Army/Navy erupts in USA chant as President Trump steps on the football field. Incredible. — Kambree (@KamVTV) December 12, 2020
A company in the oil and gas industry, Innovex Downhole Solutions, wanted to get its employees The North Face jackets with the company logo on them for Christmas. When the company reached out to The North Face, however, their request was denied based on their industry, the CEO said. CBS7 reported that Innovex CEO Adam […]
Concerns about his health led to the early release of a former top member of the terrorist network headed by Osama bin Laden. The New York Post reported Friday that Adel Abdel Bary, 60, left behind a New Jersey prison where he had spent 21 years on Oct. 9. Bary is now in London, where,…
The far-left Washington Postreports that nine states will put their prisoners ahead of the general public once the coronavirus vaccine is available, and I think that’s the right thing to do.
Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Nebraska,North Carolina, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, and the territory of Puerto Rico have put prisoners on the first of three tiers for vaccinations, along with healthcare workers, residents in long-term care facilities, police, and fire personnel.
Phase two includes people over age 65, school personnel, individuals with comorbidities, and grocery store workers. Phase three is the rest of us, the general public.
The Daily Wire lays out in detail how each state is doing things a little differently. Little nuances here and there. For instance, here in North Carolina, “prisoners in jails will be part of Phase 1B, along with “residents in long-term care settings, including nursing homes, adult care homes, family care homes, group homes, and homes serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities[.]” Included in 1A are “healthcare workers and medical first responders who are at high risk of exposure based on work duties or who are vital to the initial COVID-19 vaccine distribution.”
This might surprise some of you, but this strikes me as the right thing to do.
As a society and for good reason, we have created a criminal justice system that takes away the rights of individuals lawfully convicted of certain crimes. In doing so, the State assumes responsibility for the care and well-being of these inmates. These people become our responsibility, which means we have a responsibility to keep them safe and healthy.
You don’t need me to explain why jails and prisons have been coronavirus hot spots, so these places should definitely be at the top of the list.
Someday. Not today or tomorrow or next year, maybe not in my lifetime, but someday, this country will be forced to face the way it treats its prisoners, and that is going to be a day of shame, how we all turned our backs knowing how dangerous these prisons are, how we made jokes about ass-rape, how we knew what was going on and did nothing, other than to turn the truth into action movie fodder.
We’re responsible for these people. As a society, we are supposed to take care of them, and it is a real scandal that we know what goes on in these places and nothing is done. The least among us…
I’m all for locking people up. I’m all for locking violent people up forever. But once these people are under our care, we have a moral responsibility to keep them safe and healthy and, yes, comfortable.
And I can’t imagine how bad things must be for inmates in these prisons right now during the pandemic. Life is hard enough in these places without all the coronavirus protocols. So, no, the people we are fully responsible for should definitely be at the top of the vaccination list.
Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.
A group of House Democrats is plotting a resolution for next year that would attempt to keep criminal illegal aliens in the United States rather than their being deported, along with a series of other proposals to obstruct federal immigration officials’ ability to arrest and detain illegal aliens.
Representatives Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Judy Chu (D-CA), Jesus Garcia (D-IL), and Veronica Escobar (D-TX) have compiled a resolution that they plan to introduce next year which serves as a wish list for the open borders lobby.
The resolution, shared with Vox, seeks to allow illegal aliens to stay in the U.S. and face fines, community service requirements, probation, or attend treatment programs when they are arrested and convicted of various crimes rather than immediately facing deportation before an immigration judge.
“Deportation should not be the consequence of minor offenses, such as shoplifting or a traffic violation, Jayapal said in an interview,” Vox reported. Jayapal also said that the House Democrats are looking to “disentangle this idea that all criminals should be deported.”
Another component of the resolution calls for the U.S. to presume “liberty for all immigrants.”
In practice, the provision eliminates all detention of adult border crossers so long as they arrive with children and ends local law enforcement’s ability to partner with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency to ensure criminal illegal aliens are not released back into the communities they have victimized.
The resolution comes as Democrat Joe Biden has said he will send an amnesty for 11 to 22 million illegal aliens to the U.S. Senate in his first 100 days. Likewise, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has suggested that elected Democrats are already working on the amnesty plan.
Biden is being lobbied by the open borders lobby to end deportations of all illegal aliens, including convicted criminals, indefinitely, and eliminate detention of border crossers.
“In the first 100 days, we believe he needs to be bold, swift, and act without hesitation,” United We Dream Executive Director Greisa Martinez told Politico this week.
Every year, about 1.2 million legal immigrants are awarded green cards and another 1.4 million foreign nationals are given visas to arrive in the U.S. These legal immigration admissions are in addition to the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who annually cross U.S. borders and overstay their visas.
The nation’s decades-long mass immigration consensus in Washington, D.C. has surged the level of foreign workers in the U.S. labor market with whom working and middle class Americans are forced to compete for jobs.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.
Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam announced new COVID-19 restrictions Thursday that are designed to impact social gatherings, expand mask mandates, and install a curfew for Virginians.
Northam used the announcement to link the spread of the virus to worship services and to lecture the faithful on how they should practice their faith, specifically calling out believers who feel they need to gather in person in order to worship.
Not coincidentally, the announcement came just hours before the start of Hanukkah.
What did the governor say?
During a news conference Thursday, Northam outlined the new restrictions included in his newly signed executive order, the Virginian-Pilot reported.
The restrictions include limiting all social gatherings to 10 people, instituting a curfew for citizens from midnight to 5 a.m., expanding mask mandates to require anyone over 5 years of age to wear one indoors and outdoors when they are away from their home, further reducing the number of people permitted to attend kids’ sporting events, and emphasizing already strict requirements on restaurants and gyms that want to stay open.
The order will go into effect Sunday night at midnight and is set to expire Jan. 31.
After laying out the new edicts, the governor went on to lecture religious Virginians and attempted to tie faith services to the spread of COVID-19.
The governor delivered his chastisement on the same day that Jews were preparing to celebrate the first night of Hanukkah and as Christians continue to mark the days of Advent leading up to Christmas.
"I’d like to take a moment to talk about our faith communities," the governor began his admonishment. "This is a holy time for multiple faith traditions. Tonight, as a matter of fact, is the first night of Hanukkah. Christmas is two weeks away."
However, the governor warned, those who value the importance of corporate worship should not let the joy and beauty and togetherness of the season cloud "what is truly the most important thing."
‘What is truly the most important thing’?
In an attempt to discourage church attendance, he then scolded anyone who wanted to gather for worship for apparently not knowing what is truly important — worship — or how to appropriately engage in it.
"The holidays are typically times of joy and community. We gather together, we celebrate our faith, and we celebrate with family," Northam said. "But this year we need to think about what is truly the most important thing. Is it the worship or the building? For me, God is wherever you are. You don’t have to sit in the church pew for God to hear your prayers."
Gov. Northam turned his focus to religious leaders to "set an example" for the faithful, explaining to them what real worship is.
"I strongly call on our faith leaders to lead the way and set an example for their members," he said. "Worship with a mask on is still worship. Worship outside or worship online is still worship."
Governor Ralph Northam New COVID-19 Restrictions to Fight Spread of Coronavirus in