Several of Top Saudi Officials Arrested Over Weekend Are Linked to Podesta Group

Several of Top Saudi Officials Arrested Over Weekend Are Linked to Podesta Group

On Sunday the Saudi Kingdom arrested dozens of princes, senior military officers, businessmen and top officials, including a well-known royal billionaire with extensive holdings in Western companies. The regime said it was part of a sweeping anti-corruption probe.

Vocal Trump critic and Clinton donor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal was arrested in the sweep.

Victory of Light posted a list of the top Saudi officials arrested this weekend.

Now this…

Several of these top Saudi officials are linked to the Podesta Group.



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The Humanitarian Hoax of George Soros

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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Joy Reid Spends Sunday Making a Fool of Herself on Twitter, Spurting Off on Guns, Jesus, Liberalism

<p>On Sunday, MSNBC’s <em>AM Joy</em> host Joy Reid decided that she would spend her day making one clueless, deranged, and false statement after another on issues ranging from the definition of classical liberalism to guns to the NRA to the Sutherland Springs church shooting to even the ministry of Jesus Christ.</p>

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Obama Slithers Out to Exploit Cold-Blooded Murder of Christians to Push Gun Control

Democrats and the media wasted no time in exploiting the murder of 26 Christians as they attended worship services to push their gun control agenda.

26-year-old atheist Devin Patrick Kelley – a dishonorably discharged Air Force veteran – opened fire at a Texas Baptist church Sunday on a planned mission of massacre that became the deadliest church shooting in US history. His victims included at least a dozen children, another 20 people were injured.

Rather than hold their tongues out of respect for the dead, the relentlessly anti-Christian, anti-Second Amendment left started in on gun control before the bodies had even cooled off.

And one of the buzzards circling the corpses was none other than former President Barack Obama. Never a man to pass up a chance to play politics, Barry waded in.

Via The Hill “Obama: May God grant us the wisdom for how to prevent gun violence”:

Former President Obama called for action on gun violence after the deadly mass shooting at a church in Texas on Sunday.

“We grieve with all the families in Sutherland Springs harmed by this act of hatred, and we’ll stand with the survivors as they recover,” Obama tweeted Sunday.

“May God also grant all of us the wisdom to ask what concrete steps we can take to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst.”

At least 26 people were killed after a gunman opened fire at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) said it was the deadliest mass shooting in the state’s history, and it came a little more than a month after the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, in Las Vegas.

Obama pushed to pass new gun laws following deadly mass shootings during his administration, most notably after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.

The words “decency” and “Obama” will never collide in the same sentence.

There is also the New York Times with an obscene gimmick of a clock ticking off the time before a “debate” on how to best disarm law-abiding Americans can begin.

And of course Trump hating, anti-gun zealot and Democrat Senator Chris Murphy.

Jimmy Kimmel will no doubt shed fake tears again during tonight’s monologue.

The callous manner in how quickly that the left has exploited this horrific slaughter of innocents is beyond the pale but par for the course.


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Networks Skip This Key Detail: Rand Paul’s Assailant Is a ‘Liberal’ ‘Socialist’

Imagine if lefty Senator Elizabeth Warren had been violently assaulted by an arch-conservative. Think journalists would mention that point? Well, they didn’t when the situation was reversed and Rand Paul was attacked over the weekend by a “liberal” “socialist.” Only ABC even bothered to compare this latest incident to the attempted murder of Republican congressmen in the summer.  The total coverage on ABC, CBS and NBC of this latest violent act is 3 minutes and 7 seconds

On Monday, CBS This Morning co-host Norah O’Donnell offered the bare details in a 36 second news brief: “Republican Senator Paul Rand is recovering from five broken ribs after he was assaulted at his home. The Kentucky lawmaker was attacked Friday in Bowling Green. His next-door neighbor Rene Boucher was arrested for the assault.” She added, “No information on the motive or why he was attacked.” 



Well, we DO have an idea why Boucher didn’t like Paul. In a story on the attack, The Washington Post —  after 17 paragraphs —  revealed this: 

Jeff Jones, a registered nurse who worked with Boucher at the Bowling Green Medical Center, described Boucher’s politics as “liberal.”

“He was active on social media and said some negative things about the Republican agenda,” Jones said. 

“I think it was unfortunate that they lived so close together,” he added.

New York magazine explained that Boucher is also a socialist: 

Boucher’s motive is unclear. Jim Bullington, a former member of the city commission, who knows both men, described Boucher as a socialist and said he’d been known to get into “heated discussions” with the libertarian senator about health care.

Neither ABC’s Good Morning America nor NBC’s Today covered the shooting at all on Monday. 

On Sunday, only GMA’s Kenneth Moton linked, in a broader sense, this assault to the attempted slaughter in June of Republicans at a softball practice: “There have been a number of security concerns for members of Congress. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle reporting threats in the wake of that shooting at the GOP congressional baseball practice a few months ago.”

Moton at least hinted that the attack on Paul could have an ideological motivation: “Rand Paul, outspoken, a fierce critic of the Affordable Care Act and recently a defender of President Trump’s policies.” But there was no mention of Boucher’s politics.

Ideology may have something to do with the attack on Paul. It may not. This may simply revolve around two neighbors who just didn’t like each other. But the fact that this man hated Rand Paul’s beliefs should be mentioned. It would be if the situation was reversed. In fact, journalists don’t even check the facts when there’s an opportunity to smear conservatives. In 2012, ABC falsely connected a mass murder in a Colorado movie theater to the Tea Party. 

(For more on the Rand Paul assault, see NewsBusters.)

A transcript of Monday’s CBS This Morning coverage is below: 

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CBS This Morning
7:18:40 to 7:19:16
36 seconds 

NORAH O’DONNELL: Republican Senator Paul Rand is recovering from five broken ribs after he was assaulted at his home. The Kentucky lawmaker was attacked Friday in Bowling Green. His next-door neighbor Rene Boucher was arrested for the assault. A senior adviser to the Senator said it’s unclear when he’ll go back to work since he’s in considerable pain. His broken ribs include three displaced fractures. In a tweet yesterday, Paul said, quote, “Kelly and I appreciate the overwhelming support after Friday’s unfortunate event. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers.” No information on the motive or why he was attacked. 

GAYLE KING: Very bizarre story. 

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Liberals Defend “Allahu Akbar” But Blast “Thoughts And Prayers”

Liberals never fail to stun me.

Following the mass shooting Sunday morning in Texas, where suspected atheist shooter Devin Patrick Kelley killed 26 men, women and children at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, a number of prominent liberals took to Twitter to blast Christians for responding to the attack with “thoughts and prayers.”

While some aimed their ire at House Speaker Paul Ryan, others seemed to direct their misplaced rage at any Christian who responded to the tragedy with “thoughts and prayers”:

From what I know thus far about Kelley, I suspect he would have agreed with these anti-Christian fat cats.

Moving on …

Contrast these reactions to the way the left responded when Islamist terrorist Sayfullo Saipov plowed through a crowd of pedestrians in New York City last week as he reportedly yelled out, “Allahu Akbar!”

It’s just unbelievable …

Though on the other hand, it does explain why liberals continue to lose election after election after election after election:

Because, frankly, they live in an upside-down world where good is bad, bad is good, “Allahu Akbar” is beautiful and “thoughts and prayer” are dumb.


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Navy Investigating 60 Admirals In Corruption Scandal Centering On Prostitutes And Luxury Gifts

The latest fallout from the Navy’s investigation into the “Fat Leonard” corruption scandal has left 440 active duty and retired personnel, including 60 admirals, under review for their conduct.

The “Fat Leonard” scandal involved Malaysian contractor Leonard Glenn Francis, who obtained classified information in order to get huge contracts for his Glenn Defense Marine Asia company (GDMA) by offering officers expensive parties, luxury gifts, and prostitutes in ports from Vladivostok, Russia to Brisbane, Australia, according to The Washington Post.

Of the 440 people under review, according to the Navy, 230 were not guilty of misconduct. But 28 people, including two admirals, have had criminal charges filed against them by the Justice Department. Although some of the people under review may not be prosecutable in civil court, they may have committed offenses prosecutable in the military justice system.

Five people have been charged with crimes under military law; according to the Navy, 40 other people committed misconduct by violating ethics rules or other regulations, but were not charged with a criminal violation.

Last May, Admiral Robert Gilbeau was convicted of lying to investigators about his relationship with Francis; he was the first active-duty admiral convicted of a federal crime and sentenced to 18 months in jail.

In mid-August, an active-duty US Navy commander, Bobby Pitts, 48, pleaded guilty to conspiring to defraud the Navy in connection with an investigation into Francis. Prosecutors said Pitts shared internal Navy documents about the investigation with Francis, and helped Francis cover up GDMA’s fraudulent practices.

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Pentagon: Ground Invasion ‘Only Way’ to Fully Disarm North Korean Nuclear Program

An analysis by the Pentagon has determined that a ground invasion of North Korea would be the “only way” to fully disarm the country of its nuclear arsenal.

“The only way to ‘locate and destroy – with complete certainty – all components of North Korea’s nuclear weapons programs’ is through a ground invasion,” wrote Rear Admiral Michael Dumont on behalf of the Pentagon Chiefs of Staff, in response to a question from Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) about the escalating conflict.

Dumont added that a ground invasion would increase the risk of a nuclear counter-attack as forces attempted to locate, and consequently disable, its “deeply buried, underground facilities.”

“A classified briefing is the best venue for a detailed discussion,” he said.

A group of former military veterans-turned-congressmen – all Democrats except Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) – described the findings in a joint statement as “deeply disturbing” and expressed fears of a conflict that “could result in hundreds of thousands or even millions of deaths in just the first few days of fighting.”

“Their assessment underscores what we’ve known all along: there are no good military options for North Korea,” the joint statement said. “The President needs to stop making provocative statements that hinder diplomatic options and put American troops further at risk.”

“It is our intent to have a full public accounting of the potential cost of war, so the American people understand the commitment we would be making as a nation if we were to pursue military action,” it continued.

A poll in September found that nearly half of Americans support military action against North Korea should it be necessary.

As North Korean officials continue to escalate the rhetoric, President Donald Trump has declared that America would “totally destroy” North Korea if forced to do so and has also described dictator Kim Jong-un as a “little rocket man” carrying out a “suicide mission.”

North Korea has threatened to deliver the United States an “unimaginable strike at an unimaginable time,” claiming they could turn the United States into a “pile of ash.”

In October, diplomats in both Japan and South Korea warned that North Korea’s capacity to use nuclear weapons is “imminent” following the testing of its sixth hydrogen bomb in September.

The assessment was released during Donald Trump’s tour of Asia, where he is seeking to build consensus amongst the region’s leaders around an effective solution to the crisis, as well as warn of potential trade risks for China and other nations dealing with the North Korean regime.

In a speech in Japan on Saturday, Trump warned the region’s “tyrants and dictators” of overall American strength.

“History has proven over and over that the road of the tyrant is a steady march towards poverty, suffering, and servitude,” Trump said. “But the path of strong nations and free peoples, certain of their values and confident in their futures, is a proven path to prosperity and peace.”

“We dominate the sky. We dominate the sea. We dominate the land and space,” he added.

Follow Ben Kew on Facebook, Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at

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PragerU: Why No One Trusts The Mainstream Media

In a new Prager University video, veteran journalist and former CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson notes that “trust in the media is at an all-time low… and for good reason.”

“We in the business of journalism have exempted ourselves from the normal rules that used to govern us, and so the most egregious kinds of reporting errors are becoming more common,” she says.

“Formerly well-respected news organizations and experienced national reporters are making the sorts of mistakes that wouldn’t be tolerated in journalism school,” she explains. “When these mistakes are corrected at all, it’s with seemingly little regret.”

Atkisson describes how the mainstream media went from simply reporting the news to offering their commentary as fact.

“First, firewalls that once strictly separated news from opinion have been replaced by hopelessly blurred lines,” she adds. “Once-forbidden practices, such as editorializing within straight news reports and the inclusion of opinions as if fact, are not only tolerated… they’re encouraged. The result: It’s never been harder for Americans to separate news that’s real from news that’s not.”

She cites the infamous New York Times article “Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved with Women in Private,” where staff writers Michael Barbaro and Megan Twohey interviewed one of the President’s ex-girlfriends.

Barbaro and Twohey describe the president as a chauvinist who treats women very poorly behind-the-scenes. After the article was published, the former girlfriend called out the Times for deliberately deceiving and twisting her words in the article. The former newspaper has never issued an apology.

Atkisson is well-equipped to discuss fake news infiltrating the mainstream media. She resigned from CBS after having her perceived negative article on the Obama Administration shut down. She wrote about the experience in her books Stonewalled and The Smear.

Watch the new PragerU video below:

Atkisson currently hosts the news program Full Measure with Sharyl Atkisson for the Sinclair Television Group.

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“Stay Tuned” Sean Hannity Warns Bombshell Story on Horizon ‘TICK TOCK’

“Stay Tuned” Sean Hannity Warns Bombshell Story on Horizon ‘TICK TOCK’

Conservative powerhouse Sean Hannity fired off a ‘Tick Tock’ warning to his millions of Twitter followers Monday and told everybody to “stay tuned”.

‘Tick Tock. Stay tuned.’ Hannity tweeted.

Hannity often tweets ‘tick tock’ when he has a bombshell story on the horizon.

Last week Hannity warned he had big news on Obama. It was later revealed former President Obama ensured the exportation process of uranium to Canada went through amid fears the Russians would put U.S. national security at risk with a pump and dump scheme, TGP’s Josh Caplan reported.

What will this week’s bombshell story be? The Podesta drama is heating up. Perhaps he has info on the Mueller witch hunt?

Stay tuned. The Gateway Pundit will update as more information becomes available.


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