Hulu’s ‘Dollface’ Pays Homage to Women’s March, Ignores Leaders’ Anti-Semitism

There seems to be a trend lately on Netflix, Hulu, et al. Just when you think it’s safe to go into the water and really enjoy a series because there have been no mentions of politics, the liberal political agenda shark suddenly appears and takes a bite right near the end.

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Masked Attackers Burn Printing Warehouse of Pro-Democracy Newspaper Epoch Times

Four unidentified arsonists targeted the printing warehouse of the Epoch Times, a global newspaper that has consistently challenged the Chinese Communist Party, on Tuesday morning, setting fire to the warehouse just as staffers prepared to distribute the Tuesday edition of the newspaper.

According to the Hong Kong edition of the newspaper, the masked men stormed into the warehouse at around 3:40 a.m. local time, brandishing weapons reminiscent of what Hong Kong police officers carry and wearing all black, the color of the Hong Kong protesters. Hong Kong police have admitted to disguising officers as pro-democracy protesters to get close to movement leaders and assault them.

After corralling the warehouse workers, the attackers began dousing the newspapers with an unidentified flammable liquid, set them on fire, and ran away.

The report, citing surveillance footage, indicates the men were standing outside the warehouse waiting for the doors to open when the time came to transport the newspaper to newsstands around the city. Staffers ultimately extinguished the flames, though they appear to have caused significant property damage. No one was hurt in the incident.

The Epoch Times made its surveillance footage of the attack public.

The newspaper staff reported this was the fourth such attack on its printing facility and explicitly described the attack as “an effort by the Communist Party of China” to silence them.

In an email statement to Breitbart News, Cheryl Ng, the Epoch Times Hong Kong edition spokesperson, said the newspaper believes the attack occurred because it has consistently exposed the reality of the Communist Party.

“The Chinese Communist Party is hostile to a free press. In Hong Kong, we have provided timely, honest reports on the protests, and the Hong Kong people have come to rely on us for news about the actual situation,” Ng wrote. “We also provide uncensored news on events in mainland China, giving those inside China who can access our website, and people around the world, uniquely insightful reports. And in 2004 we published ‘Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,’ which provides an honest and uncensored account of history, violence, and lies of the CCP.”

“For all of these reasons, the CCP has targeted our paper in Hong Kong and around the world,” she said.

Ng added that, in light of months of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, the newspaper has experienced growing popularity there for publishing the reality of police abuses against protesters and attempts at repressing the populace orchestrated by China.

“In Hong Kong, The Epoch Times has become very popular lately especially after the more than 5 months during which the Hong Kong people have suffered ill treatment from the regime. This has been a painful experience for the Hong Kong people to come to understand first hand about CCP tactics that they had not experienced before,” Ng wrote. “Recently, a Hong Kong reader in tears shared her experience about how she became a loyal reader of The Epoch Times. She said she only reads The Epoch Times these days for she feels that our paper is going through the hard times with Hong Kongers while letting the world know that Hong Kongers are really suppressed by the CCP.”

The Epoch Times was founded in the United States in 2000, initially as a Chinese-language newspaper to give voice to those oppressed by the communist regime. It has since developed into an international outlet that regularly challenges dictatorships, particularly communist and socialist ones, around the world. For this, it has faced censorship from pro-China social media outlets like Facebook and Wikipedia, in addition to physical attacks from suspected Chinese agents.

The Epoch Times joins the anti-communist Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily in suffering attacks by supporters of the communist regime. In September, masked men tossed Molotov cocktails over the fence protectin the home of Jimmy Lai, the founder of Apple Daily, the second time Lai has suffered such an attack in recent memory.

That same month, men disguised as pro-democracy protesters assaulted a female Apple Daily reporter covering the protests at a restaurant, an attack that required hospitalization.

Both masked assailants and men who did not bother to disguise themselves have taken to violent acts against the pro-democracy movement. Using baseball bats, hammers, knives, and razors, a variety of communist supporters have targeted peaceful protesters, leaving many hospitalized. Pro-communist groups in China have encouraged these attacks by offering financial rewards to some who have engaged in attacks on protesters.

China is also believed to have orchestrated mob attacks on unarmed protesters. The first, in July, featured an estimated 100 thugs carrying metal rods and bamboo sticks, beating unarmed protesters in a metro station. Those most severely injured were cornered on metro trains and beaten by large groups of men. Pro-China lawmaker Junius Ho appeared on the scene to shake the hands of the attackers and chat with them while the attack was underway.

Millions of people in Hong Kong have taken to street protests since June when the government attempted to pass a law that would allow communist China to extradite anyone present in the country. Protesters are demanding an investigation into police brutality, freedom for imprisoned peaceful protesters, an end to referring to the protests as riots, and the direct election of lawmakers to prevent a similar bill from arising again.

Follow Frances Martel on Facebook and Twitter.

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“He’s an Oligarch in the Classic East European Russian Sense” – Joe diGenova Calls Out Obama-Handler George Soros

We’ve previously reported that Obama’s State and Justice Departments were assisting George Soros in his attempt to control the Ukraine.  On Monday Joe diGenova called out George Soros as a Ukrainian oligarch who is anti free speech and attacks those who speak freely about him.

George Soros is a major Democrat donor and at the same time connected to numerous actions around the world that are very suspicious, if not corrupt and criminal. At the time of the 2017 Inauguration, we reported that Soros related groups were related to every major protest since the November election.

Soros was interviewed years ago on CBS’s 60 Minutes where he admitted helping Nazi’s during World War II. He helped Nazis steal from Jews during the war. Soros is a Jew. Note that even in this video he parades his activities in the Ukraine.

Soros was reportedly behind the airport protests after President Trump’s election. A week before that Soros was reportedly behind 50 Groups involved in the ‘Women’s Protests’ the day after the inauguration. Before that, Soros was connected to the groups demanding election recounts after the November 8th election and Soros money was funding more protests during these efforts. And DC Leaks released information showing that Soros funded Black Lives Matter protests across the country.

President Trump called out Soros when a couple of his paid stooges attacked Republican Senator Jeff Flake in an elevator getting him to cave during the Kavanaugh hearing –

We reported that a group attacking Judge Kavanaugh and other Trump Judicial nominees was being fueled by dark money from George Soros. Later Soros was connected to racial riots in DC before the midterms.

In the past month alone we reported that a Soros assistant was the official escort for 16-year-old Global Warming ‘Expert’ Greta Thunberg. Soros was also involved in the Russia collusion scam. He also has been involved with numerous politicians in Europe.

In addition, we’ve reported that that George Soros wanted to take over the oil and gas industry in the Ukraine.

On Monday Joe diGenova called out George Soros for his anti-free speech positions.

Joe diGenova (at the 12:00 minute mark below) called out Soros –

This criticism of me, of a quote-unquote “anti-Semitic rant” is a destruction of free speech.  George Soros doesn’t believe in free speech.  His organizations that he supports don’t believe in free speech.  They believe in shutting up people.  They believe in no debate.  They believe in no public debate….

He wants to change American society.  He doesn’t want it to be an open society.  He wants it to be a closed society.  A society that he runs, that he has influence over.  That’s fine.  He has every right in the world to do that.  And he’s doing it by the way, brazenly.  Going after local DA’s who want to destroy local police – who want to destroy law enforcement – who want to change the local community.

George Soros has every right in the world to say and do what he’s doing.  And I have every right in the world to criticize him.  Except you’re not allowed to criticize George Soros.  You’re not allowed to tell the truth about a Hungarian American oligarch.  And make no mistake about it.  He’s an oligarch in the classic East European Russian sense.  He is an oligarch…”

Joe diGenova is right!

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Unhinged Joy Reid: Screw ‘Uniting’ the Country! ‘Trump Is Dangerous’ for Minorities!

Well past midnight Thursday and in the latter stages of MSNBC’s post-Democratic debate analysis, AM Joy host Joy Reid uncorked a rant ripping into South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the notion of speaking about America in optimistic tones, and wanting to unite Americans because “Donald Trump is dangerous” to minorities, including Reid and her family.

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Delingpole: ‘Greta Who?’ China Ramps up Coal-Fired Energy Production

In contrast to many other countries, including the U.K.’s pledge to shut all coal plants by 2025, Beijing remains committed to coal as its biggest source of power, representing a major challenge to global emissions reduction targets. Its additions in the 18 months to June dwarf declines elsewhere in the world, according to the report.

None of this will come as the slightest surprise to climate realists. One of their main arguments against concerted government action by the West to decarbonise its economies is that it takes no account of emerging economies like India’s and, especially, China’s. Any attempts to cut carbon dioxide production in Western economies are more than offset by the growth in China’s CO2 output.

This was predicted in a report published last year by the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

As the report’s author, Patricia Adams explained:

“The Chinese have spent a lot of money on renewables without results on anything like the scale required. So despite their continuing outward support for the green agenda, China is actually going all out for fossil fuels. The Communist Party’s grip on power depends on it.”

In his foreword to the paper, former U.S. Ambassador and U.S. special envoy to the UNFCCC Dr Harland Watson said:

“Many in the environmental community look to China to assume the role of global climate leader. But Patricia Adams questions China’s interest in assuming this role as the need for continued economic growth means securing new energy supplies will take priority over climate change concerns.”

The report was, of course, largely ignored by the mainstream media which prefers to listen to ‘experts’ like Nicholas Stern.

Only three years ago Nicholas Stern – amusingly billed by the Guardian as ‘an eminent climate economist’, even though his infamous ‘Stern Report’ has been widely discredited for its poor understanding of climate science and economics – was hailing China’s ‘Coal Peak’ as a ‘Turning point in the history of the world’.

The Guardian‘s July 2016 report began with a flourish:

The global battle against climate change has passed a historic turning point with China’s huge coal burning finally having peaked, according to senior economists.

They say the moment may well be a significant milestone in the course of the Anthropocene, the current era in which human activity dominates the world’s environment.

China is the world’s biggest polluter and more than tripled its coal burning from 2000 to 2013, emitting billions of tonnes of climate-warming carbon dioxide. But its coal consumption peaked in 2014, much earlier than expected, and then began falling.

According to ’eminent’ economist Stern, this was a key moment in the war on climate change:

“I think it is a real turning point,” said Lord Nicholas Stern, an eminent climate economist at the London School of Economics, who wrote the analysis with colleagues from Tsinghua University in Beijing. “I think historians really will see [the coal peak of] 2014 as a very important event in the history of the climate and economy of the world.”

Except, of course, that it wasn’t and it isn’t. China wants economic growth and feels under no obligation to kowtow to the green sky fairy invented by activists in the West to justify their fixation with renewable energy.

This tension between green aspirations and economic reality is only likely to intensify.

According to a separate report, produced by the Stockholm Environment Institute, growing fossil fuel output is likely to ‘swamp’ any attempts agreed by the Paris Climate Accord to limit global CO2 output.

 Oil, gas and coal output already planned or in the pipeline will overwhelm efforts to cap global warming at levels consistent with a liveable planet, the UN and leading research groups warned Wednesday […]

[…] “We show for the first time just how big the disconnect is between Paris temperature goals and countries’ plans and policies for coal, oil and gas production,” said lead author Michael Lazarus, director of the Stockholm Environment Institute’s US Center.

This “production gap”—between output in the pipeline and the Paris climate goals—is largest for coal, according the report, a joint project by the UN Environment Programme and four climate change research centres.

Countries plan to produce 150 percent more coal by 2030 than would be consistent with a 2C world, and 280 percent more than would be consistent with limiting warming to 1.5C.

Greta Thunberg can wag her little index finger all she likes. The global economy just isn’t listening.

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DHS Officials Praise “We Build the Wall” Privately-Funded Border Wall Organization – 35 More Miles Planned! (VIDEO)

In June We Build the Wall completed its first wall segment just outside of El Paso Texas!
We Build the Wall is now ready to break ground on segments #2 and #3.

DHS officlals are already praising the privately-funded organization as a “game-changer” in their work to protect Americans from DC’s open border zealots. reported:

Calling the privately-built border wall in Sunland Park, New Mexico a “game-changer,” some Department of Homeland Security officials say they’re open to efforts to reduce smuggling and other illegal activity.

“I welcome all that want to be part of the solution,” said Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Chad Wolf during a visit to El Paso on Wednesday. He was responding to a question from reporters about efforts by a private organization to build a chunk of border wall in South Texas.

“Obviously, when you’re talking about a border wall system you have to do that in close connection with CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection), the Army Corps of Engineers and the like. The requirements that they have are pretty robust. … It has to meet certain requirements,” Wolf said. “So if there are going to be private entities that do that, we want to make sure that we’re talking to them.”

The Houston-based nonprofit We Build the Wall built a half-a-mine stretch of steel bollard wall in Sunland Park this summer, despite last-minute wrangling with local officials over permits. The group’s land-clearing activity in Mission, Texas was put on hold this week after the International Boundary and Water Commission outlined concerns in a letter to the group.

Please keep donating to this very worthy cause.

“We Build the Wall” has more to do.
The patriotic organization has plans for 35 more miles in privately funded border wall projects.

Founder and organizer Brian Kolfage recently announced two more border wall projects.

We are deep into the planning of Projects #2 and #3, which are coming soon. Those sections of border wall will also have a major impact when completed. Both projects are complicated in nature and require a lot of extra planning before we break ground. We cannot release exact locations due to security concerns, but rest assured we are working hard to ensure no one can target us like we saw with our first construction phase. As with Project #1, we will begin building and get the job done without a lot of fanfare in advance.

You can donate to this very worthy cause here.

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Climategate’s 10th Anniversary: The Stain Continues

Climategate’s 10th Anniversary: The Stain Continues“I gave up on Judith Curry a while ago. I don’t know what she thinks she’s doing, but it’s not helping the cause, or her professional credibility.”
—Dr. Michael Mann, Climategate email, May 30, 2008

“In the end, Climategate ended my academic career prematurely…”
—Dr. Judith Curry, November 12, 2019

This month marks the ten-year anniversary of Climategate. The episode was more than just “embarrassing and a public relations disaster for science,” as one sympathizer stated at the time. The leaked emails revealed a mainstream intellectual cartel trying to hype climate alarm by methodological tricks and resorting to secrecy and outright bullying (see selected quotations below).

Were lessons learned among the guilty? Probably not. As Paul Matthews wrote on the 5th anniversary:

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EXCELLENT! Nunes Skewers Schiff, Fiona Hill, and Mysterious DNC Operative Alexandra Chalupa in Show Trial Opening Statement (VIDEO)

Thursday’s Schiff show trials got underway at 9:00 AM Eastern.

Former White House Russia analyst and Soros lackey Fiona Hill will testify along with David Holmes, a diplomat at the US embassy in Ukraine.

In his opening statement Minority Leader Devin Nunes blasted Adam Schiff, witness and far left loyalist Fiona Hill and Alexandra Chalupa, the DNC operative behind the Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 US elections.

Devin Nunes was once again in peak form.

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Giuliani claims US embassy under William Taylor is blocking visas of Ukrainians who ‘could come here and blow up Schiff’s completely fraudulent investigation’

The following is an excerpt from Blaze Media’s Capitol Hill Brief email newsletter:

As Congress slogs through more monotonous testimony in the impeachment probe against President Donald Trump, the man at the center of the impeachment narrative — Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani — appeared on BlazeTV host Glenn Beck’s program Wednesday night to give his side of the story.

During the exclusive interview, Giuliani told Beck that his initial job in Ukraine was to gather exculpatory evidence counter to the Mueller investigation and report about allegations of collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign. During that process, he says, he started turning up information about collusion between Democrats and the Ukrainians to influence the 2016 election.

Giuliani also claimed that United States diplomats — including some who have testified against President Trump in Congress’ ongoing impeachment efforts — were doing the bidding of leftist billionaire George Soros in a “massive pay-for-play multimillion-dollar scheme.”

He also said that “several” Ukrainian prosecutors who wanted to come to the U.S. to testify contrary to the some of the narratives currently being peddled in the American media about collusion in the 2016 election were not being given visas by America’s State Department. Specifically, he said that the embassy under William Taylor — acting ambassador to Ukraine and one of the Democrats’ key witnesses — is “holding up the visas for four or five people that could come here and blow up [Adam] Schiff’s completely fraudulent investigation.”

It’s important to remember that these are the remarks of a personal attorney in an interview rather than sworn testimony. However, Giuliani’s claims are explosive and further support the notion that the Ukraine impeachment drama is merely the latest effort by the entrenched forces of the American political class to undermine an elected president they didn’t want.

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Warren: ‘Of Course’ We Should Remove Parts of Border Wall if They Aren’t ‘Useful’

During Wednesday’s Democratic presidential debate, 2020 presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) stated that if parts of the wall on the southern border aren’t “useful in our defense,” they should be removed.

Moderator Ashley Parker asked, “Would you ask taxpayers to pay to take down any part of the wall on the nation’s southern border?”

Warren responded, “If there are parts of the wall that are not useful in our defense, of course, we should do it.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

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