CCRKBA: Gun Ban Lobby Sides With Portland Oregon Rioters

BELLEVUE, WA – A Seattle-based gun prohibition lobbying group has reached a new low, siding with rioters, looters and urban terrorists in Portland, Oregon in an attempt to smear law-abiding gun owners, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

“We’ve seen some outrageous claims by the gun control crowd over the years,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “but Friday’s fund raising appeal that tried to blame federal agents dispatched to Portland to protect federal property for continued riots is simply unconscionable.”

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America’s Misguided Children

America’s Misguided ChildrenI must ask, what does the destruction of statues of abolitionists have to do with George Floyd?

OK, yes, that is the pure definition of a rhetorical question; it has nothing to do with it. And therein lies the crux of what is happening in America. The misguided children, and that reference is not based upon age, but rather level of rational competence, have taken a totally unrelated event and leveraged it for an ideological agenda that embraces violence. The nation was appalled at the George Floyd murder. However, the rational inquiry that should be made is, what does tearing down the statue of Frederick Douglass or Abraham Lincoln have to do with George Floyd?

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Dem Pols welcome Red Guards to occupy their cities

Dem Pols welcome Red Guards to occupy their citiesAmerica’s Cancel Culture Revolution has flourished in Big Blue Cities –—most notably Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington —where local and state politicians show their support of America’s Red Guards by dismissing the seriousness of their criminal activities, and ordering their police forces to stand-down.  

Previously on this site, the behavioral characteristics of America’s Red Guards were compared to Mao’s Red Guards. The parallels are too obvious to ignore. 

China’s Cultural Revolution was not a bottom-up spontaneous movement. It was initiated by the Chinese Community Party (CCP).  Here are six quotes from one of the main documents that chronicles their birth.

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TOTO: Adam Carolla On AOC: She’s ‘Insane, Maniacal’

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t have a “Get Out of Comedy Jail” card in her purse or pocket.

She doesn’t need one.

The far-left congresswoman can do, or say, virtually anything with little fear of comic reprisal. Instead, modern comedians either ignore her gargantuan gaffes or fawn over her social media prowess.

Right on cue, comedians gave the freshman representative a pass after she uncorked this explanation for the crush of violence engulfing the Big Apple.

“So why is this uptick in crime happening?” Ocasio-Cortez asked. “Well, let’s think about it. Do we think this has to do with the fact there’s record unemployment in the United States right now? The fact that people are at a level of economic desperation that we have not seen since the Great Recession. Maybe this has to do with the fact that people aren’t paying their rent and are scared to pay their rent, and so they go out and they need to feed their child and they don’t have money so you maybe have to, they’re put in a position where they feel like they either need to shoplift some bread [emphasis added] or go hungry that night.”

“Maybe it’s the fact that unemployment provisions have not been given to [everyone],” Ocasio-Cortez claimed. “Maybe it’s because the fact that people, some people still haven’t gotten their stimulus checks yet.”

Adam Carolla doesn’t follow the progressive comedy playbook. The comic excoriated Ocasio-Cortez on the latest episode of “The Adam and Dr. Drew Show” podcast. A show caller asked Carolla and co-host Dr. Drew Pinsky what will happen following the wave of violent protests targeting several major cities.

“AOC would say, ‘that’s a question from privilege,’” Dr. Pinsky cracked before Carolla seized on Ocasio-Cortez’s dubious explanation for the crime wave.

“She seems insane to me, or maniacal, there’s something wrong with her. She doesn’t connect things,” Carolla said after referencing her attempt to tie rising gun violence to a lack of carbs.

“Hey, what’s happened to all the bakery trucks?” Carolla asked. “I was down at Nabisco, and I was going down through the Keebler factory there, was that covered in the news, the stealing of carbohydrates?”

Carolla’s common sense solution is one kept out of reach by today’s Democratic politicians and media outlets.

“The only thing that works is law and order, and sadly, re-imagining things doesn’t work, otherwise we would have figured it out over the thousands of years,” Carolla said, referencing talk of “re-imagining” modern law enforcement if not downright stripping departments of their funding.

The podcaster and documentary filmmaker predicted a dark future for cities teeming with protesters and chaos.

“A larger group will move out of mismanaged cities and off to places where they simply have freedom and safety and can afford it,” he said. “Who’s gonna be left behind? ‘Escape from New York.’”

“It’s gonna be a f***ing hellscape of people who can’t afford to get out. It’ll be like Katrina. Everyone with a running car and some money in their pocket is gonna split, and everyone else is just gonna hang out and the tide’s just gonna drown ’em,” he said.

Dr. Pinsky chimed in on the other side of the issue — politicians who believe the status quo is sustainable.

“What are the government officials thinking? Where do they think the money comes from for the government they’re running?” Dr. Pinsky asked. “In California, they keep shutting things down … their tax revenue is nil. How do they think this works? What are they thinking? I can’t figure it out.”

Carolla suggested they’re not thinking at all.

“When you’re sitting in air conditioning and looking out the window, and people are toiling in the sun and mopping their brow … they go, ‘huh, someone should do something about that.’ As long as its 71 [degrees] where you’re standing, it’s just like, ‘It’s 71 man, I’m fine.’” Carolla said.

A version of this article was also published on

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HAWORTH: Biden’s 5 Most Significant Flip-Flops

Former Vice President Joe Biden is being presented by his supporters as a return to normalcy, a response to the unorthodox tenure of the Trump administration. His plaudits describe the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee as honest, trustworthy, consistent. This is demonstrably untrue. The only aspect of Biden’s political career that would be aptly described as “consistent” is his willingness to flip-flop on significant positions and principles. Here are five major issues on which Biden has reversed his position over the years.

1. Violent Crime

With race relations worsening, and sections of cities like Minneapolis and Atlanta burning to the ground in the wake of “protests,” Joe Biden has been forced to cower to the demands of the far-left Black Lives Matter organization, even if it means denying both reality and his greatest political achievement.

As ranking minority member of the Senate Judiciary Committee since 1981, Joe Biden helped pass two bills that established mandatory minimums for drug offenses. When he became chairman of the committee in 1987, he “told aides his goal was to enact legislation that would take a comprehensive approach to reducing crime” as the country battled with an ongoing violent crime epidemic. In 1994, President Clinton signed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act into law. As the largest crime bill in the history of the United States, it provided for 100,000 new police officers, $9.7 billion in funding for prisons, and $6.1 billion in funding for prevention programs.

When Clinton was questioned on this policy in 2016, he responded with an answer rooted in reality. “Because of that bill we had a 25-year low in crime, a 30-year low in the murder rate, and because of that and the background-check law, a 46-year low in deaths of lives by gun violence and who do you think those lives were that mattered? Whose lives were?”

However, critics of the program often reference its impact on “mass incarceration,” with the Justice Policy Institute stating that “the Clinton Administration’s ‘tough on crime’ policies resulted in the largest increases in federal and state inmate populations of any president in American history.”

Amid the growing anti-police sentiment among the Left, Biden has chosen to abandon what is seen by many as the successful culmination of his fight against crime.

Biden, who once gave passionate speeches on the Senate floor arguing that one could be a “progressive” and “lock the SOBs up” now states that it was a “big mistake when it was made.”

To double down on his rejection of the bill and instead signal his fealty to the demands of the woke Left, Biden has recently deflected criticism for his role, stating that “There’s something we have to admit – not you – we, white America, has to admit, there’s still a systematic racism and it goes almost unnoticed by so many of us.”

For some reason, the fact that Biden helped build this system during his more than three decades-long senatorial career then failed to address it in a meaningful way during his 8 years as vice president goes “unnoticed” by his supporters.

2. China

One of the pillars of Donald Trump’s foreign policy, both as a candidate and as President, has been to rail against the threat posed by China.

In June of 2019, Biden appeared to agree with Trump’s general assessment, while simultaneously repackaging Trump’s very criticism as having provoked such tensions. (We should note that this flawed cyclic logic is being used as we speak to condemn Trump’s use of federal officers to quell the explosion of violence across the country.)

“We are in a competition with China. We need to get tough with China,” said Biden. “They are a serious challenge to us, and in some areas a real threat. And every single step that Donald Trump is taking is only exacerbating the challenge. While Trump is tweeting, China is making massive investments in technologies of the future. While Trump is name-calling, China is building roads, bridges, and high-speed rail. While Trump is pursuing a damaging and erratic trade war, without any real strategy, China is positioning itself to lead the world in renewable energy. While Trump is attacking our friends, China is pressing its advantage all over the world. So you bet I’m worried about China — if we keep following Trump’s path.”

Such sudden and vocal concern would shock anyone who heard Biden speak on the same subject just a few weeks earlier.

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man,” he said. “They can’t even figure out how to deal with the fact that they have this great division between the China Sea and the mountains in the east — I mean the west. They can’t figure out how they’re going to deal with the corruption that exists within the system. They’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.”

For Biden, his inconsistent position regarding the United States’ most formidable enemy is deeply troubling, further plagued by accusations of impropriety regarding the business dealings of his unscrupulous son Hunter.

It’s one thing to have a bad foreign policy. It’s another to have two foreign policies.

3. Abortion

For decades, Biden voted in what would now be considered an anti-abortion manner.

In 1976 Joe Biden voted for the Hyde Amendment, which prevents the use of federal funds for abortion in almost all cases. He then voted to save it in 1993. The Foreign Assistance Act of 1981 still contains a “Biden amendment” which was added “to ban American aid from being used in research related to abortions.” Biden advocated for the ability of states to overturn Roe vs. Wade, was in favor of the “Mexico City policy,” which prevented federal funds from being allocated to organizations which provided or expanded abortion services, and has voted for partial-birth abortion bans on two occasions.

With the dystopian celebration of abortion built into the foundation of the modern Democratic platform, the Joe Biden of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s could never survive.

Aiming to pivot on the definition and value of life, Biden offered this vapid explanation for his decision to oppose the Hyde Amendment at a Planned Parenthood event in 2019.

“I laid out a health care plan that’s going to provide federally funded health care for all women and women who now are denied even Medicare in their home states,” he explained. “It became really clear to me that although the Hyde Amendment was designed to try to split the difference here, to make sure women still had access, you can’t have access if everyone’s covered by a federal policy. That’s why at the same time I announced that policy, I announced that I could no longer continue to abide by the Hyde Amendment. That’s the reason.”

During that same event, Biden stated that he would work to “enshrine into federal law the Roe v. WadeSupreme Court decision upholding abortion rights” — a verdict he had described as “wrongly decided” in 1973, and that “went too far” in 1974.

When it comes to the subject of abortion, Biden’s history of opposition is as clear as the Left’s uncompromising attitude towards the “human right” to take the lives of unborn humans. This leaves him with no option but to answer questions on his clear “mixed record” with his trademark confused vagary. “First of all, I’m not sure about the ‘mixed record’ part.”

4. Gay Marriage

When Biden discusses the subject of gay rights, we are often told the story of his father explaining that “Joey, it’s simple. They love each other” after the teenage Joe witnessed two men kissing in public. However, this sweet yet overly simplistic story is often used as a cover for a far more complicated history.

Speaking to a gay activist in 1973, Biden stated, “My gut reaction is that they (homosexuals) are security risks but I must admit I haven’t given this much thought…I’ll be darned!”

In 1994, Biden voted to cut off funding for schools which taught the acceptance of homosexuality, and in 1996, Biden voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act, which blocked federal recognition of same-sex marriages. As recently as 2006, Joe Biden confirmed his position that “marriage is between a man and a woman.”

Just a few years later, Biden was lauded for his “evolution” on the subject of gay rights when he appeared to go against the Obama administration by expressing that he was “comfortable” with same-sex marriage.

“I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women, and heterosexual men marrying women are entitled to the same exact rights,” he said. “All the civil rights, all the civil liberties. And quite frankly I don’t see much of a distinction beyond that.”

One must ask why, if Biden’s father was right in saying that “it’s simple,” he waited until the Democratic Party chose to institute a monumental shift and fully embraced the umbrella of issues beneath the LGBTQ+ banner to change his mind. Perhaps his other statement, “I haven’t given this much thought…I’ll be darned!” is more fitting?

5. Believe Women

Biden perfectly encapsulates the sporadic hypocrisy of the #MeToo movement. When Brett Kavanaugh was accused of multiple sexual assaults in 2016, memories of Justice Thomas’ confirmation hearings in 1991 resurfaced.

During that time, Biden led an “all-white, all-male Judiciary Committee” as Anita Hill “was grilled in excruciatingly graphic detail.”

Years later, bending to the demands of the #MeToo movement in the aftermath of Justice Kavanaugh’s eerily similar confirmation, Biden sought to erase his involvement in Hill’s questioning by offering an apology.

In 2019, when questioned on whether he believed Hill’s claims, Biden pandered to the absurd demand that we must “Believe All Women.”

“Oh, I thought she was telling the truth at the beginning. I really did,” said Biden. “For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time. But nobody fails to understand that this is like jumping into a cauldron.”

Oddly, when Tara Reade — a woman — jumped into a “cauldron” lit by the “glaring lights of focus” during a national presidential battle in March 2020 and accused Biden of sexual assault, she wasn’t believed.

Rejecting the presumption of truthfulness demanded by Biden, he personally denied the allegations, stating that “it never, never happened.”

Biden is not the first, and presumably won’t be the last, Democrat to be accused of sexual assault. He may be guilty. He may be innocent. What we do know, however, is that when a politician like Biden utters ridiculous phrases like “Believe Women,” he won’t play by his own rules.


Biden believes that China is a harmless threat. Biden believes that Roe vs. Wade was wrongly decided but should also be codified into law. Biden believes that homosexuals are security risks who should have the right to marry. Biden believes that we should “lock the SOBs up” and that incarceration is evidence of “systemic racism.” Finally, Joe Biden believes some women. Pro-Biden politicos and media attempt to portray Biden as consistent, honest, and reliable to the American people. His record tells quite a different story.

More from Ian Haworth: What ‘Herd Immunity’ Teaches Us About Freedom

The Daily Wire is one of America’s fastest-growing conservative media companies and counter-cultural outlets for news, opinion, and entertainment. Get inside access to The Daily Wire by becoming a member.

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Antifa in Portland Plays Dress-Up Again: First They Were “Moms” Out at 2 in the Morning, Last Night They Pretended to be US “Veterans”

Antifa played dress-up for the liberal media again last night.

Earlier this week Antifa protesters dressed up as “concerned mothers” who came out at 2 AM in the morning, leaving their children at home, dressed as mothers to form a line to protect the violent antifa mob from federal agents protecting the federal courthouse in Portland.

It played well with their partners in the pro-Antifa media until reporter Andy Ngo noticed that the participants were violent antifa rioters playing dress-up.

Then last night these same street thugs dressed up and pretended to be US veterans.
Because WE ALL KNOW veterans support looting, burning, destroying public property.

What a joke.

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Palm Beach CBS News Finds Suicide and a Fall Listed as COVID Deaths – Only 169 of 581 COVID Deaths Did Not Have Contributing Illnesses (VIDEO)

This local TV report from CBS 12 News in Palm Beach county shows that the the inflation of COVID deaths in Florida is HUGE!

Florida officials included falls and at least one suicide as COVID-19 deaths.

A local Palm Beach investigator found that only 169 out of 581 deaths listed as COVID-19 deaths without any contributing illnesses.

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Bevelyn Beatty: Andrew Cuomo Celebrated the ‘Murder of Innocent Children and Genocide’ with NY Abortion Law

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D-NY) directive to light up One World Trade Center in New York City, NY, with pink brilliance in 2019 was a celebration of the “murder of innocent children,” said Bevelyn Beatty of At Well Ministries, offering her remarks on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.

Cuomo has authorities illuminate One World Trade Center with pink lighting on January 22, 2019, to laud the Empire State’s passage of legislation designating abortion as a “fundamental right.”

Beatty described Cuomo’s celebration of New York’s abortion legislation as an inflection moment in her political development as a “street evangelist.”

“I’m a street evangelist,” said Beatty. “I’ve been hitting the street since 2014, We’ve been hitting inner cities. We’ve been in crack houses, feeding the poor. We hit Skid Row. We stopped a shootout in Chicago. [I] was in a crack house in Chicago trying to get a woman to not inject heroin in her neck.”

Beatty continued, “We would go to these cities [and] we would see firsthand what liberalism and what the Democrat Party has done to these people. It doesn’t just matter that they’re black or white. If you’re bound by the inner city and liberalism, that’s what you saw, and the more I got out and evangelized, the more conservative I became, and that’s how I became radical.”

Beatty recalled, “What pushed me into really turning up was [when] Gov. Cuomo legalized full-term abortion.”

Marlow said, “Everyone remembers the New York [State Assembly] applauding late-term abortion getting legalized as if it’s something to be celebrated. It’s really a haunting sound.”

Beatty replied, “It’s something I’ll never forget because that was the day I realized … ‘Oh, snap. it’s real.’ They really voted to kill babies at birth. I always thought it was murder, but now it’s like blatant murder, and people are celebrating and lighting up the [Empire State Building] pink to celebrate the murder of innocent children and genocide.”


Beatty credited her conversion to Christianity with political change away from leftism. She said she was a “liberal” and “pushing the LGBTQ agenda” while “working for a feminist organization.”

Beatty shared how she previously accepted left-wing narratives at face value. She said, “I was just a chick who was like, ‘You know what? I’m black. I’m a Democrat … You’re black? You’re a Democrat, period. Republicans want to see the rich get richer, and the Democrats are for the people.’ That’s all I knew.”

Beatty concluded by highlighting the overlap between conservatism and Christian values: “Conservatism aligns with the word of God,” she declared. “Not only is Jesus true, but conservatism is truth. They go hand-in-hand with one another.”

In addition to her role with At Well Ministries, Beatty launched a “Jesus Matters” campaign.

Breitbart News Daily broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

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Apple Begins iPhone 11 Production in India

Tech giant Apple’s contract manufacturer Foxconn has reportedly begun production of the company’s iPhone 11 lineup at its production plant near the southern city of Chennai in India.

TechCrunch reports that Apple’s contract manufacturing partner Foxconn has begun to assemble the company’s current iPhone 11 lineup at Foxconn’s production facility near the southern city of Chennai in India.

A small batch of iPhones has reportedly been shipped to local Indian retail outlets, but production is currently limited. Apple has plans to scale up its local production efforts in India, according to an individual with knowledge of the situation.

Apple’s contract manufacturing partner, the Taiwan-based company Wistron, began assembling older iPhone models in 2017 but until recently Apple has not been able to have a manufacturing partner produce current-generation iPhones in India. Wistron has assembled iPhone SE, iPhone 6s, and iPhone 7 models in its Bangalore plant and currently assembles iPhone XR units in India.

Piyush Goyal, India’s Minister of Commerce and Industry, retweeted a tweet from Ravi Shankar Prasad, the Law & Justice, Communications, Electronics & Information Technology Minister of India, about Apple’s production of iPhones in the country.

Assembling mobile handsets in India allows smartphone manufacturers, including Apple, to avoid almost 20 percent import duty that the Indian government levies on imported electronics. As a result, Xiaomi, Vivo, Samsung, Oppo, OnePlus and many other smartphone manufacturers have signed deals across India to produce their products locally.

Foxconn reportedly plans to invest $1 billion in its operations in India while New Delhi announced a $6.6 billion plan to attract smartphone manufacturers in June of this year.

Read at more at TechCrunch here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan or contact via secure email at the address

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Elon Musk Cozies Up to China While Staking Claim in U.S. Space Industry

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has spent time cementing himself in the world of American space exploration — all while cozying up to Chinese communist officials.

Earlier this month, Elon Musk spoke at a technology conference hosted by the Chinese government, the latest in a long history of the Tesla co-founder palling around with the authoritarian communist government. 

This comes as Musk is cementing his position in America’s space industry, receiving credit from top officials including President Donald Trump last month for SpaceX’s successful rocket launch. But Musk’s ties to China could raise national security concerns. 

The conference Musk spoke at was the World Artificial Intelligence Conference, organized by the Chinese government. Musk has spoken at the conference before. 

Musk’s previous conference trip to China, in 2019, came just days after President Trump ordered American companies to leave China.  

While Musk’s ambitious business proposals often hit regulatory walls in the U.S., China has been welcoming them with nothing but open arms. Seven months ago, the Tesla CEO made a trip to China for the groundbreaking ceremony of Tesla’s first overseas plant, the 9.3 million-square-foot Gigafactory 3, in Shanghai. And in just a few weeks, he will visit the country again—this time to be the face of its burgeoning artificial intelligence scene.

Many of his current Chinese partners, like ATC CEO Zeng Yuqun, are embedded in the Chinese government (Yuqun serves on the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the advisory body to top leadership). 

Via Bloomberg

Tesla Inc. needs to succeed in China if it wants to dominate the world of electric cars—especially in a post-virus world. To do that, Elon Musk is turning to a battery engineer who once helped Apple Inc. extend the life of its MacBook laptops.

Zeng Yuqun, 52, built Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. into China’s battery champion in less than a decade, creating the largest global producer of rechargeable cells for the plug-in vehicles considered to be the future of cars. That effort has helped propel Zeng from a modest hillside village and $30-a-month job with a state-run company to an estimated $17 billion fortune.

And after years of struggling to reach stable financial footing, the automaker was finally able to secure the funding needed to build its Shanghai Gigafactory. 

Musk cannot simply work with Chinese businesses and businessmen and expect the Communist government – which is currently “reeducating” millions of Uighur minorities in concentration camps – not to be involved. 

“The Chinese Cyber Security Law and other national strategies like ‘Military-Civil Fusion’ mean that nothing Chinese firms do can be independent of the state. Firms must support the law enforcement, intelligence, and national security interests of the Chinese Communist Party,” warns America’s most senior military leaders. 

Musk’s operations in China, carried out under the watchful eye of the Communist regime, put all of those that use his technology and data at risk – including the U.S., its military, and its space program. 

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