Ted Cruz Blasts Mark Cuban over NBA Anthem Protests, China Hypocrisy

The NBA’s potential restart has many basketball fans excited. However, a remark about the prospect of players protesting during the national anthem led to a Twitter spat between two of the most powerful men in the Lonestar State.

On Sunday night, Mark Davis, a talk show host for AM660 in Dallas, tweeted his excitement about the restart to the Mavericks season. Though, he also included a warning to Mavs Owner Mark Cuban about how quickly that fandom would evaporate if any players disrespected the national anthem.

That simple request, to find a way to say what you want without offending the country, was quickly dismissed by Mark Cuban in a one-word response.

Though, in fairness, Cuban did expand on his rudeness to a loyal fan and plans to insult the country in a more verbose follow-up tweet.

So not only did Cuban make it clear that protests are highly likely and fans who don’t like it can leave. He also attacked the very idea of playing the anthem before sporting events in the first place.

Enter Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who took strong exception to Cuban’s rough dismissal of fans who happen to love both the NBA, and America.

Cuban shot back, charging Cruz with breach of imaginary Twitter etiquette.

Cruz pounced. Reminding Cuban that he not only made his comment in public, but that he in fact does start each work day with showing respect for the flag and country.

Cruz followed-up Monday morning with a question which, as of the time of this writing, Cuban has yet to respond.

Cuban doesn’t need to respond. Pretty sure we all know the answer.

Follow Dylan Gwinn on Twitter @themightygwinn

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Horowitz: Chris Wallace flubs America’s virus death rate while playing gotcha with Trump

In the minds of the media figures who shape public opinion about the virus in America, up is down and down is up. They believe that America is doing horribly in dealing with COVID-19, except of course in New York and New Jersey, where more people died per capita than anywhere on Earth, yet the media, along with their saint, Anthony Fauci, believe those governors saved the country.

During a pretaped interview with the president on Sunday, Fox News anchor Chris Wallace played the classic gotcha game, trying to show how America is worse off than almost any other country. After Trump explained that the high number of cases is a results of more testing per capita than any other country, Wallace brought up the mortality rate.

Wallace asserted that the U.S. has “the seventh highest mortality rate in the world … higher than Brazil, it’s higher than Russia, and the European Union has us on a travel ban.”

The president was confused about the source of Wallace’s numbers and requested a pause in the interview so they could clarify the data. Trump was then handed a piece of paper with information, after which the president exclaimed, “Number one low mortality rate.”

America is not exactly number one in terms of the lowest number of deaths per capita, but it is near the bottom compared to most major countries.

Later on, Wallace admitted he was using a chart from Johns Hopkins that showed the U.S. in eighth place for the highest mortality rate in the world.

But this chart is random and includes cherry-picked countries with only a few European nations. It also doesn’t take into account the insane amount of testing we have, which means we have discovered many more cases and therefore actually have a much lower case fatality rate.

This is dishonest beyond belief. The White House was using a much more appropriate chart from Our World in Data, which compared the U.S. to primarily other Western countries with much better data reporting.

As you can see, America’s case fatality ratio is even lower than Japan, which has gotten a lot of accolades for the way it handled the virus.

But here’s the broader issue. To the extent that America is recording a lot of COVID-19 deaths, it’s mainly driven by the Democrat-run states the media is placing on a pedestal as the paradigm for a successful coronavirus result. By listening to the media, one would think Texas and Florida are like Italy, while New York and New Jersey are like Taiwan. In reality, our fatality rate is being driven almost entirely by the six states that placed COVID-positive patients back into nursing homes.

Here is a presentation from Yinon Weiss comparing the deaths of various states:

Here is the comparison by hospitalization rate:

Here is a chart comparing different states to various countries:

As you can see, the four northeastern states were worse than the worst European country (Belgium). New York and New Jersey have twice the fatality rate of Europe’s worst country. Florida is right in line with Canada and Switzerland, while Texas is much lower.

Thus, much of what is driving America’s higher mortality rate per million people is the nursing home slaughter from those six states.

Also, as Trump rightly noted, mass testing is a huge factor. On the one hand, America does have a high death rate, but on the other hand, America has one of the lowest death rates per case count. What that demonstrates is that, because we are counting and often miscounting so many cases, many deaths are erroneously being blamed on COVID-19. In countries where they have very little testing, they are either missing some legitimate COVID deaths, or they are not counting those who died with COVID where the virus had little to do with the fatality.

This is also why England has so many deaths and even Sweden has recorded a relatively high share of deaths compared to some other similar Nordic countries. Both England and Sweden have an extremely broad definition of a COVID-19 death.

Indeed, if Trump is guilty of one thing it’s not firing Fauci. During a weekend interview, Fauci had the shocking audacity to suggest that New York is the model to follow and how the state “did it correctly.”

Well, you can’t have it both ways – complaining that America has a high mortality rate and treating New York like the road to paradise.

Not only is politics trumping science, it is trumping  simple arithmetic.

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President Trump Says He May Send “More Federal Law Enforcement” to New York, Chicago and Other Cities to Quell the Riots (VIDEO)

President Trump said on Monday he may send “more federal law enforcement” to New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia and other cities to deal with the riots.

“The fact is they’re restricted from doing anything,” President Trump said referring to the NYPD. “I’m gonna do something, I tell you.”

President Trump slammed the cities run by liberal Democrats allowing anarchists to riot non-stop.

“In Portland they’ve done a fantastic job,” said Trump of the DHS agents.


According to the Chicago Tribune, the DHS is planning on deploying 150 agents in Chicago this week.

The Democrat-media complex exploded last week after DHS agents moved in to quell non-stop weeks of rioting in Portland, Oregon.

Like clockwork, the Democrats and their stenographers in the media called the DHS agents “stormtroopers” and compared them to the Nazi Gestapo.

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Video: Pentagon’s Overzealous Confederate Flag Order Appears To Have Banned the Jolly Roger as Well

This order appears to have included the Jolly Roger as well as several other iconic flags. STORY: http://w-j.co/s/c5MzA

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Video: Missouri Governor Will Consider Pardon if Viral Gun-Toting Couple Face Charges

The McCloskey couple is currently under investigation after brandishing firearms after a mob broke into their private community. STORY: http://w-j.co/s/E3NTg

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Declassified FBI Docs Reveal Agents Never Believed Trump-Russia Conspiracy – Not Even Strzok

New documents released by the Senate Judiciary Committee show that as early as 2017, even within the FBI, the myth of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia was known to be just that. Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, said that the documents released by the Department…

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These True Facts About Democratic Voters Will Shock You

Wajahat Ali would never have become a New York Times contributing writer and failed CNN personality if he didn’t possess a keen scientific insight into the minds of Republican voters. Occasionally, Ali shares that insight on Twitter.

"There are many white Republican voters in this country if they’re given a choice between renting a room in their house to a person of color or burning down the house, they will elect to burn down the entire neighborhood," Ali tweeted over the weekend. "It’s not just a small fringe."

Sometimes the truth is shocking and difficult to accept. Ali was viciously attacked for his expert analysis on Republican voters, yet his critics could not offer a single piece of scientific evidence to refute him. It was just the latest example of a growing threat to the personal safety of media pundits: being criticized by non-blue-check accounts on Twitter.

The following facts about Democratic voters, for example, are shocking and difficult to accept. They will probably be challenged by unverified Twitter users and other non-experts. But that doesn’t make them any less true.

  • Most Democratic voters in this country would rather watch their children be slowly dismembered by a trans woman of color than allow their children’s lives to be saved by a Christian gun owner.
  • 85 percent of white Democrats who have publicly recommended White Fragility have not read the book; 100 percent of the ones who actually did read it would not have done so if they were unable to post about it on social media.
  • The vast majority of people who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 think it’s "mostly true" that Jeffrey Epstein’s financial support for Democratic causes cancels out all of his crimes.
  • Most Democratic voters are disappointed Barack Obama didn’t turn out to be a secret Muslim, and cite "the unlawful assassination of Osama bin Laden" as the biggest mistake of his presidency.
  • Most Democratic voters "strongly agree" that orchestrating a hate crime hoax is an effective way to combat bigotry in society.
  • Most Democratic voters would prefer to be murdered by an illegal immigrant and come back as a ghost to haunt the police who arrested their killer.
  • Two-thirds of white Democratic voters have Googled the phrase "Coexist bumper sticker without cross and Jew symbol." More than half have Googled "how to oppose affordable-housing development without being racist." About a third have Googled "how to make my son gay."
  • Every single Elizabeth Warren voter has at least one item in their household with the phrase, "It’s Wine O’Clock, Bitches!" More than 75 percent of Pete Buttigieg voters have updated their wills to include a request that "High Hopes" be played at their funerals.

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UPDATE: Man Who Shot Judge Esther Salas’s Son and Husband Is Found Dead of “Self Inflicted Gunshot Wound” — Judge Is Investigating Epstein Finances

Judge Esther Salas

The 20-year-old son of US District Judge of New Jersey, Esther Salas, an Obama appointee, was shot dead Sunday night and her husband was critically injured by a gunman posing as a FedEx driver.

According to reports, Salas’s son Daniel Anderl opened the door when the the gunman, dressed as a FedEx driver, opened fire on their North Brunswick home Sunday evening around 5 PM.

The judge’s husband, Mark Anderl, 63, a criminal defense attorney was standing behind his son when he opened the door and is in critical condition in a hospital.

The Judge was reportedly in her basement at the time of the shooting and unharmed, according to law enforcement officials.

Salas’s son Daniel was her only son and a freshman at Catholic University in Washington DC.

Salas is reportedly investigating the former Jeffrey Epstein’s finances.

On Monday the suspect allegedly behind the attack on the Salas home was found dead.
He died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

National Review reported:

The suspect in a shooting at the New Brunswick, N.J., home of federal judge Esther Salas has been found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to multiple reports…

The suspected shooter was an attorney who argued a case before Salas in 2015, ABC reported. It is not yet clear what the case concerned or what the specific motive of the gunman was.

The gunman arrived at Salas’s house dressed as a FedEx delivery person.

“We are aware of the media reports and are fully cooperating with investigating authorities,” a spokesman for FedEx told CNN.

New Brunswick mayor Francis “Mac” Womack told reporters on Sunday that he was not aware of any recent threats to Salas.


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Bitter Loser and Never-Trumper John Kasich to Speak at DNC Convention for Joe Biden

Bitter loser and Never-Trump John Kasich will speak at the DNC convention for Joe Biden.

The former Republican governor of Ohio ran for president as a Republican in 2016.
He lost to Trump badly and has been a crybaby ever since.

Cleveland.com reported:

John Kasich, the Republican ex-governor of Ohio turned critic of President Donald Trump, is expected to speak at the Democratic National Convention next month in support of Joe Biden, according to the Associated Press.

It’s a move that would be unthinkable just a few years ago, when, as governor, Kasich clashed with Democrats on a range of issues, from abortion to collective bargaining for public employees.

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