UK: 20-strong Gang Target ‘White Bastards’, Cut Off Teenager’s Hand with Axe

A 20-strong gang set upon four tree surgeons in Rochdale, England, calling them “white bastards” and cutting off a teenage worker’s hand with an axe.

27-year-old Habibur Rahman, of Milnrow Road, Rochdale, gathered the mob after the workers had stopped him from abusing an elderly woman, the Manchester Evening News reports.

Rahman, incensed that he had been “disrespected” on his “territory”, tracked the four workers to the property they were working on in the rape gang blighted city, blocking them in by parking his car across the driveway while the mob approached armed with weapons including a claw hammer, knives, machetes, a knuckle-duster — and the fateful axe.

“I am not going to let them leave,” Rahman said from his car, abusing the workers as “white bastards” who were in his “country”, the court heard.

“They’re going to get what they deserve. They’re going to get stabbed.”

One of the workers, who was just eighteen years old, interposed himself as a “peacemaker”, “completely defenceless” — only for the member of Rahman’s mob armed with the axe, Mohammed Awais Sajid, or ‘Skinny’, to suddenly slam the weapon into the young man’s chest, smashing through his ribs and collapsing a lung.

“[Sajid] followed up with a 360 degree spin of his arm, an act which was doubtless employed to enhance the speed and devastation of the attack,” recalled prosecutor Tim Storrie.

“The blow itself was aimed at the victim’s head. He was dimly aware at this stage of the weeping of blood down into his waistband. He was turning his body, attempting to leave the scene.

“Through good fortune, he said he realised the axe was above him aiming for his head. He put his arm up to defend himself and the blade essentially severed his arm at the wrist.”

The dreadful incident was only brought to a close by one of the tree surgeons revving a chainsaw at the mob to scare them away — although not before Rahman had shattered another of the worker’s noses with a knuckle-duster.

Their teenage victim had to be airlifted to hospital for life-saving emergency surgery and reattachment of his hand — which will never be restored to its full function — which has been followed by another five operations.

Incredibly, Sajid, of Moss Cottage, Kings Road, Rochdale, was acquited of attempted murder. MEN reports that he was instead convicted of  a “section 18 wounding” and handed an 18-year term — although there is no indication that this was anything other than a standard determinate sentence, meaning he will almost certainly be automatically released on licence at the halfway point, if not sooner.

Rahman himself was given a four-and-a-half-year term, while brother Zillur Rahma and mob member Arsan Ali each received four-year terms for conspiracy to commit violent disorder — although again, it is standard practice in England that such terms are only served behind bars until their halfway point.

Nine other people investigated in relation to the case were released without charge.


Strangely, there is no mention in local news or a Greater Manchester Police force statement of the authorities treating the crimes of Rahman and his compatriots as racially aggravated — which would attract tougher sentences — despite his statements about the victims being “white bastards”.

Indeed, Rahman claimed he had received racist threats from the tree surgeons — claims the judge dismissed as a “pack of lies”.

“The fact that a mob could be mobilised so quickly and so heavily-armed is clear evidence in my judgement that you are each associated with gang activity,” the judge said, adding that none of them had shown “a shred of remorse” for the attack — strong words which belie the weak sentences he handed down.

Follow Jack Montgomery on Twitter: @JackBMontgomery
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Fat black professor of gender studies blames Trump for black female obesity

No, this is not from the Babylon Bee.

It actually comes from the Oprah Winfrey Network, and a segment featuring Professor Britney Cooper, who sports a PhD from Emory University and who currently is an associate professor in the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University. With that sort of background, perhaps it isn’t surprising to eternalize blame for obesity on racism and seem to indict President Trump for it. In fairness, she only mentions Trump before launching her indictment of racism as the cause of black female obesity.

Here are few screen grabs of her subtitled rant, followed by the entire segment embedded in a tweet, I case you want to hear her, the moderator, and the audience all enthusiastically accept the theory that white people in general and President Trump in particular are what make a disproportionate number of black women obese.

Twitter video screen grabs




While this is all funny, it is also tragic. Obesity is unhealthy and unhappy to endure. Blaming others doesn’t ever lead to change in a positive direction.

No, this is not from the Babylon Bee.

It actually comes from the Oprah Winfrey Network, and a segment featuring Professor Britney Cooper, who sports a PhD from Emory University and who currently is an associate professor in the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers University. With that sort of background, perhaps it isn’t surprising to eternalize blame for obesity on racism and seem to indict President Trump for it. In fairness, she only mentions Trump before launching her indictment of racism as the cause of black female obesity.

Here are few screen grabs of her subtitled rant, followed by the entire segment embedded in a tweet, I case you want to hear her, the moderator, and the audience all enthusiastically accept the theory that white people in general and President Trump in particular are what make a disproportionate number of black women obese.

Twitter video screen grabs




While this is all funny, it is also tragic. Obesity is unhealthy and unhappy to endure. Blaming others doesn’t ever lead to change in a positive direction.

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California Governor Pardons Three Immigrant Felons to Avoid Deportation

California Governor Gavin Newsom pardoned three immigrant felons last week to help them avoid being deported from the United States.

Newsom, who oversees the most pro-illegal immigration state in U.S. history, pardoned three immigrants — Arnou Aghamalian from Iran, Thear Seam from Cambodia, and Victor Ayala from El Salvador — in order to erase their criminal records and help them avoid deportation back to their native countries.

Aghamalian, a 42-year-old refugee from Iran, was pardoned by Newsom after being convicted in December 1999 for aiding in setting fire to a nightclub owner’s car. Aghamalian first entered the U.S. as a refugee when he was 15-years-old.

Seam, a 41-year-old refugee from Cambodia was pardoned following his August 1996 conviction where a jury found him guilty of robbery, as well as an accessory to a high-speed chase where he was helping a wanted fugitive evade arrest by police. Seam first entered the U.S. as a refugee when he was 4-years-old.

Also pardoned by Newsom is 38-year-old Victor Ayala, a legal immigrant from El Salvador, who was convicted in 1999, 2000, and 2001 for misdemeanor theft, hit-and-run, and felony theft. Ayala first entered the U.S. when he was 2-years-old.

Newsom’s pardoning of the immigrants comes after New York Governor Andrew Cuomo pardoned six illegal alien convicts last year to help them evade deportation.

An investigation by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) in 2018 revealed that California’s sanctuary state policy — which shields criminal illegal aliens from deportation — is likely responsible for at least 5,000 crimes committed by criminal illegal aliens previously freed into the general public by the state.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

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Pelosi and Schiff Travel to Jordan to Undermine President Trump in Shadow Diplomacy — Violate Logan Act — Should Be Immediately Arrested Upon Returned

It wasn’t that long ago that Obama deep state operatives, led by US Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, accused General Michael Flynn of violating the Logan Act for making calls to foreign dignitaries including the Russian ambassador after Donald Trump won the election in 2016.

We now know that the Obama administration and deep state officials were spying on General Michael Flynn for at least a year prior to his private phone call with the Russian ambassador that they leaked to the liberal fake news media.

The Logan Act, enacted in January 30, 1799, is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States.

General Michael Flynn’s job as National Security Advisor was to contact foreign dignitaries including the Russian ambassador after the 2016 election.

Fast forward to today…

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her top Lieutenant Adam Schiff flew off to Jordan this weekend on their shadow diplomacy trip.

The Democrat leaders met with Jordanian leaders and others to undermine President Trump’s Syrian policy.

When Obama and Hillary Clinton tore apart the Middle East form Yemen to Egypt to Syria to Libya resulting in tens of thousands of deaths and millions of third world migrants flooding Europe and the US the Democrat Party leaders did nothing.

But this weekend they flew to Jordan to undermine President Trump.
Arrest these traitors!

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Transgender Activists Force Menstrual Products Brand Always To Remove ‘Woman’ Symbol From Packaging

Always, a brand of menstrual products, has been forced to scrub the “woman” symbol off their packaging in response to a coordinated effort by transgender activists to punish the brand for “discrimination” against trangender individuals.

The Daily Mail reports that the Procter & Gamble-owned brand caved to a boycott campaign that began when transgender activists noticed that Always placed the “Venus” symbol — a circle with a plus sign or cross beneath it, universally recognized as the sign for the female gender — on the wrappers of some of its sanitary products.

“A trans activist using the pseudonym ‘Melly Boom’ had tweeted in July asking Always why it was ‘imperative’ to have the sign on their sanitary products,” according to the Daily Mail. “The tweet said: ‘There are non-binary and trans folks who still need to use your products too you know!’”

Ostensibly, ‘Melly Boom’ is referring to female to male transgender individuals who may identify as a different gender but who do not undergo surgical or medical transition, which would make them theoretically “male” but with a female reproductive system and monthly periods. Some social media users also claim that trangender females can have “period-like” symptoms once a month.

A high profile transgender activist named Ben Saunders also pestered Always in June after the release of a documentary about Saunders’ transtion from female to male. The Always team replied directly to Saunders after making their decision, telling Saunders that, “We are glad to inform you that as of December we will use a wrapper design without the feminine symbol.”

The brand’s public relations team added that the change will come in late 2019 and that gender-neutral period products would hit stores in January of 2020.

The announcement comes on the heels of “National Period Day,” a nationwide push for “menstrual equity.” The non-profit organization, PERIOD, which organized 60 national rallies around the subject, wants Congress and state legistlatures to start providing  menstrual hygiene products like pads and tampons free of charge through Medicaid to state and Federal employees, residents of womens’ shelters, public school students, and prison inmates.

Contenders for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination got in on the menstrual frenzy, tweeting their support for expanded access to menstrual hygiene products, and many were careful to display their wokeness by suggesting that “people” and not just “women” get periods.

The occasion also became a flashpoint for the same trangender activism that drove Always to drop the female symbol from their packaging. A number of “intersectional feminists” and transgender activists took to social media to remind period protesters that it’s discriminatory to assume only women menstruate.

But not everyone is happy with “intersectional” menstrual activism. Feminists also took to social media, in the wake of Always’s announcement to suggest that removing female symbolism from packaging is the first step to erasing the female gender and ending the women’s rights movement.

“Removing the female symbol from sanitary towel packaging is basically denying the existence of women,” one prominent feminist told the Daily Mail. “We’re now moving towards the total elimination of women’s biology. The women’s symbol has been used by feminists for decades. This is pure cowardice and virtue signalling from these big corporate brands who are capitulating to the trans agenda.”



via The Daily Wire

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It’s Happening: Deep State and Fake News Media Getting Very Worried – Durham to interview Clapper and Dirty John Brennan

So what will the fake news mainstream media do when it is revealed that EVERYTHING they’ve been reporting for three years is complete horsesh*t?

Inspector General Horowitz is set to release his report on FISA Court abuses this coming week.

And Attorney General Bill Barr and US Prosecutor John Durham are expanding their investigation on the origin of the Russia-collusion hoax.

Better yet — Obama lackeys former DNI James Clapper and former CIA Chief John Brennan are getting ready to testify before John Durham.

The Deep State and their fake news media are very worried.

Ken Dilanian from NBC News reported: New: AG Barr expands controversial review into origin of Russia investigation

Ken Dilanian: Durham wants to talk to CIA analysts involved in the intelligence assessment of Russia’s activities, prompting some of them to hire lawyers. And there is tension between the CIA and the Justice Department over what classified documents Durham can examine.

Ken Dilanian: A Western intelligence official familiar with what Durham has been asking of foreign officials says his inquiries track closely with the questions raised about the Russia investigation in right-wing media—a line of inquiry based on accusations made by George Papadopoulos.

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Delingpole: Fight the Culture Wars and Own the Libs with Jack Posobiec’s Comic Book Crowdfunder…

The real scandal about that Donald-Trump-in-shoot-out-with-the-mainstream-media parody meme isn’t that it’s “an incitement of violence against journalists”…

No, the real scandal about that meme – and somewhat proving its political point – is that the movie it comes from, Kingsman: The Secret Service, is just about the only thing to have emerged from Hollywood in the last five years which doesn’t come across like propaganda for the liberal-left.

In Kingsman: The Secret Service – just like in the real world everyone apart from deluded liberals inhabits – the bad guys are corrupt, power-crazed globalists and psychopathic green activists.

You might think that a movie with such a wholesomely conservative message would never have gotten financed by Hollywood – and you’d be right. It was turned down by all the major studios and financed, as a labour of love, by its ballsy British director Matthew Vaughn who was prepared to risk everything to get it made. It grossed over $500 million worldwide, proving that – contra Hollywood – audiences do have an appetite for product that isn’t oppressively and relentlessly woke.

We conservatives are very good at complaining about the culture’s leftist bias and of course we’re right: Hollywood, TV, the publishing industry, the mainstream media do indeed all swing horribly to the left.

What we’re not so good at is doing anything to counter it.

As conservative blogger, broadcaster and former U.S. naval intelligence officer Jack Posobiec puts it:

“All the Hollywood money is flowing from Beijing to Burbank which is why all we end up with is woke garbage. And if we keep consuming our entertainment in the traditional way – throwing money at whatever woke garbage Hollywood serves up – then woke garbage is all we’re going to get because woke garbage is the only thing the liberal entertainment industrial complex wants to finance.”

I totally agree. Which is why I think we should all do our bit to support the Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for Jack’s comic book project Agent Poso.

Here’s a rough synopsis:

Set ten years in the future a global threat has arisen, and the President must turn to those he can trust. An off-the-books team that works directly for him, in the shadows. For the most sensitive missions, he calls upon Agent Poso and TASK FORCE AEGIS

Just like in Kingsman (which started life as a comic by Mark Millar), the bad guys are environmentalists. (And jihadists – another category of villain that the liberal-left culture industry generally prefers to play down, if it can…)

That’s because this is a shamelessly conservative product for a conservative readership starved of conservative culture.

The projected comic reunites many of the team involved in a previous successful crowdfunded project, Trump’s Space Force.

This team includes creative director Brett Smith (who also worked on Thump: The First Bundred Days; and Clinton Cash Graphic Novel) and comics legend Chuck Dixon (the creator of Bane).

You should support it for at least three reasons: first because the product is going to be good; second because it will annoy the hell out of liberals; third because as Andrew Breitbart said, politics is downstream from culture – so if we don’t take winning the culture wars seriously we’ll probably lose the political wars too…

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U.S. Military Will Retire Floppy Disks from Nuclear Weapon Systems

The U.S. Military will reportedly no longer use floppy disks in nuclear weapon launch systems, a process that dates back to the 1970s.

Engadget reports that the U.S. military, which has been using 8-inch floppy disks loaded into an antiquated computer from the 1970s to receive nuclear launch orders from the president, has upgraded to a new “highly-secure solid-state digital storage solution,” according to Lt. Col. Jason Rossi.

The floppy disks were being used in an extremely old system called the  Strategic Automated Command and Control System (SACCS) which is used by U.S. nuclear forces to send emergency action messages from command centers to field forces and is largely safe from hacking due to the fact that it was invented before the Internet even existed.

Rossi discussed the security of the older hardware stating: “You can’t hack something that doesn’t have an IP address. It’s a very unique system — it is old and it is very good.” In 2016, the Defense Department stated that it planned to replace the old IBM Series/1 SACCS computer and “update its data storage solutions, port expansion processors, portable terminals, and desktop terminals by the end of fiscal year 2017.” It was not revealed by the Air Force if this project was completed but it did say that it has enhanced the speed and connectivity of SACCS.

Although the system is extremely old, the Air Force is confident in its security and has been maintaining it pretty well over the years. Installing a brand new system could actually prove more difficult than maintaining the older one. Air Force Scientific Advisory Board chair Dr. Werner JA Dahm said in 2016: “You have to be able to certify that an adversary can’t take control of that weapon, that the weapon will be able to do what it’s supposed to do when you call on it.”

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or email him at

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WSJ: Trump Is Converting GOP to Populist, Pro-Employee Party

President Donald Trump is converting the former “country club” GOP to the party of blue-collar Americans, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal:

Mr. Trump accelerated the movement of working-class voters into the Republican Party, creating a GOP that now represents more middle- and lower-income Americans … He has reframed much of the Republican agenda to appeal to these voters, particularly on trade, immigration and foreign affairs, in many cases upending 40 years of GOP policy.

In turn, the Democrats are increasingly the party of America’s wealthiest cities, post-industrial business leaders, and the “woke” professional class.

This political transformation, however, means that U.S. college graduates have few friends in Washington, D.C., to protect their economic interests in a shifting economy.

The WSJ provides the data:

The Republican Party now represents more middle- and lower-income Americans than it did a decade ago. When all the U.S. House districts are ranked by median income, the GOP now represents 58% of the lower-income half of that spectrum, up from 39% of lower-income districts a decade ago. And it represents 34% of the higher-income half, down from 43% a decade ago.

But the shift also exacerbates the average voter’s tension with the GOP’s wealthier leadership class. The WSJ reported:

The most ardent Trump supporters agree with Mr. Trump’s restrictive positions on immigration and his opposition to efforts to address climate change, among other policies. The party-supporting Republicans believe immigration helps the nation and that near-term action to fight climate change is needed.

The share of white GOP members with college degrees has dropped from 40 percent in 2012 down to 29 percent in 2018., while the share of non-college grads has climbed from 50 percent in 2010 to 59 percent in 2018.

The WSJ did not discuss the impact of this shift on many college graduate voters who are drifting away from the GOP because of their sympathy for left-wing civic issues, such as global warming, sexual deregulation, and pro-diversity policies.

But these college graduate voters have yet to find economic allies in the pro-migration Democratic Party.

For example, Sen. Elizabeth Warren is calling for more immigration of “students,” which is likely a reference to young college graduates who will compete against American graduates:

We need a pathway to citizenship for the people who are here and here to stay … We need a path — not just for DREAMers — but also a path for grandmas, and for little kids, and for people who came here to work on farms, and for students who overstayed their visas. We need a path that is fair and achievable. Bring people out of the shadows. It is good for all workers, and we need to get them into our unions.

Similarly, Sen. Dick Durbin is touting legislation that would allow U.S. and Indian companies to bring in roughly 100,000 Indian white-collar workers each year.

Meanwhile, investors are pressuring U.S. managers to replace many American graduates with cheaper foreign workers. On October 17, the San Jose Mercury News reported:

The San Francisco ride-hailing giant revealed in a California employment-department filing this month that it is laying off nearly 400 workers at its offices in the city and in Palo Alto. The filing showed software engineers at the firm were the hardest hit, with more than 125 people cut loose.

Meanwhile, Uber this year received federal government approval for 299 new H-1B visas — work permits intended for jobs requiring specialized skills — compared with 152 in 2018 and 158 in 2017, according to data from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. It is unclear whether Uber plans to use all those visas or when new H-1B workers might be brought on. The visas typically cost thousands of dollars each to obtain.

“When they’re laying off, they shouldn’t be using H-1Bs at all, or maybe sparingly at best,” said Ron Hira, a Howard University professor who studies the use of the visa by companies. “It runs totally contrary to the intent of the H-1B program.”

Some of the labor markets for American college graduates are flooded with immigrants, admitted David Bier, an advocate at the Cato Institute, which favors easy immigration by foreign graduates:

The software engineer market, it’s so saturated with H-1Bs that some of the people who are laid off are almost inevitably H-1Bs and some of the people that are being hired are inevitably H-1Bs.

These investors get much support from some GOP legislators:

For the moment, Donald Trump’s administration is zig-zagging between the demands of its business allies and appeals from the swing-voting college graduate class.

“The president has made no secret of the fact that he believes immigration, first and foremost, is set up to work for America — that means economically and for the people here,” Cuccinelli told reporters at a press breakfast organized by the Christian Science Monitor.

Finding the right balance between helping American workers and American investors is a constant political dilemma, Cuccinelli said:

Is there some perfect [balanced] target point in every industry? Maybe there is, but we’re never going to be able to know it. So which side do you err on? And he has repeatedly emphasized how important it is to protect U.S. workers. Now’s he been clear with me, as well, and you all have heard him say it: he wants to see economic growth and dynamism. And that means, you know, growing companies needing to fill slots. So we’re just in a constant battle to balance those things.

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Store’s Thief-Tolerant Policy Backfires, Punks Walk Out with Suitcases Full of Loot

Thieves taking full advantage of a liquor store’s tolerant approach to crime had to bring in luggage to haul their ill-gotten goods out of the store, all while employees helplessly watched.

According to Global News, the brazen theft happened Thursday at a Canadian LCBO store, a government-owned shop operated by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario.

The theft, which was captured on video, involved two men who used duffel bags and a suitcase to carry seemingly pricey bottles of booze out of the store.

TRENDING: Trump’s Gracious Tweet for Elijah Cummings Draws Huge Hate from ‘Tolerant’ Leftists

Although there’s no official statement on the amount that was stolen, the packaging on some of the bottles indicates the thieves weren’t exactly taking bottom-shelf liquor.

WARNING: This following video contains graphic language that some viewers will find offensive.

While the two punks took their time leisurely walking out of the store with their monumental haul, employees could do nothing but shout at them.

You can even hear groans from the workers at the sound of bottle rack crashing to the ground, knowing full well they’ll have to clean it while the thieves enjoy their fine liquor.

This failure to confront the thieves wasn’t due to cowardice, however.

Should these stores give their employees the power to stop thieves?

0% (0 Votes)

0% (0 Votes)

According to CBC News, employees of LCBO are trained to avoid thieves. Instead of intervening, workers must take as much information as they can before sharing it with police.

By the time that happens, thieves are likely lining up their first shots of finely-aged Scottish whiskey in the safety of their home.

Since the LCBO stores are owned by the government, every bottle of liquor stolen is essentially a loss that the taxpayer will have to cover.

These brazen thefts during operating hours are only increasing in frequency. The lax security coupled with LCBO’s apparent unwillingness to take the situation seriously has only emboldened thieves.

Government-owned stores in the neighboring province of Manitoba have also been rocked by an increase in liquor thefts, prompting changes that they hope will deter thieves.

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Stores there will begin checking ID cards at the door, giving employees an idea of who is entering the store. Security guards will also be present during certain hours, and these employees will be able to perform a citizen’s arrest on thieves after they exit a store.

While Canadians are defenseless from stopping thieves from walking away with thousands of dollars worth of liquor, their government appears unwilling to empower them to do otherwise.

With Canada’s liberal tolerance giving thieves the opportunity of a lifetime, it seems that thefts are only going to increase.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via The Western Journal

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