5-Time Deportee Gets 10 Years for Illegal Re-Entry

A Dallas federal court sentenced a five-time deported criminal alien to a 10-year prison term for illegally re-entering the United States after removal. The sentence is the maximum allowed under the federal sentencing guidelines.

Senior U.S. District Court Judge John H. McBryde handed down a prison sentence of ten years to Antonio Serrano-Perez, a 39-year-old Mexican national from Tamaulipas, on October 18. The sentence is the statutory maximum based upon the criminal alien’s immigration and criminal history, according to information obtained from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials (ICE).

Serrano-Perez’s record includes five deportations from the United States over a 20-year period, officials stated. Immigration officers removed him for the first time in October 1998. He illegally re-entered the U.S. in 2005 at the age of 25. After being arrested for an immigration violation, a federal judge in the Southern District of Texas sentenced him t a 27-month prison sentence. Immigration officers removed him most recently in 2014, officials stated.

Prosecutors testified that Serrano-Perez illegally re-entered the U.S sometime after the 2014 removal and moved to Fort Worth. Immigration officers tracked him down and arrested him outside his residence on March 11, 2019.

The judge noted that during Serrano-Perez’s time in the U.S., he racked up a series of state drug and violent crime convictions. He also received three federal immigration convictions. Some of his crimes include cocaine trafficking and family violence, the judge noted during the sentencing phase.

“This felon and narcotics trafficker has been deported to Mexico five times and has repeatedly demonstrated that he has no respect for U.S. laws,” ICE Dallas Field Office Director Marc J. Moore said in a written statement. “Throughout his extensive criminal career, he has operated as though the United States is simply a profitable location for him to traffic in illegal drugs. After he fully completes his latest federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the United States, our ICE officers will deport him a sixth time.”
Assistant U.S. Attorney Levi Thomas led the prosecution for the Northern District of Texas following ann investigation and arrest by officers and agents assigned to ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations and Homeland Security Investigations.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

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Distressed Vehicle Assist Leads to Arrest of Multinational Migrants in Maine

Houlton Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended three migrants from three countries after stopping to assist a stranded motorist. Two of the migrants entered the U.S. illegally along the southern border while the third overstayed a visa.

Agents assigned to the Rangeley Border Patrol station in Maine stopped to assist a motorist in a broken down vehicle on October 10. The agents determined that three men in the vehicle were illegally present in the United States, according to information obtained from Border Patrol officials.

During an immigration interview, the agents learned that one of the men, a 42-year-old Chinese national entered the U.S. in 2001 on a fiancée visa, officials reported. The man did not marry as required as a condition of the visa and subsequently failed to depart from the country. A records check revealed a criminal record for domestic violence. Agents determined the migrant violated the terms of his visa and arrested him on immigration violations.

A second migrant, a 22-year-old man from Guatemala, admitted to Border Patrol agents that he illegally entered the U.S. by crossing the Rio Grande into Laredo in 2013. An immigration court ordered his removal after he failed to appear before the court in 2013. He has previous arrests for public intoxication and trespassing.

The third migrant, a 25-year-old man from Mexico admitted to the Border Patrol agents that he illegally crossed the border into Arizona. He said he lived in the U.S. for several years and had been recruited to work in the foodservice industry in Maine.

Agents turned all three illegal aliens over to immigration officers for processing into removal proceedings, officials stated.

“The roads and highways of Maine are being used to facilitate illicit trade and travel. Securing the border requires us to not only give attention to the immediate border areas but also the routes and means of egress to the interior of the United States,” Houlton Sector Chief Patrol Agent Jason Owens said in a written statement.

“Under Title 8 of the U.S. Code, it is a federal crime to enter the United States illegally and to misrepresent a material fact while seeking admission to the United States,” Houlton Sector officials stated.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.


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Lebanon’s Government Scrambles to Respond to Mass Protests

BEIRUT (AP) — Protesters have closed major roads around Lebanon ahead of an emergency Cabinet meeting to discuss a rescue plan for the country’s crumbling economy.

On Monday morning, demonstrators placed barriers on major intersections in Beirut as well as other cities and towns marking the fifth day of protests triggered by proposed new taxes.

Hundreds of thousands participated in Sunday’s mass protests that were the largest since 2005.

A Lebanese demonstrator carries a placard as she takes part in a rally in Beirut’s downtown district on October 20, 2019. – Thousands continued to rally despite calls for calm from politicians and dozens of arrests. Demonstrators want a sweeping overhaul of Lebanon’s political system, citing grievances ranging from austerity measures to poor infrastructure. (ANWAR AMRO/AFP via Getty Images)

Prime Minister Saad Hariri will put forward a reform plan during the morning government meeting at the presidential palace in Beirut’s southeastern suburb of Baabda.

Many protesters say they don’t trust any plan by the current government. They’ve called on the 30-member Cabinet to resign and be replaced by a smaller one made up of technocrats instead of members of political factions.

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House Republicans chastise CNN for refusing Trump 2020 ads, cite potential free speech violations

A group of House Republicans called out CNN president Jeff Zucker Monday over the network’s decision not to run a pair of Trump campaign ads, citing possible violations of the Bill of Rights and Supreme Court precedent.

In a letter spearheaded by Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., nine Republican House members criticized the network’s refusal to run two video ads put out by the Trump campaign and urged him to “correct this flagrant violation with all due haste.”

“As your news organization seems to have lost all sense of objectivity, spinning itself into oblivion to support left-leaning candidates and participating in distortions against conservative candidates, you have still operated within the boundaries of the First Amendment,” the letter begins. “The law of the land and Supreme Court precedent protect your right to be loudly wrong.”

However, they add, the decision to bar two Trump campaign ads from the company’s airwaves earlier this month “is a step that falls beyond your First Amendment protections, and one that we believe is in violation of the law and the Constitution.”

Earlier this month, CNN said it wouldn’t air two Trump campaign video ads on its network over “demonstrably false” claims about former Vice President Joe Biden and his and his son’s dealings in Ukraine.

The lawmakers point to the Supreme Court Case of Buckley v. Valeo, which dealt with free speech for political campaigns, and cite a portion of the majority opinion in the case: “Discussion of public issues and debate on the qualifications of candidates are integral to the operation of the system of government established by our Constitution. The First Amendment affords the broadest protection to such political expression in order ‘to assure (the) unfettered interchange of ideas for the bringing about of political and social changes desired by the people.’”

According to the lawmakers, the decision to not run the Trump ads while still running ads from his Democratic opponents violates the principles laid out in the Buckley ruling.

They also took issue with the network’s claim that the ads “disparaged CNN and its journalists” as a reason for refusing to air them.

“Being personally offended is truly a poor reason to deny a candidate for public office the right to be heard, running contrary to both the intent of the Buckley decision and the self-proclaimed First Amendment values of your network,” the letter reads. “We urge you to correct this flagrant violation with all due haste and allow the paid Trump Campaign advertisements to return to your airwaves immediately.”

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Father Says Google Nest Cam Hacker Threatened to Kidnap His Son

A California dad is warning others after a Google Nest Cam hacker threatened to kidnap his child from their home.

On Friday, Jack Newcombe wrote in an article for the Mercury News that when his 18-month-old son’s nanny asked if he and his wife were speaking with their child through their security camera system, he said no.

“Then the nanny texted that a voice was coming through the kitchen camera and using bad words,” Newcombe said.

He continued:

I immediately pulled up the video feed and began reviewing: I hear the familiar chime, which means someone is about to talk through the camera. Then, to my horror, a female voice that I don’t recognize starts talking to my 18-month-old son. He looks around the room and then at the ceiling, wondering who’s there.

The voice is laughing when it chimes in. She says we have a nice house and encourages the nanny to respond. She does not. The voice even jokes that she hopes we don’t change our password. I am sick to my stomach.

After about five minutes of verbal “joy riding,” the voice starts to get agitated at the nanny’s lack of response and then snaps, in a very threatening voice: “I’m coming for the baby if you don’t answer me, bitch!”

“My jaw drops. We unplug the cameras and change all passwords. The nanny has taken our son to the park down the street in an effort to escape. However, the damage has been done,” he said.

A similar instance occurred in January when a couple in Chicago, Illinois, said a hacker with a manly voice spoke to their baby through their home’s Nest security camera.

“My blood ran cold,” said Arjun Sud.

He told reporters that the hacker shouted obscenities at him and his wife and even raised the upstairs thermostat to 90 degrees.

“And then they messed with our thermostat?” his wife, Jessica, asked. “Who does that?”

However, the Google product page stated that the camera is “designed to help you look after your home and family — even when you’re away.”

“With 24/7 live streaming, a versatile magnetic stand, person alerts with Nest Aware and one app for all your Nest products, Nest Cam Indoor helps you keep an eye on what matters. From anywhere.”

A couple in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, said they no longer feel safe after a hacker spoke to them through their camera and began playing vulgar music.

“It gives me the chills just talking about it,” said Samantha Westmoreland.

Newcombe wrote that he was disappointed at Google’s lack of response regarding the security breach and said the company blames the individual for using a compromised password.

“I am reminded of Google’s former motto: ‘Don’t be evil’ (now buried in literally the last sentence of their code of conduct). It is not evil to bring a product to market before the privacy has been completely figured out, but it is evil to let someone threaten to kidnap an 18-month-old and have no real response,” he concluded.

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‘Law & Order: SVU’ Episode Pushes Cringe-Worthy Abortion Propaganda

Abortion propaganda has become so pervasive in the entertainment industry that the dialogue on TV shows is now starting to sound like “Fireproof” for abortion enthusiasts. Take the latest episode of NBC’s “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” for example – an episode that almost literally treats its characters like puppets to spout talking points that could have come from a Planned Parenthood pamphlet.

As reported by Newsbusters, the October 17 episode “The Burden of Our Choices” focuses on a 13-year-old girl from an evangelical Christian family in Ohio who escaped to New York in order to obtain an abortion after her stepfather rapes her. Since Ohio requires minors to have permission from family members in order to obtain an abortion, the girl’s case becomes a major court battle. At one point in the episode, members of the SVU debate the case and it’s hard not to see a Planned Parenthood executive writing the script where the showrunners left off.

From the transcript provided by Newsbusters:

Carisi: Appeals court just refused to hear Ohio’s case. Even some pro-life groups thought the charges were ridiculous.

Olivia: Well, they are.

Tamin: So you guys aren’t under arrest? What about the stay on the abortion?

Carisi: Family court didn’t want to make a ruling until Ohio’s arrest warrants have been dismissed. They’re still deliberating.

Tamin: For how long? She’s 12 weeks pregnant. Any day after the first trimester, it gets more complicated.

Olivia: And that’s part of Ohio’s plan, is to run out the clock.

Tamin: I’m sorry, what century is this? All these old white men trying to control women’s bodies? I mean, how far off are we from “The Handmaid’s Tale”?

Olivia: You grew up taking these rights for granted. My mother, there was a time when she considered abortion, and her only option was – was back-alley. The bottom line is, if you have enough money, there’s always a way. But it’s these poor women, these girls – in some states, they’re gonna see deaths. That’s where this is going.

Tamin: They think that’s what we’re going back to.

Carisi: Fundamentalists, Catholics – they see abortion as deaths.

Tamin: You’re Catholic, right? Is that what you think?

Carisi: What I think is what I think. But if a woman is the victim of rape or incest –

Tamin: I hear that, and it sounds like you’re saying that a woman has to be a victim in order to have control over her own body.

Olivia: That’s not what he’s saying.

Tamin: Good. Because it’s not a decision that should ever be made by a group of men or a prosecutor who’s never had to make that choice.

Olivia: Guys, guys, guys.

Carisi: J-just so we’re clear. My job is to uphold that girl’s rights, and that’s what I’m doing. But I’m sorry, I don’t see this as black-and-white. In my experience, no woman wants to have an abortion.

Olivia: Okay.

Tamin: Fair enough. But these laws that are getting passed, they are not the answer.

Olivia: No, they’re not.

Spoilers: The episode ends with the 13-year-old girl receiving the abortion.

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Viewers Blamed After Pro-LGBT Batman Spinoff Bombs

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Viewers Blamed After Pro-LGBT Batman Spinoff Bombs

Elizabeth Anweis, Rachel Skarsten, Ruby Rose, Meagan Tandy, Camrus Johnson and Nicole Kang of "Batwoman" speak onstage during the The CW Network 2019 Upfronts at New York City Center on May 16, 2019.Kevin Mazur / Getty ImagesElizabeth Anweis, Rachel Skarsten, Ruby Rose, Meagan Tandy, Camrus Johnson and Nicole Kang of “Batwoman” speak onstage during the The CW Network 2019 Upfronts at New York City Center on May 16, 2019. (Kevin Mazur / Getty Images)

When a television show failed to impress viewers in years past, it was back to the drawing board. Storylines were rewritten, characters were improved or cut entirely, and the producers gave it another go.

In the brave new world of 2019, however, a show’s failure isn’t the result of bad writing, but the fault of viewers, apparently. Case in point: The CW network’s “Batwoman.”

“Batwoman,” which takes place in the same fictional DC Comics universe as the much more widely known “Batman,” premiered Oct. 6.

The Rotten Tomatoes ratings for the show’s first season are a study in bad television, with a dismal audience score of only 12 percent. Although the critic rating sits at a lukewarm 70 percent, many of those reviewers are simply celebrating a “superhero in step with the times.”

Oh, did I forget to mention that Batwoman is a loud and proud lesbian?

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The show certainly doesn’t, and many reviewers said they didn’t like the show’s relentless and blatant pushing of its agenda. Even LGBT supporters said they grew tired of the constant focus.

“It feels like I am having things I already support somehow shoved even further in my face,” a one-star review reads. “While this pestering social justice vibe they give off is a huge annoyance that takes away from what makes Batwoman actually cool, there are other problems too.”

Of course, challenging the status quo is frowned upon in our enlightened times. Thankfully, many in the media were quick to assure the world that “Batwoman” was simply bombing because of toxic trolls.

Forbes insisted the poor ratings were the result of a “review bombing campaign” nefariously targeting the show over its embrace of the LGBT community.

Are you watching “Batwoman”?

0% (0 Votes)

0% (0 Votes)

The evidence used to support this claim — that most of those reviewing the show are men — is shockingly sexist.

Pride was even more shameless in its defense of “Batwoman,” blaming “conservatives and straight white men” for the show’s poor reception.

Unfortunately for the gatekeepers of media, the critic reviews don’t reflect their assumptions of race and sex.

“The whole show is very, very interested in being diverse,” female critic Emily Brookes wrote, “and it’s so obvious it’s cringe-worthy.”

“Batwoman is ultimately painful to watch and a struggle to get through, lacking finesse, emotional depth, and a sense of direction,” wrote Mae Abdulbaki, another critic who just so happens to be a woman.

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“Batwoman” isn’t being targeted by straight white men, but a diverse mix of people who are honestly unimpressed with the show.

The media’s attempt to blame an insidious conservative campaign for the show’s shortcomings is about as shameless as it gets. With even LGBT reviewers being turned off by the show’s agenda, it’s starting to look like the media has an agenda of its own.

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Florida Man Sparks Movement After Paying Off School Lunch Debt for Entire Town

Let’s face it: You and I both know that when a headline contains the words “Florida” and “man” in sequence, you don’t expect to read anything redeeming.

The case of Andrew Levy is a very prominent exception.

According to WPEC-TV in West Palm Beach, Levy is a real estate agent who does most of his business in Jupiter, Florida. When he found out that kids in the school district were going hungry, he started a chain reaction by paying off their lunch debt.

See, more than 400 kids in the area didn’t have access to a proper lunch because of the fact they had outstanding debt to one of nine schools in the area.

“These children that were in debt were going to either not eat or they would get just cheese sandwiches, and I thought that’s crazy,” Levy said.

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“I thought, ‘You know something? If for a modest sum I could make that change, I’m gonna do it,’” he said.

So he paid off all of the lunch debt in the area schools — all $944.34 of it. And what’s more, after meeting with the district, Levy has come up with a way to pay the lunch debt of students in the future as well.

“Every quarter, I’m going to do either a GoFundMe page or a fundraising page that can raise money every quarter, so lunch debt never accumulates so that children never have to worry about a hot meal and parents never have to worry about paying the bill,” he said.

If it stopped there, this would be the best Florida man story we’ve heard in a while.

However, this wasn’t all. Levy posted about his act of kindness on Facebook and people responded in a major way.

According to Levy, he got over 200 comments, some of which were offers of help.

“I even have had some clients over the past 48 hours say, ‘You know something? I want to help I want to give too,’” he said.

Levy isn’t the first person who’s paid off school lunch debt for some needy kids and sparked a reaction.

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In Phoenix, Rigo Gonzalez set up a GoFundMe page to wipe out school lunch debt in the Deer Valley Unified School District in Arizona. The campaign raised over $8,000.

This summer, when Wyoming Valley West School District in Pennsylvania made the draconian threat to have children put into foster care over their parents’ unpaid school lunch debt, Todd Carmichael, the CEO of local company La Colombe Coffee Roasters, stepped in with a promise to pay the $22,000 in debt.

And, in Gwinnett County, Georgia, the CEO of a roofing company, Todd Price, embarked on a mission last year to get all of the county’s school lunch debt paid.

As Levy’s simple act demonstrated, these acts of kindness multiply themselves. Sure, this may just have been $944.34 for Levy, but it’s clear he’s inspiring a lot more in others.

Beyond that, who knows? Maybe one of the kids that he affects via this program will grow up and pay it forward themselves.

That would be quite the “Florida man” story, indeed.

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Human Waste from Homeless People Seeps into Miami Streets

Homeless people are defecating on the sidewalks and streets of downtown Miami, turning the city into an outdoor wasteland, residents and business owners say.

“The situation is the worst I’ve seen in my 25 years here,” business owner Jose Goyanes told the Miami Herald. “The stench is really bad, even after you hose it down. We see people urinating against buildings or pulling their pants down and squatting because they have nowhere else to go.”

People said they have seen human waste deposits in gutters, planters, doorways, and even in plain sight in the middle of the street— and they say it is bad for business.

“It’s prolific. It’s on every block and at the base of most trees,” said businessman Gary Ressler. “I can’t bring national tenants here and walk through downtown without having them observe human feces littering the sidewalk.”

The reason for the increase in defecation on the streets mostly stems from a homelessness crisis throughout the U.S. that is hard to solve, but a critical shortage in public bathrooms available to those who live on the streets or cannot find room at a shelter makes it difficult for these people to maintain personal hygiene.

“Most of us do not want to defecate or urinate in public,” said David Beaty, a homeless man who came to Miami from Wisconsin. “It’s like you’re losing your dignity, your humanity. We’re not animals. I personally use a cup and dump it because I don’t want to smell my urine or anybody else’s while I’m sleeping.

According to a survey from the Miami Dade County Homeless Trust, the homeless population in Miami’s central business district soared 16 percent since January.

Four years ago, Miami’s poop problem became so bad that the city’s Downtown Development Authority created a poop map with smiling emojis locating each spot where feces was found over the course of an eight-hour workday.

The map, meant to shame public officials and to make them pay attention to the issue, was similar to a project San Francisco did in 2013.

A 2018 report found that San Francisco was on track to become one of the dirtiest cities in the world due to the amount of feces and hypodermic needles littered on the ground.

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Parkland parent eviscerates Broward sheriff: ‘A total shameless person with no integrity’

As the Florida Senate considers whether to reinstate former Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, one Parkland parent is speaking out against Israel, slamming him for lacking “integrity.”

Andrew Pollack, whose daughter Meadow was slain in the 2018 Parkland school shooting, was interviewed on “Fox & Friends” Monday, where he blasted Israel’s failed leadership.

“I want everyone to remember he went on national TV claiming his amazing leadership. He wanted to deflect from his department’s failures and blame the gun,” Pollack said. “But there were so many failures.”

Pollack reviewed how the Parkland shooter “had over 40 calls to his house with no policies in place to handle that” and how there was a tip that a shooting might take place and several shooting threats before the massacre.

“Eight of [Israel’s] deputies pulled up and took a perimeter around the school, instead of going right into the school, while there were shots still going on on the third floor. One of those shots could have been my daughter getting murdered,” Pollack said.

“His command center that day failed,” he continued.

“Ten people all in all failed, and this guy claimed he had amazing leadership, and it’s just one failure after the other.”

Under Israel’s leadership, Broward County’s law enforcement agencies adopted several policies supported by progressive criminal justice reform advocates that weakened law enforcement and incentivized local officials to keep juveniles like the Parkland shooter out of jail. As one of his first acts as governor, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis suspended Israel from service and appointed a replacement.

“He is a total shameless person with no integrity,” Pollack said. “And he has no right to lead in Broward County because the whole community wouldn’t be safe.”

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