“I Never Recall Saying Bidens” – Ambassador Sondland Ruins Schiff’s Conspiracy (VIDEO)

Ambassador Gordon Sondland was the guest of honor before the Schiff Show Trial on Wednesday morning.

During questioning by Shifty Schiff Ambassador Sondland says he can’t recall speaking on the Bidens during his call with President Trump on July 26th, the day after the July 25th call with President Trump and President Zelensky.

This entire show trial is a big nothing-burger.


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FOX News Never-Trumpers Pile on President Trump Following Sondland Testimony in Schiff Show Trial

Legendary radio host Rush Limbaugh went off in October on FOX News.

This was after another day of Never-Trumper hacks and hosts attacked President Trump and refused to defend the US president from the flimsy accusations of Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and a partisan CIA “whisleblower.”

Rush must be tired with the BS on FOX News — so much so that he told the channel to change its name to “FOX Never Trumper Network.”

Since that time FOX News has loaded its impeachment panel with Never-Trumpers who hardly defend this president from the scurrilous accusations by Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

On Tuesday Rush Limbaugh went off on FOX News once again.

During his testimony today Sondland told the House investigators that Trump called him and said he wanted “NO quid pro quo.”

Despite this the FOX News Never-Trumpers slammed President Trump during the first break.

It is clear these hacks are hoping for an impeachment vote!

FOX News is becoming unbearable to watch.

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CURL: Impeachment Inquiry Changes No Minds As Fake News Flourishes

President Trump is being impeached by Democrats, who control the House of Representatives. And after three days of contentious testimony — with breathless headlines deemed BREAKING! every five minutes — you know how many minds have been changed?

Zero. Zero minds. Zippy the chimp.

Here’s why. Republicans believe Trump was well within his rights to withhold foreign aid as he asked the president of Ukraine to look into possible criminal activities by former Vice President Joseph R. Biden and his son Hunter. They think Trump is simply being persecuted. Meanwhile, Democrats think Trump has violated all sorts of laws, as well as the tenets of the Constitution laid out by the Founding Fathers, with a supposed quid pro quo. They believe Trump is a danger to democracy.

And the 24-hour news channels aren’t helping viewers make heads or tails of the daily flood of information.

“It’s harder now — they want to grab you with those headlines,” Jerre Corrigan of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, told The New York Times last week. “Trump did this, Trump did that. You have to go in and really research it. And I don’t think a lot of people do that. I just don’t know what to think. You would have to know the facts, and I don’t know that I’m getting the facts from the media right now.”

How does anyone know what’s true? Simple answer: They don’t. A poll released last week found that 47% of Americans find it hard to know whether the stories they hear are true. Just 31% find it easy, the poll by The Associated Press found.

“Now more than ever, the lines between fact-based reporting and opinionated commentary seem blurred for people,” Evette Alexander, research director at the Knight Foundation, which funds journalism and research, told The Times. “That means they trust what they are seeing less. They are feeling less informed.”

Add social media to that nonstop flow of partisan political coverage. Millions of people see stories on their Facebook and Twitter feeds every day from all kinds of unreliable sources — and then pass them on to other politically like-minded people, without knowing whether they’re true or not.

Plus, the standards for what constitutes “news” nowadays have plunged. Venerable newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post routinely publish pieces full of unnamed sources. Single-source stories, once verboten, are now de rigueur. Anything derogatory about Trump quickly becomes “fact” — like the recent allegation, again from an anonymous source, that he wanted to build an alligator-filled moat along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Books, too, hit the shelves full of uncorroborated tales. In “A Warning,” released Tuesday and written by “Anonymous” — a writer described only as “a senior official in the Trump administration” — The Post said the book “paints a chilling portrait of the president as cruel, inept and a danger to the nation he was elected to lead.”

Liberals lapped it up.

Meanwhile, other news reports and books back Trump. Donald Trump Jr.’s book “Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us,” raced to the top of The Times bestseller list. The president himself often touts books favorable to him.

And conservatives lapped that up.

Then there are the politicians themselves.

Take just the past few days. Trump went to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center over the weekend for a few tests. Conspiracy theories exploded — he was clearly having a dramatic heart episode. The rumors persisted until the White House released a statement from Trump’s doctor saying the visit was “routine.”

On the other side, Trump fired out a tweet on Tuesday quoting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as saying “it is dangerous to let the voters decide Trump’s fate.” She never said that. It was, in fact, Fox News Channel’s chief congressional correspondent Mike Emanuel. But Trump’s post was liked and retweeted more than 100,000 times.

So here’s what we know going into week two of the impeachment inquiry. The people who disapprove of Trump support impeachment. The people who support Trump don’t. Each side has about half (just like the 2016 election, when 65.8 million people voted for Hillary Clinton and 62.9 million voted for Trump).

Nothing else that comes out in the inquiry will matter. Minds are made up. The House will vote to impeach. Democrats will cheer, Republicans will jeer. Then the Senate will not vote to convict. Republicans will applaud, Democrats will boo.

And then we’re back to square one. The entire impeachment exercise is pointless: In 11 months, Americans will decide whether Trump is a two-termer or if a Democrat gets to pick out new drapes for the Oval Office.

But until then, good luck trying to figure out the “facts.”

*Joseph Curl ran the Drudge Report from 2010 to 2014 and covered the White House for a dozen years. He can be reached at josephcurl@gmail.com and on Twitter at @JosephCurl. A version of this article ran previously in The Washington Times.

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Despite Impeachment Sham and 96% Negative Press Reports – Trump’s Approval Holds at 48% and Still Tops Obama’s at Same Time in His Presidency

Despite the constant drubbing and smears by the liberal media President Trump’s approval rating held at 48% today.

President Obama’s approval rating at the same time in his presidency was 47% – a point below President Trump’s number.

This is also despite national mainstream media drubbing this highly successful President Trump 96% of the time.

Barack Obama had a cake walk with the media.

This is more bad news for Democrats as they continue to push for a Trump impeachment based on the president’s attempt to hold Ukraine accountable and fight corruption.

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China Outraged At NYT For Leaked Documents Showing Country’s Oppression Of Muslims

China is not happy that the New York Times exposed leaked documents that show the lengths the country has gone toward oppressing Muslim’s in the communist country.

The Associated Press reported Monday that China’s foreign ministry accused the Times of “hyping up” the reports and creating a “clumsy patchwork” of reporting based on “selected interpretation” of the documents.

Spokesman Geng Shuang took the Times to task for its coverage of the documents, but did not dispute the document’s authenticity. He also suggested that the fact that China’s Xinjiang region hasn’t had a terrorist attack in three years should be proof that whatever policy they have implemented is correct. It was about three years ago that China began forcibly putting Muslim minorities in concentration camps, which they claim are educational facilities.

“It is hyping up these so-called internal documents to smear China’s efforts in Xinjiang. What is the agenda?” he said, according to the AP.

“Xinjiang’s continuing prosperity, stability, ethnic unity and social harmony are the strongest refutation to the allegations by certain media and individuals,” he added.

The Daily Wire previously reported that the documents revealed that students returning home in Xinjiang would find their families missing. China provided authorities pre-written scripts to follow when answering the students’ questions. For example, authorities were to respond, “They’re in a training school set up by the government,” when asked by students what had happened to their families. If the students pressed, authorities were to say their families weren’t criminals, but could not leave the “schools.”

Authorities were also told to make implicit threats to the students suggesting that their behavior could influence how long their relatives would remain detained.

“I’m sure that you will support them, because this is for their own good and also for your own good,” authorities would say.

The documents also showed that Chinese authorities demanded people who complained about the detention policies were told to be grateful to the Chinese Communist Policy and to stop speaking out.

It has also been alleged that Xinjiang’s continued “prosperity,” as Geng claimed, is an illusion. Earlier this month The Daily Wire reported that Chinese authorities allegedly stage towns for visiting journalists and diplomats. Muslims in the region are paid to pray at their local mosques – something they avoid for fear of being detained – when visitors come to inspect the towns. Other townspeople are played by police officers, teachers, retirees, whomever, and are assigned roles and scripts with about 50 different questions and answers to memorize. For example, one man who was paid to pray was instructed to tell visitors that they were not prohibited from praying or entering the mosque, even though it was a lie.

The camps are also not educational facilities, as the Chinese government claims. One woman who was detained and forced to teach others in the camp spoke out against the rampant torture, sexual abuse, and human experimentation that occurs in the camps.

Others who have left the camp tell similar stories, and say those detained are forced to denounce Islam and swear their allegiance to the Chinese Communist Party.

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KLAVAN: Devin Nunes Showed Us What Fighting Back Looks Like

On Tuesday’s episode of “The Andrew Klavan Show,” Klavan talks about Attorney General Bill Barr’s speech at the Federalist Society’s national convention and Devin Nunes’ statement at the impeachment hearing. Video and partial transcript below:  

Everyone is attacking Bill Barr, the attorney general, for a speech he made at the Federalist Society. The Federalist Society is a highly successful right-wing group — right-wing? Conservative group that basically wanted to breed constitutionalist judges, not right-wing or conservative judges, but judges who read the Constitution as it was meant to be read. People who were not activists — to get them on the Supreme Court.

You know, we’re always attacking the Left and saying they planned their march through Hollywood, they plan to take over the academies, they plan to take over the news media — and they did. Well, the Federalist Society was a conservative plan that really worked, and Bill Barr was talking there the other day and he pointed out that it is not President Trump who is actually operating within the coloring, within the constitutional lines. It is the Left who is breaking the rules and has been for a number of years.

BARR: Immediately after President Trump won, election opponents inaugurated what they called the “resistance,” and they rallied around an explicit strategy of using every tool and maneuver to sabotage the functioning of the executive branch and his administration. The fact of the matter is that in waging a scorched earth, no-holds-barred war of “resistance” against this administration, it is the Left that is engaged in the systematic shredding of norms and undermining the rule of law.

And how can this not be so? I mean, how can it not be so when the Right appoints judges who interpret the Constitution some of the rulings that have been coming down from the Supreme Court with the help of Gorsuch have been results that the Left wants, but they have been decided on grounds that the Right wants namely, what is the right interpretation of the Constitution.

It is only the Left, every time the Left loses, they want to destroy the system, they go after the system. If they lose an election, they want to go after the Electoral College. If they lose the majority on the Supreme Court, they want to go after the Supreme Court and stack the Supreme Court. And if they start losing arguments, they want to ban free speech and declare that anybody who disagrees with them is hate speech. 

It’s just important to realize, because this is the difference. It’s not that political parties haven’t always had a corrupt side to them, it’s not that democracies don’t have a corrupt side. The important thing now is that the press, the corporate press which is most of the press, which is most of the information you’re getting is part of this. Devin Nunes, who is at these impeachment hearings, took some of his time to outline the way the press has been covering these stories from Russian collusion on. Listen to this:

NUNES: New York Times: Trump campaign aides had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence. Also false. Slate: Was a Trump server communicating with Russia? This was false. New York Magazine: Will Trump be meeting with his counterpart or his handler? This was false. The Guardian: Manafort held secret talks with the Assange in Ecuadorian embassy. Also false. BuzzFeed: President Trump directed his attorney to lie to Congress about the Moscow Tower project. 

All of these were false. There was no objectivity or fairness in the media’s Russia stories, just as a fevered rush to tarnish and remove a president who refuses to pretend that the media are something different from what they really are puppets of the Democratic Party. 

It is about time and it is because of Trump it’s about time the Republican Party started saying this. When … you run for office as a Republican, your opponent is the press. When you try to pass a law as a Republican, your opponent is the press. If you haven’t got the guts, if you haven’t got the fortitude, if you haven’t got the spine to stand up to The New York Times and ABC and NBC and CBS News, you better not go into this business as a Republican. 

Because if you are a Democrat, as we now know, and you are raping young women, they’ll cover up for you. They will cover up for you. But if you get on the phone and say to the guy in Ukraine, maybe you ought to investigate some corruption in the Democrat Party, they will come after you. The Democrats and the press are doing this together. 

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WaPo gives Schiff three-Pinocchio fact-check rating for claims about the whistleblower’s anonymity

Does federal law guarantee the anonymity of the CIA employee whose whistleblower complaint is behind Congress’ current impeachment conflagration? The Washington Post says it doesn’t and is calling out House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for saying so.

On Wednesday, the newspaper gave Schiff a rating of “three Pinocchios” for his claim that the federal employee in question has a right to anonymity under federal laws regarding the protection of whistleblowers.

To begin, the Post cites multiple quotes from Schiff alleging that the employee has a “statutory right” to keep his identity shielded from public scrutiny. Then, the article looks at the actual laws that deal with situations like this one and determines, “Neither the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998 (ICWPA) nor any related statutes have language guaranteeing anonymity for whistleblowers.” It also notes that the portion of the law that prevents the inspector general from outing a whistleblower’s identity “appears to be the lone statutory restriction on disclosing a whistleblower’s identity, applicable only to the inspector general’s office.”

University of Texas School of Law Professor Stephen Vladeck told the newspaper, “Nothing in the ICWPA expressly protects the anonymity of a complainant, or provides sanctions for someone who discloses it.”

When in applying the newspaper’s “Pinocchio Test,” the article says that Schiff’s claims were “on the line between Two and Three Pinocchios” but that the case for three was “more compelling.”

“Schiff says the whistleblower has a ‘statutory right’ to anonymity, and it apparently, in Schiff’s understanding, extends to congressional hearings and settings that don’t involve the inspector general,” the article concludes. “That’s debatable at best.”

Republicans have made the case that the employee behind the complaint needs to testify so that investigators can “fully assess the sources and credibility of the employee.” Republicans have also argued that Schiff himself has changed his position on whether or not congressional investigators would hear open testimony from the employee.

Schiff has also publicly claimed that he doesn’t know who the employee is, despite his efforts to police the release of his identity. During Tuesday’s public impeachment hearings, Schiff stopped both Reps. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Devin Nunes, R-Calif., from questioning witness Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman about whom he told about the now-infamous July 25 Trump-Ukraine phone call, citing concerns about the employee’s identity.

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Ben Carson Blasts ‘Career Politician’ Maxine Waters Over Massive Homelessness in Her District After ‘Shameless’ Attack on President Trump

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson blasted “career politician” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) over the staggering number of homeless in her Los Angeles district after thirty years in office in response to Waters’ letter attacking President Trump over his proposals to help get the homeless off the streets in California.

In response, Waters called Carson a “duck out of water” and a “complete failure at HUD.”

HUD Sec. Ben Carson.

Rep. Maxine Waters.

Carson wrote to Waters on Monday, calling Waters out for her gratuitously insulting letter on October 28 to President Trump. Waters wrote Trump in her capacity as the Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee. Waters’ letter began:

“Mr. President, Your shamelessness knows no bounds. From day one of your presidency, you have attacked our democracy and now you have set your ire on the 550,000 Americans who on any given night experience homelessness. Given this deplorable track record, I demand that you provide additional information on your Administration’s
recent report, “The State of Homelessness in America,”1 and your reported plans to unilaterally demolish homeless tent camps and relocate homeless jndividuals to federally-owned facilities.2 As you know, homelessness in this country has reached crisis proportions and this effort would be one of the numerous cruel, unlawful, and unpatriotic actions you have taken during what will hopefully be a short-lived presidency…”

Carson replied in kind to Waters (first reported by Politico), adding a brief mention of the recent controversy over his remarks against allowing “big hairy men” to stay at women’s shelters.

Dear Madam Chairwoman, My mother always taught me that people shouldn’t throw rocks, especially while they live in a glass house. Because of that wise lesson, I was a little surprised to read your hostile letter to President Trump regarding the record number of homeless Americans in California, particularly in your district.

Indeed, shamelessness exists in Washington. Shamelessness is a career politician of 30 years laying blame. Shamelessness is allowing more than 55,000 Americans to live on the very streets they represent. Shamelessness is allowing anyone other than a biological female into a battered women’s shelter.

As the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, solving the homelessness crisis is a priority for myself, for President Trump and for his Administration. To that end, I have sent multiple letters to your office and requested numerous meetings, but each time you’ve refused. Basic manners elude you and it seems that instead of producing results, you’re more interested in producing cheap headlines at the President’s expense — like a true career politician. Unfortunately, those homeless men and women don’t have that same luxury…

The most important thing we can do at the federal level for housing affordability is to provide for a thriving economy where jobs are growing, wages are rising, and unemployment is failing. Thanks to Trump’s policies, that is exactly what we have today — a booming economy.

Carson closed by reiterating his openness to working with Waters to “solve this crisis” by “working to give people a hand up, instead of a hand-out.”

Waters replied to Carson Tuesday, via a statement to The Hill:

In response, Waters said in a statement to The Hill that “Carson is like a duck out of water” and that he has been a “complete failure at HUD.”

“Most recently, it was reported that he and this disgraceful President want to raze homeless camps, round up persons experiencing homelessness and force them to live in unused and unsuitable federal buildings,” she added.

“All of this demonstrates his lack of competence as HUD secretary and the cruelty of this Administration. Instead of whining about his inability to get on my schedule, he should take some time to focus on the over half a million people experiencing homelessness in this country.”

…Waters pointed to her bill to to provide $13.2 billion in funding to solve issues pertaining to homelessness, arguing that “we have yet to see any productive solutions come out of this dysfunctional and corrupt Administration.”

“[Carson] should contain his tantrums and leave his mother out of this,” she said.

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Nearly 80,000 Illegal Aliens Had Arrest Records Before Winning DACA Approval

Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who successfully enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program carried prior arrest records, according to data released by the Trump administration.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services—the agency under the Department of Homeland Security that is tasked with managing the country’s legal immigration system—released a report Saturday detailing the arrest histories of those who requested and received approval for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, known as DACA.


In total, there were nearly 889,000 applicants for the DACA program under the Obama administration. Roughly 110,000 of those had an arrest record—making up 12% of total applicants. Offenses for some of these arrests included murder, rape, battery, assault, and driving while intoxicated, according to Citizenship and Immigration Services.

More notably, of the 765,166 individuals who were granted DACA status, 79,398 had a prior arrest. This translates to 1 in 10 DACA recipients having an arrest record. Nearly 25,000 approved applicants were arrested more than once.

“As DACA continues to be the subject of both public discourse and ongoing litigation, [Citizenship and Immigration Services] remains committed to ensuring transparency and that the American people are informed about those receiving DACA,” Ken Cuccinelli, the agency’s acting director, said in a statement Saturday.

“This agency is obligated to continue accepting DACA requests from illegal aliens as a direct result of the previous administration’s decision to circumvent the laws as passed by Congress. We hope this data provides a better sense of the reality of those granted the privilege of a temporary deferral of removal action and work authorization under DACA,” Cuccinelli said.

However, the agency noted in the press release that the data could include arrests that did not end in convictions or cases where charges were dropped or dismissed.

The fight over continuing or ending DACA now rests in the hands of the country’s most powerful court.

Supreme Court justices heard arguments Nov. 12 over whether the Trump administration can terminate the program, which began through a 2012 executive order by then-President Barack Obama.

President Donald Trump has argued that Obama never had the legal authority to unilaterally create DACA, but so far the lower courts have blocked the White House from nixing the program.

The president wants to end Obama’s executive order; however, he has publicly voiced his support for implementing the program through Congress. Trump tweeted Nov. 12 about those enrolled in DACA, and said some are “hardened criminals.”

“Many of the people in DACA, no longer very young, are far from ‘angels.’ Some are very tough, hardened criminals. President Obama said he had no legal right to sign order, but would anyway. If Supreme Court remedies with overturn, a deal will be made with Dems for them to stay!” Trump wrote.

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Dan Abrams Site Mediaite: Just as Liberal as ABC News, But Meaner

ABC chief legal affairs anchor Dan Abrams also runs a website called Mediaite.com, which somehow claims it’s a trusted source “across the political spectrum,” believe it or not: “From TV green rooms to the corridors of the senate to the latest White House press briefing, Mediaite is a trusted source on the intersection of politics and media across the political spectrum.” But anyone looking at it on Wednesday morning at 8 AM Eastern time would see a dramatically liberal billboard, touting the latest hot liberal takes, including Jimmy Kimmel ripping Donald Trump…

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