NY Sen. Schumer Created Diversity Visas Which Invited Alleged Killer to NY

NY Sen. Schumer Created Diversity Visas Which Invited Alleged Killer to NY

The Democrats’ Senate leader, N.Y. Sen. Chuck Schumer helped create the diversity visa program which reportedly provided a green card to the Islamic immigrant who allegedly killed eight New Yorkers on October 31.

The diversity visa program was created in 1990 by then-Rep. Schumer in response to Irish lobbies in his New York district. Twenty-seven years later, it annually awards 50,000 visas by annual lottery to entrants from around the world, ensuring a cascade of subsequent chain-migrants.

An August poll shows that only one-in-six Americans strongly favors the program, despite much political and media pressure to welcome migrants. Politico and Morning Consult conducted the poll of 1,992 registered voters, which showed:

Other polls show that the public strongly opposes elements of the program which offers green cards to people with few skills, little earning ability and little ability to assimilate into the United States’ non-Islamic society.

President Donald Trump and several GOP legislators, including Georgia Sen David Perdue and Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, has called for the diversity visa program to be ended. But the program is praised by progressives for imposing variety on Americans’ civic society. According to a progressive website, Qz.com:

Supporters believe the DV program, despite its relatively small size is essential in keeping the US a truly multicultural society by providing an opportunity for people from communities that aren’t largely represented in recent immigration flows to have a shot at America.

Schumer’s diversity visa plan was included in the House-approved “Family Unity and Employment Opportunity Immigration Act of 1990” when it was combined with a proposal by a Democratic from Boston. The resulting “Schumer visa” measure was included in the completed Immigration Act of 1990, which also raised the annual inflow of legal immigrants up from 500,000 up to 700,000. The bill was signed by then-President George H.W. Bush.

The diversity visa program offers green cards to 50,000 lottery applicants each year. Lottery winners undergo a State Department interview and health check, and can then bring their spouses and minor children to the United States and get them on a five-year track to citizenship.

Once a winner and a spouse become citizens, they can import their parents, their in-laws and their children, plus the parents of their in-laws, such as the winner’s spouse’s sister’s husband’s parents. In turn, the relatives can later become citizens and import their relatives. The chain-migration process does not set any skill tests for admission, and so delivers a growing flow of unskilled and uneducated — and often ill, elderly and retired migrants — to the nation’s extensive welfare system.

One of the Schumer-visa winners was Sayfulloh Saipov, an immigrant from Uzbekistan or neighboring Kyrgyzstan, who got his green card in 2010. He is reportedly the driver who killed eight New Yorkers — likely all of whom were Schumer’s constituents — by hitting them with a rented truck.

WABC-NY reports: “Authorities say he came to the United States seven years ago … under what is called the Diversity Visa Program, which offers a lottery for people from countries with few immigrants in America.”

Schumer’s support for greater immigration was also visible in 2013 when he joined and pushed the so-called “Gang of Eight” amnesty-and-cheap-labor bill.

That push proved disastrous to Schumer and the Democratic Party because it provided an impetus for New York real-estate developer Donald Trump to run for the presidency in 2016, and it also helped flip nine Democratic seats in the 2014 Senate elections.




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FBI Report: U.S. Leftwing ‘Trump Resistance’ Radicals Met In Germany With ISIS And Al Qaeda


Via Daily Mail:

A secret FBI investigation of the violent ‘resistance’ movement on college campuses against President Trump has led to an alarming discovery—the collusion between American anarchists and foreign terrorists in the Islamic State and Al qaeda, according to a confidential ‘Informational Report’ by FBI field offices.

‘There is clearly overwhelming evidence that there are growing ties between U.S. radicals and the Islamic State, as well as several [ISIS] offshoots and splinter groups,’ stated the FBI field report, which was delivered to Acting Director Andrew McCabe on July 11, 2017, and which is being published for the first time in my new book All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump.

The FBI report on efforts by Islamic terrorists to recruit followers among violent U.S. groups like Antifa corroborates President Trump’s controversial claim, following last summer’s deadly protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left-wing anarchist groups are just as dangerous as right-wing white supremacists.

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Bossie: Manafort Arrest ‘Has Nothing to Do with President Trump or This Ridiculous Collusion Claim’

Bossie: Manafort Arrest ‘Has Nothing to Do with President Trump or This Ridiculous Collusion Claim’

30 Oct, 2017
30 Oct, 2017

Citizens United president Dave Bossie joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Monday to discuss Paul Manafort’s surrender to authorities, Uranium One, the broader Mueller investigation, GOP mega-donor Paul Singer and Fusion GPS.

Citing Manafort’s previous business dealings and his potentially being under investigation for years, Bossie said, “I could easily see that this indictment today has everything to do with that activity in the Ukraine and their dealings with foreign governments long before the campaign started even, and long before they joined the campaign.”

Bossie went on to say “this, I expect, has nothing to do with President Trump or this ridiculous collusion claim by the Left.”

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.


Read More Stories About:

Big Government, Radio, 2016 presidential race, Big Government, Citizens United, David Bossie, Donald Trump, FusionGPS, Paul Manafort, rick gates, Robert Mueller, White House


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Tony Podesta’s Ass Could Soon Be Grass, And That’s Not Good For The Clintons

Not good at all.

On Monday special counsel Robert Mueller indicted President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort on a litany of charges, including money laundering, conspiracy, you name it.

To be clear, none of these charges concern the president, let alone the ludicrous belief among leftists he colluded with the Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

Writing for NOQ Report, however, Steve Berman wonders if perhaps these charges could lead to the indictment of Tony Podesta, the older brother of failed Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chairman, John Podesta:

Manafort may provide ammunition for Mueller in his expanded investigation of Democratic super-lobbyist Tony Podesta, who has ties to various congressional Democrats and Bill Clinton.

The very charges against Manafort go to the heart of the Podesta link. In his work for the Ukraine, Manafort set up a group called European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU), which used Podesta’s lobbying group. These bear directly on the indictments, and could spell trouble for Democrats. Of course, the DNC, neck-deep in every part of the Russia connection, from the “dossier” to “fake news” and lying about it, denies any knowledge of anything.

Now guess who Clinton reportedly hobnobbed with just this past weekend …

“Clinton hung out with Sidney Blumenthal and political consultant Tony Podesta this weekend at the former Democratic presidential [nominee’s] birthday bash,” reported The Daily Caller. “Podesta’s appearance at the party is awkward, considering he has become a key figure in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian influence in the election.”

I strongly disagree with that latter assessment. Nothing about Clinton hobnobbing with crooks astonishes me, given all I know about her sleazy past.

Now, for a little context, NBC News reported last week that “Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller” over the public relations campaign he organized for Manafort’s European Centre for a Modern Ukraine.

Will something come out of this investigation? Not necessarily. Will something come out of the reports last week that Clinton, the Democrat National Committee and former President Barack Obama all helped fund the fake Trump dossier? Probably not …

Unless, of course, Mueller is interested in real justice versus the one-sided form of justice sought by the left.

H/T The Liberty Daily

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New Book Claims US ANTIFA Radicals Sought Alliance With ISIS

A just-released book makes a shocking claim that domestic far left anti-Trump radicals sought out radical Islamists for tips and training to be used in their war on America.

Edward Klein’s powerful expose “All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump” cites a confidential FBI report that California based militants traveled overseas to meet with representatives from ISIS and al Qaeda.

If true, it would be consistent with a controversial FBI document on the dangers that “Black Identity Extremists” have come to represent to law enforcement personnel.

According to The Daily Mail “ISIS connection to US anarchists revealed in Ed Klein book”:

A secret FBI investigation of the violent ‘resistance’ movement on college campuses against President Trump has led to an alarming discovery—the collusion between American anarchists and foreign terrorists in the Islamic State and Al qaeda, according to a confidential ‘Informational Report’ by FBI field offices.

‘There is clearly overwhelming evidence that there are growing ties between U.S. radicals and the Islamic State, as well as several [ISIS] offshoots and splinter groups,’ stated the FBI field report, which was delivered to Acting Director Andrew McCabe on July 11, 2017, and which is being published for the first time in my new book All Out War: The Plot to Destroy Trump.

The FBI report on efforts by Islamic terrorists to recruit followers among violent U.S. groups like Antifa corroborates President Trump’s controversial claim, following last summer’s deadly protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left-wing anarchist groups are just as dangerous as right-wing white supremacists.

‘This is the greatest challenge to law enforcement since the Weather Underground and the Black Panther Party,’ the FBI report declared.

Last summer, the FBI dispatched a task force to Europe to report on massive demonstrations planned by radical groups, such as the German contingent Antifaschistische Aktion, to protest President Trump’s attendance at a meeting of leaders and central bank governors of the G20 group of major industrialized countries

‘Task force covered G20 meeting in Hamburg, studied intel from local authorities, Interpol, and other assets, determined that as assumed U.S.-backed anarchist/radical groups had traveled to Germany and took place in the violence,’ the FBI’s summary stated.

‘There is also evidence of meetings between these individuals and associates of ISIS. There is an urgent need to closely surveil the identified individuals.’

The agents sent by the FBI paid particular attention to a group of anarchists from Oakland, a major port city that lies adjacent to the campus of the University of California at Berkeley, the scene of several violent protests.

The entire Daily Mail story can be read HERE.

The left’s embrace of increased hateful and strident rhetoric as well as violence through George Soros shock troops in ANTIFA would give credence to Klein’s claims.

The Feds however have been squeamish about officially declared these groups to be domestic terrorists. Collaboration with ISIS should remove all doubts.

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Wal-Mart Latest Corporation to Quash Fight for $15 as the Droids Get Rolled Out

A plethora of Democrats led by Bernie Sanders have been able to dupe unskilled, uneducated fast food and retail workers into believing that they will be getting a $15 an hour minimum wage in exchange for their votes but businesses are fighting back.

The useful idiots who are salivating over Bernie’s free stuff society have only been setting themselves up for a big fall due to their inability to think outside the socialist box and understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Fast food corporations are rushing to implement automation to get out in front of any national wage hike if Dems ever regain control of the government and now the nation’s biggest brick and mortar retailer is doing likewise.

In a trial run that provides a glimpse into the future, Wal-Mart is introducing motorized droids in 50 stores beginning this year. If successful, the robots will lead to staff cuts, heading off the increased costs that would result from the higher minimum wage.

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports “Robots to work in 50 Wal-Marts, including several in Arkansas”:

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. customers in a few Arkansas stores will soon cross paths with robots roaming the aisles.

The Bentonville company said it will begin using autonomous devices in about 50 stores next month that are programmed to scan store shelves and identify things like out-of-stock items or products incorrectly priced or placed in the wrong spaces. Wal-Mart stores in Searcy, Sherwood and Pine Bluff will be among the first to introduce the robots beginning in early November, according to the company. A Wal-Mart store in Rogers will have a robot early next year.

The 50-store trial is an extension of a test first conducted in Pennsylvania as the retailer explores ways to use technology to improve its operations. John Crecelius, Wal-Mart U.S. vice president of central operations, said the expansion will give the company a chance to collect and analyze additional data as the robots take on tasks typically done by employees.

“If you think about trying to go through a facility with all these different [items] and figure out if your prices are accurate, it can be very time-consuming,” Crecelius said. “Then to try to figure out what to do about it. Imagine how much time you’ve lost in doing all that.”

The robots being tested as a possible solution were produced by California-based Bossa Nova Robotics. Martin Hitch, the company’s chief business officer, said Bossa Nova has been developing the technology for five years and began a partnership with Wal-Mart about three years ago.

A robot will be kept at a recharging station in a selected store and will move into action when it receives a “mission” like scanning aisles to locate inaccurately priced items. The information collected will be relayed to employees, who then will determine how to prioritize and correct any problems that it finds. Hitch said the information will give department managers and other employees “visibility across the entire department before they start the day.”

The entire story can be read HERE.

In a nutshell, the Bernie-bots aren’t being told the truth that the $15 an hour minimum wage will only lead to fewer jobs and in many cases, higher prices that will hurt low-wage workers. In a way it is an appropriate punishment for their stupidity for allowing themselves to be hoodwinked by the Democrats.

This trend is not going to reverse itself either so those activists who think that they are actually accomplishing something by protesting would be better served if they spend their time earning a trade or enlisting in the military to get some discipline, experience, and marketable skills.

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Number Of Times Trump’s Name Appears In Manafort’s Indictment: Zero…

Dems must be fuming.

Via Daily Caller:

President Donald Trump’s name does not appear one time in his former campaign manager Paul Manafort’s indictment records released Monday.

Manafort and his business associate, Rick Gates, were indicted in a federal court on 12 counts, including conspiracy to launder money, conspiracy against the United States, and making false and misleading statements.

The indictment related to the core of Mueller’s Russia probe, which began in May when the former FBI director was appointed special counsel, does not mention Trump’s name once. Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Russian interference in the U.S. election, as well as any related issues, including possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Manafort turned himself in to the FBI field office in Washington, D.C., Monday morning.

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Alan Dershowitz explains how Manafort may be a single ‘domino’ in a much larger criminal case

Speaking on “Fox & Friends” Monday morning, liberal law professor Alan Dershowitz broke down the Paul Manafort indictment and what it means going forward for FBI special counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia probe.

What did he say?

  • It’s all about leverage: “They’re going after Manafort on something that apparently has to do with Trump, [something] from years ago, his own business. But what they’re saying to him is: ‘We’ve got you now, and we don’t care about that, but if you can tell us something about Trump and the campaign and collusion, we’ll give you a get out of jail card free.’ So it’s all about leverage, that’s the way prosecutors work.”
  • Manafort is very important if a much larger criminal case exists: “Manafort knows where the bodies are buried. He was an intimate. And if anything wrong happened in the campaign, and there’s no evidence that anything did, Manafort would know about it. Even if he wasn’t directly there, he heard about it.”
  • Manafort is the first “domino”: “What Mueller wants to do is see [Manafort] as the first domino, the second domino, the third domino, ultimately trying to get to the big domino — that is President Trump.”
  • Manafort could be on his own: “If he has nothing to offer, he’s just going to have to defend himself on these financial charges that have nothing to do with Trump.”
  • Manafort may sing and “compose”: “Sometimes prosecutors can twist you not only into singing but into composing, into making something up against somebody. They’re so desperate to make a deal. If you can get yourself out of trouble by turning somebody else in, a lawyer is going to help you try to do that.”
  • There may be a “grand strategy to Mueller’s investigation: “If he only gets Manafort, at least he has earned some of his money — the special prosecutor. And if he can get Manafort turn it into somebody a little higher and a little higher and a little higher, the dominoes begin to fall. So it’s a win-win strategy for prosecutors and, of course, it creates vulnerability for the ultimate target.”

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What happened?

Manafort and his former business associate, Rick Gates, who also worked with the Trump campaign, surrendered to the FBI Monday after they were indicted last Friday on 12 charges, including conspiracy against the United States, money laundering, lying to the government and failure to register as a foreign agent. The pair will likely be arraigned Monday afternoon and released. Their indictment did NOT mention President Donald Trump or his campaign.

However, it was also revealed Monday that another former Trump campaign staffer, George Papadopolous, who worked as a foreign policy adviser, was arrested in July and has pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI. He is cooperating with the government, which spells trouble for Trump if there is any wrongdoing.

Interestingly, one of the false statements Papadopolous made to the FBI was about a Russian official’s attempt to deliver possibly damaging emails on Hillary Clinton to Trump’s campaign.

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Trump Right Again, Manafort Indicted for Exact Issues Trump Dumped Him

Former campaign chairman for President Donald Trump, Paul Manafort, along with associate Rick Gates, was indicted Monday on 12 counts, including conspiracy against the United States and money laundering, according to the federal special counsel’s office.

Reuters reported that a statement from the office of Justice Department Special Counsel said Manafort and Gates were charged on Friday in Washington, D.C.

“The indictment contains 12 counts: conspiracy against the United States, conspiracy to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading FARA statements, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts,” the statement read.

The case was unsealed Monday, after Manafort and Gates surrendered themselves to the custody of the FBI, the special counsel’s office told Fox News.

According to the indictment, which was reviewed by Fox News, Manafort and Gates acted as unregistered agents of the government of Ukraine between at least 2006 and 2015, generating tens of millions of dollars in income as a result of their work in Ukraine.

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Fox reported that more than $75 million flowed through offshore accounts.

It seemed that Trump was two steps ahead of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Manafort, who worked as a lobbyist and as an aide for Republican presidents, became Trump’s campaign manager in March but was forced to resigned from that position in August amid allegations of financial impropriety in Ukraine.

According to a Times report from August last year, Eric Trump said Manafort did not leave voluntarily from the Trump campaign. “My father just didn’t want to have the distraction looming over the campaign,” Eric Trump said in a Fox News interview.

The president took to Twitter to address the indictments:

“Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign. But why aren’t Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus?????” he tweeted.

The president also noted that Manafort’s crimes had nothing to do with the Democrats’ constant accusations against the Trump campaign.

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The truth is Mueller is late to the game.

Trump was two steps ahead, protecting U.S. interests from potential Russian interference by forcing out Manafort.

The News York Times reported that those close to Manafort said he had nothing to offer prosecutors who were attempting to build a case against Trump.

But that won’t stop Democrats from trying to build a case. They will undoubtedly turn this indictment into another smear campaign against the president.

Please like and share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about this indictment against Paul Manafort.

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Gowdy Suggests Hillary Laundered $10 Million to Avoid Transparency Laws During Campaign

Over the past week, bombshell reports have come out alleging that the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the infamous Russian dossier that contained a boatload of fake news about President Donald Trump.

Appearing on “Fox News Sunday,” House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. Trey Gowdy said he believes the Clinton campaign may have laundered money to pay for the dossier, Breitbart reported.

“I’m not an election law expert, but the good news is you don’t have to be to understated the absurdity of believing that you can launder all of your campaign money by just hiring a law firm,” Gowdy told host Chris Wallace.

“Imagine if you and I were running for Congress, and we just hired a law firm and said ‘Hey, you go do all the oppo, you go buy all the television, you go buy all the bumper stickers, you go hire all the experts, and we’re going to launder all of this through a law firm,’” he continued.

“I can’t think of anything that defeats the purpose of transparency laws more than that,” Gowdy stated.

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The Clintons have always considered themselves to be above the law, and have always done whatever they please — regardless of just how illegal or unethical it is.

“I am also interested in sharing some memory tricks with folks at the DNC because no one can remember who paid 10 million dollars to a law firm to do oppo research,” Gowdy noted. “I find that stunning.”

After the reports about the Clinton campaign and the DNC came out, there was a slew of high-level Democrats who came forward to insist that they had no knowledge of the funding of the dossier.

Yep, and former President Bill Clinton never did anything improper during his time in office, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lost because of the Russians and former President Barack Obama didn’t screw up America’s foreign policy.

All the Democrats know how to do is lie and “forget.”

“$10 million and no one can remember who authorized it, who approved it? So you’ve got two issues, a memory issue and then the lack of transparency by laundering money through a law firm,” Gowdy concluded.

With so much money being spent on the dossier, you would think there would be a money trail that could be used in court to show something illegal occurred.

RELATED: Trump Suggests the Clintons’ Ties to Russia Be Investigated in Morning Tweet

Right now the liberal media is focusing on the Trump-Russia collusion stories, and is practically ignoring this bombshell.

That shouldn’t be much of a surprise. The media has been sweeping Clinton family dirt under the rug for years.

However this time the rug may not be enough to cover up what the Clintons did. All we can do is wait and hope congressional investigations find something concrete.

Share this article on Facebook and Twitter and let us know if you think there is any evidence that will land Hillary Clinton in jail.

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