(Getty Images)
When Vice President Mike Pence arrived in Reykjavík, Iceland, buildings were flying gay rainbow flags and the president, Guðni Jóhannesson, wearing a gay rainbow wristband, shook his hand. Pence, an evangelical Christian, strongly opposes gay marriage and many aspects of the LGBTQ agenda.
According to The Hill, Pence was scheduled to meet Jóhannesson on Sept. 4 at Hofdi House, a place that faces the IT company Advania. The company that day flew a row of gay rainbow flags in front of their building, which were prominently visible to the public and the vice president.

Flags at the Advania company in Reykjavík, Iceland. (Twitter)
The Advania company flags had been replaced with the gay flags. Many people commented about the LGBT pride flags on social media.
Advania Director Ægir Már Þórisson told the Icelandic Monitor, “We just felt the need to celebrate diversity today and wanted to show that by flying the flags.”
The Icelandic Monitor also reported that the Efling trade union, another building near where Pence was meeting with Pence and Jóhannesson, decided to change the flags they usually display and replace them with gay rainbow flags.
“Photos of Pence’s meeting with Jóhannesson show the [Icelandic] president wearing a rainbow bracelet on his right hand, which was visible when he shook hands with Pence,” The Hill reported.

President of Iceland Gudni Thorlacius Johannesson and his wife Eliza Jean Reid. (Getty Images)
Eliza Reid, first lady of Iceland, also wore a gay rainbow bracelet for the occasion, according to The Hill.
Mike Pence, an Indiana Republican, has described himself as a “Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order.”
In 2000, Pence said, “Congress should oppose any effort to put gay and lesbian relationships on an equal legal status with heterosexual marriage.” In 2006, Pence supported a constitutional amendment that would have defined marriage as being between one man and one woman.

Pence opposed the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the military, reported Time magazine.
Pence also opposed an Obama administration directive to force the public schools to adopt inclusive bathroom rules for transgenders.
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