‘Radically Saved’ Kanye Called Rap ‘The Devil’s Music,’ Almost Quit Industry, Pastor Reveals

Pastor Adam Tyson revealed during a podcast last week that musical talent Kanye West told him he almost stopped rapping soon after being save by God because he thought rap was “the devil’s music.” 

Tyson, the pastor at the California-based Placerita Bible Church that West began attending in mid-May, encouraged the pro-Trump performer to continue with the genre, but to do so in a way that glorifies God. 

“One time, he (West) told me that he wasn’t going to rap,” Tyson told Christian outlet Apologia, XXL magazine reported. “I said, ‘Why not?’ He said, ‘Well, that’s the devil’s music.’ I said, ‘Hey, man. Rap is a genre. You can rap for God.’ I think he was already thinking about it a little bit, but I just definitely said, ‘Hey, bro. I think you need to use your talents that God’s given you and use that platform for God.’”

West announced Monday that his highly-anticipated “Jesus is King” album is set for release on October 25. 

Tyson told Apologia that West was connected to his church through a young couple who knows the rapper and his wife Kim Kardashian. The young man who knows West told Tyson that the artist kept asking him questions about God, some of which he couldn’t answer. Tyson and others at the church prayed for West and suggested the couple invite him to the church, knowing it was a long shot. 

But in May, West started attending Placerita Bible Church and soon revealed to Tyson that he had recently been “radically saved.”

“[Kanye] said, ‘About five weeks ago, I got radically saved,’” Tyson said, according to XXL. “He just started telling me a little about his testimony.”

According to Tyson, West told him that he was raised as a Christian but began “chasing all the things of this world” after hitting it big in the music industry. “He would say the devil basically brought him to a place where he just felt like he was in bondage to his sin. So he said, ‘I got delivered,’” Tyson recalled.

As reported by The Daily Wire last week, West confronted Kardashian over her sexy outfits during a recent episode of E!’s “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.” West explained to Kardashian that while he used to think his wife should look like other girls who constantly show off their bodies, he now realizes that Kardashian’s revealing looks are negatively “affecting” his “soul and … spirit.”

“The corset, underwear, all of that vibe,” West said of Kardashian’s Met Gala dress, “I just feel like I went through this transition from being a rapper, looking at all these girls, and then looking at my wife like, ‘Oh, my girl needs to be just like these other girls, showing her body off, showing this, showing that.’”

“I didn’t realize that that was affecting my soul and my spirit as someone that’s married and loved, the father of what’s about to be four kids,” he continued. “A corset is a form of underwear. It’s hot. It’s like, it’s hot for who though?”

“You are my wife, and it affects me when pictures are too sexy,” West added after Kardashian protested. 

As reported by The Daily Wire in July, West said that his “radical obedience to Christ” helped stabilize his mental health. Moreover, earlier this year, the rap icon created “Sunday Service” events that include gospel music.

“It’s honestly more like a healing experience for my husband. It’s just music; there’s no sermon. It’s definitely something he believes in – Jesus – and there’s a Christian vibe. But there’s no preaching. It’s just a very spiritual Christian experience,” Kardashian told Elle magazine of the services.

WATCH (relevant comments begin at the 23:40 mark): 

via The Daily Wire

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Report: CIA Deep State Actors Linked to Origin of Russia Hoax Lawyer Up

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) review into the origins of the Russian collusion hoax probe has reportedly prompted some CIA analysts in the crosshairs of investigators to lawyer up.

NBC News made the revelation on Monday, adding that DOJ “has found something significant” and expanded the review.

The news outlet also found:

[Connecticut U.S. Attorney John] Durham has also requested to talk to CIA analysts involved in the intelligence assessment of Russia’s activities, prompting some of them to hire lawyers, according to three former CIA officials familiar with the matter. And there is tension between the CIA and the Justice Department over what classified documents Durham can examine, two people familiar with the matter said.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr has tapped Durham to conduct the investigation.

DOJ would not say whether the investigation has morphed into a criminal probe, NBC News acknowledged.

The U.S. attorney leading the review has hired more staff and expanded the timeframe under investigation, NBC News learned from a law enforcement official directly familiar with the matter.

Durham is now probing the Obama administration’s conduct before President Trump’s inauguration in January 2017, an unnamed official from the sitting administration told NBC News.

Under former President Obama, the FBI began its probe into alleged Russian election interference on behalf of Trump in July 2016. The Trump administration appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel in May 2017.

Mueller concluded that the Trump campaign did not coordinate with the Kremlin’s election interference effort, sounding the death knell for the Russian collusion hoax.

via Breitbart News

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Iran Jails 9 Christians For Leaving Islam…

TEHRAN, IRAN – An Iranian court has sentenced a pastor and eight fellow members of the big evangelical Church of Iran movement to jail for leaving Islam. Church leader Matthias Haghnejad and the other believers were each sentenced to five years imprisonment after a short hearing on September 23, trial observers confirmed to BosNewsLife. Pastor […]

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New Benghazi Docs Confirm Hillary Clinton Email Cover-Up

Judicial Watch strikes again.

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch released new Hillary Clinton emails on the 2012 Benghazi attack and cover-up that have been hidden for years and would have exposed the fact that Hillary had a private server when the State Department discovered her private email back in 2014.

Recall, it was Judicial Watch who blew the story wide open about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server back in 2015 through a FOIA lawsuit.

The hidden Clinton email shows Hillary’s aides going into overdrive and dispersing talking points in response to Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit seeking records.

The long withheld email, clearly responsive to Judicial Watch’s lawsuit seeking records concerning “talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack,” contains Clinton’s private email address and a conversation about the YouTube video that sparked the Benghazi talking points scandal (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01242)). This Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit led directly to the disclosure of the Clinton email system in 2015.

Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuits led to court-ordered discovery into three specific areas: whether Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server was intended to stymie FOIA; whether the State Department’s intent to settle this case in late 2014 and early 2015 amounted to bad faith; and whether the State Department has adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s request.

Shortly after the Benghazi terror attack that left 4 Americans dead, an email chain including Hillary Clinton and her aides show them putting together “talking points” about what started the attack in Libya — including the Susan Rice lie that it was sparked by a YouTube video (this was created by the Obama White House).

From: Sullivan, Jacob J

Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2012 11 :09 AM

To: ‘hdr22@clintoncmail.com’ <hdr22@clintonemail.com>

Cc: Mills, Cheryl D

Subject: Key points

HRC, Cheryl –

Below is my stab at tp’s for the Senator call. Cheryl, I’ve left the last point blank for you. These are rough but you get the point.

I look forward to sitting down and having a Hillary~to-John conversation about what we know. l know you were frustrated by the briefing we did and I’m sorry our hands were tied in that setting.

It’s important we see each other in person, but over the phone today I just wanted to make a few points.

First, we have been taking this deadly seriously, as we should. I set up the ARB in record time, with serious people on it. l will get to the bottom of all the security questions. We are also in overdrive working to track down the killers, and not just through the FBI. We will get this right.

Second, the White House and Susan were not making things up. They were going with what they were told by the IC [Intelligence community].

The real story may have been obvious to you from the start (and indeed I called it an assault by heavily armed militants in my first statement), but the IC gave us very different information. They were unanimous about it.

Let me read you an email from the day before Susan went on the shows. It provides the talking points for HPSCI [House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence] and for her public appearance. It’s from a very senior official at CIA, copying his counterparts at DNI [Director of National Intelligence], NCTC [National Counterterrorism Center], and FBI:

Here are the talking points …

–The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the US Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the US Consulate and subsequently its annex. There are indications that extremists participated in the violent demonstrations.

-This assessment may change as additional information is collected and analyzed and as currently available information continues to be evaluated.

–The investigation is on-going, and the US Government is working with Libyan authorities to bring to justice those responsible for the deaths US citizens.

That is exactly what Susan said, following the guidance from the IC. She obviously got bad advice. But she was not shading the truth.

Third, you have to remember that the video WAS important. We had four embassies breached because of protests inspired by it. Cairo, Tunis, Khartoum, and Sanaa. We had serious security challenges in Pakistan and Chennai and some other places. All this was happening at the same time. So many of the contemporaneous comments about the video weren’t referring in any way to Benghazi. Now of course even in those countries it was about much much more than the video, but the video was certainly a piece of it one we felt we had to speak to so that our allies in those countries would back us up.

Last month Judicial Watch obtained a previously hidden email which showed State Department officials were not only aware of Hillary’s private email, but used it to communicate with her.

Judicial Watch boss Tom Fitton said the newly discovered email shows “Hillary Clinton misled Senate on Benghazi and State Dept wanted to hide Benghazi connection to Clinton email scheme.”

“Rather than defend her email misconduct, DOJ has more than enough evidence to reopen Clinton investigation,” Fitton added.

You can support Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch by clicking here.

The post New Benghazi Docs Confirm Hillary Clinton Email Cover-Up appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Biological Male Dominates at Women’s Masters Track Cycling World Championships – Wins Gold Medal

Rachel McKinnon (center) Getty images

Transgender cyclist Rachel McKinnon, a biological male, dominated at the Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Manchester over the weekend.

McKinnon set a women’s world record on Saturday for the 35-39 sprint, won a 200m gold medal and then complained about how unfair it would be if he was excluded from competing against biological females.

Recall. Dr. Rachel McKinnon, a professor, won last year’s women’s cycling event.

BBC reported:

The 37-year-old, competing in the female 35-39 sprint category, had set a new world best time in qualifying.

The Canadian beat American Dawn Orwick for the gold, with Denmark’s Kirsten Herup Sovang claiming the bronze.

McKinnin defended his ‘right’ to compete against biological females and complained about how stressful it is for him to even show up at sporting events because of all the attention he gets.

“So, if we want to say, that I believe you’re a woman for all of society, except for this massive central part that is sport, then that’s not fair,” McKinnon told Sky News.

“I’ve thought about giving up about half a dozen times a year at least,” he said. “It’s so stressful to even show up for me given the sort of attention I get.”

McKinnon added, “Every athlete has physical advantages and we’re all trying to exploit them. So to single out a trans woman, when I lose most of my races, is a little unfair.”


The post Biological Male Dominates at Women’s Masters Track Cycling World Championships – Wins Gold Medal appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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2020: The Left Goes to War

A victory by Donald Trump next November will result in widespread rioting, property damage, people injured, and many communities irreparably damaged.  Some innocent people may even lose their lives.

Most of us have heard the investment disclaimer, “Past performance is no guarantee of future results.”  It’s true; just because an investor has made oodles of money in the past, doesn’t mean he will make oodles in the future.

Yet, investment ain’t politics and politics ain’t pattycake. 

Since its birth in the anti-globalist riots in Seattle two decades ago, the Antifa movement has been violent.  Trump’s reelection will surely mean not only more of the same but, with Antifa’s exponential growth under the tutelage of the Democrat/media complex, much more. 

The left has demonstrated time and again that they believe there is too much at stake to accept the limitations of our Constitution.  They feel exactly the same about elections; if the three-plus years of national tantrum since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 has shown America anything, it is that.

Antifa is the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party.  Both fancy themselves as speaking truth to power, on the side of all that is right and just in the world.  This is not a supposition, it is a tenet.  Confident in righteousness justifies all manner of depravity.

That has included assaulting to the point of brain damage a diminutive, gay, Asian journalist (so much for respecting the “other”), intimidating an old lady using a walker as she tried to cross the street (so much for standing up for the weak), and burning MAGA hats while attacking people trying to leave a Trump rally in Minneapolis. 

Notice there were no Antifa at Trump’s Texas rally.  I wonder why?  I’m joking, I know why.  It’s because Antifa is comprised of cowardly children playing dress-up and preying on the weak.  For those with sociopathic tendencies, it’s fun to punch people who won’t punch, back but unlike Minneapolis, Ilhan Omar’s stronghold, Texas would have slaughtered them.  But if Twitter is any guide, even if only anecdotally, it’s not only Texans who are willing to fight back.

❈𝕯𝖊𝖊𝕯𝖊𝖊✾ @La_Bella81

We can live with Leninist Democrats also #AntifaDomesticTerrorists
Fear is One thing I suggest That You Conquer it. It’s Just #Antifa Not ISIS Or We All Suffer The Consequences Ask What You Can Do For Your Country as We All Must. Don’t Be Hard on Our Police as it’s Politicos


5:59 PM – Oct 17, 2019

Just as it’s said that generals always fight the last war, Antifa believes they own the streets.  Sympathetic anti-democratic mayors in places like Seattle and Minneapolis have always given them free rein.

The pushback will come as a total surprise.  Watch the video. Many Antifa didn’t even put up their hands before getting knocked out.  It’s as if it never occurred to any of them that some people might punch back instead of taking their beatings like good little deplorables.

Antifa’s belligerence is happening during good times with the economy humming and with them having full control of the press and social media.  They are going to absolutely freak out at the prospect of four more years of a president they’ve been assured for four years wouldn’t even finish his first term.

Of course, the Democrats and the media will do all they can to foment riot — beginning the morning after the election.  Expect talking heads and politicos to flood the airwaves 24/7 with a message to the world that refusing to seat Trump for a second term is not only bravery in motion, but democracy in action because it’s the “Will of the People.”

They are delusional now — after losing they will be even more so. 

The past is prologue; they clearly believe that screaming loud enough and stamping their feet hard enough will give them the power to negate the election.  They also believe they will accomplish this without any opposition.  When it doesn’t happen as they envision, they will quickly transition from beating the weak to spilling blood.

People will notice, and as they start to see others fighting back, many are going to come out to meet them, normal people who disagree with the left’s vision of America and are willing to do battle for the nation they love.

The left is itching for a fight and the country is at a moment in time when regular people, citizens who go to work, pay mortgages, and raise kids, will decide it is long past time to give it to them.

Many will believe it is better to fight than accept the left’s control over every aspect of their lives.  Most Americans understand that should they allow the left to force the yoke upon them, civil war will be inevitable when they decide to throw off the yoke.

A victory by Donald Trump next November will result in widespread rioting, property damage, people injured, and many communities irreparably damaged.  Some innocent people may even lose their lives.

Most of us have heard the investment disclaimer, “Past performance is no guarantee of future results.”  It’s true; just because an investor has made oodles of money in the past, doesn’t mean he will make oodles in the future.

Yet, investment ain’t politics and politics ain’t pattycake. 

Since its birth in the anti-globalist riots in Seattle two decades ago, the Antifa movement has been violent.  Trump’s reelection will surely mean not only more of the same but, with Antifa’s exponential growth under the tutelage of the Democrat/media complex, much more. 

The left has demonstrated time and again that they believe there is too much at stake to accept the limitations of our Constitution.  They feel exactly the same about elections; if the three-plus years of national tantrum since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 has shown America anything, it is that.

Antifa is the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party.  Both fancy themselves as speaking truth to power, on the side of all that is right and just in the world.  This is not a supposition, it is a tenet.  Confident in righteousness justifies all manner of depravity.

That has included assaulting to the point of brain damage a diminutive, gay, Asian journalist (so much for respecting the “other”), intimidating an old lady using a walker as she tried to cross the street (so much for standing up for the weak), and burning MAGA hats while attacking people trying to leave a Trump rally in Minneapolis. 

Notice there were no Antifa at Trump’s Texas rally.  I wonder why?  I’m joking, I know why.  It’s because Antifa is comprised of cowardly children playing dress-up and preying on the weak.  For those with sociopathic tendencies, it’s fun to punch people who won’t punch, back but unlike Minneapolis, Ilhan Omar’s stronghold, Texas would have slaughtered them.  But if Twitter is any guide, even if only anecdotally, it’s not only Texans who are willing to fight back.

❈𝕯𝖊𝖊𝕯𝖊𝖊✾ @La_Bella81

We can live with Leninist Democrats also #AntifaDomesticTerrorists
Fear is One thing I suggest That You Conquer it. It’s Just #Antifa Not ISIS Or We All Suffer The Consequences Ask What You Can Do For Your Country as We All Must. Don’t Be Hard on Our Police as it’s Politicos


5:59 PM – Oct 17, 2019

Just as it’s said that generals always fight the last war, Antifa believes they own the streets.  Sympathetic anti-democratic mayors in places like Seattle and Minneapolis have always given them free rein.

The pushback will come as a total surprise.  Watch the video. Many Antifa didn’t even put up their hands before getting knocked out.  It’s as if it never occurred to any of them that some people might punch back instead of taking their beatings like good little deplorables.

Antifa’s belligerence is happening during good times with the economy humming and with them having full control of the press and social media.  They are going to absolutely freak out at the prospect of four more years of a president they’ve been assured for four years wouldn’t even finish his first term.

Of course, the Democrats and the media will do all they can to foment riot — beginning the morning after the election.  Expect talking heads and politicos to flood the airwaves 24/7 with a message to the world that refusing to seat Trump for a second term is not only bravery in motion, but democracy in action because it’s the “Will of the People.”

They are delusional now — after losing they will be even more so. 

The past is prologue; they clearly believe that screaming loud enough and stamping their feet hard enough will give them the power to negate the election.  They also believe they will accomplish this without any opposition.  When it doesn’t happen as they envision, they will quickly transition from beating the weak to spilling blood.

People will notice, and as they start to see others fighting back, many are going to come out to meet them, normal people who disagree with the left’s vision of America and are willing to do battle for the nation they love.

The left is itching for a fight and the country is at a moment in time when regular people, citizens who go to work, pay mortgages, and raise kids, will decide it is long past time to give it to them.

Many will believe it is better to fight than accept the left’s control over every aspect of their lives.  Most Americans understand that should they allow the left to force the yoke upon them, civil war will be inevitable when they decide to throw off the yoke.

via American Thinker

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://www.americanthinker.com/

Dem Warns that Kamala Harris’ Bid to Ban Trump’s Twitter Is ‘Messing Around with the 1st Amendment’

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (Getty Images/Earl Gibson III/Wireimage)

(CNSNews.com)- Speaking on Fox News’ “Cavuto Live” on Saturday, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) said he wasn’t impressed by Sen. Kamala Harris’ (D-Calif.) call to remove President Donald Trump’s Twitter account.

Cleaver was asked by Host Neil Cavuto: “Congressman, take [President Trump’s] Twitter account away, what do you think of that?”

“Not much,” Cleaver responded, warning of the dangers of “messing around with the First Amendment”:

“Look, when we start messing around with the First Amendment, you know, I think we are moving dangerously into becoming something that I don’t think any of us want to be as a nation.”

Cleaver then shifted to concerns of censorship by Facebook, saying its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, “needs to take a little more responsibility for what’s going on,” and “I don’t want to have one person deciding what free speech is”:

“I do think that Mr. Zuckerberg needs to take a little more responsibility for what’s going on and he should be constantly refining Facebook and everything else that he’s involved in, based on the changing technologies. You know, we spend a lot of money in the federal government, the committee I’m on. We deal with national security issues now and the cyber world, and I do get a little upset with Mr. Zuckerberg over just wanting to wash his hands.

“And, at the same time, I don’t want to have one person deciding what free speech is. You know, because what one person sees as free speech, someone else sees as dangerous speech and too dangerous to allow it to be free.”

Sen. Harris had previously said that President Trump’s Twitter account should be suspended. And, at last week’s Fourth Democratic Debate, Harris said Trump’s Twitter account “should be taken down”:

“I would urge you to join me because here we have Donald Trump who has 65 million Twitter followers and is using that platform as the president of the United States to openly intimidate witnesses, to threaten witnesses, to obstruct justice and he and his account should be taken down.”

“We saw in El Paso that that shooter in his manifesto was informed by how Donald Trump uses that platform and this is a matter of corporate responsibility, Harris said, adding that “Twitter should be held accountable and shut down that site. It is a matter of safety and corporate accountability.”


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Trans Athlete Wins Women’s World Cycling Competition, Again; Slams ‘Transphobic’ Critics

Transgender athlete Rachel McKinnon, a biological male who identifies as female, won the women’s Masters Track Cycling World Championships sprint title for the second year in a row.

“The 37-year-old, competing in the female 35-39 sprint category, had set a new world best time in qualifying,” according to the BBC. “The Canadian beat American Dawn Orwick for the gold, with Denmark’s Kirsten Herup Sovang claiming the bronze.”

McKinnon also took silver in the 500m time trial earlier in the week, BBC notes.

The athlete celebrated the win on social media and made a point of citing critics who’ve spoken out against biological men participating in women’s sports.

“This jersey, these medals, and this world record mean a whole lot more to me than my first,” McKinnon wrote via Instagram on Monday. “There were many more barriers this year, a much bigger spotlight, truly incessant hate and people doing everything in their power to have me banned, make me fail, and make me quit. But I didn’t. And I won’t.”

“I will be back next year,” the cyclist added. “I will be stronger and faster than ever. You can count on it.”

View this post on Instagram

This jersey, these medals, and this world record mean a whole lot more to me than my first. • There were many more barriers this year, a much bigger spotlight, truly incessant hate and people doing everything in their power to have me banned, make me fail, and make me quit. • But I didn’t. • And I won’t. • I will be back next year. I will be stronger and faster than ever. You can count on it. • ??? #rainbowfoxracing #rainbowfox #worldchampion #herthighness #quaddess #quadzilla #quadgoals #wtfsracebikes #trackcycling #cycling #racing #sportisahumanright #inclusivesport #lgbtq #lgbtqsport #transathlete #transrightsnow #transinclusivesport #girlslikeus #socialchange #socialjustice #transvisibilty #gofastturnleft #transgender #inspiration #sportforall #noplaceforhate * * * °@fujibikes Bike °@fsa_road Chainrings, stem °@vision_tech_usa Crankset, chainrings, wheels °@lazersportusa Helmet, sunglasses °@vie13_kustom_apparel Speedsuit * Coach: @empiricalcycling Nutritionist: @paulsaltercoaching Pro Ambassador for @athleteally

A post shared by Rachel McKinnon, PhD (@rachelvmckinnon) on

McKinnon also suggested via Twitter on Monday that being biologically male does not inherently offer him an advantage over biological women in the sport because “my body doesn’t produce testosterone anymore.”

“I’m just going to come out and say it: My body doesn’t produce testosterone anymore. And it hasn’t for nearly a decade. Draw your own conclusions,” the cyclist wrote.

Some biologically female athletes in the sport have spoken up about McKinnon’s participation. “The decision to let McKinnon race alongside cis female (people whose gender identity matches their biological sex) competitors has been criticised by some track rivals, including Victoria Hood,” reported The Independent.

“The science is there and it says that it is unfair,” Hood said.

Additionally, Jen Wagner-Assali, who placed third behind McKinnon at last year’s World Championships, called McKinnon’s first place finish “unfair.”

Responding to Hood, McKinnon posted a lengthy statement on Twitter Sunday, which deemed Hood transphobic and argued that “fairness in sports” means transgender “inclusion.”

“Ms. Hood has expressed an irrational fear of trans women. An irrational fear of trans women in the dictionary definition of transphobia. Transphobia has no place in sport,” McKinnon wrote.

“Dr. McKinnon supports trans people’s right to compete in their legally recognized gender,” the now two-time Masters Track Cycling World Champion added. “Fairness in sports means inclusion and respect of every athlete’s right an identity. #SportsIsAHumanRight.”

After last year’s victory over biological female athletes, McKinnon, who has conceded that biological men could have an advantage over biological woman in sports, similarly branded critics as transphobic.

Amid critics pointing out that there are basic, biological differences between men and women that give men advantages in some athletic competitions, McKinnon slammed detractors, The Daily Wire reported following McKinnon’s 2018 win.

“Lots of transphobic bigots are responding to my world championship win saying that ‘Next up, the paralympics.’ Hey women, you realize that ALL of these people (many of them women) are comparing you to disabled people…right? Women = ‘disabled men’ they think. Wow. Offensive,” McKinnon posted.

Related: Transgender Cyclist Celebrates World Championship In Women’s Event, Says Critics Are ‘Transphobic Bigots’

via The Daily Wire

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Why The NBA’s Defense Of China Is Nothing New For American Institutions

It’s not new. But it’s time, as much as possible, to cut the cord. Via NY Post: LeBron James may lecture others on the need to be “educated on the situation” in China, but he’s the one who’s living in a bubble. Despite making almost two dozen trips to the Communist giant — trips that […]

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