Dems form lynch mob, the GOP holds the rope

The usual suspects are indignant, indignant I tell you, about the fact that President Trump used the term “lynching” in one of his tweets:

Donald J. Trump


So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here – a lynching. But we will WIN!

7:52 AM – Oct 22, 2019

The accustomed media and left-of-center figures immediately began howling and caterwauling. This is unsurprising. If Trump stated, “The Democrats are pouring me a cup of tea,” we could anticipate the same St. Vitus’ dance of gibbering and hysteria and we would not be disappointed.

What is dismaying is the number of Republicans crawling onto this particular bandwagon.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, “I don’t agree with that language.”

In the Senate, John Thune turned to the classic weasel term “inappropriate.”

Adam Kinzinger, a GOP congressman evidently out to be primaried tweeted, “…never should we use terms like ‘lynching’ here. The painful scourge in our history has no comparison to politics, and @realDonaldTrump should retract this immediately.”

The basis of the complaint, it seems is that “lynching,” like “slavery,” “suffering,” and “racism,” is a word reserved only for blacks, and can only be used by them or on their terms. This is scarcely an exaggeration – there are people in this country who believe that blacks are the only people who ever suffered under slavery.

The case with “lynching” is similar. Lynching, it is claimed, was reserved only for blacks, and was never suffered by whites.

This is asinine.

Crusading journalist Ida B. Wells focused for many years on exposing lynching. She carefully recorded the number of lynchings in the South and her findings, while refined over the years, have never been challenged. There were 4,743 lynchings all told. While 3,446 were black, 1,297, over a quarter, were white. The Klan and similar trash were not necessarily picky about who they strung up. It is also quite likely that some of the whites who were hanged were too friendly or supportive of them-there colored, a fact that has undoubtedly failed to occur to today’s commentators.

It’s also fair to point out that every last lyncher, every last Klan member, every last member of a Southern mob in all these instances without exception was a Democrat. Things have not changed much.

Lynching was also commonly practiced on the frontier. It was the major enforcement tool against rustlers during the great cattle drive era of the 1870s-1880s. If anything, it was more widespread and accepted than in the South. Not to mention more virulent: one posse operating on the Platte hanged 35 men in a matter of days.

(A few years ago a black couple were outraged to spot a noose hanging in a steakhouse operating on a cattle-drive theme. While probably a less than wise decorating choice – would you want to tuck into a steak underneath a noose? – it was clearly a reference to the fate of rustlers, a fact completely missed by the complaining couple, who were absolutely sure that it was directed at blacks. It seems that they knew nothing of the cattle drives, another piece of history lost to PC.)

Trump, of course, is not the only Republican to have referred to lynching. A legendary instance occurred when Justice Clarence Thomas was accused of being a sex maniac by the same institutions that are today attacking Trump. He termed the mob action a “high-tech lynching,” which effectively brought the campaign o a close.

What is being done to Trump fits the definition of a lynching to a tee: a mob attempt to traduce the law by victimizing an innocent individual through extralegal means. This is clearly what Pelosi and Schiff are up to — they don’t dare attempt a legal impeachment, and so are trying to goad the media and their fellow pols into a mob action. It’s shameful that there are Republicans willing to oblige.

As for the Democrats, we will simply share an ancient piece of Southern wisdom handed down the generations: “Ain’t never been a lynch town amounted to nothin’.”

We’ll find the same is true of political parties.

The usual suspects are indignant, indignant I tell you, about the fact that President Trump used the term “lynching” in one of his tweets:

Donald J. Trump


So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights. All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here – a lynching. But we will WIN!

7:52 AM – Oct 22, 2019

The accustomed media and left-of-center figures immediately began howling and caterwauling. This is unsurprising. If Trump stated, “The Democrats are pouring me a cup of tea,” we could anticipate the same St. Vitus’ dance of gibbering and hysteria and we would not be disappointed.

What is dismaying is the number of Republicans crawling onto this particular bandwagon.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, “I don’t agree with that language.”

In the Senate, John Thune turned to the classic weasel term “inappropriate.”

Adam Kinzinger, a GOP congressman evidently out to be primaried tweeted, “…never should we use terms like ‘lynching’ here. The painful scourge in our history has no comparison to politics, and @realDonaldTrump should retract this immediately.”

The basis of the complaint, it seems is that “lynching,” like “slavery,” “suffering,” and “racism,” is a word reserved only for blacks, and can only be used by them or on their terms. This is scarcely an exaggeration – there are people in this country who believe that blacks are the only people who ever suffered under slavery.

The case with “lynching” is similar. Lynching, it is claimed, was reserved only for blacks, and was never suffered by whites.

This is asinine.

Crusading journalist Ida B. Wells focused for many years on exposing lynching. She carefully recorded the number of lynchings in the South and her findings, while refined over the years, have never been challenged. There were 4,743 lynchings all told. While 3,446 were black, 1,297, over a quarter, were white. The Klan and similar trash were not necessarily picky about who they strung up. It is also quite likely that some of the whites who were hanged were too friendly or supportive of them-there colored, a fact that has undoubtedly failed to occur to today’s commentators.

It’s also fair to point out that every last lyncher, every last Klan member, every last member of a Southern mob in all these instances without exception was a Democrat. Things have not changed much.

Lynching was also commonly practiced on the frontier. It was the major enforcement tool against rustlers during the great cattle drive era of the 1870s-1880s. If anything, it was more widespread and accepted than in the South. Not to mention more virulent: one posse operating on the Platte hanged 35 men in a matter of days.

(A few years ago a black couple were outraged to spot a noose hanging in a steakhouse operating on a cattle-drive theme. While probably a less than wise decorating choice – would you want to tuck into a steak underneath a noose? – it was clearly a reference to the fate of rustlers, a fact completely missed by the complaining couple, who were absolutely sure that it was directed at blacks. It seems that they knew nothing of the cattle drives, another piece of history lost to PC.)

Trump, of course, is not the only Republican to have referred to lynching. A legendary instance occurred when Justice Clarence Thomas was accused of being a sex maniac by the same institutions that are today attacking Trump. He termed the mob action a “high-tech lynching,” which effectively brought the campaign o a close.

What is being done to Trump fits the definition of a lynching to a tee: a mob attempt to traduce the law by victimizing an innocent individual through extralegal means. This is clearly what Pelosi and Schiff are up to — they don’t dare attempt a legal impeachment, and so are trying to goad the media and their fellow pols into a mob action. It’s shameful that there are Republicans willing to oblige.

As for the Democrats, we will simply share an ancient piece of Southern wisdom handed down the generations: “Ain’t never been a lynch town amounted to nothin’.”

We’ll find the same is true of political parties.

via American Thinker Blog

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Levin destroys Democrats’ hypocritical hysteria over Trump’s ‘lynching’ comment

Tuesday night on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin addressed the controversy ginned up by Democrats in response to President Donald Trump’s description of his impeachment as a “lynching.”

After using the term in a tweet on Tuesday morning, Trump came under fire from Democrats who took issue with the president using a term that invoked such a dark chapter in America’s racial history.

However, Levin pointed out on his program, “When Bill Clinton was facing impeachment, a number of Democrats went to the microphones on the floor of the House and said that Bill Clinton was facing a lynching.”

Levin played audio from the House floor of three Democrats and read a news report of now-House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., using the term.

“This is a pseudo-event — a non-event — which the Democrats and the media and the media and the Democrats, once and the same, are using yet again to attack the president of the United States and try and drive down his popularity, to try and create a caricature of the man, that he’s a racist,” Levin said. “When in fact that word has been used and was used repeatedly during the Clinton impeachment period.”

“This is how the media and Democrat mob mentality work,” the host concluded.

After the segment, video surfaced of current Democratic presidential candidate and then-Senator Joe Biden using the same word to describe Clinton’s impeachment.


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Latest Project Veritas Video Expose on CNN

MeTooCNN Video Exposes Alleged Sexual Misconduct by CNN Exec and Possible Cover-Up by Senior CNN Management

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) Last week, Project Veritas began releasing #ExposeCNN videos showing bias against the President, certain Democratic Presidential candidates, as well as the dissatisfaction of several longtime employees with the network’s current state.

Today, we are releasing Part IV exposing CNN’s attitude towards sexual harassment and assault allegedly happening within the network.—More…

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President Trump Cheers News of Peace Deal with Safe Zone Negotiated on Syrian Border with Turkey

It looks like the critics were wrong once again.
The Syria withdrawal was supposed to be Trump’s Vietnam, his ISIS nightmare, a genocidal bloodbath.

But then a peace deal was announced on Tuesday.

President Trump cheered the news on Wednesday morning after a peace deal was announced.

Almasdar News reported:

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan reached an agreement on Tuesday to hold joint patrols along the Syrian-Turkish border region.

These patrols, which will focus on the region between Jarabulus and Al-Malikiyah, will allow the Turkish military to enter as far as 10-kilometers-deep into the proposed demilitarized zone along this border area.

At the same time, the 10-km-deep demilitarized zone will also allow for the Syrian border guards and Russian military police to conduct their own patrols within this vast region that stretches from Aleppo to Al-Hasakah.

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MUST READ: Lying Adam Schiff and His CIA ‘Whistleblower’ Are Likely Guilty of Conspiracy and Treason Under Espionage Act For Spying on President Trump!

Ole’ Lying Shifty Schiff may have himself in a real pickle now.  If his CIA ‘whistleblower’ is outed and if he was spying on President on behalf of Schiff, then they both could be held accountable for conspiracy and treason under the Espionage Act.

Chanel Rion on OAN had an excellent piece on suspected CIA ‘whistleblower’ and leaker Eric Ciaramella and Shifty Schiff.  Both could be guilty of ‘seditious conspiracy to overthrow a sitting President’, the penalty for which is not good –

Here’s what we reported two weeks ago on October 10th about about the ‘whistleblower’ (aka CIA Spy in the White House) at the center of Schiff’s hoax –

1. He is dishonest – He made a claim that was false and is working with the most dishonest person in US political history, Adam Schiff. You are who you run with.

2. He is anti- Trump – He must be. The man must hate the President so much in order to make false claims about the President and risk his own name in the process. He must seethe with rage when thinking about President Trump. Unfortunately his rage got the best of him. He must have worked for Obama.

3. He worked or works for the CIA – In a series of posts we have reported and the media as a whole has reported that the so-called ‘whistleblower’ is a current or former employee of the CIA.

4. He worked in the White House – This snitch reportedly had a position in the White House.

5. He has connections with a 2020 Presidential campaign – We heard this a few days ago.

6. He worked with Biden when Biden was a VP – We reported this last night.

The Washington Examiner reported:

The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a “professional” tie to is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials.

Lawyers for the whistleblower said he had worked only “in the executive branch.” The Washington Examiner has established that he is a career CIA analyst who was detailed to the National Security Council at the White House and has since left. On Sept. 26, the New York Times reported that he was a CIA officer. On Oct. 4, the newspaper added that he “was detailed to the National Security Council at one point.”

Michael Atkinson, the Intelligence Community’s inspector general, told members of Congress that the whistleblower had a “professional tie” to a 2020 Democratic candidate. He had written earlier that while the whistleblower’s complaint was credible, he had shown “some indicia of an arguable political bias … in favor of a rival political candidate.”

A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner, “From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president.”

7. He reportly fears for his safety – Scott Pelly on 60 Minutes’ reportedly claimed that the whistleblower feared for his or her safety.

We have identified some connections to Adam Schiff’s fake Ukrainian hoax and they lead back to Obama’s NSC.

In a hit piece on conservatives Yahoo repeated that Mike Cernovich targeted an individual who worked for former National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster, claiming the individual wanted to ‘sabotage’ President Trump and also claiming he is ‘pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia’.

Funny, when you click on the name ‘Eric Ciaramella’ in the post above, you get this –

Cernovich reported in June, 2017, that McMaster promoted Ciaramella in spite of being connected to Susan Rice in Obama’s White House –

West Wing officials confirmed to Cernovich Media that Eric Ciaramella, who worked closely with Susan Rice while at NSC, was recently promoted to be H.R. McMaster’s personal aide. Ciaramella will have unfettered access to McMaster’s conversations with foreign leaders.

(Yesterday Ciaramella’s old boss, McMaster, was in the news siding with the whistleblower.)

Politico shared this about Ciaramella, in a hit piece claiming Trump supporters in the White House claimed people like Ciaramella were ‘deep state’ – they may have been right – [emphasis added below]

Trump political appointees were believed to frequently talk to journalists who worked for conservative media outlets. For months, those outlets published names of career Civil and Foreign Service officers in the NSC and other government agencies whose loyalties they deemed suspect. Career staffers who had joined the U.S. government many years, sometimes decades, earlier were suddenly cast as Obama loyalists determined to derail Trump’s agenda as part of a “deep state.” The people targeted included a State Department civil servant of Iranian descent who’d joined government under the George W. Bush administration; a highly respected Foreign Service officer who dealt with Israeli issues; and an NSC staffer who dealt with European and Russian issues. The latter, Eric Ciaramella, reportedly left the NSC after receiving death threats. Another staffer targeted by conservative outlets was Fernando Cutz, a Latin America expert and top aide to McMaster; at one point he had to temporarily get police protection. (Cutz was maligned by conservative websites in part because he earned a master’s degree from the University of Arkansas’ Clinton School of Public Service, thus supposedly linking him to another Democratic president.)

Also, others have noted Ciaramella was Obama’s NSC Director for the Ukraine. This connects him and his team at the NSC to Joe Biden. Biden was Obama’s lead in the Ukraine so it’s implausible that Ciararmella and his team were not connected to Biden. Schiff’s leakers are connected to Biden also.

According to Politico Ciaramello quit the NSC in the past couple of years and returned to his ‘home agency’ –

And, we also know that Ciaramella attended a dinner in DC with James Clapper, James Comey, Italy’s former Prime Minister Renzi who is connected to Obama and the Russia Collusion hoax, John Kerry and others. Were the origins of the Schiff hoax concocted at this meeting –

There are many connections to the Deep State’s actions in the Ukraine and Obama during his tenure. The picture below shows numerous individuals connected to Obama and the Ukraine. Charles Kupchan is identified below (see more on him here) and he has been suspected of being connected to the whistleblower as well.  He was reportedly Ciaramella’s boss for a time –

Kupchan is personal friends with Hillary’s ‘fixer’ Sid (Vicious) Blumenthal, per Blumenthal’s own words in an email released by WikiLeaks –

It really looks like Shifty Schiff and his alleged whistleblower and their fellow gangsters may be in trouble – really big trouble.  They should be – based on their lies and efforts to impeach the President to date.

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Kangaroo court, jackrabbit impeachment

Peggy Noonan’s piece on the impeachment needle moving against President Trump is still drawing a lot of criticism for her claim that “of course” Trump will be impeached and public sentiment is turning against him.

I was a bit less angry about it than most, because, as I noted here, her forecast is highly conditional, premised on a very big ’if’ that the plan will only work if Democrats conduct impeachment in a fair manner, with open and honest proceedings.

They aren’t. Thus far, fairness is a nonstarter, and as word of the sneaky and rigged one-party impeachment by leaks process gets out, some polls show the negative public sentiment toward Trump is actually starting to dissipate. The needle is starting to move the other way, actually.

Democrats don’t have a case againt Trump, and never did, any more than they had a magic bullet against Trump with the Mueller investigation.

One thing leaps out, rabbity-like: The speed with which their impeachment hearing is being conducted. They don’t have any real ‘crime’ here yet they’re desperate to prove one anyway.

Axios yesterday an excellent chart showing how quickly the impeachment process is moving against Trump compared to other presidents. I didn’t have time to ask them for permission to use the chart, so click on to their site to see how stunning the timelines are. They report:

For Richard Nixon, it was 599 days for the inquiry.

For Bill Clinton, it was 260 days.

For Trump, well, Trump got 11 days.

Which firstly shows that embittered Democrats still fuming about 2016 have been like dry tinder, rushing to judgment in their quest to overturn the 2016 election.

But it’s not just their rage fueling this micro-timeline unconcerned with getting all the facts, either.

The Federalist had an excellent report out by David Marcus pointing out that they were proceding at breakneck speed because of political concerns – they’re terrified a delayed impeachment trial will interfere with their Iowa caucus prospects. Take a look:

According to multiple news outlets on Monday, House Democrats have conceded that they are very unlikely to conclude their impeachment inquiry and vote on articles by Thanksgiving, their original preferred timeline. They cited scheduling difficulties and new evidence of potential wrong doing by the White House as main reasons for the delay.

Democrats now say that they hope to be ready for a vote by Christmas, but waiting that long to resolve the matter in the House and send it over to the Senate is rife with problems, which was why Democrats wanted it to be wrapped up by Thanksgiving in the first place. If articles of impeachment were passed near Christmas, the Senate would be unable to begin a trial until inside of one month before the Iowa caucus on Feb, 3rd.

With 5 of the top Democratic contenders serving currently in the Senate, an impeachment trial could badly gum up the works in the Democratic primary.

According to the New York Times, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries addressed the delay by saying, “Just the facts, baby. If we tell that story with simplicity and repetition, the American people will understand why the president must be held accountable. If we don’t then there is great uncertainty, and in that vacuum Donald Trump may find himself escaping accountability again.”

So this explains the breakneck speed of the impeachment operation, which isn’t bothering with niceties such as getting facts straight. They’re holding the inquiry in secret, Soviet-style, and they’re their getting “narrative” out by leaks and repetition, shutting off all fact-finding in favor of the demented but politically useful ”narrative.”

Is this a fair impeachment? Not one factor here suggests it is. 


Peggy Noonan’s piece on the impeachment needle moving against President Trump is still drawing a lot of criticism for her claim that “of course” Trump will be impeached and public sentiment is turning against him.

I was a bit less angry about it than most, because, as I noted here, her forecast is highly conditional, premised on a very big ’if’ that the plan will only work if Democrats conduct impeachment in a fair manner, with open and honest proceedings.

They aren’t. Thus far, fairness is a nonstarter, and as word of the sneaky and rigged one-party impeachment by leaks process gets out, some polls show the negative public sentiment toward Trump is actually starting to dissipate. The needle is starting to move the other way, actually.

Democrats don’t have a case againt Trump, and never did, any more than they had a magic bullet against Trump with the Mueller investigation.

One thing leaps out, rabbity-like: The speed with which their impeachment hearing is being conducted. They don’t have any real ‘crime’ here yet they’re desperate to prove one anyway.

Axios yesterday an excellent chart showing how quickly the impeachment process is moving against Trump compared to other presidents. I didn’t have time to ask them for permission to use the chart, so click on to their site to see how stunning the timelines are. They report:

For Richard Nixon, it was 599 days for the inquiry.

For Bill Clinton, it was 260 days.

For Trump, well, Trump got 11 days.

Which firstly shows that embittered Democrats still fuming about 2016 have been like dry tinder, rushing to judgment in their quest to overturn the 2016 election.

But it’s not just their rage fueling this micro-timeline unconcerned with getting all the facts, either.

The Federalist had an excellent report out by David Marcus pointing out that they were proceding at breakneck speed because of political concerns – they’re terrified a delayed impeachment trial will interfere with their Iowa caucus prospects. Take a look:

According to multiple news outlets on Monday, House Democrats have conceded that they are very unlikely to conclude their impeachment inquiry and vote on articles by Thanksgiving, their original preferred timeline. They cited scheduling difficulties and new evidence of potential wrong doing by the White House as main reasons for the delay.

Democrats now say that they hope to be ready for a vote by Christmas, but waiting that long to resolve the matter in the House and send it over to the Senate is rife with problems, which was why Democrats wanted it to be wrapped up by Thanksgiving in the first place. If articles of impeachment were passed near Christmas, the Senate would be unable to begin a trial until inside of one month before the Iowa caucus on Feb, 3rd.

With 5 of the top Democratic contenders serving currently in the Senate, an impeachment trial could badly gum up the works in the Democratic primary.

According to the New York Times, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries addressed the delay by saying, “Just the facts, baby. If we tell that story with simplicity and repetition, the American people will understand why the president must be held accountable. If we don’t then there is great uncertainty, and in that vacuum Donald Trump may find himself escaping accountability again.”

So this explains the breakneck speed of the impeachment operation, which isn’t bothering with niceties such as getting facts straight. They’re holding the inquiry in secret, Soviet-style, and they’re their getting “narrative” out by leaks and repetition, shutting off all fact-finding in favor of the demented but politically useful ”narrative.”

Is this a fair impeachment? Not one factor here suggests it is. 


via American Thinker Blog

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Report: Is Deep State Attempting to Run Out the Clock on IG Report?

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, expressed frustration Monday following the latest delay in the release of the DOJ’s inspector general’s report on FISA Court abuse against the Trump campaign.

Sen. Grassley: “All of the delays and excuses why the Horowitz IG FISA report isn’t public yet after several months of anticipation of its issues leads me to the suspicion it’s going to be ‘deep six’ [sic] by the deep state,” Grassley wrote on Twitter.

The IG report was pushed back to last week but was not released.
And now there is no word on whether it will be released this week after last week’s delay.

Grassley suspects the Deep State may discard the findings and the public may never see the criminal activity taken by the Obama administration against the Trump campaign in 2016.

Last week former Republican lawmaker Jason Chaffetz suggested the delay was due to intra-agency squabbling over the proposed redactions. Chaffetz added that he has not seen any evidence that FBI Director Wray has been cooperative in the investigation.

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry suggests this may be an attempt by the Deep State intelligence community to run out the clock.

If President Trump is impeached before the IG report is released we may never see it.

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Bed Bath & Beyond Pulls Black Jack-O’-Lanterns; NAACP Leader: ‘Blackface’

After a local news outlet drew attention to a pair of black pumpkins with eyes, nose and mouth painted in white at a law firm in Nyack, New York, and an NAACP leader declared black jack-o’-lanterns a form of “blackface,” national retail chain Bed Bath & Beyond pulled the product from shelves and its online store.

The controversy over the “blackface” jack-o’-lanterns all began with a report by Westchester’s News 12, which looked into some local “complaints” about a Halloween display in front a law firm in Nyack.

News 12’s reports shows that the two black pumpkins with white painted-on faces were perched on a hay bail on the front step of the firm along with a regular pumpkin.

Though jack-o’-lanterns have long come in all colors, including black, News 12 reports that the two black ones “upset some community members.”

“The reaction from some community members led the Feerick, Nugent, MacCartney Law Offices to take the pumpkins down less than 48 hours after setting them out on the porch,” the outlet reports. How many people complained is unclear.

The partners in the law firm stressed that they meant no harm in putting out the two Halloween decorations.

“We understand that someone complained about them, and so once we got word of that, we immediately took them down,” attorney Mary Marzolla told News 12.

“We represent people of all colors and faiths, and we would never do anything to exclude anyone from any community,” she said.

“It’s just nothing I take offense to personally, but since it did offend someone we took proactive steps to take it down,” said Marzolla’s associate Alak Shah.

But when News 12 asked the director of a local NAACP chapter about the decorations, he said they were a product of “extreme lack of sensitivity” and suggested that black jack-o’-lanterns were another form of “blackface.”

“By now I would believe everyone [would] know that anything in Black face is offensive,” said local NAACP Director Wilbur Aldridge.

In response to Marzolla and Shah pointing out that they had seen no complaints directed at Bed Bath & Beyond, where they purchased the two black jack-o’-lanterns, Aldridge said that a retail store having the item in its inventory is “equally as offensive” as the firm’s choice to display them.

When News 12 reached out for comment from Bed Bath & Beyond, the store apologized and “immediately” pulled the item.

“Bed Bath & Beyond apologized, saying that any offense was unintentional and that it ‘immediately removed’ the pumpkins from sale,” News 12 reports. “The store says it took action after News 12 reached out but would not say if it had received any other complaints.”

Controversies over “blackface” have been raging over the last year after a series of stories involving old photos of political figures wearing dark makeup.

The most infamous of the incidents involved Virginia’s Democratic Governor Ralph Northam, who came under fire after an Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook photo emerged allegedly showing Northam either wearing blackface or dressed as a member of the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan. Northam initially admitted to and apologized for being in the photo, but never confirmed which of the two people was him. He quickly recanted, however, and insisted that he was neither of the people in the photo.

A four-month investigation into the photo by the med school came up inconclusive. “No one we interviewed told us the governor was in the photograph, and no one could positively state who was in the photograph,” said the investigators hired by the school, as reported by The New York Times.

via The Daily Wire

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Hmm. Transgender Model Files Police Report After Being Denied Porn Job Due to Her P*nis

Transgender model Ria Cooper filed a police report after she was denied a role in a porn shoot due to her p*nis.

Ria has transitioned two or three times back and forth from man to woman.
She believes it is her right to be cast in a porn production. reported:

Police are investigating a complaint of an alleged ‘hate incident’ in which a transgender model was denied a job as a female porn star after the photographer discovered the model still had a penis.

Ria Cooper, who became the UK’s youngest transgender person aged 15 before later transitioning back to male age 18, and then to female again later, has accused the photographer of ‘transphobic behaviour’. Cooper said the incident could prevent a future career in the modelling industry.

According to claims reported by the Hull Daily Mail, after posting pictures on social media of a new glamour portfolio, a man reached out to Cooper. He claimed that he could advance her modelling career, and offered her money to have sex with him on camera.

When the man discovered that Ria had male sexual organs, he broke off contact, saying he would not work with her because she still had “a c**k”.

In a private message, the man reportedly said: “Why don’t you send one of yours, my friend just told me — sorry Playboy won’t accept that.”

Speaking to the local newspaper, Ria said: “I am reporting this as a hate crime. It’s like calling someone who is black the ‘N’ word. It doesn’t matter if I have c*** or not. The pictures should be judged as they are. It says on my social media profile that I am a ladyboy, I didn’t ever say that I wasn’t and I thought he knew.”

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States must end sex-change mutilations now

If either a child or an adult believes he or she is some sort of animal and desires the surgical removal of legs or arms, would any doctor even consider chopping off those limbs at the behest of the mentally ill patient? Why should it be any different for a request to castrate or mutilate from one who suffers from gender dysphoria?

The case of James Younger in Texas should finally answer this question for all of us. It’s time for conservatives to amputate the head of the sexual mutilation industry and make the performance of such castrations and mutilation operations illegal across the board.

On Monday, a jury in Texas (not California!) ruled that Jeffrey Younger, the father of a seven-year-old son whose mother wants to start the hormonal process to “transition” him to a “girl,” cannot receive custody of James, cannot do anything to prevent him from being treated like a girl, and cannot block the chemical castration. There is much debate over the courts, the custody battle, the degeneration of our society, and questions of a child’s mental understanding of the issues at that age. However, there is one question that comes before this entire debate, and if it were categorically answered, there would be no further debate. Why on earth is it legal for any hospital or medical practitioner to engage in such severe mutilation?

We can debate the merits of custody decisions when a certain parent, in this case the mother, Anne Georgulas, wants to treat the child in an abusive way, for example to cross-dress him. But to actually engage in castration, whether chemically or surgically, requires the use of medical services. In an industry that is regulated from head to toe – where so many experimental treatments for terminally ill patients with no other recourse are prohibited – how can there be no law against performing such amputations even for an adult, much less a child, even when both parents agree? What happened to the Hippocratic Oath?

Consider this insanity: 18 states and the District of Columbia have banned homosexual conversion therapy. This is nothing more than consenting adults desiring to undergo therapy where not a single part of the body is touched, much less immutably altered. Yet even in red states it is legal, and evidently now even required in some cases, to castrate someone.

The fact that every solid blue state has made the homosexual agenda the law of the land but red states do not ban the most gruesome mutilations demonstrates the perfidy of the Republican Party. This isn’t even about religion or social conservatism. One need not believe in God at all to understand what is wrong with amputating someone’s penis, no less than gratuitously amputating someone’s arm.

Republicans basically gave up the fight for our civilization a decade ago. They brainwashed people into thinking that a majority of the country already agrees with the Left and that resistance is futile. That simply is not true, and certainly not in a state like Texas. Yes, the one-sided onslaught has taken a toll on our society, but the majority of the country does not support castration. This is why Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin is believed to be surging in the polls after an outside group ran an ad hitting his Democrat opponent for supporting the gender-bender agenda.

Conservatives would be wise to pressure Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Governor Dan Patrick to convene a special session of the legislature and criminalize all non-medical removals of male or female genitalia. Other states where Republicans control the governorship and state legislature should be encouraged to do so as well. In addition, Senate Republicans, who seem to have nothing better to do with their time anyway, should pass legislation stripping the federal courts of jurisdiction to interfere with these state laws.

Many have long believed that social transformation through unbridled immigration and open borders is the biggest threat to our civilization. But if we are going to allow child sex change to stand in a state like Texas, then we have no civilization to preserve anyway. The problem is within.

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