Law Students Want Option to Remove Washington’s Portrait from Diploma

The students at the law school at my alma mater Washington and Lee University find the portraits of the school’s namesakes to be so “controversial” and “offensive” that they want the option for them to be removed from the diplomas graduates receive.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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EPIC! Rep. Nunes Reads Off List of Democrat Wacko Conspiracies and Lies in their Russian-Ukrainian Attempted Coups (VIDEO)

Ambassador Gordon Sondland was the guest of honor before the Schiff Show Trial on Wednesday morning.

This is the second day of public testimony this week.

Gordon Sondland, the United States Ambassador to the European Union,  testified that there were no preconditions regarding Ukrainian aid.

Sondland said he was not on the July 25th call, and he did not see the transcript until it was publicly released on September 25th.

On Wednesday morning Rep. Nunes followed liar Adam Schiff and read off a list of Democrat conspiracies and lies to push their coup against President Donald Trump.

Rep. Nunes also subpoenaed Hunter Biden and the CIA whistleblower Eric Ciaramella.

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U.S. Creates Sanctuaries for Migrants in Latin American Countries

A new regulation will allow U.S. border officers to send asylum seekers to several Latin American countries instead of being released into the United States.

Reuters posted a report saying:

In a fast-track regulation set to publish in the Federal Register on Tuesday, the administration has created a framework that will allow asylum seekers to be sent to other nations that have negotiated bilateral agreements to accept them.

Previously, officials in the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump have argued that migrants with a valid need for asylum should seek protection in the first “safe” country where they have the chance to apply, since many migrants travel through multiple countries on their way to the U.S. border.

However, the new regulation states that asylum seekers may be sent [from Texas] to any other countries with which the United States has asylum agreements that permit such an action – even if they did not first transit through those nations.

For example, migrants from Cameroon in Africa, or Bangalore in India, or Honduras in Central America might be told to ask for asylum in Guatemala instead of the United States. If they are given asylum in Guatemala, then U.S. officials will be legally free to deny them the right to request asylum in the United States. Once denied, the migrants cannot use the catch-and-release rules to repay their smuggling debts with cash from jobs in the United States.

The policy is one of the most ambitious of the many policies President Donald Trump is using to shrink economic migration from Central America in the face of massive resistance from Democrats and cheap-labor Republicans.

Pro-migration groups will challenge the new asylum policy in court. Their allies are already slamming the new regulation for delivering migrants back to countries that do not have adequate agencies to process asylum claims.

“Unfortunately, this is just the latest illegal attempt by this President and Stephen Miller to destroy our nation’s asylum system,” said a statement by New York Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Chair of the House Committee on the Judiciary, and California Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Chair of the Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship. “The fact that the Administration coerced a country [Guatemala] with threats of tariffs and attempts to cut off aid do not change the fact that Guatemala remains ill-equipped to protect its own citizens, let alone to meet the needs of migrants coming from other countries,” the statement says.

“UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has serious concerns about the new U.S. policy on asylum published Tuesday, 19 November,” said a statement from the UNHCR, adding:

It is an approach at variance with international law that could result in the transfer of highly vulnerable individuals to countries where they may face life-threatening dangers …

We have been working for years in Central America to support efforts by governments there to address growing forced displacement, strengthen the still very nascent asylum systems and to promote practical, humane responses coordinated at the regional level. While UNHCR is not a party to the bilateral ACA’s, we will continue to exercise our mandated responsibilities to promote access to international protection and solutions for individuals who need them, wherever they are.

However, these tactical objections help progressives hide their refusal to limit the potentially endless waves of asylum seekers at the U.S. borders.

For example, an article by Yael Schacher, a pro-migration advocate at Refugees International, cited a non-binding 1968 statement by President Lyndon Johnson that suggests all refugees have a right to work permits. Breitbart News asked her to describe some limits on migration. “The UN refugee convention and protocol [includes] the right to become self-supporting or the right to work,” said an evasive response from Schacher’s organization.

Similarly, Illinois Democrat Sen. Dick Durbin suggested December 7 that all foreigners — regardless of their numbers — have a right to live in the United States:

Immigration Numbers:

Each year, roughly four million young Americans join the workforce after graduating from high school or a university. This total includes about 800,000 Americans who graduate with skilled degrees in business or health care, engineering or science, software, or statistics.

But the federal government then imports about 1.1 million legal immigrants. It also adds replacement workers to a resident population of more than 1.5 million white-collar visa workers — including approximately one million H-1B workers and about 500,000 blue-collar H-2B, H-2A, and J-1 visa workers. The government also prints more than one million work permits for new foreigners, and it rarely punishes companies for employing illegal migrants.

This policy of inflating the labor supply boosts economic growth and stock values for investors. The stimulus happens because the extra labor ensures that employers do not have to compete for American workers by offering higher wages and better working conditions.

The federal policy of flooding the market with cheap, foreign white-collar graduates and blue-collar labor shifts wealth from young employees toward older investors. It also widens wealth gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, reduces marriage rates, and hurts children’s schools and college educations.

The cheap-labor economic strategy also pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and it sidelines millions of marginalized Americans, including many who are now struggling with drug addictions.

The labor policy also moves business investment and wealth from the Heartland to the coastal cities, explodes rents and housing costs, undermines suburbia, shrivels real estate values in the Midwest, and rewards investors for creating low-tech, labor-intensive workplaces.

But President Donald Trump’s “Hire American” policy is boosting wages by capping immigration within a growing economy.

The Census Bureau said September 10 that men who work full-time and year-round got an earnings boost of 3.4 percent in 2018, pushing their median salaries up to $55,291. Women gained 3.3 percent in wages, bringing their median salaries to $45,097 for full-time, year-round work.

via Breitbart News

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Mike Huckabee: Chick-fil-A ‘Betrayal’ Will Have ‘Far Broader’ Consequences Than the Company Itself

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said the decision of Chick-fil-A to end its charitable donations to Christian organizations such as the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes “does not win them friends” but will, instead, “cost them friends.”

Appearing as a guest Tuesday on Family Research Council President Tony Perkins’ radio show Washington Watch, Huckabee said the decision by Chick-fil-A is a tremendous “disappointment” and added its consequences will be “far broader” than the popular fast-food chain itself.

Perkins pointed to the many organizations and politicians who have supported Chick-fil-A’s right to express its Christian beliefs in the public square.

“Many people have fought for Chick-fil-A, and for them to capitulate to the bullies is betrayal,” he said.

Huckabee continued that what is so offensive about Chick-fil-A’s yielding to the pressure from left-wing activists is that the company, essentially, “affirmed the lie that has been told from the far left about the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes,” which is that these organizations are bigoted and discriminate against LGBTQ individuals.

They will cause a lot of people to say, “Oh yeah, you know the Salvation Army, boy, they’re a bigoted organization,’” Huckabee said, emphasizing the reality is that the Salvation Army “serves everyone” and serves “more people who are homeless” and without food and shelter than any organization in the world.

“The great irony was Chick-fil-A said, ‘We’re not going to work for the Salvation Army anymore because we’re going to focus on homelessness and feeding people,’ and they disassociated themselves from the number one homeless and feeding organization in the world,” the former governor added. “That makes no sense.”

Huckabee said he was happy the Salvation Army responded to Chick-fil-A’s betrayal “with a strong statement pushing back and showing how they help anybody regardless of who they are.”

Besides the betrayal of Christian charitable organizations, Huckabee said Chick-fil-A also betrayed the millions of supporters who have waited in line, sometimes for hours, to buy a sandwich to show their support and affirmation of the company’s right to the free expression of faith.

“They have to feel deeply disappointed,” Huckabee said, noting that Chick-fil-A has experienced tremendous growth since its chairman and CEO Dan Cathy voiced support for traditional marriage in 2011.

“This is a sad day, and I’m afraid that Chick-fil-A thinks that the left will leave them alone, and this LGBT community is going to love them,” he continued, but then added that left-wing activists “never have enough.”

“The left is never satisfied until we’re completely out of business,” Huckabee stressed.

As a case in point, Perkins pointed to the Boy Scouts of America, who caved to LGBT activists as well and now are filing for bankruptcy.

Perkins asked Huckabee why he thought Chick-fil-A made the policy change, considering the company had been very successful until the announcement Monday.

“I have to think they must have a bunch of consultants from New York who told them that they need to act more woke because that’s the trend in corporations that know better,” he said. “What is so remarkable about this decision by Chick-fil-A is that it does not win them friends, but it’s going to cost them friends.”

Huckabee said Chick-fil-A’s damaging decision will also “send a message to the left that it can hammer a Christian organization long enough, and they’ll eventually cave in.”

“And I think that this is going to invite an enormous level of pressure on other companies that have up to now, tried to be distinct, serving everyone, loving everyone, being kind to everyone, but also maintaining their right to be Christian and their right to hold fast to their faith and their principles,” he lamented.

via Breitbart News

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‘Animal Pack’ Gang Rapists Imprisoned For Filming Attack on Phones

MADRID (AP) – Two Spaniards who were among a group of five convicted earlier this year of raping a woman each have been sentenced to three years and three months more in prison for having made videos of the rape with their phones.

A regional court in Pamplona also fined them 5,670 euros ($6,280) on Wednesday for the seven videos and two photographs they made of the rape.

The five, who had a WhatsApp group named “La Manada,” or “The Animal Pack,” were imprisoned for 15 years by the Supreme Court in July for raping an 18-year-old woman during Pamplona’s San Fermin festival in 2016.

The case earned renown because lower courts convicted them of lesser crimes.

Four of the five are also on trial for allegedly sexually abusing another woman in 2016.

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Chinese Communists Replace Statue of Jesus with a Lightning Rod

Officials of China’s United Front have removed a statue of Christ the King from the steeple of the church of Linjiazhuang in Shandong, replacing it with a lightning rod.

Calling Christian symbols on church rooftops “too visible,” the United Front also tore down crosses from the church of Wuda (Inner Mongolia) and from the church of Zhumadian (Henan), reported AsiaNews, the official press agency of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions.

The removal of the statue of Jesus forms part of the program of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to “Sinicize” religion in China by expunging it of Western influence and making it more compatible with the tenets of Chinese socialism, the report said.

This program includes measures designed to “make the signs of the Christian faith ever less visible,” according to local observers.

The Sinicization campaign began in earnest in February 2018 with the publication of strict new regulations on religious activities. In enforcing the regulations, authorities have destroyed churches, crosses, paintings, and other Christian symbols, beginning in Henan, Xinjiang, and Inner Mongolia and spreading to Zhejiang, Jiangxi, and other provinces.

The regional Communist Party in Zhejiang had already demolished thousands of “overly visible” crosses from bell towers and church facades in an ongoing campaign that began in 2014. Though it started as a regional crusade, the campaign spread throughout China, and was replicated in Henan, Xinjiang, Shanxi, Hubei, and Guizhou.

The pace of destruction of Christian symbols has actually increased since the Vatican signed a historic agreement with the Communist Party over the appointment of bishops in late September 2018, AsiaNews reported.

In October 2018, just weeks after the Vatican signed its deal, Chinese authorities demolished two Catholic pilgrimage sites dedicated to the Virgin Mary.

Government officials once again invoked “Sinicization” when destroying one of the sites, the shrine of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows in Dongergou (Shanxi), saying there were “too many crosses” and “too many holy paintings,” making the sanctuary unacceptable to standards set by the Communist party.

The second shrine, that of Our Lady of the Mountain in Anlong, was destroyed because it lacked the necessary “building permits,” authorities said.

During that same month, officials forcibly removed a cross from a church in Zhumadian Diocese in Henan province, demolished the cross at Lingkun St. Michael Church of Yongqiang Parish in Zhejiang province, and removed two more crosses at Luoyang Catholic Church in Henan.

This past September, the CCP forced Christian churches across Henan province to replace the Ten Commandments with quotes from President Xi Jinping as part of its Sinicization project.

One pastor from a state-run Protestant church said that the CCP’s latest move was part of a systematic plan to erode Christian doctrine in the country, adding that the ultimate goal of the party is to “become God.”

“The government’s first step is to prohibit religious couplets” said the pastor, who spoke under the condition of anonymity. “Then it dismantles crosses and starts to implement the ‘four requirements’ by ordering the national flag and ‘core socialist values’ to be placed in churches.”

“Surveillance cameras to monitor believers and religious activities are then installed. The last step is to replace the Ten Commandments with Xi Jinping’s speeches,” he said.

“The Communist Party’s ultimate goal is to ‘become God.’ This is what the devil has always done,” he said.

via Breitbart News

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Improper Medicaid payments top $75B: More than entire food stamp program

$75 billion.

That is not the cost of Medicaid. That is merely the cost of improper payments from the Medicaid program, accounting for roughly 20 percent of the total program tab, according Brian Blaze and Aaron Yelowitz writing in the Wall Street Journal. Prior to the Obamacare expansion of Medicaid incentivizing states to flood their rolls with Medicaid recipients, the improper payments accounted for roughly six percent. Now, just the official fraud and waste of Medicaid amount to more than the entire cost of the food stamp program!

In many ways, the entire Medicaid program is one big fraud perpetrated on the American taxpayer, designed to serve as a cash cow for the insurance cartel and major hospital and health care administrator networks. When Republicans cowered from repealing Obamacare or at least reforming Medicaid in 2017, it wasn’t in response to a million-man march of poor people. It was in response to the health care mafia, which is the biggest lobbyist at both the state and federal levels.

Many people forget that most of Medicare and Medicaid are not purely “public.” These programs are managed by “private” companies that line their pockets with unconstitutional government interventions and then use their status in the market to demand more subsidies lest they threaten higher prices. In many respects, our system of venture socialism is worse than single-payer, because it combines socialism with some of the motives of capitalism, while government shields the private entities from market forces. It guarantees them an endless flow of public funds, consumer mandates, and regulatory favors (no antitrust laws, but onerous coverage burdens to keep out new competitors) to remove any need to innovate and compete.

As of 2016, roughly 73 percent of all Medicaid enrollees were being managed by the insurance cartel and health care providers, aka managed care organizations (MCOs). That trend has exploded since Obamacare and is likely even higher today. States like Kentucky, California, and West Virginia, which have particular problems with Medicaid eligibility fraud, have over 80 percent of their enrollment population run by MCOs.

Now you can appreciate why the industry loved Obamacare so much and went ballistic when it was feared that Republicans would repeal it. 84 percent of all coverage increases under Obamacare were from Medicaid. When millions of people were thrown onto Medicaid, it flooded the health care industry with free money.

As Blaze and Yelowitz explain in their WSJ piece:

Higher overall Medicaid payments came with benefits for state-level interest groups that profited from maximizing enrollment. Insurers have reaped substantial profits from the Medicaid expansion—owing in part to large government payments for people who are enrolled but don’t go to the doctor or use much medical care.

Since states view the Medicaid expansion as a cash cow, they have generally failed to conduct proper eligibility reviews. One federal audit by the Health and Human Services Department’s inspector general found that more than half of sampled enrollees in California’s Medicaid program were either improperly enrolled or potentially improperly enrolled. Whether out of greed or incompetence, many states neglect to obtain proper documentation and fail to verify income eligibility and citizenship.

This is why since the passage of Obamacare we’ve seen the endless construction in urban hospitals and the prolific mergers and acquisitions across the entire spectrum of insurance and health care administration. Isn’t there a better way to take care of people who are truly poor without creating artificial monopolies, degrading health care, and inducing $75 billion in annual fraud?

It’s very simple. Cut out the middleman. In 2017, I proposed a simple idea to restructure Medicaid in the mold of food stamps, whereby qualified low-income families would be given regulated health care accounts. Rather than having $600 billion annually pumped into the cartel monopoly, the money would go directly into these accounts to purchase any mix of insurance, out-of-pocket, concierge medicine, or health-sharing ministries of their choice.

The best way to give a handout is to actually give a handout, without enriching cronies in the “private” sector. The true reason why we have such political difficulty reforming these destructive programs is not due to a groundswell of lobbying from the poor but because of those who become wealthy by administering this program (or riding the wave of market distortions it leaves in its wake).

By empowering every individual, including those with lower means, to take charge of his own health care, we will finally prevent the insurance cartel and the lobbyists from impeding medical progress in this country.

Cutting out the middleman will save money on the public side, deflate the cost distortions on the private side, keep the government independent from the demands of the insurance cartel, and offer everyone, including the poor, the ability to go anywhere for service and just pay the bill directly – all with increased choice, competition, care, and innovation and without the interference and administrative nightmare.

Finally, it will also get rid of the nightmare of waste and fraud. So much of the fraud is built around incentives for states and/or hospitals, nursing homes, and insurance companies to milk the unlimited taxpayer trough by contracting with government rather than directly with the individual patients and competing for the business of 325 million Americans the same way supermarkets compete for individual shoppers, including those on food stamps.

There are numerous ideas to fix health care in America, but most of the problems are solved or pre-empted by removing the third and fourth parties from the equation and empowering consumers and doctors to innovate and make the right choices, while preserving a safety net that will be much more effective than what we have today.

If we only had a party capable of articulating such a vision …

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Miami Dolphins Player Charged with Hitting Pregnant Girlfriend, Cut from Team

Troubled running back Mark Walton has been let go by the Miami Dolphins after he was accused of hitting his pregnant girlfriend. Police in the Broward County community of Davie said the incident took place Tuesday morning. Walton was charged with aggravated battery of a pregnant person, according to the Miami Herald. Then the hammer…

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Mutiny? Navy Brass Set to Demote Eddie Gallagher From SEALs After Trump Restored Rank; IG Complaint Accuses Admiral of Contempt for President

The Navy has scheduled a hearing for Wednesday on removing Special Warfare Operator Chief Eddie Gallagher from the Navy SEALs just days after President Trump restored his rank and pay grade after his long ordeal over war crime allegations ended earlier this year when he was acquitted of murder by a court martial but convicted of the minor offense of posing with an ISIS enemy’s corpse for a photo.

CBS News first broke the story Tuesday. Later Tuesday night the Navy Times reported Gallagher, through his attorney, had filed an complaint with the Inspector General for the Department of Defense about the handling of his case that, among other charges, accuses the head of the Navy SEALs, Rear Admiral Collin Green, of using contemptuous words against President Trump. The complaint however, does not specify the words used by Green.

Excerpt from the CBS report.

In what will undoubtedly be interpreted by many as an act of defiance against President Trump, the top Navy SEAL, Rear Admiral Collin Green, will notify Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher and three officers that their case is being sent to a review board which could end in their expulsion from the SEALs.

“This is a review of their suitability to be a SEAL,” a Navy officer said. The action would come less than a week after Mr. Trump intervened in the military justice case against Gallagher by ordering him to be restored to the rank of chief petty officer, despite his conviction for posing for a photograph with a dead ISIS prisoner.

…Although the action is being taken by Green, who is the head of the Navy Special Warfare Command, it has the backing of both the secretary of the Navy and the chief of Naval Operations, this officer said. The officer explained that this is an administrative action which was not affected by the president’s legal action last week.

The other officers are Lieutenant Commander Robert Breisch, who was the troop commander; Lieutenant Jacob Portier, who was the platoon officer in charge and reported to Breisch; and Lieutenant Thomas MacNeil, who was the platoon assistant officer in charge.

ABC News detailed the process:

Green has the ability to pull Gallagher’s Trident without a review board because he is an enlisted SEAL. However, the SEAL commander chose to provide Gallagher with the board process, which is typically reserved for officers. Under the review board, three of Gallagher’s SEAL peers will review a packet of information about his case, as well as Gallagher’s rebuttal statement.

The board will then make a recommendation to Green, who can choose to endorse it before sending it to the Navy’s Personnel Command for action. The process could likely take one month, one official said.

…Since 2011, 154 SEAL Tridents or Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewman (SWCC) pins have been revoked for various reasons.

Navy Times excerpt

His pay grade restored by President Donald J. Trump on Friday, Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward “Eddie” Gallagher has filed an inspector general’s complaint against the Navy’s top SEAL, accusing him of uttering contemptuous statements about the commander in chief.

In the works for four months, the move came hours before a Wednesday morning meeting with Naval Special Warfare superiors in California, who are expected to inform Gallagher that Naval Special Warfare commander Rear Adm. Collin Green has convened a Trident Review Board to take the coveted SEAL qualification pin away from the special operator.

Green seems to have mustered the support of his uniformed chain of command to administratively punish Gallagher, 40, even if it’s perceived as defiant to the White House.

“Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. Mike Gilday, supports his commanders in executing their roles, to include Rear Adm. Green,” said Gilday’s spokesman, Cmdr. Nate Christensen, in an email to Navy Times.

Cmdr. Sarah Higgins, spokesperson for Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer, echoed that he also “supports his commanders in executing their roles, to include Rear Adm. Green.”

Declining to comment on the IG complaint filed against her command, Naval Special Warfare spokesperson Capt. Tamara Lawrence called allegations that Green uttered contemptuous words about the president “patently false.”

Lawyers for Gallagher and fellow SEAL Lt. Jacob X. “Jake” Portier told the Navy Times that Green and the Navy brass supporting this should resign or be fired.

“The president has spoken on the punishment of Eddie Gallagher,” said the SEAL’s civilian attorney, Timothy Parlatore, a former surface warfare officer. “A two-star admiral should not be stepping in to substitute the judgment of his commander in chief. “This is a terrible precedent to send and the commander in chief should take swift and decisive action against Rear Adm. Green.

“As for those in his chain of command who appear to be supporting Green, there needs to be a wholesale change in leadership. If Navy leadership can’t accept the commander in chief’s guidance, then they all should leave.

“There’s a long tradition in the military. You don’t rebel. You resign.”

…“Rear Adm. Green is undermining the office of the president of the United States,” Portier’s defense attorney, Jeremiah J. Sullivan III, told Navy Times. “Rear Adm. Green should be the first one to place his trident on the table and resign before he is fired.

“Flag officers cannot challenge the president. It is an act of insubordination and a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.”

End excerpts. Please read the entire Navy Times article at this link.

Gallgher’s IG complaint does not specify the contemptuous words Green is accused of uttering against President Trump. However it also notes a tweet by Rear Admiral Charlie Brown, the Navy’s Chief of Information, acknowledging Trump’s orders regarding Gallagher that was perceived as insulting to Trump and Gallagher, “As the Commander in Chief, the President has the authority to restore Special Warfare Operator First Class Gallagher to the pay grade of E-7. We acknowledge his order and are implementing it.”

Excerpts from Gallagher’s IG complaint:


On Friday, November 14, 2019, the Commander in Chief announced that he was restoring SOC Gallagher’s rank. While this was a controversial decision, certain elements become quite open in their contempt for the President’s exercise of his lawful authority.

First, CHINFO sent out an undeniably contemptuous and snarky tweet, “As the Commander in Chief, the President has the authority to restore Special Warfare Operator First Class Gallagher to the pay grade of E-7. We acknowledge his order and are implementing it.” This tweet was universally received as being a passive aggressive statement of disagreement, but grudging acceptance. If any subordinate officer passed on orders from their superior in this fashion, he would be immediately fired – “As the commander of this ship, the CO has the authority to order us to do maintenance on our equipment. We acknowledge his order and are implementing it”

Second, and more sinister, is that we have learned that on Monday morning, November 18, 2019, RADM Green assembled a staff meeting and made clear his contempt of the President and disagreement with the President’s decision, before declaring that he intended to remove SOC Gallagher’s trident anyway.

The White House could not have been clearer in its statement:

“Before the prosecution of Special Warfare Operator First Class Edward Gallagher, he had been selected for promotion to Senior Chief, awarded a Bronze Star with a “V” for valor, and assigned to an important position in the Navy as an instructor. Though ultimately acquitted on all of the most serious charges, he was stripped of these honors as he awaited his trial and its outcome. Given his service to our Nation, a promotion back to the rank and pay grade of Chief Petty Officer is justified.”

It is incomprehensible to understand how, given the Commander in Chief’s clear guidance that he felt the punishment was too severe for such a minor offense, how RAMD Green thinks it is appropriate to countermand this and increase the punishment. Moreover, no flag officer should ever be speaking contemptuously of the Commander in Chief in front of his subordinates.

Gallagher’s IG complaint can be read at this link.

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Anti-Trump Deep State Blocked Trump Supporters from White House Jobs: Destroyed Database Created to Recruit Trump Supporters for WH Positions

The Obama deep state was VERY ACTIVE sabotaging the Trump Administration before President Trump was ever sworn in.

Surrounding President Trump with an angry horde of Never-Trumpers was a major coup for the deep state.

Since 2017 the White House has been dealing with these saboteurs on a daily basis.

Here is a timely reminder of the deep state’s treachery against this administration…

As originally reported by Joe Hoft back in September 2017

After President Trump won the election, one of the first things that he did was create a website soliciting for new hires in various positions within the Trump Administration.

The site offered individuals the opportunity to apply for positions working for the Trump Administration. This site was a way for the Trump team to bring in people who were supportive of the incoming President and who wanted to work for him to Make America Great Again!

Many individuals no doubt signed up to work for the Trump Administration team. I was one of the many individuals who signed up. I have a fantastic position currently working in Hong Kong for a Fortune 500 company, traveling throughout Asia and Australia and the world. I make more money that I ever have. I work with great people. I love what I do – working in the Finance industry as the head of a department overseeing accounting, finance, actuarial, underwriting and operations professionals. I have overseen the financial reporting of billions in revenues. I have audited frauds and major billion dollar enterprises. I have attended Corporate Board meetings around the globe, throughout Asia, Europe and the US. But if President Trump wanted me, I was willing to take a pay cut and go work for him.

I shared in my application that I also supported the President’s campaign by writing for my brother’s website, The Gatewaypundit.  I noted that together we had numerous Drudge links and headlines last year during the election (back before Drudge turned against the Trump team). We were the ones reporting on President Trump’s successes. I linked to some of these articles.

I had aspirations of leading investigations and looking into one of the many corrupt activities that occurred during the Obama Administration. Let me look into Crooked Hillary, the Clinton Foundation, the IRS, or any number of criminal activities, I thought. I could tear into so many of the corrupt Washington activities over the past few years. I could easily see the many ‘red flags’ from a professional standpoint indicating severe corruption and criminal actions that must be uncovered. I could see these from Hong Kong, let alone the US. I could help bring these individuals to justice.

So I applied and I waited…. And I waited…. And I waited.

I thought that the Trump Administration must not be hiring. I thought, maybe it is just taking some time. Then yesterday I found out why I have not heard from the Administration….

According to Medium a senior White House staffer shared that the applications and resumes in the government database set up by the Trump Administration to solicit new hires at were “accidentally deleted.”  The author explains –

…I found myself in a discussion with a senior White House staff member who was explaining how extensively they were struggling to get basic work done because they were severely short staffed. I replied that that was odd since thousands of people across the nation had sent in their resumes to Surely there were plenty of applicants to choose from and they would likely all be incredibly invested in the President’s agenda and his success.

The staffer turned to me with an eye roll and a dismissive chuckle saying “Oh that database was accidentally lost…some computer glitch.”

This news is just heartbreaking.

Let’s hope and pray that sooner rather than later President Trump discovers that the individuals coming into the Trump Administration are not the supporters of this President.  Let’s hope that whomever is responsible for destroying the government database used for soliciting new hires supportive of this President is brought to justice and let’s hope that the best people for the openings in the US government are given a chance to help the President Make America Great Again.

UPDATE: From reader Mitch: I just wanted to point out that this White House staffer is absolutely, unequivocally lying about the deletion. All databases are backed up in real time, especially at that level either by the host service or by local admins. The idea that they somehow someone could manage an excuse of “the dog ate my homework” in insulting to anyone who knows IT infrastructure. Thanks for all you do.

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