Zoom Reaches 300 Million Users Despite Security Flaws

Video conferencing service Zoom has reportedly reached 300 million users despite its growing number of security and privacy issues. The company’s userbase has surged 50% in just the last month based on the economy and education system relying on the service.

The Verge reports that the video conferencing service Zoom has reached 300 million daily users, despite its security and privacy issues. Zoom’s usage is up by 50 percent in just one month after reporting 200 million daily users on April 2nd, and a huge increase from the 10 million daily users it boasted in December.

The 300 million figure is based on the number of daily meeting participants, which means that if someone has one Zoom account but participates in five conference calls throughout the day, they’re counted five times. Zoom also states in a blog post that it has “more than 300 million daily users” and that “more than 300 million people around the world are using Zoom during this challenging time.”

The company plans to release Zoom 5.0 this week in an attempt to address a number of security issues discovered in the software. Zoom 5.0 will include passwords by default, improved encryption, and a new security feature to control meetings.

Breitbart News reported this week that file-hosting service Dropbox actually became so worried about Zoom’s security issues that it hired hackers to find vulnerabilities in the app and alerted Zoom to fix them.

Breitbart News recently reported that the CEO of the video conferencing company apologized in a blog post over the various security issues that its 200 million daily users are facing on the platform. CEO Eric Yuan announced a number of measures that the company is taking to make the app more secure as millions of Americans use the app to work and study from home. Breitbart News covered the criticism of the company over its lack of action on “Zoom bombing.”

Breitbart Tech recently published an article explaining how users can lower their chances of becoming victim to “Zoom bombing,” the article can be found here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or contact via secure email at the address lucasnolan@protonmail.com

via Breitbart News

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Twitter Removes Another Biden Meme on Trump’s Account for Copyright Violation

Twitter took down a meme posted by President Donald Trump making fun of Joe Biden after a copyright complaint was lodged with the platform.

The meme was an edited video depicting former President Obama watching a mocked-up Biden commercial showing one of the former VP’s many bizarre gaffes. The video can still be watched on YouTube, below.

The meme shows Biden’s now-infamous gaffe, in which he says “I got hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun, and the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again. They’d look at it… So I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap.”

In the meme, Obama responds with faux nonchalance. The meme is based on an edited Allstate commercial featuring Dennis Haysbert and John Marshall Jones.

Twitter has said in the past that it will not remove tweets from world leaders, even if they violate the Twitter rules. In a blog post last year, the company said:

“If a Tweet from a world leader does violate the Twitter Rules but there is a clear public interest value to keeping the Tweet on the service, we may place it behind a notice that provides context about the violation and allows people to click through should they wish to see the content.”

This is the second time in less than thirty days that Twitter has taken down a post from a populist world leader. At the end of March, it took down videos from Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro showing him at public events discussing the Chinese coronavirus.

It is the second time Twitter has removed one of Trump’s memes over copyright claims. The first time was in October of 2019, when Trump posted a clip of the band Nickelback, also mocking Biden.  The band experienced a 500% increase in music streams based on the Trump meme.

A Twitter spokesperson replied to Breitbart News’ request to comment, stating: “Per our copyright policy, we respond to valid copyright complaints sent to us by a rights holder or their authorized representatives.”

Are you an insider at Google, Facebook, Twitter, or any other tech company who wants to confidentially reveal wrongdoing or political bias at your company? Reach out to Allum Bokhari at his secure email address allumbokhari@protonmail.com

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News.

via Breitbart News

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Twitter Bans Coronavirus Claims That Cause ‘Harmful Activity’

Twitter has once again broadened its rapidly-growing set of rules specific to the Chinese virus, this time banning statements that cause “harmful activity,” with a specific focus on posts about 5G network infrastructure.

In an update to its list of coronavirus-specific rules made yesterday, Twitter said it would ban any “unverified” claims that “incite people to action.”

“Unverified claims that incite people to action, could lead to the destruction or damage of critical infrastructure, or could lead to widespread panic, social unrest, or large-scale disorder, such as ‘The National Guard just announced that no more shipments of food will be arriving for two months — run to the grocery store ASAP and buy everything’ or ‘5G causes coronavirus — go destroy the cell towers in your neighborhood!’”

Twitter did not explain what separates a verified from an unverified claim.

In a tweet from its official account, Twitter also emphasized the danger of damage to “critical 5G infrastructure.” Concern over the alleged effects of 5G cellphone towers has led to some towers being attacked and disabled.

Twitter’s list of coronavirus-specific rules continues to expand. Since the global crisis began, Twitter has banned “misleading and potentially harmful content,” even promising to ban people who tell the wrong coronavirus jokes.

As Breitbart News reported in March, Twitter will ban:

  • Denial of established scientific facts about transmission during the incubation period or transmission guidance from global and local health authorities
  • Specific claims around COVID-19 information that intends to manipulate people into certain behavior for the gain of a third party with a call to action within the claim, such as “coronavirus is a fraud and not real – go out and patronize your local bar!!”
  • Claims that specific groups, nationalities are never susceptible to COVID-19
  • Claims that specific groups, nationalities are more susceptible to COVID-19
  • False or misleading claims on how to differentiate between COVID-19 and a different disease
  • Propagating false or misleading information around COVID-19 diagnostic criteria
  • Specific and unverified claims that incite people to action and cause widespread panic, social unrest or large-scale disorder
  • Specific and unverified claims made by people impersonating a government or health official or organization
  • Denial of global or local health authority recommendations to decrease someone’s likelihood of exposure to COVID-19

Twitter has even gone so far as to take down videos from the populist President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, because they showed him discussing the need to balance economic concerns with public health ones.

Are you an insider at Google, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, or any other tech company who wants to confidentially reveal wrongdoing or political bias at your company? Reach out to Allum Bokhari at his secure email address allumbokhari@protonmail.com

Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News.

via Breitbart News

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Bill Gates Continues To Push ‘Immunity Passports’ And Tech-Enabled Surveillance State To Combat COVID

Bill Gates Continues To Push ‘Immunity Passports’ And Tech-Enabled Surveillance State To Combat COVID

Bill Gates has inserted himself into the national dialogue as a self-proclaimed coronavirus sage who will lead the world out of dark times through a digitally-assisted brave new world of testing, contact tracing, and of course – a vaccine.

Of course, some of this might not be such a bad idea if it wasn’t coming from Gates, who’s written an op-ed in the Washington Post to elaborate on his thoughts – which makes the whole thing seem even more nefarious.

‘Sure, my Dad was on the board of planed parenthood – an organization founded by a eugenecist, and yes, I’ve talked about the need for population reduction for years. And sure, I want you to take my vaccines and get chipped. And ok, maybe India kicked us out after our immunization campaign was blamed for paralyzing 490,000 kids. And yeah, there was that whole ‘coronavirus pandemic‘ simulation my foundation spearheaded late last year which modeled 65 million dead. BUT, hear me out…

All jokes aside, here’s what Gates proposes in his WaPo Op-Ed in order to ‘reopen the economy.’

Widespread, at-home testing – "We can’t defeat an enemy if we don’t know where it is," says Gates, who advocates home testing kits which "produces results that are just as accurate" as nasal swabs performed by healthcare professionals. Ok, not evil. Probably a good idea.

Choosing who to test – Essential workers and symptomatic people, or those who have been in contact with someone who tested positive, should be prioritized, otherwise "we’re wasting a precious resources and potentially missing big reserves of the virus." Asymptomatic people who aren’t in the above categories should not be tested until there are enough tests, according to Gates. Again, not a terrible idea.

Using technology to enable a surveillance state – ah, here we go. Gates says the United States needs to follow Germany’s example; "interview everyone who has tested positive and use a database to ensure someone follows up with all their contacts." And how to ensure accuracy? Digital big brother tools!

An even better solution would be the broad, voluntary adoption of digital tools. For example, there are apps that will help you remember where you have been; if you ever test positive, you can review the history or choose to share it with whoever comes to interview you about your contacts. And some people have proposed allowing phones to detect other phones that are near them by using Bluetooth and emitting sounds that humans can’t hear. If someone tested positive, their phone would send a message to the other phones, and their owners could get tested. If most people chose to install this kind of application, it would probably help some. -Bill Gates

Gates suggests this would be voluntary, unlike South Korea – which forces COVID-19 positive patients to self-isolate and install a tracking app on their smartphones which will alert authorities when an infected person has left their home, while warning them to return immediately. Admittedly, South Korea – which also employed widespread testing and the use of face masks, has had just under 11,000 confirmed cases and 240 deaths.

Treatment options – Gates notes that while Hydroxychloroquine has ‘received a lot of attention,’ his foundation is funding a clinical trial which will determine if it works on COVID-19 by the end of May, and that "it appears the benefits will be modest at best," despite overwhelming anecdotal evidence of its efficacy by doctors using it in the field.

We’re guessing Gates’ trial doesn’t include the use of zinc, much like most of the other studies which are ‘proving’ that the anti-malaria drug doesn’t work. This is disingenuous science, as HCQ acts as an ‘iononpore‘ which allows zinc into infected cells, disrupting virus replication. On its own, HCQ only allows low levels of zinc to enter cells, vs. the high-dose cocktail employed by doctors such as Vladimir Zelenko, who claims he’s cured over 700 patients with the combination.

Gates, meanwhile, is promoting the use of plasma therapy, which involves "drawing blood from patients who have recovered from covid-19, making sure it is free of the coronavirus and other infections, and giving the plasma (and the antibodies it contains) to sick people. Several major companies are working together to see whether this succeeds."

Another treatment he’s proposing is synthesizing antibodies that are "most effective against the novel coronavirus," which may face manufacturing constraints.

If you want to get back to large gatherings, we need a vaccine! Perhaps, but immeasurably more creepy coming from Gates considering his history.

Every additional month that it takes to produce a vaccine is a month in which the economy cannot completely return to normal.

The new approach I’m most excited about is known as an RNA vaccine. (The first covid-19 vaccine to start human trials is an RNA vaccine.) Unlike a flu shot, which contains fragments of the influenza virus so your immune system can learn to attack them, an RNA vaccine gives your body the genetic code needed to produce viral fragments on its own. When the immune system sees these fragments, it learns how to attack them. An RNA vaccine essentially turns your body into its own vaccine manufacturing unit. -Bill Gates

Gates then says that distributing vaccines will be the next hurdle – and that governments which fund vaccine development, countries which test the vaccines, and hardest-hit regions "will all have a good case that they should receive priority," and that "Ideally, there would be a global agreement about who should get the vaccine first." 

In short – get tracked, don’t trust hydroxychloroquine, and take the shot.

Tyler Durden

Thu, 04/23/2020 – 10:15

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States Made Risky Bets with Pensions Before Coronavirus. Now They Want a Bailout.

us capitol

Staring down the coronavirus’s effect on their budgets, states like New Jersey and Illinois are calling on federal leaders to backstop public pensions as part of future coronavirus relief.

Democratic leaders in those states are pushing the federal government for billions in funding to shore up underfunded public pensions. Democrats in Congress have made bailouts for state and local governments a major priority for the next round of coronavirus stimulus, even allowing a major small business loan program to run dry as Republicans refused to package a renewal with more cash for states.

But the pension shortfalls are not just a product of the bear market, experts tell the Washington Free Beacon. Some states now seeking bailouts are in part covering for more than a decade of economic mismanagement, having chased increasingly risky investments to fund generous benefits at low up-front costs. Bailouts would allow states to dodge hard questions about the viability of excessively generous public pensions.

Illinois state senate president Don Harmon (D.) over the weekend sent a letter to the state’s congressional delegation asking for $10 billion for the state’s chronically underfunded public pension system. On Tuesday, New Jersey state senate president Stephen Sweeney (D.) expanded on Illinois’s request, asking for $500 billion in federal loans to buckling state pensions across the nation. The National Governors Association has called for $500 billion for fiscal relief generally, some of which would undoubtedly go to state pensions.

Andrew Biggs, a pension expert at the American Enterprise Institute, told the Washington Free Beacon that a bailout for Illinois could break the dam of federal funding: "If Illinois got money, then everybody’s going to ask for it, because all of these pensions have some level of funding problems. I think this is the feeler to see what happens."

The requests for a pension bailout follow crippling losses thanks to the coronavirus-driven downturn. Credit rating agency Moody’s estimates that state and territory pensions have lost about 21 percent of their value, close to $1 trillion. By comparison, 401(k)s have lost about 11 percent on average since the market went south.

Advocates of a bailout argue that states are the front line for the fight against the coronavirus. State spending has risen just as standard sources of revenue—sales taxes, income taxes, etc.—are either delayed or drying up altogether.

But data reveal that state pensions have been a ticking financial time bomb for years, chronically underfunded and ill-prepared for a recession. As of 2017, analysis from the Pew Charitable Trusts finds there was a $1 trillion gap between state pensions’ assets and liabilities. Some states, including New Jersey and Illinois, held as little as one dollar for every three of outstanding liability.

States pension funds last took a beating during the Great Recession, with every state feeling at least some heat. But states responded differently—the eight best-funded states had rebounded 95 percent by 2017, while the 20 worst-funded states saw funding drop from 76 percent in 2007 to 56 percent in 2017.

"The general narrative of pensions over the past 10 years is that we’re back on track, we’re doing okay, our rate of return assumptions are alright, we’re making our contributions," Biggs said. "Now they get hammered again, and there’s been kind of willful ignorance among a lot of them about what’s involved in really running one of these things."

Josh McGee, a research assistant professor at the University of Arkansas and the former chairman of the Texas State Pension Review Board, told the Free Beacon that this growth in shortfalls comes down to a number of factors. Liabilities have grown—they’re now 30 to 40 percent of GDP, he said, up from 10 percent in 1990. Meanwhile, interest rates have fallen, making it harder for states to get the returns on investment they want. States largely failed to capitalize on the market expansion between 2009 and 2020—"Essentially plans have just been treading water and have not closed the gap [between liabilities and assets] since 2008."

Facing these yawning gaps, many states have chosen to move their pension funds out of safe assets and into riskier ones, like stocks and real estate. This, McGee explained, helps keep annual contributions to pension funds low.

"If they were to derisk, their advisers would say they would have a lower assumed return on assets, which would mean they would have to discount at a lower rate, which would mean they’d have to put more money in today, and state budgets have been relatively strapped, so they’re hesitant to do that," McGee said. "So they chase riskier and riskier returns, so they can keep their budget contributions lower today."

All of that risk, however, came back to spite public pensions when the current recession hit—they were much more exposed to the downturn than comparatively risk-averse 401(k)s. That’s part of what concerns McGee about a federal bailout: Loans issued to state pension funds would move some of that risk on to the federal balance sheet. Should the federal government take on that risk? "I don’t know," he said.

Biggs, who sits on the federal board overseeing Puerto Rico’s bankruptcy, cautioned that allowing state pensions to fail would be "an incredibly messy, awful thing," especially as the immediate servicing of obligations could push a state like Illinois into bankruptcy. Both he and McGee said they could get behind federal support for pension funds, but only if there were safeguards in place: some reduction in or freeze on benefit increases, restrictions on the risk level of assets bought with federal funds, and requirements for additional reporting.

Whether national politicians, especially Democrats still eager to push funds to states, will impose such restrictions is another question. A bailout with no strings attached, McGee said, would be a bad look in the eyes of states—including corona-battered New York—that did practice fiscal discipline prior to the start of the current crisis.

"If the federal government bails out the less responsible states, states like New Jersey and Illinois whose legislatures and governor have been pretty militant about underfunding pensions, then I think it sends a bad message," he said.

The post States Made Risky Bets with Pensions Before Coronavirus. Now They Want a Bailout. appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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Andrew Cuomo sneers at angry, locked-up, out-of-work protestors to ‘Get a job as an essential worker’

Back in 1986, Bruce Hornsby & The Range released a big hit, an anthem of social responsibility shaming the heartless:

Standing in line, marking time
Waiting for the welfare dime
‘Cause they can’t buy a job
The man in the silk suit hurries by
As he catches the poor old ladies’ eyes
Just for fun he says, “get a job

Turns out the silk suits have become Democrats, now, running corornavirus-plagued states like New York.

Here’s the disgusting remarks that came from New York’s governor Andrew Cuomo, whose message to protestors who lost their jobs from his shutdown was this:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday that protesters calling for the state to reopen the economy so they can go back to work could “get a job as an essential worker.”

Cuomo made the comment at the end of a long exchange with WRGB reporter Anne McCloy, who told the governor that she spoke with demonstrators outside New York’s state Capitol in Albany before heading inside for the daily press conference. The protesters told her they can’t wait for widespread coronavirus testing – which Cuomo has been pushing  – and want to return to work so they can have an income and feed their families, McCloy said.

“By the way — if you want to go to work, go take the job as an essential worker. Do it tomorrow,” Cuomo said.

 Which is a pretty obnoxious and insulting thing to say to people who don’t have jobs. Triply insulting, actually:

One, he’s suggesting they can work but don’t want to work, as if every out of work architect, or bus driver, or  advertising account executive can jump in and take a job as a doctor, or else clean up cigarette butts on the hospital entryway floors as low skilled labor, neither of which is a serious or practical solution.

Two, he’s suggesting that he has all these ‘essential’ jobs on offer and they’re available to everyone who asks. It’s baloney.

Three, he’s reminding the protestors that the work they do is unimportant, ‘non-essential’ as if having a job that pays money is non-essential, at least as determined by him. How a proverbial advertising executive or plumber staying out of work helps the ‘essential workers’ from catching the coronavirus is kind of questionable. Yes, some jobs involve work in close quarters, but the shutdown has pretty well shut down all jobs, as if nobody can adapt to social distancing conditions in some glassy high rise office or shop front store.

To say that to people who aren’t getting paychecks, and who have yet to get their relatively measly $1,200 stimulus checks, is not only insensitive, it’s disgusting.

As Glenn Reynolds noted here — the U.S. is rapidly dividing into those who have paychecks and those who don’t. Cuomo’s a have, and he’s kicking dirt in the face of those whose economy he just shut down. It just goes to show how out of touch he is. One can only hope that New Yorkers wake up and tell this guy who’s been praised in Democratic circles as the face of leadership, that he can be made ‘non-essential’ too, by the ballot box. He can’t learn otherwise, so let him learn the hard way. 

Caricature by DonkeyHotey, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0



Back in 1986, Bruce Hornsby & The Range released a big hit, an anthem of social responsibility shaming the heartless:

Standing in line, marking time
Waiting for the welfare dime
‘Cause they can’t buy a job
The man in the silk suit hurries by
As he catches the poor old ladies’ eyes
Just for fun he says, “get a job

Turns out the silk suits have become Democrats, now, running corornavirus-plagued states like New York.

Here’s the disgusting remarks that came from New York’s governor Andrew Cuomo, whose message to protestors who lost their jobs from his shutdown was this:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday that protesters calling for the state to reopen the economy so they can go back to work could “get a job as an essential worker.”

Cuomo made the comment at the end of a long exchange with WRGB reporter Anne McCloy, who told the governor that she spoke with demonstrators outside New York’s state Capitol in Albany before heading inside for the daily press conference. The protesters told her they can’t wait for widespread coronavirus testing – which Cuomo has been pushing  – and want to return to work so they can have an income and feed their families, McCloy said.

“By the way — if you want to go to work, go take the job as an essential worker. Do it tomorrow,” Cuomo said.

 Which is a pretty obnoxious and insulting thing to say to people who don’t have jobs. Triply insulting, actually:

One, he’s suggesting they can work but don’t want to work, as if every out of work architect, or bus driver, or  advertising account executive can jump in and take a job as a doctor, or else clean up cigarette butts on the hospital entryway floors as low skilled labor, neither of which is a serious or practical solution.

Two, he’s suggesting that he has all these ‘essential’ jobs on offer and they’re available to everyone who asks. It’s baloney.

Three, he’s reminding the protestors that the work they do is unimportant, ‘non-essential’ as if having a job that pays money is non-essential, at least as determined by him. How a proverbial advertising executive or plumber staying out of work helps the ‘essential workers’ from catching the coronavirus is kind of questionable. Yes, some jobs involve work in close quarters, but the shutdown has pretty well shut down all jobs, as if nobody can adapt to social distancing conditions in some glassy high rise office or shop front store.

To say that to people who aren’t getting paychecks, and who have yet to get their relatively measly $1,200 stimulus checks, is not only insensitive, it’s disgusting.

As Glenn Reynolds noted here — the U.S. is rapidly dividing into those who have paychecks and those who don’t. Cuomo’s a have, and he’s kicking dirt in the face of those whose economy he just shut down. It just goes to show how out of touch he is. One can only hope that New Yorkers wake up and tell this guy who’s been praised in Democratic circles as the face of leadership, that he can be made ‘non-essential’ too, by the ballot box. He can’t learn otherwise, so let him learn the hard way. 

Caricature by DonkeyHotey, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0



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565 Americans Have Lost Their Job For Every Confirmed COVID-19 Death In The US

565 Americans Have Lost Their Job For Every Confirmed COVID-19 Death In The US

In the last week 4.427 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits for the first time.

Source: Bloomberg

That brings the four-week total to 26.5 million, which is over 10 times the prior worst five-week period in the last 50-plus years.

And of course, last week’s "initial" claims and this week’s "continuing" claims… the highest level of continuing claims ever

Source: Bloomberg

A breakdown of initial claims by state shows that the weekly devastation is easing, with the number of (not seasonally adjusted) claims in New York, California and Michigan declining notably over the past week, while Florida and Connecticut still showing dramatic increases.

And as we noted previously, what is most disturbing is that in the last five weeks, far more Americans have filed for unemployment than jobs gained during the last decade since the end of the Great Recession… (22.13 million gained in a decade, 26.46 million lost in 5 weeks)

Worse still, the final numbers will likely be worsened due to the bailout itself: as a reminder, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, passed on March 27, could contribute to new records being reached in coming weeks as it increases eligibility for jobless claims to self-employed and gig workers, extends the maximum number of weeks that one can receive benefits, and provides an additional $600 per week until July 31. A recent WSJ article noted that this has created incentives for some businesses to temporarily furlough their employees, knowing that they will be covered financially as the economy is shutdown. Meanwhile, those making below $50k will generally be made whole and possibly be better off on unemployment benefits.

Furthermore, as families across the nation grapple with lost jobs and struggle to get meals on the table, The Epoch Times’ Zachary Stieber reports that food stamp benefits are up 40%, according to the Department of Agriculture.

The increase will “ensure that low-income individuals have enough food to feed themselves and their families during this national emergency,” Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue said in a statement.

“President Trump is taking care of America’s working-class families who have been hit hard with economic distress due to the coronavirus. Ensuring all households receive the maximum allowable SNAP benefit is an important part of President Trump’s whole of America response to the coronavirus.”

Families receiving food stamps can typically get a maximum benefit of $768. Through the increase in emergency benefits, the average five-person household can get an additional $240 monthly for buying food. Families already at the maximum won’t get additional benefits. SNAP normally costs the U.S. government approximately $4.5 billion each month. The allotments made under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which President Donald Trump signed, is adding nearly $2 billion per month to that total. The emergency funds are made available through waivers the Department of Agriculture makes for each state.

But, hey, there’s good news… well optimistic headlines as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he anticipates most of the economy will restart by the end of August.

Finally, it is notable, we have lost 565 jobs for every confirmed US death from COVID-19 (46,785).

Was it worth it?

Tyler Durden

Thu, 04/23/2020 – 09:55

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Islamists Severely Beat Christian Woman with Sticks in Eastern Uganda

Islamic radicals severely beat 23-year-old Lydia Nabirye in Eastern Uganda, after the woman shared her Christian faith with a Muslim woman who subsequently converted to Christianity.

Morning Star News reported Monday both Ms. Nabirye and the young woman who converted from Islam to Christianity received beatings. The Christian convert, who is pregnant and preferred to remain anonymous, sustained serious injuries as a result of the assault.

Nabirye, the daughter of a Church of God evangelist, offered refuge to the young convert in her home after Muslim family members of the woman threatened her. Six other former Muslims are also staying with her after receiving similar threats.

“Her mother knows that her daughter is with me, because we have been close friends with her for more than four years,” Nabirye told Morning Star News by phone. “The family knows about our relationship with her.”

The beating of Ms. Nabirye occurred on April 7 when she went to console another former Muslim who was mourning the loss of a son who had died and Muslims saw her entering the property. Nabirye was attacked by a band of radical Muslims while she was walking back to her village.

“They held me and started beating me up,” Nabirye said. “They slapped me, and others hit me with sticks, saying that they were out to kill me because I was changing Muslims to become Christians.”

One witness to the assault said that the Muslims ambushed, strangled, and severely beat Nabirye. Neighbors called the police when they heard the woman screaming and the attackers fled the scene when police arrived, he said.

“When I met her at her home on April 14, she was still in pain from multiple injuries – head, right eye and left hand injuries,” the witness told Morning Star News, adding that Nabirye’s father is fearful of a possible attack since Muslims from a nearby village have sworn to do him harm.

Although Uganda’s constitution provides for religious freedom, including the right to proselytize, in practice Christian evangelization is very dangerous since converts often suffer retribution from their families and the Muslim community.

Although Uganda has a large Christian population, the eastern part of the country has a significant Muslim component and it is there where much of the persecution of Christians takes place, especially in the case of converts to Christianity. Christians in eastern Uganda are among those who face the most serious dangers in the world, according to World Watch Monitor, a group that tracks the global persecution of Christians.

During the 1970s, Ugandan dictator Idi Amin made Uganda a member of the Organization of Islamic Countries and begin to Islamize the nation; many of Amin’s policies continue to influence the country today.

Some Arab nations have invested substantial sums into furthering Muslim interests within Uganda and the influence of radical Islam has reportedly grown by more than 7 percent in the last three years.

Uganda’s parliament, for instance, recently passed Sharia banking, which gives zero-interest loans to Islamic projects.

The Christian persecution watchdog group Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) has designated Uganda as a “hostile area” for Christians, a term describing a situation where governments may attempt to provide protection for the Christian population but Christians are still routinely persecuted by family, friends, neighbors, or political groups.

via Breitbart News

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Urges Work Boycott in Reopened States

Appearing on VICE’s Seat at the Table with Anand Giridharadas, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) urged Americans not to return to work after states begin reopening their respective economies in response to updated information on the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

“We talk about this idea of ‘reopening society,’ only in America does [President Trump] — when the president tweets about liberation, does he mean ‘go back to work,’” Ocasio-Cortez said. “When we have this discussion about going back or reopening, I think a lot of people should just say, ‘no, we’re not going back to that. We’re not going back to working 70 hour weeks just so that we can put food on the table and not even feel any sort of semblance of security in our lives.’”

Ocasio-Cortez’s call to action comes as several states are preparing to partially reopen their economies, with southern states such as Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina leading the charge. Additionally, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) has announced his state’s “stay-at-home” order will be downgraded to a “safer-at-home’” mandate that allows certain businesses to reopen Friday.

Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks also come after a controversy where she appeared to cheer record-low oil prices, touting the crash as an opportunity to invest in “green infrastructure to save our planet.”

“You absolutely love to see it,” the freshman congresswoman said in response a tweet about oil prices. “This along with record low interest rates means it’s the right time for a worker-led, mass investment in green infrastructure to save our planet.”

Shortly after, Ocasio-Cortez removed the post and replaced it with a more somber tone, stating the crash is a “snapshot” of a “turning point” for the global warming movement.

via Breitbart News

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Freedom Dying in Idaho: Woman Faces Possible Prison Term for Holding Yard Sale

A woman in Rathdrum, Idaho, is facing the possibility of a $1,000 fine and up to six months in jail for having a yard sale.

The Rathdrum Police Department said Christa Thompson violated the state’s coronavirus shutdown order.

“A garage sale/yard sale is not an essential business and should not be open for business,” the department said in a Facebook post Friday.

Peter Thompson, Christa’s husband, provided context to the Idaho Freedom Foundation.

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“The family had a significant financial incentive to deal with the belongings of Peter’s late father: After the death, the family had taken over his storage-unit payments, which were about $1,000 a month,” the foundation said in a post on its website Saturday. “That sum is, according to Peter, a significant burden for a one-income family with six kids.”

The police department’s Facebook post drew plenty of criticism.

“Rathdrum PD should be ashamed,” April Lawson said. “Let people have a choice. If I choose to stop in at a yard sale that’s on me.”

“I hope this family can find a good constitutional lawyer and sue the Police Department for their disregard to our constitution of the state of ldaho and the constitution of the United States,” Calvin Nolan wrote.

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“Thank you for keeping our streets safer and ridding us of this dangerous criminal enterprise,” Justin Cottrell said. “I hope you’ll go after those rogue lemonade stands and kids peddling their school fundraisers next. We must keep our streets clean of anything resembling a happy, thriving productive society. You guys earned a gold star today.”

Unfortunately, a second Idaho incident has come to light, this time involving a mother who was with her daughter at a playground when she was arrested.

Is the COVID-19 pandemic setting a dangerous precedent where those in authority infringe on our liberty under the guise of the “greater good”? It sure looks that way.

Gun rights might be another victim of such a mentality.

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I have a confession: I used to doubt my fellow conservatives when they said Democratic politicians were coming for our guns. I thought those concerns resembled nothing more than hyperbole.

Not anymore.

The Democrats’ agenda has taken a sharp lefthand turn. Some politicians now push gun bans with grandfathered firearms ownership.

The Democrats consistently attempt to ban certain firearms based on puzzling criteria, seemingly thinking we can reduce gun violence with legislation that focuses on magazine capacity and cosmetic features.

Just imagine former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke’s gun philosophy coupled with a renewed call for government overreach.

We live in a time where someone could go to jail for things she did while staying at home during, oddly enough, a stay-at-home order.

This pandemic can act as a cautionary tale: You don’t “care less” about human suffering if you become concerned about individual freedom.

Live and let live. That philosophy seemed simple, wonderful and libertarian all at once.

Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

We see growing signs that some people are willing to sacrifice some liberty in the name of safety.

We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

via The Western Journal

Enjoy this article? Read the full version at the authors website: https://www.westernjournal.com