CNN: After 7 Days, Only 4 Minutes On Clinton Uranium Scandal

For the first seven days after The Hill published startling new information about the Clinton/Russia/Uranium scandal, the 24-hour cable news giant CNN had produced less than five minutes (3 minutes, 54 seconds) of actual news coverage about the case.

From the morning of October 17 through the morning of October 24, CNN’s reporters and anchors only mentioned the scandal twice: first, on October 19, after President Trump scolded reporters for failing to cover the story, anchor Wolf Blitzer offered a 19-second explanation of what Trump was talking about.

Then, on October 20, Blitzer’s 5pm Situation Room included an interview with an ex-Obama administration official, Jake Sullivan, who told Blitzer that Trump’s charge of corruption against the Bill and Hillary Clinton “had no basis in fact.” Blitzer, to his credit, at least pushed back, asking Sullivan about how “some of these Russians who were involved were giving the Clinton Foundation thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and Bill Clinton was going to Russia to deliver speeches for huge speaking fees?”

That interview lasted a total of 3 minutes, 35 seconds. CNN also aired live coverage of a Wednesday morning hearing in which Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley discussed the case for 4 minutes, 53 seconds, without any additional comment by CNN. Additionally, the network carried live coverage of President Trump on Thursday talking about the need for more attention — his remarks on this subject totaled 61 seconds, followed by Blitzer’s short comment (noted above).

This afternoon, CNN also went live for a press conference by House GOP members announcing an investigation into the story CNN hadn’t bothered to cover in the past week.

After the press conference, CNN Chief Political Correspondent Dana Bash dismissed the story as little more than a conservative conspiracy theory. “What we do know is that the President tweeted about it a couple of days ago, on the 19th of October. Sean Hannity, Fox News, the conservative media, from Breitbart to talk radio, they have been aggressively pushing this story, saying that the mainstream media is ignoring it.”

If conservative media was aggressively pushing this over the past week, CNN certainly wasn’t listening.

Bash then accused the committee of only bringing this case up to appease the GOP base – not because of its own merits: “obviously the fact that all the Republicans, not the Democrats, but just the Republicans on the House intel committee gathered to announce that they’re investigating this, you know, means that there is – that they’re listening to their base.”

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Jeff Flake Announces He Won’t Seek Reelection to Senate Seat

Sen. Jeff Flake (R., Ariz.) / Getty


Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake (R.) announced Tuesday he will not seek reelection to his seat in 2018, saying he does not believe he can in good conscience earn the Republican nomination in the current political climate.

Flake, who President Donald Trump has called “weak” and “ineffective,” also said he will not run as an independent and has no plans to run for president.

“Here’s the bottom line: The path that I would have to travel to get the Republican nomination is a path I’m not willing to take, and that I can’t in good conscience take,” Flake told the Arizona Republic in a telephone interview. “It would require me to believe in positions I don’t hold on such issues as trade and immigration and it would require me to condone behavior that I cannot condone.”

Flake’s campaign had $3.4 million in cash on hand as of Sept. 30, according to the Republic. The Arizona lawmaker said in a Senate floor speech shortly after 3 p.m. that the “coarseness” of the national dialogue under Trump should not be allowed to become the new normal.

“We must never regard as ‘normal’ the regular and casual undermining of our democratic norms and ideals,” Flake said. “We must never meekly accept the daily sundering of our country—the personal attacks, the threats against principles, freedoms, and institutions, the flagrant disregard for truth or decency, the reckless provocations, most often for the pettiest and most personal reasons, reasons having nothing whatsoever to do with the fortunes of the people that we have all been elected to serve.”

Flake’s surprise announcement is a blow to Republican hopes to hold onto the Senate majority next year given the advantages of his incumbency. He joins Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker (R.) as another incumbent who has announced he will not seek another term next year.

Flake, who was first elected to his seat in 2012, has been one of the sharpest critics of Trump from the Republican side of the aisle, saying the president’s brand of protectionism and isolationism stands at odds with conservative values.

In August, Flake expressed concerns about the direction of the GOP, as well as the “anti-immigration fervor” Trump had brought.

via Washington Free Beacon

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GREAT AGAIN: 1.5 Million Fewer Americans on Food Stamps Under Trump

Former president Barack Obama has been busy since leaving office trying to secure his legacy.

But here’s one big way Americans will always remember the 44th president: People forced to live on food stamp soared 32% under his watch. In 2009, when he took office, there were 33.5 million people on food stamp benefits; in October 2016, just a few months before he left office, that number had skyrocketed to 44.2 million — a jump of 10.7 million people.

The cost of the program to taxpayers rose from $50.3 billion to $66.6 billion — all while Obama’s administration pushed the idea that the economy was booming (it wasn’t). As the unemployment rate dropped (mainly due to Obama officials reducing the number of people considered in the “work force,” millions were forced onto food stamps.

But that “hope and change” has been replaced by four simple words: “Make America Great Again.”

New statistics from the U.S. Department of Agriculture show nearly1.5 million Americans have gotten off the food stamp rolls since President Trump took office in January 2017. That’s a 3.5% drop in less than a year.

They’ve been streaming off the rolls every month.

  • January to February – 408,956
  • February to March – 95,152
  • March to April – 521,295
  • April to May- 176,527
  • May to June – 178,648
  • June to July – 236,417

See the full stats here.

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Male Feminist Writer Fired By GQ Magazine After Woman Accuses Him Of Sexual Assault

Anyone else seeing a pattern here? Via Fox News: A male feminist writer has been fired by the prestigious GQ Magazine after a woman accused him of sexually assaulting her outside a bar. The writer, Rubert Myers, apologized to his accuser after she outed him on Twitter. “Having been made aware of some allegations against […]

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VIRAL VIDEO: High School Football Team Teaches NFL What Patriotism Looks Like

As millionaires in the NFL continue to protest the national anthem and the American flag, one California high school football team decided they wanted to display their patriotism and love for the American flag during their homecoming game on Friday night.

Every football player at Sherman E. Burroughs High School football team in Ridgecrest, California, walked onto the field carrying an American flag as God Bless the USA played on the stadiums’ PA system on Friday in the team’s 20-17 win over Oak Hills.

The team gathered together on the field in a line as the national anthem played and a pair of F-18s flew over the field.

The video — originally posted on Facebook — gained over 3 million views and over 100,000 shares in under 72 hours.

Hundreds commented on the video and how proud they were of the young men for showing respect to the American flag and national anthem.

“I just shared this post from last nights homecoming game in Ridgecrest,” John Faber wrote. “I want all my friends and family to see how respectful this little town is, and how proud I am to be considered part of this school.”

Members of the U.S. military stationed in Iraq viewed the video and were appreciative of the young men as they noted the effect that the video had on their spirits.

“Just watched this video from Iraq a few minutes ago and I couldn’t be more proud of Y’all,” Justin Smith wrote. “Great job boys, way to stand up for your country and show your appreciation for being an American. It makes it a lot easier for us overseas knowing we have support from guys like you. Shoutout to your head coach and coaching staff as well. I tip my cap to the parents, family, and friends of these players. Makes me proud to call Ridgecrest home. Way to go guys.”



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CA City Repeals Ordinance Banning Sex Offenders Opening Doors To Children On Halloween

Last week in California, the Simi Valley City Council repealed a 2012 ordinance that would have prevented registered sex offenders on the California Megan’s Law website from opening their doors to trick-or-treating children.

City leaders cited the fact that the ordinance would have been overturned in a legal appeal as a reason to repeal it. The ordinance had also banned registered sex offenders from decorating the outside of their homes or front lawns; they were supposed to keep off outdoor lighting from 5 p.m. to midnight on Halloween.

Since the law was enacted, two federal lawsuits have been filed saying the law is unconstitutional. The second lawsuit, filed on September 18, was filed by a Simi Valley registered sex offender and his mother, brother and daughter, all of whom live in the same home. The suit was brought on behalf of the defendants by a group called the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws. It named Simi Valley and Simi Valley Police Chief Dave Livingstone as defendants.

Livingstone said the city has never enforced the law; he added that 165 registered sex offenders are listed in Simi Valley on the Megan’s Law website.

The first lawsuit challenging the law came in 2012 from attorney Janice Bellucci, executive director of the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws, on behalf of five registered sex offenders.

Ventura County Superior Court documents reveal that one of Simi Valley’s Megan’s Law registrants was convicted of exposing himself to six people at a Thousand Oaks home on Halloween in 2010 while dressed as a woman.

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Trump Green-lights CIA Kill Teams to Hunt High-Level Taliban Leaders


Trump Green-lights CIA Kill Teams to Hunt High-Level Taliban Leaders

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The CIA is ramping up its counter-terrorism efforts, announcing its decision to send more military forces to Afghanistan in an effort to obliterate Taliban leaders.

According to The New York Times,  this is a massive decision for the CIA. During previous administrations, the federal agency was hesitant to supply additional troops to fight the Taliban, instead focusing on the threat from Al-Qaeda.

However, thanks to President Donald Trump’s leadership, the CIA is focusing on a more “aggressive” approach to fighting these terrorist enemies of the United States overseas.

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“We can’t perform our mission if we’re not aggressive,” CIA Director Mike Pompeo said. “This is unforgiving, relentless. You pick the word. Every minute, we have to be focused on crushing our enemies.”

The Daily Caller reported that Trump spearheaded the effort to put more troops in Afghanistan.

In fact, it was after an August 21 address by the president that Secretary of Defense James Mattis announced that 3,000 additional troops would be sent to Afghanistan.

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“The killers need to know they have nowhere to hide, that no place is beyond the reach of American might and American arms,” Trump said. “Retribution will be fast and powerful.”

Mattis also announced that the U.S. will drop a record number of bombs on the territory.

According to Fox News, the efforts will be led by small groups who call themselves “counter-terrorism pursuit teams.”

If it weren’t for President Donald Trump, none of this would be happening. He is ramping up the fight against terrorism in the fulfillment of his campaign promise. Thank you, Mr. President, for keeping our country safe.

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Puerto Rican Gov. Vindicates Trump… Says He’s “Very Grateful” for His Response

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Last week Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló completely dispelled any bogus notions that President Donald Trump and his administration have failed in their efforts to take care of the island’s 3.4 million residents following the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria.

But he didn’t just dispel these rumors — most of them attributable to San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz, a leftist hack and self-avowed “nasty” woman who’s been slamming the administration since day one — just once. He dispelled them numerous times.

During an appearance Friday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” for instance, Rosselló expressed his gratitude for all the Trump administration has done for Puerto Rico.

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“The truth of the matter is, the president has responded,” he said, according to Newsmax. “He has responded to all of our petitions. I’ve had enormous access to the president and to his staff and they have done so quickly. We are very grateful for that and I wanted to answer truthfully.”

He added that he was especially appreciative of the Trump administration’s efforts to set up long-term solutions to the crisis in Puerto Rico.

“We had a great set of meetings in the White House,” he said. “We not only had the opportunity to speak with the president and vice president, but also to talk about the immediate, midterm, and long-term necessities for Puerto Rico.”

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The governor echoed this sentiment at least two more times, including during an interview earlier in the week with the Independent Journal Review.

“The president has been very proactive in giving Puerto Rico what we’ve asked,” he said. “He issued pre-landfall emergency declarations. He declared Puerto Rico a disaster area pretty quickly with just a verbal petition on my part. Waived certain things from FEMA as well and also supported the $4.9 billion DERF component in the legislation.”

“So the people of Puerto Rico recognize that support and I personally am grateful that the White House has taken steps so that Puerto Rico can get out of the emergency and start rebuilding,” he added.

And during a news conference at the White House alongside the president Thursday, Rosselló again praised Trump and his administration.

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“I want to thank you personally, Mr. President — you answered our call for the pre-land emergency declaration; you declared Puerto Rico a disaster area very quickly, at a verbal request that we made, because we didn’t have electricity at that moment; you gave us the waiver for A and B for FEMA; and staunch communication with all of your members now,” he said.

It’s sad that we have to dedicate an entire story to just highlighting the praise Trump and his administration have received from Rosselló, but this wouldn’t even be necessary had both Cruz and her buddies in the media not made it their lifelong mission to smear the president.

With the despicable rumors about Trump finally dispelled, however, we can now all focus on helping Puerto Rico. It’d be nice if Cruz would do the same, but she appears to be too busy talking to the media versus to actually help.

H/T The Daily Wire

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Parents infuriated after controversial sex worksheet given out at Oklahoma middle school

Jay Middle School in Jay, Oklahoma, is under fire from some parents who say the school took a sex education class way too far.

What happened?

Parent Mandy Callihan posted on Facebook that her 12-year-old daughter came to her in tears earlier this month after she was too embarrassed to complete her sex education assignment. Callihan said she understood why as soon as she read the worksheet.

“I was appalled at what someone in our school system had deemed appropriate to talk to my child about. My TWELVE year old child (who still colors in coloring books). In a room where boys and girls are combined. With male instructors (or female, depending on the time of day, I guess) who are not teachers (or Nurses) in our school system,” Callihan wrote, infuriated that she was not made aware of the school’s plans to teach the students about masturbation and sex.

“They most certainly did NOT say, ‘Hey moms and dads we’re gonna be teaching your very young sons and daughters about masturbating by themselves (and mutual masturbation with partners), spend some time talking about oral sex, and anal sex,’” she said.

And it gets worse.

Callihan said one of the male teachers allegedly told the male students in front of the rest of the class, “‘when [you] are going down on a girl, and it looks like cauliflower, you need to just get up out of there.’”

She contacted the school district in search of a reasonable answer.

What was the school district’s response?

“The teacher said it was board approved. The school counselor said it was board approved. The school nurse said it was board approved. The Principal said ‘HE approved it and there was nothing wrong with it,’” Callihan wrote.

According to Callihan, the school district claimed they sent home a pamphlet — not requiring a parental signature — but Callihan said she never saw one.

“We never saw a pamphlet. … so we didn’t have the opportunity to get her out of the class before it started. Signatures for permission were NOT required, but you could opt out (depending on who you talk too, because we got different answers on the permission part),” Callihan said.

Callihan and her husband contacted the superintendent, who she said didn’t call her back until the following week, once the local news station had picked up the story.

“[He said] the class has been pulled for now and is being investigated, but other than that he really didn’t know what we wanted from him,” Callihan told TheBlaze.

“Even more, we were told that while the program was discontinued this school year, it ‘must continue to be taught in the coming years, as per state requirements.’ We were also told that ‘separating genders will no longer take place due to transgender laws,’” she added.

Callihan also told TheBlaze that her 12-year-old received several notes from her classmates thanking her for speaking up and “getting that class stopped.”

Jay School District did not return a request for comment from TheBlaze.

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Harvard: North Korea Preparing Smallpox, Plague Attacks

Oh, how lovely. Lil’ Kim is trying to figure out his options. You have one. Back out, now.

Via Newsmax:

Aside from threatening nuclear war against the United States, North Korea is also suspected of secretly developing a vast biological-weapons program that could unleash fear and death in crowded cities, a Harvard University study warns.

“North Korea is likely to use biological weapons before or at the beginning of a conflict to disrupt society and create panic, incapacitate societies, and/or cause a significant military diversion,” says the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School.

The study also warns that North Korea could deliver such weapons in several manners, including janitors.

“It is theoretically possible that North Korean sleeper agents disguised as cleaning and disinfection personnel could disperse BW agents with backpack sprayers,” the Harvard report said.

North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un is believed to be developing biological agents such as anthrax, cholera and smallpox, London’s Daily Mail reported.

Keep reading…

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