Important reading for virtue-signaling electric car-drivers

One of the most comforting fantasies common to affluent liberals is that they are “saving the world” by driving an expensive rechargeable electric car. In fact, they are doing the opposite, with their desire to signal their virtue causing intense human suffering on the part of some of the most powerless people on the planet.

They overlook the fact that 39% of America’s electricity comes from coal-fired generation, and that owing to losses of energy in transmission, more hydrocarbons must be burned than if gasoline were used to power the car directly.

But, if you believe, as I do, that atmospheric carbon dioxide is a trivial concern because any rise causes more plant life to flourish and consume more CO2, an equilibrating mechanism characteristic of the power of Mother Nature, then this is more a matter of particulates emitted in the burning of coal than it is of CO2, and the non-polluting advantage goes to gasoline power.

My worries about rechargeable electric cars center on the toxic raw materials needed to manufacture powerful lithium, ion batteries, which are the most expensive component of electric vehicles. For one thing, when a battery is spent (and they do wear out after a certain number of recharges), recycling the heavy metals and other ingredients is expensive, dangerous, and absolutely necessary. Putting these batteries in a landfill is the last thing any decent human being wants, but far, far cheaper than properly disposing of the time bomb that is a lithium ion battery.

Of all the war materials necessary for these batteries, probably the most problematic is cobalt. All the smug, affluent drivers of Teslas, Nissan Leafs, and BMW i3s (the most popular models in Berkeley) need to think about how the cobalt in their batteries got to the factory. The UK Daily Mail reports:

Almost every big motor manufacturer striving to produce millions of electric vehicles buys its cobalt from the impoverished central African state. It is the world’s biggest producer, with 60 per cent of the planet’s reserves.

The cobalt is mined by unregulated labour and transported to Asia where battery manufacturers use it to make their products lighter, longer-lasting and rechargeable.

The planned switch to clean energy vehicles has led to an extraordinary surge in demand. While a smartphone battery uses no more than 10 grams of refined cobalt, an electric car needs 15kg (33lb). (snip)

The UN’s International Labour Organisation has described cobalt mining in DRC as ‘one of the worst forms of child labour’ due to the health risks.

Soil samples taken from the mining area by doctors at the University of Lubumbashi, the nearest city, show the region to be among the ten most polluted in the world. Residents near mines in southern DRC had urinary concentrates of cobalt 43 higher than normal. Lead levels were five times higher, cadmium and uranium four times higher.

With China now officially committed to transforming its vehicle fleet and becoming the world’s dominant producer of electric cars, demand for cobalt will skyrocket, and there will be a lot more work for people at the cobalt mines in Katanga:

No one knows quite how many children have died mining cobalt in the Katanga region in the south-east of the country. The UN estimates 80 a year, but many more deaths go unregistered, with the bodies buried in the rubble of collapsed tunnels. Others survive but with chronic diseases which destroy their young lives. Girls as young as ten in the mines are subjected to sexual attacks and many become pregnant.

When Sky News investigated the Katanga mines it found Dorsen, working near a little girl called Monica, who was four, on a day of relentless rainfall.

Dorsen was hauling heavy sacks of rocks from the mine surface to a growing stack 60ft away. A full sack was lifted on to Dorsen’s head and he staggered across to the stack. A brutish overseer stood over him, shouting and raising his hand to threaten a beating if he spilt any.

With his mother dead, Dorsen lives with his father in the bush and the two have to work daily in the cobalt mine to earn money for food.

Dorsen’s friend Richard, 11, said that at the end of a working day ‘everything hurts’.

Dorsen and 11-year-old Richard are pictured. With his mother dead, Dorsen lives with his father in the bush and the two have to work daily in the cobalt mine to earn money for food

Given the level of human suffering imposed by battery production, the lavish subsidies to buyers of electric cars cannot be justified. And the faces of those kids do drive away the smug factor that I see on the faces of so many drivers of the rechargeable beasts.

Drive gasoline powered cars, and do it for the children!

Hat tip: Trevor Collins

One of the most comforting fantasies common to affluent liberals is that they are “saving the world” by driving an expensive rechargeable electric car. In fact, they are doing the opposite, with their desire to signal their virtue causing intense human suffering on the part of some of the most powerless people on the planet.

They overlook the fact that 39% of America’s electricity comes from coal-fired generation, and that owing to losses of energy in transmission, more hydrocarbons must be burned than if gasoline were used to power the car directly.

But, if you believe, as I do, that atmospheric carbon dioxide is a trivial concern because any rise causes more plant life to flourish and consume more CO2, an equilibrating mechanism characteristic of the power of Mother Nature, then this is more a matter of particulates emitted in the burning of coal than it is of CO2, and the non-polluting advantage goes to gasoline power.

My worries about rechargeable electric cars center on the toxic raw materials needed to manufacture powerful lithium, ion batteries, which are the most expensive component of electric vehicles. For one thing, when a battery is spent (and they do wear out after a certain number of recharges), recycling the heavy metals and other ingredients is expensive, dangerous, and absolutely necessary. Putting these batteries in a landfill is the last thing any decent human being wants, but far, far cheaper than properly disposing of the time bomb that is a lithium ion battery.

Of all the war materials necessary for these batteries, probably the most problematic is cobalt. All the smug, affluent drivers of Teslas, Nissan Leafs, and BMW i3s (the most popular models in Berkeley) need to think about how the cobalt in their batteries got to the factory. The UK Daily Mail reports:

Almost every big motor manufacturer striving to produce millions of electric vehicles buys its cobalt from the impoverished central African state. It is the world’s biggest producer, with 60 per cent of the planet’s reserves.

The cobalt is mined by unregulated labour and transported to Asia where battery manufacturers use it to make their products lighter, longer-lasting and rechargeable.

The planned switch to clean energy vehicles has led to an extraordinary surge in demand. While a smartphone battery uses no more than 10 grams of refined cobalt, an electric car needs 15kg (33lb). (snip)

The UN’s International Labour Organisation has described cobalt mining in DRC as ‘one of the worst forms of child labour’ due to the health risks.

Soil samples taken from the mining area by doctors at the University of Lubumbashi, the nearest city, show the region to be among the ten most polluted in the world. Residents near mines in southern DRC had urinary concentrates of cobalt 43 higher than normal. Lead levels were five times higher, cadmium and uranium four times higher.

With China now officially committed to transforming its vehicle fleet and becoming the world’s dominant producer of electric cars, demand for cobalt will skyrocket, and there will be a lot more work for people at the cobalt mines in Katanga:

No one knows quite how many children have died mining cobalt in the Katanga region in the south-east of the country. The UN estimates 80 a year, but many more deaths go unregistered, with the bodies buried in the rubble of collapsed tunnels. Others survive but with chronic diseases which destroy their young lives. Girls as young as ten in the mines are subjected to sexual attacks and many become pregnant.

When Sky News investigated the Katanga mines it found Dorsen, working near a little girl called Monica, who was four, on a day of relentless rainfall.

Dorsen was hauling heavy sacks of rocks from the mine surface to a growing stack 60ft away. A full sack was lifted on to Dorsen’s head and he staggered across to the stack. A brutish overseer stood over him, shouting and raising his hand to threaten a beating if he spilt any.

With his mother dead, Dorsen lives with his father in the bush and the two have to work daily in the cobalt mine to earn money for food.

Dorsen’s friend Richard, 11, said that at the end of a working day ‘everything hurts’.

Dorsen and 11-year-old Richard are pictured. With his mother dead, Dorsen lives with his father in the bush and the two have to work daily in the cobalt mine to earn money for food

Given the level of human suffering imposed by battery production, the lavish subsidies to buyers of electric cars cannot be justified. And the faces of those kids do drive away the smug factor that I see on the faces of so many drivers of the rechargeable beasts.

Drive gasoline powered cars, and do it for the children!

Hat tip: Trevor Collins

via American Thinker Blog

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Melania Trump Cuts Bloated First Lady Payroll From Michelle Obama Days…

Nice. Via Fox News: Melania Trump is embracing a more active and public schedule as first lady – but she still runs one of the leanest East Wing operations in recent history. According to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has significantly reduced the number of aides on the first […]

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NFL Teams Play Before Empty Stadiums As Fan Backlash Spreads

NFL Teams Play Before Empty Stadiums As Fan Backlash Spreads

22 Oct, 2017
22 Oct, 2017

It’s not necessarily news, that no one watches the Cleveland Browns. After all, Cleveland has lost 22 of their last 23 games and seems determined to set new marks for organizational futility. So the fact that the Browns can’t draw flies, shouldn’t necessarily cause alarm bells to go off.

However, because emptying stadiums seems to be the one thing the Browns do well, let’s give them their due by showing the “crowd” that assembled in Cleveland for the Browns-Titans game this Sunday:

Okay, now that we’ve paid homage to the team that wrote the book on sports futility. Let’s show some teams that are slightly less familiar with fan alienation. Here’s Soldier Field on Sunday, as the Bears took on the Panthers:

Granted, the Bears came into this game with a 2-4 mark, and were by no means lighting the world on fire. However, they have a 1st round draft pick making his second start, in quarterback Mitchell Trubisky, and the Panthers coming in with a 4-2 record. To be clear, no way would this game ever get America’s Game of the Week treatment, but that’s a better game than the crowd size would suggest.

Likewise, look at the scene in Miami on Sunday:

Both the Jets and the Dolphins came into this game with records of .500 or over. Both teams are also in the same division, making it a rivalry game as well. Yet, look at the vast emptiness of that stadium. There’s no way that stadium should be so empty:

Normally, the Cowboys coming to town means you pack your stadium. Well, not in 2017:

Here’s another glimpse from an unsurprising, yet severe example of the fan backlash against the NFL:

The NFL has a serious attendance problem, one with no end in sight.


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Awkward: After CBS Story on ‘Pervasive Sexual Harassment’ in Politics, Host Poses With Bill Clinton

Well, that’s awkward. CBS This Morning on Thursday offered a report on the “pervasive sexual harassment in the politics world.” The tone and message of the segment was clear: This must be taken seriously and stopped. Yet, later in the show, co-hosts Gayle King and Norah O’Donnell delighted at a smiling picture of fellow co-host Charlie Rose and… Bill Clinton, a man accused of harassment, groping and rape.  

Earlier, O’Donnell informed, “Some of California’s most influential women are speaking out against what they call pervasive sexual harassment in the political world.” Reporter Bianna Golodryga added, “Enough is enough. And California is home to some of the most powerful women in politics including its first House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.” 



To her credit, Golodryga pointed out the hypocrisy of California politics, saying “…Hidden beneath the veneer of the state’s progressive image in Sacramento lies the ugly epidemic of sexual harassment.” 

Yet, given that the of the segment is “persuasive” sexual misconduct in politics, mentioning Bill Clinton and his accusers (Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey etc.) would have been the honest thing to do. 

Instead, the co-hosts cheered Rose appearing with the ex-President at an award show in London. Gayle King hyped, “Look at this group, guys, with Charlie along with special guest at the ceremony. That’s former President Bill Clinton.” 

 Well, perhaps standing up to sexual harassment is only important some of the time?

[The hypocrisy on CBS This Morning was sponsored by Hoover vacuums, Visionworks and Excedrin.] 

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CBS This Morning 

NORAH O’DONNELL: Some of California’s most influential women are speaking out against what they call pervasive sexual harassment in the political world. 147 women, including lawmakers and lobbyists signed a public letter detailing inappropriate behavior. In part it says “enough.” The letter follows allegations of sexual harassment and abuse from dozens of women against disgraced Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. Bianna Golodryga is here with how the women in politics found their voice. Bianna, good morning. 

BIANNA GOLODRYGA: Good morning. That one word just sums it up. Enough. Enough is enough. And California is home to some of the country’s most powerful women in politics including its first House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. But according to some women working at the state capitol, hidden beneath the veneer of the state’s progressive image in Sacramento lies the ugly epidemic of sexual harassment. 

PAMELA LOPEZ (K Street consulting partner): It’s very widespread for many women who work in politics. 

GOLODRYGA: As a lobbyist in Sacramento, Pamela Lopez says she’s been a victim of sexual harassment. The most disturbing incident happened about two years ago. 

LOPEZ: He rushed up behind me, rushed me into the restroom, locked the door, exposed himself, began to masturbate. All in a matter of seconds. 

GOLODRYGA: Lopez, along with 140 other women, issued a letter blasting what they called dehumanizing behavior.”Men have groped and touched us without our consent, made inappropriate comments about our bodies and our abilities. Insults and sexual innuendo, frequently disguised as jokes, have undermined our professional positions and capabilities.” 

CRISTINA GARCIA (California State Assembly member): You touching my body in a way that’s not welcome is harassment. 

GOLODRYGA: Democratic State assembly woman Christina Garcia said a lobbyist grabbed her inappropriately five years ago and that’s one of the reasons she signed the letter. Garcia says the issue of sexual harassment is not only non-partisan, she says it shouldn’t even be a women’s issue. 

GARCIA: It’s not our responsibility. It’s how do those with power, how do they fix this problem? 

GOLODRYGA: The fallout of the Harvey Weinstein scandal has prompted lawmakers from around the world to tell their stories, from a former South Dakota state senator sharing her experience on Facebook to a Rhode Island state representative told prove Providence Journal, “I have been told sexual favor would allow my bills to go further,” adding “it’s someone with high ranking position.” Authorities are now reviewing her allegations. 

EMILY MARTIN (National Women’s Law Center): Everybody needs to take this seriously as something that is still way too common and work and requires bold action to solve.

GOLODRYGA: We asked some of California’s top lawmakers about the letter and they all condemned sexual harassment. The women behind the letter are now turning it into a public campaign, creating a website where other women can share their stories. And you know, they said they’d been mentoring each other privately for years. This is the first time they’ve come out publicly and said, “You know what? We’re just not going to respond to this behavior and give women tips as to how to respond to it.” We want to put this to an end. 

KING: This is good that this is happening. Very good. 

GOLODRYGA: It is. So pervasive.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Critics: N.C. Democrats, Transgender Groups Ask Judge to Create ‘Harvey Weinstein Bathroom Law’

North Carolina’s Democratic governor is asking a judge to cancel the state’s much-debated “bathroom law” and to adopt instead an ACLU-approved pro-transgender policy which bars women and girls from keeping aggressive men out of their public bathrooms.

Jim Quick, a spokesman for the North Caroline Values Coalition slammed the pro-transgender deal as a “Harvey Weinstein Bathroom Law,” because it was announced as women across the nation react to the revelation that Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein — a Democrat — pressured women to watch him as he took showers. The targets of Weinstein’s pressure included actor Ashley Judd and model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez.

The “consent decree” deal was drafted by the ACLU, Democratic governor, and the state’s Attorney General to end a lawsuit against the state’s March 2017 sexual-privacy law, titled HB 142. The lawsuit was filed by well-funded transgender activists who say that men should be allowed to use women’s bathrooms and showers if they claim to have a female “gender identity.”

However, the HB 142 law exists because pro-transgender activists were defeated in two years of intensive public debates, polls, multiple legislative votes, state elections and by the formal passage of the 2016 HB 2 and the 2017 HB 142 law. Both laws allow women to keep men out of the taxpayer-owned showers and bathrooms reserved for women. HB 142 was signed by Cooper in March, and it modestly changed the prior 2016 HB 2 sexual-privacy law.

“What Cooper did is just despicable,” said Quick. “He negotiated the [March 2017] deal to get the state out of HB 2 … now he’s blocking the state out of the deal he negotiated.”

Critics, including Quick, say the elimination of sexual privacy in single-sex facilities would allow men who merely say they are “transgender” women to watch and humiliate women and girls as they use public facilities.

The state does have a law allowing people to change their legal sex after undergoing surgery. But Cooper’s proposed deal does not include any rule to define “transgender,” ensuring that any man — no matter his history, appearance or dress — can legally use the women’s facilities. That opposition to any test — and thus the ability to preserve single-sex groups or facilities — is a key part of the transgender ideology, which demands that government enforce laws saying that biology has no connection to a person’s legal sex and that a person’s legal sex is instead determined only by each person’s unmeasurable and flexible “gender identity.”

Polls show that roughly one-quarter of Americans support the progressive claim that biological sex is less important that chosen “gender identity,” despite intense media pressure in favor of the pro-transgender, anti-sexes campaign.

Critics also say the North Carolina deal will allow predators to get close to their targets, regardless of any claimed “transgender” status.  In Wyoming, for example, a man who says he is a woman is facing charges for sexually assaulting a 1o-year-old girl in a bathroom. According to the Casper Star Tribune:

Miguel Martinez faces one count of first-degree sexual abuse of a minor and one count of second-degree sexual abuse of a minor. If found guilty, Martinez could face up to 70 years in prison.

Martinez’s public defender, Tracy Hucke, said at a previous hearing that her client identifies as a woman and uses the name Michelle …

Martinez denied molesting the child to arresting officers and pleaded not guilty to the charges in May at an arraignment in Natrona County District Court.

GOP Sen. Dan Bishop immediately protested Cooper’s back-room deal as a “collusive settlement.”

Conservatives slammed the proposed deal.

“The Governor’s and Attorney General’s actions today constitute a massive power grab, with sweeping changes that only the Legislative Branch has the authority to enact,” said a statement from Tami Fitzgerald, executive director of the NC Values Coalition. She continued:

After signing into law earlier this year HB 142, which kept in place longstanding laws that required that showers and bathrooms be used in accordance with one’s sex on their birth certificate, Governor Cooper has betrayed the people of North Carolina with an Executive Order that not only allows boys and men into girls’ and women’s showers and bathrooms, but also forces private businesses to adopt sweeping LGBT special rights. [AG] Josh Stein has betrayed the people of NC by failing to defend the laws of the state and, instead, elevating LGBT privileges above the rights of common everyday people to privacy and safety in Bathrooms and showers.  It is despicable, and the voters of NC will hold these two accountable.

Conservatives oppose the transgender ideology as a threat to civic and government recogniti0n that the two sexes — men and women — are different, equal and complementary. This long-standing civic recognition allows people to create single-sex institutions — such as single-sex sports teams, education courses or shelters for battered women. It also allows parents and citizens to preserve the social expectations about each person’s duties, accomplishments, efforts, and ideals — such as beauty or strength, aggressiveness or caring –which complement the different bodies, capabilities, and bodies of growing girls and boys, and adult women and men.

Critics also say there is no evidence that a person’s feelings of “gender” are independent of their biology, and that Americans see no problem when some boys act like most girls, and some girls can act like most boys.

The long-standing social expectations for male and female people are opposed by feminists and progressives.

The two-sex society, say feminists, unfairly inhibits some people, such as university-educated women who wish to compete against men for professional status and pay. Also, people who want to live as members of the other sex say those two-sex expectations stigmatize their cross-sex desires. Together, the two groups are working with gay advocacy groups to demand a “gender-free” society where the government would forbid any recognition of the distinctions between male and female.

For example, the two groups are pushing hard against President Donald Trump’s decision to exclude “transgender” men and women from the military because it weakens their ability to persuade politicians and judges to impose the “gender-free” society on Americans.

Pro-transgender groups welcomed the proposed North Carolina deal, and immediately demanded more changes and recognition, or status, for people who say their “gender identity” makes them a member of the opposite sex.

“This EO brings North Carolina a little bit closer back to where many states have been for years,” claimed Mara Keisling, Executive Director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. Keisling continued:

And that has some meaningful consequences for many LGBTQ North Carolinians—it means, for example, that they have a bit of extra protection against being turned away from government services like the DMV and fired from a state government job simply because of their gender identity or sexual orientation … But it’s not nearly enough, especially when the state of North Carolina continues to sanction and promote anti-transgender discrimination under HB 142.

The ACLU and other pro-transgender groups strongly opposed the HB 2 and the HB 142 privacy laws.

“While this executive order may represent some narrow improvements for LGBTQ North Carolinians, by no means does it offer full protections or rectify the tremendous harm caused by HB 2 and continued harm from HB 142,” said JoDee Winterhof, a congressional staffer and the vice-president for policy and political affairs at the pro-transgender Human Rights Campaign political group. “Governor Cooper and state lawmakers must show leadership on the real solution for North Carolina — statewide, LGBTQ non-discrimination protections.”

Cooper defended his refusal to enforce the HB 142 law, saying in a statement:

My administration has taken another step today to move forward from HB 2. We joined a settlement with a group of people who are suing the state and we have submitted to the court a consent decree to resolve that case. For many reasons, it is not in North Carolina’s best interest to remain in drawn-out court battles that linger because of HB 2. As a state, we need to work together to make North Carolina more welcoming, and I am glad that we could come together in this case to show that we agree.

Cooper also announced he signed a non-discrimination law that forces state agencies to ignore the state’s civic practice and its sex-change law, and to treat men as women if they merely say they are women, and to accept claims by women who say they are men.

When I signed HB 142, I said it wasn’t a perfect solution. But I believe it was an important step forward for our state. And when I signed it I was clear — our work to make North Carolina better for everyone was not finished.

Today, we take the next steps as I put into place the most comprehensive anti-discrimination provisions North Carolina has ever had …

It’s not enough to just say we won’t discriminate, we must show it. And today, after working with the business community and the LGBT advocacy community, I’m proud to act on our shared belief that people should not face discrimination or harassment because of who they are …

With divisiveness, harsh language and extreme partisanship plaguing the country right now, it is important for both businesses and government to send a strong, forceful message — discrimination is wrong …

Some may ask, how much of a difference can this executive order make? Consider this: North Carolina executive agencies employ 55,000 people and contract with more than 3,000 vendors with thousands of employees. This executive order could impact up to $1.5 billion worth of executive agency contracts.

Put another way, this executive order means that North Carolina should not do business with companies that won’t protect their workers from discrimination and harassment.

That use of state dollars, said Quick, will likely pressure state non-profits, such as schools and charities, to ignore the obvious sexual distinctions between their male and female customers and clients.

The progressive push to bend Americans’ attitudes and their two-sex civic society around the idea of “gender” has already attacked and cracked popular social rules for how Americans handle the many social preferences of equal, different and complementary men and women, boys and girls. For example, the gender claims have shifted rules or practices about different-sex bathrooms, shelters for battered womensports leagues for girlshiking groups for boysK-12 curriculauniversity speech codesreligious freedomsfree speech, the social status of womenparents’ rights in childrearing, practices to help teenagers, women’s expectations of beautyculture and civic societyscientific researchprison safetycivic ceremoniesschool rules, men’s sense of masculinitylaw enforcement, and children’s sexual privacy.

To read more about the transgender ideology, click here.









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First Sex Doll Brothel Opens In Germany

The dystopian vision of Westworld is one step closer to reality. The first ever sex doll brothel has just opened in Germany.

Located in Dortmund, the new brothel, aptly named “Bordoll,” invites paying customers to have their way with any one of their 11 silicon dolls for just €80 an hour.

You might think “Bordoll” is helmed by some guy still living in his parents’ basement but, surprisingly, no. The owner is Evelyn Schwarz, a 29-year-old woman.

Bordoll’s ​website offers a profile of each Asia-imported doll, which all have a name and unique aesthetic. “Possible service” options that the doll can give “passively” are also listed.

Aesthetic selections range from “real” to “skinny” to “fantasy” to “anime,” and the dolls come in an assortment of different body types and hair-colors.

“The ladies are real dream women,” the website reads, claiming that the dolls are “extreme high quality” and are “always willing.”

According to Schwarz, Bordoll has become rather popular; the dolls are now booked 12 times each day to men of varying ages.

Customer satisfaction is apparently high, since roughly 70% of them return for a second visit. Schwarz claims that the majority of the men have “tolerant” wives, who wait in the car as their men do their dirty business.

Schwarz has only had to replace one doll thus far, after one customer apparently broke it.

The sex robot trade has become the newest frontier on the libertine front, with more and more manufacturers producing life-like renditions of the fairer sex year after year. David Levy, author of Love and Sex With Robots, sees no problem with this.

“I see nothing wrong from an ethical point of view of having sexual relationships with robots,” he told Time.

Some sexbot manufacturers have even begun to put personalities in place for their machines, and provide artificial intelligence, with the ability to show jealousy and neediness (who on earth would want a sexbot that comes with the worst attributes of a girlfriend?).

That aside, since sexbots appear poised to become another cultural plague worse than porn, polls are now being conducted to see where the public’s sensibilities lie regarding the use. It turns out many people in Britain — roughly 36% — have no trouble with the idea of getting it on with robots. This applies more to men than women, with two-thirds supporting the practice.

According to a report in Metro, a significantly high number of Brits say that sex with a robot would not be cheating.

“The NOW TV survey reveals that 40% of British people would not consider having sex with a robot cheating,” reports Metro, and if that’s not bad enough, “39% of British people think that by 2050, we’ll regularly be having relationships with robots instead of each other.”

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ABC, CBS Censor Dow 23K, Only NBC Reports

The Dow Jones Industrial Average surged to more new records on Oct. 17 and 18, crossing 23,000 points for the first time during a trading day then closing above 23K for the very first time the next day.

But broadcast networks minimized the stock market “milestone.” Only one of the three broadcast networks covering the market during evening news programming. NBC Nightly News discussed the markets on Oct. 17, and 18, but both nights ABC’s World News with David Muir and CBS Evening News were silent.

Nightly News reported the “record-setting day” on Oct. 17, with anchor Lester Holt telling viewers, “If you’ve been invested in stocks through your 401(k), pension, or mutual funds, there’s a good chance you’ve made money this year.”

Correspondent Tom Costello admitted the good news: “That milestone coming just over two months since the Dow crossed over 22,000. This has been the year of records day after day, since Jan. 1, the Dow Jones index of 30 leading stocks is up a whopping 16 percent.”

He went on to cite “an improving global economy, low interest rates” and “strong corporate earnings,” and later acknowledged the dramatic rise in the stock market since President Donald Trump’s election “partially on his moves to deregulate business.”

Costello also interviewed CNBC Senior Markets Commentator Michael Santoli who said investors are still hopeful that progress will happen on tax reform.

The broadcast networks have been minimizing the stock market gains since Trump’s election, by frequently failing to report new records. However, in May a sharp selloff got network attention and was quickly connected to Trump.

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CIA Director Sets The Record Straight: Russian Meddling ‘Did Not Affect Outcome Of Election’

CIA Director Sets The Record Straight: Russian Meddling ‘Did Not Affect Outcome Of Election’

Despite the political class and media elites’ best attempt to blame Russian interference for Hillary Clinton losing to President Trump, CIA Director Mike Pompeo says no such evidence exists. 

From the Daily Caller:

CIA Director Mike Pompeo contested allegations that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election skewed results in a Thursday appearance before the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

“The intelligence community’s assessment is that the Russian meddling that took place did not affect the outcome of the election,” Pompeo flatly declared, adding that he could not think of anything more important for the U.S. intelligence community to do then ensure the integrity of elections.


Pompeo’s speech echoes the assessment of a January report from the U.S. intelligence community that “that the types of systems Russian actors targeted or compromised were not involved in vote tallying.”

In agreement with Pompeo is Mark Penn, former chief strategist on Bill Clinton’s 1996 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign, and Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. Penn says it’s impossible Russian Facebook ads won Donald Trump the White House. Penn uses basic math to dispel the notion that $100,000 of Russian ads would have had any impact of the election outcome.

WSJ reports:

Every day, Americans see hundreds of ads on TV and radio, in newspapers and magazines, on billboards and smartphones. North Americans post to Facebook something like a billion times a day, and during the election many of those messages were about politics. Facebook typically runs about $40 million worth of advertising a day in North America.

Then consider the scale of American presidential elections.

Hillary Clinton’s total campaign budget, including associated committees, was $1.4 billion. Mr. Trump and his allies had about $1 billion. Even a full $100,000 of Russian ads would have erased just 0.025% of Hillary’s financial advantage. In the last week of the campaign alone, Mrs. Clinton’s super PAC dumped $6 million in ads into Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

I have 40 years of experience in politics, and this Russian ad buy, mostly after the election anyway, simply does not add up to a carefully targeted campaign to move voters. It takes tens of millions of dollars to deliver meaningful messages to the contested portion of the electorate. Converting someone who voted for the other party last time is an enormously difficult task. Swing voters in states like Ohio or Florida are typically barraged with 50% or more of a campaign’s budget. Try watching TV in those states the week before an election and you will see how jammed the airwaves are.

The MSM’s ‘Russian hacking’ reporting has little to no credibility left. A media blackout ensued after the New York Times quietly issued a correction about their claims that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies agreed that the Russians ‘hacked’ the 2016 presidential election. The REAL number is only 4 agencies held such views.

Consortium News reports:

In the Times’ White House Memo of June 25, correspondent Maggie Haberman mocked Trump for “still refus[ing] to acknowledge a basic fact agreed upon by 17 American intelligence agencies that he now oversees: Russia orchestrated the attacks, and did it to help get him elected.”On Thursday, the Times appended a correction to a June 25 article that had repeated the false claim, which has been used by Democrats and the mainstream media for months to brush aside any doubts about the foundation of the Russia-gate scandal and portray President Trump as delusional for doubting what all 17 intelligence agencies supposedly knew to be true.

However, on Thursday, the Times – while leaving most of Haberman’s ridicule of Trump in place – noted in a correction that the relevant intelligence “assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.”

It’s time for the political class and media elites to finally put the Russian interference hysteria to bed.


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via The Gateway Pundit

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View Hosts Ignorantly Claim Trump Has ‘Never Done’ Anything For VA Reform

After spending the past few days obsessing over a Florida Democratic Congresswoman’s claims that President Trump “disrespected” a fallen soldier in a phone call to his widow,The View hosts were still not done blaming Trump for the allegations on Thursday’s show. But in today’s episode, the hosts added fuel to the fire, falsely accusing Trump of doing nothing for reforming the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Newly hired host Meghan McCain spent the week urging both sides to stop politicizing the soldier’s death, but became more forceful in today’s episode during an argument with host Joy Behar. McCain blasted the panel for “missing the point” and told Behar she “would like to stay away from the anger towards Trump” and focus on how to help veterans instead.

That’s when the hosts collectively claimed Trump hadn’t done anything for making life better for veterans, such as reforming the VA, an easily disproved claim if they had done any bit of research.

But they began the show by discussing Trump’s promise to send a check to one soldier’s family for $25,000.

Whoopi acknowledged that President Obama had made a similar obligation to a slain American captive’s family, that had “fallen by the wayside.” Eventually, Obama did pay after being reminded. But Joy Behar wasn’t satisfied with the comparison to Obama and used the opportunity to bash Trump for his lack of “philanthropy:”

“[H]e hasn’t made a single cash donation to any charity in the past five years. Right before the inauguration I believe it was he had to pay $25 million in damages for the fraud at Trump University. When he’s forced to pay, he has to come up with the cash, if it’s voluntary the check is in the mail,” she snarked.

Meghan McCain jumped in to call out the politicizing going on, “on both sides,” to which the rest of the panel tried to steer her back to blaming Trump:

I think that point Whoopi was making earlier the same thing happened to President Obama it’s possible it came by the wayside. I’m having a really hard time with this it’s so deeply politicizing military service on both sides. I still stand by what I said yesterday.

She added, “I wish we could talk about reforming the VA. The VA is such a mess. It’s a dark mark in American history.”

“Don’t you think that has to come from the top?” Whoopi posed, before apologizing for interrupting.

McCain responded that she understood every host there had a “deep love and respect for the military” despite their political differences, saying that the message should be centered on the fact that these people have “given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms” instead of pointing fingers.

After Behar mocked Trump for being a “liar,” McCain used that opportunity to criticize the Democratic congresswoman, who was on the show the day before, for lying about her record on supporting the troops. But hosts Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin dismissed this, urging any politicizing was still Trump’s fault because he was president:

MCCAIN: Give me a moment. Yesterday Congresswoman Frederica Wilson who was on yesterday was saying that her voting record was amazing towards supporting the troops. It actually came out —

BEHAR: The Congresswoman.

MCCAIN: Yes. That it wasn’t as supportive. She opposed a bill that could have insured families of soldiers slain in Afghanistan received death and burial benefits during a government shutdown. I don’t like the politicizing on either side, anyway, of slain soldiers!

BEHAR: When you asked her that yesterday, she said it was politicized, she said it was personal because she knew that fallen soldier from when he was a little boy. She knows the family so it was personal for her. It wasn’t just political.

McCain then lamented the politicizing on both sides, again:

“The politicizing on both sides, this president loves the troops more, this party loves the troops more, that’s not what America is,” she said.

“I don’t know how it can’t be political,” Hostin responded.

“Once you make it political — which is what he did. He made it political. He’s made it about something totally different than what this is,” Whoopi stated, referencing Monday’s press conference where Trump brought up President Obama.

“That’s how he made it political,” Hostin agreed, adding, “At that moment he made it a political story. That’s why I think — if there’s any anger about politicizing it it’s needs to be directed at the current administration.”

After commercial break, McCain got in an argument with Joy Behar over who was to blame for the problems at the VA. Frustrated with the Trump-centric bashing, she urged Behar to cool off from the “anger towards Trump” and focus on the real problems:

MCCAIN: It’s not like I’m unaware what all of you are saying about it being politicized. I was affected on the other side by the conversation as we’ve gone and talked about at length at this point —

HOSTIN: The president politicized General Kelly’s son’s death as well!

MCCAIN: But we’re also missing the main point. We have soldiers dying waiting for health care at the VA. There are so many issues. PTSD is a problem with millennial veterans.

BEHAR: Talk to Trump!

MCCAIN: That’s what I would like to use this moment to talk about, Joy, ok?

BEHAR: I agree but you need to talk to him

[talking over eachother]

MCCAIN: I would like to stay away from the anger towards Trump, ok? I understand what he did right now I’m having a hard time with it, like I told you. It’s very hard for me. I would like to talk about what our veterans need in this country. That’s what I wish President Trump would do with this moment. Say,” You know what? I messed up. This is getting totally out of control. Let’s talk about the real issues for the people that are fighting.” La David died for us to be sitting here. We’re getting too far away from it. If the president can’t do it I’ll do it here right now. If we politicize this too much we are not going to be in a place in America that I think any of us, ideologically, collectively want to be.

HOSTIN: He can’t do it. He’s the president. He can’t do it [ cheers and applause ]

BEHAR: He has the power to do these things and he doesn’t. All he does is distract.

HAINES: I see Meghan’s point.

HOSTIN: It’s a great point.

BEHAR: It would be nice.


At this point, Sara Haines took up McCain’s point about the VA and claimed that Trump hadn’t done anything to reform that department, which is categorically false. In June and in August Trump signed VA reform bills, designed to streamline the process, ensure veterans get their benefits in a timely fashion, and allow for more accountability for employees’ behavior. But Haines claim didn’t receive any pushback or fact-checks from the fellow hosts or The View’s producers:

HAINES: But we can’t expect things he doesn’t show he can do. He can’t do this. He’s not leading, he’s not guiding. We have to go to the lesser level politicians and say we want movement on VA things. I see what you’re saying–channel it to people that aren’t President Trump. We can’t expect him to start doing things he’s never done.

MCCAIN: We talk about this show being a platform which it is for all of us to speak, so let’s use this platform. Because if people in D.C aren’t going to talk about it we might as well take the reins and do it right here.

BEHAR: That’s what we do.

via NewsBusters – Exposing Liberal Media Bias

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Christy Turlington: Fashion Industry ‘Surrounded by Predators’

Christy Turlington: Fashion Industry ‘Surrounded by Predators’

19 Oct, 2017
19 Oct, 2017

NEW YORK (AP) — Sexual harassment and mistreatment of models have always been widely known and tolerated in the fashion industry, Christy Turlington Burns said.

“The industry is surrounded by predators who thrive on the constant rejection and loneliness so many of us have experienced at some point in our careers. I feel fortunate that I did not personally experience anything traumatic, but also know that is not the norm,” she told Women’s Wear Daily in an interview published Wednesday.

The former supermodel, who is married to actor-director Ed Burns, said her mother was often by her side in the early days and once she grew successful, “I was handled with extra care.”

In hindsight, Burns said she wondered whether she served as a “honeypot,” meaning she was used to make others feel protected.

“There were no chaperones on sets to monitor the hours worked or appropriateness of the themes of shoots and behavior of the crews, no tutors required or penalties if standards were broken,” said Burns, who was at her height as a model in the 1980s and ’90s.

Burns went on to earn her master’s degree in public health and has a nonprofit organization that trains midwives in Guatemala.

Read More Stories About:

Big Hollywood, Christy Turlington, Ed Burns, Harvey Weinstein, Sexual Predators


via Breitbart News

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