VINDICATION: IRS Settles Lawsuit with Tea Party Groups, Nets Censor

Finally! Tea Party groups that were targeted by Barack Obama’s IRS have vindication. But you wouldn’t know it, if you got your news from the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks.

On Thursday, the Department of Justice agreed to settle two lawsuits from conservative organizations. American Center for Law and Justice attorney Jay Sekulow hailed it as “an precedented victorious conclusion to our years-long legal battle against the IRS, the bureaucratic agency has just admitted in federal court that it wrongfully targeted Tea Party and conservative groups during the Obama Administration,” and added: “The IRS is consenting to a court order that would prohibit it from ever engaging in this form of unconstitutional discrimination in the future.”

While the liberal Washington Post (page A3) and New York Times (page A18) covered the momentous decision in their Friday print editions, the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks have yet to mention the settlement. Sadly, it’s not surprising as the networks haven’t covered the IRS-Tea Party scandal in almost three years. 

It’s been nearly three years (1,087 days to be exact) since any network reported on the IRS scandal, when CBS This Morning made a mention of it on October 28, 2014. NBC last noted the targeting scandal 1112 days ago and it’s been a whopping 1258 days since ABC last mentioned it on the May 8, 2014 Good Morning America.

In that period of time there have been multiple revelations which have gone unreported by the networks, including Barack Obama’s Justice Department ending its investigation without any criminal charges filed against Lois Lerner, and the subsequent announcement that the House had begun procedures to impeach IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Also unreported: the discoveries that Lerner used another personal e-mail account to conduct government business that utilized the alias “Toby Miles” and called Republicans “evil and dishonest.” 

Speaking of Koskinen, on Thursday The Washington Examiner reported that he is finally being replaced. Of course, the networks didn’t bother to report this piece of big news either. 

Also not reported by the networks? Another incriminating e-mail. According to the October 25 Washington Times: “an email from an IRS agent to her supervisors alerting them that the agency was, in fact, singling out some groups’ applications for extreme scrutiny ‘primarily because of their political party affiliation.’”

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The settlement was covered on Fox News. FNC host Bret Baier covered it on the October 26 edition of Special Report:



The following is an excerpt from the Washington Post’s Matt Zapotosky October 25 online story on the settlement: 

The Justice Department has reached settlement agreements with groups that alleged their constitutional rights were violated when their applications for tax-exempt status received extra scrutiny because their names contained words such as “tea party” or “patriots,” court filings show.

In one agreement, which still must be approved by a judge, the Internal Revenue Service admitted that its treatment of the organizations was “wrong” and expressed a “sincere apology” for what happened.

The Justice Department and those suing agreed they would dismiss the case with a judge’s declaration that it was illegal to unevenly apply tax laws based on an organization’s name or particular political viewpoint.

The targeting of tea party organizations that applied for tax-exempt status was a major controversy of the Obama administration, with hundreds of conservative-leaning groups receiving scrutiny. In some cases, it delayed the processing of applications for years.

Many felt the conduct was an example of the president punishing his political enemies.

In a statement, Attorney General Jeff Sessions took aim at his predecessors — noting it was “during the last administration” that officials began using “inappropriate criteria,” such as groups’ names or policy positions, to screen applications. He said the criteria “disproportionately impacted conservative groups.”

“There is no excuse for this conduct,” Sessions said. “Hundreds of organizations were affected by these actions, and they deserve an apology from the IRS. We hope that today’s settlement makes clear that this abuse of power will not be tolerated.”


via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Benghazi Liar Schiff Now Lies about Uranium One

When the Democratic anti-Trump mantra of “Russia, Russia, Russia” was in its infancy, House Intelligence Committee off ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff from the People’s Republic of California was in high dudgeon over Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes daring to report to the public and the press that, yes, members of Team Trump were in fact surveilled and the contents of their conversations and their names were recorded and disseminated.

Rep. Schiff had no problem with intel leaks to the New York Times, but an intelligence committee chairman giving the President a heads-up that his transition team was in fact caught up in surveillance by his own government is out of bounds? Schiff insisted it was, and claimed Nunes was not acting as a committee chair but as a surrogate of Team Trump:

At his own news conference later that afternoon, Schiff sharply criticized Nunes, given that his committee is in the middle of an active investigation that includes the question of whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia’s suspected attempts to meddle in last year’s election.

“The chairman will need to decide whether he is the chairman of an independent investigation into conduct which includes allegations of potential coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russians, or he is going to act as a surrogate of the White House, because he cannot do both,” Schiff told reporters.

Schiff has no problem acting as a surrogate for Team Obama or Team Hillary. That deafening silence you hear is the outrage he has expressed over the leaking of classified information to the press designed to fatally wound the Trump transition. Schiff had no problem repeating claims without evidence that Team Trump was colluding with the Russians. But he was troubled by Nunes citing reports proving President Trump was right about his team being monitored, creating a kerfuffle that forced Nunes to recuse himself from active leadership of his committee.

Fast forward to Uranium One and Fusion GPS and evidence of actual collusion and coordination between the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the Russians, and we find ranking member Schiff once again acting as a surrogate for both President Barack Hussein Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. He cannot do both. Nor can he ignore evidence that Team Hillary conspired with the Russians to both influence our elections and to engage in arguably treasonous pay-for-play in exchanging control of 20 percent of our uranium supply, the raw material for nuclear weapons, for $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Yet that is what Schiff is doing, whistling past his party’s political graveyard and ignoring evidence of crimes that, yes, make Watergate look like a third-rate burglary and the treason of the Rosenbergs look like a misdemeanor, He calls Uranium One a politically-motivated “distraction”, showing how unserious the Democrats are about real corruption and collusion and why these “bipartisan” investigations are a sham by definition:

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, accused the Trump administration, Breitbart News and Fox News of promoting news first reported by The Hill last week regarding Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Uranium One deal.

The 2010 deal, covered extensively in Breitbart editor-at-large Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” gave Russia control of a significant portion of U.S. uranium.

Schiff denounced the new attention as a “partisan effort to distract” and accused House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) of being a part of it given three House committees — Judiciary, Government Reform and Intelligence — were involved.

Schiff, as we know, is no stranger to partisan efforts to distract and is a veteran of using lies, false charges, and obfuscation to distract the American people from the crimes and corruption of Team Obama and Team Clinton. He shamelessly defended the incompetence and criminal negligence of Obama and Clinton in Benghazi

Schiff was the individual who called the heroes who fought off terrorists from the roof of the CIA annex in Benghazi liars for their account of the Obama/Clinton administration’s denying security improvements, ignoring warnings of the attack, and the issuance of a stand-down order for any rescue, an order they ignored. As Investor’s Business Daily recounted in 2014:

The California Democrat who suggested that his party boycott the Benghazi Select Committee as a waste of time now accuses those who fought on the CIA annex roof of lying “to promote a new book.”

The last we heard from Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., a member of the House Intelligence Committee, was in May. That’s when he told Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday” he thought the planned select committee to investigate the 2012 Benghazi attack was a “colossal waste of time.”

Calling the yet-to-be-approved committee a “tremendous red herring,” Schiff said: “I don’t think it makes sense, really, for Democrats to participate.”…

… Schiff apparently is still not happy about the hearing, which pointed out the State Department’s pre-Benghazi neglect of security, ignoring the security recommendations after the 1998 bombings of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania….

The hearing came right after Kris Paronto, Mark Geist and John Tiegen, three CIA contractors who on that night fought terrorists from the roof of the CIA’s Benghazi annex building, confirmed that there was indeed a stand-down order given that caused a critical half-hour delay….

Schiff, who was not in Benghazi that night, says Paronto, Geist and Tiegen are making up a tale to sell their book, as if their story is less plausible than the proven lie that the Benghazi attack was caused by an inflammatory YouTube video, a myth promoted both by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama.

After seeing clips of Schiff saying the contractors were trying to sell their book and Smith claiming a stand-down order “was never given,” Geist said he “would like to invite Mr. Schiff to a debate… we can talk about it.” He wondered if Schiff wished to “say that to my face.”

Schiff thought the Benghazi heroes was making it up, and now he thinks Nunes and Team Trump are making up the fact that investigations into Team Trump and the Russians, and the creation of a Special Counsel, were prompted by a fake dossier put together by the Russians and paid for by Hilary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC. He claims it is a distraction to point out the truth that Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration sold out American national security in exchange for more Clinton cash.

Rep. Adam Schiff, have you no shame?

Daniel John Sobieski is a freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Investor’s Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.               

When the Democratic anti-Trump mantra of “Russia, Russia, Russia” was in its infancy, House Intelligence Committee off ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff from the People’s Republic of California was in high dudgeon over Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes daring to report to the public and the press that, yes, members of Team Trump were in fact surveilled and the contents of their conversations and their names were recorded and disseminated.

Rep. Schiff had no problem with intel leaks to the New York Times, but an intelligence committee chairman giving the President a heads-up that his transition team was in fact caught up in surveillance by his own government is out of bounds? Schiff insisted it was, and claimed Nunes was not acting as a committee chair but as a surrogate of Team Trump:

At his own news conference later that afternoon, Schiff sharply criticized Nunes, given that his committee is in the middle of an active investigation that includes the question of whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia’s suspected attempts to meddle in last year’s election.

“The chairman will need to decide whether he is the chairman of an independent investigation into conduct which includes allegations of potential coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russians, or he is going to act as a surrogate of the White House, because he cannot do both,” Schiff told reporters.

Schiff has no problem acting as a surrogate for Team Obama or Team Hillary. That deafening silence you hear is the outrage he has expressed over the leaking of classified information to the press designed to fatally wound the Trump transition. Schiff had no problem repeating claims without evidence that Team Trump was colluding with the Russians. But he was troubled by Nunes citing reports proving President Trump was right about his team being monitored, creating a kerfuffle that forced Nunes to recuse himself from active leadership of his committee.

Fast forward to Uranium One and Fusion GPS and evidence of actual collusion and coordination between the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and the Russians, and we find ranking member Schiff once again acting as a surrogate for both President Barack Hussein Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. He cannot do both. Nor can he ignore evidence that Team Hillary conspired with the Russians to both influence our elections and to engage in arguably treasonous pay-for-play in exchanging control of 20 percent of our uranium supply, the raw material for nuclear weapons, for $145 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Yet that is what Schiff is doing, whistling past his party’s political graveyard and ignoring evidence of crimes that, yes, make Watergate look like a third-rate burglary and the treason of the Rosenbergs look like a misdemeanor, He calls Uranium One a politically-motivated “distraction”, showing how unserious the Democrats are about real corruption and collusion and why these “bipartisan” investigations are a sham by definition:

Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, accused the Trump administration, Breitbart News and Fox News of promoting news first reported by The Hill last week regarding Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Uranium One deal.

The 2010 deal, covered extensively in Breitbart editor-at-large Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich,” gave Russia control of a significant portion of U.S. uranium.

Schiff denounced the new attention as a “partisan effort to distract” and accused House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) of being a part of it given three House committees — Judiciary, Government Reform and Intelligence — were involved.

Schiff, as we know, is no stranger to partisan efforts to distract and is a veteran of using lies, false charges, and obfuscation to distract the American people from the crimes and corruption of Team Obama and Team Clinton. He shamelessly defended the incompetence and criminal negligence of Obama and Clinton in Benghazi

Schiff was the individual who called the heroes who fought off terrorists from the roof of the CIA annex in Benghazi liars for their account of the Obama/Clinton administration’s denying security improvements, ignoring warnings of the attack, and the issuance of a stand-down order for any rescue, an order they ignored. As Investor’s Business Daily recounted in 2014:

The California Democrat who suggested that his party boycott the Benghazi Select Committee as a waste of time now accuses those who fought on the CIA annex roof of lying “to promote a new book.”

The last we heard from Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., a member of the House Intelligence Committee, was in May. That’s when he told Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday” he thought the planned select committee to investigate the 2012 Benghazi attack was a “colossal waste of time.”

Calling the yet-to-be-approved committee a “tremendous red herring,” Schiff said: “I don’t think it makes sense, really, for Democrats to participate.”…

… Schiff apparently is still not happy about the hearing, which pointed out the State Department’s pre-Benghazi neglect of security, ignoring the security recommendations after the 1998 bombings of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania….

The hearing came right after Kris Paronto, Mark Geist and John Tiegen, three CIA contractors who on that night fought terrorists from the roof of the CIA’s Benghazi annex building, confirmed that there was indeed a stand-down order given that caused a critical half-hour delay….

Schiff, who was not in Benghazi that night, says Paronto, Geist and Tiegen are making up a tale to sell their book, as if their story is less plausible than the proven lie that the Benghazi attack was caused by an inflammatory YouTube video, a myth promoted both by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama.

After seeing clips of Schiff saying the contractors were trying to sell their book and Smith claiming a stand-down order “was never given,” Geist said he “would like to invite Mr. Schiff to a debate… we can talk about it.” He wondered if Schiff wished to “say that to my face.”

Schiff thought the Benghazi heroes was making it up, and now he thinks Nunes and Team Trump are making up the fact that investigations into Team Trump and the Russians, and the creation of a Special Counsel, were prompted by a fake dossier put together by the Russians and paid for by Hilary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC. He claims it is a distraction to point out the truth that Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration sold out American national security in exchange for more Clinton cash.

Rep. Adam Schiff, have you no shame?

Daniel John Sobieski is a freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Investor’s Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.               

via American Thinker

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Trump Pulls UN Funding, Gives It to Faith-Based Orgs Helping Persecuted Christians

In a speech Wednesday night, Vice President Mike Pence announced that the Trump administration “will no longer rely” solely on the United Nations to disperse funds meant to aid Christians being persecuted in the Middle East.

Pence made the remarks in Washington at the In Defense of Christians’ annual Solidarity Dinner for Christians in the Middle East gala. According to the Washington Examiner, the Obama administration relied on the United Nations to disperse over $1 billion in funding meant for humanitarian aid in the Middle East.

“My friends, those days are over,” Pence said.

Instead, the pulled humanitarian funding will now go to faith-based organizations to distribute.

TRENDING: Elizabeth Warren Caught Lying About Sexual Harassment

“Our fellow Christians and all who are persecuted in the Middle East should not have to rely on multinational institutions when America can help them directly,” Pence said.

From now on, the United States Agency for International Development will administer the relief, Pence said.

“Tonight, it is my privilege to announce President Trump has ordered the State Department to stop funding ineffective relief efforts at the United Nations and from this day forward, America will provide support directly to persecuted communities through USAID,” he said.

The audience greeted the announcement with a sustained round of applause.

“The United States will work hand-in-hand from this day forward with faith-based groups and private organizations to help those who are persecuted for their faith,” Pence said.

“This is the moment. Now is the time.

“And America will support these people in their hour of need.”

Let’s face facts: The United Nations is not the most effective organization when it comes to distributing aid to certain groups. One of those groups is made up of persecuted Christians, who aren’t high on the priority list at the U.N.

RELATED: Attorney: Hillary Looking at 13 Different Charges, Minimum

Then, why would you leave any of these decisions in the hands of an organization that’s vehemently anti-Israel and anti-American?

The Trump administration is making the right decision here — and the more money pulled from the U.N.’s more ineffectual efforts, the better.

Please like and share on Facebook and Twitter with your thoughts on Pence’s remarks.

Do you think the United States should take a less active role in the United Nations? Scroll down to comment below!

via Conservative Tribune

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‘Women’s March’ Convention Partners Boast $85M from Soros

<p>Feminists were outraged when the Women’s March announced a man, Democratic Sen. Bernie Sanders, would begin its October Women’s Convention. That was changed, but it turns out, there’s another old, white man prominently connected to convention partners: liberal billionaire George Soros.</p>

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Watch: Bystanders Rob, Take Pictures of Woman After She Gets Knocked Out

Watch: Bystanders Rob, Take Pictures of Woman After She Gets Knocked Out

27 Oct, 2017
27 Oct, 2017

Per a CBS Pittsburgh report, Pittsburgh Police are investigating an incident caught on surveillance video over a month ago where a man can be seen knocking out a woman and bystanders did nothing to help.

In the video, the man walks up to the woman, kicks her legs out from under her and then punches her in the face, knocking her out. He then walks off.

Instead of helping, bystanders take pictures and video of the motionless woman with one even reportedly taking a selfie with her.

“They don’t treat animals like that. They wouldn’t treat a dog that way. It’s disgusting. My daughter needs help,” the victim’s mother told CBS Pittsburgh.

One person in the video can be seen bending down next to the victim and picking something up off the ground.

Nobody called 911 to help the woman, who was left on the sidewalk until she regained consciousness.

Pittsburgh Police are still investigating the attack. They believe they have identified the man who knocked the victim out.

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via Breitbart News

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WINNING! Donald Trump Jr. Celebrates Jeff Flake Retirement #MAGA”

WINNING! Donald Trump Jr. Celebrates Jeff Flake Retirement #MAGA”

As The Gateway Pundit reported, in a stunning announcement Tuesday, RINO of all RINO’s Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) will not seek re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2018. 


Trump hater and RINO Jeff Flake even trashed the Republican party and POTUS Trump on his way out the door!

Good riddance! We don’t need Democrat allies like Flake in the Senate.

Flake was down by 26 points to GOP challenger Dr. Kelli Ward in recent polling.

He knew he didn’t have a chance.

Good riddance to another Trump hating RINO. 2018 is looking good for the MAGA movement!

Trump supporters set Twitter ablaze in celebration of ANOTHER RINO hack biting the dust! Who’s next??

And Don Jr. joined in on the fun!

Don Jr. is very active on Twitter. As soon as RINO hack Jeff Flake announced he wasn’t seeking re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2018, Don Jr. immediately celebrated by Tweeting out the announcement with a #MAGA celebration.

: Arizona’s Jeff Flake announces he will not seek re-election to U.S. Senate


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Democratic Aide Charged With Paying His Bosses Rival To Drop Out Of Primary Race…

In hindsight, would you want to be represented by someone who’d drop out of the race because someone paid him?


U.S. Rep. Bob Brady’s longtime political strategist has become the latest target in a widening federal probe of a $90,000 payment the congressman made to a primary challenger in 2012 to convince the man to drop out of the race.

Ken Smukler, whom prosecutors have accused of helping to secretly funnel some of that money to the rival campaign, is expected to be indicted by a federal grand jury Tuesday, according to four sources familiar with the matter.

But unlike the others already charged in the probe, Smukler has not agreed to plead guilty or to cooperate with the investigation, the sources said.

Prosecutors have not signaled whether Brady, one of the city’s most powerful Democrats, might face charges himself. But the case against Smukler moves their investigation from one primarily focused on the failure of Brady’s campaign rival — former Municipal Court Judge Jimmie Moore — to accurately report the source of the $90,000 on his campaign finance filings to a probe of a larger alleged conspiracy to hide that information directed in part by members of Brady’s camp.

Keep reading…

via Weasel Zippers

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Oh yes, Frederica Wilson is lying

Frederica Wilson is lying
Did Donald Trump really insult the family of fallen Sergeant La David Johnson? Did he really say “he knew what he signed up for” in an insulting and dismissive way? Did he really offend the family with his callous attitude and behavior when he called to ostensibly offer condolences?

via CanadaFreePress.Com

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Emails: Obama DOJ Officials Sought to Route ‘Slush Fund’ Cash to Orgs of Their ‘Choosing’

Former President Obama’s Department of Justice sought to route settlement money to organizations of their "choosing" while seeking to exclude conservative groups, documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show.

The practice in question began in August 2014 when the Justice Department entered into a $17-billion settlement with Bank of America for selling residential mortgage-backed securities leading up to the 2008 financial collapse. Similar arrangements were made with J.P Morgan Chase and Citigroup that brought the total amount to $36.65 billion.

The DOJ settlement program has come under fire by a number of critics who refer to it as a "slush fund" that allows money to be funneled to third-party activist groups.

In some cases during settlement, the companies agreed to pay financial penalties that consisted of "donations" to nonprofits instead of giving the money directly to the Treasury. The Bank of America and Citigroup settlement included a provision that required $150 million in donations to groups that help people who have been harmed by corporate actions, with the donations counting for twice as much as money that is paid towards the settlement total.

Approved nonprofits included groups such as UnidosUS (formerly the National Council of La Raza), NeighborWorks America, and the National Urban League, which gives grants to left-leaning community organizing groups.

The documents obtained by the Free Beacon show that individuals in the Justice Department sought to route money to allied groups while excluding conservative groups.

"I’m sorry to be a pest. We keep tinkering with the settlement agreement and I want to make sure we are doing it right," Elizabeth Taylor, then the principal deputy associate attorney general, wrote in a November 6, 2013 email. "Can you explain to Tony the best way to allocate some money to an organization of our choosing?" she later added, referring to Associate Attorney General Tony West. (Emails are below)

Another message from a redacted email address shows that West’s group had made it a point to make sure conservative groups are not a part of the process:

Got it. Ok, this will hopefully address the concerns we’d like to avert:

Donations to state-based Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Account (IOLTA) organizations (or other statewide bar-association affiliated intermediaries) that provide funds to legal aid organizations, to be used for foreclosure prevention legal assistance and community development legal assistance.

Concerns include: a.) not allowing Citi to pick a statewide intermediary like the Pacific Legal Foundation (does conservative property-rights free legal services) or a statewide pro bono entity (will conflict out of most meaningful legal aid) we are more likely to get the right result from a state bar association affiliated entity; b.) making sure that it’s legal assistance provided, not a scenario where the bank can direct IOLTA or other intermediary to give to even a legal aid organization but to do only housing counseling, for example, under the umbrella "foreclosure prevention assistance." This get you closer?

(Emphasis added.)

Documents Show Obama DOJ’s ‘Slush Fund’ Sought to Route Money To Organizations of Their ‘Choosing’ by Joe Schoffstall on Scribd

Leaders from outside groups also spoke to Peter Kadzik, the former assistant attorney general for legislative affairs, in March 2014 to push for making donations "mandatory in all future settlements," the documents show.

Months later, the Justice Department announced the bank settlements would include mandatory donations to community groups. This would additionally offer enhanced credit for the donations.

Additional emails showed some of the organizations showering praise on West for his efforts.

"I would be willing to build a statue [of West] and then we could bow down to this statue each day after we get out $200,000+," wrote one activist.

Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R., Va.), who has expressed concern for some time now over these actions, spoke on the House floor Tuesday on the issue.

The DOJ did not immediately return a request for comment regarding the documents.

The post Emails: Obama DOJ Officials Sought to Route ‘Slush Fund’ Cash to Orgs of Their ‘Choosing’ appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

via Washington Free Beacon

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