An Ominous Sign: Americans Have Begun Stealing Food To Survive

An Ominous Sign: Americans Have Begun Stealing Food To Survive
Tyler Durden
Fri, 12/11/2020 – 17:00

Authored by Daisy Luther via The Organic Prepper blog,

If you’ve been waiting for a sign that things are really bad economically in the United States, here it is. Americans who never would have contemplated shoplifting before are stealing food to survive.

One of the things that we often say in preparedness circles as we watch chaotic Black Friday scenes or fiery riots unfold is, “You think it’s bad now? Just wait until people are hungry!”

Well, guess what?

People are hungry.

Food insecurity and hunger

I wrote the other day about how the response to the pandemic has destroyed the personal finances of American families. An area that deserves more attention is food insecurity.  Food insecurity is defined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life at a household level.

Hunger, on the other hand, is a personal, physiological condition that results from food insecurity.

The word “hunger,” the panel stated in its final report, “…should refer to a potential consequence of food insecurity that, because of prolonged, involuntary lack of food, results in discomfort, illness, weakness, or pain that goes beyond the usual uneasy sensation.” (source)

More than 50 million people are suffering from food insecurity in the United States right now, a number that has leaped dramatically due to the response to the coronavirus.

Meanwhile, an estimated 54 million Americans will struggle with hunger this year, a 45 percent increase from 2019, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. With food aid programs like SNAP and WIC being reduced, and other federal assistance on the brink of expiration, food banks and pantries are being inundated, reporting hours-long waits and lines that stretch into the thousands. (source)

There are a number of reasons this is occurring at such large numbers.

  • Massive numbers of job losses

  • The increasing price of food

  • Children who used to get breakfast and lunch at school are now eating all three meals at home

  • Many families who can’t afford their bills and groceries still make too much money to qualify for federal food assistance

This is a topic that a lot of people are judgmental about because they’ve never experienced it and consider it a sign of a character flaw.

I spent several years living with food insecurity and poverty when my children were younger, and I can tell you for a fact, it’s a terrifying feeling when you have no idea what you’re going to feed those precious little humans for dinner. I skipped many meals so my kids could eat and I was working full time. Food insecurity is not just something that happens to lazy bums. It could be happening to that nice family next door to you and you’d never know it.

Having been in this horrible position, I want to urge you, if you are able to afford it, to please donate to food banks, soup kitchens, or directly to families in need. Non-perishable foods, treats for the kids, peanut butter, things that don’t require a lot of cooking (families in need may not have the utilities available to cook beans and rice from scratch), and hygiene products are all very welcome. When you’re broke, fresh produce is always the first to go, so if you’re donating directly and can swing it, consider adding some fresh fruits and vegetables.

Elected officials are busy playing games.

As food becomes more difficult to acquire, people are becoming desperate. Hunger in the United States has reached a level that hasn’t been seen in decades. Much of the additional aid from the government expired months ago and our elected officials are too busy playing games to pass a bill that will actually assist the people who are suffering without lining the pockets of big businesses.

More than 20 million Americans are on some form of unemployment assistance, and 12 million will run out of benefits the day after Christmas unless new relief materializes. Though lawmakers have made progress this week on a $908 billion bill, details are still being worked out, congressional aides said…

…Several federal food programs that have provided billions of dollars in fresh produce, dairy and meat to U.S. food banks also are set to expire at the end of the year. The largest among them, the Farmers to Families Food Box, has provided more than 120 million food boxes during the pandemic and is already running out of funding in many parts of the country. (source)

The government – you know – the ones who have caused this crisis by destroying millions of jobs and hundreds of thousands of businesses – aren’t doing a whole lot to help. While it isn’t the government’s job to take care of everybody, does that change when they’re the ones who screwed everybody in the first place and created a situation in which people couldn’t take care of themselves?

So how are people without any money getting food?

Twenty percent of Americans are now turning to food banks to help keep their families fed. And according to a report in the Washington Post, the shoplifting of food and other essential items is increasing significantly.

The result is a growing subset of Americans who are stealing food to survive.

Shoplifting is up markedly since the pandemic began in the spring and at higher levels than in past economic downturns, according to interviews with more than a dozen retailers, security experts and police departments across the country. But what’s distinctive about this trend, experts say, is what’s being taken — more staples like bread, pasta and baby formula.

“We’re seeing an increase in low-impact crimes,” said Jeff Zisner, chief executive of workplace security firm Aegis. “It’s not a whole lot of people going in, grabbing TVs and running out the front door. It’s a very different kind of crime — it’s people stealing consumables and items associated with children and babies.” (source)

I’m sure we can all agree that stealing is wrong. But I’m also sure we can all agree that being unable to feed our children could compel us to do things we’d otherwise never do.

The Washington Post article shows the human side of those who are shoplifting.

So who is actually doing the stealing? It’s a mixed bag. There are some people who are literally stealing to survive while others are stealing items to continue to maintain their lifestyle or “spice up” their inexpensive meals.

Jean is a single mom who was working full time and going to college when the pandemic hit, causing her son’s preschool to close, which in turn, meant she had to quit her job to care for him, which in turn meant she wasn’t eligible for unemployment.

Jean said she was out of options. So she began sneaking food into her son’s stroller at the local Walmart. She said she’d take things like ground beef, rice or potatoes but always pay for something small, like a packet of M&M’s. Each time, she’d tell herself that God would understand.

“I used to think, if I get in trouble, I’d say, ‘Look, I’m sorry, I wasn’t stealing a television. I just didn’t know what else to do. It wasn’t malicious. We were hungry,’ ” said Jean, 21, who asked to be identified by her middle name to discuss her situation freely. “It’s not something I’m proud of, but it’s what I had to do.” (source)

While Jean feels terrible about it and has focused on necessities, there’s another side to the shoplifting – those who don’t seem to feel badly about it at all and who shoplift things that aren’t exactly keeping them alive.

Sloane lost her job in the initial wave of layoffs and her partner quit because he didn’t feel safe working in retail during the pandemic. She focuses on large chains instead of smaller businesses because they can afford the loss.

In Virginia, Sloane, 28, says she has been dropping avocados, mushrooms and other fresh produce into her bag without paying for them since September. She worries constantly about getting caught and takes only a couple of items at a time. “But when you’re eating cheap meals every day, sometimes it’s nice to have an avocado to spice things up for one night,” she said. (source)

And Alex graduated with a master’s degree in May when absolutely nobody was hiring. She steals from Whole Foods and doesn’t feel guilty.

She’d spent most of her $1,200 stimulus check on rent, and used what little she had left to buy groceries. Everything else — vitamins, moisturizer, body wash — she said she shoplifted from a Whole Foods Market a few miles from her apartment in Chicago.

“It was like, I could spend $10 and get a couple of vegetables or I could spend $10 on just a box of tampons,” said Alex, 27, who asked to be identified by her middle name to speak candidly…
…She says she moves through the store mostly unnoticed. Usually, she said, she picks up a few bulky vegetables — a bunch of kale, maybe, or a few avocados — to disguise the pricier items she slips into her bag at the self checkout.

“I don’t feel much guilt about it,” she said. “It’s been very frustrating to be part of a class of people who is losing so much right now. And then to have another class who is profiting from the pandemic — well, let’s just say I don’t feel too bad about taking $15 or $20 of stuff from Whole Foods when Jeff Bezos is the richest man on Earth.” (Bezos is the founder and chief executive of Amazon, which owns Whole Foods. He also owns The Washington Post.) (source)

This is just a small glimpse into the mindset of people whose circumstances have changed.

You may read these stories and focus on the last two. If you did that, I think you’d be overlooking the bigger picture. Those who are stealing to survive are not out there talking to the Washington Post about it. They’re ashamed to be in the position in which they have to steal. And the statistics support this theory. To be clear, more of the things being stolen are far from luxury items like body wash and avocados. Items being stolen the most frequently are diapers, formula, ground beef, rice, pasta, bread, milk, and winter clothing.

They may not be getting away with as much as they think they are.

The people who are stealing smaller items and focusing on big companies that “can absorb the losses” may think that they’ll get in less trouble because the value of the items is so low. But they could be in for a terrible surprise.

An employee of Target who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity warned that many of the larger stores like Target and Walmart have facial recognition software and they keep records of what a person is stealing. He explained how it works:

Stores like Target and Walmart have facial recognition software and they will put you into a database even if you’ve only stolen one small thing and will wait until you’ve stolen a cumulative amount of 600-1000 dollars worth of merchandise so they can charge you with something bigger.

So for example, if you walked into a Target in Richmond and stole a pair of panties, and then went to a different city, say, Charlotte, as soon as you walk into the store, it pulls up your face and gives security the option to open the file and like see all the other tapes with your face on them.

You know all those cameras that are everywhere at the large discount stores now, including at the self-checkout counter and over the doors as you walk in? Yeah, those are the ones putting you in a database.

So what happens next?

While it feels like our nation’s economic disaster has been going on for a very long time, we’re still in the early stages. We still have a regular rule of law in most places. We have police officers, a court system, and some forms of government aid. But as things worsen – and they will – so too will the level of desperation.

Shoplifting of food and necessities has increased dramatically since last March. Retail theft in Philadelphia is up 60% over last year’s numbers. This kind of theft always increases after a major disaster, but according to Read Hayes, a criminologist at the University of Florida and the director of the Loss Prevention Research Council, “the current trend line is skewing even higher” than normal post-disaster.

The fact that retail theft has continued to increase so dramatically is an incredibly important warning sign for us to heed. While some people seem to be stealing out of a sense of entitlement, others are stealing in order to survive. No longer are people able to put together meals from food banks, government assistance, their jobs – they are stealing in order to feed their families.

If you look at economic collapses, historically the thefts start small. You see the things we’re seeing now. A mom trying to feed her toddler. A broke young couple trying to replace the things they can no longer afford to buy. But don’t expect things to stay at the current level.

Where do we go next? Well, hopefully, it won’t get this bad, but consider Venezuela – a country whose path to economic disaster we are parallelling at a rather unsettling level.

Remember in Venezuela when people began attacking trucks carrying supplies? Or how hungry people have stolen cows and horses from farms? Or how they’ve raided the zoos in search of meat? Remember the videos and photos you’ve seen of hungry people looting – not for televisions and expensive sneakers – but in order to eat?

And then what?

When all the stores are out of food? When all the farms have been plundered? Where do those hungry people go next?

It’s not a stretch of the imagination to think they might show up at your front door. It would probably start with the folks who know you. Friends, extended family, neighbors who all think you might be able to spare a meal or a loaf of bread. You should consider now how you plan to answer that question, which will, of course, vary from person to person.

I hope that you’ve practiced careful OpSec all these years we’ve been talking about it. Because we are approaching a time when that your insistence on privacy won’t seem silly to the people who thought you were cute but maybe a little paranoid or a little kooky.

If things continue to decline and it becomes well known that you have a supply of food, you’d better hope that you have a vigorous defensive plan and the means to enact it. Because you’re going to have a Black Friday mob at your gate. And they’re going to be after the means to stay alive, not just sale-priced bathroom linens.

Override Early Access

via ZeroHedge News

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Tucker Carlson Torches Liberal Media’s Pathetic Censorship, Cover-Up of Hunter Stories

While the liberal media have at least acknowledged that Hunter Biden’s in legal jeopardy regarding his financial affairs, they’ve spent the week trying to memory hole their blatant censorship campaign and cases of bias by omission from October when blockbuster stories in the New York Post and Tucker Carlson’s Tony Bobulinski went live. So, on Thursday night, Carlson dedicated the opening monologue of his FNC show to torching the aforementioned shills.
Carlson began by recalling the term “October surprise” serving as “political slang for a damaging news story that appears in the final days of a campaign” with 2020 being no exception with the Post revealing “a trove of documents showing that members of Joe Biden’s family have been selling access to…a number of foreign governments including the communist government of China.”
“Now that’s a blockbuster. But the rest of the media decided to kill it before you could read it. Social media companies banned their users from sharing the New York Post’s reporting. Other news organizations simply ignored it,” he added.
After slamming NPR’s reaction to the Post’s story and CNN International/PBS host Christianne Amanpour’s embarrassing interview with RNC spokeswoman Liz Harrington, Carlson took note of the liberal media’s decision to mention Hunter’s life of corruption as something more than Russian disinformation due to the fact that it’s been over a month since Election Day 
Therefore, Carlson surmised that, on Wednesday, “millions of Americans learned” what the Bidens have been up to (click “expand”):
    Yesterday, millions of Americans learned, some for the very first time that the Biden family has indeed been deeply enmeshed in a series of sleazy international business deals that undercut America’s core interests. We learned that there’s an active federal criminal investigation into Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, for that very reason. What’s interesting is how we found this out. The media didn’t tell us, neither did the Justice Department. Hunter Biden has far better connections than, say, Roger Stone. Hunter Biden was allowed to tell his own story. He wasn’t rousted from bed at 5:00 a.m. by dozens of armed paramilitaries, his arrest in his boxer shorts carried live on CNN. No, no, no. He’s a prominent Democrat. So he is spared those humiliations. Instead, the Biden-Harris transition team broke the news in the form of a bizarre press release that informed us with a straight face that Joe Biden was “deeply proud of his boy, Hunter,” who by the way may have had some minor tax trouble that he will clear up soon the minute his account returns from Cabo, but no big deal. Happy Holidays. Okay, guys, thanks for the heads up. But actually, and you may have guessed this part, it turns out there’s more. A report in Politico today reveals that Joe Biden’s younger brother, Jimmy, is involved, too. This was a family business, keep in mind. Jimmy Biden is also under federal criminal investigation for corruption in the hospital business. 
    For the few who are able to follow the details of the Biden’s business deals back in October, who actually read  the New York Post series or watched this show, none of this comes as a complete surprise. At the time, we talked to Tony Bobulinski about what he saw. Bobulinski was a business partner of the Biden’s as they tried to wheedle money from companies connected to Communist China. Tony Bobulinski by contrast, was a legitimate international businessman. 
On Bobulinski’s claim that Jim Biden told him that the family avoids scrutiny due to “plausible deniability,” the Daily Caller co-founder stated that “[a]n independent media wouldn’t be fooled by plausible deniability either” and they would instead “demand answers” and “documents, but they didn’t.”
Carlson went on:
    What exactly were you doing? Let’s see the documents. But they didn’t. When the New York Post published the outlines of this story, the media raced to find its own plausible deniability, some reason, any reason not to report the story. Any reporter who broke rank and decided to state the facts was quickly disciplined and brought to heel.
Carlson cited CBS’s Bo Erickson and Politico’s Jake Sherman as just two examples from October that tried to go against the grain in October to only be roundly condemned by their side.
But in one of the more embarrassing displays over the past week, Carlson slammed The Daily Beast’s insistence that these Hunter Biden revelations were new (click “expand”):
    Now, what’s so interesting is that none of Bo Erickson’s colleagues in the news media came to his defense. In fact, several former flacks for Barack Obama mocked him on social media and again, his colleagues stayed silent. Now, we’re being told to pretend that none of this ever happened. It’s all down the memory hole. In an article published today in The Daily Beast, probably the single worst example of bad journalism on the internet, we learned that, “evidence of the larger Hunter Biden probe was apparent in the markings on a series of documents that were made public — but went largely unnoticed — in the days leading up to the November election.” Largely unnoticed. Oh, of course, in the middle of a presidential campaign, front page story about one of the candidates doing business with our main global enemy, but somehow, nobody noticed. Just weird. Unaccountable. How did that happen? One group who did notice were the professional liars in our so-called Intel community, the ones that work hand in glove with so-called journalists in our media. Shortly after the New York Post story, ran a number of these people, all-star propagandists like Jim Clapper and John Brennan, people who’ve lied in public under oath and never been punished for it, they denounced the New York Post series as Soviet style disinformation. The stories they said had, “All the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” They didn’t explain what that meant, but they didn’t need to, the media class ate it up. Like the seals they are, they clapped and barked in unison, Russia, Russia, Russia.
As the MRC found in our post-election poll of swing-state Biden voters, the liberal media’s censorship campaign sure seems to have paid off.
To see the relevant FNC transcript from December 10, click “expand.”
FNC’s Tucker Carlson Tonight
December 10, 2020
8:00 p.m. Eastern
TUCKER CARLSON: October surprise. You’ve heard that term. It’s political slang for a damaging news story that appears in the final days of a campaign. This year, we had one. One of the biggest October surprises ever. The New York Post — that’s the oldest daily newspaper in this country — published a trove of documents showing that members of Joe Biden’s family have been selling access to the former Vice President to a number of foreign governments including the communist government of China. Now that’s a blockbuster. But the rest of the media decided to kill it before you could read it. Social media companies banned their users from sharing the New York Post’s reporting. Other news organizations simply ignored it. On October 22nd, that was 11 days before the presidential election, National Public Radio, an organization that is literally state media, funded against your will by your tax dollars, issued the following statement through its public editor. NPR explained that they would not say anything negative about the Biden’s and here’s why, “we don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.” Now, you’re probably thinking that is the single dumbest, most dishonest, high- handed infuriatingly, arrogant thing I have ever heard. But if you feel that way, obviously, you don’t watch CNN. On that same day, October 22nd, an RNC spokeswoman called Liz Harrington made the mistake of submitting to an interview with Christiane Amanpour. Harrington hoped to talk about the Biden’s business deals. Amanpour is, and we’re quoting here, “CNN’s chief international anchor.” Here’s how it went.
CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR: As you know perfectly well, I’m a journalist and a reporter and I follow the facts. And there has never been 
LIZ HARRINGTON: Yes, we know that.
AMANPOUR: — any issues in terms of corruption. Now, let me ask you this. Yesterday, the F.B.I. —
HARRINGTON: Wait, wait. How do you know that?
AMANPOUR: — I’m talking about reporting, and any evidence. I’m talking to you now to ask you a question about what the FBI’s —
HARRINGTON: Okay, I would love that you guys would start doing that digging and start doing that verification.
AMANPOUR: — no, we are not going to do your work for you. I want to ask you a question. The FBI —
HARRINGTON: That’s a journalist’s job.
AMANPOUR: — contrary —
HARRINGTON: That’s a journalist’s job.
AMANPOUR: — contrary to what President —
HARRINGTON: It’s a journalist’s job to find out if this is verified.
CARLSON: “As you know perfectly well, I am a journalist and a reporter,” says Christiane Amanpour, who of course, is neither of those things, and never has been. Christiane Amanpour is a celebrity script reader, a halfwit whose self-esteem far outpaces her accomplishments. She is also it turns out the personal flack for the Biden family international finance corporation. That’s not in her Twitter bio, but it’s pretty obvious. There have never been any issues of corruption with the Bidens, Amanpour announced, as if she hadn’t just been confronted with something. And so it went just like that across the entire American news media until the presidential election. Now, six weeks later, it is finally safe to speak freely, and so the truth is coming out. We now know the New York Post was right all along and so was poor Liz Harrington of the RNC. Yesterday, millions of Americans learned, some for the very first time that the Biden family has indeed been deeply enmeshed in a series of sleazy international business deals that undercut America’s core interests. We learned that there’s an active federal criminal investigation into Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, for that very reason. What’s interesting is how we found this out. The media didn’t tell us, neither did the Justice Department. Hunter Biden has far better connections than, say, Roger Stone. Hunter Biden was allowed to tell his own story. He wasn’t rousted from bed at 5:00 a.m. by dozens of armed paramilitaries, his arrest in his boxer shorts carried live on CNN. No, no, no. He’s a prominent Democrat. So he is spared those humiliations. Instead, the Biden-Harris transition team broke the news in the form of a bizarre press release that informed us with a straight face that Joe Biden was “deeply proud of his boy, Hunter,” who by the way may have had some minor tax trouble that he will clear up soon the minute his account returns from Cabo, but no big deal. Happy Holidays. Okay, guys, thanks for the heads up. But actually, and you may have guessed this part, it turns out there’s more. A report in Politico today reveals that Joe Biden’s younger brother, Jimmy, is involved, too. This was a family business, keep in mind. Jimmy Biden is also under federal criminal investigation for corruption in the hospital business. We don’t know more than that, and we should stress that fast Jimmy Biden is presumed innocent until proven otherwise in a court of law by a jury of his peers. Jimmy is not a felon yet. We will keep you updated. For the few who are able to follow the details of the Biden’s business deals back in October, who actually read  the New York Post series or watched this show, none of this comes as a complete surprise. At the time, we talked to Tony Bobulinski about what he saw. Bobulinski was a business partner of the Biden’s as they tried to wheedle money from companies connected to Communist China. Tony Bobulinski by contrast, was a legitimate international businessman. And at some point, he began to wonder what the hell is going on. In our interview, Bobulinski described one of his meetings with fast Jimmy Biden. Bobulinski wanted to know why the Biden family was so brazen, so open about peddling Joe’s influence to oligarchs and enemies of the United States. Wasn’t that a risk? Here is how Jimmy Biden responded.
TONY BOBULINSKI: And I remember looking at Jim Biden and saying, “how are you guys getting away with this? Like, aren’t you concerned?” And he certainly looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said, “plausible deniability.”
CARLSON: He said that out loud.
BOBULINSKI: Ah, yes, he said it directly to me, one-on-one in a cabana at the Peninsula Hotel.
CARLSON: “Plausible deniability.” When your business partner tells you that your business strategy rests on plausible deniability, that’s not reassuring. And it certainly wasn’t reassuring to Tony Bobulinski. Why would it be? An independent media wouldn’t be fooled by plausible deniability either. They demand answers. What exactly were you doing? Let’s see the documents. But they didn’t. When the New York Post published the outlines of this story, the media raced to find its own plausible deniability, some reason, any reason not to report the story. Any reporter who broke rank and decided to state the facts was quickly disciplined and brought to heel. Politico’s Jake Sherman, for example, apologized in public for the crime of discussing the New York Post story after Twitter suspended him for posting it, for posting facts, “I tweeted a link to the New York Post story right after it dropped yesterday morning. I immediately reached out to the Biden Campaign to see if they had any answer. I wish I had given the story a closer read before I tweeted it.” In other words, bless me, CNN for I have sinned. Over at CBS News, a kid called Bo Erickson didn’t get the memo on the boundaries of this new journalism, so he tried to get Joe Biden himself to respond to the story and here’s how it went.
BO ERICKSON: Mr. Biden, what is your response to The New York Post story about your son, sir?
JOE BIDEN: I knew you’d ask that. I have no response. It’s another smear campaign. It’s right up your alley. They are the questions you always ask.
CARLSON: Yes, you’re a smear merchant, says Joe Biden to a guy he has never seen before and doesn’t recognize. Everyone looks the same to Joe Biden. It’s all kind of a blur. But he attacked Bo Erickson of CBS News as a liar and a propagandist. Now, what’s so interesting is that none of Bo Erickson’s colleagues in the news media came to his defense. In fact, several former flacks for Barack Obama mocked him on social media and again, his colleagues stayed silent. Now, we’re being told to pretend that none of this ever happened. It’s all down the memory hole. In an article published today in The Daily Beast, probably the single worst example of bad journalism on the internet, we learned that, “evidence of the larger Hunter Biden probe was apparent in the markings on a series of documents that were made public — but went largely unnoticed — in the days leading up to the November election.” Largely unnoticed. Oh, of course, in the middle of a presidential campaign, front page story about one of the candidates doing business with our main global enemy, but somehow, nobody noticed. Just weird. Unaccountable. How did that happen? One group who did notice were the professional liars in our so-called Intel community, the ones that work hand in glove with so-called journalists in our media. Shortly after the New York Post story, ran a number of these people, all-star propagandists like Jim Clapper and John Brennan, people who’ve lied in public under oath and never been punished for it, they denounced the New York Post series as Soviet style disinformation. The stories they said had, “All the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” They didn’t explain what that meant, but they didn’t need to, the media class ate it up. Like the seals they are, they clapped and barked in unison, Russia, Russia, Russia.
CARLSON: Yeah, it’s just obviously a Russian plot. Obviously. Obviously, none of these people should ever appear on television again, though, doubtless they will. Some are saying tonight we need to go farther to find out what actually happened. There are calls tonight for a new special prosecutor to investigate what we have learned so far, about the Biden family’s business dealings abroad. Now, let’s be honest, as much as we are anxious to find out the truth and we think it’s important, too, a special prosecutor is something that no one in this country should be eager to see, no matter what side you’re on. We’ve seen over the past four years what a special prosecutor can due to the normal functioning of a government. Open-ended investigations of politicians are hallmarks of corrupt regimes and dictatorships. And most Americans are skeptical of those kinds of probes and rightly so. But unless our media start doing its job and telling us what our politicians are up to, the Justice Department and Bill Barr may have no choice, and if they do move forward with a special prosecutor, they will have one unlikely supporter: Joe Biden himself. Last year, Joe Biden went on the record confirming that he would not interfere with any Justice Department investigation.
BIDEN: Look, I would not direct my Justice Department like this President does. I’d let them make their independent judgment. I would not dictate who should be prosecuted or who should be exonerated. That’s not the role of the President of the United States. [SCREEN WIPE] Follow the law. Let the Justice Department make the judgment as to whether or not someone should be prosecuted. Period.
CARLSON: Uh-huh. We’ll see if he lives up to that. We should note, if the current President was, “directing the Justice Department for political ends,” he didn’t do a very effective job of it. Robert Mueller spent millions of dollars, spent years, ruined many lives, purely as a favor to people who could not believe that Donald Trump really beat Hillary Clinton. This country might not survive another investigation like that. On the other hand, you’ve got to wonder how long a democracy can survive a leadership class like the one we have now.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Netflix Star Was Not Just A Pedophile He Was Running His Own Child Sex Ring…

Via Chicago Suntimes:

“Cheer” star Jerry Harris faces several new criminal charges in an indictment made public Friday afternoon.

Harris is charged with child pornography and sex crimes involving four victims in the new seven-count indictment that alleges conduct in Illinois, Florida and Texas. The indictment was released publicly by attorneys for two of Harris’ alleged victims.

Though Harris was originally charged with one count of production of child pornography, the feds have hinted more charges could come. They said Harris sexually assaulted a 15-year-old boy in a public bathroom, tried to persuade another minor to engage in oral sex at cheerleading events, solicited a third for sex and admitted having five to 10 victims in all.

Keep reading…

via Weasel Zippers

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Game-Changing Video Shows Blank GA Ballots Turned Into Votes Using Dominion Machine

Two recently released videos seem to reveal a possible method of voter fraud using Dominion Voting System software. Filmed by a Georgia county election supervisor, the videos demonstrate serious security flaws within Dominion’s adjudication process. The company’s machines were used in Georgia and other states during the still-contested November general election. Former New York Mayor…

The post Game-Changing Video Shows Blank GA Ballots Turned Into Votes Using Dominion Machine appeared first on The Western Journal.

via The Western Journal

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Barstool Sports Founder David Portnoy: ‘Politicians Are Stealing The Basic Right To Earn A Living’

Barstool Sports founder David Portnoy let loose on politicians closing small businesses in yet another fiery rant on Friday as he lamented what has become of the nation. “New York City just closed indoor dining,” Portnoy said in a video posted to Twitter. “What do they think is going to happen? What do they think […]

via Conservative Review

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GEORGIA EXCLUSIVE: Election Official Gabriel Sterling Admitted Hiring Counters from the far-left ACLU – Did He Also Allow ACLU Registrars to Fix Voter Registration Records on Election Day?

Georgia Election Official Gabe Sterling admitted earlier this year that he was targeting hiring the ACLU to help count votes in the 2020 Presidential election.  The ACLU did more than that – is this connected to Gabe Sterling?

On November 26 we uncovered a video of Gabe Sterling discussing the 2020 election earlier in the year.  He took credit for the ballot drop boxes and for recommending the hiring of individuals from the ACLU to help with the vote counting in Georgia during the election:

WE CAUGHT THEM: Lin Wood Outed Mysterious Georgia Operative Gabe Sterling – Now Video Shows Him Admitting He Helped Set Up Drop Boxes and Promoted Far Left Activists as Absentee Ballot Counters

Today we uncovered the fact that Ralph Jones, Sr. was involved in curing ballots in Georgia after the election:

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Thousands of Ballots in Georgia Were Likely ‘Cured’ Illegally, Ralph Jones Sr. Probably Knows Who Was Involved

What we have uncovered is that Ralph may have been working with outsiders, to ‘cure’ ballots after election day.  And we have found out that the ACLU may be the group he was working with.

In a video released from the Georgia House investigations Georgia Poll Manager Susan Voyles says that a batch of 60 ballots came in from one Quality Living Center during the election.  Could they have been from a BMD (Ballot Marking Device – Dominion ImageCast X) at that location?   See below at the 2:06:13 mark.

Then at 2:08 mark in the video, she says a Dominion technician logged in from Denver to her poll pad and corrected the designated precinct for her poll pad!  NO AIR GAP!  This is frightening from a control standpoint.

At 2:10 in the video, the attention turns to the actual Ballot Marking Device, and shockingly, they are ALSO connected to the Internet!

At 2:11, Ms Voyles states that she or other poll workers are not allowed to have their personal cell phones or other devices, but the ACLU had a representative there, who had been assigned a role as “Deputy Registrar” accessing COUNTY ELECTION SYSTEMS in real-time ON THE INTERNET on election day to “fix” voter registration records!

Apparently the role of “Deputy Registrars” was promoted by the ACLU.  Here’s a press release from the ACLU for people to volunteer as “Deputy Registrars”!

ACLU Georgia recruited people to be “Deputy Registrars” to “help” on election day :

“Given the record number of absentee ballots already requested for the November 3 general election, Fulton County has developed a new absentee ballot cancellation process. On Election Day, when a Fulton voter who has requested an absentee ballot arrives at a polling location intending to vote in person, it will be the responsibility of the Fulton County Deputy Registrar stationed at each Fulton polling location to cancel that absentee ballot directly through the county election software. This new process will drastically reduce wait times for Fulton voters.”

Was Ralph Jones, Sr working with ACLU related members hired by Gabe Sterling to adjudicate and cure ballots after election day?  This whole thing is a mess!

The post GEORGIA EXCLUSIVE: Election Official Gabriel Sterling Admitted Hiring Counters from the far-left ACLU – Did He Also Allow ACLU Registrars to Fix Voter Registration Records on Election Day? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Minneapolis Cuts Nearly $8 Million in Police Funding as Murder Rate Soars

The Minneapolis City Council voted to cut millions in funding from the city’s police department on Thursday as homicide and violent crime rates in the city skyrocket. 

The 2021 fiscal year budget, approved Thursday morning, reallocates $7.7 million in police department funding to other community services. Meanwhile, homicides in Minneapolis are up 62.5 percent this year, according to police department data. The city’s number of recorded gunshots this year also more than doubles 2019’s tally. And the Washington Post reported that shootings in the city are at a 10-year high and violent crimes are at a 5-year high.

Anti-police activists, including Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.), whose congressional district includes Minneapolis, advocated for disbanding the Minneapolis Police Department after George Floyd died in May while in police custody. The city council passed a resolution to abolish the city’s police department this summer, but the Minneapolis Charter Commission blocked the resolution from being placed on November’s ballot. 

The funds cut from the police department on Thursday will be distributed to mental health and violence prevention services.

Mayor Jacob Frey (D.) called the vote a "defining" moment for Minneapolis in a statement and said that, despite high crime rates, the funding cut gives residents a reason to be "optimistic" for the future of their city. 

"We all share a deep and abiding reverence for the role our local government plays in service of the people of our city," Frey said. "And today, there are good reasons to be optimistic about the future in Minneapolis." 

Homicide and shooting rates rose in the days following Floyd’s death and have remained elevated since, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported. There have been 30 more homicides this year in Minneapolis compared with 2019, according to police department data. Aggravated assaults in the city are up 18 percent and violent crimes overall are up 20 percent. 

Minneapolis joins New York City, Portland, Seattle, and a handful of other U.S. cities that have passed massive police department budget cuts following months of anti-police protests.

The post Minneapolis Cuts Nearly $8 Million in Police Funding as Murder Rate Soars appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

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HOA Tells Family to Remove Cross from Lawn’s Christmas Display

A homeowners association (HOA) recently told a family in Raleigh, North Carolina, to remove a cross from their home’s outdoor Christmas display.

“James Faison and his wife have lived in their community for five years. This Christmas, they put up a six-foot cross in their yard,” ABC 13 reported.

However, the HOA later sent them a letter saying it was not considered a Christmas decoration, but was for Easter or Passover.

“Failure to cure the violation prior to the next inspection may result in the scheduling of a due process hearing and the potential assessment of fines of up to $100 per day, per violation,” the letter read.

In a Facebook post on December 3, Faison wrote, “So the Cross is not representative of CHRISTmas, but a snowman is? We don’t celebrate CHRISTmas because of Santa or a snowman”:

Look whose Christmas decorations are in violation of the HOA!! So the Cross is not representative of CHRISTmas, but a…

Posted by James Faison on Thursday, December 3, 2020

When his family questioned the violation, the HOA asked for scripture references that connected the cross to Christmas:

The Board believes that the Bible is very clear on the distinction between these two major events in Christ’s life on earth. The cross is appropriate for display during the Easter season, but not as a decoration during the Christmas season. Unless biblical references can be provided noting the cross as a symbol of the Christmas season for the board to reconsider, the cross is not considered to be a Christmas decoration.

Faison later provided the Bible verses, writing, “Look at this response!!! What about Luke 2:11, Isaiah 9:6-7, John 18:37, Philippians 2:5-8” on social media:

Look at this response!!! What about Luke 2:11, Isaiah 9:6-7, John 18:37, Philippians…

Posted by James Faison on Thursday, December 3, 2020

When ABC 13 contacted the HOA about the issue, the organization said the cross was allowed to remain, but the case was under review.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday, Faison wrote, “It was nobody but God!!! The Cross in CHRISTmas wins”:

It was nobody but God!!! The Cross in CHRISTmas wins!!!

Posted by James Faison on Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Facebook users expressed their joy at the news and praised Faison for not backing down.

“Thank you so much for standing up for Christ. You are a blessing and a great example of a Christian. God bless you and your family,” one person commented.

“Amen stand for the truth and in what you believe,” another said.

via Breitbart News

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