How Trump Is Beating Activist Judges on Immigration

President Donald Trump was elected on a promise to secure the border, build the wall, and reform America’s immigration system. At every step, he’s faced opposition not only from Congress, but from federal judges striking down his policy initiatives.

In this special edition of The Daily Signal Podcast, Ken Cuccinelli, acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, says Trump is winning despite judicial activists opposing him from the bench. His interview begins at 32:30.

This episode was recorded at President’s Club, an annual gathering of Heritage Foundation supporters in Washington, D.C.

Kate Trinko: I’m joined from The Heritage Foundation’s President’s Club meeting by Ken Cuccinelli, acting director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Thanks for joining us.

Ken Cuccinelli: Good to be with you.

Trinko: You spoke about the courts getting in the way of President [Donald] Trump’s immigration policy. How are they doing that, and what can be done?

Cuccinelli: We have a lot of judges that by any reasonable measure are being activist judges. By that we mean they’re implementing their policy preferences in the form of court orders, instead of simply calling balls and strikes—we’re going to have the World Series here in Washington so we’ll go with baseball analogies—and being a neutral umpire.

The example I used today in talking to the President’s Club here was a judge in New York last week who imposed a national injunction on what’s called the public charge regulation, which is a rule that requires legal immigrants seeking to stay here permanently to be self-sufficient—[it] doesn’t count humanitarian categories like asylees and refugees, just regular legal immigrants have to be self-sufficient.

Well, the judge went on what amounts to a rant against the policy, which, by the way, is about 140 years old in American immigration law, and it goes all the way back to the 1600s. He’s complaining that this somehow undermines American traditions and, in fact, it’s completely consistent with American traditions. That’s just one example.

ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement], the interior enforcement arm of the Department of Homeland Security on the immigration front, implemented a regulation to deal with the Flores settlement. This is a case where one judge in California imposed a 20-day time limit on holding families with children in detention. This was back in 2015.

The Obama administration opposed the effort by this judge. The Trump administration opposes the effort by this judge. But the judge in their order also wrote [that] you can set regulations in place and do these things to make this qualify.

Well, we went ahead and did those, and what did she do? She imposed an injunction on the regulation that complied with her own court order.

Again, by any measure, an activist judge and an action by an activist judge imposing her policy preferences over those of the executive branch and the Congress. That’s a violation of separation of powers by a judge.

I can, unfortunately, go on and on with more examples. This president has suffered more national injunctions than all his predecessors combined, and that is not an anomaly. When these cases litigate out, we win them because we’re doing what the president told us to, and that is staying within the boundaries of the law. That tells you these judges aren’t doing that.

Trinko: How much of an impact would you say these decisions, by what you call activist judges, are having on the immigration policy that the Trump administration is trying to implement?

Cuccinelli: They’re definitely having a significant impact and yet we’re still succeeding because we just keep pressing ahead.

One thing anybody who’s observed this president knows is he’s relentless, and we reflect that in our work and the regulations and rules we’re putting in place that the law provides for. The problem is that as these judges impose more and more and more injunctions, they complicate the system terribly.

Congress has not provided the resources needed to fully implement the immigration system we’ve got, much less enforce the law properly. As you complicate the enforcement mechanism, the enforcement effort with all these new rules from new injunctions, it eats up more manpower, more resources that are all drawn from the law enforcement function, and that capacity is reduced.

We really have to push back on these judges. The president’s very determined about that. So there’s no problem in doing that, but it takes time. The courts are painfully slow.

We’re going to win these cases, but they’re essentially trying to buy time hoping this president doesn’t get reelected and that these policies will be done away with by a different administration.

Trinko: What has your agency been doing on interior enforcement regarding illegal immigration, and what changes have you made to E-Verify?

Cuccinelli: Well, certainly, as we like to say, it’s not your grandfather’s E-Verify. It’s been modernized substantially. And the data checks involved in it now are much more accurate and thorough.

We also offer simplicity paths, if you will. So you or I can go to our E-Verify website and you can self-certify. You can pre-certify yourself via E-Verify, so that when you go apply for another job, you know that it’s going to go straight through. Because in the past, there have been concerns with errors, frankly. I’ll apply for a job, I’ll get the job, they’ll run me through E-Verify, and a false negative, meaning a false flag, will come up.

Well, we’ve reduced those inaccurate results dramatically, and the self-certification allows me to go through the process on my own before I ever talk to an employer. If a problem arises, I can go zero-in on it and fix it before I ever get into that process.

There are a lot of changes we’ve made that have made it more efficient, more user-friendly, and frankly, less employer-dependent, which is what they want. They don’t want to be given another job. They just want to know they have a legal employee in front of them.

Trinko: Right. You also mentioned your agency has been trying to eradicate loopholes relating to asylum rules.

Cuccinelli: Right.

Trinko: Could you speak to that?

Cuccinelli: Yeah. This is, unfortunately, an effort that Congress should be doing that they’re not doing—perhaps one of many things they’re not doing. But this is a big one, and it’s one where there is some overlap between the Obama and Trump administrations.

The two first loopholes on our list are shared historically by the Trump administration closing the Flores loophole, which was that lawsuit we talked about about the detention of families to keep them together. The other is to close the loophole related to the trafficking of children from countries south of Mexico or even from other parts of the world.

Again, the Obama administration and the Trump administration have both urged Congress to close that loophole, and they refused to do it. So we see children used as tickets at the southern border to kind of break through our system.

Unfortunately, with the activist judges, they let them do that and it tends to overwhelm the system. That’s the goal on the part of the illegals and, by the way, the drug cartels, who benefit tremendously when the system is overwhelmed.

Trinko: New York City recently made it so that you could be fined up to $250,000 for using the term “illegal alien” maliciously or there’s some caveat. What do you think about that?

Cuccinelli: Well, first of all, it will never hold up. It’s funny. I signed an internal document that changed our use of other versions like “foreign national,” or what have you, to “alien,” to specifically use the term “alien.” Because that’s what the law says.

Here you’ve got this city trying to legislate away a [phrase] that’s actually in the federal code. … I have great confidence that they will not succeed in doing that.

But who wants to be charged and have to have lawyers defend them in a process like that? And more political virtue-signaling, but it is worth noting they’re willing to cast aside the First Amendment and its protections for free speech to impose their left-wing, politically correct agenda. By impose, I mean tyrannically impose, to tell you what you can and cannot say.

Trinko: All right, Ken Cuccinelli, thanks so much for joining us.

Cuccinelli: Good to be with you.

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US in Moral Decline

Attorney General William Barr last week told a University of Notre Dame Law School audience that attacks on religious liberty have contributed to a moral decline that’s in part manifested by increases in suicides, mental illness, and drug addiction.

Barr said that our moral decline is not random but “organized destruction.” Namely: “Secularists and their allies have marshaled all the forces of mass communication, popular culture, the entertainment industry, and academia in an unremitting assault on religion and traditional values.”

The attorney general is absolutely correct.

Whether we have the stomach to own up to it or not, we have become an immoral people left with little more than the pretense of morality. The left’s attack on religion is just the tiny tip of the iceberg in our nation’s moral decline.

You say: “That’s a pretty heavy charge, Williams. You’d better be prepared to back it up with evidence!”

I’ll try with a few questions for you to answer.

Do you believe that it is moral and just for one person to be forcibly used to serve the purposes of another? And, if that person does not peaceably submit to such use, do you believe that there should be the initiation of force against him?

Neither question is complex and can be answered by either a yes or no. For me, the answer is no to both questions. I bet that nearly every college professor, politician, or even minister could not give a simple yes or no response.

A no answer, translated to public policy, would slash the federal budget by no less than two-thirds to three-quarters. After all, most federal spending consists of taking the earnings of one American to give to another American in the form of farm subsidies, business bailouts, aid to higher education, welfare, and food stamps.

Keep in mind that Congress has no resources of its own. Plus there’s no Santa Claus or tooth fairy that gives Congress resources. Thus, the only way that Congress can give one American a dollar is first, through intimidation and coercion, to confiscate that dollar from some other American.

Such actions by the U.S. Congress should offend any sense of moral decency.

If you’re a Christian or a Jew, you should be against the notion of one American living at the expense of some other American. When God gave Moses the Eighth Commandment—”Thou shalt not steal”—I am sure that he did not mean thou shalt not steal unless there is a majority vote in the Congress.

By the way, I do not take this position because I don’t believe in helping our fellow man. I believe that helping those in need by reaching into one’s own pocket to do so is praiseworthy and laudable. But helping one’s fellow man in need by reaching into somebody else’s pockets to do so is worthy of condemnation.

We must own up to the fact that laws and regulations alone cannot produce a civilized society. Morality is society’s first line of defense against uncivilized behavior. Religious teachings, one way of inculcating morality, have been under siege in our country for well over a half a century.

In the name of not being judgmental and the vision that one lifestyle or set of values is just as good as another, traditional moral absolutes have been abandoned as guiding principles. We no longer hold people accountable for their behavior and we accept excuses.

The moral problems Barr mentioned in his speech—plus murder, mayhem, and other forms of anti-social behavior—will continue until we regain our moral footing.

In 1798, John Adams, a leading Founding Father and our second president, said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

I am all too afraid that a historian, writing a few hundred years from now, will note that the liberty America enjoyed was simply a historical curiosity. Then it all returned to mankind’s normal state of affairs—arbitrary abuse and control by the powerful elite.


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Transgender Model Files Police Complaint After Being Denied Porn Job for Having a Penis

Police are investigating a complaint of an alleged ‘hate incident’ in which a transgender model was denied a job as a female porn star after the photographer discovered the model still had a penis.

Ria Cooper, who became the UK’s youngest transgender person aged 15 before later transitioning back to male age 18, and then to female again later, has accused the photographer of ‘transphobic behaviour’. Cooper said the incident could prevent a future career in the modelling industry.

According to claims reported by the Hull Daily Mail, after posting pictures on social media of a new glamour portfolio, a man reached out to Cooper. He claimed that he could advance her modelling career, and offered her money to have sex with him on camera.

When the man discovered that Ria had male sexual organs, he broke off contact, saying he would not work with her because she still had “a c**k”.

In a private message, the man reportedly said: “Why don’t you send one of yours, my friend just told me — sorry Playboy won’t accept that.”

Speaking to the local newspaper, Ria said: “I am reporting this as a hate crime. It’s like calling someone who is black the ‘N’ word. It doesn’t matter if I have c*** or not. The pictures should be judged as they are. It says on my social media profile that I am a ladyboy, I didn’t ever say that I wasn’t and I thought he knew.”

The aspiring model went on to say: “I want to be a glamour model and a porn star — that’s what I want to do. I don’t think I should be treated like this. I just think those comments could easily make someone commit suicide. It is so bad that I have gone to the police.”

A spokeswoman for the Humberside Police told the paper: “We received a report of a hate incident… The report has been logged and will be investigated.”

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After Biden Blasts Trump’s ‘Lynching’ Comment, Video of Biden Saying Same Thing Goes Viral

There’s not really any good defense for President Trump’s “lynching” tweet.

It articulated a common frustration many Republicans have with the president: At a time when different language might have served to buttress his case that the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry was making a mockery of historical precedent in favor of a railroading, the focus was instead on the president’s phraseology.

Just in case you missed it, on Tuesday, the president caused no small amount of controversy by using the metaphor in a Twitter post admonishing the Democrats for the zeal with which they’re pursuing their impeachment inquiry.

“So some day, if a Democrat becomes President and the Republicans win the House, even by a tiny margin, they can impeach the President, without due process or fairness or any legal rights,” he wrote.

“All Republicans must remember what they are witnessing here – a lynching. But we will WIN!”

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Biden got in on the condemnation with a decided swiftness, calling Trump’s remarks “abhorrent.”

“Impeachment is not ‘lynching,’ it is part of our Constitution,” he tweeted.

“Our country has a dark, shameful history with lynching, and to even think about making this comparison is abhorrent. It’s despicable.”

So it’s “abhorrent.” It’s “despicable.” It’s also a metaphor Biden himself employed during the 1998 impeachment of Bill Clinton.

Biden was, at the time, a senator from Delaware and had previously been both chairman and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

He was a vociferous opponent of the Clinton impeachment, which isn’t any surprise; almost all Democrats were.

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What might have been surprising, given Biden’s contribution to the sturm und drang created by Trump’s tweet on Tuesday, was the language that he used in an appearance on CNN during the Clinton era.

“Even if the president should be impeached, history will question whether or not this was a partisan lynching or whether or not it was something that, in fact, met the standard,” Biden told Wolf Blitzer, arguing Clinton’s behavior in the White House didn’t meet “the very high bar that was set by the founders as to what constituted an impeachable offense.”

Biden, of course, was very apologetic about using this language once the video went viral.

“This wasn’t the right word to use and I’m sorry about that,” Biden said.

“Trump on the other hand chose his words deliberately today in his use of the word lynching and continues to stoke racial divides in this country daily.”

This doesn’t wash, for several reasons.

It’s worth noting that with many of Biden’s racial controversies, mores do shift. His comments on busing back in the 1970s and his support for tough crime bills in the 1990s were very much in line with the spirit of the times, even if they don’t sound good to Democratic audiences in 2019.

Do you think Biden’s lynching comment was offensive?

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His comments regarding lynching are different.

We knew the evils of lynching and the tacitly sanctioned murder of blacks in the American South just as manifestly in 1998 as we do in 2019. We knew how inapt the act of lynching was as a metaphor for a political process. All of this was known — and all of it was ignored by the media in the aftermath of Biden’s CNN appearance.

Furthermore, Biden’s claim that Trump “chose his words deliberately” also doesn’t hold water, at least as a defense. Take a look at the Biden-Blitzer interview. It doesn’t seem like someone shooting from the hip. Biden instead looks like a man choosing his words with the same amount of deliberation that President Trump did. Yet we’re supposed to believe this was just some slip of the tongue.

If Biden is saying he didn’t choose his words deliberately, the same could be said for Donald Trump. If he’s saying Trump meant his words deliberately, we can safely assume Biden did, too. An apology 21 years after the remarks were made isn’t worth the keystrokes Biden expended typing it out.

Nobody ought to pretend that Donald Trump’s tweet was proper. But then, neither were Biden’s remarks.

This isn’t bothsidesism or equivocation. Instead, it’s pointing out the fact that nobody in the media seems to want to hold Democrats to the same standards they’re holding the president.

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BOO! Spanish Nets Resort To Fear In Desperate DACA Defense

Just in time for Halloween, the nation ́s Spanish-speaking news media seemingly agreed to put a scary spin on the latest developments in the DACA saga. The words “ fear” and “scared” are liberally sprinkled throughout DACA coverage, in order to frighten so-called “Dreamers” into action regarding their status. 

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Huckabee on Romney’s Fake Twitter Account: ‘The Work of Kids, Cowards, Couch Potatoes and Perverts’

Monday on “Fox & Friends,” former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) reacted to the revelation Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) has been using a fake Twitter account to defend himself.

Huckabee said the fact that Romney is a 72-year-old U.S. senator running a fake Twitter account is “stunning,” adding it is “the work of kids, cowards, couch potatoes and perverts.”

“The man’s 72 years old,” Huckabee emphasized. “Having fake Twitter accounts on social media, that’s the work of kids, cowards, couch potatoes and perverts like Carlos Danger. What on Earth does a United States senator do calling himself Pierre Dilecto? If he’s got something to say, man up and say it.”

“Let us all realize that this guy is not a team player,” he continued. “He’s still bitter because Donald Trump got elected and he didn’t. He needs to get over it.”

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Justice Dept. Approves Breakthrough DNA Testing on Migrants

Border agencies can use DNA testing to help identify and track migrants when they enter the United States, according to a rule issued Monday by the Department of Justice.

The technology is being adopted because migrants can change their claimed names and documents once they get into the United States, so making it difficult for officials to find migrants who hide once they lose their claims for asylum. The decision covers illegal migrants as well as migrants who legally ask for asylum so they can enter to get jobs.

The move is controversial because Americans do not like the use of DNA testing to mark each person’s identity. But the policy is being adopted because Republicans and Democrats in Congress tolerate large volumes of illegal migration. For example, more than 3 million Central Americans have moved though border loopholes into the United States since 2011, aided by anti-border progressive and cheap-labor businesses.

So far, there is no move to use the same DNA technology on Americans, partly because Americans’ identity is recorded at birth and is tracked by the use of legal documents, such as drivers’ licenses, credit cards, and tax forms.

Pro-migration groups are criticizing the DNA policy they helped to create. For example, the policy is opposed by Vera Eidelmen, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union which has opened up loopholes and border law and is now fighting the administrations’ many efforts to curb illegal migration:

Forced DNA collection raises serious privacy and civil liberties concerns and lacks justification, especially when DHS is already using less intrusive identification methods like fingerprinting. Our DNA not only reveals deeply personal information about us, but also information about our relatives. This means the administration’s racist immigration policies will also implicate the rights of family members in other countries and family members here, including American citizens. This kind of mass collection alters the purpose of DNA collection from one of criminal investigation to population surveillance, which is contrary to our basic notions of freedom and autonomy.

Breitbart News has reported on the many murders committed by migrants, many of whom have been aided by the ACLU’s pro-migration policies.

The technology is already being used to verify claims by groups of migrants that they are eligible for the Flores loophole, which was created by an ACLU lawsuit.

The Department of Justice posted the news Monday morning, saying:

The proposed rule change would help to save lives and bring criminals to justice by restoring the authority of the Attorney General to authorize and direct the collection of DNA from non-United States persons detained at the border and the interior by DHS, with the ultimate goal of reducing victimization of innocent citizens,” said Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen.

Today’s proposed rule change is a lawful exercise of the Attorney General’s authority, provided by Congress, to collect DNA samples from non-United States persons who are properly detained under the authority of the United States.”

As a result of this rule change, the Department of Justice will ensure that all federal agencies—including DHS—are in full compliance with the bipartisan DNA Fingerprint Act, which was a component of a larger legislative package that passed the House of Representatives by an overwhelming vote of 415 to four and the Senate by Unanimous Consent.  The DNA Fingerprint Act provided the Attorney General with the exclusive authority to draft regulations to authorize and direct any federal agency to “collect DNA samples from individuals who are arrested, facing charges, or convicted or from non-United States persons who are detained under the authority of the United States.” 24 U.S.C. § 40702(a)(1)(A).



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Anther Blow to Fake News Media: MAJORITY of Americans Believe Top Level Intel Officials Worked to Stop Trump Presidency — Only 36% Disagree

Despite over three state years of nonstop mainstream media lies and bias a majority of American voters are not buying the Russia-collusion nonsense and see it for what it is.

A majority of American voters believe top level intelligence officials worked to prevent a Donald Trump presidency.
And this is EVEN BEFORE the expected upcoming IG and DOJ reports!

Rasmussen reported:

Just over half of voters still believe in the likelihood of an illegal high-level effort to stop the Trump presidency, but not nearly as many expect anyone to be punished for it. Voters are evenly divided over which of the major 2016 presidential campaigns is more likely to have had illegal foreign help.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters think it’s likely senior law enforcement officials broke the law in an effort to prevent Donald Trump from winning the presidency. That includes 34% who say it’s Very Likely. Thirty-six percent (36%) consider high-level illegality as unlikely, with 22% who say it’s Not At All Likely. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure.

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