Are We About To See A Full-Scale Saudi-Iranian War In The Middle East?

Over the weekend, here’s what happened in Saudi Arabia:

  • Saudi Arabia’s anti-corruption committee, led by Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman, son of King Salman, arrested 17 princes and top officials – enemies of the heir to the crown. The biggest name by far was Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who owns major stakes in Citigroup, Twitter, and News Corp.
  • Saudi Prince Mansour bin Muqrin, was killed in a helicopter downing near the Yemeni border. Muqrin’s father was the king’s half-brother, and was the next in the line of succession before King Salman replaced him with the crown prince.
  • Lebanon’s Sunni prime minister, Saad Hariri, resigned his position while in Saudi Arabia, and announced that he feared assassination by Iran. Hariri’s father was murdered in 2005; Hezbollah is suspected in that assassination.
  • Saudi Arabia shot down a ballistic missile over Riyadh. They blamed Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, and later claimed that technology in the missile came from Iran.
  • Finally, on Monday, Saudi Arabia said that Lebanon had declared war on it thanks to attacks on the country by terrorist group Hezbollah.

So, what the hell is going on?

This appears to be the Saudi dynasty’s first move toward standing up to the growing Iranian influence in the region. In the wake of President Obama’s Arab Spring, the Iranian sphere of influence has radically increased, while polarizing the Middle East along Sunni-Shia lines: Iran has crafted a swath of power from Iran through Lebanon, and has aggregated power in Yemen to Saudi Arabia’s south, while Saudi Arabia is now openly allied with Egypt, Jordan and Israel. Saudi Arabia is feeling threatened, as they should.

But just as importantly, the Saudi regime itself may be teetering. Saudi Arabia is already at 12 percent unemployment, and its population is disproportionately young; it is also heavily divided between more moderate Muslims and terror-supporting fundamentalists. In the past, this has raised suspicions that the Saudi government was paying off fundamentalist terror groups to ensure its own survival. Saudi Arabia’s oil industry has also taken a heavy hit in recent years thanks to new technological developments, and the government’s desire to outpace Iranian oil production in order to damage the Islamic Republic economically. Iran knows this, and they’ve been talking about it openly for years. In 2015, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari stated, “Al Saud is teetering on the edge of collapse.”

All of this may be exaggerated, but the Saudi regime has an interest in doing three things: making clear to the population that the greatest threat is an external one springing from Iran; re-enshrining support from the American government, through modernization and willingness to fight terrorism; solidifying domestic rule. That appears to be what the Saudis are doing.

The question is whether this will actually lead to war. There’s little question that as Iran rises, the Saudis must grow more active; by the same token, Iran doesn’t want war now, particularly if the United States were to come in on the Saudi side. Saudi Arabia knows that, and may be attempting brinksmanship before the winds of power shift against them.

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Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Refuses To Call Abortion Sinful: ‘Live To Your Own Convictions’

Mega-church Pastor Carl Lentz of Hillsong, New York, may be yet another one of those trendy pastors who look cool in a pair of tight skinny jeans while preaching about Jesus, and then stands for nothing substantial when pressed against the wall on serious issues.

Though Hillsong, New York, has been flirting with the SJW Gospel for some time now, pastor Lentz’s latest refusal to outright condemn abortion as sinful — a slam-dunk of a theological question that a two-year-old could answer correctly — indicates the congregation is now being led by a spiritually blind man.

Speaking on The View last week before a group of pro-abortion feminists, Lentz did not emphatically defend the unborn when asked by the catty hosts regarding his position, and instead offered an effeminate, watered-down, limp-wristed appeal to relativistic hogwash.

“So, it’s not a sin in your church to have an abortion?” pro-abortion host Joy Behar asked.

Lentz responded: “That’s the kind of conversation we would have finding out your story, where you’re from, what you believe. … I mean, God’s the judge. People have to live to their own convictions. That’s such a broad question, to me, I’m going higher. I want to sit with somebody and say, ‘What do you believe?’”

“So it’s not an open and shut case to you?” Behar asked.

“Some people would say it is,” Lentz responded. “To me, I’m trying to teach people who Jesus is first, and find out their story. Before I start picking and choosing what I think is sin in your life, I’d like to know your name.”

That may be all well and good on the engagement with individual people, and surely, Christ asks we not condemn anyone’s soul. The question of abortion being sinful has nothing to do with the spiritual disposition of the sinner and everything do with the objective nature of the act. Abortion is either a sinful action or it’s not. The only in-between is the culpability of the act, which only God can judge. If the question probed to Lentz were “do you condemn people who have abortions?” then his answer would be correct. That is not the case here, however.

Later, co-host Sara Haines asked Lentz his position on homosexuality and abortion; again, he gave a watery response.

“Hillsong is seen as this hip, progressive church that’s drawn huge millennial crowds, but it’s still evangelical,” Haines said. “So, where do you stand on social issues that young people are particularly passionate about, like gay marriage [and] abortion? Like, how do you address those types of things?”

Lentz replied: “I think our job is still to help people — not necessarily change how they think — but try to point them to what God has said, what we believe the Bible [has] to say. We believe that God is good, that God loves everybody, that Jesus was here to set people free, and that’s still the good news of the gospel.”

LifeNews highlighted that an alarming number of Evangelical pastors, especially the younger generation, have adopted Lentz’s mode of thought.

Lentz has received a lot of publicity and criticism for his remarks, but he is not atypical. Studies indicate many pastors are hesitant to speak about abortion. A 2016 Pew Research Center poll found that just 29 percent of respondents heard their clergy member speak about abortion during a religious service. Most who did said their clergy spoke out against abortion (22 percent), while a few (3 percent) said their clergy spoke in support of abortion.

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WHAT?! NBC Asks Rather Why People Think Media ‘Make Up Stories’

In a staggering example of the press lacking any self-awareness, on Monday’s NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie fretted over “a recent poll that said nearly half of people think the media make up stories” and unbelievably turned to disgraced former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather to suggest ways in which the news media could “enhance its own credibility.”

Citing a Politico poll from October that found 46 percent of voters “believe the news media fabricate news stories about President Donald Trump and his administration,” Guthrie asked Rather: “The media itself is under fire. And what do you think the media needs to do better to enhance its own credibility? And what do people need to understand about the value of the press?”



The ex-network anchor, who was fired for using fraudulent documents to smear former President George W. Bush in a series of reports ahead of the 2004 election, was shameless as he replied to Guthrie’s softball: “Well, first, those of us who are in the media….we need to do a better job, we need to do our job. Our job is to bear witness, to be honest brokers of information. To be as accurate and fair as we possibly can.”

He then went on the attack against the country’s most vocal media critic:

I think most of the public understands that we’re under attack by very powerful people, including the President, for their own partisan, political, and ideological reasons. They want people – they’re basically saying, “Believe us, believe only your president and believe only the people who are in power. Don’t believe these people out in the press.”

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And what about Rather’s “partisan, political, and ideological reasons” for promoting a phony attack against a sitting Republican president in order to influence an election?

Amazingly, Guthrie never even mentioned Rather’s infamous exit from CBS News. It was the newsman himself who vaguely alluded to his controversial past: “…heavens knows I’ve made my mistakes, have my open wounds from some self-inflicted wounds…”

Rather was on the morning show to promote his new book, What Unites Us, and ended the exchange on this note: “So if we just can keep emphasizing those things about which we agree, keep a civil conversation, I think we’re going to be alright. I’m an optimist by experience and by nature.” Guthrie gushed: “Absolutely, I’m an optimist, too. And the book is right on that tone.”

Here are just a few examples of Rather promoting “civil conversation” over the past year:

Dan Rather’s Grave Diagnosis: President Trump ‘Psychologically Troubled’

Lunacy: Dan Rather Claims ‘Prayer Will Not Be Enough’ to Save Us from Trump’s Evils

Dan Rather: Don’t Be Distracted By Trump’s ‘Trained Monkey’ Act

Rather: White House ‘Flames’ ‘Burning Down’ ‘Very Pillars of Our Democracy’

Disgraced Dan Rather: Those Who ‘Normalize’ Trump Will Answer to the Future

Reality-Denier Rather Blasts Conservatives as ‘Reality Deniers’

Rather was also treated to fawning promotion of his book on NPR’s All Things Considered Friday night, where the liberal hosts applauded him for entering a “new phase” in his career.

The biased exchange with Rather on the Today show was brought to viewers by Brighthouse Financial and Dunkin Donuts.

Here is a excerpt of the November 6 interview:

8:36 AM ET


SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: Our institutions aren’t perfect, of course. No one will be surprised that you have an impassioned defense of a free press in the book. And I mean, there’s a recent poll that said nearly half of people think the media make up stories. The media itself is under fire. And what do you think the media needs to do better to enhance its own credibility? And what do people need to understand about the value of the press?

[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Rather on “What Unites Us”; Anchor’s Take on Political Discourse in the U.S.]

DAN RATHER: Well, first, those of us who are in the media – I prefer the world “press” because we have freedom of the press, but let’s set that aside – we need to do a better job, we need to do our job. Our job is to bear witness, to be honest brokers of information. To be as accurate and fair as we possibly can. So we need to do a better job.

I think most of the public understands that we’re under attack by very powerful people, including the President, for their own partisan, political, and ideological reasons. They want people – they’re basically saying, “Believe us, believe only your president and believe only the people who are in power. Don’t believe these people out in the press.”

And this is a fundamental American trait and value, to understand the press is not perfect, we’re going to make our mistakes, but we’re a check on power. And I think when people stop and think about it, remind themselves of that, they’ll say, “Yeah, with all of their flaws” – and heavens knows I’ve made my mistakes, have my open wounds from some self-inflicted wounds – but I do think people understand about the press.

And such things as the right to vote. You know, there’s always some controversy about should people have a driver’s license and that sort of thing. But we believe in a fundamental right to vote. So if we just can keep emphasizing those things about which we agree, keep a civil conversation, I think we’re going to be alright. I’m an optimist by experience and by nature. It may be a long valley, but we’ll get through it. And have to keep hope alive.

GUTHRIE: Absolutely, I’m an optimist, too. And the book is right on that tone. Thank you so much, Dan Rather, for being with us.


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Church Shooter Fell for Liberal Media’s Anti-Conservative Scare Tactics

Dangerous rhetoric and narratives, when repeated over and over, have an impact on fragile individuals — and it’s completely possible that anti-conservative scare tactics played a role in Sunday’s shocking church shooting.

The left has repeatedly accused conservative culture and commentary of being some sort of “dog whistle” for the unhinged.

There are numerous examples of this claim: The Gabby Giffords shooting was encouraged by “target” icons on an unrelated flier, liberals falsely reported. Donald Trump is somehow enabling white supremacists and secretly giving signals to the KKK, or so the accusation goes — never mind that the Klan is historically Democrat.

Now, after years of finger-pointing at conservatives, the liberal media wants to pretend that the influence of narratives isn’t a two-way street.

In reality, they themselves have been peddling blatantly anti-Christian, anti-white, and anti-conservative propaganda for years — and if people are as easily influenced as liberals claim, militant screwballs like the Texas shooter are clearly able to be motivated by those leftist scare tactics.

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Exhibit A: The Huffington Post. This outlet has long been the media darling among liberals, but a glance at the news magazine’s recent headlines shows exactly how appalling its anti-conservative fear mongering has become.

On Sunday, a lone gunman in Texas specifically targeted a mostly white Christian church. The county is strongly pro-Trump. The shooters social media pages highly suggest that he was an atheist who had a disdain for religious conservatives. Do you think left-wing narratives could have influenced him?

Huffington Post, August 2017: “Is The White Church The AntiChrist?”

Article summary: White church-goers are evil racists and a white congregation is the closest thing to the Antichrist that currently exists.

Huffington Post, June 2017: “Texas Gives The Green Light to Racial Profiling”

Article summary: Texans support Jim Crow laws, hate people of color, and are racist.

Huffington Post, June 2017: “White People: Which Side Are You On?”

Article summary: White people are significantly racist, and must be stopped. Trump is a neo-Nazi. We must be “anti-racist,” pick sides and fight against “white supremacists,” who voted for Trump.

RELATED: Alarming Death Toll Makes Texas Shooting Deadliest Ever in a House of Worship

Huffington Post, March 2017: “Anti-Atheist Terrorism: A New Threat”

Article summary: Atheists are literally under attack around the world. We need “freedom from religion,” and religious people are the enemy.

Take all of these fear-mongering articles — and countless others like them — and put them together. Suppose for a moment that a person truly believed them and saw them as a call to action.

“Conservative Christians are the enemy. Texas is a cesspool of racism. It’s atheists versus the church — now pick a side and take dramatic action to stop them before it’s too late!”

These far-left talking points are meant to be taken seriously… otherwise, why publish them? What is the point of breathlessly shrieking that white churchgoing Trump voters are the enemy unless rags like HuffPost truly believe it?

Impressionable and unhinged readers believed it, too. It’s an age-old tactic: Paint your opponents as inhuman “others” who must be destroyed, and then stand back as your followers wreak havoc.

So far this year, conservatives have been targeted and shot in Washington, D.C., Las Vegas, and now near San Antonio, Texas.

Blame lies with the finger that pulled the trigger… but it’s time to face the fact that alarmist left-wing propaganda and fear mongering has consequences.

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ABC Ignores Good Jobs Report and Low Employment, Hypes Global Warming Instead

<p>The U.S. unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level in seventeen years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ October jobs report. The report also showed 261,000 jobs added, but ABC didn’t bother covering the good economic news on Nov. 3. <em>World News Tonight </em>ignored the report, but found time to cover a study blaming fossil fuels for “man-made” global warming.</p>

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Obama Immediately Tweets Gun Control Rant After Texas Church Massacre

Less than a week ago, Democrats eviscerated President Trump for “politicizing” the New York City truck attack. That was an attack with a clear cause (Islamic terrorism) and clear solutions (increased monitoring of internal threats, increased vetting of immigrants from countries with known terrorism issues, and increased military action against terrorist groups overseas).

On Sunday, at least 26 worshipers were killed at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. There was no clear cause for the shooting, at least as of Sunday night, and — unlike what Democrats might like to think — no clear solutions to prevent it.

In fact, as of the early hours of Monday morning, we didn’t even have all the facts with regard to alleged shooter Devin Patrick Kelley and his background or how he was stopped, although early reports did credit an armed resident with chasing the 26-year-old shooter off, according to Fox News.

That didn’t stop former President Barack Obama from “politicizing” the incident — you know, that thing Democrats suddenly think is very, very bad — on Twitter.

“We grieve with all the families in Sutherland Springs harmed by this act of hatred, and we’ll stand with the survivors as they recover,” Obama wrote Sunday night.

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“May God also grant all of us the wisdom to ask what concrete steps we can take to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst.”

There’s plenty of weasel-room in there for Obama to say he was just suggesting that it was time to “ask what concrete steps” we could take, so let’s unpack this one for all of its hypocrisy.

We’ll focus on the second tweet, since there’s nothing prima facie offensive about it — at least not without the second tweet, which makes it clear he’s using bodies not yet cold in the morgue to appeal to America’s emotions.

Obama talks about “concrete steps.” In his world, this means legislation. Unfortunately, reactive legislation (especially involving firearms) has a history of ending up badly. Furthermore, given an almost total paucity of facts, we don’t know there’s a single piece of legislation that could have stopped Sunday’s massacre.

That fact goes unsurprisingly unmentioned by the president. I’m sure he meant to mention it, but Twitter being what it is, it’s hard to pack everything into 140 characters and something had to go.

It’s the final sentence that’s the pièce de résistance of weasel-wording: according to Obama, the measures should be meant to “reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst.”

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Now, nobody wants more violence. (Or, well, nobody sane wants more violence.) However, Obama then sneaks in a causal link — it’s the “weaponry in our midst” that causes the violence and therefore must be reduced.

He provides no evidence for this, probably because there isn’t a whole lot of it. In fact, if Barack Obama was in the habit of reading his own FBI’s reports on crime, he would have found that the “assault weapons” so often scapegoated in the aftermath of tragedies like this kill less people than knives or even hands.

This is the reason why conservatives get weary of Democrats politicizing shootings. They do so usually without the benefit of facts, using specious logic that could be debunked if they looked at any of the pertinent statistics and studies that have been compiled.

That’s the difference between “politicizing” an Islamist terror attack and politicizing a mass shooting. One is simply an issue of stating facts too many people would wish to ignore. The other involves ignoring the facts and instead placing the blame on our constitutional rights.

H/T The Daily Caller

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#TAKEASEAT: NFL Stadiums Are Turning Into Ghost Towns

The NFL needs to switch their slogan #TAKEAKNEE to #TAKEASEAT, beg their fans to forgive them for disrespecting the flag, and focus their energy on getting fans to return to games, or risk seeing their stadiums turn into ghost towns.

Over the last year, the NFL’s viewership and ratings have sunk to dismal levels, with polls showing that only 46% now view the NFL positively. Compare that to four years ago when the NFL’s approval rating stood at a comfortable 64%.

Halfway through the season, the NFL has shown no signs of improvement. Players kneeling during the National Anthem with no repercussions have taken a toll, as ticket sales and images from games demonstrate.

Here are a few shots from this weekend from games that, regardless of the appeal or lack thereof of the matchups, were far more empty than the NFL is used to seeing pre-#TAKEAKNEE:

The San Francisco 49ers — where the #TAKEAKNEE controversy originated when Colin Kaepernick declared that he was “not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color” — appears to have it the worst. No surprise though, considering the team now has a record of 0-9.

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Good Guy with a Gun: Stephen Willeford Named as Man Who Stopped Texas Shooter

Good Guy with a Gun: Stephen Willeford Named as Man Who Stopped Texas Shooter

The “good guy with a gun” who reportedly shot and wounded the alleged gunman at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday has been named in media reports as Stephen Willeford, 55, a local plumber.

The Daily Mail reports that a local resident claims Willeford managed to shoot the alleged gunman, Devin Patrick Kelley, 26, between the plates of the body armor that he was wearing. Willeford is described as a plumber and motorcycle enthusiast with no military experience but with excellent aim.

According to an eyewitness interviewed by KENS 5, Willeford stopped the gunman by firing at him with his own rifle from outside the church, then by pursuing him afterwards:

Our neighbor, he’s a very good guy, a very big Christian, he’s the nicest man on the planet, he’ll do anything for anyone around here. We’ve known him for years. He’s childhood friends with my dad. He … came with his [gun], and he took cover behind a car, and he shot the guy, I’m not sure if it was inside the church or the guy was coming out, but if it wasn’t for him, the guy wouldn’t have stopped. And then that’s when the guy got in his vehicle and drove off. And our friend shot through the window at him, trying to get him again, and then he apparently crashed down the road.

He added: “If it wasn’t for our friend … there might have been more lives lost.”

Local law enforcement officials reported that the gunman dropped his weapon after being shot at by the “local citizen,” i.e. Willeford, whose name has not been officially confirmed.

According to numerous media reports, Willeford flagged down local Johnnie Langendorff, and the two pursued Kelley in Langendorff’s truck until Kelley drove off the road. He was found dead in his vehicle, though it is not yet clear whether he took his own life or had been wounded earlier by Willeford.

Johnnie Langendorff and girlfriend Summer Caddell (Facebook)

Johnnie Langendorff and girlfriend Summer Caddell (Facebook)

Both Willeford and Langendorff are being hailed as heroes for confronting the gunman.

Critics on social media argue that the “good guy with a gun” did not prevent the gunman from killing 26 and wounding dozens more.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He was named one of the “most influential” people in news media in 2016. He is the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

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French High Court Orders Removal Of Cross From Top Of Monument To Saint John Paul II…

Sigh… The French administrative court has ordered the removal of a cross from a monument to Saint John Paul II in a public square in the northwest of France, saying it violates the secular nature of the state. Italian media noted the irony of the ruling, remarking that the cross-removal is not taking place “in […]

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Hah-Hah! Julian Assange Masterfully Trolls John Podesta For Complaining About Being a “Victim”

Former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta took to Twitter Tuesday to complain about being a “victim,” of President Trump after he was called upon to release dirt on his former boss. Little did Podesta know WikiLeaks boss Julian Assange was going to epically troll him for it. 

“The biggest story yesterday, the one that has the Dems in a dither, is Podesta running from his firm. What he know about Crooked Dems is…… shattering. He and his brother could Drain The Swamp, which would be yet another campaign promise fulfilled. Fake News weak!,” tweeted President Trump Tuesday morning.

Podesta didn’t take kindly to the request, accusing President of turning him into a victim of an information war.

“Not bad enough that I was the victim of a massive cyber crime directed by the Russian President…Now I’m the victim of a big lie campaign by the American President…@realDonaldTrump seems a lot more worried now than July 2016 when he asked the Russians to hack our campaign,” Podesta said in a series of tweets.

This is where WikiLeaks boss Julian Assange entered the fray. As The Gateway Pundit covered in great detail, WikiLeaks published over 20,000 pages of Podesta’s emails between October and November 2016. Damning information from the emails included Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street speeches and presidential debate questions leaked by DNC operative Donna Brazile. 

In a tone deaf tweet back in October, Podesta dissed Assange over his living situation at the Ecuadorian Embassy, where the WikiLeaks boss lives in asylum.

“I bet the lobster risotto is better than the food at the Ecuadorian Embassy,” tweeted Podesta.

In a masterful tweet, Assange trolled Podesta for complaining about being a “victim.”

“John, you used “Runner4567” and “p@ssw0rd” as passwords. Are you sure it wasn’t Barron Trump, a blind dog or a plate of lobster risotto?,” asked Assange.

Included in Assange tweet is a link to a POLITICO article titled “How Podesta became a cybersecurity poster child,” which focuses on the ‘Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman joined the roster of senior government officials and political operatives who have failed to take basic protections for their sensitive data.’

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