Epstein Trafficked Hundreds of Girls, Some as Young as 11, According to Virgin Islands AG

A lawsuit filed by the attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands says Jeffrey Epstein used his private island there to engage in sex trafficking operations that involved multiple Epstein-run shell companies and ensured hundreds of underage girls.

“Epstein created a network of companies and individuals who participated in and conspired with him in a pattern of criminal activity related to the sex trafficking, forced labor, sexual assault, child abuse, and sexual servitude of these young women and children,” the lawsuit filed by Attorney General Denise George said.

The lawsuit said Epstein’s alleged trafficking began in 2001 and continued through 2018.

Epstein brought girls as young as 11 or 12 to Little St. James, an island he owned in the Virgin Islands, and tracked women and girls through a database, the lawsuit said.

“Epstein engaged in a pattern and practice of trafficking and sexually abusing young women and female children on this private, secluded island,” the lawsuit said.

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The lawsuit against Epstein’s estate wants the estate to forfeit Little St. James and a second private island, Great St. James, as well as dissolve what the lawsuit said were shell companies that were used in the alleged trafficking.

George said that if successful, the government of the Virgin Islands could use the proceeds of assets recovered from the estate to pay out victims of the operation.

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“The conduct of Jeffrey Epstein and his associates shocks the conscience and betrays the deepest principles and laws of the U.S. Virgin Islands,” George said in a statement. “The Virgin Islands is not, and will not, be a safe haven for human trafficking or sexual exploitation.”

Epstein died in August in a New York jail while being held on sex trafficking charges. While his death was ruled a suicide, many have raised doubts about that finding.

Since Epstein’s death, celebrities from Prince Andrew to former President Bill Clinton have come under scrutiny for their relationships with him.

“The complaint speaks for itself and lays out allegations of a pattern and practice of human trafficking, sexual abuse and forced labor of young women and female children as young as 13 years old,” George told reporters, according to The Associated Press.

The lawsuit said young women were “deceptively subjected to sexual servitude, forced to engage in sexual acts and coerced into commercial sexual activity and forced labor.”

It said that Virgin Islands airport personnel reported seeing Epstein leave his plane with girls who appeared to be as young as 11 years old.

“The Epstein Enterprise facilitated and participated in the sexual molestation and exploitation of numerous girls between the age of 12 and 17 years old,” the lawsuit said.

RELATED: Former US Attorney: ‘Too Many Inconsistencies’ To Declare Epstein’s Death a Suicide

It said Epstein refused to allow a Virgin Islands investigator access to his island as recently as 2018.

Because of the secluded nature of the island, the lawsuit said, “Epstein and his associates could avoid detection of their illegal activity from Virgin Islands and federal law enforcement and prevent these young women and underage girls from leaving freely and escaping the abuse.”

The lawsuit said that aspiring models from South America, among others, would be rotated in and out of his private islands, using fake modeling visas.

USVI Epstein Complaint by The Western Journal on Scribd

Two girls tried to leave the island, according to the lawsuit. It said a 15-year-old girl tried to swim to freedom but was caught; her passport was taken from her to keep her captive. A second victim who said she was forced to have sex tried to flee but was caught and threatened with harm, the lawsuit said.

George said the case could change the image of the region as a place where the rich and powerful can evade the law.

“We will not remain complacent, and we will enforce our laws whatever way we can,” she said. “It doesn’t matter the social status of the person. It’s that the laws apply equally.”

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The Urgent Need for a United States Space Force

Steven L. Kwast
Lieutenant General, United States Air Force (Ret.)

Steven L. KwastSteven L. Kwast is a retired Air Force general and former commander of the Air Education and Training Command at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph. A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy with a degree in astronautical engineering, he holds a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. He is a past president of the Air Force’s Air University in Montgomery, Alabama, and a former fighter pilot with extensive combat and command experience. He is the author of the study, “Fast Space: Leveraging Ultra Low-Cost Space Access for 21st Century Challenges.”

The following is adapted from a speech delivered on November 20, 2019, at Hillsdale College’s Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship in Washington, D.C., as part of the AWC Family Foundation lecture series.

In June 2018, President Trump directed the Department of Defense to “begin the process necessary to establish a space force as the sixth branch of the armed forces.” The reason for a space force is simple: space is the strategic high ground from which all future wars will be fought. If we do not master space, our nation will become indefensible.

Since that time, entrenched bureaucrats and military leaders across the Department of Defense, especially in the Air Force, have been resisting the President’s directive in every way they can. And this December, although Congress voted to approve a Space Force, it did so while placing restrictions on it—such as that the Space Force be built with existing forces—that will render it largely useless in any future conflicts.

At the heart of the problem is a disagreement about the mission of a Space Force. The Department of Defense envisions a Space Force that continues to perform the task that current space assets perform—supporting wars on the surface of the Earth. The Air Force especially is mired in an outmoded industrial-age mindset. It sees the Space Force as projecting power through air, space, and cyberspace, understood in a way that precludes space beyond our geocentric orbit. 

Correspondingly, the Defense Department and Congress think that the Air Force should build the Space Force. So far, this has amounted to the Air Force planning to improve the current Satellite Command incrementally and call it a Space Force. It is not planning to accelerate the new space economy with dual-use technologies. It is not planning to protect the Moon or travel corridors in space to and from resource locations—raw materials worth trillions of dollars are available within a few days’ travel from Earth—and other strategic high grounds. It is not planning to place human beings in space to build and protect innovative solutions to the challenges posed by the physical environment. It is not developing means to rescue Americans who may get stranded or lost in space.

In short, the Air Force does not plan to build a Space Force of the kind America needs. In its lack of farsightedness, the Air Force fails to envision landmasses or cities in space to be monitored and defended. Nor does it envision Americans in space whose rights need defending—despite the fact that in the coming years, the number of Americans in space will grow exponentially.

This lack of forward thinking can be put down to human nature and organizational behavior: people in bureaucratic settings tend to build what they have built in the past and defend what they have defended in the past.

We have seen this kind of shortsightedness before. In the 1920s, the airplane and the tank were developed by the Army. Even the most respected military leaders at the time, Generals John J. Pershing and Douglas MacArthur, opposed independent development of the airplane and the tank because they saw them as subservient to the infantry. Infantry had always been the key to military success, and the generals’ reputations were built on that fact. For them, slow and cautious steps were prudent, and revolutionary steps were reckless.

These generals defended the status quo even to the point of court-martialing General Billy Mitchell, who had the audacity to say that the airplane was going to change the character of war and needed to be developed independently in order to achieve its full potential.

This type of status quo thinking in the 1920s resulted in needless loss of life during World War II. More airmen were lost in the European theater alone than were marines in the entire war. And countless soldiers died in America’s Sherman tanks, whose shells would bounce off Germany’s Panzer and Tiger tanks. Frontal infantry attacks were launched in order to get Sherman tanks behind the German tanks to fire at close range—the only range at which they could be effective. Many more of our fighting men would have come home and the war would have been shorter if American generals had taken a revolutionary approach to tanks and planes from the beginning.

On the other side, consider that a major reason we won World War II when we did was the revolutionary—not slow and cautious—approach we took to developing nuclear weapons with the Manhattan Project. Likewise today, instead of blindly following the bureaucrats and generals in the Defense Department, we need a Manhattan-type project in order to develop the kind of Space Force needed to meet future military challenges.


America’s greatest competitor for the high ground of space is Communist China, which is already fully engaged in building effective space capabilities. America is not, and unless it gets off the mark soon, China will dominate the economy and domain of space.

Our Air Force today can be compared to a race car that has been winning every race for the last 70 years by averaging 100 miles an hour. We are still in the lead, but China is gaining and averaging 150 miles an hour. The Chinese will quickly surpass us if we do nothing—and when they do, they will set up roadblocks that will make catching up difficult if not impossible.

Today, while America is building lighthouses and listening stations that can see and hear what is happening in space, China is building battleships and destroyers that can move fast and strike hard—the equivalent of a Navy in space. China is winning the space race not because it makes better equipment, but because it has a superior strategy. The Chinese are open about their plan to become the dominant power in space by 2049, the centennial of the end of the Communist Chinese Revolution and of the founding of the People’s Republic of China under Mao Zedong.

If China stays on its current path, it will deploy nuclear propulsion technology and solar power stations in space within ten years. This will give it the ability to beam clean energy to anyone on Earth—and the power to disable any portion of the American power grid and paralyze our military anywhere on the planet. America is developing no tools to defeat such a strategy, despite the fact that we are spending billions of dollars on exquisite 20th century military equipment.

Over the past two centuries, we have seen that technology drives economic prosperity and that economic prosperity is essential to sustaining national security. China’s plan is to profit from the multi-trillion dollar space marketplace while simultaneously acquiring global domination. We are capable of forestalling China’s plan, but only if we begin to build a Space Force soon and on the right plan. To do this, we must first understand China’s strategic goal, which is to dominate the sectors of economic growth that historically have held the key to world power: transportation, energy, information, and manufacturing.

Space presents unique economic opportunities because space technology operates on network principles. A network can deliver power, information, or goods from one node to many nodes at a fraction of the increase in cost per customer, as compared to the linear system on which most of our land-based economies are modeled. Compare the cost of sending 100 letters to the cost of sending 100 emails. A space infrastructure, by its nature, is a network system—and these types of systems will always translate to economic advantage. The first nation to build such an infrastructure will dominate the global economy of the 21st century and beyond.

China is developing the kind of technologies required to do so: hypersonic missiles and aircraft, 5G telecommunications, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, quantum computing, and robotics. Last January, China landed the Chang’e 4 spacecraft on the far side of the Moon. The mission provided valuable knowledge in terms of commercial and military applications. At one time this sort of mission was not beyond U.S. capabilities, but it is today, and it shows a commitment to space that we lack. To be sure, China has yet to achieve the ability to launch a manned spacecraft, but this is also a capability that we no longer possess—the U.S. relies on Russian rocketry to man and resupply the International Space Station.

China’s goal is to have the capability to shut down America’s computer systems and electrical grids at any time or place of its choosing, using directed energy and 5G technologies from space. Space is the strategic high ground from which China will seek to gain control of our media, businesses, land, debt, and markets. Although American companies are working on these new technologies, they are doing so in separate silos. Real power lies in tethering or combining the technologies together in space to achieve a dominant economic advantage.

If we choose to compete with China in space, we have a cultural advantage. We are more creative and innovative than China, because we have an open society and a free market. But we must be ambitious and act soon.

With the right vision and strategy for space, America can develop the means to:

  • Deliver unlimited, clean, affordable energy to every human on the planet without power lines or terrestrial power plants.
  • Provide fresh water for every human without the need for aquifers or pipes.
  • Build a new low-cost internet that is designed to be secure so that every human can connect, share, and learn with assured privacy and data safety.
  • Defend Earth against small asteroids like the one that hit Russia in 2013.
  • Develop a deterrence capability that will render ICBMs and nuclear weapons useless relics of the past.
  • Revolutionize manufacturing by acquiring and deploying resources from space and in space.
  • Provide a shelter in space where we can protect and preserve people, seeds, and life-saving medicines, so humanity can recover from any unexpected contamination, illness, or disaster.
  • Design defense capabilities to preserve our economy, our people, and our sovereignty, and to allow our allies to defend themselves instead of sacrificing American lives.
  • Reduce the loss of life and property due to natural disasters by managing the eyes of hurricanes and the funnels of tornados with energy from space.

Some of this may sound like science fiction, but technologies exist to achieve these goals if we can summon the will to act. Status quo thinkers in the Defense Department say that these goals are futuristic and unaffordable. But recall that The New York Times, relying on the opinions of leading scientists and engineers, predicted that airplanes were “one million to ten million years” off—a prediction made less than three months before the Wright Brothers made history at Kitty Hawk.

Engineers at countless private companies outside the military-industrial complex will assure you that we can achieve these goals, and soon. As for those who say it’s unaffordable, look to the automotive, aerospace, and tech industries, all of whose capabilities were built from profits earned in markets that valued their usefulness. The same will hold true with the marketplace of space.


Why the urgency? Because being first in space is imperative. Space will be a multi-trillion dollar market that will disproportionately benefit the first nation to build a vibrant space infrastructure and define the principles and rules of the marketplace of space. If America is first, its principles—the rule of law and the protection of liberty—will be in a position to prevail. If Communist China is first, the marketplace will look much different.

Americans must not allow themselves to be lulled into a false sense of security by reassurance from the military-industrial complex that we have the best military in the world, with the finest equipment ever made. At present this is accurate, but a superior strategy in space will render our fine equipment obsolete in short order.

To develop a proper and winning Space Force, the President and Congress should immediately enact four simple measures:

  • Congress should assign the Space Force the mission to defend commerce in space and define Cis-Lunar space (Earth to Moon) as an area of responsibility in the Unified Command Plan.
  • Congress should give the Space Force complete independence from the U.S. Air Force so that funds are not diverted from the former to the latter, and so that the Space Force isn’t developed as a mere support function for air power.
  • The President should issue an executive order protecting the space industry from China’s predatory practices.
  • The President should promote policies and strategies to maximize the contribution of the private sector, such as directing the Space Development Agency to partner with private companies to develop new space capabilities.

If development of the Space Force continues along the lines of what is currently planned, America will lose the strategic space race to China. This must not be allowed to happen. Our elected leaders must take action now. 

via Imprimis

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Epstein Had Burst Capillaries In Eyeballs, Indicating He Was Strangled, Forensic Pathologist Says

A forensic pathologist says that burst capillaries in Jeffrey Epstein’s eyes are consistent with strangulation, not hanging.

Pathologist Dr. Michael Baden, the pathologist hired by Epstein’s brother to investigate his death, examined photographs of Epstein’s eyes during his autopsy, according to The Daily Mail, which reviewed an exclusive clip from a Dr. Oz special set to air on Thursday. Dr. Baden was among physicians in the room when Epstein’s autopsy took place.

Dr. Baden said the burst capillaries and “the fact that the color in his lower legs was pale and not purple or blueish” are indicative that which, he says, of strangling, not suicide by hanging — which authorities claim was the manner of death for the convicted pedophile.

“In a hanging, the arteries and the blood vessels, the veins are both clogged off and the person is pale. The face is pale,” Dr. Baden said. “It suffocates you, no blood goes up there,” Dr. Oz says. “That’s right. No blood coming in or out…. with a manual strangulation, there’s a backup of a pressure and the little capillaries can rupture and they’re best seen in the eye.”

Dr. Baden also questioned the color of Epstein’s legs after his death. “The blood settles after we die. The so-called lividity, if your hanging, the lividity is on the lower part on the legs. These would be like maroon/ purple, front and back and they aren’t.”

Epstein was found dead in August in his cell in the Metropolitan Correctional Center while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. Dozens of women have accused the Epstein, who was a billionaire, of trafficking them when they were underage girls.

Dr. Baden also says it was “very unusual” how Epstein’s death was ruled a suicide. “The initial death certificate was issued at the time of the autopsy, it’s pending further study, getting more information. Five days later it was changed to hanging suicide and one of the things the family wishes to know, the estate wishes to know is, what was that additional information that caused them to change it when five months later and the family still doesn’t know what happened to in the first encounter and what happened to him when he was found dead.

On Jan. 5, CBS News released explosive new photos showing the convicted pedophile’s jail cell, where he supposedly committed suicide, strewn with scraps of bed sheets and a supposed noose.

Baden said the photos showing injuries to Epstein’s neck convince him that the “findings are more indicative of homicide” than a suicide.

“I think there’s a lot of information that still hasn’t been revealed yet that is essential in order to arrive at a conclusion, whether this is a suicide or homicide,” Baden said on Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom.

“I think the closing out of the case as a suicide so quickly was premature.”

The photos show makeshift nooses Epstein supposedly made out of bedsheets at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan. But his neck is deeply marked, prompting questions about whether a cotton sheet could cut so deeply.

Baden, a former New York City medical examiner, said the photo showing the marks on Epstein’s neck “doesn’t match the ligature that was found at the scene and that the medical examiner copied to show how he was hanged.”

He added that “it was too wide and too smooth. This is a rougher injury.”

And he had more.

Baden also questioned Epstein’s two fractures on the left and right sides of his larynx, specifically the thyroid cartilage or Adam’s apple, and on the left hyoid bone above the Adam’s apple.

The doctor also said there are many unanswered questions. “I think the important thing is to find out what was seen when the guards first went into the cell. Was he hanging? Was he on the ground? As some people reported when he was found,” Baden said.

And he said “the removal of the body destroyed a lot of the forensic evidence.”

“EMS is not supposed to remove dead bodies from jails,” Baden said. “They’re supposed to have a whole forensic workup, what kind of forensic evidence is on the clothing, how long the person was dead.

“We can tell from the ligature mark that he had been — there was a tight ligature around his neck for many hours, and the front of the neck, before he was found — so he was dead for a long time. But we could be more specific about that if somebody tested out the stiffness of the body, et cetera, at the scene.”

“A lot was lost when the body was removed,” he said.

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Pathologist Shows Photos Of Epstein’s Eyes, Claims Epstein Was Strangled, Report Says

According to a forensic pathologist, photos of the late Jeffrey Epstein’s eyes after his death reveal burst capillaries, indicating that Epstein was strangled to death.

The Daily Mail obtained clips from an appearance on a Dr. Oz special by forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden that will air on Thursday. Baden, who was present during Epstein’s autopsy, suggested that the fact that the autopsy showed Epstein with burst capillaries and pale lower legs, rather than purple or blueish legs, indicated he did not hang himself.

“In a hanging, the arteries and the blood vessels, the veins are both clogged off and the person is pale. The face is pale,” Baden explained.

Dr. Oz responded, “It suffocates you, no blood goes up there.”

“That’s right,” said Baden. “No blood coming in or out…. with a manual strangulation, there’s a backup of a pressure and the little capillaries can rupture and they’re best seen in the eye.”

Speaking of Epstein’s legs, Baden opined, “The blood settles after we die. The so-called lividity, if you’re hanging, the lividity is on the lower part on the legs. These would be like maroon/purple, front and back and they aren’t.”

Baden questioned the ruling given over Epstein’s death, asserting: “The initial death certificate was issued at the time of the autopsy, it’s pending further study, getting more information. Five days later it was changed to hanging suicide and one of the things the family wishes to know, the estate wishes to know is, what was that additional information that caused them to change it when five months later and the family still doesn’t know what happened to in the first encounter and what happened to him when he was found dead.”

“Is that unusual, that you have a five-month gap?” Oz asked.

“It’s very unusual, especially in a prison situation,” replied Baden.

Baden said the supposed noose that Epstein allegedly used to kill himself didn’t fit with the facts.

“Doesn’t follow the furrow, number one. Number two, there’s no evidence that there’s any blood or tissue on any of the part of the loop. Most of all, this little area shows a pattern that wouldn’t be made by this smooth surface of the sheet that was torn to make the noose,” said Baden, adding, “The problem I think why we’re here today, five months later, is that there’s been a total lack of transparency in what happened to Epstein.”

As The Daily Wire reported last week:

Prosecutors on Thursday told a judge overseeing the trial of Epstein’s former cellmate, accused murderer Nicholas Tartaglione, that surveillance footage of the hallway during Epstein’s failed alleged suicide attempt “no longer exists” because of “technical errors,” according to the Associated Press. Last December, prosecutors believed they had found the footage after announcing only a day before that they had actually lost it, as previously reported by the Daily Wire.

According to AP, “the revelation came despite assurances that prosecutors made that jail officials were preserving the footage at the request of a defense attorney for Nicholas Tartaglione, a former police officer who shared a cell with Epstein in July” at the time of his first —and failed —alleged suicide attempt. The National Review  reports that prosecutors explained that the footage “captured a different tier than the one where Cell-1 was located because the preserved video did not show corrections officers responding to any of the cells seen on the video.”

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White House Fires Back Over Absurd Charges From Lev Parnas

The White House on Thursday fired back at allegations from Lev Parnas, a Soviet-born businessman and former associate of the president’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani.

In charges widely covered by mainstream media, Parnas claimed President Trump was fully aware of a plan to push Ukraine into investigating a corrupt gas company there that employed Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

Parnas was indicted in October on charges of violating campaign finance laws. On Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC show late Wednesday, Parnas alleged that Trump “knew exactly what was going on” in Ukraine. He also claimed Vice President Pence and Attorney General William Barr probably knew, too.

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham blasted Parnas’s credibility, saying he is simply looking for attention and trying to avoid going to jail.

“This is a man who’s under indictment and who’s actually out on bail,” Grisham said Thursday morning on Fox News. “This is a man who owns a company called Fraud Inc., so I think that’s something that people should be thinking about. We’re not too concerned about it.”

“It’s unfortunate that he’s now making a media tour with a lot of the outlets that are, you know, against the president,” she said. “I think that shows exactly what he’s doing.”

Grisham shot down the reliability of Parnas’s notes and text message exchanges with Giuliani. “I’ve got to say, just to say Rudy told me these things doesn’t mean that it has anything to do with the president, and it certainly doesn’t mean the president was directing him to do anything,” Grisham said.

“We stand by exactly what we’ve been saying,” she added. “The president did nothing wrong.”

The Justice Department on Thursday also denied Parnas‘ claims that Attorney Barr knew about Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine. “100 percent false,” Justice Department Kerri Kupec said in a statement.

“The President has not spoken with the Attorney General about having Ukraine investigate anything relating to former Vice President Biden or his son,” the statement said. “The President has not asked the Attorney General to contact Ukraine – on this or any other matter.”

“The Attorney General has not communicated with Ukraine – on this or any other subject. Nor has the Attorney General discussed this matter, or anything relating to Ukraine, with Rudy Giuliani,” the statement continued.

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A Candidate Was Falsely Accused Of Sexual Harassment. The People Behind The Lie Were Just Fined $10 Million By The FCC.

It was 2018, just before the California primary election. The #MeToo movement was in full swing, and Democrats decided that leveling dubious sexual assault and sexual harassment claims could be an easy path to victory.

National Democrats were still months away from elevating shaky sexual assault claims against then-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The allegations against Kavanaugh were denied (or not remembered) by everyone named by accuser Christine Blasey Ford as a witness, but Democrats opened up the floodgates for even more unbelievable and thin allegations to come forward – as was their goal.

Local Democrats in California, however, jumped on the allegation bandwagon in May and June of 2018. A series of 47,000 robocalls went out days before the primary election alleging that Republican candidate Phil Graham – the favorite to win the safely Republican Assembly seat in San Diego – had inappropriately grabbed and kissed a woman against her will.

The woman who made the allegation, Nichole Burgan, was criminally charged with making a false accusation, but as with all false accusers, she received little punishment – just two days in jail, Graham told the California Globe in December.

Graham told the outlet that whoever put Burgan up to the false allegations also needed to be punished. He filed a formal complaint with the Federal Elections Commission, and also filed complaints with the California Fair Political Practices Commission and the Public Integrity Unit at the U.S. Department of Justice.

Graham told the outlet he thought he was falsely accused because Democrats wanted to win the Assembly seat, which they ended up winning.

The San Diego Union-Tribune reported in December that the Federal Communications Commission announced it would fine the San Diego telemarketing company behind the false robocalls $10 million for “spoofing” a competing company’s phone number.

“Telemarketing company Marketing Support Systems and its owner, Kenneth Moser, made more than 47,000 unlawful robocalls over a two-day period in May 2018, according to the FCC,” the Tribune reported.

Moser allegedly “spoofed” the calls to hide his tracks, making the calls appear to come from a rival company when someone checked the caller ID. The Voice of San Diego reported what the calls said:

“Creepy alert,” said a woman on the other end of a robocall that hit phones on May 30. She cited press coverage of Burgan’s allegation, and asked why Graham was out harassing a woman when he should have been at home sleeping.

“Vote carefully on June 5,” the caller said. “We don’t need any more creeps in Sacramento. Don’t vote for Phil Graham. #JustSayNo.”

Then came the disclaimer: “Paid for by Jennifer Jones.”

But Jennifer Jones, it turns out, isn’t real.

Graham’s attorney, Brian T. Hildreth, released a statement regarding the FCC’s fine:

After a six month investigation by the Federal Communications Commission, the FCC is proposing a nearly $10 million fine against California telemarketer Ken Moser in connection with Moser’s efforts to mislead voters with approximately 50,000 robocalls containing fraudulent and false accusations relating to the 2018 Primary Election for the California State Assembly and Assembly candidate Phil Graham.

The proposed Commission action, formally called a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture (“NAL”), contains allegations that advise a party on how it has apparently violated the law and may set forth a proposed monetary penalty.  After these substantial developments, it is now imperative that the USDOJ undertake a criminal investigation and prosecution.

We are calling for the Public Integrity Unit at the U.S. Department of Justice to launch their own investigation to determine if other individuals and/or groups were involved in this fraud and election tampering.  We stand ready to assist the USDOJ in any way necessary.

As the FCC noted, the calls took place about one week prior to the primary election for the California State Assembly, 76th District.  The calls made false and deceptive allegations about Mr. Graham.  The allegations had already been investigated and disproven by the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department.  The California Secretary of State referred a complaint about the matter to the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau, which investigated, resulting in today’s proposed fine.  The calls unquestionably had a devastating impact on Mr. Graham and his candidacy for elective office.

The Truth in Caller ID Act prohibits manipulating caller ID information with the intent to defraud, cause harm, or wrongfully obtain anything of value.  In addition, to finding that Moser apparently violated the Truth in Caller ID Act, the Commission’s Enforcement Bureau found separately that Moser sent more than 11,000 prerecorded voice messages to wireless phones, without consent, in violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act’s (TCPA).

While there has rightly been a significant focus on election interference at the national level, we respectfully ask that the USDOJ apply the same level of scrutiny at the state and local level to prevent any new illegal acts.

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Bernie Sanders’s refusal to fire violent pro-gulag communist on staff speaks volumes

Bernie Sanders has spent years convincing voters that his Soviet honeymoon, his support for the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, his admiration for Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez were all a misunderstanding. See, it was Denmark, Danish-style socialism he wants for America, not a second Venezuela. He was really quite reasonable in intentions all along.

It was exposed as garbage the other day, when James O’Keefe released an undercover video of a top-line paid Iowa staffer, Kyle Jurek, praising gulags, re-education camps, burning cities, beaten cops, and killing anyone who resists the “revolution” as the plan all along. Worse still, he said the Bernie campaign was loaded with such people and Bernie’s moderate claims was a mask. So much for Bernie’s rebranding bid.

Ordinarily, that would be a firing offense. The guy just undercut Sanders’ carefully cultivated public relations persona to win voters and made Sanders look like Mao recrudescent, Stalin reborn, and Pol Pot’s ghost, something worse actually, than even most suspicious Republicans have ever came up with.

Sanders’ response? 

Nothing. No firing. No denunciation of all the sick plans and praise for the world’s most odious dictators. A quick dismissal of the whole thing as “political gossip” and not by Bernie himself but by another Iowa staffer.

“The hundreds of thousands of Iowans we’ve talked to this caucus season don’t care about political gossip; they care about making healthcare a human right, taking on climate change, making college affordable, and ending endless wars. That’s our focus,” said Ms. [Misty] Rebik in the tweet.

That’s a rather astonishing thing to dismiss, given the extremism of Jurek’s statement.

A normal candidate would want to get away as far as possible from a guy like this. A sane person would denounce all the sick and violent sentiments at a minimum. Yet O’Keefe’s outfit noted the curious unwillingness of Sanders to get rid of Jurek or at least condemn the sentiment here:



The only action, in fact, is Sanders staffers locking their twitter accounts, including even those on the public relations team.

If this were President Trump, the first thing out of his mouth would be “You’re fired!”

But Bernie, who commands unusual loyalty among his staff and voters, is choosing to stay loyal to the staffer with these Pol Pot fantasies. The kindest explanation might be that he cynically imagines that no one is going to care and he could use the man’s talents or else maybe needs the antifa vote. The less kind explanation comes from Jurek himself: 

A subsequent O’Keefe video had Jurek declaring that the Sanders campaign was actually full of people like himself and in one O’Keefe tape, he rolled off a string of first names.

That suggests that maybe Sanders can’t fire Jurek because they’re all like that and he’d actually have to fire his entire Iowa operation. 

There’s also a third detail:

Jurek himself said that Sanders was faking it about the ‘democratic’ socialism, because he too was the real thing. So much for deniability, it sounds like he has the same views.



It raises questions about the whole picture Sanders stands for. Violence has been a part of the Sanders operation for years. Recall that it was a Sanders staffer, James Hodgkinson, who attempted to assassinate GOP congressional leader Steve Scalise and wounded him badly with gunfire. John Hinderaker at Power Line has some excellent observations about that here.

Sanders escaped blame for it on the grounds that any campaign could have a crazy staffer. But the Iowa stuff tells a story of apparently all crazy staffers, hellbent on gulags, reeducation camps, Kulak targeting, burning cities, murdered resistors and all the things that really happened in every country that ever became a socialist hellhole.

This is scary stuff, calling for your vote based on a cute grumpy grandpa personality fronting for the sick horrors of socialism. Once in, there are no outs, just ask a Venezuelan. The Democrats are apparently looking for a means of rigging Sanders out, but given that socialist Sanders becomes a “Democrat” only at election time, they never should let him in to start with. Now he’s the frontrunner and he’s showing what he’s made of. O’Keefe says that Jurek still has his job and Iowa moves apace. The only thing left is to expose him, and for that O’Keefe has done a tremendous public service.  





Image credit: Twitter screen shot



Bernie Sanders has spent years convincing voters that his Soviet honeymoon, his support for the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, his admiration for Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez were all a misunderstanding. See, it was Denmark, Danish-style socialism he wants for America, not a second Venezuela. He was really quite reasonable in intentions all along.

It was exposed as garbage the other day, when James O’Keefe released an undercover video of a top-line paid Iowa staffer, Kyle Jurek, praising gulags, re-education camps, burning cities, beaten cops, and killing anyone who resists the “revolution” as the plan all along. Worse still, he said the Bernie campaign was loaded with such people and Bernie’s moderate claims was a mask. So much for Bernie’s rebranding bid.

Ordinarily, that would be a firing offense. The guy just undercut Sanders’ carefully cultivated public relations persona to win voters and made Sanders look like Mao recrudescent, Stalin reborn, and Pol Pot’s ghost, something worse actually, than even most suspicious Republicans have ever came up with.

Sanders’ response? 

Nothing. No firing. No denunciation of all the sick plans and praise for the world’s most odious dictators. A quick dismissal of the whole thing as “political gossip” and not by Bernie himself but by another Iowa staffer.

“The hundreds of thousands of Iowans we’ve talked to this caucus season don’t care about political gossip; they care about making healthcare a human right, taking on climate change, making college affordable, and ending endless wars. That’s our focus,” said Ms. [Misty] Rebik in the tweet.

That’s a rather astonishing thing to dismiss, given the extremism of Jurek’s statement.

A normal candidate would want to get away as far as possible from a guy like this. A sane person would denounce all the sick and violent sentiments at a minimum. Yet O’Keefe’s outfit noted the curious unwillingness of Sanders to get rid of Jurek or at least condemn the sentiment here:



The only action, in fact, is Sanders staffers locking their twitter accounts, including even those on the public relations team.

If this were President Trump, the first thing out of his mouth would be “You’re fired!”

But Bernie, who commands unusual loyalty among his staff and voters, is choosing to stay loyal to the staffer with these Pol Pot fantasies. The kindest explanation might be that he cynically imagines that no one is going to care and he could use the man’s talents or else maybe needs the antifa vote. The less kind explanation comes from Jurek himself: 

A subsequent O’Keefe video had Jurek declaring that the Sanders campaign was actually full of people like himself and in one O’Keefe tape, he rolled off a string of first names.

That suggests that maybe Sanders can’t fire Jurek because they’re all like that and he’d actually have to fire his entire Iowa operation. 

There’s also a third detail:

Jurek himself said that Sanders was faking it about the ‘democratic’ socialism, because he too was the real thing. So much for deniability, it sounds like he has the same views.



It raises questions about the whole picture Sanders stands for. Violence has been a part of the Sanders operation for years. Recall that it was a Sanders staffer, James Hodgkinson, who attempted to assassinate GOP congressional leader Steve Scalise and wounded him badly with gunfire. John Hinderaker at Power Line has some excellent observations about that here.

Sanders escaped blame for it on the grounds that any campaign could have a crazy staffer. But the Iowa stuff tells a story of apparently all crazy staffers, hellbent on gulags, reeducation camps, Kulak targeting, burning cities, murdered resistors and all the things that really happened in every country that ever became a socialist hellhole.

This is scary stuff, calling for your vote based on a cute grumpy grandpa personality fronting for the sick horrors of socialism. Once in, there are no outs, just ask a Venezuelan. The Democrats are apparently looking for a means of rigging Sanders out, but given that socialist Sanders becomes a “Democrat” only at election time, they never should let him in to start with. Now he’s the frontrunner and he’s showing what he’s made of. O’Keefe says that Jurek still has his job and Iowa moves apace. The only thing left is to expose him, and for that O’Keefe has done a tremendous public service.  





Image credit: Twitter screen shot



via American Thinker Blog

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Sharyl Attkisson Refiles Spying Suit, Exposes Big Deep State Players

National news media figure and multiple award-winning, straight-shooting investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson has refiled a lawsuit against the federal government for illegally and unconstitutionally hacking her computers and trespassing at her home. It’s a whopper of a lawsuit, naming high-profile Deep State officials including Rod Rosenstein of Trump Spygate fame, the high-ranking Justice Department official who told colleagues he’d wear a wire to surreptitiously record Donald Trump at the White House when the Deep State coup was in its earlier stages.

Attkisson’s first lawsuit was dismissed without prejudice for failing to expressly name the government spies and conspirators who hacked her computers and remotely planted classified materials, obviously to set her up. The Department of Justice, where Rosenstein worked, had repeatedly obstructed Attkisson’s attempts to get information through litigation discovery. The court dismissed nevertheless, and even gave immunity to former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, whom Attkisson did name in her first lawsuit.

One federal court of appeals judge even called this dismissal of her lawsuit “Kafkaesque” given how well-nigh impossible it was for her case to proceed under our justice system’s rules and judicial interpretations rigged in ways that protect government lawbreaking. Sharyl described her first lawsuit and some of the shocking roadblocks used by the government to American Thinker readers here, and has even written a best-seller, Stonewalled, describing these events in greater detail. But as anyone following the news knows, the lawbreaking Deep State can’t even be shamed by exposure of its illicit deeds.

In her lawsuit refiled on January 10, Attkisson relied on a whistleblower who was actually involved in hacking her computers. He identified some of the other government officials complicit in the very disturbing spying on her. The refiled complaint quotes government forensics experts as being “quite shocked,” demonstrating some within the government Intelligence Community thankfully have consciences.

The spying occurred after she crossed the Obama administration with her unrelenting reporting on the gun-running scandal called Fast and Furious, then continued through her reporting on the Benghazi disaster, where a United States ambassador and three others stationed at the embassy in Libya were murdered while Obama and then-Secretary of State Hilary Clinton failed to respond with help and protection.

The refiled suit meticulously describes the nightmarish facts of how her computers and home were electronically and physically invaded as if she were a real “enemy of the people” and the government was playing Mission Impossible. Forensic details were derived from numerous investigations, leaving the conclusions unquestionable. The spying was conducted using government proprietary spyware and a mysterious United States Postal Service Internet domain. The latter fact is highly relevant, as government experts explained. A multi-agency government spying unit in Baltimore under Rosenstein’s supervision used these techniques, and they were even employed without court-ordered warrants.

The new suit alleges that Rosenstein ordered the spying on Attkisson after directives — later exposed by Wikileaks — showed Obama officials John Brennan and Eric Holder were neck-deep in targeting journalists who were reporting on leaks about Obama administration scandals and lies. Holder’s press secretary even went to Attkisson’s then-employer CBS News complaining that “she’s out of control” with her reporting on these Obama administration scandals.

And it’s a small world, as they say, when it comes to Deep State corruption and spying on Americans. Another Defendant named in the lawsuit is Shawn Henry, who worked under Robert Mueller at the FBI and is now president of CrowdStrike Services. CrowdStrike is the company hired to review Democratic National Committee servers in a well-reported email leak scandal. Without actually examining the servers themselves, Mueller and the FBI curiously and negligently deferred to the findings of CrowdStrike that Russians hacked the servers despite assertions and evidence to the contrary.

The government sources with consciences told Sharyl’s lawyers that she is just one of hundreds of journalists or other American citizens who have been victims of such illegal spying. Her lawsuit rightly claims her case is about a “clear and present danger to our most fundamental protections.” That danger and the corruption behind it became even more pronounced last week when the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) appointed David Kris to oversee abuses of the FBI before that court. Thomas Lifson writes that “Kris is highly partisan; a Trump-hater; and, as part of the Lawfare blog, a strategist for the efforts to remove Trump from office,” and is “the last person in the world to fairly investigate mis- and malfeasance in the safeguarding of the rights of citizens when secret courts are asked to approve secret spying on them.” The Deep State is at war with the Constitution, and the cure for its lawbreaking and corruption will not come from the Deep State.

With no sign of the Justice Department and the rest of the Deep State relenting, and with a shocking absence of help from “free press” and civil liberties organizations, Sharyl is still financing this costly litigation on her own. This week I chipped in another $500 through the Sharyl Attkisson 4th Am Litigation GoFundMe page, where people can donate to help Sharyl’s fight for all of us.

I was especially at a loss for words that her GoFundMe total lags far, far behind the GoFundMe hauls for Deep State/Spygate bad guys Peter Strzok ($452,000) and Andrew McCabe ($538,000). So, if you see fit to donate, please do. Sharyl can use our help with this seemingly insurmountable fight.





National news media figure and multiple award-winning, straight-shooting investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson has refiled a lawsuit against the federal government for illegally and unconstitutionally hacking her computers and trespassing at her home. It’s a whopper of a lawsuit, naming high-profile Deep State officials including Rod Rosenstein of Trump Spygate fame, the high-ranking Justice Department official who told colleagues he’d wear a wire to surreptitiously record Donald Trump at the White House when the Deep State coup was in its earlier stages.

Attkisson’s first lawsuit was dismissed without prejudice for failing to expressly name the government spies and conspirators who hacked her computers and remotely planted classified materials, obviously to set her up. The Department of Justice, where Rosenstein worked, had repeatedly obstructed Attkisson’s attempts to get information through litigation discovery. The court dismissed nevertheless, and even gave immunity to former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder, whom Attkisson did name in her first lawsuit.

One federal court of appeals judge even called this dismissal of her lawsuit “Kafkaesque” given how well-nigh impossible it was for her case to proceed under our justice system’s rules and judicial interpretations rigged in ways that protect government lawbreaking. Sharyl described her first lawsuit and some of the shocking roadblocks used by the government to American Thinker readers here, and has even written a best-seller, Stonewalled, describing these events in greater detail. But as anyone following the news knows, the lawbreaking Deep State can’t even be shamed by exposure of its illicit deeds.

In her lawsuit refiled on January 10, Attkisson relied on a whistleblower who was actually involved in hacking her computers. He identified some of the other government officials complicit in the very disturbing spying on her. The refiled complaint quotes government forensics experts as being “quite shocked,” demonstrating some within the government Intelligence Community thankfully have consciences.

The spying occurred after she crossed the Obama administration with her unrelenting reporting on the gun-running scandal called Fast and Furious, then continued through her reporting on the Benghazi disaster, where a United States ambassador and three others stationed at the embassy in Libya were murdered while Obama and then-Secretary of State Hilary Clinton failed to respond with help and protection.

The refiled suit meticulously describes the nightmarish facts of how her computers and home were electronically and physically invaded as if she were a real “enemy of the people” and the government was playing Mission Impossible. Forensic details were derived from numerous investigations, leaving the conclusions unquestionable. The spying was conducted using government proprietary spyware and a mysterious United States Postal Service Internet domain. The latter fact is highly relevant, as government experts explained. A multi-agency government spying unit in Baltimore under Rosenstein’s supervision used these techniques, and they were even employed without court-ordered warrants.

The new suit alleges that Rosenstein ordered the spying on Attkisson after directives — later exposed by Wikileaks — showed Obama officials John Brennan and Eric Holder were neck-deep in targeting journalists who were reporting on leaks about Obama administration scandals and lies. Holder’s press secretary even went to Attkisson’s then-employer CBS News complaining that “she’s out of control” with her reporting on these Obama administration scandals.

And it’s a small world, as they say, when it comes to Deep State corruption and spying on Americans. Another Defendant named in the lawsuit is Shawn Henry, who worked under Robert Mueller at the FBI and is now president of CrowdStrike Services. CrowdStrike is the company hired to review Democratic National Committee servers in a well-reported email leak scandal. Without actually examining the servers themselves, Mueller and the FBI curiously and negligently deferred to the findings of CrowdStrike that Russians hacked the servers despite assertions and evidence to the contrary.

The government sources with consciences told Sharyl’s lawyers that she is just one of hundreds of journalists or other American citizens who have been victims of such illegal spying. Her lawsuit rightly claims her case is about a “clear and present danger to our most fundamental protections.” That danger and the corruption behind it became even more pronounced last week when the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) appointed David Kris to oversee abuses of the FBI before that court. Thomas Lifson writes that “Kris is highly partisan; a Trump-hater; and, as part of the Lawfare blog, a strategist for the efforts to remove Trump from office,” and is “the last person in the world to fairly investigate mis- and malfeasance in the safeguarding of the rights of citizens when secret courts are asked to approve secret spying on them.” The Deep State is at war with the Constitution, and the cure for its lawbreaking and corruption will not come from the Deep State.

With no sign of the Justice Department and the rest of the Deep State relenting, and with a shocking absence of help from “free press” and civil liberties organizations, Sharyl is still financing this costly litigation on her own. This week I chipped in another $500 through the Sharyl Attkisson 4th Am Litigation GoFundMe page, where people can donate to help Sharyl’s fight for all of us.

I was especially at a loss for words that her GoFundMe total lags far, far behind the GoFundMe hauls for Deep State/Spygate bad guys Peter Strzok ($452,000) and Andrew McCabe ($538,000). So, if you see fit to donate, please do. Sharyl can use our help with this seemingly insurmountable fight.





via American Thinker

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://www.americanthinker.com/

The same Democrats opposing Trump on nonexistent war with Iran opposed his effort to end actual unaccountable wars

Amid all the insane things we’ve done in the Middle East for decades, the killing of Soleimani was a very prudent and justified operation. Naturally, that is the event that triggered outrage from Congress and awakened legislators from their slumber on foreign policy.

After years of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars lost in aimless, unaccountable nation-building activities overseas, Democrats and some Republicans are finally asserting congressional control … only over the one “war” the Trump administration deftly avoided. But the social work operations getting our soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan will continue without any congressional oversight. It’s self-evident that the upcoming votes in the House and Senate restricting President Trump’s powers to counter Iran are all about appeasing the one country in the Middle East that actually affects us in the one theater where Trump actually beat the regime with zero American lives lost. It has nothing to do with asserting congressional control over unaccountable wars.

In two weeks, the House will vote on a bill (H.R. 5543) sponsored by Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., to block funding for any potential operations against Iran. Support is building in the Senate for a similar plan using the 1973 War Powers Act to bar any use of the military to counter Iran. The lead sponsor, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., claims he has 51 supporters for a binding resolution (SJ Res 68) because GOP Sens. Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Susan Collins, and Todd Young have agreed to it.

Over the years, in this space, I have railed against these unaccountable and missionless operations refereeing tribal warfare in the Middle East. As the body count mounted every week during Obama’s presidency and then in recent years, I have asked hard questions about why our soldiers are dying. Just two days before the strike on Soleimani, I referred to the Iraq war as a “colossal mistake.” Aside from Sens. Lee and Paul, few of these loudmouths in Congress feigning outrage over the Soleimani strike expressed concern over these wars during that era, and in fact, Democrats consistently voted for defense bills continuing these operations without question.

The president himself has consistently been skeptical of these wars for years and has expressed a desire to leave them in the rearview mirror. But he has gotten no backing from Congress. Quite the contrary. When he decided to leave Syria, which in itself (unlike Iraq) was an unauthorized war, Democrats in Congress held hearings and attacked the president mercilessly. In fact, every single Democrat in the House voted for a resolution condemning the pullout on October 16. Some even said it would boost Iran, which was a bizarre contention given that we were fighting Iran’s and Assad’s Sunni enemies there.

Thus, every time Trump tries to actually change directions and bring troops home, Democrats are practically on the verge of bringing articles of impeachment against him for it. They would likely react the same way over Afghanistan, were the president to follow through with his promise to pull out. Over the weekend, two more of our finest soldiers from the 82nd Airborne Division were killed by a roadside bomb in Kandahar, where we’ve been moving soldiers around like sitting ducks for 17 years. There is no desire from Congress to act to rein in that operation, despite the expose from the Washington Post demonstrating the lies behind its premise and progress.

Yet, suddenly, when the president takes out the number-one global terrorist of Iran who is not only evil, but killed more Americans and attacked more of our interests than any other player in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, members of both parties are demanding congressional oversight to prevent any war with Iran. For the first time, we actually have a president responding to a direct threat with peace through strength while assiduously avoiding ground conflict and nation-building, yet they are assailing him for using unilateral authority. Iran captured an American naval crew in 2016 and has been escalating attacks with greater intensity in recent months without any end in sight because the regime feared no consequences. Trump’s killing of Soleimani turned out to be the ultimate act of de-escalation.

Democrats continue to find no faults with endless undeclared ground wars in numerous countries throughout the Middle East and Africa where the threat to our interests is a fraction of what Iran has done, killing hundreds of our soldiers in Iraq and attacking our embassy. There is no effort to conduct an operational audit of what we are doing in any of those theaters, but just an insidious motivation to hamstring the president in his successful deterrence against the one adversary that matters and in the one theater where he is actually refusing to get us sucked into a protracted, expensive, and untenable war.

There is no meaningful effort in Congress to ask questions about the billions of dollars we throw at nonexistent, unreliable, and often enemy militaries all over the Middle East and Africa, such as the “Lebanese Armed Forces.” Whenever Trump tries to cut funding to these missions, Democrats cry bloody murder and then pass budgets increasing foreign aid. Just this week, the WSJ reported that we’ve given a total of $11 billion to one side of a civil war in South Sudan that we are now sanctioning as an enemy.

It gets worse than that. Last week, 11 congressmen, including 9 Democrats, sent a letter to the Trump administration demanding that he not follow through with a plan, recently publicized by the New York Times, to pull out of Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso. Four of the signatories of that letter – Reps. Anthony Brown, D-Md., Gilbert Cisneros, D-Calif., Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, and Jason Crow, D-Conn. – are also co-sponsors of the House bill to block any action against Iran.

Last week, I reported that our troops in Niger were teaching kids how to use dental floss. A simple strike with no collateral damage against the man single-handedly responsible for more of our soldiers dying than in any conflict since Vietnam is off-limits to them, but pulling out of an unauthorized conflict in a far corner of Africa is also bad?

In reality, there is no mystery to the unprincipled behavior of many in Congress. It’s all about virtue-signaling because Iran has become a political issue. Love for the Iranian regime is now on par with abortion, transgenderism, and illegal immigration in terms of Democrat ideology. Those Republicans joining in with them are claiming to be protective of Article I powers, but they are purposely using the issue for Democrat and media agreement with them, but are not aggressively pushing to end the more unjustified conflicts.

Why were none of these “principled” Republicans, much less the Democrats, expressing public concern over the operation to find and kill ISIS head al-Baghdadi? I’m not suggesting I opposed it, but if you think the Soleimani strike was unjustified, then the one against Baghdadi was much less defensible.

One of the common refrains from the “principled” crowd is that just because someone is evil doesn’t mean the president has the authority or justification to take him out. Well, that applied to Baghdadi much more than Soleimani. ISIS was evil, but it didn’t affect our security or interests as much as it affected the Assad regime and the Shiites in Syria and Iraq. Unlike in Iraq, there was no authorization of force in Syria. Unlike with the operation to take out Soleimani, Baghdadi himself was not an imminent threat and was holed up in a corner of Syria. Soleimani, on the other hand, was conducting operations against our bases and attacked our embassy, aside from his history of killing over 600 troops in a war authorized by Congress. Moreover, the attack on Baghdadi was a much riskier ground operation than the drone strike that killed Soleimani.

Yet not a word of complaint from anyone. Why? Because ISIS is viewed as the “good” war. The media has framed ISIS in such a way that opposition to killing Baghdadi would be tantamount to opposing the killing of Hitler. Iran, on the other hand, is viewed as political, even though Soleimani was a much greater strategic threat. But few people ever heard of Soleimani, while everyone saw the ISIS videos on the web of Baghdadi’s minions torturing people. However, a true principled statesman doesn’t conflate gruesome videos with a strategic threat when assessing legal authorization and prudential justification.

Trump of all people was against the Iraq war more than any Republican or Democrat president; nonetheless, he inherited our presence there and was responsible for defending our assets against imminent attack. Thus, from a purely strategic and legal standpoint, if you are a Republican expressing “principled” concern over the Soleimani strike, you should have verbalized that same skepticism against the Baghdadi operation. The fact that no such concern was expressed demonstrates that some Republicans only like to take principled stances when it’s popular with the media. That is not principled.

Use of soft power and one airstrike against Iran in a theater authorized by Congress is the wrong time and the wrong place to suddenly debate presidential war powers. Trump, a man who has consistently expressed a desire to exit these wars, is the wrong president to tag with the allegation of starting unauthorized wars. Those who really care about the principle of congressional oversight, prudent and defined missions, and putting our soldiers first would work shoulder to shoulder with the president to responsibly exit these theaters in a bipartisan fashion. What they are doing instead is merely an exercise in virtue-signaling on behalf of Iran. Anyone who denies that should be asked why they never spoke up about the Baghdadi operation.

The post The same Democrats opposing Trump on nonexistent war with Iran opposed his effort to end actual unaccountable wars appeared first on Conservative Review.

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