Somebody Sexually Harassed Elizabeth Warren?

I’m not going to say this is a lie, weirder things have happened, but, come on. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren claims the she was sexually harassed by a colleague when she was a law professor. In fact several democrats have come forward to claim victimhood at the hands of evil men. Democrats turned a blind eye to serial rapist Bill Clinton and sexual predator Harvey Weinstein for decades, but suddenly it’s trendy on the left to be outraged by something they have tolerated and encouraged for so long.

Meet the Press reached out to all 21 female Senators to get their stories about sexual harassment and only got 4 (all democrats), most of whom weren’t harassed at all. Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill told this story when she was seeking advice from a male state lawmaker about getting her bill passed:

“I cautiously approached the very powerful speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives. He looked at me and paused and he said, ‘Well, did you bring your kneepads?’ I do think he was joking, but it was shocking that he would make that joke to a colleague,” said McCaskill.

Okay, even McCaskill thinks that guy was joking so let’s call this first one BS; she wasn’t harassed.

Next, North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp talked about how a male law enforcement official said something to her after she made some sort of an effort to curb domestic violence:

“He put his finger in my face and he said, ‘Listen here, men will always beat their wives and you can’t stop ‘em,’” said Heitkamp.

That might be “mansplaining” but it’s not close at all to sexual harassment. So far these ladies are 0 for 2.

Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono had the least credible sexual harassment story by claiming men have asked her out on dates:

“I’ve been propositioned by teachers, by my colleagues, and you name it,” Hirono said.

0 for 3, which brings us to Elizabeth Warren who said a colleague once invited her to his office:

“He slammed the door and lunged for me. It was like a bad cartoon. He’s chasing me around the desk, trying to get his hands on me. After several rounds, I jumped for the door and got out and I went back to my office and just sat and shook and thought: ‘What have I done to bring this on?’” Warren said.

Warren also mentioned that she kept this attempted attack to herself, which adds zero credibility to her story.

Maybe this did happen, but Warren looks a sissy little boy, so I doubt it. Then again, some dudes have very weird fetishes. If I had to venture a guess, I’d say that Warren’s colleague was just trying to play “Cowboys and Indians” and she misinterpreted it. If it happened when she was a law professor, that’s back when she was pretending to be a Native American princess. It seems cultural appropriation really does have a price.

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50 kids per week referred to sex UK change clinics. Experts point at parents for upward trend.

A United Kingdom news organization, Mirror Online, reported Sunday that 50 children per week in Britain are visiting sex change clinics.

What did the report say?

  • The Mirror published information by some experts who said that the number of referrals to sex change clinics is on the rise due to “the growing acceptance of gender issues.”
  • Children as young as 4 years old are now telling their parents that they want to change their gender.
  • The children visiting the clinics are reportedly unhappy with the body they were born with.
  • According to the Mirror, the number of children visiting ­Britain’s sex change specialist clinic — The Gender Identity Development Service — has seen an increase of 24 percent in the past six months.
  • The Mirror reported that in 2017, two children seen at the clinic were 4 years old, four children were 5 years old, and 17 children were 6 years old.
  • In 2009, there were 97 children referred to the clinic.
  • In the 2016-17 school year, 2,016 children were referred to the clinic.
  • For the 2017-18 school year, experts anticipate the figure to climb to 2,600.

Why the increase?

  • Oxford University gender dysphoria expert Ashley Grossman said, “This is a massive increase. We don’t know whether this is a true increase or that these kids in the past just didn’t know this service existed.”
  • Dr. Polly Carmichael, director and clinical ­psychologist for the Gender Identity Development Service, said: “There is no single explanation for the increase.”
  • “We do know there has been significant progress towards the acceptance and recognition of transgender and gender diverse people in our society, coupled with greater knowledge about specialist gender clinics and support available,” Carmichael added.
  • Gender expert Professor ­Miroslav Djordjevic told the Mirror that the rise could be due to parents obliging their children’s wishes to explore: “I cannot believe the 50 a week will all be transgender. We’re seeing a lot of parents who come for help because they are not sure if there children are transgender or just being children. To say a girl of 5 is transgender is ­impossible. But it is easier to ask than not do anything and children suffer. At the minute it’s ­something like a fashion.”
  • Dr. Miriam Stoppard, advice columnist for the Mirror, seemed to echo Djordjevic’s comments: “I’m sure the universal acceptance of LGBTQ pioneers has helped ­legitimize and publicize gender dysphoria and its treatment.”

What are the steps in sex change treatment for these children?

  • At The Gender Identity Development Service, certain guidelines are in place for children who want to transition.
  • Children 3 years old and over, along with their families, receive counseling about sex changes until such a time that they are considered mature and informed enough to go through with the process of beginning a sex change.
  • Prior to puberty, children can be treated with puberty-blocking drugs to buy themselves more time in determining whether or not they want to go through with the sex change.
  • By age 16, hormone treatments are given to the young girls and boys, should they decide to continue their transition. If a young boy wants a transition to be a female, he is treated with estrogen. If a young girl wants a transition to be a male, she is treated with testosterone.
  • The estrogen/testosterone treatments are given only to children who have undergone a minimum of 12 months’ worth of hormone-blocking drug treatments.
  • Doctors at the clinic require that the child be enrolled in school or working full-time “in their preferred gender role.”
  • The final stage is sex organ reassignment surgery.

A different perspective

  • A woman, who spoke to the Mirror anonymously, told the website that she regrets treatment she underwent at one point in her life to transition to male.
  • The woman said that she received hormone treatments, including testosterone, which caused her voice to drop and facial hair to grow.
  • She revealed that she reconsidered as these changes began to occur and stopped the treatment.
  • “I’m very concerned that if I was a teenager now or even younger, I or my parents would be pushed to consider me then as transgender,” the woman told the Mirror. “I would have welcomed that at the time.”
  • “I wanted to be a boy when I was younger because boys were allowed to be assertive and confident,” she revealed.
  • “A young person may now take hormones or have surgery and later regret it,” she added. “By giving treatment to children, we may be perpetrating a great harm.”
  • She told the site that at 30 years old, she’s finally just come to grips with being comfortable as a natural-born woman.

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U.S. Airstrike Kills 20 ISIS Suicide Bombers In Afghanistan…

Feel good story of the day. (KP) – The Silab Corps of the Afghan National Army in the East has said at least twenty suicide bombers were among the several ISIS militants killed in US airstrike in eastern Nangarhar province. The 201st Silab Corps in a statement said the airstrike was carried out in Pekha […]

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Mueller now expanding Russia probe to investigate . . . the brother of Hillary’s campaign chairman?

Mueller now expanding Russia probe to investigate . . . the brother of Hillary's campaign chairman?Some of us have been sounding the alarm about independent counsel investigations for some time now. Once these things start, they take on lives of their own as investigators search relentlessly for heads they can make roll so as to justify the gig in the first place.

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Nets Cover UFOs, Lizard People, Ghosts – But Not Democrat Scandal

<p>The broadcast network morning and evening shows have so far failed to provide even a single second of coverage to an October 17 report from The Hill which revealed new details in the Clinton/Russia/Uranium scandal. The networks’ blackout is all the more striking given the airtime those shows have already devoted this year to wacky conspiracy theories and urban legends, including the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, the Loch Ness monster, alien abductions, ghosts and even "lizard people."</p>

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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MRC President Bozell Blasts Network Censorship of Clinton-Uranium Scandal

RESTON, VA — Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell today blasted the media’s censorship of the developing Uranium scandal involving the Clintons and Obama Administration.

According to the Media Research Center, CBS has devoted only 69 seconds to the bombshell story The Hill broke last Tuesday, October 17, while ABC and NBC have still yet to cover it. In that report, it was established that the FBI had found evidence of a Russian bribery plot before the Obama Administration’s controversial 2010 nuclear deal with Moscow.

Since the initial story was published, there have been several developments including new reports that the Clintons and the State Department were targets of a Russian influence campaign. According to The Hill, the FBI was aware of several Russian covert attempts to gather intelligence on the State Department and infiltrate the Clintons’ inner circle as early as 2009.

Here’s MRC President Brent Bozell:

It is nearly a week since reports broke of the new blockbuster development involving the Clintons, the Obama Administration and the sale of 20% of U.S. uranium to Russia, yet CBS has devoted merely 69 seconds while ABC and NBC are completely MIA. This is a bombshell story of Watergate-like proportions. What will it take for the media to deem it newsworthy? This is beyond irresponsible journalism. The media are now complicit in a blatant cover-up. Their credibility continues to rapidly erode. These “journalists” are on notice. We will continue to hammer them until they can no longer ignore this story. The media have failed the American people and must be held accountable.

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Dershowitz: NFL Players Don’t Have a Constitutionally Protected Right to Kneel During the Anthem

Dershowitz: NFL Players Don’t Have a Constitutionally Protected Right to Kneel During the Anthem

22 Oct, 2017
22 Oct, 2017

When explaining their reasoning for why national anthem protests should be allowed, many players have been quick to point out that they’re merely exercising their constitutional rights under the First Amendment. Well, someone who has forgotten more about the First Amendment than any inside linebacker will ever know, says that the constitution offers the players no such protection.

During a radio interview with john Castimatidis on 970 AM in New York, constitutional law scholar Alan Dershowitz said that the players have no constitutional right to kneel.

Dershowitz explained, “The players are entitled to kneel if the owners allow them to. Now the owners could say ‘no’ because the players don’t have a First Amendment right in relation to the owners. They only have a First Amendment right in relation to the government.”

Dershowitz added that he believes, the First Amendment is “working well” in the context of the NFL, because “both sides are being heard.”

Dershowitz is certainly correct in his appraisal of the constitutional implications of the player protests. He’s more right than not, when saying that “both sides are being heard.” However, while both sides of the protest debate have spoken, clearly, the NFL is only listening to one side.


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Breitbart Sports, Alan Dershowitz, first amendment, National Anthem Protests, NFL


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Queen Moonbat Nancy Pelosi Demands Apology to Wacky Wilson

Democrats and their surrogates are ratcheting up pressure for White House chief of staff John Kelly to get on his knees and grovel at the feed of cowboy hat wearing toad Frederica Wilson.

The retired Marine Corps four-star general found himself at the center of a maelstrom when he ripped the South Florida windbag as an “empty barrel” over her insertion into the latest anti-Trump invented controversy over a phone call to a war widow. One that Rep. Wilson was listening in on as a setup to attack Trump as being insensitive to veterans.

The anti-Trump attack rag the Washington Post called for Kelly to apologize to the Congressional Black Caucus crank in an editorial over the weekend and now so is nutty Nancy Pelosi. The woman who has presided over a series of lost elections where her party has been rolled back into California and a smattering of kooks in liberal cities like New York.

Pelosi – who is borderline senile – called for Kelly to prostrate himself before wacky Wilson and grovel for forgiveness.

Via the Washington Examiner “Nancy Pelosi: John Kelly ‘has to set the record straight’ about Frederica Wilson”:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Sunday that White House chief of staff John Kelly needs to “set the record straight” by acknowledging he misspoke about Florida Rep. Frederica Wilson.

The California Democrat said Wilson has been unfairly targeted by President Trump and by Kelly, who last week falsely accused Wilson of bragging in a speech about securing funds for an FBI building, calling her an “empty barrel” during remarks in the White House briefing room.

“Let me just give the general the benefit of the doubt that somebody in the White House is grossly misinforming about who Congresswoman Frederica Wilson is,” Pelosi said on the MSNBC program “AM Joy.”

“He has to admit what he did was incorrect in terms of the speech he mischaracterized,” she said. “I just think he was either misinformed or accepted something without checking about Frederica that was so wrong, so he has to set the record straight.”

Democrats and their media mouthpieces have accused General Kelly of racism since his remarks, once again showing that the Dems have nothing to run on but feeding the anger of black identity extremists, conspiracy theories and Trump hatred.

At this point, it’s hard to see which is a bigger embarrassment, Pelosi or Wacky Wilson herself.


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PragerU: How To Raise Kids Who Are Smart About Money

Are you a parent who teaches your children the value of money? Do you give them an “allowance” for doing nothing? In a new PragerU short, “How To Raise Kids Who Are Smart About Money,” bestselling author and personal finance expert Rachel Cruz gives parents some good advice on how to do just that.

“Everyone knows the earlier you learn a language, the easier it is to master,” Cruz begins. “Learning a foreign language at four takes a lot less effort than learning one at forty. The same holds true with managing your money. I can tell you this from personal experience.”

She adds,”I grew up in a home where the value of money was a frequent topic of conversation. Today, I teach people how to get out of debt and build wealth with my dad, Dave Ramsey. Growing up in my parents’ home, I learned a few things about kids and money.”

Cruz shares some pointers on how to teach kids on being wise with their cash. First is to put your kids to work.

“It’s very important that your kids understand that money comes from work… not from mom and dad’s wallet,” she explains. “As soon as your children can grasp the concept of cause and effect, and that happens at a very young age, you can start teaching them about the work/money connection. Just make sure (the chores are) age appropriate. Don’t have your five year-old mow the lawn. And pay them for some of the work they do.”

She continues, “Let your kids make mistakes with their money.” This will teach them at an early age that saving is important to their financial future.

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Trump Trolls Rep. Frederica Wilson In True Trump Fashion

On Sunday morning, Democrat Rep. Frederica Wilson (FL) went on MNSBC’s AM Joy to enjoy a little bit more of the spotlight from the Gold Star widow controversy she helped stir up and once again accuse retired General John Kelly of lying and making racially charged statements about her. In response, President Trump did what he does best: picked up his cell phone and took out “wacky” Wilson in 140 characters or less.

In her interview on Sunday morning, Wilson described Gen. Kelly as a “puppet of the president” and accused him of having “basically just lied on me.”

“I have been in politics a long time, and most things don’t bother me, you know, it just rolls off my back,” said the Democrat, wearing yet another one of her bizarre hats. “I have been lied on before, but the character assassination that he went through to call me out of my name — an ’empty barrel’ — and all the work that I’ve done in this community … Not only does he owe me an apology, but he owes an apology to the American people, because when he lied on me, he lied to them.”

Trump responded to Wilson’s statements by issuing one of his trademark tweets, complete with a newly minted nickname for the Democrat.

“Wacky Congresswoman Wilson is the gift that keeps on giving for the Republican Party, a disaster for Dems,” he wrote. “You watch her in action & vote R!”

Wilson’s two major accusations against Kelly are largely baseless. Her claim that the phrase he used to describe her — an “empty barrel” — is “racist” is unfounded. The term, which Kelly has used in the past, simply means a person who clamors loudly but is empty of substance. The phrase has no racial connotations:

Whoever came up with the “empty barrel” terminology, it is meant to be an insult, meaning the person is loud without much content. However, there were no readily findable definitions that deemed “empty barrel” as a racist term. Wilson denied being in Congress when funding for the building at the center of the “empty barrel” comment was appropriated. It wasn’t the first time that Kelly had used the “empty barrel” term, according to Fox News. Kelly got the “empty barrels” term from his mother.

The supposed “lie” Kelly leveled against her comes from his comment that she used the construction of a building named in the honor of two fallen FBI agents to glorify herself, saying, she “stood up there in all of that and talked about how she was instrumental in getting the funding for that building.”

Wilson is declaring Kelly a “liar” over a technicality; she did not help obtain funding for the building, but she did overtly use her role in getting the project completed for self-aggrandizement, as you can read here.

Related: WATCH: Congresswoman Wilson LAUGHS Over Gold Star Widow Controversy: ‘I’m A Rock Star Now!’

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