Levin: Dems Are ‘Eviscerating Our System of Law’ for Trump Impeachment

Wednesday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Mark Levin, author of “Unfreedom of the Press,” criticized the process by which House Democrats are pursuing impeachment against President Donald Trump.

Levin emphasized the necessity of due process in order to have fair and just proceedings.

“Due process is necessary,” he said. “The right to call witnesses is necessary. The right to cross-examine other witnesses is necessary. The right to have counsel is necessary. The right to participate fully in the process is necessary.”

He went on to declare this impeachment process, which differs from that of former Presidents Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, the evisceration of the system of law by House Democrats.

“They used to talk about Russia for two and a half years,” Levin added. “They used to talk about the Mueller report. They used to talk about volume 2 of the Mueller report. They used to demand grand jury information. They have failed on every single front. So now it’s Ukraine, and they don’t intend to fail this time, you see. Because they are going to violate — violate — the procedures that have been in place in the House of Representatives for Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton. It is they who are eviscerating our system of law. It is they who need to be held to account.”

(h/t CR)

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

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Chick-fil-A Employee Climbs Down Storm Drain to Save Customer’s Phone

A Chick-fil-A employee in Stafford, Virginia, climbed down a storm drain to retrieve a phone that a customer had accidentally dropped in the sewer. “This is Seth,” said the customer, “He is also now my hero and favorite Chick-fil-A employee.”

Chick-fil-A employees are known for transcending typical customer service exceptions, and earlier this month, one woman experienced this first-hand when an employee climbed down a storm drain to retrieve her iPhone, which she had accidentally dropped in a sewer while getting out of her van, according to a report by ABC 13 News.

“I park at our local Chick-fil-A and as I go to get my son out of the van, no joke, my phone drops and bounces right into the storm drain I’m parked next too,” wrote the customer, Shauna, on Facebook. “After a moment of loosing my freakin’ mind, I lay on the ground — looking into the dark abyss to see if by any chance it has landed somewhere I can reach. Of course it has not.”

Shauna, who also mentioned she had recently paid off her iPhone, said that she was in disbelief and began to cry, and then went into Chick-fil-A to ask for a manager.

“The manager comes over to talk to me and is very friendly but unsure how to help,” wrote Shauna. “Just then another employee behind her says he is going to grab a grab-stick and a mirror to try and help — without hesitation, and in his uniform, he lays on the ground and attempts to locate the phone.”

“He can’t see it either and we both realize the worse. It has in fact fallen dead smack in the middle, down the actual drainage hole,” she added. “So we go back inside where we go to a table as my son is hungry and I still can’t believe what has happened.”

Shauna said that the Chick-fil-A employee — whose name is Seth — then notified her that he had refunded her order. “Thanking him, I tell him he didn’t have to do that, but he tells me it was no problem as I’m clearly already having a bad day,” she wrote.

The customer said that Seth then joined her and her son in the booth, where he called the county to ask for assistance.

“They hang up on him,” said Shauna, who added that when they later went back out to the parking lot, they noticed that the storm drain cover was not bolted down. Shauna then describes what happened next.

So we try to lift it. It’s really heavy so he does most the lifting and ends up slicing his finger open. After running in quickly to clean the wound, he is able to remove the cover and there at the very bottom of the drain hole is my phone. After trying to reach it with his grab-stick then dropping his stick, he tells me it’s a manhole for a reason and he is going down. He then climbs down into the hole and retrieves my phone which miraculously is not broken or wet. I was so thankful I freaking hugged him. Not only did he slice his finger and was filthy from laying on the ground and climbing in the hole, I find out he had actually just gotten off shift and was still willing to help me.

“So this is Seth. Turns out he is also the store’s Digital Marketing Director,” said Shauna. “He is also now my hero and favorite Chick-fil-A employee.”

“As he was about to climb out of the hole he asked me to snap a picture so he could show his girlfriend what he did at work today,” she added. “Just another day at Chick-fil-A.”

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo and on Instagram.

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Daleiden Defense Attorney: Judge Blocked Jury from Seeing Planned Parenthood Videos

A defense attorney for undercover journalist David Daleiden said the federal judge hearing the civil case brought by Planned Parenthood has blocked the jury from seeing the videos that are central to the case.

“The problem that we’ve got is that the judge is allowing input of evidence of every injury that Planned Parenthood and their allies suffered at the hands of the negative public relations, and yet not allowing us to even put in the videos that the public was reacting to,” Peter Breen of the Thomas More Society told Breitbart News in an interview.

“So, there’s a principle in the law that has been recognized that David and his team are not responsible for the reaction to the contents of the video,” he continued:

And, so, the reaction of the public is, to some extent, not relevant to the damages that are being claimed by Planned Parenthood. But the judge is letting those in. He’s letting them talk all about their, you know the terrible public relations they took.

But at the same time, we’ve not been able, thus far, to show any of the videos that caused this great public reaction. And Planned Parenthood is trying to get damages, after the publication of the videos that they say weren’t caused by the public reactions.

Daleiden himself tweeted the judge’s decision to prevent the jury from seeing the videos is a violation of “due process”:

Breen said the problem for his team is they need to show public reaction to the videos, which depicted top-level Planned Parenthood officials haggling over the price of body parts of aborted babies, was “overwhelming.”

“And there’s good reason for it, because the videos, showed evidence of terrible crimes and the willingness to commit those crimes by top officials at Planned Parenthood,” he said. “We’re fighting as hard as we can, but based on the recent rulings, we’re having a fight with one hand tied behind our back, possibly both.”

As the Federalist reported, in opening statements, Judge William Orrick of U.S. District Court in San Francisco instructed the jury the case “is not about the truth of whether plaintiffs profited from the sale of fetal tissue or otherwise violated the law in securing tissue for those programs.”

“Those issues are a matter of dispute between the parties in the world outside this courtroom,” the judge added.

Breen told Breitbart News:

Imagine what it is going to be like for these jurors to sit through six weeks of Planned Parenthood talking about all the terrible things that happened to them, none of which should be relevant to damages.

And yet, we’re going to be unable to talk about why those things were actually happening, in defense.

“Unfortunately, it’s starting to look like we’re engaged in a game of heads Planned Parenthood wins, tails we lose – on the presentation of evidence,” Breen added.

Daleiden reported as well on Center for Medical Progress’s (CMP) website:

At Planned Parenthood’s request, Judge Orrick refused to allow the Defense to show the jury the exact video conversations that Planned Parenthood is suing for. It is the jury’s job to assess whether the conversations are “private” or “confidential” under applicable state law–yet Planned Parenthood and Judge Orrick are barring the actual recordings of these conversations from the courtroom. Adrian Lopez, one of CMP’s undercover investigators, took the witness stand and was accused by Planned Parenthood of videotaping so-called “private” conversations at a National Abortion Federation trade show in Baltimore, MD, yet defense attorney Paul Jonna was not allowed to play video of the conversation itself, a graphic discussion with Plaintiff Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast leadership, to allow Lopez and CMP to defend against Planned Parenthood’s accusation. Ironically, Planned Parenthood was allowed to play multiple recordings of undercover conversations during their questioning.

Planned Parenthood initially sought over $20 million in damages, but those damages have since been reduced to several hundred thousands of dollars, in addition to legal and attorney fees, which could yet run into millions of dollars.

In a separate criminal case against Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the CMP colleagues are the first undercover journalists to be criminally prosecuted in the history of the state of California.

Daleiden and Merritt were slapped with 15 felony counts of recording confidential information without consent by the office of the California Attorney General (AG), including its past AG, current U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, and her successor, Xavier Becerra.

Harris received thousands of dollars in campaign donations from Planned Parenthood, and, subsequently, she and her office raided Daleiden’s home and seized his personal property, including his laptop, instead of prosecuting Planned Parenthood.

The preliminary hearing at San Francisco’s Superior Court concluded in September.

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TSA Flags Woman Carrying 20 Bags of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos

A woman was recently flagged by a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent for transporting Flamin’ Hot Cheetos through airport security.

Social media star Emily Mei posted video footage of the incident to her Twitter account on Friday that shows the agent removing each of the 20 bags of chips from her Louis Vuitton duffel bag and swabbing them to test for chemicals.

“Will never forget the day TSA stopped me cuz they thought i was hiding s - - t inside my bag cuz all i had was like 20 bags of Hot Cheetos,” tweeted Mei, who goes by the name Emily Ghoul on Twitter.

The TSA website stated that most of the time, agents will allow food items to remain inside passenger carry-on bags.

“Listen to the instructions of the TSA officer. In most cases, food or snacks such as fruit, health bars, and sandwiches can stay inside your carry-on bag.”

However, the administration added that if an item prevents agents from seeing into the bag clearly during the screening process, passengers may be asked to remove it.

The website continued:

In addition to screening personal electronic devices separately, including laptops, tablets, e-readers and handheld game consoles, TSA officers may instruct travelers to separate other items from carry-on bags such as foods, powders, and any materials that can clutter bags and obstruct clear images on the X-ray machine. We recommend keeping your bag organized to help ease the screening process as it takes time for TSA officers to make sure a jam-packed, cluttered, overstuffed bag is safe.

Mei’s tweet went viral after she posted it last week, and the video has since received more than 1.6 million views.

On Sunday, Mei wrote on Twitter that she was on her way to Korea to visit friends who told her the chips are hard to come by in their country.

“For everyone who’s asking why i had so many bags of Hot Cheetos, apparently it’s hard to get in korea so my friends always ask me to bring it for them LOL,” she concluded.

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Ted Cruz, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Join Forces To Criticize NBA’s China Cowardice

It’s not often a bipartisan coalition forms naturally around an issue, but the NBA’s unqualified capitulation to Chinese Communists has managed to bring together perhaps the most mis-matched group of legislators in a decade.

In this case, that shocking bi-partisan team involves Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Ben Sasse (R-NE), Tom Cotton (R-AK), Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) — not exactly a group that enjoys a robust friendship.

In a two-page letter to NBA Commissioner Adam Silver, the group excoriates the league’s decision to issue an unqualified apology to Chinese officials after Houston Rockets manager, Daryl Morey, sent a single public Tweet expressing support for pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.

Over the weekend, both the NBA and Morey groveled at the feet of the Chinese Communists in order to save a business relationship between the league and the global superpower, and followed up its public capitulation with a series of bizarre antics, censoring fans who brought signs, wore tee shirts, or started chants supporting the Hong Kong demonstrators opposing Chinese incursion.

The group pulled no punches.

“It is outrageous that the Chinese Communist Party is using its economic power to suppress the speech of American inside the United States. It is also outrageous that the NBA has caved to Chinese government demands for contrition,” the group writes.

“Hundreds of millions of people within China will read your statements as an admission that their government’s propaganda is correct; millions of people in Hong Kong will be dispirited,” they continue. “That you have more potential fans in China than in Hong Kong is no excuse for being over backwards to express ‘sensitivity’ only to one side.”

The letter goes on to suggest that the NBA is hypocritical for its stance on Morey’s statements, since it has openly encouraged its players to express controversial opinions before — though largely on domestic issues, not foreign ones. Cracking down here, the group says, is an attack on “fundamental American values.”

When the league inked its deals with China, the group argues, they should have anticipated that some day China might be offended by something said by a player or administrator in the league, and pledged to defend their own, even if it meant losing cash in the process. Instead, the NBA has paved the way for the Chinese to use economic means to censor Americans’ protected speech.

The Members of Congress make four demands on the NBA: that the NBA will reiterate its commitment to being “hands off” when it comes to the political beliefs of its players and administrators, that the NBA will cease doing business with the Chinese until the Chinese drop their boycott of NBA activities, that the NBA will re-evaluate its operations in China (including operating its training facility for Chinese players in Xianjiang, just a stone’s throw from where China is operating huge concentration camps for ethnic Chinese Muslims), and “clarify” that players and administrators are allowed to speak out on human rights abuses at home and abroad.

The NBA has yet to respond, probably because its still figuring out what to do about its lost Chinese connection. So far, China has dropped its commitment to host a handful of planned pre-season exhibition NBA games and says it will end NBA broadcasts in-country.

NBA players like Steph Curry, who refused to speak on the subject during an interview yesterday, also have multi-million dollar sponsorship contracts with corporations like Nike and Reebok, who sell billions of dollars worth of goods inside China and don’t want their own economic interests harmed.

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DYS: The Role Of The Judiciary Is To Say What The Law Is, Not What It Should Be

While the justices heard arguments in three cases inside the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday, Americans waited anxiously outside to learn the fate of the republic.

Exaggeration? Perhaps. But if so, it is only because it has become so routine to expect the high court to “decide” consequential issues for us. But that is not actually the justices’ job. Theirs is to say what the law is — “emphatically,” says Marbury v. Madison — and not to make it themselves.

In the words of Chief Justice John Roberts, the Supreme Court’s job is to “call balls and strikes” like a baseball umpire — and not to be “pitcher or catcher.”

But advocates for three individuals terminated from their jobs think otherwise. In their mind, federal employment law governing non-discrimination in employment — specifically, Title VII — needs to be updated. But the plaintiffs think the courts, and not the legislatures, should do the updating.

Interestingly, their argument suggests that nothing actually needs to be updated. When, in 1964, Title VII was enacted, they argue that the word “sex” would linguistically evolve to encompass its myriad meanings today. That is, they argue, “sex” clearly includes both gender identity and sexual orientation. All that is necessary, they say, is for the high court to recognize that “sex” and the accompanying concept of “sex stereotypes” includes all the many iterations of gender identity and sexual orientation.

That is strange because, since at least 1974, there have been repeated — and failed — efforts to add gender identity or sexual orientation protections in federal non-discrimination law, including Title VII. In fact, someone has introduced the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) in Congress every year since 1994. And every year it has failed. Every single year.

States, for their part, have a more mixed record. Some have expanded the definition of “sex” in their state employment code provisions. Some have not. In some cases, municipalities within a state conflict with one another. Some cities, trying to be more “progressive,” have adopted expanded non-discrimination ordinances — sometimes even in opposition with state law.

Even earlier this year, the so-called Equality Act — an aggressive non-discrimination proposal — passed the House of Representatives but has thus far not been acted upon in the U.S. Senate.

Perhaps to some, the word “sex” in Title VII means something more than it meant in 1964. But if, after 45 years since the first legislative effort in 1974, no Congress has agreed, why should the nine lawyers on the high Court do what Congress has not done itself?

So it is no surprise that Justice Samuel Alito said to advocates before the Court, “Congress has been asked repeatedly in the years since 1964 to address this question.” And, if Congress has so declined to address the question — or simply failed to act upon it — why should the Court? After all, he says, “[If] the Court takes this up and interprets this 1964 statute to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, we will be acting exactly like a legislature.”

Courts should not act like legislatures. Theirs is a different article in the Constitution altogether. Justice Neil Gorsuch seems to agree, noting that the role of expanding the law is the domain of the legislature. Thus, he said on Tuesday that this is “a question of judicial modesty.”

Beyond judicial modesty, if litigation since Obergefell v. Hodges has taught us anything, it is that short-circuiting the democratic process, as Justice Clarence Thomas warned us in his Obergefell dissent, has “potentially ruinous consequences for religious liberty” (among other deleterious effects).

Justice Alito agreed, explaining at the time that Obergefell would “be used to vilify” those who disagree and that Obergefell may even be “exploited by those who are determined to stamp out every vestige of dissent.”

Even since Obergefell wound its way to the Court, Jack Phillips, Aaron and Melissa Klein, Baronelle Stutzman, and others have emerged from the “recesses of their homes” — where Justice Alito said they might “whisper their thoughts” — and assumed the risk of acting upon their faith in public. Sadly, they were “labeled as bigots and treated as such by governments, employers, and schools.”

Now, like Jack Phillips, they face years of litigation simply to clear their name. No American should face that fate. Respecting the democratic process that allows for give and take — for concession and compromise — gains for us an overall better result for freedom. Allowing Americans to use the First Amendment to question the speech of others in order to sharpen our societal understanding of freedom is a blessing rarely afforded to human history.

Judges should say what the law is. If the law is inadequate, they should not fill in the blanks left by Congress. To do so would give, as U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco said at oral argument on Tuesday, “a complete victory to one side of the fight and nothing to the other side.”


Jeremy Dys (@JeremyDys) is Special Counsel for Litigation and Communications for First Liberty Institute, a non-profit law firm dedicated to defending religious freedom for all Americans. Read more at FirstLiberty.org.

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Military Wife Writes Raw Truth Explaining What It Really Takes to Let a Soldier Go

Life in the military is full of stories.

Survival. Courage. Homecomings.

Often, the side most widely celebrated online is the side everyone wants to see — soldiers in uniform popping out of boxes and walking onto stages. Hugs, kisses, music, laughing through tears. A story of a soldier’s homecoming can be inspirational and heartwarming, but even more inspirational are the hidden moments that nobody sees.

Nobody records the quiet years spent waiting, hoping and praying before those soldiers finally come home.

A military wife named Alex Chrisco recently wrote a heartbreaking description of those very moments, highlighting the side of military life that few get the opportunity to witness.

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“People don’t see this side,” she began, writing the message on Facebook accompanied by a sweet photo of herself and her husband, who is in the Marine Corps. The young military bride began by showcasing the stress of a soldier’s last morning at home before leaving for an assignment.

“You’re up an hour earlier than he is on the day he leaves. You wake up because your mind is racing. Did we get everything in order?” she wrote.

She continued to describe how military wives are left alone to deal with household maintenance, car trouble, bills, chores and other responsibilities that pale in comparison to the worst task imaginable: letting go of the men they love.

“You’re laying in bed mindlessly scrolling through apps on your phone because your real focus is listening to him breathe (or snore). It’s annoying now but you know you’ll miss it,” Chrisco wrote. “And right now, he’s here. In a few weeks you’ll probably be crying remembering this moment, wishing you had held him just a little bit longer.”

“People don’t see this side. They don’t see the gear laid out in your living room. They don’t know how rough his cammies feel during that last hug.

“They don’t know how exhausting the wait is, the countdown to the final hour; they don’t see how hard you try to keep it together, how much you try to not let your voice shake when you say ‘I love you, see you later.’”

The post paints a raw picture of what truly happens behind the scenes. While soldiers are sometimes called to sacrifice everything for the country they serve, their families are asked to give up months of memories and moments. Choosing to stand behind a soldier can often feel like choosing to stand alone. However, no woman brave enough to make the sacrifices has to be alone.

Chrisco’s post quickly went viral, with dozens of comments pouring in to offer support and encouragement. The military community rallied close around her, reminding her that they were there.

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The marine’s wife was surprised that her message had hit home for so many people.

“I was shocked that my post got such an overwhelming response, but I’m grateful the message is being shared,” Chrisco told The Western Journal.

“Seeing the responses this post has gotten from other spouses reminded me of how unique and special our community is: no matter what you are going through, there is another person who is experiencing the same thing.”

When asked what advice she would give to others struggling with the same emotions and experiences, she said, “I would tell them to continue living their life. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that your life does not have to stop because your husband is away.”

“You are allowed to go on your own adventures,” she added.

Chrisco ended her post with a final message about the little moments spent preparing to let a soldier go. “People don’t see this side,” she wrote. “They see the homecoming videos and the cute pics, but they don’t see the times where you’re looking at your husband for no reason, because you know the next time he leaves, you’ll be wishing you had stolen just one more glance.”

The next time you find yourself in conversation with a military wife, be sure to thank her for all she does, and all she has chosen to sacrifice.

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Progressive SJW trustee for Chicago suburb goes ballistic at meeting: ‘You stop it, you are a white male!’

In a video you have to see to believe, a trustee for Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, screamed at her colleagues for speaking on racial issues as white men.

During a Monday board of trustees meeting on rewriting the town’s diversity statement, trustee Susan Buchanan flipped out after trustee Dan Moroney objected to language he thought might be offensive to the town police department. According to CBS 2, part of the statement read: “We work to break down systems of oppression.”

“I hesitate to send the message to our police department that they are a system of oppression,” Moroney said.

In video from the meeting, Buchanan says Moroney and fellow trustee Deno Andrews “shouldn’t have an opinion” on the matter and attacked them for being white.

“You have been white from birth! Why are you arguing what is a system of oppression? You’ve never experienced one! So shut up! I don’t want to hear from you! Just stop!” Buchanan said.

“You have not spent a day with dark brown skin and tried to walk through this society!” she said with raised voice.

Her ravings drew applause from the audience.

“This mayor and this board is obviously not willing to face history,” she yelled. “We have a chance to make history. It is time for this community to face equity. Enough! And you stop it! You are a white male! You stop it, you are a white male! Your skin is light enough. Stop it!”

The Village of Oak Park meeting agenda and full video of Buchanan’s comments are available at the town’s website.

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State Dept Witness Testifies Hillary Clinton Was Fully Informed of Federal Records Management, Including Email Records on Six Occasions

Graphic via Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch is fighting in court to depose Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton’s lawyers pushed back on Judicial Watch last month and argued that Hillary has already answered all the questions about her private server and Benghazi.

Judicial Watch rejected their argument and said Hillary’s answers about the use of her private server actually raised more questions.

Judicial Watch should be permitted to directly question Secretary Clinton about her motives, thoughts, and efforts regarding the “convenience” she relies upon in justifying her use of a secret, private server and email address in direct violation of federal records laws and State Department policies.

A State Department witness testified that Hillary Clinton was fully informed of federal records management on at least six occasions.

Clinton also suggests that her emails would have been captured by State Department records systems, which is contradicted by Tasha Thian, a retired senior State records official, recently questioned by Judicial Watch:

According to Ms. Thian’s testimony, there are at least six occasions Secretary Clinton was or should have been fully informed of federal records management, including email records, and compliance responsibilities. Yet Secretary Clinton’s actual understanding of her obligations with respect to official State Department records is completely absent from the record.

Thian implied that it was inconceivable that Clinton was not aware of her obligations regarding federal records and email management:

I don’t understand why she would come up with this statements that she was allowed – or how she would save record email by emailing another employee’s account. She had resources there aplenty. So it just doesn’t make sense to me.

[Even before taking office, Secretary Clinton] knew we had a process.

Recall, it was Judicial Watch in 2015 who blew the story wide open about Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server while she was the head of the Department of State.

Hillary Clinton panicked and used BleachBit to destroy 33,000 emails and her aides took hammers to her BlackBerrys (all under congressional subpoena) in order to hide her Clinton Foundation pay-to-play scheme.

Judicial Watch has been fighting to get Hillary Clinton’s ‘missing’ emails ever since. Through FOIA lawsuits, Judicial Watch has obtained thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails which proved she transmitted classified information over her private server and even outed the name of clandestine CIA officer.

Hillary Clinton is still freely walking around — meanwhile two of Rudy Giuliani’s associates were arrested Thursday for ‘campaign finance violations.’

“Hillary Clinton is now joking about her emails even as she seeks to avoid being questioned on this serious scandal,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The court has found that this email use and cover-up are no joking matter.”

You can support Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch by clicking here.

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ICE chief estimates 15,000 fewer criminal alien arrests due to border crisis resource drain

Diverting the resources needed to address the crisis at America’s southern border has led to a drop in arrests of criminal aliens in the U.S. interior, a top Trump administration immigration official said Thursday.

At a White House news conference on Thursday morning, acting ICE Director Matthew Albence told reporters that the agency is expecting a severe drop in criminal alien arrests as a result of the diversion of law enforcement resources to deal with the crisis at the southern border.

The conference was focused on the problem of illegal alien crime and the agency’s efforts to get criminal aliens off the streets. When asked by a reporter about administration efforts to combat illegal border crossings, Albence listed several recent administration actions but also noted that addressing the border crisis has hamstrung ICE’s ability to enforce the law domestically.

Albence continued:

This is one of the problems with this issue, is that we’ve had to redeploy our ICE resources to support the Border Patrol and Customs and Border Protection with those challenges at the border, which has made us less safe. Because we’ve had some field offices where we’ve had to shut down our at-large criminal alien teams so that they could handle the influx of people that are coming to this country illegally as well as the increase in people in detention.

“As a result, we’re going to arrest about 15,000 or so fewer criminal aliens this year as a result of what’s going on at the border. So for those, the people that say we should be going after the worst of the worst and going after criminal aliens, I would love to, but that has to come with strong border security.

Video of the press briefing is available here:

The diversion of resources to the border situation has been a problem for months. Back in June, ICE Seattle field office acting director Bryan Wilcox told Blaze Media that “better than 10% of my officers are currently on detail either to the border or to other parts of the country in support of the border.” He also said that “if we really want to make a dent on this problem, we need significantly more resources.”

Last month, acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan said the consistent drop in border apprehension numbers was made possible because President Donald Trump “has made it very clear that he is going to use every tool available to him and this administration to address this unprecedented crisis at the southern border.”

On Tuesday, Morgan noted that border apprehension numbers dropped for the fourth straight month in September, which had the lowest monthly total for the fiscal year.

However, Albence also noted during his remarks at the briefing that while the numbers at the southern border have dropped over the past several months, “we’re still not out of the crisis.”

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