The Climate Con

Beware Global Warming!  Not because it will consume our planet in fire but rather because it is a Trojan horse concealing a much more real threat, one that will consume our economy, our democracy and our way of life.

Ever since Michael Mann’s fantasy “hockey stick” temperature graph was thoroughly discredited and since Climategate outed institutional scale phony climate data a decade ago, the existence of actual global warming has been rendered null.  The same is true for the impact of CO2 on climate.  No experiment can confirm its impact, models can’t predict its influence and collateral data (sea level, animal populations etc.) do not confirm a correlation.

The conclusion must be that man-made climate change and the need to eliminate carbon emissions to avoid climate change simply do not exist. None of the narrative is based on objective science.  It is a massive hoax and maybe the biggest con job in history.  All the classic elements of a con job are present; the victim (mostly liberals and other virtue signalers), the play (appeal to environmental issues), the rope (emotional foundation and persuasion – the world is coming to an end), the convincer (the way it will work to your benefit – eliminate carbon and all is well) and so on.  The dangled payoff is saving the world.  As in all con jobs, the con artist gets what he wants and the mark gets nothing.

Like all cons, this one looks good to the rubes.  Who doesn’t want to save the world and breathe clean air?  The basic problem, even if the basic mechanism of eliminating CO2 to stop increasing temperatures were real, is that it would not achieve what its adherents think it would.  Let’s look at some facts.

What if we could reduce CO2 emissions?  The U.S. produces only 15 percent of the carbon emissions in the world.  The rest we have no control over.  That leaves 85 percent of emissions in place after spending trillions of dollars.

Most, if not all, of the big proposals for reduction of Carbon emissions by reducing CO2 are simply impossible, impractical or ineffective.  Eliminating coal fired electrical generating plants in the US is just one example.  The cost of shutting down the US coal industry with the attendant loss of jobs and downstream business would be astronomical. What impact would it have globally? Seventy three percent of India’s electricity is generated from coal fired power plants.  India has no plans to reduce its production and consumption of coal.  Coal India Ltd. will produce 660 million tons of coal next year, increasing to one billion tons by 2022 – 2023. 

In other words, if the U.S. destroyed its economy and eliminated all coal fired electricity production, whatever CO2 reduction that might net would be offset by the increase in coal consumption by India alone.  The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, the largest civil engineering project in the world, will include 700 new coal fired power stations.  When they are all in operation, these plants could consume an incredible 1.8 billion tons of coal a year.  So why are the US and the UK risking catastrophe in their economies when whatever they eliminate will be more than replaced elsewhere?

This, then, brings us to the final piece of the global warming con – what role do the Green New Deal and related decarbonization programs play?

The components of the GND are staggering in magnitude, cost and audacity.  They include such “modest” proposals as shutting down the entire coal, oil and natural gas industry, requiring all housing and buildings to be rebuilt and reinsulated, eliminating all gasoline cars and trucks, forcing populations to relocate to urban areas, controlling population by selective abortion and it just goes on.

The reality of many variants of the Green New Deal and all the other absolutely preposterous proposals is that they are not even intended to address environmental issues.  Note how often you see the word “justice” associated with certain proposals.  Social justice, environmental justice, economic justice and racial justice to name a few.  These are code words that lead one back to One World Government socialist theology and redistributive economics.  The idea, in a nutshell, is to transfer enormous sums of money and other resources from first world countries in the West to third world and developing nations.  Rest assured that a significant portion will find its way into the pockets of the charlatans promoting this con through choking the energy needs of the industrialized nations and transferring that wealth to developing nations.  This is done by socialist redistribution in the name of the nebulous concept of sustainable development. 

It was, and is, necessary to create the “existential crisis” of global warming in order to scare the multitudes into following the socialist elites blindly down the path of economic destruction to global governance.

Only in the recent round of hysteria have the concepts of Marxist redistribution been introduced and the whole concept of environmental concern been taken over by a political agenda.

If one is to examine the GND closely, it speaks of five goals and three of them are solely focused on some type of social or economic “justice” rather than an environmental outcome.  The two environmental goals use language quoted from UN literature.  Much of the current virulently Marxist bent of the GND is related directly to the 1992 UN Earth Summit from which came the infamous Agenda 21 that pledged “to change the way people live, eat, learn and communicate, all in the name of saving the earth from mankind’s mistakes, particularly global warming.”  So, tying all of what we have said together let’s see what we have.

  • There is no demonstrable or provable pattern of net temperature change over a millennium so it cannot be said that we’re confronted by catastrophic global warming or cooling. 
  • While CO2 may have some impact on global temperature, its exact influence is not known and cannot be accurately modeled.  In any case, CO2 is not the sole or dominant driver of global temperature so that controlling CO2, if it could be done, would have little predictable impact on temperature.
  • No accurate predictive model of global temperature exists because the system is too complex and too many variables are either unknown or their influences and relationships are not understood.
  • If spending untold trillions of dollars on reducing CO2 in this country actually did reduce CO2 output, that reduction would be offset many times over by increases from developing nations such as China and India that have every intention of dramatically increasing their CO2 output.
  • Reliable engineering calculations show very convincingly that the chance of replacing carbon energy sources with renewable energy is exactly zero. 
  • The current global warming narrative has been hijacked by Marxist One World Order extremists to press their revolution to destroy industrialized nations and to redistribute wealth to developing nations and create a world government.

Within the above context, we can see much more clearly that powerful Marxist forces forces are using the construct of a manufactured climate crisis, populist environmental language, and public fear to prosecute their political agenda which is to destroy the Western world and create a One World Order, nirvana to a Marxist, where a group of elites run the world.  That’s the con.

Graphic credit:Pixabay

Dave Ball is the author of conservative political commentary, a guest on political talk shows, an elected official and a county party official.

Beware Global Warming!  Not because it will consume our planet in fire but rather because it is a Trojan horse concealing a much more real threat, one that will consume our economy, our democracy and our way of life.

Ever since Michael Mann’s fantasy “hockey stick” temperature graph was thoroughly discredited and since Climategate outed institutional scale phony climate data a decade ago, the existence of actual global warming has been rendered null.  The same is true for the impact of CO2 on climate.  No experiment can confirm its impact, models can’t predict its influence and collateral data (sea level, animal populations etc.) do not confirm a correlation.

The conclusion must be that man-made climate change and the need to eliminate carbon emissions to avoid climate change simply do not exist. None of the narrative is based on objective science.  It is a massive hoax and maybe the biggest con job in history.  All the classic elements of a con job are present; the victim (mostly liberals and other virtue signalers), the play (appeal to environmental issues), the rope (emotional foundation and persuasion – the world is coming to an end), the convincer (the way it will work to your benefit – eliminate carbon and all is well) and so on.  The dangled payoff is saving the world.  As in all con jobs, the con artist gets what he wants and the mark gets nothing.

Like all cons, this one looks good to the rubes.  Who doesn’t want to save the world and breathe clean air?  The basic problem, even if the basic mechanism of eliminating CO2 to stop increasing temperatures were real, is that it would not achieve what its adherents think it would.  Let’s look at some facts.

What if we could reduce CO2 emissions?  The U.S. produces only 15 percent of the carbon emissions in the world.  The rest we have no control over.  That leaves 85 percent of emissions in place after spending trillions of dollars.

Most, if not all, of the big proposals for reduction of Carbon emissions by reducing CO2 are simply impossible, impractical or ineffective.  Eliminating coal fired electrical generating plants in the US is just one example.  The cost of shutting down the US coal industry with the attendant loss of jobs and downstream business would be astronomical. What impact would it have globally? Seventy three percent of India’s electricity is generated from coal fired power plants.  India has no plans to reduce its production and consumption of coal.  Coal India Ltd. will produce 660 million tons of coal next year, increasing to one billion tons by 2022 – 2023. 

In other words, if the U.S. destroyed its economy and eliminated all coal fired electricity production, whatever CO2 reduction that might net would be offset by the increase in coal consumption by India alone.  The Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, the largest civil engineering project in the world, will include 700 new coal fired power stations.  When they are all in operation, these plants could consume an incredible 1.8 billion tons of coal a year.  So why are the US and the UK risking catastrophe in their economies when whatever they eliminate will be more than replaced elsewhere?

This, then, brings us to the final piece of the global warming con – what role do the Green New Deal and related decarbonization programs play?

The components of the GND are staggering in magnitude, cost and audacity.  They include such “modest” proposals as shutting down the entire coal, oil and natural gas industry, requiring all housing and buildings to be rebuilt and reinsulated, eliminating all gasoline cars and trucks, forcing populations to relocate to urban areas, controlling population by selective abortion and it just goes on.

The reality of many variants of the Green New Deal and all the other absolutely preposterous proposals is that they are not even intended to address environmental issues.  Note how often you see the word “justice” associated with certain proposals.  Social justice, environmental justice, economic justice and racial justice to name a few.  These are code words that lead one back to One World Government socialist theology and redistributive economics.  The idea, in a nutshell, is to transfer enormous sums of money and other resources from first world countries in the West to third world and developing nations.  Rest assured that a significant portion will find its way into the pockets of the charlatans promoting this con through choking the energy needs of the industrialized nations and transferring that wealth to developing nations.  This is done by socialist redistribution in the name of the nebulous concept of sustainable development. 

It was, and is, necessary to create the “existential crisis” of global warming in order to scare the multitudes into following the socialist elites blindly down the path of economic destruction to global governance.

Only in the recent round of hysteria have the concepts of Marxist redistribution been introduced and the whole concept of environmental concern been taken over by a political agenda.

If one is to examine the GND closely, it speaks of five goals and three of them are solely focused on some type of social or economic “justice” rather than an environmental outcome.  The two environmental goals use language quoted from UN literature.  Much of the current virulently Marxist bent of the GND is related directly to the 1992 UN Earth Summit from which came the infamous Agenda 21 that pledged “to change the way people live, eat, learn and communicate, all in the name of saving the earth from mankind’s mistakes, particularly global warming.”  So, tying all of what we have said together let’s see what we have.

  • There is no demonstrable or provable pattern of net temperature change over a millennium so it cannot be said that we’re confronted by catastrophic global warming or cooling. 
  • While CO2 may have some impact on global temperature, its exact influence is not known and cannot be accurately modeled.  In any case, CO2 is not the sole or dominant driver of global temperature so that controlling CO2, if it could be done, would have little predictable impact on temperature.
  • No accurate predictive model of global temperature exists because the system is too complex and too many variables are either unknown or their influences and relationships are not understood.
  • If spending untold trillions of dollars on reducing CO2 in this country actually did reduce CO2 output, that reduction would be offset many times over by increases from developing nations such as China and India that have every intention of dramatically increasing their CO2 output.
  • Reliable engineering calculations show very convincingly that the chance of replacing carbon energy sources with renewable energy is exactly zero. 
  • The current global warming narrative has been hijacked by Marxist One World Order extremists to press their revolution to destroy industrialized nations and to redistribute wealth to developing nations and create a world government.

Within the above context, we can see much more clearly that powerful Marxist forces forces are using the construct of a manufactured climate crisis, populist environmental language, and public fear to prosecute their political agenda which is to destroy the Western world and create a One World Order, nirvana to a Marxist, where a group of elites run the world.  That’s the con.

Graphic credit:Pixabay

Dave Ball is the author of conservative political commentary, a guest on political talk shows, an elected official and a county party official.

via American Thinker

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Impeachment Support Plummeting Among Blacks, Hispanics as Story Unravels

How badly it’s all backfiring.

Democrats who thought their dream of overturning the 2016 election would come true if they launched a serious impeachment drive against President Donald Trump should be getting a brutal wake-up from recent poll numbers.

Not only are Republicans holding firm in supporting Trump, but some of the Democratic Party’s most important voters are reversing their position on impeaching the president.

Black voters in particular – a minority of the general population but one with huge importance to any potential Democratic victory — are losing their taste for deposing the president as the process gets greater publicity.

And Hispanic voters are doing the same.

TRENDING: Video Captures Rashida Tlaib Asking Police Chief To Only Hire African-Americans for a Particular Job

According to Emerson Polling results released last week, support among blacks for impeachment has plummeted from 58 percent in October to only 38 percent in November,

Among Hispanics, the numbers went from an overwhelming 73 percent in October to 48 percent in November.

Given the overwhelming support impeachment has among the mainstream media, and given the Democratic Party’s history of persistent, cynical pandering to black and Hispanic voters, that’s a dismal showing for an issue that the party has chosen to make its battleground.

It’s worth noting, too, as Haris Alic pointed out at Breitbart on Tuesday, that support for impeachment decreased at the same time that the impeachment hearings were being televised to the public – which means that the show trial run by Rep. Adam Schiff and the other Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee, which at times unraveled in front of millions of Americans live — might have had exactly the opposite effect from what liberals were intending.

Do you think impeaching President Trump is going to hurt Democrats in 2020?

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“The polling seems to indicate the House Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, which began televised public hearings this month, has backfired tremendously,” Halic wrote.

It’s tough to look at these numbers and see anything but a failure among Democrats to stoke an appetite for impeaching Trump among the public at large.

For decades, Democratic politicians – black and white — have taken advantage of black voters to ensure their own success while accomplishing little or nothing for black communities.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump sought support among black voters with the question with a simple question: “What the hell do you have to lose?”

RELATED: Democrats Are Now Losing Their Own Voters’ Interest in Impeachment Inquiry

The answer, it turns out, is not much — no matter what CNN’s Don “Trump is a Racist” Lemon and the other clowns in the anti-Trump media might pretend.

As Halic pointed out at Breitbart, Trump earned more black votes than Republican nominee Mitt Romney in 2012 or John McCain in 2008 — votes that were key to Trump’s Electoral College victory.

And what have those voters gotten in return?

Since Trump’s upset win over Hillary Clinton in 2016, the American economy has been roaring.

Unemployment rates are at or near record low levels – very much including blacks and Hispanics.

And now, the Democratic impeachment dog-and-pony show of impeaching the president isn’t having anywhere near the kind of rallying effect Democrats hoped, and could very well be hurting the party’s chances come the 2020 election with the electorates it relies on to survive.

So far, at least, the Democratic impeachment gambit is backfiring. And backfiring badly.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via The Western Journal

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Transgenderism Brought To The Forefront As Biological Males Look To Compete In Women’s Olympic Events

A record number of biological males who self-identify as female may be competing in the 2020 Olympic Summer Games, forcing a public debate over the fairness of transgender women competing against biological women in sporting events.

As the International Olympic Committee (IOC) looks to prepare for the upcoming games in Tokyo, Japan, the world is poised to confront the seemingly divisive issue on what constitutes a female athlete, according to an article published on Tuesday by The American Thinker.

The IOC sought to introduce stricter guidelines for transgender competitors, as more biological males have been smashing women’s records and sweeping titles at the high school and collegiate levels. However, the IOC’s panel of scientists have failed to reach a consensus due to the “politically charged and sensitive” nature of the debate, reported The Guardian in September.

Guidelines established by the IOC in 2015 allow some biologically male athletes to compete in female events, depending on testosterone levels. Accordingly, those athletes are required to maintain testosterone levels below 10 nanomoles per liter (nm/l) for no less than 12 months. The American Thinker notes that biological males generally have between 7.7 and 29.4 nm/l of testosterone, while women have between 0.12 and 1.77 nm/l. This means that biological male athletes can conceivably have a 500% hormonal advantage over their biological women counterparts.

Regardless, crafting guidelines based on testosterone levels alone may be irrelevant as to whether or not transgender women have a significant advantage over the competition. A study compiled by the Karolinska Institutet, a leading Swedish medical and research university, determined that transgender women benefit primarily from their masculine bone structure and upper body strength. Current testosterone levels might actually be relatively insignificant.

“Not every male advantage dissipates when testosterone drops,” said Alison Heather, a New Zealand researcher and physiologist at the University of Otago. “Some advantages, such as their bigger bone structure, greater lung capacity, and larger heart size remain. Testosterone also promotes muscle memory. Transgender women have a heightened ability to build strength even after they transition.”

The debate of where transgender individuals fit into competitive athletics, however, is likely to be pushed onto the front lines as more than one billion people watch the Olympic Games in 2020 — many of whom have never been fully exposed to the issue.

The news media has notably promoted the politically correct narrative benefitting transgender athletes over their biologically female counterparts and has been suppressing further dissent, according to The American Thinker. However, as more than 25 million Americans are tuned into the international games at any one point in time, many people will be confronted with the striking disadvantage that biological women would face.

The feminist movement, which has sought to highlight and resolve the seemingly unfair treatment of women in a society that allegedly prioritizes males, has, at times, been shut out of the transgender athletics debate in its entirety. But traditional progressive feminists who seek to advance women’s equality will be pitted against other progressives who feel that the rights of roughly 0.3% of the population should be held at a higher value than the rights of more than half of the population.

via The Daily Wire

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Project Veritas Banned from Twitter Ads for ‘Inappropriate Content’

Project Veritas reported that its account on Twitter Ads was suspended permanently for “inappropriate content.” In a video posted to Twitter, the organization’s founder, James O’Keefe, explained how the censorship occurred. Twitter recently banned all political ads, except for cause-based ads from nonprofit and for-profit organizations. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), for example, can still run ads on Twitter. But some conservative sites have not fared as well as the SPLC.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Florida Homeowner Beats Up Suspected Intruder’s Face

A Florida homeowner fought back against an alleged home invader on Saturday and ended up injuring the intruder’s face during the melee, police said.

The man, identified as Barry Sands, was asleep in his Miami home just after 10 p.m. Saturday when a woman screaming awoke him and asked him for help.

Once Sands opened the front door, he was allegedly attacked by the suspect identified as Mark Katsnelson, 35.

Katsnelson forced himself into Sands’ home while he was using his hands to punch Sands. Sands, in return, punched, Katsnelson several times in the face in self-defense, police said. He then called 911.

Katsnelson suffered injuries that rearranged his facial structure, according to a mugshot, and he was taken to a local hospital for treatment.

Police said Katsnelson is being charged with burglary and assault and is being held without bond.

Sands is not the first person this week to fight off an alleged home invader. An 82-year-old bodybuilding grandmother fended off a home invasion suspect on Thursday night using a table, shampoo, and a broom, before first responders came to her assistance.

via Breitbart News

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WATCH: Ben Carson Is A World-Famous Neurosurgeon. Maxine Waters Doubts His Intelligence.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has decided she is much more intelligent than Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon who became world-famous after he served as principal surgeon in the 22-hour separation of the Binder siamese twins from Germany in 1987, the first time occipital craniopagus twins had been separated with both surviving.

Speaking on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” on Sunday, Waters continued her fight with Carson after he had dunked on her previously when she attacked President Trump. In that confrontation, Waters precipitated Carson’s rejoinder when she wrote to President Trump, “Your shamelessness knows no bounds. From day one of your presidency, you have attacked our democracy and now you have set your ire on the 550,000 Americans who on any given night experience homelessness.”

Carson fired back, “Shamelessness is a career politician of 30 years laying blame. Shamelessness is allowing more than 55,000 Americans to live on the very streets they represent. My mother always taught me that people shouldn’t throw rocks, especially while they live in a glass house. Because of that wise lesson, I was a little surprised to read your hostile letter to President Trump regarding the record number of homeless Americans in California, particularly in your district.”

Carson added, “I have sent multiple letters to your office and requested numerous meetings, but each time you’ve refused. Basic manners elude you and it seems that instead of producing results, you’re more interested in producing cheap headlines at the President’s expense — like a true career politician. Shamelessness is allowing anyone other than a biological female into a battered women’s shelter.”

On Sunday, Waters blathered:

Well, you know, I sent him a letter, and he sent me a letter claiming that I had no manners, etc. I basically said to my staff, “I really don’t have time to be bonded with somebody who does not know the difference between REO and OEO.” This guy just doesn’t have the background, the capability, the intelligence to do the job. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He doesn’t care about this issue. He rises to the occasion to basically support this president, any opportunity that he gets.

And so I am going to be so happy when they’re all out of here. They are hurting our country. They’re undermining our democracy, and they’re being very destructive. And I hope the American people can see that if we allow this president and his cabinet to get away with what they are doing, they will be destroying, you know, the presidency and that office forever.

Denigrating Carson’s intelligence takes some nerve; as Johns Hopkins Medicine notes regarding the 1987 operation, “The procedure employed hypothermic arrest, the deliberate lowering of body temperature, and circulatory arrest, and sophisticated surgical reconstructive techniques for success.  In 1997, Dr. Carson was the primary surgeon in the team of South African and Zambian surgeons that separated type-2 vertical craniopagus twins (joined at the top of the head) in a 28-hour operation.  It represents the first time such complexly joined Siamese twins have been separated with both remaining neurologically normal.”

Video of Waters’ rant below:

via The Daily Wire

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2nd Schiff Committee Staffer Linked to Think Tank Funded by Burisma: Report

One day, Rep. Adam Schiff may come to symbolize the Washington swamp.

He’s been the main ringmaster of the “impeachment inquiry” circus attacking President Donald Trump in the nation’s Capitol.

He failed to fully disclose his staff’s contact with the “whistleblower” who helped spark that inquiry.

And now, according to Breitbart, it turns out Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee has at least two staffers with ties to a think tank partially funded by the Urkraine energy company that paid an obscene amount of money to Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, mainly while Biden was the Obama administration’s point man for Ukraine policy.

And one of those staffers is reportedly a friend of Eric Ciaramella, the man suspected of being the “whistleblower” behind the whole impeachment effort.

TRENDING: Giuliani: If I Profited from Ukraine, I’d Have To Disclose It to My ‘Hopefully Soon-to-Be Ex-Wife’ Who’d Get Half

According to a Breitbart report Tuesday, Intelligence Committee staffer Sean Misko signed on with the Democrat-run panel in August, about the time the “whistleblower” filed a complaint with the intelligence community inspector general about a phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

According to Breitbart, Misko in 2015 was a “millennium fellow” for the Atlantic Council, a think tank partially funded by Burisma Holdings, the company that has become infamous for its connection to Hunter Biden.

Burisma paid Hunter Biden a $50,000 a month salary to serve on its board from April 2014 to April 2019, according to the website CheckYourFact.

Misko is the second Intelligence Committee staffer to have ties to the Atlantic Council, according to Breitbart. Thomas Eager, another member of the Intelligence Committee staff, is currently a fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Congressional Fellowship, a program that “educates staff on current events in the Eurasia region.”

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And just to dig a little bit deeper into the swamp:

During the 2016 election year, according to Breitbart, other funders of the Atlantic Council included Google, liberal billionaire George Soros’ Open Society network, and the law firm of Perkins Coie, which represented the Hillary Clinton campaign in hiring Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that produced the Steele dossier. Small world, huh?

In October, Breitbart reported that Eager was part of an Atlantic Council trip to Ukraine in August that included a meeting with acting Ambassador to Ukraine Bill Taylor, who in November was a key witness in Schiff’s impeachment hearings.

That trip took place 10 days after the “whistleblower” complaint was filed, Breitbart reported.

If that wasn’t all chummy enough, according to Breitbart, it sounds like Misko and Eric Ciaramella, the suspected “whistleblower,” were on very friendly terms.

RELATED: Impeachment Support Plummeting Among Blacks, Hispanics as Story Unravels

Before working for the House Intelligence Committee, Misko was the director for the Gulf States at the National Security Council from 2015 to mid-2018, according to the Washington Examiner.

At the time, Ciaramella, who is now an analyst with the CIA, was also a part of the NSC.

The men had “had similarly antagonistic attitudes toward the Trump administration and were witnessed by a former National Security Council official, like Ciaramella, a nonpolitical appointee, to frequently be around one another,” the Washington Examiner reported.

So, Schiff has already acknowledged that his staff’s contacts with the so-called “whistleblower” were closer than he let on.

If Ciamarella really is the “whistleblower” – and attorneys for the “whistleblower” have never denied it – then it sounds like those contacts were closer than previously reported.

“My understanding was that they were friendly with one another,” a former NSC official, described as “senior” to Ciaremella, told the Washington Examiner. “They would walk around the halls. Get lunch together and stuff like that.”

He told the Examiner they were “very much cut from the same cloth,” and their friendship as “bro-like.”

So, this sham of an impeachment inquiry was not only sparked by a complaint from a “whistleblower” whose complaint was based on second-hand information, it is being handled by a House Intelligence Committee staff with at least two members who have ties to a think tank that’s financially supported by a company that’s at the heart of an important part of the whole affair.

And to top it all off, one of those staffers could well have a “bro-like” friendship with the “whistleblower” that includes shared “antagonistic attitudes toward the Trump administration.”

Who’s playing a leading role in all of this?

None other than the odious Adam Schiff.

It’s practically a picture of the Washington “swamp” in action — and exactly the kind of swamp Donald Trump was elected to drain.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via The Western Journal

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Trump Turns Turkey Pardon Into Hilarious Roast of Schiff, Democrats


Trump Turns Turkey Pardon into Hilarious Roast of Schiff, Democrats

President Donald Trump pardons the National Thanksgiving Turkey during a ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 26, 2019.Saul Loeb / AFP via Getty ImagesPresident Donald Trump pardons the National Thanksgiving Turkey during a ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 26, 2019. (Saul Loeb / AFP via Getty Images)

By Joe Setyon
Published November 26, 2019 at 2:12pm

President Donald Trump stuffed a few jokes about impeachment into a speech Tuesday during which he pardoned a pair of turkeys as part of an annual White House Thanksgiving tradition.

This year’s lucky turkeys, both male, are named Bread and Butter.

Trump named Butter the National Thanksgiving Turkey, though both birds were spared from their otherwise fowl fates of ending up on the dinner table on Thursday, according to Politico.

Presidents have been “pardoning” turkeys for years — at least as far back as Abraham Lincoln — though it became a formal tradition in 1989, during George H.W. Bush’s administration.

TRENDING: Giuliani: If I Profited from Ukraine, I’d Have To Disclose It to My ‘Hopefully Soon-to-Be Ex-Wife’ Who’d Get Half

Presidents often use the pardoning ceremony as an opportunity to throw in some lighthearted jokes.

And Tuesday’s ceremony, which took place as House Democrats led by Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff are pursuing an impeachment inquiry against Trump, was no different.

“Thankfully, Bread and Butter have been specially raised by the Jacksons to remain calm under any condition, which will be very important because they’ve already received subpoenas to appear in Adam Schiff’s basement on Thursday,” Trump said, garnering laughs from those in attendance.

Schiff has been criticized for holding some impeachment proceedings in a secured basement room on Capitol Hill.

“It’s true. Hundreds of people have. It seems the Democrats are accusing me of being too soft on turkey,” Trump added.

That second quip was likely a reference to his decision to withdraw some U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Following that decision, Turkish soldiers invaded the border region and clashed with America’s Kurdish allies.

Trump wasn’t done.

RELATED: 2nd Schiff Committee Staffer Linked to Think Tank Funded by Burisma: Report

“Bread and Butter, I should note that unlike previous witnesses, you and I have actually met,” he said.

Next, Trump took a shot at establishment media reporters, likening them to “vultures.”

“In any event, I expect this pardon will be a very popular one with the media,” he said.

“After all,” he added, “turkeys are closely related to vultures.”

“I don;t know if I like that line, but there is a little truth to it.”

Both turkeys will spend the rest of their days at “Gobblers Rest” at Virginia Tech University.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via The Western Journal

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