Trump Campaign Vows to Sue CNN for Bias After Project Veritas’ Latest Leaks

President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign has vowed to file a lawsuit against CNN and is seeking a “substantial payment” in the wake of a series of undercover videos showing bias against the Republican president inside the network.

“Never in the history of this country has a president been the subject of such a sustained barrage of unfair, unfounded, unethical and unlawful attacks by so-called ‘mainstream’ news, as the current situation,” Trump lawyer Charles Harder writes to CNN President Jeff Zucker and Executive Vice President David Vigilante.

“Accordingly, my clients intend to file legal action against you, to seek compensatory damages, treble damages, punitive damages, injunctive relief, reimbursement of legal costs, and all other available legal and equitable remedies, to the maximum extent permitted by law,” the letter continues.

“Please contact the undersigned to discuss an appropriate resolution of this matter, which would include a substantial payment of damages, as well as all other appropriate measures that are necessary to fully address the magnitude of the situation,” it adds.

This week, Project Veritas released several videos featuring CNN employees decrying the network’s coverage in the Trump era as well as audio of Zucker pushing staff to vigorously cover the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into the president.

Monday’s video showed a CNN media coordinator stating CNN’s president harbors a “personal vendetta” against President Trump, while Thursday’s footage is of a network field operations manager conceding the network is “totally left-leaning.”

According to Harder, the admissions made by CNN staffers are a breach of journalistic ethics.

“Recently released video footage of individuals alleged to be your employees indicates that your reporting relating to President Trump is contrary to your own mission and the aforementioned Code of Ethics. Your own employees appear to state that CNN is focused on trying to ‘take down President Trump,’ driven by a ‘personal vendetta’ that Mr. Zucker purportedly has against him, rather than reporting the news in an objective manner,” the lawyer wrote.

The Trump re-election campaign’s letter to CNN was first reported by the Washington Examiner.

via Breitbart News

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A House Divided: Abraham Lincoln’s Warning To America, Then and Now

On June 16, 1858, the Illinois Republican Party selected Abraham Lincoln to challenge Stephen A. Douglas for his seat in the United States Senate.  At 8:00 that evening, candidate Lincoln delivered his famous “House Divided” speech, during which he warned the nation about slavery’s destructive effect on the Union.

If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it.  We are now far into the fifth year, since a policy [the Kansas-Nebraska Act] was initiated, with the avowed object, and confident promise, of putting an end to the slavery agitation.  Under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only not ceased, but has constantly augmented.  In my opinion, it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached, and passed.  A House divided against itself cannot stand.

Even though the original author of the house-divided doctrine was Jesus of Nazareth, Lincoln knew that his application of the quote would be controversial, so he previewed the speech for several friends and associates.  With the exception of his law partner, William Herndon, they deemed it too radical and inflammatory for the times, but Lincoln was undeterred.  He insisted:

The proposition is indisputably true, and I will deliver it as written.  I want to use some universally known figure, expressed in simple language as universally known, that it may strike home to the minds of men in order to rouse them to the peril of the times.

His address certainly roused men to the peril of the times, but its critics’ concerns were equally well founded.  Even John Lucas Scripps, Lincoln’s biographer and co-editor of the Chicago Tribune, admitted that many who heard and read the speech understood it as “an implied pledge on behalf of the Republican Party to make war upon the institution [slavery] in the states where it now exists.”  This included Lincoln’s future secretary of state, William H. Seward, who, five months later, predicted that an “irrepressible conflict” was now unavoidable — a prediction that soon became reality.

By March 4, 1861, seven states had left the Union, with six more threatening to leave.  In an attempt to stanch the bleeding, President Lincoln used his first inaugural address to assure the nation that he would not end slavery, or bring the states that had seceded back into the Union, by force of arms.  His assurances came too late.  The point of no return had been breached, and the address did nothing to decrease animosity, allay fears, or bridge the divide.  Instead, animosity increased, the Union dissolved, and the nation descended into four years of self-inflicted misery, death, and destruction.

In retrospect, America’s pre-war house divided had only one great issue to resolve, but our task is more complex and much more difficult.  Presently, the fissures within our national edifice are so numerous that the phrase United States has become little more than a maudlin metonymy used to paper over the cracks in our politically, ethnically, morally, religiously, generationally, and geographically divided house.  Our culture is decaying, and our increasingly uncivil and ever-coarsening society is so inflexible, and attitudinally fractured, that cooperation on even the most noble of causes has become impossible.  Earlier this month, a police chief in Thousand Oaks, California canceled a benefit designed to raise money for a fallen officer’s family because people with whom he disagreed politically would be on the program!  This extreme political prejudice is now the norm for the “woke” folk, who treat all their disputants like political lepers.

A sense of rebellion also hangs in the air as hamlets, villages, cities, and entire states have declared their independence from any federal law with which they disagree, while providing sympathy and sanctuary to criminal aliens.  Meanwhile, in spite of having sworn to “uphold, protect, and defend the constitution,” presidents, legislators, and judges treat it more like a yellowed and moldering scrap of paper taken from an ancient suggestion box than as the supreme law of the land.  This turns the Constitution into a living document flexible enough to accommodate and approve the ever shifting views and mores of society.  If this judicial philosophy becomes the norm, the Supreme Court’s axiom of Equal Justice under Law will be replaced by the old blacksmith’s sign that read, All Sorts of Fancy Twisting and Turning Done Here.  Such a subjective approach is reflective of a government moving from a republic to a direct democracy, elevating rex over lex and placing those God-given unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness at risk.

This disdain for the rule of law, and the dangers inherent in a house divided, joined forces during the last presidential election, when the federal government’s powers were arrayed against one candidate to insure the election of another.  After this plan to save the people from themselves failed, the Democratic Party abandoned its customary role as the loyal opposition and became the resistance, doing everything within its power to block, undermine, and remove a duly elected president.  If this continues, the government will suffer legislative gridlock.  The president will rule by executive fiat; the judicial system will become the final arbiter of all things legal and political; and “government of the people, by the people, for the people” will vanish from the Earth.  On that day, the smoldering embers of enmity will ignite, and the present cold civil war will become an all-consuming fire, thereby fulfilling yet another of President Lincoln’s prophecies:

I know the American people are much attached to their government; I know they would suffer much for its sake; I know they would endure evils long and patiently before they would ever think of exchanging it for another.  Yet, notwithstanding all this, if the laws be continually despised and disregarded, if their rights to be secure in their persons and property are held by no better tenure than the caprice of a mob, the alienations of their affections from the government is the natural consequence; and to that, sooner or later, it must come. (1)

Why have we returned to this dark place?  What force has brought us here?  Have we forgotten the painful lessons of the past?  Are we willing to walk once more through the valley of the shadow of death, and destroy the Republic in the process?  For a large segment of our society, the answer is yes, and with every bit of invective, every epithet, and every insult, hurled like grapeshot against the enemy, the likelihood of our self-destruction grows.  From Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” and Amy Klobachar’s libelous labeling of the president as a “global gangster” to Rashida Tlaib hawking her disgusting “Impeach the MFer” T-shirts, each new salvo augments the agitation; causes the drums of hate to beat louder; and pushes those small, still voices of reason and civility deeper into the shadows.

If it is true that those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it, then every inhabitant of this nation, be he president, patrician, or plebeian, should consider this ominous alarum from our sixteenth president:

At what point shall we expect the approach of danger?  By what means shall we fortify against it?  Shall we expect some trans-Atlantic giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow?  Never!  All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years.  At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected?  I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up among us.  It cannot come from abroad.  No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher.  As a nation of free men, we must live through all time, or die by suicide. (2)

Since our situation and that of President Lincoln have much in common, it is not at all surprising that many of his pronouncements are as prescient today as when first uttered — but what if President Lincoln still walked along us?  What would he think about our house divided, and what would his counsel be?  Would he not exhort us, as he exhorted his dissatisfied brethren of long ago, to remember the following?

We are not enemies, but friends.  We must not be enemies.  Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.  The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature. (3)

Sevenscore and eighteen years ago, the better angels of our nature fled in the face of a gathering storm.  Now our better angels have been driven out, making any prospect of a reunion, the fulfillment of President Lincoln’s plaintive plea, or another new birth of freedom little more than a wistful dream.

(1), (2) A. Lincoln, The Perpetuation of our Political Institutions, January 27, 1838.

(3) Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861.

On June 16, 1858, the Illinois Republican Party selected Abraham Lincoln to challenge Stephen A. Douglas for his seat in the United States Senate.  At 8:00 that evening, candidate Lincoln delivered his famous “House Divided” speech, during which he warned the nation about slavery’s destructive effect on the Union.

If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it.  We are now far into the fifth year, since a policy [the Kansas-Nebraska Act] was initiated, with the avowed object, and confident promise, of putting an end to the slavery agitation.  Under the operation of that policy, that agitation has not only not ceased, but has constantly augmented.  In my opinion, it will not cease until a crisis shall have been reached, and passed.  A House divided against itself cannot stand.

Even though the original author of the house-divided doctrine was Jesus of Nazareth, Lincoln knew that his application of the quote would be controversial, so he previewed the speech for several friends and associates.  With the exception of his law partner, William Herndon, they deemed it too radical and inflammatory for the times, but Lincoln was undeterred.  He insisted:

The proposition is indisputably true, and I will deliver it as written.  I want to use some universally known figure, expressed in simple language as universally known, that it may strike home to the minds of men in order to rouse them to the peril of the times.

His address certainly roused men to the peril of the times, but its critics’ concerns were equally well founded.  Even John Lucas Scripps, Lincoln’s biographer and co-editor of the Chicago Tribune, admitted that many who heard and read the speech understood it as “an implied pledge on behalf of the Republican Party to make war upon the institution [slavery] in the states where it now exists.”  This included Lincoln’s future secretary of state, William H. Seward, who, five months later, predicted that an “irrepressible conflict” was now unavoidable — a prediction that soon became reality.

By March 4, 1861, seven states had left the Union, with six more threatening to leave.  In an attempt to stanch the bleeding, President Lincoln used his first inaugural address to assure the nation that he would not end slavery, or bring the states that had seceded back into the Union, by force of arms.  His assurances came too late.  The point of no return had been breached, and the address did nothing to decrease animosity, allay fears, or bridge the divide.  Instead, animosity increased, the Union dissolved, and the nation descended into four years of self-inflicted misery, death, and destruction.

In retrospect, America’s pre-war house divided had only one great issue to resolve, but our task is more complex and much more difficult.  Presently, the fissures within our national edifice are so numerous that the phrase United States has become little more than a maudlin metonymy used to paper over the cracks in our politically, ethnically, morally, religiously, generationally, and geographically divided house.  Our culture is decaying, and our increasingly uncivil and ever-coarsening society is so inflexible, and attitudinally fractured, that cooperation on even the most noble of causes has become impossible.  Earlier this month, a police chief in Thousand Oaks, California canceled a benefit designed to raise money for a fallen officer’s family because people with whom he disagreed politically would be on the program!  This extreme political prejudice is now the norm for the “woke” folk, who treat all their disputants like political lepers.

A sense of rebellion also hangs in the air as hamlets, villages, cities, and entire states have declared their independence from any federal law with which they disagree, while providing sympathy and sanctuary to criminal aliens.  Meanwhile, in spite of having sworn to “uphold, protect, and defend the constitution,” presidents, legislators, and judges treat it more like a yellowed and moldering scrap of paper taken from an ancient suggestion box than as the supreme law of the land.  This turns the Constitution into a living document flexible enough to accommodate and approve the ever shifting views and mores of society.  If this judicial philosophy becomes the norm, the Supreme Court’s axiom of Equal Justice under Law will be replaced by the old blacksmith’s sign that read, All Sorts of Fancy Twisting and Turning Done Here.  Such a subjective approach is reflective of a government moving from a republic to a direct democracy, elevating rex over lex and placing those God-given unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness at risk.

This disdain for the rule of law, and the dangers inherent in a house divided, joined forces during the last presidential election, when the federal government’s powers were arrayed against one candidate to insure the election of another.  After this plan to save the people from themselves failed, the Democratic Party abandoned its customary role as the loyal opposition and became the resistance, doing everything within its power to block, undermine, and remove a duly elected president.  If this continues, the government will suffer legislative gridlock.  The president will rule by executive fiat; the judicial system will become the final arbiter of all things legal and political; and “government of the people, by the people, for the people” will vanish from the Earth.  On that day, the smoldering embers of enmity will ignite, and the present cold civil war will become an all-consuming fire, thereby fulfilling yet another of President Lincoln’s prophecies:

I know the American people are much attached to their government; I know they would suffer much for its sake; I know they would endure evils long and patiently before they would ever think of exchanging it for another.  Yet, notwithstanding all this, if the laws be continually despised and disregarded, if their rights to be secure in their persons and property are held by no better tenure than the caprice of a mob, the alienations of their affections from the government is the natural consequence; and to that, sooner or later, it must come. (1)

Why have we returned to this dark place?  What force has brought us here?  Have we forgotten the painful lessons of the past?  Are we willing to walk once more through the valley of the shadow of death, and destroy the Republic in the process?  For a large segment of our society, the answer is yes, and with every bit of invective, every epithet, and every insult, hurled like grapeshot against the enemy, the likelihood of our self-destruction grows.  From Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” and Amy Klobachar’s libelous labeling of the president as a “global gangster” to Rashida Tlaib hawking her disgusting “Impeach the MFer” T-shirts, each new salvo augments the agitation; causes the drums of hate to beat louder; and pushes those small, still voices of reason and civility deeper into the shadows.

If it is true that those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it, then every inhabitant of this nation, be he president, patrician, or plebeian, should consider this ominous alarum from our sixteenth president:

At what point shall we expect the approach of danger?  By what means shall we fortify against it?  Shall we expect some trans-Atlantic giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow?  Never!  All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years.  At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected?  I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up among us.  It cannot come from abroad.  No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher.  As a nation of free men, we must live through all time, or die by suicide. (2)

Since our situation and that of President Lincoln have much in common, it is not at all surprising that many of his pronouncements are as prescient today as when first uttered — but what if President Lincoln still walked along us?  What would he think about our house divided, and what would his counsel be?  Would he not exhort us, as he exhorted his dissatisfied brethren of long ago, to remember the following?

We are not enemies, but friends.  We must not be enemies.  Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.  The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature. (3)

Sevenscore and eighteen years ago, the better angels of our nature fled in the face of a gathering storm.  Now our better angels have been driven out, making any prospect of a reunion, the fulfillment of President Lincoln’s plaintive plea, or another new birth of freedom little more than a wistful dream.

(1), (2) A. Lincoln, The Perpetuation of our Political Institutions, January 27, 1838.

(3) Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861.

via American Thinker

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House Passes 3 Bills Supporting Hong Kong Protests, China Threatens Retaliation

The U.S. House of Representatives passed three bills on Tuesday in support of Hong Kong protesters, prompting retaliation threats from China.

The Associated Press reported that the bills were “approved on separate voice votes,” and included some checks on China’s intrusion into Hong Kong’s semi-independence from the communist nation.

“One of the bills condemns China’s intrusions into Hong Kong’s affairs and supports the right of people to protest. Another requires annual reviews by the U.S. secretary of state of Hong Kong’s special economic and trade status, providing a check on Beijing’s influence over the territory. A third bill would ensure that U.S. weapons are not being used against protesters by police,” the Press reported.

The bills received rare bipartisan support. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) took the bills’ passing as an opportunity to stand up for human rights.

“If America does not speak out for human rights in China because of commercial interests, then we lose all moral authority to speak out on behalf of human rights any place in the world,” she said, according to the Press.

Pelosi also praised the Hong Kong protesters, who are fighting for their freedom. The speaker called the Chinese government “cowardly” and condemned the country for failing to “respect the rule of law.”

Hong Kong, a former British colony, was reunited with China in 1997, but “receives special treatment in matters of trade, customs, sanctions enforcement, law enforcement cooperation and more,” the Press reported. This special treatment has also benefited China, Pelosi said, by allowing the communist country an opportunity to skirt U.S. sanctions.

The passage of the bills prompted swift condemnation from China. The Chinese foreign ministry released a statement on Wednesday threatening “strong countermeasures.” Bloomberg reported that “Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Geng Shuang warned American lawmakers to stop meddling in China’s internal affairs ‘before falling off the edge of the cliff,’ without specifying how it would retaliate.”

He added that passing the bills “fully exposes the shocking hypocrisy of some in the U.S. on human rights and democracy and their malicious intention to undermine Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability to contain China’s development.”

The House’s action stands in stark contrast to the message being sent by the NBA and Blizzard Entertainment, both of which suffered scandals over the past week relating to the Hong Kong protests. Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey tweeted support for the protesters and was condemned by the NBA. Star player LeBron James said Morey “wasn’t educated” on the situation and suggested that he and his fellow basketball players were victims after widespread criticism of the NBA’s associations with China.

Gaming company Blizzard Entertainment also found itself mired in scandal after suspending a Hearthstone player for expressing support for Hong Kong. The player made the comments during a post-match interview with two Taiwan esports broadcasters. The broadcasters were initially fired by Blizzard for not stopping the player’s remarks (though they hid behind their desk to avoid being associated with them), but their punishment was reduced to a six-month suspension. The player was initially suspended from tournaments for one year and had his prize winnings denied, but Blizzard later softened their position to a six-month suspension and allowed him to keep his winnings.

via The Daily Wire

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MORE LIES: Mark Zuckerberg Suggests Facebook Does Not Censor Conservatives – Facebook Censored Trump’s Account Just Last Year! (VIDEO)

Mark Zuckerberg is making the rounds this week in Washington DC. The Facebook founder spoke at Georgetown University and later on Thursday he sat down with Dana Perino from FOX News.

The Democrat Party continues to hammer Zuckerberg for allowing differing opinions on the platform. It is shocking to see that in three years, since Trump won the election, Democrats no longer believe in the Bill of Rights and free speech.

LaBron James is the latest lapdog who repeated this new Democrat rule while defending the Chinese Communists.

Zuckerberg told the college students and later Dana Perino that he believes in free speech.

Mark Zuckerberg:  My belief is that in a democracy I don’t think we want private companies answering politicians in the news.  I generally believe that as a principle people should decide what is credible, what they want to believe and who they want to vote for and I don’t think that is something we should want tech companies or any kind of other company doing.

This was an absolute lie.

The Democrat mainstream media can be consumed with a complete hoax on Russia and Trump for two years and never get dinged by Facebook.

In contrast, EVERY SINGLE PRO-TRUMP PUBLISHER has seen the traffic eliminated or greatly reduced. There are few exceptions.

And when Zuckerberg says he doesn’t think private companies should be answering politicians in the news — This is exactly what Facebook has been doing.

** In fact in 2018 Facebook even censored President Trump’s Facebook page. In contrast, Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders’s pages were untouched.

** Facebook deleted “Women for Trump” Facebook ads in August.

** Facebook blocked Dan Scavino, President Trump’s social media chief.

** And JUST LAST WEEK — Facebook deleted “Donald Trump is Our President” Facebook fan page with 3,276,000 fans!

The post MORE LIES: Mark Zuckerberg Suggests Facebook Does Not Censor Conservatives – Facebook Censored Trump’s Account Just Last Year! (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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Company Announces ‘Bogus’ China Arrest of U.S. English Teachers

A company bringing U.S. teachers to China announced Thursday that China arrested two of its members running an English language school on “bogus charges.”

In a post on their Facebook page, China Horizons confirmed the company would be closing down following the arrest of owner Jacob Harlan and director Alyssa Petersen in Jiangsu province last month, citing increasing political and economic problems between the U.S. and China.

“Over the past 17 years we have had the great opportunity to help you experience China in a personal and unique way,” the statement read. “We are grateful for the memories and relationships that have been built over the years.”

“Unfortunately, because of increasing political and economic problems between the U.S. and China, we are no longer able to send teachers to China safely,” it continues. “As a result, our company will be closing our doors at the end of October.”

The statement also announced that the two Americans had been detained for nearly two weeks already while admitting the grim reality that they could face months or even years behind bars.

“Because of the changes that are taking place in China right now the owner, Jacob Harlan, and the director, Alyssa Petersen, have been detained in China for 13 days now and may be so for the next few months or years,” the statement read.

“They are being charged for bogus crimes and their families are working on getting them international lawyers to help them get back home to the states,” it continued. “If you would like more information and would like to help, there are 2 separate GoFundMe accounts that have been created for them both.”

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said he did “not see any concrete links” between their detention and U.S.-China relations.

According to Petersen’s GoFundMe aimed at supporting her legal fees, Petersen was detained by authorities on September 27 and has since been held in a facility in Zhenjiang city and is said to be “doing OK.”

Harlan’s GoFundMe explains that he and his eight-year-old daughter were taken by police from the hotel in which they were staying. His daughter was later allowed to board a flight home to Utah accompanied by a family friend, and the family is said to be “doing well under the circumstances.”

China’s English-teaching industry has seen substantial growth over the past two decades, with thousands of Americans going out to teach for relatively high salaries. However, many face problems securing visas and navigating the strict control of life under the Chinese Communist Party.

Speaking to the South China Morning Post on the condition of anonymity, a U.S. State Department official confirmed that they were monitoring the situation and the detainees were receiving “all appropriate consular services.”

“We are aware of the detention of two US citizens in Jiangsu, China and the charges being brought against them by the provincial government,” the official said.  “We take seriously our responsibility to assist US citizens abroad and are monitoring the situation.”

Follow Ben Kew on Facebook, Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at

via Breitbart News

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Donald Trump: ‘The Bidens Got Rich While America Got Robbed’

President Donald Trump emphasized Thursday that Vice President Joe Biden’s family reaped rewards from China, while America lost wealth to China.

“The Bidens got rich while America got robbed,” Trump said during his rally in Dallas, Texas.

Trump recalled that Biden’s son Hunter Biden secured a $1.5 billion investment for a private equity fund backed by a Chinese state-owned investment after he traveled with his father to the country in 2013.

Hunter Biden stepped down from the board on Sunday, after Trump put pressure on the family for corruption.

But Trump said that the episode was part of a pattern of Democrat corruption.

“Tonight, we forcefully condemn the blatant corruption of the Democrat party,” he said. “They never pay the price, but maybe soon that will start.”

Past leaders, he argued, allowed China to economically pillage the United States.

“I blame our leaders for allowing this horrible, you know what and pillage, it’s the r-word,” he said, referring to the word “rape.”

Trump added that he almost felt bad about attacking the Bidens, noting that it did not look like the former Vice President would win the Democrat nomination.

“Just look at the terrible foreign corruption of the Bidens,” he said. “I hate to talk about him, you know why? I don’t think the guy’s got a chance. Sleepy Joe, I don’t think he’s got a chance.”

via Breitbart News

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Ken Cuccinelli Gains in Race to Replace Departing DHS Chief

President Donald Trump’s chief of staff told reporters that acting Director of the Citizenship and Immigration Services  chief Ken Cuccinelli would make a good leader for the Department of Homeland Security, following the imminent departure of Kevin McAleenan.

Chief of Staff Mike Mulvaney gave Cuccinelli the nod during an afternoon press conference when he was asked if he objected to Cuccinelli getting the job. “What is your objection to his possible appointment?” asked the reporter.

“I have none, and I think Ken would be good at the job,” Mulvaney replied, who has been a quiet and effective supporter of cheap-labor migration for many years. Under his tenure at the Office of Management and Budget, for example, Mulvaney’s deputies have preserved a policy that provides work permits to 100,000 spouses of H-1B visa-workers who are waiting for green cards.

Mulvaney’s public endorsement is a partial win for Cuccinelli, who is the top official at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agency.

Cuccinelli is reportedly competing for the job against Mark Morgan, who has worked as acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection since July 5.

Both men have been strong and clear supporters of Trump’s effort to shift immigration policy in favor of ordinary Americans.

“The president has made no secret of the fact that he believes immigration, first and foremost, is set up to work for America — that means economically and for the people here,” Cuccinelli told reporters at an October 16 press breakfast organized by the Christian Science Monitor. But finding the right balance between helping Americans workers and American investors is a constant political dilemma, Cuccinelli said:

Is there some perfect [balanced] target point in every industry? Maybe there is, but we’re never going to be able to know it. So which side do you err on? And he has repeatedly emphasized how important it is to protect U.S. workers. Now’s he been clear with me, as well, and you all have heard him say it: he wants to see economic growth and dynamism. And that means, you know, growing companies needing to fill slots. So we’re just in a constant battle to balance those things.

On October 8, Morgan touted Trump’s broad strategy to shut down migration through Mexico. “This represents the fourth month in a row of a steady decline in apprehensions; this is an unprecedented achievement,” he said, adding”

I’ll give you an example. Just four short months ago, our daily apprehensions were close to 5,000 [migrants], and today I just looked at it on my screen before I left my office: It is below 1,700. We went from over 19,000 people in custody just four short months ago, [down] to less than 4,000 [in custody].

Cuccinelli is backed by immigraiton reform groups, according to a Politico report:

Ken Cuccinelli checks two boxes for President Trump — style and substance,” said RJ Hauman, government relations director at the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which has been supportive of Cuccinelli in conversations with the White House. “He’ll successfully manage the sprawling bureaucracy at DHS, push back against activist judges and, most importantly, continue implementing President Trump’s immigration agenda.

Cuccinelli’s pro-reform views would doom any chance that he could win the Senate’s confirmation for the job of DHS Secretary. But Trump may try to find a legal workaround that would allow Cuccinelli to run the agency without getting Senate approval.

via Breitbart News

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Dr. Strangesсhiff, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Impeachment

Who could have guessed that the words of Soviet secret police chief Lavrentiy Beria to Joseph Stalin, “Show me the man, and I will show you the crime,” would be strangely embodied in American politics and jurisprudence in the 21st century?  Moreover, according to Dr. Strangesсhiff — congressman, chairman, and commissar — these wonderful words have recently found their way into the U.S. Constitution.

Secret impeachment would seem to be a new idea, but the curious Dr. Strangesсhiff borrowed it from the closed Soviet trials of dissidents, “enemies of the people,” and other “undesirable elements.”

Bravo, comrade Strangesсhiff!  Please, continue the Orange Man trial behind closed doors.  After all, the American people are ecstatic about closed hearings without access by journalists or lawyers.  They are also especially fond of the removal of the president based on an anonymous gossip-monger, or two, or three.  The number of blabbers is not important, since the transcripts of their testimonies will never be published (not because they are not there, but because that is exactly what the intent was).

How familiar…

The impeachment trials by the troika of Strangesсhiff, Loudspeaker, and Jabba-the-Dem take place in the basement of the Lubyanka Capitol.  Citizens of the country are not allowed in the basement trial of their president.  Secret investigation, followed by a secret court, and then…secret execution.  Furthermore, all these actions are in the same basement.  In the 21st century, it is the basement of the Capitol.

How familiar…

When presenting the case of impeachment to his committee, Chairman Strangesсhiff used a specially written parody of the conversation between Orange Man and the president of Ukraine instead of the declassified and officially published text.  The word “clowning” comes to mind, but the Strangeschiff clan never joke.  They deal only with serious anti-American and revolutionary affairs.  For example, in 1917, one of Strangeschiff’s relatives, a banker, paid all travel expenses for the family idol, communist Leo Trotsky, to move from New York to Russia, where he became one of the leaders of the communist coup.  When Trotsky was arrested while crossing the Canadian border, he had 10 thousand dollars on him (about 200 thousand dollars at the current rate).

Nevertheless, the actions of the self-appointed troika are getting funnier every day.  Recently, they began to invite witnesses, who at the time of the “committing of the crime” had not been White House employees for a long time.  They did not and could not possibly see or hear anything.  Excellent selection of witnesses, Comrade Chairman!  Anonymous whistlers who refuse to give official testimony are a great contribution to the reputation of the Democratic Party, Comrade Strangesсhiff.

Dr. Strangesсhiff spends public resources on a private, non-governmental, and illegitimate project.  There is no formal impeachment process because nobody has voted for it.  Therefore, the Strangeschiff troika does not even have the legal authority to subpoena anyone to testify.  The other day, the third-rate Loudspeaker once again confirmed that there has not been nor will there be any official vote on impeachment.

The horror of the situation is that the Democrats, without realizing it, began to win the indirect competition with McCarthy’s anti-communist investigations of the 1950s.  Previously, the phrase “witch hunt” was firmly (although not always deservedly) associated with McCarthy, but now Strangesсhiff and his accomplices, who are haunted by fame, efficiency, and (brief) impunity of the Stalinist troikas, have taken the palm.

Bravo, comrade Strangesсhiff! The permanent impeachment is a permanent gift for the Orange Man that keeps on giving.  Gathering evidence of the guilt of Orange Man from second- and thirdhand accounts is an excellent strategy, my dear revolutionary commissars.  All of these anonymous informers are just fine.  The Politburo appreciates your achievements!  Moreover, the opinion that Commissar Strangeschiff is making the most miserable attempt at impeachment in American history is simply a slander by those who have not yet been to the re-education camp.

The secret virtual impeachment was originally conceived by the Democrats as their golden ticket to the winning 2020 election.  Alas, they were forced to drastically change their plans as soon as they learned about the investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice of the origins of the “Russian Dossier.”  Now the creatures of the Washington swamp are participating in a race for survival.  They are trying with all their might to find a worthy political counterweight to real prison terms both for the government espionage against political opponents and for an attempted palace coup.  The fact that they chose the heavy artillery — impeachment — shows how highly they value themselves for the gravity of their violations of the law, all while following the orders of Comrade Hussein ibn-Kenyan.

Closed trials have taken place in the past.  In most cases, those who were eventually planned to be exchanged — spies or politicians — were tried behind closed doors.  What exchange are the Democrat commissars counting on?

If members of the Capitol Politburo expect to find something in Orange Man’s biography to remove him from the presidency, they will be greatly disappointed.  The fact is that Orange Man declared his candidacy in 2015.  However, he began planning a move to the White House when he turned fifty.  Furthermore, over the past quarter-century, his staff and his lawyers have completely “cleared out” all potential “dark spots” in his life.

They worked slowly but thoroughly.  Someone got money, someone got a position, and someone got publicity.  Everyone got what he wanted.  That is why the numerous attempts to find some dirt on Orange Man are a futile undertaking.  In fact, not one of Orange Man’s many confirmed mistresses has so far confronted him (and those who spoke out turned out to be fakes).

Over the past three years, Democrats have called for a recession, stock market crash, nuclear war, the assassination of the president and his family, the rape of his daughter, the rape of his wife, the bombing of the White House, impeachment and rioting, all to fuel the process of the Sovietization of America.

After the debacle with the Special Counsel Mueller investigation, from whom we learned that Orange Man is not, in fact, a marionette of the nano-führer Putin, and Mueller himself is only the figurehead of the “Down with the Orange Man” gang, it can be assumed that Comrade Strangeschiff is the same inconspicuous figurehead.  By the way, the current troika of commissars does not use anything that was dug up by Mueller’s anti-Trump team for the bluffpeachment.

Is everything happening in the basement of the Capitol a mockery of the impeachment process?  Of course.  However, most of all, Americans are interested in only one question: what kind of trick will the Democrats come up with after the hocus-pocus of a permanent palace coup, permanent impeachment, and permanent figureheads fails again?

Gary Gindler, Ph.D. is a conservative columnist at Gary Gindler Chronicles, and the founder of a new science: politiphysics.  Follow him on Twitter and Quodverum.

Who could have guessed that the words of Soviet secret police chief Lavrentiy Beria to Joseph Stalin, “Show me the man, and I will show you the crime,” would be strangely embodied in American politics and jurisprudence in the 21st century?  Moreover, according to Dr. Strangesсhiff — congressman, chairman, and commissar — these wonderful words have recently found their way into the U.S. Constitution.

Secret impeachment would seem to be a new idea, but the curious Dr. Strangesсhiff borrowed it from the closed Soviet trials of dissidents, “enemies of the people,” and other “undesirable elements.”

Bravo, comrade Strangesсhiff!  Please, continue the Orange Man trial behind closed doors.  After all, the American people are ecstatic about closed hearings without access by journalists or lawyers.  They are also especially fond of the removal of the president based on an anonymous gossip-monger, or two, or three.  The number of blabbers is not important, since the transcripts of their testimonies will never be published (not because they are not there, but because that is exactly what the intent was).

How familiar…

The impeachment trials by the troika of Strangesсhiff, Loudspeaker, and Jabba-the-Dem take place in the basement of the Lubyanka Capitol.  Citizens of the country are not allowed in the basement trial of their president.  Secret investigation, followed by a secret court, and then…secret execution.  Furthermore, all these actions are in the same basement.  In the 21st century, it is the basement of the Capitol.

How familiar…

When presenting the case of impeachment to his committee, Chairman Strangesсhiff used a specially written parody of the conversation between Orange Man and the president of Ukraine instead of the declassified and officially published text.  The word “clowning” comes to mind, but the Strangeschiff clan never joke.  They deal only with serious anti-American and revolutionary affairs.  For example, in 1917, one of Strangeschiff’s relatives, a banker, paid all travel expenses for the family idol, communist Leo Trotsky, to move from New York to Russia, where he became one of the leaders of the communist coup.  When Trotsky was arrested while crossing the Canadian border, he had 10 thousand dollars on him (about 200 thousand dollars at the current rate).

Nevertheless, the actions of the self-appointed troika are getting funnier every day.  Recently, they began to invite witnesses, who at the time of the “committing of the crime” had not been White House employees for a long time.  They did not and could not possibly see or hear anything.  Excellent selection of witnesses, Comrade Chairman!  Anonymous whistlers who refuse to give official testimony are a great contribution to the reputation of the Democratic Party, Comrade Strangesсhiff.

Dr. Strangesсhiff spends public resources on a private, non-governmental, and illegitimate project.  There is no formal impeachment process because nobody has voted for it.  Therefore, the Strangeschiff troika does not even have the legal authority to subpoena anyone to testify.  The other day, the third-rate Loudspeaker once again confirmed that there has not been nor will there be any official vote on impeachment.

The horror of the situation is that the Democrats, without realizing it, began to win the indirect competition with McCarthy’s anti-communist investigations of the 1950s.  Previously, the phrase “witch hunt” was firmly (although not always deservedly) associated with McCarthy, but now Strangesсhiff and his accomplices, who are haunted by fame, efficiency, and (brief) impunity of the Stalinist troikas, have taken the palm.

Bravo, comrade Strangesсhiff! The permanent impeachment is a permanent gift for the Orange Man that keeps on giving.  Gathering evidence of the guilt of Orange Man from second- and thirdhand accounts is an excellent strategy, my dear revolutionary commissars.  All of these anonymous informers are just fine.  The Politburo appreciates your achievements!  Moreover, the opinion that Commissar Strangeschiff is making the most miserable attempt at impeachment in American history is simply a slander by those who have not yet been to the re-education camp.

The secret virtual impeachment was originally conceived by the Democrats as their golden ticket to the winning 2020 election.  Alas, they were forced to drastically change their plans as soon as they learned about the investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice of the origins of the “Russian Dossier.”  Now the creatures of the Washington swamp are participating in a race for survival.  They are trying with all their might to find a worthy political counterweight to real prison terms both for the government espionage against political opponents and for an attempted palace coup.  The fact that they chose the heavy artillery — impeachment — shows how highly they value themselves for the gravity of their violations of the law, all while following the orders of Comrade Hussein ibn-Kenyan.

Closed trials have taken place in the past.  In most cases, those who were eventually planned to be exchanged — spies or politicians — were tried behind closed doors.  What exchange are the Democrat commissars counting on?

If members of the Capitol Politburo expect to find something in Orange Man’s biography to remove him from the presidency, they will be greatly disappointed.  The fact is that Orange Man declared his candidacy in 2015.  However, he began planning a move to the White House when he turned fifty.  Furthermore, over the past quarter-century, his staff and his lawyers have completely “cleared out” all potential “dark spots” in his life.

They worked slowly but thoroughly.  Someone got money, someone got a position, and someone got publicity.  Everyone got what he wanted.  That is why the numerous attempts to find some dirt on Orange Man are a futile undertaking.  In fact, not one of Orange Man’s many confirmed mistresses has so far confronted him (and those who spoke out turned out to be fakes).

Over the past three years, Democrats have called for a recession, stock market crash, nuclear war, the assassination of the president and his family, the rape of his daughter, the rape of his wife, the bombing of the White House, impeachment and rioting, all to fuel the process of the Sovietization of America.

After the debacle with the Special Counsel Mueller investigation, from whom we learned that Orange Man is not, in fact, a marionette of the nano-führer Putin, and Mueller himself is only the figurehead of the “Down with the Orange Man” gang, it can be assumed that Comrade Strangeschiff is the same inconspicuous figurehead.  By the way, the current troika of commissars does not use anything that was dug up by Mueller’s anti-Trump team for the bluffpeachment.

Is everything happening in the basement of the Capitol a mockery of the impeachment process?  Of course.  However, most of all, Americans are interested in only one question: what kind of trick will the Democrats come up with after the hocus-pocus of a permanent palace coup, permanent impeachment, and permanent figureheads fails again?

Gary Gindler, Ph.D. is a conservative columnist at Gary Gindler Chronicles, and the founder of a new science: politiphysics.  Follow him on Twitter and Quodverum.

via American Thinker

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