W.H.O. Chief Tedros Ready to Join ‘Influencers’ Joe Biden, Boris, Obama in Live Coronavirus Vaccination

The chief of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is willing to publicly receive a coronavirus vaccination, joining former U.S. Presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a display of trust in the process.

Tedros, an Ethiopian public health researcher and the head of W.H.O. since 2017, said during a Friday briefing he is “happy to” publicly show himself receiving the vaccination.

“It’s a good idea, and I support their offer,” Tedros said when asked about former U.S. Presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama committing to getting vaccinated publicly, along with Boris Johnson, adding “They can influence… They are influencers.”

“I would be happy to do the same thing, but at the same time, I need to also make sure that it’s my turn because I don’t want to take anybody’s vaccine.”

A W.H.O. report published Friday highlighted “harnessing social influences”, by profiling people who are “particularly trusted” and willing to take a jab could help promote acceptance and uptake of coronavirus vaccines.

The three former presidents agreed to get vaccinated on camera to build American confidence in the drug.

President-elect Joe Biden said he will join them once infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci determines it’s safe, as Breitbart News reported.

Britain on Wednesday became the first Western country to approve a vaccine, from Pfizer-BioNTech, for general use, with other countries now voing to to follow suit swiftly.

Just 12 months after the pandemic began in China, the UK’s independent medicines regulator gave its green light in double-quick time, as Breitbart London reported.

Follow Simon Kent on Twitter: or e-mail to: skent@breitbart.com

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American Diplomats Who Became Ill In Cuba And China May Have Been Targeted With Type Of Radiation, Scientists Find

Years ago, American diplomats in China and Cuba reported falling ill, all with similar symptoms and all within the same time period. The diplomats reported feeling dizzy, visual impairments, unsteadiness, pressure in their head, and hearing a loud sound.

A new study from the National Academies of Sciences said the symptoms the diplomats experienced, a condition named Havana Syndrome, is consistent with the effects of a type of radiation associated with directed microwave energy. NBC News obtained a copy of the report on Friday, and noted the study did not determine whether the directed microwave energy was intentional through the use of some sort of weapon.

“The committee felt that many of the distinctive and acute signs, symptoms and observations reported by (government) employees are consistent with the effects of directed, pulsed radio frequency (RF) energy,” the report said. “Studies published in the open literature more than a half-century ago and over the subsequent decades by Western and Soviet sources provide circumstantial support for this possible mechanism.”

The report added that “the mere consideration of such a scenario raises grave concerns about a world with disinhibited malevolent actors and new tools for causing harm to others, as if the U.S. government does not have its hands full already with naturally occurring threats.”

The new report at least partially contradicts a study from January 2019 conducted by two biologists who studied recordings of the odd sound heard by diplomats in 2016. The biologists determined the sound closely matched the noise made by the Indies short-tailed cricket. That study did not explain the conditions experienced by the diplomats.

This new study, however, suggests the sound may have been connected to the symptoms after all.

GQ Magazine reported last year that CIA officers in Europe and Asia reported the same symptoms as those in Cuba and China years earlier. Marc Polymeropoulos, a CIA caseworker who retired in 2019, told NBC that he is still suffering from symptoms similar to those described by other CIA agents. He told the outlet he believes he suffered a brain injury while in Moscow.

“A source directly familiar with the matter told NBC News the CIA, using mobile phone location data, had determined that some Russian intelligence agents who had worked on microwave weapons programs were present in the same cities at the same time that CIA officers suffered mysterious symptoms. CIA officials consider that a promising lead but not conclusive evidence,” NBC reported.

The State Department cautioned against accepting the latest report as conclusive, listing numerous “challenges of their study,” including data limitations due to a lack of information provided to the academies. The State Department said its own three-year-long investigation was still ongoing and that anything in the new study “remains speculative.”

“While the above limit the scope of the report, they do not lessen its value,” the State Department said in a statement. “We are pleased this report is now out and can add to the data and analyses that may help us come to an eventual conclusion as to what transpired.”

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Trump Campaign Conducting Forensic Audit Of Dominion Machines In MI’s Antrim County After Court Ruling

A Michigan judge has ordered Antrim County election officials to preserve all election materials and refrain from operating any of the county’s Dominion Voting Systems machines ahead of a forensic audit by the Trump campaign. Circuit Judge Kevin Eisenheimer issued the order on Friday after a county resident challenged the election results based off a […]

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Congressman Introduces Bill Requiring Voters To Be Alive To Cast Ballots

Talk about controversial. Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) last week proposed a new bill — the “You Must Be Alive to Vote Act” (let’s call it YMBAVA). YMBAVA’s intent is simple: “To require States to obtain information from Social Security Administration on deaths for purposes of voter registration list maintenance, and for other purposes.” The bill […]

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Carlson: According to Biden’s Rules ‘Your Place in Society Is Determined by Your Birth’

Friday, FNC’s Tucker Carlson opened his broadcast questioning motivations behind Joe Biden’s picks for his Cabinet and high-level staffers — some of which have been appointed in the name of diversity.

Carlson criticized that form of identity politics and said questions should be asked about each individuals’ beliefs.

CARLSON:What exactly does Joe Biden believe? We’ve asked that question before. People who have known Joe Biden for 50 years are still asking that question. The short answer is absolutely nothing.

After a lifetime of serving the Democratic Party, Joe Biden has no fixed beliefs, he can’t. The party has changed too much.

Joe Biden became a Democrat back when Democrats represented America’s working-class: wage earners, heavily Catholic in the big cities and the industrial states.

Democratic voters of that era tended to be populist on economic matters. They like Social Security and Medicare, but they are basically conservative on social questions. They believed in Biology. Most of them got married and went to church.

That’s the world Joe Biden grew up in. This Joe from Scranton, son of a coal miner shtick is a relic from that era, Biden still whips it out occasionally at events, but only for nostalgic reasons and maybe because his memory is fading. When you get to a certain age, 1962 seems like yesterday.

But in fact, it wasn’t yesterday, it was a long time ago. That Democratic Party is gone. It’s been extinct for decades.

The modern Democratic Party no longer represents wage earners. It is now funded almost exclusively by Silicon Valley and the finance establishment, the billionaire class.

Its foot soldiers don’t work in factories, they are community organizers. They’re members of interest groups that have coalesced around a specific race or sex or sexual orientation.

None of these groups exists for the benefit of the United States. They exist only for their own benefit. Their purpose is very clear. It’s to leverage our political system in order to collect as much money and as much power as they can for their own members and for their members alone.

This is called identity politics. It is the most divisive possible way to run a government.

No wise country allows identity politics and for good reason. Identity politics is zero-sum. No group can benefit except at the expense of other groups. In identity politics, there is no such thing as the common good.

A system like that never ends well, to put it mildly. How could it end well? But in 2020, there are no options left on the left. The Democratic Party is about identity politics, and identity politics is all it’s about – – redistributing the spoils. So of course, Joe Biden is on board with it.

Biden went on CNN yesterday to give an interview we wish we’d seen before the election. In that interview, he explained how he is choosing the people who will run our country. Watch.


JOE BIDEN: The first eight members in the most diverse Cabinet anyone in American history has ever announced. There are three white men, there are — excuse me, there are three men, there are five women, there are five people of color, three white people.


CARLSON: So five women, three people of color, three whites. Sounds like a beginning of a joke that’s now banned. So they all walk into a bar, one of the women goes — you can’t tell those anymore. Jokes like that are considered insensitive. Why? Because they reduce people to qualities they can’t control.

Not all people who look alike, are alike. Stereotypes are bad. Remember?

In this country, appearance is not everything. In America, you are more than your ethnicity. Life here is not determined by your DNA. That was the promise anyway. And for a time, roughly from the end of the Civil Rights movement to the beginning of Barack Obama’s first term that seemed to be working fairly well.

We all agreed to try to drop the stereotypes and try to judge people for what they do, not on how they were born, but no longer. We’ve got new rules now. Rules that in fact are very old rules. They stretch back to the Antebellum South and all the way to the ancient caste systems of India.

According to these rules — Joe Biden’s rules — your place in society is determined by your birth. Certain groups get benefits, other groups get punishments. It’s as simple and as primitive as that.

That’s exactly what we’re watching, though, of course, everyone in charge lies about it and calls it progress. The Washington Post — the personal mouthpiece who billionaire progressive Jeff Bezos applauded Biden’s hiring standards just this week, quote, “Joe Biden is building a team that looks like the people it serves,” slobbered the newspaper. And in fact, unintentionally, there’s some truth in that.

In the past three weeks, Joe Biden’s transition team has brought on the so-called agency review teams that do look a lot like the people Joe Biden intends to serve.

Who are on those teams? Well, there’s Tom Sullivan, who is the international tax director at Amazon. There’s Clare Gallagher. She runs global partnerships and strategic planning for Airbnb. There’s Brandon Belford, a senior director at Lyft. There’s Matt Olsen from Uber. Other members come from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Chan- Zuckerberg Initiative.

These are the people giving guidance to, for example, Joe Biden’s new Chief of Staff who himself led Silicon Valley’s lobbying efforts for years. So let’s just say the billionaires have full representation, and they may soon have a lot more.

Joe Biden apparently intends to hire a man called Patrick Gaspard. Gaspard was Barack Obama’s political director, then he was American Ambassador to South Africa.

Most recently though — and this tells you everything — Gaspard has been the President of the Open Society Foundations funded by George Soros. Patrick Gaspard could soon be America’s Labor Secretary, a Cabinet official.

So if you’re asking yourself, does a 90-year-old left-wing Hungarian financier have enough control over the way my country operates? The answer is decidedly yes. George Soros definitely has enough power now, much more power than you have for sure.

In Patrick Gaspard, George Soros has found someone as radical as he is. Three years ago, South Africa’s ruling party, the African National Congress endorsed a plan of taking land from farmers based on skin color without compensating them. They called it Land Reform.

Neighboring Zimbabwe had already done this under its bloodthirsty lunatic leader Robert Mugabe, and probably become the single poorest country in the world and by the way, killed a lot of people in the process. So no sane person thought or thinks this was a good idea. But Patrick Gaspard thought it was a great idea.

As the former Ambassador to South Africa, Gaspard wrote an op-ed in “The Sunday Times” endorsing this and sucking up to the criminally incompetent and corrupt ANC government. Quote, “Yes, the South African government under President Cyril Ramaphosa is talking about accelerating land reform, but in a way that seeks to balance property ownership rights guaranteed by the Constitution, with the need for more equity and nurture a more broadly shared prosperity.”

Oh, more equity, just like in Zimbabwe. Patrick Gaspard added in many forums that anyone who disagreed with his point of view on land reform was of course, an irredeemable racist.

Gaspard later said that he found the South African Constitution superior to America’s Constitution. George Soros would no doubt agree with that. Most Americans probably would not know nor by the way would many South Africans agree with that.

How many have fled that country in just the past 10 years? Patrick Gaspard doesn’t care, like George Soros, he is an ideologue. For him and for all ideologues, outcomes are far less interesting and far less important than theories.

So you won’t be surprised to learn that Patrick Gaspard was once himself a community organizer and that he once worked for failed New York Mayor David Dinkins, and that he remains personally close to Bill de Blasio.

New York City is collapsing, but as far as Patrick Gaspard is concerned, it’s collapsing for the right reasons. Maybe we need more land reform on the Upper East Side. Here’s Patrick Gaspard in the streets protesting the police.


PATRICK GASPARD, FORMER DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF POLITICAL AFFAIRS: Earlier today, President Obama told us all that we have to make people in power uncomfortable. So I’m out here marching with a diverse group of incredible New Yorkers as we all get ready to violate curfew, as we march for peace and we march for justice.

This is a powerful community of dissent that cannot be quarantined and that will not be silenced until real change arrives. Whose streets? Our streets.


CARLSON: “Just taking on the powerful,” says the man who runs George Soros’s foundation. Could this moment get any more perverse? Could the lying be any more obvious? Could it be more Orwellian?

It doesn’t matter what you think. That man could soon be your Labor Secretary.

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Alito Moves Up Deadline For Supreme Court Briefing In Pennsylvania Case, Bringing Within ‘Safe Harbor’ Window To Intervene

Alito Moves Up Deadline For Supreme Court Briefing In Pennsylvania Case, Bringing Within ‘Safe Harbor’ Window To Intervene

Tyler Durden

Sun, 12/06/2020 – 12:00

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has made a critical decision which may signal that court’s willingness to hear a controversial case attempting to flip Pennsylvania’s 2020 election results.

Originally, Alito set a Wednesday deadline for the state to respond to GOP Rep. Mike Kelly’s lawsuit alleging that a 2019 state election reform, known as Act 77, violates both the state and federal constitutions by creating a so-called "no-excuse mail-in" voting regime.

Many took the Wednesday deadline as political theater, as it would place the case outside the "safe harbor" window which requirest that controversies "concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors . . . by judicial or other methods or procedures" to be determined" at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors," according to Law & Crime.

In other words, the Tuesday deadline may signal that the Supreme Court takes Kelly’s case, which was rejected by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court with prejudice last weekend.

According to Kelly’s filing, the ‘no-excuse mail-in’ voting scheme should only apply in a limited number of circumstances, and that people must vote in person unless a narrow list of excuses applies. Thus, Act 77 and related election access laws should be invalidated – along with votes cast under it in the 2020 election.

More via Law & Crime:

In strict theory, the U.S. Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to settle Pennsylvania constitutional issues, such as whether the state statute at question (Act 77) violates the state constitution.  Generally, such matters are the exclusive realm of a state supreme court.  But there are exceptions to that general concept, Kelly argues, including here.  Because the state is acting under a “direct grant of authority” from the U.S. Constitution to manage federal elections, the U.S. Supreme Court can become involved, he argues, and can determine whether the Pennsylvania statutory and constitutional regime of laws violates the U.S. Constitution.  Kelly invites the U.S. Supreme Court to conclude as such and, perhaps more dubiously, that the state court’s way of rubbishing the election violates his rights to petition the government and to receive due process under the First and Fourteenth Amendments thereto.  He frames the issues this way:

1. Do the Elections and Electors Clauses of the United States Constitution permit Pennsylvania to violate its state constitution’s restrictions on its lawmaking power when enacting legislation for the conduct of federal elections?

2. Do the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution permit the dismissal of Petitioners’ claims with prejudice, on the basis of laches, where doing so foreclosed any opportunity for Petitioners to seek retrospective and prospective relief for ongoing constitutional violations?

The “elections clause” of the U.S. Constitution is Article I, § 4, clause 1.  This clause basically says state legislatures can set their own rules for elections:

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but Congress may at any time make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of chusing Senators.

The U.S. Supreme Court has said the framers intended the clause as “a grant of authority to issue procedural regulations, and not as a source of power to dictate electoral outcomes, to favor or disfavor a class of candidates, or to evade important constitutional restraints.”  (Naturally, many of Trump’s supporters are attempting to do the opposite of that.)

*  *  *

Kelly v. Commonwealth – SCO… by Law&Crime

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Crowd at Trump rally in Georgia lashes out at ‘traitor’ Fox News: ‘We trusted you!’

Trump supporters blasted Fox News correspondents on Saturday at a spirited rally in Georgia. At the event in Valdosta, Trump followers lambasted the cable news network for it’s presidential election coverage.

President Donald Trump addressed a large crowd at his "Victory Rally" in Georgia, where he voiced his support of Republican senatorial candidates David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in their battle against Democratic candidates Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock ahead of the Jan. 5 runoff elections.

Trump also used the high-energy rally to spotlight his challenge of the 2020 presidential election results, especially in the state of Georgia.

"We can fight for the presidency and fight to elect our two great senators and we can do it at the same time. We can do it at the same time, it’s alright," Trump told the crowd.

President @realDonaldTrump speaks to Georgia voters at the FIRST rally since the election! I’ve never seen a crowd… https://t.co/vzKByJJRYJ

— Grace Saldana (@Grace Saldana)1607216367.0

Perdue and Loeffler briefly took to the stage to garner support from the pro-Trump crowd but were drowned out by boisterous chants of "Fight for Trump!" and "Stop the steal!"

“Fight for Trump!” chants as the President speaks onstage with Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue #TrumpRally… https://t.co/iinJ2DqhaK

— Brendan Gutenschwager (@Brendan Gutenschwager)1607223139.0

Trump supporters chant “Stop the steal!” as Senator Kelly Loeffler takes the stage to campaign today in Georgia… https://t.co/ehNlzcpPbq

— Brendan Gutenschwager (@Brendan Gutenschwager)1607208136.0

Before the event took place, numerous Trump supporters spotted and then confronted members of Fox News. Trump devotees slammed Fox News for their coverage of the 2020 presidential election, especially early calling the state of Arizona in favor of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

One Trump supporter is seen on video telling a Fox News reporter, "Fox News does not call the election."

According to Sky News producer Sarah Gough, the "Fox News journalists were getting the most abuse" from the pro-Trump crowd, a dubious honor that is usually dedicated to CNN. There were also shouts of "We trusted you!" and "Traitors!" aimed at the cable news network.

Fox News journalists are getting the most abuse from the crowd lining up for Trump’s rally in Valdosta, Georgia. Cr… https://t.co/4DTmurmDmL

— Sarah Gough (@Sarah Gough)1607191974.0

There was a chant of "Fox is fake news!"

Fox is Fake News #FoxNews #TrumpRally #FakeNewsMedia #Valdosta #StopTheSteel2020 https://t.co/sxCsZBwgdy

— Saundra Kiczenski (@Saundra Kiczenski)1607191749.0

Jennifer Jacobs, the senior White House reporter for Bloomberg News, noted that one man was shouting, "The truth is all we want!" He was reportedly escorted out of the rally, while the crowd yelled at security to "leave him alone!"

Man in crowd at Trump "victory rally" in Georgia next to press pen (guy in hat) was shouting at top of his lungs ab… https://t.co/MNBIA0ylCx

— Jennifer Jacobs (@Jennifer Jacobs)1607219558.0

Since Election Day, Fox News has seen its viewership plummet. Fox News’ total viewership declined by a whopping 32% in the two weeks after the Nov. 3 election compared to its viewership in the two weeks prior to the election.

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