‘Cheers’ Actress Rips Hollywood ‘Hypocrites’ for Refusing To Work with Trump Supporters

Actress Kirstie Alley on Friday issued a blunt call for Hollywood liberals to get over themselves and stop persecuting Republicans. “I refuse to be part of the Hollywood a–hats who can’t see that ‘NOT working with Republicans’ is as stupid and NASTY as ‘REFUSING to do business with gay people’..STOP ACTING above the FRAY ya…

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O’Rourke Believes Americans Will Willingly Comply with Gun Confiscation, Won’t Need Police

Beto O’Rourke is from Texas yet apparently isn’t familiar with the phrase “molon labe.” The ancient Greek phrase translates to “come and take it.” Its most famous use outside of the Battle of Thermopylae came during the Texas Revolution when the Mexican government came for a village’s cannon. In the years since it has become…

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Police: Burglar Allegedly Cooks Breakfast, Tells Victim ‘Go Back to Sleep’

A burglar allegedly broke into a house in Florida, cooked himself breakfast, and told his victim to “go back to sleep,” police said.

Investigators claim Gavin Crim, a 19-year-old Marine, entered a property in Safety Harbor, Florida, at 4 a.m. Tuesday when the victim was at home, the Associated Press reported.

Deputies say Crim entered through an unlocked door. When the victim confronted Crim, he allegedly told the victim to “go back to sleep.”

The resident of the home told investigators he awoke to find the man cooking and eating inside his house around 4 a.m. on Tuesday. When the home’s occupant called 911, Crim fled the scene, Fox 13 Tampa reported.

Deputies from the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office found the alleged burglar in a wooded and swampy area behind the victim’s home and arrested him.

The arrest report stated that Crim was under the influence of alcohol when he broke into the residence.

via Breitbart News

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WATCH: Suspect Caught Allegedly Setting Man’s American Flag on Fire

A suspect was caught on video as he set fire to an American flag that flew from a neighbor’s porch last week in Orlando, Florida.

The video footage shows the alleged arsonist walking up to the flag and staring at it, then walking away. A few moments later he returns and proceeds to light the flag on fire. Reports said the entire incident lasted only seven minutes and the man left after the flag was completely burned.

Neighbor Jessica Harper told reporters she has no idea why someone would do such a thing.

“It was heartbreaking to see that someone was willing to go to those lengths. It looks like somebody was having a good time with some alcohol earlier in the evening, which probably played a part, but still doesn’t justify the action,” she commented.

Reports said the incident occurred at the home of a 45-year-old man on East Kaley Street in Wadeview Park.

“The homeowners Ring Doorbell camera captures the whole incident, in which a man walked up to the home, and used a lighter to set the flag on fire,” according to a Fox 35 report.

The man said he called police at about 5 p.m. to report that the flag on his property had been burned a few hours prior.

Reports said authorities are currently investigating the incident and added that the homeowner has since replaced the flag.

On June 14, Breitbart News reported that Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) introduced a constitutional amendment in honor of Flag Day that prohibits the burning of the American flag.

“Our United States flag is a timeless symbol of liberty that tells the story of America, the story of our enduring pursuit of freedom,” Daines said in a press release.

“Remembering the sacrifices of all who carried its colors into battle, our nation should always render the flag the honor and dignity it is due,” he concluded.

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Former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel Calls Medicare for All ‘Reckless’ and ‘Untenable’ (VIDEO)

Former Chicago mayor and Obama White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel blasted 2020 Democrats who are running for Medicare for All during an appearance on ABC on Sunday.

Emanuel warned about Democratic Socialists who want to give healthcare to illegal aliens, saying that it won’t win them the general election.

The liberal politician explained that under Medicare for All, 150 million people would lose healthcare.

“Basically, Medicare for All, which is ‘we’re going to eliminate 150 million people’s healthcare and we’re going to provide healthcare for people who just come over the border’ — that is an untenable position for the general election,” Emmanuel said.

Emmanuel explained that he just biked around Michigan and Wisconsin and nobody that he ran into at a diner said “take my healthcare away.”

“Nobody. This is reckless,” Emmanuel said, before warning the more progressive candidates that they are hindering themselves for the general election.

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6.2 Million Individuals Off Food Stamps Under Trump

More than 6.2 million individuals dropped off food stamps since President Donald Trump completed his first full month in office, according to the latest data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The most recent USDA data shows that 6,268,285 individuals discontinued their participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)— the program in charge of food stamps— since February 2017 when Trump finished his first month as president.

Individual and household food stamp participation has consistently declined since 2013 back when the Obama administration was in power and enrollment in the program reached its highest point in U.S. history.

After 2013, SNAP enrollment plunged once state legislatures passed laws requiring food stamp recipients to work, attend school, volunteer, or participate in job training for at least 20 hours per week to receive benefits.

Food stamp participation plummeted even further once President Trump took office, as 6.2 million individuals and 2.7 million households dropped out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) since his first full month in office.

There are currently 36,029,506 individuals and 18,230,968 households enrolled in the food stamp program, but USDA officials said those numbers are “preliminary” due to the 2018 government shutdown, which affected food stamp administration at the beginning of 2019.

Trump has stated that he wants to curb the nation’s dependency on food stamps and wants those coming into the country to be self-sufficient.

The president told Breitbart News in an Oval Office interview that he does not want any immigrants coming into the U.S. to be dependent on welfare programs.

“I don’t want to have anyone coming in that’s on welfare,” Trump told Breitbart News in March.

The Trump administration also recently released several policies that would close loopholes for those taking advantage of the nation’s food stamp program.

The USDA issued a proposal in July that would close a “loophole” allowing 3.1 million people who already receive benefits from a non-cash welfare program to receive food stamps through SNAP.

The Trump administration also released a “public charge rule” last month which would deny green cards to immigrants or make it harder for them to obtain them if they have a history of using welfare benefits such as food stamps.

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WAYNE ALLYN ROOT: President Trump’s “Grand Bargain” on Guns

By Wayne Allyn Root

Guns are in the news again. Democrats shamelessly use every mass shooting tragedy as an opportunity to take away the God-given and Constitution-given rights of gun owning Americans.

Never forget what Obama’s Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel once said, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

Also, never forget that 41 people were shot over the Labor Day weekend in Chicago. Isn’t that a “mass shooting?” Doesn’t 100% Democrat-controlled Chicago already have the strictest gun control in the country?

But nonetheless, I’m willing to compromise. I’m willing to give Democrats a crown jewel of what they’ve crusaded for, for decades.

I want President Trump to call their bluff. Democrats want “universal background checks” on all gun sales. Let’s give it to them…

As soon as Democrats agree to Federal Government-Issued Photo and Fingerprint ID for every voter in America.

Now there’s a grand bargain. Isn’t that an offer too good to refuse? Democrats claim they want to stop gun violence. They claim universal background checks is the answer. So why would they reject this offer?

Are they so frightened by Voter ID, they’re willing to let gun violence and mass shootings continue unabated?

What’s so scary about Voter ID? Don’t Democrats claim “election integrity” is their top priority? Aren’t they worried about “foreign interference” in US elections? So, why isn’t it a priority to prevent voter fraud?

If millions of illegal aliens from foreign countries are voting in US elections, isn’t that the very definition of “foreign interference?” I know, Democrats claim it’s not happening. Then why are you afraid of Voter ID? If illegals aren’t voting, then you have nothing to fear.

Plus, you get universal background checks in the bargain. It’s a big win for Democrats, right? Mass shootings will instantly be prevented, right?

If it’s so important for every gun buyer to undergo background checks, why shouldn’t every voter have a background check? If it’s a reasonable requirement for gun owners, why isn’t it a reasonable requirement for voters? Hey Democrats, cat suddenly got your tongue?

I’m willing to compromise. Why aren’t Democrats?

The proof of gun control’s failure is Chicago and every other U.S. inner city controlled by Democrats, with strict gun control, yet plagued by massive gun violence.

The proof is Mexico with the strictest gun control on the planet. There is one gun store in the entire country of Mexico. That didn’t stop even one of the 25,000 murders in Mexico last year.

The proof is our great ally UK. They have the strictest strict gun control and a violent crime rate almost three times higher than America. How do liberals explain that?

Gun control doesn’t work. But if it makes liberals feel all warm and fuzzy, let’s compromise. President Trump, please offer background checks for every gun purchase in America, in return for Voter ID for every voter.

Watch the response. Watch every liberal’s head explode. Democrats will lose their minds. Democrats will never compromise. Not even to save lives. Not even to prevent the murder of little children. Democrats will never allow Voter ID.

Why? Because they’d never win another major election without massive cheating and voter fraud. They know it. You know it. I know it.

So, go ahead and make the offer Mr. President. Call it, “the Grand Compromise.” They’ll never take it.

But this will prove, once and for all, what frauds Democrats are.

Wayne Allyn Root is the host of “The Wayne Allyn Root Show” on Newsmax TV, nightly at 8 PM ET, found on DirecTV Ch #349, or Dish TV Ch #216, at https://ift.tt/2zOf79k He is also a nationally syndicated radio host of “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” found at https://ift.tt/2g4uzmV

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Did Boris Johnson Just Rope-a-Dope His Way into a Hard Brexit?

As of Friday, September 6, an extension of three months to prevent the U.K. leaving the E.U. without a deal passed the Houses of Commons and Lords.  In order for that legislation to become law, there must be consent by the monarch — in this case, Queen Elizabeth II.  Once she assents, the bill becomes law.

While most everyone is considering her assent a formality on Monday, it should not quite yet be considered a fait accompli.  The queen can lawfully refuse assent or delay her approval, which would effectively veto the bill and keep it from becoming law, thereby paving the way to a No Deal Brexit on October 31.

There are two occasions when the monarch can and should, according to most academic experts in the matter, refuse assent.

According to Anne Twomey, professor of constitutional law at the the University of Sydney in her book The Veiled Sceptre, the first occasion is that where a “serious error is discovered in the bill.”  No one is arguing that there is an error in the Remainers’ meticulously crafted bill of extension.

But the second occasion in relation to royal assent, “the predominant academic view … is that the Sovereign … must act upon the advice of responsible ministers.”

Professor of public law at the University of Glasgow School of Law Adam Tomkins concurs.  From his book Public Law: “If the monarch were given clear and firm Prime Ministerial advice that she should withhold her royal assent to a Bill which had passed through the Houses of Parliament, it seems to be the case that the monarch should follow that advice.”

As Robert Craig noted, Twomey uses the example of where a new government that has the confidence of the House and “objects to a bill passed … by a defeated predecessor … then its advice to refuse assent to a bill should be accepted.”

While this is not the exact set of circumstances the U.K. is facing, Boris Johnson has demonstrated he has the confidence of the House, triumphantly pointing out that “this is the first time in history that the opposition has voted to show confidence in Her Majesty’s government” by refusing to allow an election and refusing to table a vote of no confidence.  Now all that’s left is for B.J. to give clear and firm advice to the queen, who should then refuse to assent to the opposition’s legislation to stop a No Deal Brexit.

If this is indeed B.J.’s strategy, the U.K. Parliament has cut off its nose to spite its face.  Hyper-leftist and self avowed Marxist Jeremy Corbyn, opposition leader of the Labor Party, has gleefully led this self-mutilation, stating, “When No Deal is off the table, once and for all, we should go back to the people in a public vote or a General Election to decide our country’s future.”

Using the limited time the U.K. Parliament had to address the possibility of a No Deal Brexit, Corbyn, the other opposition parties, and 21 Tories clearly decided to spend their few days left in Parliament obsessed with passing a law that demands that B.J., against his own will and government, ask the E.U. for an extension of Article 50 until January 31, 2020.

But B.J. may have been way ahead of them.  He launched the epic play by proroguing parliament, which is basically closing the current Parliament session, until mid-October with the queen’s approval.  This means that all Parliament business must be concluded by Monday (or at latest Thursday).  Once proroguing had occurred, the Remainers went into a B.J.-induced tizzy to make sure a law was passed to stop B.J. from taking the U.K. out of the E.U. without a deal on October 31, as long as no deal had been reached with the E.U. by October 19.

This is precisely where B.J. has likely wanted them all along.  Employing a “rope a dope” strategy, B.J. has effectively forced Parliament to use all the time left, now that the proroguing has occurred and been declared legal by the U.K. courts, to mire itself in passing the Article 50 extension law.  Like the boxer Muhammad Ali, who made rope-a-dope famous, B.J. leaned back into parliament’s ropes and took hit after hit, causing the opponents to not only wear themselves out, but provide time for him to get ready for his final counter-punch.

If the above analysis is correct, B.J.’s knockout blow is happening now, as he meets the queen this weekend in order to clearly and firmly advise the queen to withhold assent.

Beautifully orchestrating and executing his stratagem, B.J. will have outwitted his opponents again in this well thought out fight plan by 1) forcing the opposition to spend the very short time they had to stop a No Deal Brexit mired in creating the extension legislation, then 2) sifting out the twenty-one traitors within his own Tory Party who voted against him, while at the same time 3) casually scheduling a meeting with the queen this weekend in order that 4) he can quietly advise the Queen not to assent to the bill he has called the “surrender” bill.

His opponents were so busy patting themselves on the back for their seemingly witty and unstoppable legislative efforts to thwart the will of the U.K.’s people (who voted 52% to 48% to leave the E.U. in 2016), heaping insults, lies, and half-truths on the prime minister and arguing among themselves how to take power, that they failed to see that B.J. was, like any great boxer, simply setting them up.

His arguments to the queen are strong.  First, a group of disingenuous Tory traitors betrayed the government by voting with the non-government opposition.  The U.K. system is a parliamentary government, not a system of parliamentary rule.  The queen can reinforce this distinction by refusing assent upon receiving the P.M.’s advice, proving that the government elected by the people ultimately has the power.

Second, extensions have been passed before under Theresa May, but to no avail in bringing the U.K. to a better deal with the E.U.  What good would another extension to January 31, 2020 bring?  Even France’s President Macron agrees here and has indicated he’ll veto an extension anyway.  Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel is also under pressure to veto any request for an extension.  Any one of the 27 E.U. member-leaders can veto an extension, thereby virtually assuring a No Deal Brexit on October 31.

Finally, the current House of Commons has tacitly given its vote of confidence to Boris Johnson as prime minister by not agreeing to an election and not tabling a motion of no confidence.  The Commons chose instead to focus on creating legislation that is opposed by the government, thereby giving B.J. an effective argument that the government was defied, not rejected.

And so we’ll know in the next few days if this was the plan all along.  For if the prime minister is truly committed to his promise to bring the U.K. out of the E.U. on October 31, he’ll advise the queen to refuse the bill.  In accordance with the unwritten constitution of the U.K., the queen will agree with her prime minister’s advice.

If the queen agrees, Boris Johnson will have turned the Remainers’ nightmarish Halloween Day extension ploy into a historic Reformation Day, indeed.

Mark Hanna holds an M.A. in international studies and has provided briefings to government officials on immigration, radical Islam, and other national security issues.  He has worked for CNN as well as NBC and PBS affiliates and has been published in Real Clear Politics, PJMedia, ZeroHedge, and The Investigative Project.  He can be reached at mhanna@protonmail.com.

Image: Boris Johnson via Flickr.

As of Friday, September 6, an extension of three months to prevent the U.K. leaving the E.U. without a deal passed the Houses of Commons and Lords.  In order for that legislation to become law, there must be consent by the monarch — in this case, Queen Elizabeth II.  Once she assents, the bill becomes law.

While most everyone is considering her assent a formality on Monday, it should not quite yet be considered a fait accompli.  The queen can lawfully refuse assent or delay her approval, which would effectively veto the bill and keep it from becoming law, thereby paving the way to a No Deal Brexit on October 31.

There are two occasions when the monarch can and should, according to most academic experts in the matter, refuse assent.

According to Anne Twomey, professor of constitutional law at the the University of Sydney in her book The Veiled Sceptre, the first occasion is that where a “serious error is discovered in the bill.”  No one is arguing that there is an error in the Remainers’ meticulously crafted bill of extension.

But the second occasion in relation to royal assent, “the predominant academic view … is that the Sovereign … must act upon the advice of responsible ministers.”

Professor of public law at the University of Glasgow School of Law Adam Tomkins concurs.  From his book Public Law: “If the monarch were given clear and firm Prime Ministerial advice that she should withhold her royal assent to a Bill which had passed through the Houses of Parliament, it seems to be the case that the monarch should follow that advice.”

As Robert Craig noted, Twomey uses the example of where a new government that has the confidence of the House and “objects to a bill passed … by a defeated predecessor … then its advice to refuse assent to a bill should be accepted.”

While this is not the exact set of circumstances the U.K. is facing, Boris Johnson has demonstrated he has the confidence of the House, triumphantly pointing out that “this is the first time in history that the opposition has voted to show confidence in Her Majesty’s government” by refusing to allow an election and refusing to table a vote of no confidence.  Now all that’s left is for B.J. to give clear and firm advice to the queen, who should then refuse to assent to the opposition’s legislation to stop a No Deal Brexit.

If this is indeed B.J.’s strategy, the U.K. Parliament has cut off its nose to spite its face.  Hyper-leftist and self avowed Marxist Jeremy Corbyn, opposition leader of the Labor Party, has gleefully led this self-mutilation, stating, “When No Deal is off the table, once and for all, we should go back to the people in a public vote or a General Election to decide our country’s future.”

Using the limited time the U.K. Parliament had to address the possibility of a No Deal Brexit, Corbyn, the other opposition parties, and 21 Tories clearly decided to spend their few days left in Parliament obsessed with passing a law that demands that B.J., against his own will and government, ask the E.U. for an extension of Article 50 until January 31, 2020.

But B.J. may have been way ahead of them.  He launched the epic play by proroguing parliament, which is basically closing the current Parliament session, until mid-October with the queen’s approval.  This means that all Parliament business must be concluded by Monday (or at latest Thursday).  Once proroguing had occurred, the Remainers went into a B.J.-induced tizzy to make sure a law was passed to stop B.J. from taking the U.K. out of the E.U. without a deal on October 31, as long as no deal had been reached with the E.U. by October 19.

This is precisely where B.J. has likely wanted them all along.  Employing a “rope a dope” strategy, B.J. has effectively forced Parliament to use all the time left, now that the proroguing has occurred and been declared legal by the U.K. courts, to mire itself in passing the Article 50 extension law.  Like the boxer Muhammad Ali, who made rope-a-dope famous, B.J. leaned back into parliament’s ropes and took hit after hit, causing the opponents to not only wear themselves out, but provide time for him to get ready for his final counter-punch.

If the above analysis is correct, B.J.’s knockout blow is happening now, as he meets the queen this weekend in order to clearly and firmly advise the queen to withhold assent.

Beautifully orchestrating and executing his stratagem, B.J. will have outwitted his opponents again in this well thought out fight plan by 1) forcing the opposition to spend the very short time they had to stop a No Deal Brexit mired in creating the extension legislation, then 2) sifting out the twenty-one traitors within his own Tory Party who voted against him, while at the same time 3) casually scheduling a meeting with the queen this weekend in order that 4) he can quietly advise the Queen not to assent to the bill he has called the “surrender” bill.

His opponents were so busy patting themselves on the back for their seemingly witty and unstoppable legislative efforts to thwart the will of the U.K.’s people (who voted 52% to 48% to leave the E.U. in 2016), heaping insults, lies, and half-truths on the prime minister and arguing among themselves how to take power, that they failed to see that B.J. was, like any great boxer, simply setting them up.

His arguments to the queen are strong.  First, a group of disingenuous Tory traitors betrayed the government by voting with the non-government opposition.  The U.K. system is a parliamentary government, not a system of parliamentary rule.  The queen can reinforce this distinction by refusing assent upon receiving the P.M.’s advice, proving that the government elected by the people ultimately has the power.

Second, extensions have been passed before under Theresa May, but to no avail in bringing the U.K. to a better deal with the E.U.  What good would another extension to January 31, 2020 bring?  Even France’s President Macron agrees here and has indicated he’ll veto an extension anyway.  Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel is also under pressure to veto any request for an extension.  Any one of the 27 E.U. member-leaders can veto an extension, thereby virtually assuring a No Deal Brexit on October 31.

Finally, the current House of Commons has tacitly given its vote of confidence to Boris Johnson as prime minister by not agreeing to an election and not tabling a motion of no confidence.  The Commons chose instead to focus on creating legislation that is opposed by the government, thereby giving B.J. an effective argument that the government was defied, not rejected.

And so we’ll know in the next few days if this was the plan all along.  For if the prime minister is truly committed to his promise to bring the U.K. out of the E.U. on October 31, he’ll advise the queen to refuse the bill.  In accordance with the unwritten constitution of the U.K., the queen will agree with her prime minister’s advice.

If the queen agrees, Boris Johnson will have turned the Remainers’ nightmarish Halloween Day extension ploy into a historic Reformation Day, indeed.

Mark Hanna holds an M.A. in international studies and has provided briefings to government officials on immigration, radical Islam, and other national security issues.  He has worked for CNN as well as NBC and PBS affiliates and has been published in Real Clear Politics, PJMedia, ZeroHedge, and The Investigative Project.  He can be reached at mhanna@protonmail.com.

Image: Boris Johnson via Flickr.

via American Thinker

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Elizabeth Warren Promises to Put Millions of Americans Out of Work Her First Day in Office

Guest post by Aleister and American Lookout

The left has decided that they hate the fossil fuel industry.

This means that all the Democrats running in 2020 are trying to outdo each other on how radically they will go after the businesses which provide energy.

They don’t seem to care that this is an industry which employs millions of Americans.

Check out this tweet from Elizabeth Warren:

That sounds like a really bad idea.

Check out this report from the Heartland Institute in 2018:


A 2015 Harvard Business School/Boston Consulting Group study estimates fracking supported 2.7 million jobs in 2014, with the potential to grow to 3.8 million jobs by 2030. Similarly, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) prepared a report for the American Petroleum Institute that estimates the oil and natural gas industries supported 10.3 million jobs in 2015, an increase of about 500,00 compared to 2011.

The RAND Corporation projects the industries will support an additional 1.9 million jobs by 2035. By the same year, a 2012 IHS Markit study estimates fracking will have created 3.5 million jobs.

A 2016 Chamber of Commerce study projects that if the fracking revolution of the previous decade had not occurred, 4.3 million jobs would not have been created, the U.S. economy would be $500 billion smaller and residential natural gas prices would be 28 percent higher.

Here are some responses to Warren:

She doesn’t seem to care, does she?

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CNN’s Lemon: ‘How Do Black Voters in 2020 Weigh These Low Employment Numbers Against the President’s Racist Behavior?’

September 7, 2019 | 12:53 PM EDT

Black unemployment reached a record low of 5.5 percent in the month of August. While CNN Tonight host Don Lemon and his panel acknowledged the statistic, they did their best to downplay it and rejected the notion that President Trump deserved any credit for the strong economy. Lemon argued that President Obama deserved the credit for the low black unemployment numbers because after reaching 16.8 percent in March 2010, the black unemployment rate dropped to 7.9 percent by the end of his term; a difference of 8.3 percent.

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