The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America

After a painstaking investigation into the Trayvon Martin shooting, I have produced a film and written a companion book, both called The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America. Only after I started the project did I realize I had stumbled onto the most spectacular case of identity fraud in modern American judicial history. Thanks to the folks at American Thinker for allowing me to reveal it here for the first time.

I had originally set out to produce a documentary about the rise of 2018 Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum. The more I looked into Gillum’s success, however, the more need I saw to investigate the unanswered questions of the criminal case upon which Gillum built his career.


I had followed the 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and the subsequent trial of George Zimmerman from afar and, like many others, I had grave concerns about the lynch mob mentality that drove the case.

With his dying breath, Trayvon Martin made a final, desperate request of the man who shot him, “Tell Mama ‘Licia I’m sorry.” I was the first person in the media with whom George Zimmerman shared Trayvon’s last words.

Upon hearing Zimmerman reveal this, I had to rethink the direction of a documentary. As with Citizen Kane’s dying “Rosebud,” I was convinced that if I could decipher the meaning of Trayvon’s last request, I could find my way to the heart of the case, maybe even to the dynamic behind Gillum’s rapid ascent.

By examining Trayvon Martin’s 750-page cell phone records which included 3,000 photos and 1,500 contacts, I got to know Trayvon in the last months of his life. I learned he was neither the rocket scientist the media made him out to be, nor was he a thug. Trayvon was a good kid with many friends and family that loved him. “Mama ‘Licia” was one person Trayvon loved most. I learned what it was he was “sorry” for.

At the end, Trayvon was a very troubled teenager. I came to see his life as a series of betrayals, one more crushing than the next. His pain played out in reckless behaviors such as fighting, gun dealing, and heavy marijuana use. On the day of his death, Trayvon feared one more betrayal, this from the girl he knew as “Diamond,” the girl who had stolen his fragile heart, the girl with whom he was on the phone up to the very minute he died, the girl who would emerge, in various forms, as the “star witness” in the case against George Zimmerman.

Indeed, it was 16-year-old Diamond Eugene’s recorded phone interview with Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump and ABC News that prompted George Zimmerman’s arrest and the subsequent 2013 trial.

In my quest to find this mystery girl, Diamond Eugene, I found myself being pulled down a mysterious side road, a dark one. To understand Gillum, to understand Florida, to understand Trayvon, I would have to travel this road of many unexpected turns. At the end of it, I would discover, was hard evidence of an epic and ultimately lethal deception, a stunning witness fraud that divided America.

After speaking with Benjamin Crump, for any number of good reasons, Diamond Eugene refused to “follow the script.” She refused to speak with the state prosecutors or bear false witness against George Zimmerman under oath.

Instead, the plus-sized 18-year-old Rachel Jeantel was substituted for Diamond, and Jeantel became the key witness in the murder trial of George Zimmerman. Jeantel was a fraud. She was not the “phone witness” speaking to Trayvon Martin in the minutes before he was shot. She barely knew him. This witness fraud resulted in the seminal race hoax of the Obama years. I call it “The Trayvon Hoax.”

This is the hoax the media play on black Americans every day: that blacks should vote Democrat to protect themselves from a racist America where whites want to harm them because of their skin color. The massive racial turmoil stirred up by media coverage of the shooting followed, and no one has suffered more as a result than the black youth of America.

My investigation took me places I never expected to go. From the back alleys of Little Haiti in Miami to the bucolic campus of Florida State University in Tallahassee, I got an earful and an eyeful. I ended up centering both the film and book on “Diamond.” Indeed, after much search, I managed to find her.

Her full legal name is Brittany Diamond Eugene. And, in getting to know this young woman, I was introduced to Miami’s urban youth culture, a culture that thrives on some mix of sex, drugs, gangs, texting, clubbing, shopping, and social media. Diamond’s particular Haitian-American milieu featured its own unscrupulous subspecialty: identity switching.

Who knew about the witness fraud? Any number of interested parties profited from the hoax. The railroading of George Zimmerman, for instance, helped Trayvon Martin’s biological parents shift the blame from their parenting deficiencies to a racial scapegoat. They extracted a huge settlement from a homeowners association and cashed in on book and movie deals.

The family attorney, Benjamin Crump, got his slice of the insurance payout and forged a national identity as a civil rights champion. The old school race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson reestablished their relevance and refreshed their cash flow. Of even greater significance, politicians like Gillum and President Barack Obama successfully exploited Trayvon Martin’s death to harvest votes and win elections; power!

As I argue in The Trayvon Hoax, if there is a main culprit of my investigation, it is the press. The Zimmerman case was ground zero for the explosion of fake news and the race hoaxes that have followed, one more preposterous than the next. Think “hands up don’t shoot” or the beyond preposterous Jesse Smollett racial “attack” by Trump supporters at 2 AM in subzero Chicago, a hoax so phony only the media could fall for it.

We expect individuals to be greedy and exploitive, politicians especially. It is the nature of the beast. As their very mission, however, the media are charged with shining light on political schemes. Time and again, however, the media have betrayed their craft. It is appalling that six years after the Zimmerman trial so much information was left for me, an independent filmmaker, to discover.

If the media had wanted to find the truth, it was there for the plucking. I was able to uncover it simply by reading publicly available information from the legal proceedings and following up on what I read. How is it possible no one in the media chose to do what I did? The answer is simple. The media did not want to know. The truth would not have advanced their fear-fueled racial agenda.

The power of investigative journalism is the ability to set the record straight, to change history for the better by shedding light on facts and exposing lies and liars. Can anyone even remember the last major investigation broken by a major news organization? I can’t.

In an odd way, I suppose I should thank our lazy and disingenuous friends in the media for making it possible for an independent film maker like me to tell the incredible story of The Trayvon Hoax. The book and film are available for pre-order on the official film website and on Both will be available Monday, September 16, the day of the film’s premier at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.

You are about to see how America got played by an epic race hoax that divided us for no good reason and, alas, just keeps on dividing.

I will be screening The Trayvon Hoax and holding a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC on Monday, September 16 at 1 PM. The press and the public are invited to attend.

Official Film Website:

Hollywood film director Joel Gilbert is president of Highway 61 Entertainment. He is also a political commentator and foreign policy analyst. Among Gilbert’s many films are political documentaries including Trump: The Art of the InsultThere’s No Place Like UtopiaDreams from My Real FatherAtomic Jihad, and Farewell Israel, as well music history films including Inside Bob Dylan’s Jesus Years.

After a painstaking investigation into the Trayvon Martin shooting, I have produced a film and written a companion book, both called The Trayvon Hoax: Unmasking the Witness Fraud that Divided America. Only after I started the project did I realize I had stumbled onto the most spectacular case of identity fraud in modern American judicial history. Thanks to the folks at American Thinker for allowing me to reveal it here for the first time.

I had originally set out to produce a documentary about the rise of 2018 Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum. The more I looked into Gillum’s success, however, the more need I saw to investigate the unanswered questions of the criminal case upon which Gillum built his career.


I had followed the 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and the subsequent trial of George Zimmerman from afar and, like many others, I had grave concerns about the lynch mob mentality that drove the case.

With his dying breath, Trayvon Martin made a final, desperate request of the man who shot him, “Tell Mama ‘Licia I’m sorry.” I was the first person in the media with whom George Zimmerman shared Trayvon’s last words.

Upon hearing Zimmerman reveal this, I had to rethink the direction of a documentary. As with Citizen Kane’s dying “Rosebud,” I was convinced that if I could decipher the meaning of Trayvon’s last request, I could find my way to the heart of the case, maybe even to the dynamic behind Gillum’s rapid ascent.

By examining Trayvon Martin’s 750-page cell phone records which included 3,000 photos and 1,500 contacts, I got to know Trayvon in the last months of his life. I learned he was neither the rocket scientist the media made him out to be, nor was he a thug. Trayvon was a good kid with many friends and family that loved him. “Mama ‘Licia” was one person Trayvon loved most. I learned what it was he was “sorry” for.

At the end, Trayvon was a very troubled teenager. I came to see his life as a series of betrayals, one more crushing than the next. His pain played out in reckless behaviors such as fighting, gun dealing, and heavy marijuana use. On the day of his death, Trayvon feared one more betrayal, this from the girl he knew as “Diamond,” the girl who had stolen his fragile heart, the girl with whom he was on the phone up to the very minute he died, the girl who would emerge, in various forms, as the “star witness” in the case against George Zimmerman.

Indeed, it was 16-year-old Diamond Eugene’s recorded phone interview with Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump and ABC News that prompted George Zimmerman’s arrest and the subsequent 2013 trial.

In my quest to find this mystery girl, Diamond Eugene, I found myself being pulled down a mysterious side road, a dark one. To understand Gillum, to understand Florida, to understand Trayvon, I would have to travel this road of many unexpected turns. At the end of it, I would discover, was hard evidence of an epic and ultimately lethal deception, a stunning witness fraud that divided America.

After speaking with Benjamin Crump, for any number of good reasons, Diamond Eugene refused to “follow the script.” She refused to speak with the state prosecutors or bear false witness against George Zimmerman under oath.

Instead, the plus-sized 18-year-old Rachel Jeantel was substituted for Diamond, and Jeantel became the key witness in the murder trial of George Zimmerman. Jeantel was a fraud. She was not the “phone witness” speaking to Trayvon Martin in the minutes before he was shot. She barely knew him. This witness fraud resulted in the seminal race hoax of the Obama years. I call it “The Trayvon Hoax.”

This is the hoax the media play on black Americans every day: that blacks should vote Democrat to protect themselves from a racist America where whites want to harm them because of their skin color. The massive racial turmoil stirred up by media coverage of the shooting followed, and no one has suffered more as a result than the black youth of America.

My investigation took me places I never expected to go. From the back alleys of Little Haiti in Miami to the bucolic campus of Florida State University in Tallahassee, I got an earful and an eyeful. I ended up centering both the film and book on “Diamond.” Indeed, after much search, I managed to find her.

Her full legal name is Brittany Diamond Eugene. And, in getting to know this young woman, I was introduced to Miami’s urban youth culture, a culture that thrives on some mix of sex, drugs, gangs, texting, clubbing, shopping, and social media. Diamond’s particular Haitian-American milieu featured its own unscrupulous subspecialty: identity switching.

Who knew about the witness fraud? Any number of interested parties profited from the hoax. The railroading of George Zimmerman, for instance, helped Trayvon Martin’s biological parents shift the blame from their parenting deficiencies to a racial scapegoat. They extracted a huge settlement from a homeowners association and cashed in on book and movie deals.

The family attorney, Benjamin Crump, got his slice of the insurance payout and forged a national identity as a civil rights champion. The old school race hustlers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson reestablished their relevance and refreshed their cash flow. Of even greater significance, politicians like Gillum and President Barack Obama successfully exploited Trayvon Martin’s death to harvest votes and win elections; power!

As I argue in The Trayvon Hoax, if there is a main culprit of my investigation, it is the press. The Zimmerman case was ground zero for the explosion of fake news and the race hoaxes that have followed, one more preposterous than the next. Think “hands up don’t shoot” or the beyond preposterous Jesse Smollett racial “attack” by Trump supporters at 2 AM in subzero Chicago, a hoax so phony only the media could fall for it.

We expect individuals to be greedy and exploitive, politicians especially. It is the nature of the beast. As their very mission, however, the media are charged with shining light on political schemes. Time and again, however, the media have betrayed their craft. It is appalling that six years after the Zimmerman trial so much information was left for me, an independent filmmaker, to discover.

If the media had wanted to find the truth, it was there for the plucking. I was able to uncover it simply by reading publicly available information from the legal proceedings and following up on what I read. How is it possible no one in the media chose to do what I did? The answer is simple. The media did not want to know. The truth would not have advanced their fear-fueled racial agenda.

The power of investigative journalism is the ability to set the record straight, to change history for the better by shedding light on facts and exposing lies and liars. Can anyone even remember the last major investigation broken by a major news organization? I can’t.

In an odd way, I suppose I should thank our lazy and disingenuous friends in the media for making it possible for an independent film maker like me to tell the incredible story of The Trayvon Hoax. The book and film are available for pre-order on the official film website and on Both will be available Monday, September 16, the day of the film’s premier at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.

You are about to see how America got played by an epic race hoax that divided us for no good reason and, alas, just keeps on dividing.

I will be screening The Trayvon Hoax and holding a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC on Monday, September 16 at 1 PM. The press and the public are invited to attend.

Official Film Website:

Hollywood film director Joel Gilbert is president of Highway 61 Entertainment. He is also a political commentator and foreign policy analyst. Among Gilbert’s many films are political documentaries including Trump: The Art of the InsultThere’s No Place Like UtopiaDreams from My Real FatherAtomic Jihad, and Farewell Israel, as well music history films including Inside Bob Dylan’s Jesus Years.

via American Thinker

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Greens know the destruction they’re pushing on the rest of us

Greens know that Australia could not electrify our cities, farms, mines, refineries, and factories, nor power our road, rail, air, and sea transport with just solar, wind, hydro, and batteries.  Yet green activists, their adoring media, their tax-funded academics, their subsidized green “industries” and their vote-seeking politicians keep babbling about “zero emissions.”

Greens know that Australia could not feed itself without farmers, graziers, and truckies using electric and diesel-powered pumps, tractors, harvesters, and trucks to produce food and deliver it to the cities every day.  Yet they tax and vilify diesel and make electricity more expensive and less reliable.  And they lock up productive grasslands and open forests, thus producing pest-ridden “parks” and “protected” vegetation infested with feral animals and invaded by inedible and fire-prone eucalypt weeds.

Greens know that we need more water storage just for today’s population.  Yet they continue to sterilize potential dam sites, delay new dams, and waste conserved water on “environmental flows.”  At the same time, they boost water consumption with more tourists, games, immigrants, and “refugees.”

Greens know they need a crisis in power, food, and water to achieve their goal of centralized U.N. control of all aspects of our lives.  Thanks to the many fools and quislings in federal, state, and local governments, and in tax-funded academia, education, and bureaucracy, this sinister hidden agenda process is well advanced. 

And all of this will provide zero climate benefits.

Greens know that Australia could not electrify our cities, farms, mines, refineries, and factories, nor power our road, rail, air, and sea transport with just solar, wind, hydro, and batteries.  Yet green activists, their adoring media, their tax-funded academics, their subsidized green “industries” and their vote-seeking politicians keep babbling about “zero emissions.”

Greens know that Australia could not feed itself without farmers, graziers, and truckies using electric and diesel-powered pumps, tractors, harvesters, and trucks to produce food and deliver it to the cities every day.  Yet they tax and vilify diesel and make electricity more expensive and less reliable.  And they lock up productive grasslands and open forests, thus producing pest-ridden “parks” and “protected” vegetation infested with feral animals and invaded by inedible and fire-prone eucalypt weeds.

Greens know that we need more water storage just for today’s population.  Yet they continue to sterilize potential dam sites, delay new dams, and waste conserved water on “environmental flows.”  At the same time, they boost water consumption with more tourists, games, immigrants, and “refugees.”

Greens know they need a crisis in power, food, and water to achieve their goal of centralized U.N. control of all aspects of our lives.  Thanks to the many fools and quislings in federal, state, and local governments, and in tax-funded academia, education, and bureaucracy, this sinister hidden agenda process is well advanced. 

And all of this will provide zero climate benefits.

via American Thinker Blog

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Vermont claims the right to compel health care workers to kill babies

A Vermont nurse alleges that she was compelled to perform an abortion in a hospital which has aggressively expanded its provision of abortion services right up until birth.  She relates a nightmare scenario:

After being told that she would be treating a patient who had experienced a miscarriage, she discovered that she had actually been scheduled to help with an elective abortion. According to a recently created policy, UVMMC [University of Vermont Medical Center] can punish staffers who refuse to participate in abortions when the hospital is short-staffed, and the nurse’s boss allegedly would not allow her to step out of the procedure. Fearing retaliation, or that she would lose her job, the nurse agreed to go through with it. When she walked into the procedure room, the doctor allegedly said to her, “Don’t hate me.”

The hospital states that it “promptly and thoroughly investigated [the claims] and determined that they were not supported by the facts.”  Yet, at least four other nurses have leveled similar allegations against this leading provider of abortions, transgender surgeries, and “fertility preservation” for children.

The hospital and liberal news media repeatedly seek to characterize this dispute as one of religiosity, but one can feel bad about killing a fetus without joining Opus Dei.  The real issue is not one of religious doctrine, but of whether that fetus approaching delivery is deserving of all those ethical duties that doctors and nurses vow to provide to…. human beings.  Indeed, all nurses and doctors suffer from performing such procedures, regardless of their religious beliefs — even hardcore “women’s rights” secularists.

James Michener, in his fascinating history Poland, recounts that Nazi soldiers laughed callously at Polish prisoners who were compelled to herd unsuspecting fellow Poles into showers to be gassed; to pile their corpses into carts; to heave the bodies by tens of thousands into brick ovens belching stench.  When the prisoners condemned to process their own countrymen could not take the horror any longer, they were in due course disposed of and replaced.

In Vermont, the budding Josef Mengeles are especially brazen, in the legislature as well as this hospital.  Employing Donald Trump’s 2018 election as justification, most all Vermont legislation planned for the session was scrapped in order to advance Planned Parenthood’s “emergency” Vermont agenda to preserve abortion availability until the moment of birth.  Voters were not consulted, except in sham displays of pretend democracy, at which opponents exponentially outnumbered supporters.  No ameliorating amendments were allowed; no fetal personhood in criminal cases was considered.

Vermont State House in Montpelier (photo credit: Public Domian Pictures)

Perhaps the tip of Vermont’s abortion-rights spear has been its Attorney General, TJ Donovan, who has not permitted any pretense of impartiality to impede his determination to advance all things Planned Parenthood.  Opposing Trump administration efforts to defund abortions, TJ  tweeted (June 20, 2019): “Over 10,000 Vermonters rely on #TitleX for wellness exams, cancer screenings, birth control & STI testing. I am committed to protecting Vermonters’ access to healthcare.”  Donovan is committed to providing abortions at taxpayer expense, without ever naming the procedure.

AG Donovan’s strategy has been to expand the definition of “family services” to incorporate abortions during that third trimester that Roe V Wade specifically identified as a stage where government held a “compelling interest” to protect a second life.  Donovan and his Planned Parenthood puppeteers have sued the federal government to prevent healthcare professionals from possessing “the categorical right to deny lawful and medically necessary treatment… to patients based on the provider’s personal views.”

The nurse forced to perform an abortion after asking to be excused is a real person.  TJ Donovan instead uses fictitious, hypothetical people in his brief:

77. The Final Rule’s definition of “health care entity” would expand the applicable statutes far beyond their plain meaning, to permit objections by human resources analysts, customer service representatives, data entry clerks, and numerous others who believe that analyzing benefits, answering a benefits-related question, or entering a particular preauthorization for an objected-to procedure, for example, is inconsistent with their personal beliefs

79. …An ambulance driver in a private, sub-contracted fleet, a customer service representative at an insurance company’s hotline, and a hospital pharmacist all share the right, under the Final Rule, not to be asked prior to hiring whether they can execute the core functions of their jobs without objection.

Using bizarre hypothetical exceptions, AG Donovan dismisses the baby’s life with the nurse’s conscience, to silence both.  But “human resources analysts” are never asked to dismember and discard little human bodies.

Extending this deceit, the Plaintiffs claim that compelling nurses to participate in abortions is necessary in order to enforce existing laws compelling ”sponsors of health insurance plans” to provide abortion (“contraceptive”) services:

117. A number of the Plaintiffs have enacted statutes or regulations requiring insurance providers to offer coverage for contraception and abortion….

n. Vermont law requires reproductive health equity in insurance coverage, such that a health insurance plan must provide coverage for contraceptive drugs and services to the same extent that plan provides coverage for any drugs or services. Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 8, § 4099c….

Moreover, Vermont’s AG averred:

C. The Final Rule harms Plaintiffs by threatening… congressionally-appropriated health care funds….

156. ….The Vermont Department of Health has received approximately $780,000 in Title X grants each year over the past ten years, with minor fluctuations….

But Vermont (and its Governor, Phil Scott) subsequently refused to accept that $780,000 in Title X grants:

Health Commissioner Mark Levine announced Monday that he had notified the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that Vermont would stop using Title X dollars to fund Planned Parenthood of Northern New England’s services at 10 clinics. Instead, the state will make up the $759,000 difference with general fund dollars set aside for just this purpose.

Vermont is hardly a wealthy state.  Yet, this publicity ploy for Planned Parenthood — openly hijacking Vermont’s General Fund to oppose Donald Trump — was praised by Republican Governor Phil Scott:

“It’s important that we maintain women’s rights and access to health care,” Scott said in the press release. “It’s unfortunate we are at this point, but I appreciate the collaboration with the Attorney General and Legislature to put aside contingency funding in the … budget.”

Vermont’s progressives compel nurses to choose between their job or a lifetime of nightmares, echoing the antiseptic rationalizations of Nazi soldiers compelling humans to slaughter and dispose of their neighbors.  Hitler’s social engineers killed millions in the name of liberating them from their poverty and genetic inferiority.  Abortion is similarly praised for its benefits in “population control.”

Attorney Donovan tweeted (July 5): “No employee should fear workplace discrimination because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.  We are ALL entitled to equal protection under the law.”  And on July 10:

“The deplorable treatment of children detained at the southern border is contrary to the rule of law & is un-American. It’s a stain on our country. I joined a coalition urging the court to act to protect the rights of children in immigration detention.”

AG Donovan’s joint lawsuit with Planned Parenthood discriminates against healthcare professionals in the workplace, to compel abominable atrocities against unborn children.  Concurrently, Vermonters’ anemic coffers have been diverted in a partisan show of Trumpian defiance: “…as for the federal money that Vermont has received annually since 1970? Unless the nation changes its mind, Vermont will pass up the funds from here on out.”

Perhaps as 2020 approaches, America will hear more voices of truth from the most trusted professionals in America: nurses.

A Vermont nurse alleges that she was compelled to perform an abortion in a hospital which has aggressively expanded its provision of abortion services right up until birth.  She relates a nightmare scenario:

After being told that she would be treating a patient who had experienced a miscarriage, she discovered that she had actually been scheduled to help with an elective abortion. According to a recently created policy, UVMMC [University of Vermont Medical Center] can punish staffers who refuse to participate in abortions when the hospital is short-staffed, and the nurse’s boss allegedly would not allow her to step out of the procedure. Fearing retaliation, or that she would lose her job, the nurse agreed to go through with it. When she walked into the procedure room, the doctor allegedly said to her, “Don’t hate me.”

The hospital states that it “promptly and thoroughly investigated [the claims] and determined that they were not supported by the facts.”  Yet, at least four other nurses have leveled similar allegations against this leading provider of abortions, transgender surgeries, and “fertility preservation” for children.

The hospital and liberal news media repeatedly seek to characterize this dispute as one of religiosity, but one can feel bad about killing a fetus without joining Opus Dei.  The real issue is not one of religious doctrine, but of whether that fetus approaching delivery is deserving of all those ethical duties that doctors and nurses vow to provide to…. human beings.  Indeed, all nurses and doctors suffer from performing such procedures, regardless of their religious beliefs — even hardcore “women’s rights” secularists.

James Michener, in his fascinating history Poland, recounts that Nazi soldiers laughed callously at Polish prisoners who were compelled to herd unsuspecting fellow Poles into showers to be gassed; to pile their corpses into carts; to heave the bodies by tens of thousands into brick ovens belching stench.  When the prisoners condemned to process their own countrymen could not take the horror any longer, they were in due course disposed of and replaced.

In Vermont, the budding Josef Mengeles are especially brazen, in the legislature as well as this hospital.  Employing Donald Trump’s 2018 election as justification, most all Vermont legislation planned for the session was scrapped in order to advance Planned Parenthood’s “emergency” Vermont agenda to preserve abortion availability until the moment of birth.  Voters were not consulted, except in sham displays of pretend democracy, at which opponents exponentially outnumbered supporters.  No ameliorating amendments were allowed; no fetal personhood in criminal cases was considered.

Vermont State House in Montpelier (photo credit: Public Domian Pictures)

Perhaps the tip of Vermont’s abortion-rights spear has been its Attorney General, TJ Donovan, who has not permitted any pretense of impartiality to impede his determination to advance all things Planned Parenthood.  Opposing Trump administration efforts to defund abortions, TJ  tweeted (June 20, 2019): “Over 10,000 Vermonters rely on #TitleX for wellness exams, cancer screenings, birth control & STI testing. I am committed to protecting Vermonters’ access to healthcare.”  Donovan is committed to providing abortions at taxpayer expense, without ever naming the procedure.

AG Donovan’s strategy has been to expand the definition of “family services” to incorporate abortions during that third trimester that Roe V Wade specifically identified as a stage where government held a “compelling interest” to protect a second life.  Donovan and his Planned Parenthood puppeteers have sued the federal government to prevent healthcare professionals from possessing “the categorical right to deny lawful and medically necessary treatment… to patients based on the provider’s personal views.”

The nurse forced to perform an abortion after asking to be excused is a real person.  TJ Donovan instead uses fictitious, hypothetical people in his brief:

77. The Final Rule’s definition of “health care entity” would expand the applicable statutes far beyond their plain meaning, to permit objections by human resources analysts, customer service representatives, data entry clerks, and numerous others who believe that analyzing benefits, answering a benefits-related question, or entering a particular preauthorization for an objected-to procedure, for example, is inconsistent with their personal beliefs

79. …An ambulance driver in a private, sub-contracted fleet, a customer service representative at an insurance company’s hotline, and a hospital pharmacist all share the right, under the Final Rule, not to be asked prior to hiring whether they can execute the core functions of their jobs without objection.

Using bizarre hypothetical exceptions, AG Donovan dismisses the baby’s life with the nurse’s conscience, to silence both.  But “human resources analysts” are never asked to dismember and discard little human bodies.

Extending this deceit, the Plaintiffs claim that compelling nurses to participate in abortions is necessary in order to enforce existing laws compelling ”sponsors of health insurance plans” to provide abortion (“contraceptive”) services:

117. A number of the Plaintiffs have enacted statutes or regulations requiring insurance providers to offer coverage for contraception and abortion….

n. Vermont law requires reproductive health equity in insurance coverage, such that a health insurance plan must provide coverage for contraceptive drugs and services to the same extent that plan provides coverage for any drugs or services. Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 8, § 4099c….

Moreover, Vermont’s AG averred:

C. The Final Rule harms Plaintiffs by threatening… congressionally-appropriated health care funds….

156. ….The Vermont Department of Health has received approximately $780,000 in Title X grants each year over the past ten years, with minor fluctuations….

But Vermont (and its Governor, Phil Scott) subsequently refused to accept that $780,000 in Title X grants:

Health Commissioner Mark Levine announced Monday that he had notified the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that Vermont would stop using Title X dollars to fund Planned Parenthood of Northern New England’s services at 10 clinics. Instead, the state will make up the $759,000 difference with general fund dollars set aside for just this purpose.

Vermont is hardly a wealthy state.  Yet, this publicity ploy for Planned Parenthood — openly hijacking Vermont’s General Fund to oppose Donald Trump — was praised by Republican Governor Phil Scott:

“It’s important that we maintain women’s rights and access to health care,” Scott said in the press release. “It’s unfortunate we are at this point, but I appreciate the collaboration with the Attorney General and Legislature to put aside contingency funding in the … budget.”

Vermont’s progressives compel nurses to choose between their job or a lifetime of nightmares, echoing the antiseptic rationalizations of Nazi soldiers compelling humans to slaughter and dispose of their neighbors.  Hitler’s social engineers killed millions in the name of liberating them from their poverty and genetic inferiority.  Abortion is similarly praised for its benefits in “population control.”

Attorney Donovan tweeted (July 5): “No employee should fear workplace discrimination because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.  We are ALL entitled to equal protection under the law.”  And on July 10:

“The deplorable treatment of children detained at the southern border is contrary to the rule of law & is un-American. It’s a stain on our country. I joined a coalition urging the court to act to protect the rights of children in immigration detention.”

AG Donovan’s joint lawsuit with Planned Parenthood discriminates against healthcare professionals in the workplace, to compel abominable atrocities against unborn children.  Concurrently, Vermonters’ anemic coffers have been diverted in a partisan show of Trumpian defiance: “…as for the federal money that Vermont has received annually since 1970? Unless the nation changes its mind, Vermont will pass up the funds from here on out.”

Perhaps as 2020 approaches, America will hear more voices of truth from the most trusted professionals in America: nurses.

via American Thinker Blog

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CNN’s Poppy Harlow Tries to Use Bush’s Bullhorn Speech After 9/11 to Support Gun Control

Former George W. Bush’s Bullhorn Speech is one of the most defining and iconic moments in American history, the only thing that compares to it is Franklin Roosevelt’s Day of Infamy speech. Unfortunately, CNN Newsroom co-host Poppy Harlow tried to use the sense of national unity in the circumstances of Bush’s speech on the eighteenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to push gun control.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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7 Dem Debate Questions Jorge Ramos Won’t Ask

These are the rules of the militant open borders media: If you are a self-declared Donald Trump-hating “activist journalist” who works for an ethnic separatist TV network that unapologetically elevates illegal immigrants over American citizens, you get to be a “moderator” at the next Democratic presidential candidates’ debate. Case in point: Univision’s Jorge Ramos.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Media Ignore Bernie Sanders Touting Endorsement by Anti-Semite Linda Sarsour

When it comes to President Trump, the networks leap on anything where he can be associated with neo-Nazis and anti-Semites like David Duke, and demand he denounce them repeatedly. But the networks have been silent for nearly a week on Sen. Bernie Sanders announcing he’s been endorsed by anti-Semitic radical activist Linda Sarsour, who’s refused to disassociate herself with the Rev. Louis Farrakhan, who calls Jews "termites." Only Fox News reported this.

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The Nuclear Option: Trump Is Still Winning. Here’s Why

The story is as old as politics and sports.

A politician goes campaigning in a far-off land and seeks to gin up the audience by invoking local, beloved sports lore — only to get it all wrong.

Sure as the Washington Redskins will lose their next game, those voters punish the politician 10 times more grievously for that single sports gaffe than if he had, say, blundered some vitally important fact about deficits or nuclear weaponry.

In 2004, John Kerry was in Wisconsin when he butchered the name of the Green Bay Packers’ hallowed Lambeau Field, calling the stadium “Lambert” Field.

In 2012, Mitt Romney — the Republican version of John Kerry — tried to show his race track cred at the Daytona 500 by declaring his devotion to NASCAR.

“I have some great friends that are NASCAR team owners.”


And in perhaps the greats sports pander of all time, Chicago-born Hillary Clinton threw her lifelong beloved Cubs under the team bus and pledged fealty to the New York Yankees — just as she was gearing up to run for the Senate.

“The fact is, I’ve always been a Yankees fan,” she said at the time. As always, with the Clintons, the tell for when they are lying is when they say “truth” or “fact.”

Then along comes President Trump, for whom all the laws of politics seem to be suspended.

At a rollicking campaign rally in North Carolina on Monday, Mr. Trump decided to talk some football. Not an altogether bad choice in the land of the Carolina Panthers.

“Tom Brady had a pretty good game the other night, right?” he said somewhat tentatively, referring to the New England Patriots’ longtime star quarterback and the savage 33-3 beat down he delivered to the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Surprisingly, a number of Trump supporters cheered, though some in the audience gamely booed.

Unfazed, Mr. Trump continued to prod and needle the crowd.

“How good a coach — whether you like it or not, and I know you’re North Carolina — but how good a coach, in all fairness, right, is Coach Belichick?”

The crowd’s cheers dimmed, perhaps growing tired of the president’s taunting game. After all, the Patriots have won six Super Bowls. The Carolina Panthers haven’t won their first.

“I know you want to be cool,” Mr. Trump told his hushing fans. “But he’s pretty good, right? We have to appreciate genius. We all like genius.”

And then he dropped it.

Within a minute, Mr. Trump was back to talking about guns and God and glory and the raucous crowd was back to swinging from the rafters and hooting their lungs out for their “favorite president.”

That scene perfectly sums up the difference between Mr. Trump and all the fakers and frauds who came before him. Mr. Kerry’s “Lambert” Field flub and Mr. Romney’s NASCAR car wreck revealed what monumental fakers both men are.

Like many politicians, they were trying to be something they were not — and completely exposed themselves.

Mr. Trump never tries to be something he is not. He is always focused on selling himself as the consistent same product wherever he is. The conversations he has with people in private are pretty much the exact same conversations he has with people in public.

Mrs. Clinton’s naked pandering between Chicago and New York reveals what political whores the Clintons have always been. They can be trusted by absolutely no one.

Mr. Trump, on the other hand, cherishes the opportunity to speak the hard truth, even when people don’t want to hear it. It’s why so many people cringe over his “impolitic” comments.

The reason Mr. Trump’s North Carolina supporters did not cheer Bill Belichick’s name is not that they think he is a terrible coach. They didn’t cheer his name because they know President Trump was telling them the hard truth about how good a coach he really is.

President Trump’s purposeful foray into the politics of football may have cost him some momentary cheers there in North Carolina. But it reminded everyone how much he loves to win and what a “stable genius” he is.

via Breitbart News

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The primary threat now is civilization jihad, and it’s on our own shores

In my first article commemorating the eighteenth anniversary of 9/11, I discussed how, rather than dialing back immigration from the Middle East, we stepped on the gas pedal, bringing in millions more without any guarantee we can vet them. But there is the other half of the equation: The radicalism already on our shores and not aggressively investigated and prosecuted by the government.

There was a long-standing Muslim Brotherhood network already in this country in 2001 that was instrumental in inspiring and working with those behind the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 as well as other terror attacks. Rather than going after that network with a vengeance after 9/11, our government still treated them as legitimate Muslim community outreach leaders. That problem is still huge today.

In 2009, the Holy Land Foundation terror-funding trial gave Americans a jolting dose of reality when it came out that so many of the leading charity and community organizations within the American Muslim community had significant ties to terror groups like Hamas. Federal Judge Jorge Solis implicated in the Holy Land Foundation terror trial the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and the North American Islamic Trust. His 2009 order denied efforts by CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood affiliates to have their names expunged from the trial record. Solis noted that “the Government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA and NAIT with HLF, the Islamic Association for Palestine (‘IAP’), and with Hamas.”

The judge cited a 1991 memorandum from a Muslim Brotherhood official explaining the organization’s goals in America as follows:

“Understanding the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America” is “a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

Rather than following up on this case at every level and actually prosecuting these groups while banishing the Muslim Brotherhood umbrella organizations from polite society, as with KKK, the government indulged their leaders as legitimate partners with the Muslim community. With so many new people coming from the Middle East every year, how do they even have a chance to assimilate into Americanism if these are the ones leading the community and are legitimized by government?

In 2010, counterterrorism expert Patrick Poole, who now writes for PJ Media, wrote a white paper on 10 jihadists living in America who were involved with terrorism and had ties to either the 9/11 group or terror cells that committed prior acts who were indulged by our government, in some cases even after 9/11. Perhaps the best-known example is Anwar al-Awlaki.

Two weeks after 9/11, according to FBI documents released in 2013, our government knew that al-Awlaki bought airline tickets for Mohammed Atta and two of the other hijackers. The flights were in the summer of 2001 and are thought to have been dry runs for the terror attacks. Yet, as Fox News reported in 2010, al-Awlaki was hosted by the military at the Pentagon several months after his disciples flew planes into it for the purpose of “outreach to the Muslim community”! Documents secured by Judicial Watch further confirmed that al-Awlaki was in the crosshairs of law enforcement several other times between 2002 and 2007 but was mysteriously released each time. He is suspected of directing the underwear bomber on Christmas 2009 and was in contact with Nidal Hassan, who murdered 13 people at Fort Hood a month before that. He was eventually killed in a drone strike in Yemen two years later.

Poole details nine other prominent Islamists in America who were treated as partners by our government and military, even though they were hooked up with the very cells responsible for the worst terrorist attacks. One such figure was Ali Mohamed, al Qaeda’s security chief, who was allowed to infiltrate our special forces, training soldiers in Arabic culture at Fort Bragg after being expelled from Egypt in the 1980s. While he was working with one of the most important parts of our military, according to Poole, “he was schooling U.S.-based Islamic militants in weapons, explosives and martial arts, including the cell responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.” He also helped transport bin Laden from Afghanistan to Sudan, trained the Somali forces who attacked our soldiers in “Black Hawk Down,” helped arrange the cell responsible for the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, and arranged a U.S. fundraising tour for Ayman al-Zawahiri, the man who took over al Qaeda’s leadership after the death of bin Laden.

Another example cited by Poole is Sheikh Kifah Mustapha. He was personally named an unindicted coconspirator and fundraiser for Hamas in the Holy Land Foundation case. A year later, he was given a tour of O’Hare airport as a member of the FBI’s “Citizens Academy.”

How in the world did a man who should have been indicted on terror charges but is free to engage in treason to this day obtain a security clearance?

Earlier in 2010, Mustapha’s behavior was repugnant enough that the Illinois state police fired him as a chaplain. When Mustapha filed a lawsuit, with the help of the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated CAIR, even the Democrat attorney general was appalled by him. Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed a motion in federal court in 2013 noting that Mustapha “aided and abetted, or at least cheered for, terrorism” after he was caught on a video chanting “terrorist lyrics.”

In October 2010, Eli Lake reported in the Washington Times that then-director of the FBI Robert Mueller was asked about the inclusion of the Hamas cleric in the FBI’s training program, and he refused to answer the question, even as he admitted there are widespread terror links in the sphere of outreach groups the Bureau patronizes.

Indeed, the war on terror is primarily not overseas. It is on our own shores. We need not solve the vexing problems of tribal warfare in Afghanistan to secure our homeland. We need to simply open our eyes and not commit suicide. There’s a reason why our enemies rely on us “sabotaging its miserable house by their hands.” They rely on our own self-destruction for their success.

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Andrew Yang is polling at 5 percent, so Ted Cruz just challenged him to a basketball game

Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang likes to play basketball.

So does Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. And it looks like America is about to get the Cruz vs. Yang match we all wanted as of yesterday, when Fox News producer Pat Ward floated the idea.

To which Cruz responded:

Well, lo and behold, Yang is polling at five percent in a recent Harris poll of Democratic primary voters. So he shot back at Cruz.

And Cruz formally issued a challenge.

To which Yang replied:

While we wait for them to hammer this out, here’s a flashback to that time Cruz wiped the court with Jimmy Kimmel.

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Remembering 9-11

Remembering 9-11Like many of you, I remember where I was September 11, 2001 when the terrorist airplanes crashed into the twin towers in New York. That day, my wife Mary forgot to pay the water bill. I turned on the shower receiving a trickle of ice cold water.

Meanwhile, 3000 of my fellow innocent Americans were faced with the nightmarish choice of whether to jump to their deaths or be consumed in flames. I heard a WWII vet say the unity of our nation felt the same to him as it was during WWII.

I pray that my song, “United We Stand” will usher us back to the patriotism we felt that day.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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