Around 100 students walked out of West Linn High School in Oregon last week in protest of the school’s decision to allow a Chick-fil-A food truck to sell chicken sandwiches during one of the school’s football games, among other microaggressions they said were making LGBT students feel “unsafe.”
“West Linn High School’s Gay-Straight Alliance organized the walkout and says the current culture at the school is not safe for LGBTQ+ students. They posted to Instagram saying students are being harassed in sports games and in classrooms,” local news station KATU reported.
The Chick-fil-A food truck was, apparently, the most egregious example of harassment, but a transgender student’s car was also vandalized with the word, “queer.”
“We walked out to show our student pride,” Billie Henderson, the student whose car was targeted, told the local public ration station. “To show that despite everything we’ve been through, we are still proud of who we are, and we won’t back down and we won’t make exceptions for anyone.”
“A group of counterprotesters also walked out of classes wearing “Make America Great Again” hats and waving American flags and Chick-fil-A bags,” the Washington Times reported.
The school’s public information officer, Andrew Kilstrom, could not confirm any specific incidents of harassment but said that there have been issues in the past, and the school continues to work to promote a culture of inclusion.
“The West Linn-Wilsonville School District takes all matters of school safety seriously, and diligently investigates and addresses all potential safety concerns,” he added. “That includes bullying or cyberbullying.”
West Linn High School noted that they did not approve of the walkout, though they do encourage students to speak their minds.
It’s not clear what prompted the Oregon school to invite Chick-fil-A to sell food on campus during sporting events, but the chicken sandwich chain has drawn protests from LGBTQ rights activsts across the country since 2012, when LGBTQ rights groups discovered that Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy is opposed to same-sex marriage and has donated to socially conservative organizations. Activists have staged protests against Chick-fil-A in a number of states, often to no avail. New store openings are typically marked by long lines and extended waits for the famous sandwich.
In some rare cases, activists have been able to prevent new Chick-fil-A locations from opening, typically in airports.
West Linn High School football boosters typically invite a number of vendors to sell food at football games over the course of the season, and the sports program receives a cut of the proceeds, the Washington Times reports. “The school said the Chick-fil-A food truck will remain at the football games throughout the season, but it will reconsider its vetting process moving forward.”
District staff, additionally, are working with the affected students to address their concerns.
The students do appear to have gotten at least temporary results with their walkout. The same local news organization, KATU, reported earlier this week that the Chick-fil-A food truck and and the company’s food cart were conspicuously absent from last friday’s sporting event.
Last week, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro gave a speech at Stanford University addressing the “dangerous game” being played by the Alt-Right, whose leaders he condemned as espousing racist and anti-Semitic views based on logically flawed, often self-contradictory premises. As followers of the fringe movement have been doing at recent conservative events, hecklers showed up to Shapiro’s next campus speech, this time at Boston University, to try to trap him with trolling questions. Shapiro responded by efficiently exposing the flawed arguments of his challengers (video below).
Shapiro’s Boston University speech Wednesday was dedicated to responding to the Left’s claim that “America was built on slavery.” The Left’s view of the country, Shapiro argued, is based on reductive, historically illiterate presuppositions that result in a false vision of what actually defines the country. The traditional, conservative view of the country remains true, Shapiro contended.
“America was built on eternally good and true principles, springing from both the Judeo-Christian ethic and English culture, rooted in natural law,” he said. “Those principles were denied in practice by many of the same people who promoted them in theory, but those theories were valid — and remain valid. The story of America, therefore, is a story of the broadening application of those principles — the perfection of our Union, the fulfillment of the promises of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. This view certainly does not deny the evils and horrors of slavery and Jim Crow, or the savage brutality of the dispossession of Native Americans. But this view does recognize a simple truth: the state of the world, historically, has been replete with such evil, horror, and brutality — and America, unlike other nations, has fought, over time, to wipe them away at home and abroad.”
Following the sold-out event, Shapiro took questions from some of the audience members, as usual prioritizing those who disagree with him. Among the questioners were some apparent followers of an “America First” group led by an Alt-Right influencer who has been encouraging his supporters to crash conservative events, as they did at a speech by Daily Wire podcast host Matt Walsh a few weeks go. Like Walsh, Shapiro had no problem handling the hecklers.
The first “America First” defender started by saying that Shapiro once described Donald Trump among others as “Alt-Right” and then said: “It seems like conservatives like you, like [Turning Point USA founder] Charlie Kirk, and [Texas Republican Rep.] Dan Crenshaw, feel threatened by ‘America First’ conservatives and ‘America First’ ideas. Is that why you’re smearing them as Alt-Right racists, homophobic, and all these other things, instead of actually addressing them and debating them?”
“First of all, I’m happy to address any ideas; I’m not happy to debate somebody who has joked about murdering me,” said Shapiro, referencing past comments and actions of the Alt-Right influencer behind the hecklers’ questions.
Shapiro then explained why he described as “Alt-Right-adjacent” some of the people the questioner named, including Trump. “If you look at Donald Trump, who I said overtly in 2016 ‘flirted with the Alt-Right’ because he did in April and May of 2016. … Donald Trump, thank God, has forcibly expelled many of the people who were Alt-Right adjacent, like Steve Bannon, from his administration.”
“As far as the idea that I am somehow refusing to debate lower levels of immigration, that is obviously untrue,” said Shapiro. “You can go watch an hour-long interview that I did with the aforementioned Ann Coulter back before 2016 about a book she did on immigration — it’s all about lowering levels of immigration. If we’re talking about tariffs, happy to have that conversation. I had it with Tucker Carlson. If we’re talking about a more isolationist foreign policy, I’ve had that conversation with many, many people.”
“I said this in my speech at Stanford, which people are willfully ignoring: I’m not arguing that people that hold those views are quote-unquote Alt-Right,” Shapiro continued. “The Alt-Right is a very specific viewpoint that sees the problem in America as a problem of demographics, that suggest that white nationalism is the answer to that problem, that suggest that the problem with immigration is not a problem of culture or assimilation, the problem in America is a problem of what race the people are that are coming into the country. That is not a point of view that is even in the realm of the sort of a Paleocon viewpoint. That is a view that is actively Alt-Right.”
When the questioner accused Shapiro again of “smearing” those who disagree with him, Shapiro rattled off a list of disturbing comments and actions from the Alt-Right influencer behind the organized effort to troll the speech. “I think it is a sin for people to conflate mainstream conservatism with that kind of garbage,” said Shapiro, the audience erupting in applause at the assertion.
Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko blew up Schiff’s sham impeachment on Thursday when he asserted that the U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland never linked military aid to a Biden investigation.
The Democrats’ entire impeachment inquiry is based on the notion that President Trump withheld military aid from Ukraine unless they investigated the corrupt Biden crime family’s involvement with Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company that was paying Hunter Biden over $80,000 a month.
“I have never seen a direct relationship between investigations and security assistance.” said Prystaiko, “Yes, the investigations were mentioned, you know, in the conversation of the presidents. But there was no clear connection between these events.”
“Ambassador Sondland did not tell us, and certainly did not tell me, about a connection between the assistance and the investigations. You should ask him,” Prystaiko said about Sondland.
Recall, previously released text messages showed Gordon Sondland defending Trump and making it clear there was no quid pro quo in the President’s communications with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
“As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign,” Ambassador Bill Taylor said referencing a Politico article in a text exchange with Sondland.
Sondland responded by saying that was not what was happening. “Bill, I believe you are incorrect about President Trump’s intentions. The President has been crystal clear: no quid pro quo’s of any kind. The President is trying to evaluate whether Ukraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and reforms that President Zelensky promised during his campaign.”
Anti-Trump Ambassador Bill Taylor droned on for over 40 minutes on Wednesday in his opening statement during Schiff’s show trial and used third-hand info to attack Trump’s dealings with Ukraine.
“Following that meeting, in the presence of my staff at a restaurant, Ambassador Sondland called President Trump and told him of his meetings in Kiev. The member of my staff could hear President Trump on the phone, asking Ambassador Sondland about ‘the investigations,’” Ambassador Bill Taylor told lawmakers on Wednesday.
“Ambassador Sondland told President Trump that the Ukrainians were ready to move forward. Following the call with President Trump, the members of my staff asked Ambassador Sondland what President Trump thought about Ukraine. Ambassador Sondland responded that President Trump cares more about the investigations of Biden, which Giuliani was pressing for,” Taylor added.
Ukraine received military aid from the US three weeks early and Zelensky did not launch an investigation into the Bidens in exchange for the aid — NO QUID PRO QUO, NO BRIBERY.
Local civilians in El Alto, Bolivia, detained three Cuban nationals and handed them over to police on Wednesday, who found evidence that the foreigners were paying people to riot on behalf of the nation’s socialist party.
The revelation follows the arrests of several Venezuelan and Cuban citizens among the thousands rioting in El Alto and La Paz, the seat of the executive branch, and the positive identification of a man injured during protests two weeks ago as an Argentine member of the Marxist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) terrorist group.
Members of anti-socialist groups who organized peaceful protests against the fraudulent October 20 presidential election also revealed this week that they have seen “people with white faces,” believed to be Cuban and Venezuelan nationals, serving as snipers targeting anti-socialists amid orchestrated riots.
Former Bolivian President Evo Morales ran for a fourth term in office in the October 20 election after forcing the nation’s constitutional court to find that he had a “human right” to run despite constitutional term limits. This weekend, the Organization of American States (OAS) published their preliminary findings from a probe of that election that amassed significant evidence of election fraud. Morales responded to the report by voluntarily resigning, fleeing to Mexico, then declaring that he was the victim of a “coup.”
Morales called on followers of his party, the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS), to take the streets of Bolivia’s major cities and prevent another government from forming. Nearly 50 high-ranking members of his government also resigned and defected to Mexico, claiming violent threats against them, leaving Bolivia without a president for nearly three days.
On Tuesday, the constitutional court approved the appointment of Senator Jeanine Áñez interim president of the country who, as deputy senate president, was the highest person the chain of command left in the country. Áñez is a staunch religious conservative and has vowed to organize free and fair elections as soon as possible, but must first build a government out of those remaining in the country. She appointed a conservative cabinet late Wednesday, as Morales took his MAS supporters out of the country with him.
Bolivia’s Página Siete newspaper, which has been out of print all week due to socialist attacks on its offices, reported on Wednesday that police have confirmed that three individuals arrested were Cuban nationals, found to be carrying $13,000 in cash in a backpack in their vehicle. The neighbors who corralled the suspects told police that they witnessed the three handing out cash to rioters in exchange for looting, burning down, and otherwise destroying neighborhoods in the city.
Two of the arrested have been identified as Amparo Lourdes García Buchaca and Ramón Emilio Álvarez Cepero, employees at the Cuban embassy in the country.
INTERVENCIÓN CASTROCHAVISTA EN #BOLIVIA Detienen a funcionarios cubanos por incentivar protestas violentas en Bolivia. Tres de los cuatro detenidos son personal técnico de la Embajada de #Cuba en Bolivia, como integrantes de la Brigada Médica Cubana.
The suspects claimed they planned to give the cash not to socialist rioters, but to Cuban slave doctors present in Bolivia.
Cuba runs a global slave doctor network in which it sends its medical personnel to friendly countries to work in areas where native doctors feel too unsafe to do so. The doctors do not get paid living wages and often fabricate statistics to make them appear more productive than they actually are, according to doctors who have escaped to the United States.
The Cuban outlet ADN Cuba reported on Thursday that Bolivian police had arrested a fourth Cuban national, this one identified as Idalberto Delgado Baro, on charges of similarly paying people to loot businesses and burn down homes. Delgado reportedly also carried a bag full of cash on him – a little over $10,000 – and identified himself as part of the “technical personnel” of the Cuban slave doctor network in the country.
The Cubans join three Venezuelan nationals police identified among 25 rioters arrested in La Paz on Tuesday. Police officials said the group had amassed bags of dynamite and AN/FO, an industrial explosive, and that “most of these people have criminal records.”
“We have captured three Venezuelans, blended into the crowd … yes, there are foreigners infiltrating these protests,” a police official told the Bolivian network Unitel.
Policía de #Bolivia informa que detuvieron 25 personas (entre ellos 3 venezolanos) en los operativos conjuntos con las Fuerzas Armadas anoche en La Paz.
Algunos de los detenidos portaban dinamitas y otros objetos presuntamente para causar destrozos.
Conservative community organizer Marco Pumari alleged in an interview with CNN en Español Wednesday that some of these foreigners are operating as snipers, targeting anti-socialists who have come out in the streets to protest the Morales supporters’ riots. During a march by miners demanding a free a fair election, “they faced a vile attack by snipers, allegedly from indigenous original peoples’ communities in Potosí.”
“We have seen through images that there are people disguised … people with white skin disguised as peasants, shooting at the caravan of miners marching towards La Paz,” Pumari alleged. “They are snipers that I do not believe for one minute are peasants.”
“There have been arrests of Cuban and Venezuelan people, identified as such, that clearly shows a joint operation,” he concluded, “An operation not just executed by militants of the socialist movement … there have been Cuban people instructing peasants to conduct these attacks.”
Joining the Cubans has been at least one Argentine national: Facundo Molares Schoenfeld, a member of the FARC terrorist organization. Police revealed on Thursday that Molares appears to have been hired by yet-unknown individuals to travel into Bolivia and teach Morales supporters terrorist tactics and help generate violence.
Newly minted Defense Minister Arturo Murillo warned late Wednesday, following his appointment, that his government would prosecute foreign agitators “to the fullest extent of the law.” Asked about Molares, he said, “he’s not the only one.”
“There are FARC people, there are Cubans, Venezuelans, guerrilla people who have been living here,” he noted. “All these people, we will target to the fullest extent of the law. Bolivia cannot be suffering because of these people – foreigners who come to this country to kill Bolivians.”
The arrests of foreign non-indigenous leftists contradict the image that Morales and his MAS party have been fabricating of the thousands-strong mob that attacked La Paz on Tuesday and Wednesday. Interviews with indigenous members of that mob indicated that they were marching into town seeking vengeance after a video circulated on social media of unidentified individuals burning the Wiphala flag, an official flag of the state of Bolivia that represents its 36 indigenous communities. The mob has demanded “the heads” of conservative leaders and adopted “here we go, civil war” as their marching chant.
A former medical corespondent for an NBC News affiliate in Los Angeles has been charged with asking a nine-year-old girl with sexually suggestive photos.
Dr. Bruce Hensel, who was charged in Santa Monica on Wednesday, is 71 years old.
“The Los Angeles Police Department said detectives began a child sexual exploitation investigation involving a nine-year-old child after inappropriate messages and photographs were shared between the child and a man believed to be Hensel,” CBS News reported Thursday.
The nine-year-old child is the daughter of an acquaintance of Hensel’s, the report noted. Hensel allegedly requested the racy images from the girl, whose name will not be revealed, via a messaging app on August 4th, according the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
The former correspondent faces one felony count of contact with a minor for sexual purposes, according to Deputy D.A. Angela Brunson.
The 71-year-old was being held on $5,000 bail after the Wednesday arrest but was later released, reported CBS.
If convicted, Hensel could serve out 18 months in state prison.
The former NBC employee maintains his innocence.
A lawyer for Hensel said his client “is completely innocent of the charge.”
“We are cooperating with the authorities and look forward to a speedy and complete exoneration,” the lawyer told reporters.
“Hensel is well known in the area as the former chief medical correspondent for KNBC-TV. He won 11 Emmys and two Golden Mike awards for his work in Los Angeles media,” CBS reported, noting that his “LinkedIn profile says he spent 29 years with NBC — much of that time at KNBC as its medical and science reporter but left the station in May of 2016.”
NBC has been plagued with controversy since journalist Ronan Farrow claimed his bombshell story exposing Hollywood producer and alleged serial sexual predator Harvey Weinstein was spiked by the network.
In Farrow’s new book, “Catch and Kill,” the journalist exposed another hit against NBC, a rape accusation against their former star morning host Matt Lauer. According to the accuser, Brooke Nevils, the accusation was known throughout the company before she filed a formal complaint.
Nevils, a former NBC News employee herself, claimed she was anally raped by Lauer in 2014 while covering the Sochi Olympics.
Nevils told Farrow that she, then-“Today” anchor Meredith Vieira, and Lauer had drinks at the hotel bar where the NBC team was staying during the Olympics. After socializing, Nevils said she went to Lauer’s hotel room to get back her press credentials, which she said were taken by Lauer as a joke. She then returned to his room a second time upon invite, when the alleged rape took place.
“Once she was in his hotel room, Nevils alleges, Lauer — who was wearing a T-shirt and boxers — pushed her against the door and kissed her. He then pushed her onto the bed, ‘flipping her over, asking if she liked anal sex,’ Farrow writes. ‘She said that she declined several times,’” the Variety report detailed the alleged encounter per Farrow’s book.
Nevils claims she “was in the midst of telling him she wasn’t interested again when he ‘just did it,’” Farrow wrote in the book. “Lauer, she said, didn’t use lubricant. The encounter was excruciatingly painful. ‘It hurt so bad. I remember thinking, Is this normal?’ She told me she stopped saying no, but wept silently into a pillow.”
It was suggested last month by Fox News host Tucker Carlson that former NBC employee Megyn Kelly was canned by the network for publicly asking for an outside investigation into the apparent mishandling of both the Weinstein story and accusations against Lauer. Kelly did not comment on Carlson’s accusation.
A San Antonio, Texas, family that set up a large inflatable snowman, reindeer and a Santa helicopter on their front lawn on November 1 got a message from their homeowners association: Pull it down.
Claudia Simonis, who has resided at the Lakeside at Canyon Springs subdivision with her family for four years, received a letter from Diamond Association Management & Consulting on November 4 reading: “Maintenance – holiday decorations need to be removed. Please remove the snowman until closer to the holiday season,” WOAI reports. The Lakeside at Canyon Springs subdivision is located on the far north side of San Antonio.
NBC News reported, “The letter from the association goes on to say that it allows holiday decorations, but they should be taken down 10 days after the holiday. It doesn’t say when residents can put up decorations prior to the holiday.”
Claudia’s husband Nick said, “I was like, ‘Wow, that’s a first.’ I was angry, because there’s a reason why we’re doing it.”
Claudia Simonis, who is pregnant and due on Christmas Day, stated, “I just couldn’t believe it. My husband sent it to me and I said, ‘Are you serious?’” She added, “I feel kind of heavy, so the earlier we can put out the decorations, the better. Because probably in two more weeks, I’m not going to be able to build all this.”
Claudia continued, “I just found it crazy. Especially that they didn’t give us a time. Like, when is the right time to put it?”
As NBC News reported, Claudia and Nick “put up their Christmas decorations a little earlier than usual in case the baby arrives early and because they wanted their two sons, a 7- and 3-year-old, to enjoy the display.”
Simonis insisted she won’t take down the display, adding, “I’m pregnant. And it took us forever to put them up. If anything, we’re adding more stuff.” Nick added, “We’re not going to do it. It’s the Christmas spirit. We’re not going to be forced by the HOA to take it down.”
According to Simonis, after she posted the association’s letter in a neighborhood Facebook group, some other residents reacted by supporting their support; one set up a 12-inch snowman in their yard; another put up Christmas lights.
One resident told WOAI, “We always abide by the rules and regulations. So, when we see it in black and white, there’s no problem. But if it’s not in black and white, who’s to say what’s what?” He added, “I don’t think this should be an issue. These are the holidays. This is what we do. We take care of our neighbors. That’s what a neighborhood is about.”
As CafeMom writes, commenting on the story, “Sure, you could make the argument that putting up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving has even hit might feel a bit like putting the cart before the horse, but get this: Studies have proven that putting up Christmas decorations early is actually good for you, since it can drum up nostalgic memories from childhood and bring on an overall mood boost.”
Nick concluded, “So, you’re going to see in a couple days, everybody will have decorations up.”
She hates them so much that she’s made one of merchandise items in her campaign store a mug with the words “Billionaire Tears.”
“In November 2019, billionaire and former Goldman Sachs executive Leon Cooperman (who as recently as 2017 settled with the SEC on insider-trading charges) was brought to tears on live television while discussing the prospect that a President Elizabeth Warren might require him to pay his fair share in taxes. Savor a warm, slightly salty beverage of your choice in this union-made mug as you contemplate all the good a wealth tax could do: universal childcare, student debt cancellation, universal free college, and more,” the campaign site says.
But just like the time Warren claimed she was a Native American, this tale has a wonderful twist, too.
“The $25 mug, which Warren’s presidential campaign introduced Wednesday, is sold through Shopify, a Canadian e-commerce company whose founder and CEO, Tobias Lütke, is worth an estimated $2.8 billion,” The Daily Caller reported.
Warren’s presidential campaign began utilizing Shopify’s services shortly after the Massachusetts senator declared her candidacy in February. Her campaign has disbursed nearly $105,000 to Shopify for credit card processing fees so far in 2019, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.
Warren’s senatorial campaign also utilized Shopify’s services, disbursing $16,500 to the company between 2017 and 2019, FEC records show.
Warren’s proposed annual 2% wealth tax on net worth over $50 million and an annual 6% wealth tax on net worth over $1 billion has become a focal point of her campaign. She says the increased tax revenues from the proposal can fund her “Medicare for all” plan without raising taxes on the middle class.
The Massachusetts Democrat who tops some polls in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination has claimed for decades that she is part American Indian. Then she took a SNA test to prove it.
The test results showed she may have had an American Indian ancestor — six to 10 generations ago. That means she’s anywhere from 1/64 to 1/1,024 American Indian. To put those terms into percentages, that means she’s between 1.562 percent and .0924 percent. So that means she’s anywhere from 98.437 percent to 99.9 percent white.
Warren listed herself as Native in the Association of American Law School Directory, and according to The Boston Globe, she “had her ethnicity changed from white to Native American at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, where she taught from 1987 to 1995, and at Harvard University Law School, where she was a tenured faculty member starting in 1995.”
Some critics say she got the Harvard slot by claiming to be American Indian. “Harvard Law School in the 1990s touted Warren, then a professor in Cambridge, as being Native American,’” CNN reported last November. “They singled her out, Warren later acknowledged, because she had listed herself as a minority in an Association of American Law Schools directory.”
A 1997 Fordham Law Review article identified the Democrat as Harvard Law’s “first woman of color.” Warren even submitted recipes to an American Indian cookbook called “Pow Wow Chow,” which was released in 1984 by the Five Civilized Tribes Museum in Muskogee, Oklahoma. She signed her entries “Elizabeth Warren — Cherokee.”
A federal judge has ruled that a 25-year-old woman born in New Jersey who later traveled to Syria and joined ISIS is not an American citizen.
Hoda Muthana had attempted to drum up sympathy and force the US to facilitate travel back to the nation where she was born for her and her two year old child.
U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Judge Reggie Walton determined that since the terrorist-tied woman was born to a Tunisian father with diplomatic status she was not a citizen. Her father previously represented Yemen in the United Nations.
“Federal regulations and international law state that children of foreign diplomats born in the US are not subject to the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which guarantees birthright citizenship, because they are born under the jurisdiction of another country.
Walton also ruled that Muthana’s father could not provide financial support to his daughter and grandson, who was born in territory under ISIS control and whom he has never met, without being subject to charges of providing material support to terrorism.”
Muthana had left the United States in 2014 and her child was born from her second marriage to an ISIS fighter. She left ISIS in 2018 and fled to a Kurdish refugee camp. She then began doing interviews in the media calling for the US to take her back.
“I was really young and ignorant,” Muthana said in an interview with the Guardian. “I believe that America gives second chances. I want to return, and I’ll never come back to the Middle East. America can take my passport and I wouldn’t mind.”
Though Muthana has played victim in the media, she was one of the most militant ISIS recruiters on social media. She urged American Muslims to kill citizens in drive-by shootings and vehicular attacks, and called to assassinate then-President Barack Obama, Buzzfeed reports.
One of her tweets read: “Americans wake up! Men and women altogether. You have much to do while you live under our greatest enemy, enough of your sleeping! Go on drivebys, and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them. Veterans, Patriots, Memorial, etc day … Kill them.”
Muthana’s lawyer Christina Jump told BuzzFeed that they will likely appeal the ruling.
An Emmy-winning former medical correspondent for NBC was arrested for allegedly asking a 9-year-old girl to send him sexually explicit photos, according to new reports.
Dr. Bruce Hensel, 71, was charged Wednesday with asking the daughter of a friend through an online messaging app for the photos in August, the Los Angeles Times reported.
Hensel, who worked as the on-air chief medical correspondent for NBC New York and Los Angeles, faces one felony count of contact with a minor for sexual purposes.
In 2009 Democrat Adam Schiff introduced his “good friend” Dr. Bruce Hensel at a rally.
Via Jack Posobiec.
If skeptics needed any more evidence that Big Tech is liberally biased, Amazon delivered in a big way. Amazon published a policy list to “provide customers, investors, policymakers, employees, and others our views on certain issues,” the manifesto read. Though it tried to claim shortly thereafter that “there is much room for healthy debate and differing opinions.” We’ll see about that. Founder and CEO of Amazon Jeff Bezos also conveniently owns the liberal Washington Post, who unveiled its melodramatic motto “Democracy Dies in Darkness”…