, The Atlantic published a piece by Elaina Plott Friday addressing what the report suggests is an increasingly prominent sentiment among Trump supporters: “They are tired of being called racists.” After detailing Trump’s recent criticisms of “The Squad” and […]

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Apple News Bans Top Pro-Life News Source, Citing ‘Intolerance’

Apple News has banned one of the nation’s top pro-life news sources from the platform, saying that the organization displayed “intolerance” toward a specific group.

The Apple News platform, a free news app, banned LifeSite News Wednesday, just two weeks after accepting the pro-life outlet onto the platform. It said the LifeSite News channel did not comply with Apple guidelines and its content showed intolerance “towards a specific group.”


Apple did not provide further reasons when LifeSite News pressed, Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Westen told The Daily Caller News Foundation. Westen said he does not yet know why LifeSite News was kicked off the platform.

“We are a pro-life and pro-family website, so perhaps they think we show intolerance to women because we protect the right to life of the unborn,” Westen said.

“Or maybe because we are pro-family and we believe that marriage is between one man and one woman.”

Apples News sent this message to the news organization:

Screenshot courtesy of LifeSite News
(Screenshot courtesy of LifeSite News)

Apple accepted LifeSite News onto the platform July 14, only a few weeks before telling it the account had been disabled, Westen said.

LifeSite News had continuously applied to publish on Apple News since November 2018, going back and forth with Apple for several months.

The editor-in-chief said there is growing evidence “tech juggernauts” are purposefully censoring mainstream conservative viewpoints.

“Apple’s decision—made unilaterally, and without opportunity to appeal—is frightening,” Westen said, according to LifeSite News.

“It goes without saying that LifeSite would never promote intolerance or hatred against any group,” he said.

“However, in our current divisive political climate, even mild expressions of common conservative viewpoints are often written off as de facto hatred and intolerance. We certainly hope that this is not what Apple is doing.”

Westen added that LifeSite is urging readers to tell Apple that this kind of censorship is unacceptable. The news site has created a petition, which has garnered over 26,000 signatures, demanding that “Apple reinstate LifeSite’s Apple News channel immediately.”

“If anybody is ‘showing intolerance’ here, it is Apple that is showing intolerance towards the millions of people who rely on LifeSite for our news reporting, and who support our pro-life and pro-family values,” Westen told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Apple did not respond to multiple requests for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities for this original content, email

The post Apple News Bans Top Pro-Life News Source, Citing ‘Intolerance’ appeared first on The Daily Signal.

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