Poll: 47% of Young Democrats Prefer Other Countries over America

A shocking new poll has discovered that 47 percent of young Democrats believe that other countries are better than the United States. Moreover, many young Americans admit that they wouldn’t mind other countries becoming as militarily powerful as the United States.

Slightly more than one third — 36 percent — of Americans 18 to 29 say that other countries are better than the United States, according to a recent poll released by Pew Research.

Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents under the age of 30, nearly half, 47 percent, say that there are other countries that are better than the U.S. Meanwhile, just 20 percent of Democrats age 50 and over agree with this sentiment.

“Democrats have become more likely to say there are other countries that are better than the U.S.,” says Pew Research. “In telephone surveys, the share of Democrats saying this is higher than at any point since the question was first asked by Pew Research Center in 2011, and there has been a corresponding decline in the share saying the U.S. stands above other nations.” This poll demonstrates the dramatic shift in the Democrat party’s base, and the potential schism between traditional Democrat voters and young and woke progressives.

The study also noted that young Americans are “more likely to say it would be acceptable if another country became as militarily powerful as the U.S.”

According to Pew Research, a majority of adults — 61 percent — say that the United States should maintain its status as a military superpower, but that more than half — 55 percent — of Democrats under the age of 30 admit that they would find it acceptable if other nations became as militarily powerful as the United States.

Among young Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, these numbers are significantly lower, as just 19 percent of adults under the age of 30 agree with their young Democrat counterparts with regards to the idea that other countries are superior to the United States.

Among Republicans ages 50 and older, only 4 percent share agree with this sentiment.

The report added that while a majority of Republicans say that the Untied States should try to maintain its status as a military superpower, 38 percent of Republicans under the age of 30 say that it would be acceptable if another country became as militarily powerful as the U.S.

You can follow Alana Mastrangelo on Twitter at @ARmastrangelo, and on Instagram.

via Breitbart News

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Project Veritas: Bernie Sanders Field Organizer Suggests Gulags to Help ‘Nazified’ Trump Voters

An undercover video published by Project Veritas on Tuesday shows a field organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders’s 2020 campaign saying Soviet gulags were actually a positive phenomenon, suggesting that some similar program could re-educate Trump supporters and billionaires.

The video begins with a Project Veritas journalist asking an individual identified as Sanders organizer Kyle Jurek if “MAGA people” could be re-educated if Bernie wins the White House. “We gotta try,” Jurek replies. “In Nazi Germany, after the fall of the Nazi Party, there was a shit-ton of the populace that was fucking Nazi-fied.”

“Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their fucking people to not be Nazis,” he continues. “We’re probably going to have to do the same fucking thing here.”

“That’s kind of what all Bernie’s whole fucking like, ‘hey, free education for everybody’ because we’re going to have to teach you to not be a fucking Nazi,” he added.

In another part of the video, Jurek is seen discussing Soviet Union dictator Joseph Stalin’s use of gulags, where he claimed that the CIA was overly critical of them. “People were actually paid a living wage in the gulags, they conjugal visits gulags, gulags were meant for re-education,” he says.

This story is developing. Check Breitbart News for updates. 

via Breitbart News

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Why Is the Gay Presidential Candidate Silent about Iran Hanging Gays?

Mayor Pete, as he likes to be called, who has led the cry that Iran’s shooting down of a Ukrainian airliner using a Russian missile is somehow the fault of an American president, Donald J. Trump, is among those who say it was “collateral damage” resulting from Trump trashing the flawed and unworkable Iran nuclear deal and his zapping of terrorist Quds Force commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

Knowing that Democrats obey Rahm Emanuel’s famous observation that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste, Mayor Pete wasted no time attaching his name to the slander that the 176 innocents aboard the Ukrainian plane would be alive today were it not for Donald Trump’s insistence that Iran not get a nuclear weapon with which to annihilate the Jewish state of Israel:

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Thursday that the United States bears some of the blame for the Iranian military shooting down a commercial airliner while it was at the same time firing ballistic missiles at an Iraqi military base that houses American troops.

“Innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat,” Buttigieg tweeted.

“My thoughts are with the families and loved ones of all 176 souls lost aboard this flight.”

Buttigieg may not have noticed, but there was no tit-for-tat that fateful night.  Iran was shooting ballistic missiles at an American base in Iraq.  President Trump withheld returning fire.  Soleimani was already dead, and if Buttigieg thinks the death of the terrorist responsible for the killing and maiming of thousands of American soldiers and other personnel was unwanted and unnecessary, then add that to the list of reasons he is not quailed to be president.

Soleimani was illegally in Iraq to oversee the storming of the American embassy there, and possibly others elsewhere, with the result being another 1979 hostage situation or another Benghazi.

No, Mayor Pete, Trump saved many Americans that night and quite possibly the state of Israel by showing he means business, has thought the consequences through, and is not daunted by the Iranians.  Iran bears sole responsibility for the deaths of those 176 innocents, just as Iran bears sole responsibility for the public hanging of gays, which Mayor Pete and his fellow Democrats seem to have no problem with.  While you obsessed over Trump bringing on World War III by killing the world’s most dangerous terrorist, the Jerusalem Post reported on the evil that is Iran:

The Islamic Republic of Iran publicly hanged a 31-year-old Iranian man after he was found guilty of charges related to violations of Iran’s anti-gay laws, according to the state-controlled Iranian Students’ News Agency.

The unidentified man was hanged on January 10 in the southwestern city of Kazeroon based on criminal violations of “lavat-e be onf” — sexual intercourse between two men, as well as kidnapping charges, according to ISNA. Iran’s radical sharia law system prescribes the death penalty for gay sex[.] …

“The LGBT community in Iran has lived in terror for the last 40 years,” said Alireza Nader, CEO of Washington, DC-based research and advocacy organization New Iran. “Next time Foreign Minister Zarif speaks in Washington, the host and audience should ask him why his regime is one of the top executioner of gays in the world.” Iran’s mullah regime executed “between 4,000 and 6,000 gays and lesbians” since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Iran can do no wrong even if it goes against Democrats’ core principles, if you can say they have any.  Mayor Pete is openly gay.  The irony here is that if he were running for president of Iran and not the United States he would most likely be hanged before the second presidential debate.  His silence is so remarkable since he is such a fierce advocate for the rights of the LGBTQXYZ community or whatever the politically correct identification is these days.

Buttigieg, an Episcopalian whose church ordains gay and lesbian priests, has lectured Christians on their alleged hypocrisy and intolerance for opposing abortion on demand and gay “marriage” and believing homosexuality is a sin.  Some Catholics have been referred to as “cafeteria Catholics” for picking and choosing which doctrines to obey.  Episcopalian Pete must read his Bible through the distortion of a funhouse mirror, at least according to his evangelical brother-in-law’s comments to the Washington Examiner:

The evangelical brother-in-law of Pete Buttigieg called on him to “repent” for using the Bible to justify late-term abortion and claimed the presidential candidate is “weaponizing” Christian teachings to promote a false religion.

Pastor Rhyan Glezman, 34, who serves a church in small-town Michigan, told the Washington Examiner that he was very alarmed by Buttigieg’s claim that the Bible teaches life does not begin until a baby first draws breath.

During a wide-ranging Friday interview on the radio show The Breakfast Club, Buttigieg, 37, scolded Republicans for their views on abortion, saying, “Right now, they hold everybody in line with this one piece of doctrine about abortion, which is obviously a tough issue for a lot of people to think through morally.  Then again, there’s a lot of parts of the Bible that talk about how life begins with breath.  So even that is something we can interpret differently.”

C’mon, Pete — Jesus said, “I am the Truth.”  There are no different interpretations here to justify abortion-on-demand.

When Mary, carrying Jesus, met with Elizabeth, carrying John the Baptist, Elizabeth’s baby, Scripture says, leapt in her womb.

Evangelist and humanitarian Franklin Graham holds the traditional Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin and that Christians are supposed to love the sinner but not the sin.  He also believes that God does not put people into the wrong bodies.  Graham said in a tweet:

Mayor Buttigieg says he’s a gay Christian.  As a Christian I believe the Bible which defines homosexuality as sin, something to be repentant of, not something to be flaunted, praised or politicized. The Bible says marriage is between a man & a woman — not two men, not two women.

Again, Buttigieg’s evangelical brother-in-law has a few words on Pete’s moral origami:

Glezman, who is the elder brother of the South Bend, Indiana, mayor’s husband [sic], Chasten, 30, believes Buttigieg’s continual use of Christian terminology to defend his liberal policies is an attempt “to seem appealing to the evangelical community,” while also falling in line with the dictates of the Democratic Party.  ”I think he’s just going along with the agenda of the Democratic Party: that if you want to be a Democrat, you have to be pro-choice.” …

“What we see is a modern-day Pharisee,” said Glezman, referencing the 1st-century Jewish sect that was notorious for demanding its followers adhere to an exhaustive list of trivial laws to earn God’s favor.  ”Buttigieg is a person who’s making up their own rules and regulations and, basically, if we don’t celebrate and endorse their interpretation of Scripture, our religion is fallible.  And that’s just not true.”

Certainly, Christians do not stage public hangings of gays as Iran did just as it was shooting down the Ukrainian airliner.  Pete condemns one but not another.  Was that hanging also Trump’s fault or merely another sign of the true nature of the regime that kills Americans and wants to nuke Israel?

Yet Buttigieg has no criticisms of Islam, sharia law, or Iran.  For your second honeymoon, Mayor Pete, I would not suggest Tehran.

Daniel John Sobieski is a former editorial writer for Investor’s Business Daily and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Human Events, Reason Magazine, and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.

Mayor Pete, as he likes to be called, who has led the cry that Iran’s shooting down of a Ukrainian airliner using a Russian missile is somehow the fault of an American president, Donald J. Trump, is among those who say it was “collateral damage” resulting from Trump trashing the flawed and unworkable Iran nuclear deal and his zapping of terrorist Quds Force commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

Knowing that Democrats obey Rahm Emanuel’s famous observation that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste, Mayor Pete wasted no time attaching his name to the slander that the 176 innocents aboard the Ukrainian plane would be alive today were it not for Donald Trump’s insistence that Iran not get a nuclear weapon with which to annihilate the Jewish state of Israel:

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggested Thursday that the United States bears some of the blame for the Iranian military shooting down a commercial airliner while it was at the same time firing ballistic missiles at an Iraqi military base that houses American troops.

“Innocent civilians are now dead because they were caught in the middle of an unnecessary and unwanted military tit for tat,” Buttigieg tweeted.

“My thoughts are with the families and loved ones of all 176 souls lost aboard this flight.”

Buttigieg may not have noticed, but there was no tit-for-tat that fateful night.  Iran was shooting ballistic missiles at an American base in Iraq.  President Trump withheld returning fire.  Soleimani was already dead, and if Buttigieg thinks the death of the terrorist responsible for the killing and maiming of thousands of American soldiers and other personnel was unwanted and unnecessary, then add that to the list of reasons he is not quailed to be president.

Soleimani was illegally in Iraq to oversee the storming of the American embassy there, and possibly others elsewhere, with the result being another 1979 hostage situation or another Benghazi.

No, Mayor Pete, Trump saved many Americans that night and quite possibly the state of Israel by showing he means business, has thought the consequences through, and is not daunted by the Iranians.  Iran bears sole responsibility for the deaths of those 176 innocents, just as Iran bears sole responsibility for the public hanging of gays, which Mayor Pete and his fellow Democrats seem to have no problem with.  While you obsessed over Trump bringing on World War III by killing the world’s most dangerous terrorist, the Jerusalem Post reported on the evil that is Iran:

The Islamic Republic of Iran publicly hanged a 31-year-old Iranian man after he was found guilty of charges related to violations of Iran’s anti-gay laws, according to the state-controlled Iranian Students’ News Agency.

The unidentified man was hanged on January 10 in the southwestern city of Kazeroon based on criminal violations of “lavat-e be onf” — sexual intercourse between two men, as well as kidnapping charges, according to ISNA. Iran’s radical sharia law system prescribes the death penalty for gay sex[.] …

“The LGBT community in Iran has lived in terror for the last 40 years,” said Alireza Nader, CEO of Washington, DC-based research and advocacy organization New Iran. “Next time Foreign Minister Zarif speaks in Washington, the host and audience should ask him why his regime is one of the top executioner of gays in the world.” Iran’s mullah regime executed “between 4,000 and 6,000 gays and lesbians” since the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Iran can do no wrong even if it goes against Democrats’ core principles, if you can say they have any.  Mayor Pete is openly gay.  The irony here is that if he were running for president of Iran and not the United States he would most likely be hanged before the second presidential debate.  His silence is so remarkable since he is such a fierce advocate for the rights of the LGBTQXYZ community or whatever the politically correct identification is these days.

Buttigieg, an Episcopalian whose church ordains gay and lesbian priests, has lectured Christians on their alleged hypocrisy and intolerance for opposing abortion on demand and gay “marriage” and believing homosexuality is a sin.  Some Catholics have been referred to as “cafeteria Catholics” for picking and choosing which doctrines to obey.  Episcopalian Pete must read his Bible through the distortion of a funhouse mirror, at least according to his evangelical brother-in-law’s comments to the Washington Examiner:

The evangelical brother-in-law of Pete Buttigieg called on him to “repent” for using the Bible to justify late-term abortion and claimed the presidential candidate is “weaponizing” Christian teachings to promote a false religion.

Pastor Rhyan Glezman, 34, who serves a church in small-town Michigan, told the Washington Examiner that he was very alarmed by Buttigieg’s claim that the Bible teaches life does not begin until a baby first draws breath.

During a wide-ranging Friday interview on the radio show The Breakfast Club, Buttigieg, 37, scolded Republicans for their views on abortion, saying, “Right now, they hold everybody in line with this one piece of doctrine about abortion, which is obviously a tough issue for a lot of people to think through morally.  Then again, there’s a lot of parts of the Bible that talk about how life begins with breath.  So even that is something we can interpret differently.”

C’mon, Pete — Jesus said, “I am the Truth.”  There are no different interpretations here to justify abortion-on-demand.

When Mary, carrying Jesus, met with Elizabeth, carrying John the Baptist, Elizabeth’s baby, Scripture says, leapt in her womb.

Evangelist and humanitarian Franklin Graham holds the traditional Christian belief that homosexuality is a sin and that Christians are supposed to love the sinner but not the sin.  He also believes that God does not put people into the wrong bodies.  Graham said in a tweet:

Mayor Buttigieg says he’s a gay Christian.  As a Christian I believe the Bible which defines homosexuality as sin, something to be repentant of, not something to be flaunted, praised or politicized. The Bible says marriage is between a man & a woman — not two men, not two women.

Again, Buttigieg’s evangelical brother-in-law has a few words on Pete’s moral origami:

Glezman, who is the elder brother of the South Bend, Indiana, mayor’s husband [sic], Chasten, 30, believes Buttigieg’s continual use of Christian terminology to defend his liberal policies is an attempt “to seem appealing to the evangelical community,” while also falling in line with the dictates of the Democratic Party.  ”I think he’s just going along with the agenda of the Democratic Party: that if you want to be a Democrat, you have to be pro-choice.” …

“What we see is a modern-day Pharisee,” said Glezman, referencing the 1st-century Jewish sect that was notorious for demanding its followers adhere to an exhaustive list of trivial laws to earn God’s favor.  ”Buttigieg is a person who’s making up their own rules and regulations and, basically, if we don’t celebrate and endorse their interpretation of Scripture, our religion is fallible.  And that’s just not true.”

Certainly, Christians do not stage public hangings of gays as Iran did just as it was shooting down the Ukrainian airliner.  Pete condemns one but not another.  Was that hanging also Trump’s fault or merely another sign of the true nature of the regime that kills Americans and wants to nuke Israel?

Yet Buttigieg has no criticisms of Islam, sharia law, or Iran.  For your second honeymoon, Mayor Pete, I would not suggest Tehran.

Daniel John Sobieski is a former editorial writer for Investor’s Business Daily and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Human Events, Reason Magazine, and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.

via American Thinker

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Trump Walks on College Football Championship Field to Raucous Cheers and ‘USA’ Chants

News Sports

Trump Walks on College Football Championship Field to Raucous Cheers and ‘USA’ Chants

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump took the field at the start of the College Football Playoff National Championship game between the LSU Tigers and the Clemson Tigers at the Mercedes Benz Superdome on Jan. 13, 2020, in New Orleans, Louisiana.Alika Jenner / Getty ImagesPresident Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump took the field at the start of the College Football Playoff National Championship game between the LSU Tigers and the Clemson Tigers at the Mercedes Benz Superdome on Jan. 13, 2020, in New Orleans, Louisiana. (Alika Jenner / Getty Images)

By Jack Davis
Published January 14, 2020 at 7:13am

The crowd at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans erupted with enthusiasm Monday night as President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump appeared on the field prior to the national championship football game between Louisiana State University and Clemson University.

LSU won the game, 42-25, claiming its first national championship since the 2007-08 season.

The president and first lady walked onto the field shortly before the playing of the national anthem to wild cheers and applause.

Giant video boards around the stadium carried their images. As they walked to their places on the 15-yard line, they waved at those cheering for them and greeted some of those on the field.

Their arrival was met by thundering cheers of “Four more years” and “U-S-A,” according to the White House media pool report:

The Trumps walked with the honor guard to the 40-yard line for the anthem, which the president sang along to.

As the Trumps left the field, the president thanked those around him.

TRENDING: During Obama Years, Biden Reportedly Helped Soleimani, Iran Gain More Power in Middle East

One reporter asked Trump which team he favored.

RELATED: Ex-NFL Star Who Regrets Voting for Obama Predicts ‘Black Awakening’ for Trump

“Both,” Trump replied, per the White House media pool report.

Do you think the fans at the game are indicative of America at large when it comes to their feelings toward President Trump?

100% (1 Votes)

0% (0 Votes)

The Trumps stayed at the game until the third quarter, and left with LSU leading 35-25, USA Today reported.

Monday night’s event was President Trump’s second LSU game, according to Fox News.

In November, he want to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, for a game between LSU and the University of Alabama.

Prior to leaving Washington, D.C., for the game, Trump spoke briefly to the media.

“[W]e’re going to the game. It’ll be a great game. It’ll be something that a lot of people want to see. And we’ll be in New Orleans, and we look forward to it,” he said, according to the White House media pool report.

Trump replied to one question on the killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force.

“Well, first of all, I think it’s been totally consistent. But here’s what’s been consistent: We killed Soleimani, the number-one terrorist in the world by every account. Bad person. Killed a lot of Americans, killed a lot of people. We killed him,” Trump said.

“And when the Democrats try and defend him, it’s a disgrace to our country. They can’t do that. And, let me tell you, it’s not working politically very well for them. So, we killed the number-one terrorist in the world — Soleimani — and it should have been done 20 years ago.”

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via The Western Journal

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Project Veritas–Bernie Campaigner Predicts Violence at DNC: Police Will Get ‘F***ing Beaten’

Project Veritas released an undercover video on Tuesday claiming a field organizer for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) warns that Milwaukee, host of this year’s Democratic National Convention, will “burn” and police will be “beaten” if Sanders loses the nomination.

“If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination or it goes to a second round at the DNC convention, fucking Milwaukee will burn,” says an individual identified as Sanders organizer Kyle Jurek. “It’ll start in Milwaukee and then when the police push back on that, other cites will fucking [explode].”

Jurek is then seen predicting that Milwaukee could experience riots akin to the 1968 convention in Chicago, where left-wing activists engaged in violent riots in the streets, even suggesting that Sanders supporters can lead organized riots against the police. “Be ready to be in Milwaukee for the DNC convention. We’re going to make [1968] look like a fucking girl’s scout fucking cookout,” he warns. “The cops are going to be the ones fucking beaten in Milwaukee.”

In another part of the video, Jurek is seen arguing that gulags were beneficial for the Soviet Union and suggesting they could be used to re-educate Trump voters and the billionaire class.

“In Nazi Germany, after the fall of the Nazi Party, there was a shit-ton of the populace that was fucking Nazified,” says Jurek. “Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their fucking people to not be Nazis,” he continues. “We’re probably going to have to do the same fucking thing here. That’s kind of what all Bernie’s whole fucking like, ‘hey, free education for everybody’ because we’re going to have to teach you to not be a fucking Nazi.”

“[The] greatest way to break a fucking billionaire of their privilege and their idea that their superior, go and break rocks for 12 hours a day. You’re now a working class person and you’re going to fucking learn what the means, right?” he adds.

The undercover video’s emergence comes as 2020 Democrats are slated to debate Tuesday evening — their final meeting before Iowa holds the nation’s first caucus on February 3rd. Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe has teased that Tuesday’s footage is one of several upcoming videos to be released as part of the group’s “Expose2020” campaign.

via Breitbart News

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Australian Fires Expose Green Folly

Australian Fires Expose Green FollyGreen Folly locked up 11% of Australia in a tinder-box of bushfire fuel, much of which is now burnt or burning.

Green Folly closed forest tracks and gates, expelled foresters and timber-workers and prevented property owners from removing flammable fuel from their own land and adjacent roads, parks and forests. Those responsible for these follies should face Class Action litigation.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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Needed in our Day: Freedom from the Press

Needed in our Day: Freedom from the PressThe First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says simply that Congress shall make no law “abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.” The courts have since bent over backwards to interpret and re-interpret the intent of the framers of the Constitution, depending on who the aggrieved parties were and whose interests were at stake.

The courts ruled on what is protected speech and what is not, how far journalists can go with their information, and how far they are protected when compared to private citizens.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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US to Expel More than a Dozen Saudi Trainees from US Military Bases Following Pensacola Terrorist Attack

Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani.

Saudi student Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani went on a shooting spree at Pensacola Naval Air Station in Florida that left three dead and several wounded. Also reported dead, was Saudi Arabian military pilot trainee. (NBC News)  The reports say federal investigators are looking at terrorism as a motive.

Accoding to the AP the Florida Naval station shooting suspect was an aviation student from Saudi Arabia and authorities are investigating if the shooting was terrorism-related…”

From earlier reports

Storyful found that a Twitter account using the same name as a Saudi airman suspected of opening fire at a naval base in Pensacola this morning was suspended this afternoon.

The shooter reportedly left this message before Twitter took down his account this afternoon.

More from Rita Katz at SITE institute.

The terrorist quoted Osama bin Laden in his Twitter screed.

According to Laura Ingraham three Saudi nationals were filming the terrorist attack at the Pensacola base.

The Saudi shooter Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani hosted a dinner party to watch mass shooting videos the night before the attack.

And now this… The US is going to expel more than a dozen Saudi servicemen at US training installations following December’s terrorist attack.

The Washington Examiner reported:

The United States is poised to expel more than a dozen Saudi servicemen training at U.S. military installations following a review of last month’s shooting at the naval air station in Pensacola, Florida.

According to CNN, the trainees are not accused of aiding the shooter, a 21-year-old Saudi Air Force second lieutenant who killed three American sailors and wounded several others, but are said to have connections to extremist movements. Sources told the outlet that some are also accused of possessing child pornography.

Last month, Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani, a Saudi flight student, opened fire at the naval air station before he was killed by responding law enforcement officers.

The post US to Expel More than a Dozen Saudi Trainees from US Military Bases Following Pensacola Terrorist Attack appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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“The World Is the Audience” – STEVE BANNON ON FIRE! Calls on President Trump to Demand Witnesses Be Called to Expose the DC Apparatus (VIDEO)

Steve Bannon, the Former Chief Strategist of President Trump, went on with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Steve Bannon was ON FIRE!  Steve was at his best!

Bannon argued that President Trump MUST call witnesses to defend himself, clear his name and EXPOSE the corruption of the DC apparatus!

Steve Bannon agrees with President Trump that Hunter Biden, whistleblower Eric Ciaramella, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff and Inspector General Atkinson and others.

And Steve hinted that he is advising the president on what he calls “The Trial of the Century.”

Steve Bannon:  They oppose his policies.  Freedom and capitalism are resonating around the world…  They (Democrats) see this trial on CSPAN with some tight legal arguments.  I think President Trump, and he did this on Laura Ingraham the other night, he called for an expanded witness list, was he understands the jury is NOT the Senate.  The Jury is the American people but the audience is the world!  They’re watching on the streets of Taipei, they’re watching in Hong Kong, they’re watching in Tehran, they’re watching to see if the established order can back down Donald Trump.  And Donald Trump has the ability to win here.  That’s why I’ve been calling it  the trial of the century.  He calls it the crime of the century.  It is the crime of the century.  It should be treated like that.  That’s why on Laura Ingraham he walked through the witnesses he wants.  I think those witnesses have to be called…    Some of these moderate senators want to call Bolton and Mulvaney, and emails and OMB, bring em!  What do they have to show?  Donald Trump did nothing wrong!…

The established order was appeasers.  They appeased the Chinese communist party, they appeased the mullahs.  He stood up to that.  And he showed you in the crime of the century we should have the whistleblower up.  We should have Hunter Biden up.  We should have the gentleman Horowitz who wrote the IG Report.  We should have those people up and they should testify.

Via Sunder Morning Futures.


The post “The World Is the Audience” – STEVE BANNON ON FIRE! Calls on President Trump to Demand Witnesses Be Called to Expose the DC Apparatus (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

via The Gateway Pundit

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