Chutzpah: Jerrold Nadler, Adam Schiff Accuse Trump of Politicizing DOJ

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and Adam Schiff (D-CA) issued a joint statement Thursday evening accusing President Donald Trump of politicizing the Department of Justice (DOJ) through a criminal investigation into the origins of the Russia probe.

Nadler, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, and Schiff, who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, issued a statement via Twitter: “If the Department of Justice may be used as a tool of political retribution, or to help the President with a political narrative for the next election, the rule of law will suffer new and irreparable damage.”

The two Democrats were reacting to a report in the New York Times that the DOJ had “shifted an administrative review of the Russia investigation closely overseen by Attorney General William P. Barr to a criminal inquiry.” The inquiry has been conducted by U.S. Attorney John Durham.

There is no evidence that the inquiry is being used as “political retribution,” though the Times took a similar line: “The opening of a criminal investigation is likely to raise alarms that Mr. Trump is using the Justice Department to go after his perceived enemies. … Mr. Trump has made clear that he sees the typically independent Justice Department as a tool to be wielded against his political enemies,” it reported (original link).

Neither Nadler nor Schiff addressed the substance of Durham’s investigation.

For years, Schiff claimed that there was evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, but an investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller turned up none.

Instead, Schiff and fellow Democrats sought to block or discourage investigations into the origins of the Russia investigation — including possible political bias by law enforcement and intelligence officials, and alleged criminal leaks of the names of Americans who were caught up in surveillance of foreign communications.

Nadler and Schiff did not acknowledge that their own efforts to press forward with an unauthorized “impeachment inquiry” might be seen as creating “a political narrative for the next election,” one that damages the rule of law.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He earned an A.B. in Social Studies and Environmental Science and Public Policy from Harvard College, and a J.D. from Harvard Law School. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. He is also the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

via Breitbart News

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New Report Shows ‘Egregious’ California Taxes Continue To Drive Out Big Earners

Watch the latest video at Democrats want to turn the whole country into California with taxes so there will be no place to run. Via Fox News: California’s tax plan is “so egregious” that residents of every socioeconomic background are leaving the state, host of Fox Business Network’s Charles Payne said Wednesday. California Democrats […]

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Shaq Defends American Values, Stands Up For Free Speech

As the NBA season tips off in the midst of controversy, former basketball star and reserve police officer Shaquille O’Neal stood up for free speech and Houston Rockets assistant general manager Daryl Morey.

"Whenever you see something wrong going on anywhere in the world, you should have the right to say ‘that’s not right,’ and that’s what he did," the four-time NBA champion said during Tuesday’s pregame show on TNT.

"As American people we do a lot of business in China. And they know and understand our values, and we understand their values," O’Neal said. "One of our best values here in America is free speech. We’re allowed to say what we want to say and we are allowed to speak up about injustices, and that’s just how it goes. If people don’t understand that, that’s something they have to deal with."

O’Neal’s defense of Morey distinguishes him from other basketball stars who have spoken out about the controversy. Superstar LeBron James said Morey was "misinformed" on the issue, and said he thought Morey was "not really educated on the situation" when Morey sent a tweet supporting pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.

O’Neal said that despite an "unfortunate" situation, he believed Morey was right to speak out.

"I just thought it was unfortunate for both parties, and then you’ve got people speaking when they don’t know what they’re talking about," he said. "But Daryl Morey was right."

"When it comes to business, sometimes you have to tiptoe around things," O’Neal continued. "Again, they understand our values and we understand their values. Here, we have the right to speak. Especially with social media, we’re going to say whatever we want to say when we want to say it."

The NBA has been embroiled in controversy since Morey sent a tweet with the slogan, "Fight for Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong" on Oct. 4. Morey was referring to the ongoing protests in Hong Kong that have become a source of conflict between the NBA and China.

Chinese state television did not air the opening night of NBA games this week, despite commissioner Adam Silver’s efforts to keep the league connected to the Chinese markets.

"I’m hoping that as two weeks have now gone by, and there seem to be further signals of de-escalation, that we can begin renewing those relationships," Silver told the Wall Street Journal.

ESPN reported that players from the Brooklyn Nets and the Los Angeles Lakers held a "tense" meeting with Silver during which several players voiced discomfort with being put in the middle of the controversy.

The post Shaq Defends American Values, Stands Up For Free Speech appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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Imploding: Ratings for CBS News Anchor Norah O’Donnell Are Still Tanking

It’s been a long time since the executives at CBS News have had something to cheer about in the ratings, and that trend continues despite the replacement of the previous Evening News anchor Jeff Glor with female host Norah O’Donnell. In addition, the network is paying O’Donnell at least $7 million per year, much more than the $2 million Glor received during the 18 months he sat in the anchor chair.

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Breaking: Republicans Storm Closed Impeachment Proceeding

Republicans trying to “storm the SCIF” — Olivia Beavers (@Olivia_Beavers) October 23, 2019 According to Axios, they got in and the testimony was delayed. Via Daily Caller: House Republicans shut down a closed-door proceeding Wednesday by storming the room where lawmakers were questioning a defense department official involving the impeachment inquiry into President Donald […]

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Zogby Poll Shows Trump Taking Down 2020 Democrats Repeatedly – Best They Can Manage Is Warren Tying Him

President Donald Trump is down and out, at least if you listen to the establishment media. To hear the talking heads tell it, the president’s entire administration is unraveling, and he might as well resign right now to avoid impeachment or a bad 2020 loss.

But the actual voters may have something very different to say. Despite all the naysaying about Trump’s political future, there is currently a very good chance that he can win again next November, and poll results show far more in his favor than the left would like to admit.

On Monday, Zogby Analytics released a poll that showed Trump’s re-election chances when pitted against leading Democratic candidates. The polling group sampled close to 900 likely voters and asked them how they’d vote if the presidential election were held today.

The results are eye-opening. Despite the noise from liberals and the “Never Trump” crowd, the president came out of the poll with solid numbers, beating every Democratic challenger besides Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Even Warren only managed to tie Trump in the poll. Former Vice President Joe Biden, a fellow front-runner, had even lower numbers.

TRENDING: Supreme Court Will Look into Whether Watchdog Warren Helped Create Is Actually Constitutional

Forty-seven percent of likely voters said they’d choose Trump over the former vice president, while 45 percent sided with Biden. Eight percent said they were undecided.

The reason the president is trumping Biden, at least in this poll? It’s all about that base.

Zogby explained that Trump won his “normal base,” a group that includes men, white voters, union voters and southern voters, but that the president had also “tightened the race” with independents, suburban voters and Hispanics.

Pause for a moment. Those details are worth a second look, as they expose the deep problems within the Democratic party. For decades, liberals worked tirelessly to present themselves as the party of the blue-collar American worker — especially union members.

Do you think Trump will be re-elected in 2020?

100% (1 Votes)

0% (0 Votes)

Yet as these poll results show, Trump has swooped in and won the support of union workers, and by a wide margin. The Zogby poll revealed that among union voters, the president wins 62 percent compared to Biden’s paltry 32. That’s huge.

But Trump’s impressive numbers go even beyond his base. Even among demographics in which Biden or other Democrats have an advantage over the president, Trump is closing the gaps and doing far better than the media narrative would have you believe.

Take the Hispanic vote, for instance. We’re supposed to believe that all Latinos hate Trump, can’t stand his immigration policies and see him as a racist bigot. But the numbers tell a different story.

Yes, Biden wins among Hispanics in the recent poll, but only barely. Forty-seven percent of Hispanics said they’d vote for Uncle Joe, but Trump is only four points behind with 43 percent — and the margin of error on the poll is 3.3 percentage points.

What about that Trump-Warren tie? Here’s where it gets complicated.

RELATED: Journalist Group Launches Petty Campaign To Thwart Trump: Trademarking ‘Fake News’

“Of all the candidates, Warren is running the closest with President Trump at the moment,” the Zogby report said.

But for that match-up to actually happen in real life, Warren would, of course, need to win the Democratic nomination. She’s currently running behind Biden — who Zogby shows losing to Trump — in several national polls.

And if Warren is able to bump off Biden and accept the nomination this coming summer, she would almost certainly need to pivot away from her base and toward the center or have no hope of winning in November.

That might mean alienating some of the people who currently support her, such as voters under 30.

Of course, there’s some wisdom in not worrying too much about polls at all. As 2016 showed, the only poll that truly counts is held on election day.

The Zogby poll was one of the few that correctly predicted a tidal change toward Trump in the final months of the last presidential election. While some news outlets gave the political outsider a snowball’s chance in hell of defeating Hillary Clinton, Zogby was one of the few groups brave enough to say otherwise.

One thing is certain: Trump has proved his critics wrong over and over. It would be a mistake to discount him now, all the media jabbering notwithstanding.

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Sen. Grassley Suspects Months and Months of Delays in IG Report Means Deep State Is Going to “Deep Six” Report

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, expressed frustration Monday following the latest delay in the release of the DOJ’s inspector general’s report on FISA Court abuse against the Trump campaign.

Sen. Grassley: “All of the delays and excuses why the Horowitz IG FISA report isn’t public yet after several months of anticipation of its issues leads me to the suspicion it’s going to be ‘deep six’ [sic] by the deep state,” Grassley wrote on Twitter.

The IG report was pushed back to last week but was not released.
And now there is no word on whether it will be released this week after last week’s delay.

Grassley suspects the Deep State may discard the findings and the public may never see the criminal activity taken by the Obama administration against the Trump campaign in 2016.

The Daily Signal reported on the recent delays.

The Office of Inspector General report was initially expected to be released in June, but has been steadily delayed amid new developments, including an interview that same month with Steele.

Horowitz told several congressional committees on June 25 that the investigation was nearing completion. He submitted the report to the Justice Department and FBI for a declassification review on Sept. 13.

Fox News reported in October that disagreements between the FBI and Justice Department about redactions in the report have delayed the release of the document.

Grassley has been one of only a handful of Senate Republicans to push for answers from the FBI and Justice Department about the Steele dossier and other surveillance against the Trump campaign. He was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee until earlier this year, when he took over as head of the Senate Finance Committee.

The post Sen. Grassley Suspects Months and Months of Delays in IG Report Means Deep State Is Going to “Deep Six” Report appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Voting Is a Complex Calculus

This past weekend, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders before a rally in Queens.  One couldn’t help thinking: How racist and sexist of her to endorse an old white guy to be the Democratic nominee.  As per the left’s woke philosophy, AOC should have endorsed, in sisterly solidarity, the female frontrunner Elizabeth Warren, or gone with the African-American female, Kamala Harris, or the African-American male, Corey Booker.

Outside the realm of woke philosophy, the above is all ridiculous, of course.  One likes and votes for a candidate based on a number of factors which don’t usually have to do with gender and race, and Sandy O obviously endorsed Sanders because she considers him a true democratic socialist.

But the left doesn’t understand that, or pretends not to, when it comes to voters and voting.  In 2016, you were somehow a traitor to your gender if you were a female Democrat and couldn’t stand Hillary Clinton, or favored Bernie Sanders over Hillary.  Remember Madeleine Albright scolding female voters in 2016 that “there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.”

For many of us female Democrats (I was one in 2016, but no longer), you couldn’t have paid us to vote for Hillary because we (correctly) viewed her as dishonest and corrupt.  And it was galling to hear mainstream media elites trying to shame us into voting for their favored establishment candidate.

The reality is that voting is a complex calculus, and voters come at it from a hundred different angles.  Take Joe Biden’s frontrunner status in the Democratic race for several months, for instance.   There are a dozen reasons why Biden shouldn’t be the Democratic frontrunner to today’s hyper-woke left:  he is a white male, a much older one to boot, and one seemingly stuck in the past.  Plus, he has undeniably lost a step and often has memory-and-cognition lapses that are only politely called “gaffes.”  Yet, many Democratic primary voters, especially African-American voters, are sticking with him, no matter what.

Again, the reasons for that are all over the place:  Biden is a known entity to many older voters; he is perceived to be electable; most importantly, he is the moderate, centrist candidate against candidates that’ve veered into far-left, crazy territory on many issues.

To paraphrase another noted political figure, until fairly recently it seemed Joe Biden could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and still be the frontrunner in the Democratic race.  That has changed as the race progressed, of course.

The idea that voting choices often have complex underpinnings especially needs to be said in the context of Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory.  The left and the mainstream media painted the victory in only one possible way: as a bevy of deplorables — racists, sexists, bigots, nativists, white nationalists — voting for the supposedly racist Trump who pushed supposedly racist policies.  

Never mind that Trump won 29 percent of the Latino vote, and roughly 29 percent of Asian-American votes.  Were these voters racist and white nationalist too for voting for Trump?  

And let’s not forget the left’s continued tarring of evangelical voters for voting for Trump.  As per their flawed logic, voters can only vote for a candidate who perfectly aligns with their values and lifestyle.

By all accounts, the left and the media are doing it again in advance of the 2020 race: attacking and painting Trump supporters or anyone thinking of voting for him as “racist.”

But the thing about attacking too much and too often is that the attacks lose their power and become white noise. 

Meanwhile, the left, and especially media elites need to understand some truths about voting choices and methods:  When it comes to voting, the heart wants what it wants.  Voters are a savvy bunch — they may not have gone to Ivy League colleges, but in the game of life they’ve been around the block a few times and can size up a presidential candidate pretty efficiently, no matter how much the nattering nabobs in the media try to push this or that establishment candidate.

And especially in 2019, voters have become savvier still.  They may not even go for a conventional, charismatic candidate if he/she is seen to be favored by wealthy donors and media elites.

The reality is that presidential candidates have to work harder than ever to earn voters’ liking and trust.  The days of the media building up and pushing a candidate on voters is over. Race, gender, and other superficial check-your-box preferences have never worked and never will.

Saritha Prabhu is a freelance writer

This past weekend, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders before a rally in Queens.  One couldn’t help thinking: How racist and sexist of her to endorse an old white guy to be the Democratic nominee.  As per the left’s woke philosophy, AOC should have endorsed, in sisterly solidarity, the female frontrunner Elizabeth Warren, or gone with the African-American female, Kamala Harris, or the African-American male, Corey Booker.

Outside the realm of woke philosophy, the above is all ridiculous, of course.  One likes and votes for a candidate based on a number of factors which don’t usually have to do with gender and race, and Sandy O obviously endorsed Sanders because she considers him a true democratic socialist.

But the left doesn’t understand that, or pretends not to, when it comes to voters and voting.  In 2016, you were somehow a traitor to your gender if you were a female Democrat and couldn’t stand Hillary Clinton, or favored Bernie Sanders over Hillary.  Remember Madeleine Albright scolding female voters in 2016 that “there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other.”

For many of us female Democrats (I was one in 2016, but no longer), you couldn’t have paid us to vote for Hillary because we (correctly) viewed her as dishonest and corrupt.  And it was galling to hear mainstream media elites trying to shame us into voting for their favored establishment candidate.

The reality is that voting is a complex calculus, and voters come at it from a hundred different angles.  Take Joe Biden’s frontrunner status in the Democratic race for several months, for instance.   There are a dozen reasons why Biden shouldn’t be the Democratic frontrunner to today’s hyper-woke left:  he is a white male, a much older one to boot, and one seemingly stuck in the past.  Plus, he has undeniably lost a step and often has memory-and-cognition lapses that are only politely called “gaffes.”  Yet, many Democratic primary voters, especially African-American voters, are sticking with him, no matter what.

Again, the reasons for that are all over the place:  Biden is a known entity to many older voters; he is perceived to be electable; most importantly, he is the moderate, centrist candidate against candidates that’ve veered into far-left, crazy territory on many issues.

To paraphrase another noted political figure, until fairly recently it seemed Joe Biden could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and still be the frontrunner in the Democratic race.  That has changed as the race progressed, of course.

The idea that voting choices often have complex underpinnings especially needs to be said in the context of Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory.  The left and the mainstream media painted the victory in only one possible way: as a bevy of deplorables — racists, sexists, bigots, nativists, white nationalists — voting for the supposedly racist Trump who pushed supposedly racist policies.  

Never mind that Trump won 29 percent of the Latino vote, and roughly 29 percent of Asian-American votes.  Were these voters racist and white nationalist too for voting for Trump?  

And let’s not forget the left’s continued tarring of evangelical voters for voting for Trump.  As per their flawed logic, voters can only vote for a candidate who perfectly aligns with their values and lifestyle.

By all accounts, the left and the media are doing it again in advance of the 2020 race: attacking and painting Trump supporters or anyone thinking of voting for him as “racist.”

But the thing about attacking too much and too often is that the attacks lose their power and become white noise. 

Meanwhile, the left, and especially media elites need to understand some truths about voting choices and methods:  When it comes to voting, the heart wants what it wants.  Voters are a savvy bunch — they may not have gone to Ivy League colleges, but in the game of life they’ve been around the block a few times and can size up a presidential candidate pretty efficiently, no matter how much the nattering nabobs in the media try to push this or that establishment candidate.

And especially in 2019, voters have become savvier still.  They may not even go for a conventional, charismatic candidate if he/she is seen to be favored by wealthy donors and media elites.

The reality is that presidential candidates have to work harder than ever to earn voters’ liking and trust.  The days of the media building up and pushing a candidate on voters is over. Race, gender, and other superficial check-your-box preferences have never worked and never will.

Saritha Prabhu is a freelance writer

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Becoming what we fear and hate

“We become what we hate” is an old yoga maxim. I would extend this expression to include fear, because it isn’t just hatred that drives certain actions, fear does as well. Fear and hate are two points on a continuum. It seems we hate what we fear, implying we must feel fear first. If one accepts that premise, we progress toward a paradox of opposites where we first become what we fear and then we become what we hate, a phenomenology in which it is part and parcel of the very nature of passionate conflict to turn one into his own enemy.

Supposed anti-fascist forces utilize fascist tactics in their fights. People decry others as Nazis while emulating Nazi methods. Corrupt politicians fight corruption with corrupt practices. People think the path to non-discrimination is through targeted discrimination and the most effective way to secure individual freedom is to initiate total control over the lives of every citizen.

One could deduce that this inversion of identities is facilitated by a loss of sense of propriety in the pursuit of a goal. That would seem to argue that the adoption of an “ends justifies the means” ideology that allows a person or group to believe that bad actions, even evil ones, are acceptable if the goal is achieved.

Propriety is that set of unwritten rules by which mutually understood limits are observed, limits which are necessary to the preservation of a society, the protection of a culture, a respect for, and awareness of, precedent and the maintenance of the institution of civil government.

In short, propriety is the process by which we each ask ourselves this question: “If just because we are not forbidden from doing a thing, should we do it?”

As Albert Camus noted, “’Everything is permitted’ does not mean that nothing is forbidden.”

When one observes the actions of the political right, one can see at least a modicum of respect for boundaries, a minimum attention to propriety. There is a respect for the constitutional “guardrails” Democrats profess exist (but only for their opposition) and a willingness to stay within those boundaries has been a “win” in a philosophical sense but a loss from a practical and political sense.

When one observes the actions of the contemporary Democratic Party toward an unexpected president (at least unexpected in their minds), one can see the evidence of the fear and the hatred — and the process by which they have sought (and continue to seek) his removal. In many ways, they have exhibited – and are exhibiting — characteristics far worse than those of which they accuse President Trump.

Nowhere is this more evident that Democrats have dispensed with propriety (and adopted the scorched earth principles of the end justifying the means), than in the phony “impeachment” process.

The evidence is legion that Democrats have finally become that which they profess to hate.

“We become what we hate” is an old yoga maxim. I would extend this expression to include fear, because it isn’t just hatred that drives certain actions, fear does as well. Fear and hate are two points on a continuum. It seems we hate what we fear, implying we must feel fear first. If one accepts that premise, we progress toward a paradox of opposites where we first become what we fear and then we become what we hate, a phenomenology in which it is part and parcel of the very nature of passionate conflict to turn one into his own enemy.

Supposed anti-fascist forces utilize fascist tactics in their fights. People decry others as Nazis while emulating Nazi methods. Corrupt politicians fight corruption with corrupt practices. People think the path to non-discrimination is through targeted discrimination and the most effective way to secure individual freedom is to initiate total control over the lives of every citizen.

One could deduce that this inversion of identities is facilitated by a loss of sense of propriety in the pursuit of a goal. That would seem to argue that the adoption of an “ends justifies the means” ideology that allows a person or group to believe that bad actions, even evil ones, are acceptable if the goal is achieved.

Propriety is that set of unwritten rules by which mutually understood limits are observed, limits which are necessary to the preservation of a society, the protection of a culture, a respect for, and awareness of, precedent and the maintenance of the institution of civil government.

In short, propriety is the process by which we each ask ourselves this question: “If just because we are not forbidden from doing a thing, should we do it?”

As Albert Camus noted, “’Everything is permitted’ does not mean that nothing is forbidden.”

When one observes the actions of the political right, one can see at least a modicum of respect for boundaries, a minimum attention to propriety. There is a respect for the constitutional “guardrails” Democrats profess exist (but only for their opposition) and a willingness to stay within those boundaries has been a “win” in a philosophical sense but a loss from a practical and political sense.

When one observes the actions of the contemporary Democratic Party toward an unexpected president (at least unexpected in their minds), one can see the evidence of the fear and the hatred — and the process by which they have sought (and continue to seek) his removal. In many ways, they have exhibited – and are exhibiting — characteristics far worse than those of which they accuse President Trump.

Nowhere is this more evident that Democrats have dispensed with propriety (and adopted the scorched earth principles of the end justifying the means), than in the phony “impeachment” process.

The evidence is legion that Democrats have finally become that which they profess to hate.

via American Thinker Blog

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Is there a failing state south of the border?

Want to make a Mexican in Mexico very angry?  Look at him and call Mexico a “failed state.”

To be fair, Mexico is not Beirut or Medellin in the 1980s. Go down to any major Mexican city and you see people going to work or dining on Saturday night or attending a birthday party.

It looks normal but is not really normal.  Mexico has very serious problems, as we see in this article by John Daniel Davidson:   

Last Thursday in the city of Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa state, a battle erupted between government forces and drug cartel gunmen after the Mexican military captured two sons of jailed drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. 

The elder son, Ivan, was quickly freed by his men, who overpowered government forces and secured his release. 

Ivan then launched an all-out siege of the entire city in an effort to free his younger brother, Ovidio.

And the bad guys got their way!

In public, Mexicans get angry when you say “failed state.”  In private, they will tell you that they don’t really know who runs Sinaloa.  

As a Mexican friend said:  “Did the government just lose Sinaloa to the cartels”?

No, Sinaloa is still part of Mexico, but the cartels demonstrated two things:

First, they have weapons and people who know how to use them.  How much longer before the cartels have their own fighter jets and bomb government locations?  I don’t know, but there are fighter jets for sale in the black market.  

Second, the Lopez-Obrador adminstration needs to realize that the U.S.-Mexico border is a national security threat.  How did those weapons get to Mexico?  And what about the dollars financing their operations?   There is a big hole on the border and the cartels own it!

Maybe someone will ask the Democrats about Mexico in their next debate.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Want to make a Mexican in Mexico very angry?  Look at him and call Mexico a “failed state.”

To be fair, Mexico is not Beirut or Medellin in the 1980s. Go down to any major Mexican city and you see people going to work or dining on Saturday night or attending a birthday party.

It looks normal but is not really normal.  Mexico has very serious problems, as we see in this article by John Daniel Davidson:   

Last Thursday in the city of Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa state, a battle erupted between government forces and drug cartel gunmen after the Mexican military captured two sons of jailed drug kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. 

The elder son, Ivan, was quickly freed by his men, who overpowered government forces and secured his release. 

Ivan then launched an all-out siege of the entire city in an effort to free his younger brother, Ovidio.

And the bad guys got their way!

In public, Mexicans get angry when you say “failed state.”  In private, they will tell you that they don’t really know who runs Sinaloa.  

As a Mexican friend said:  “Did the government just lose Sinaloa to the cartels”?

No, Sinaloa is still part of Mexico, but the cartels demonstrated two things:

First, they have weapons and people who know how to use them.  How much longer before the cartels have their own fighter jets and bomb government locations?  I don’t know, but there are fighter jets for sale in the black market.  

Second, the Lopez-Obrador adminstration needs to realize that the U.S.-Mexico border is a national security threat.  How did those weapons get to Mexico?  And what about the dollars financing their operations?   There is a big hole on the border and the cartels own it!

Maybe someone will ask the Democrats about Mexico in their next debate.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

via American Thinker Blog

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